Attachment 4 - Letter of Justification DATE: March 5, 2024 TO: Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservaon Commiee FROM: Hannah Micallef, Studio KDA SUBJECT: Leer of Jusficaon: 137-139 N Santa Cruz Ave. (Coup de Thai) Exterior Modificaons This memorandum provides informaon about the proposed exterior modificaons to 137-139 N Santa Cruz Ave., and their conformance to the Town’s Commercial Design Guidelines. The building was originally constructed in 1938 as the Peerless Stage Depot. Its disncve green ling and scalloped paerning are a great local example of the Art Deco style. Our proposed modificaons do not alter any of the historically significant components of the building that were found in our research. The proposed new facade materials are black ceramic ling, with a thin gold accent band. We are also proposing (2) new decorave sconces, a new awning, and replacing the exisng door to the 139 space with a fixed window. The materials are intended to provide an elegant, durable and meless facade for the business, while also providing a subtle nod to the building’s Art Deco style. Design Intent: ● Provide a single entry to the combined tenant spaces ● Visually unify the two storefronts ● Provide new facade materials that both elevate the pedestrian experience, and respect the history and context of the building’s facade. Summary of Modificaons: ● Demolion of (E) wood and glass entry door to 139 storefront ● Installaon of (N) fixed window and sill in place of exisng door. New window will have a wood frame and match the look of the exisng adjacent window ● New awning at 139 storefront to match exisng awning at 137 storefront ● Demolion of exisng le at both storefronts ● Installaon of new black ceramic le, and gold accent band to both storefronts. See proposed materials and exterior rendering at sheet A102 of submied drawings ● Installaon of (2) new decorave sconces at 139 storefront. See drawings for locaons. ● (N) paint at all exisng window frames and entry door. ● No changes proposed to original green square ceramic le Conformance with Town of Los Gatos Commercial Design Guidelines (C-2, C-2A Subdistrict): ATTACHMENT 4 3.1 Basic Design Principles: Architectural character and detailing shall be sensive to the historic structures remaining in the CBD Naonal historic guidelines emphasize that new elements must be compable with the building’s historic features, but also be differenated in order to preserve the exisng building’s character. We selected an appropriately scaled, dark neutral rectangular le for the storefront. It serves as a backdrop to the ornate Art Deco le and does not compete with the original le detailing of the overall building. This black le, with a subtle gold pinstripe detail, alludes to the building’s Art Deco styling, but is easily differenated from the original le. Storefronts shall be constructed of high quality materials that are consistent with those historically used in the Town. Ceramic le is proposed for the modified storefront, as it is durable and consistent with the materials of the overall building. Diversity of design shall be encouraged with meless character sought over trendy architectural styles. The proposed facade uses black le and only subtle gold highlights, creang a meless, elegant and understated look. 3.3 Building Design (C-2A Subdistrict): 3.3.2: Design buildings along North Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street to be compable with tradional architectural styles. (b) Provide architectural details to enhance the interest of facades. The use of ceramic le at both the 137 and 139 spaces will unify the two storefronts, and elevate their street presence from the exisng le at 137, and the painted over le at 139. We are also proposing (2) new exterior sconces to create more interest at the pedestrian level. 3.3.3 Emphasize display windows and storefront entries 3.3.4 Maintain transparent storefronts and public right-of-way walls We do not propose any changes to the exisng large storefront window at the 139 storefront. The exisng entry door will be replaced with a fixed window to maximize the connecon between the tenant space and pedestrian traffic. 3.3.5 Provide vesbules at building entries (a) Recess entry doors three to six feet from the facade The exisng recessed entry at 137 is to remain. 3.3.6 Ulize high quality storefront materials (b) Wood window frames are common in this area and are strongly encouraged (c) Alternavely, vinyl covered or dark anodized aluminum metal storefront window and door frames are suggested. The new fixed window at the 139 storefront will have a painted wood frame to match the adjacent window. 3.3.8 Install awnings when weather and sun exposure protecon are desired (a) Fabric awnings are the preferred material. (b) Fabric awnings should be installed on painted tubular metal frames. End panels returning to the building face are oponal. (e) Relate awning placement to the major architectural elements of the facade. The proposed awning at 139 is to match the exisng awning at 137 (see project photos in submied plans). The new awning will help to unify the two storefronts and will not cover any of the original green ceramic le. This Page Intentionally Left Blank