Attachment 2 - Letter of JustificationTown of Los Gatos Historic PreservaƟon CommiƩee RE: 14335 Rinconada Drive February 2, 2024 Dear CommiƩee Members, In addiƟon to our presentaƟon in December 2023, this leƩer is to reiterate our research findings regarding the exisƟng home located at 14335 La Rinconada Drive. As outlined in the Historic Research Worksheet, the required research was conducted and the following documents reviewed: Sanborn Maps – Not Located 1941 Tax Assessment – Not Located 1989 Ann Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey Form – Not Located Polk Directories – Not Located unƟl 1952 (P. Danforth) and 1962 (Albert Blake) Historic Property CollecƟon and Tour Books – Not Located Telephone Directories – Included with Polk Directories Our research has determined that the structure has no historic significance nor architectural merit: It is believed that the home may have been built in 1920. o The home was not constructed with any defined architectural style and has been modified from the original design. The home was built with no foundaƟon and porƟons incorporate single wall construcƟon (2 inch thick walls) The majority of the interior of the house has very low ceilings of 7 feet in height There is a laundry room with a shed roof that appears to be an addiƟon. The vinyl windows are not original to the home, and all may not be in their original locaƟons. The entry door is not original and has been replaced with a contemporary style door. The front porch has clearly been modified. The windows and front door do not reflect the architectural style nor materials used in the era of the 1920s. Our research indicates that no one of any significant importance nor anyone associated with the Town’s founding or history has ever owned the property. While the home was built prior to 1941, it is not included in historical records, is not located within any historic district, and has no redeeming architectural qualiƟes. In its current condiƟon under modern codes, it may be deemed uninhabitable. The above details, along with the specifics on documentaƟon previously provided, demonstrate that all five required findings have been proven: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribuƟon to the Town; 2. No Significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no disƟncƟve characterisƟcs of type, period, or method of construcƟon or representaƟon of the work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield informaƟon to Town history; or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potenƟal to convey significance. Based on the evidence provided above, we strongly believe that this structure should be removed from any historic list. ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank