Attachment 1 - 1990 Anne Bloomfield SurveyPARCEL MAP INFORMATION cflnne. !Bfoom{i.e.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH Lot size: front ft. ARCHITECTURAL H:S TORY C41 51 922-1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 I 5 .-oS x _. ___ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other _______________ __ Location: N ./ S E / \.J side of e St Ave·/ Other ---------- distance to cross st: <::. 5; "t ft. N ___ S / E / W ___ from /-~ r . a ,..,o/ c.z_ at NE NW SE sw corner of _____________________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name ____________ Old Block # ________ Old lot # ____________ __ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary ratino..g _ _.:.,__ Estimated age ______ _ Style ~I; # stories__ Alterations~--------------~------------------------------------------------------------ Other ____________________________________________________________ ___ SOUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page _____ EFFective date __ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I Source Date !1891 ----, Blk Book i 1908 ' I Survey j1941 ~-, Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size Owner Name ,- ---------·----------------------------------------1---------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS Nat i onal Register listed date _________________ _ County Inventory 1979~------------=------------- Town of Los Gatos : Designation ___ Recognition __ Distric t Na me ~----------------------------- Prev~us Survey Gebha f d: pa~e # illustration page # . Rut-~_"'\rj,J~•n; r T.QJ:>OIIP ------- ',(; f}fj{rflT'fffff?. te C', 19;us(Dir;Sa • A.;\" Alterations : E""Moved_ '/!' _ ~Cit:) Co ntribut or~ -:; Raised Porch encl . ~ D i~t rict N o n -co n tr i b~Ad dit i on__ Sidi n C Earhest kn n j ~_.)W i nd o w s Co ndition <Nn erj Resid en t~: 'f!,GM•I'Il.~Wrh-~ _,., . ---Et>uc.,~($1: "i?~b~.-. De s ~g n er: a_ b_ d_ PHOTOS: Roll/frame #&!·-/ .o), Dat e<'---- ATTACHMENT 1 I dfnYU !Bloom{utd UCHI'.S<:~C.t}L~ SURVBY ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (4151 S»22 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 ,. ~. RBSBARCH ~ . •-(per•on, builcUnCJ, orpniaation, etc)-.i.·~' 1:------------------------------- '\ddre••e• a .. oc::iated with llfame·-------------------------------------- llelevant date•t con•tr~.ction. ___ • birtn. ____ • death. ___ • other, __________ _ I . DIRBC'l'ORY sEAJtCH (City Direc:toriea, county Dlrectoriea, Teaphone Booka, •ociety dinc:tori••· etc . l Year Book Nue/Claaaif'iad .,..,.,.;,.,. Liat:ina l~nr>v •nt:i ... aJfa..,t:l~ aa ah,_,• u•• • f'nP bn1df'at!e) ( 0 I:"J£ A l.S ) ;' i I/..! /'1' /.;'i I t., I -'t r ~ ..... .... J ' ' 11 -)r-t . .J .f 1': / ,,~ ' .. I ~ ! J / ' f ! h :J , .. ) /; J. ' I I .. ': , I ~ _") Y r' I ~ BIOGRAPHICAL SSAJtCR, indexe• • ~her alphabetical U•tiRCJ• •.. {iNtitlt dltl Mark 'X' Unfd .or ''' (nothiftcJ foaftd) et each •ouroe you try. Lbt Und~ below. Los ,Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: VCity directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) . Pen Pictures, 1988 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) Bruntz, Hist'y of .LG, 1971 (bio index) ___ Extended index to Bruntz ___ Blo index of Nunroe Frazer, 1681 (Survey ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection box) Other sources: I Lo§" Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): _vr __ IDeath records by year ___ Indexes, California Historical ~ti·arterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Li brary-S. F. Newspaper Ind~~ .: ( 11 ) ___ Funeral records (index cards ___ Photo collection to big books) III. LIST ALL RU'ERBIICES FROM ABOVE. Find them. Copy 9ood ut,rial • attach. Or copy below if only a few word•. Or explain why not relevant {a•, wrong per•on). ·, I ·'. j/.tp, • F L:7 Continued on Reverse .. I' ile address /a/,-/~/ fl ;:...! .I PUBLISHID MDIOmrc&MIII'l'S dlnne P ~ .,m{i.E.fd ARCHITECTUnrlL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH sourcea __ Ad __ Bulletin __ CA&BIIf __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Bd...AB __ u --•ew• _PCA Other ARCHITEt -<AL HJST )RY 15) 92 ?-10103 2229 STER STijEET S AN FRANC-IS CO. CA 94! 1 5 • ~ Vol118e nate Page __ _ Sature of announcement: __ contract notice __ Notice of coapletion __ BP i••ued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'g __ Ploor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Real eat. Copy exactly: ~ fBuilder/Contractor I Architect/Engineer 1 Location !Nature of work 1 £9..!! BUI~D~NG ~BRMITS Jourcer PerJBit ,~eCJi•ter, Pre Address requ~ated. ________ -------------- ··-Application . Nwaber OTRBR SOURCB (specify thoroughly) SAMBORH MAPS Ria 14t:.f'/ I Vac. or Vol/ dif. ~lbldq --·~ if ____ .. __ I ":J/ ~'l. I Address 'b(., _.,._-.. Date Color: yel, pnk, orange blu,gry ·~ Location ~ ...J!!.!.._ Patches Ye•/ No. of .!!?__rstoriea I : UH/ Owner lfo. ot " 1laUL. address No. of a.iCjht bay .....1fL.lt w indowt Builder/ Arch't/ contr. & engin'r /In-itillla -Date Bldg's width/ depth/ Exterior address & address Description of wor k height Materials 'Po~c t+ Pe.,., ~ u·'l (/ Differences from today inr ~ . Stories, Footprint .f ' -~itials date Date of constr. Describe or sketch Plan ( !Initials Date This Page Intentionally Left Blank