Attachment 1 - Anne Bloomfield SurveydlnnE. !Bfoom(ie.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address L/ g c ~In vr ----~------~--------------- PARCEL MAP INFORMATION / Parcel # 5"; C) -...-...J-~I 7' ~.,...J Lot size: ~ o front ft. x -'-----=-- ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (41 5! 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 deep Lot shape: Rectangle__ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog ___ Other_~!_r __ re~9~----------- Location: N / S E W / side of C.370 distance to cross st: C;? ?>o at NE NW SE sw corner of ---------------------- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name '/.e-n ~J1e.-~ Old Block # ___ t5_L--___ Old lot # FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating ./ Estimated age /1.3t!J6 7, Styl e \} L \VI t!Lt::,v /.,__r # stories...l :OUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) <i"1 /,~ l-CI7 II D Df P II It T 4 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS 151 "· flfT 60 I.DOIII II F .11 NO. rLOOIS 2 Source Name Source Date Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size _____ ,1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 te /f&.G"-:2. , C~) . Cont ribute ~ t Non-contri b vlrrc.-1 -- Alterations~ Move d RaisPd Porch e ncl-- ·Addition __ SidinC Windows_ Cond i tion_ -vne r~ Res i de nt)(: ~ ~(-&1+ -.Designer: a_ b __ d_ 't<6 ct.e~l,v-~ ~ f'Ul.r ~ lof..,.;_~l#\1~ .. - District Name r ..... , .......... , ----------r\~~·~~----- Previous Survey ~ I Gebhard: page # illustration page # ______ _ Butler/Junior L_e_a_g-ue---------------------------- • 1 Owner Name ~f6.,.. b 8-G/}C. ~j; 41# !:~(' J z EFFective date /-;). -'&-7 Date ~/e6 9c:J o4o/3> ".? I 1<1, ?~'11 ATTACH- MENT 1 Pile addr• .. ~h ks-1-n,.,.;. PUILiaaaD Alllk>UIICMIII'I'8 elf nne !1.-'-l'"omfi.E.ld ARCHITECT\. __ .,.x. SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH ··15) 9 22·1063 2 229 ;TER STREET S AN F RAt.. ..• CO. Cll< 941 1 5 aouroet __ Ad __ Bulletin __ CA&BIII __ call __ chron __ DPB __ BcLAB __ ax __ llle-_PCA Other Volu.e Date Pa9e __ _ Nature of announceaent : __ contract notice __ Notice of coapletion __ BP iaau.d __ Phot o ___ Elev/sketch/rend'9 __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont•r pub __ Real eat. Copy exactly• owner !Builder/Contractor J Architect/Engineer 1 Location !Nature of work 1 Coat BUILDING PERMIT~ Source 1 Perai t Reqiater, Pr•••- Address requested. ______ __ Application Dat• Number .......... or&CR SOURCB (specify thorouC)hly) SAIIIBORII MAPS Vac . u-; Owner 110 . 0 f Location ~ ll&UL tddresa or Color : yel, pnk, oranC)e Patches lllo . of Builder/ Arch't/ address & address !Initials Date Description of work Bld9'• width/ I height 't.11i tiab Materials !2•1e /initials Dtte Ria {Cf,.J.~ ;-,t-~4 Vol/ dif. ~rldgl Addreaa 1 ~ -/J. ·:J.~o ck~-1 .. ;1 ~ n blu,C)ry Yea/ No. of Hei<)ht bay e, ···· · A:·R-1-;; ·;:":;L~~-·, :;;~·I ·r t~t r >' sa.. .... Differences from today in: I Date of Describe or sketch Y!.!. . Stories, Footprint constr .l elan ffiWl~ '2'6 Yl? t;,j,._~.,.,. .. /Init i als Date