Attachment 1 - 1990 Anne Bloomfield SurveySECTION 2. The property listed is designated to be of historic, archi- tectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons 1 isted below. Property: Market Street School -179 Lorna Alta Avenue Historic Designation No. HD-75-1 C 1 a s s i f i c a t i on ( s t r u c t u r e o r 1 an d'm a r k) : S t r u c t u r e Description of ltem(s) Designated: The exterior of the wooden structure. Description of the characteristics which justify the designation: This Victorian-style wood frame one-story home containing five rooms and a basement is an hfstoric home, which was converted into a one- room s ·chool house, and was known as the 11 Market Street School 11 from approximately 1894 to 1.917. The first and second grades were taught here. One of Peter Johnson's ilsters was an earl~ teacher. There were a number of such primary schools in and about Los Gatos in the early days. The Vineland School at 269 Los Gatos Boulevard is the only other known structure of fts type still in existence. The property is presently owned by the occupants, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ray. Apparently, title was never in the School Dist·rict, the one room being leased for school purposes. Lorna Alta Avenue was formerly known as 11 Market Street 11 • Description of particular features that should be preserved in addition to Items covered under Section 9-3.1 (site area, appurte- nance, landscape feature, other).· None -2- LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY REVIEWERS' COMMENT SHEET Building or District Name L ~ ..{+.~ Address(es)~~~~~·~~~.~~. ~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. ARCHITECTURE 1. Building type E VG G FP 2. Construction E VG G FP 3. Style E VG G FP 4. Architect E VG G FP 5. Design E VG G FP 6. Interior E VG G FP B. HISTORY 7. Age E VG G F p 8. Person(s) E VG G FP 9. Event(s) E VG G FP 10. Patterns E VG G FP C. ENVIRONMENT 11. Scale/Massing E VG G FP 12. Setting E VG G FP 13. Landmark E VG G FP D. INTEGRITY 14. Alterations E VG G FP CUMULATIVE RATING 0/v Reviewer 1C ~ Date Date Reviewer Reviewer Date .;E~~~F Date '--t-fr ·s~· )~ This Page Intentionally Left Blank