Attachment 2 - Town Records•TOWN o'r t.os dA1'0S PiAHHiM:fl>IP�('a08) 35'i•'871 August 18. 1989 •NOTJCR OF ltffOOION TO APPROVE •NEW RFSIDl'Nl'IAL OO�STRUCTIO� The l,os Oal()s· f>lenning OOr,art11cnt. hat �coived an ·appHca·uon ·rro■ Steve and Nol fto Baunach t.o construct a second etory l'OOCII addfUon at. 1�88 9onnie Lane ()(�89 .. 23). . . . Tho proposal· will bo approved on August 31 � 1989,unleu tMre ie ovlden� that the·ptoJect '.te tO(?·tarl() or bulky. inco■pet.ib\e with the neighborhood, 'ln(erforea·wlth· viows'CH' privacy, c�a�e• an eitvet•so erfect on the envlroo11cr�t.. or ia not tn cMpUance with tho approved de\·elopc,cnt etandards for relldenUol zonea. The 'plins • tll'G available tor t'OViev • in •'the Planning �partaent fN>Ci '8tOO •A.M. t.e 5t.OO P.N .. Any cQileenta in oppoettt� t.o ttite proposal ■ust. be ·recelv(!dby thie orrico tn wrlUng prior to the anUcipatcd oppa-oval date. Very truly roura. Lr�/.L__. IAe !. Bch.-ean Planning·o1roctor t.F.8: OfUhchor 'n.-ic tJ:N1f.R �0UtF.AST MA,N STRD:-T • P.O. IOX 9't• lO$ GATOS, CAUJORNIA 950)1 •Af>r>l'rs-... . .. 11.-�, • • • ATTACHMENT2.