Attachment 1 - Applicant Research with 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey.1 137, 139 N Santa Cruz Ave. Historic Research Summary February 7, 2024 Sanborn Maps The property appears on the 1944 Sanborn Map Polk Directories (1952) 137 N Santa Cruz Ave is listed as Marshal’s men’s clo. 139 N Santa Cruz Ave is listed as Joe’s Barber Shop Anne Bloomfield (printed report) The building was constructed in 1938 as the Peerless Stage Depot. The frontage is split into five commercial storefronts, the northernmost (147) being slightly taller and wider, as it was where buses would exit. The 145 space was originally the bus ticket office, and 137, 139, and 141 were retail spaces. It is noted that the building is a great example of the Art Deco style due to the intricate arching green ceramic tilework. The listed alterations to the building are a change of use from the bus station function in 1977, and a few storefront changes. The changes we have proposed to the exterior do not affect any of the historically significant characteristics noted in the report. www.studioKDA.com 1810 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710 Telephone: 510.841.3555 ___________ $77$&+0(17 1944 SANDBORN MAP 1952 POLK DIRECTORY ANNE BLOOMFIELD (PRITED RESOURCE AT LOS GATOS LIBRARY) PAGE 1 OF 4 ANNE BLOOMFIELD (PRITED RESOURCE AT LOS GATOS LIBRARY) PAGE 2 OF 4 ANNE BLOOMFIELD (PRITED RESOURCE AT LOS GATOS LIBRARY) PAGE 3 OF 4 ANNE BLOOMFIELD (PRITED RESOURCE AT LOS GATOS LIBRARY) PAGE 4 OF 4 7KLV3DJH ,QWHQWLRQDOO\ /HIW%ODQN