Attachment 7 - Applicant's Submittal PacketMR-24-009: 52 Ashler Ave Town of Los Gatos Planning, This letter is to confirm that I “Ramin Zohoor” the designer of the project has done a site visit and following is the information explaining the proposed changes/ design and materials for the new addition to the above project. Exterior material of the house which is wood siding white color to remain on the all the portion of the existing house and the new finishes to match with the main house. Any finishes saved from existing to be used for the new addition for matching the style. All door and windows to have a white wood siding trim matching with the existing hosue type. Roof out of comp. shingles to remain and new addition to match. Hosue style with single pitched roof, high hip roof style to remain and new addition to follow the same styel. dd,DEdϳ TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE HISTORIC RESEARCH WORKSHEET Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a remodel, alteration, addition, determination of significance, or demolition of a designated or presumptive historic resource. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents of the historical and architectural characteristics, regarding both structures (construction date, alteration dates, photographic documentation) and people (owner and/or resident names). If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The Historic Preservation Committee reviews the application using the Town's Historic District Ordinance requirements. Copies of the ordinance(s) are available at Town Hall. The Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of every month. The filing deadline is 20 days prior to the meeting by 11:00 AM. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1. Los Gatos Public Library (see How to Research the History of a House in Los Gatos): □Sanborn Maps □1941 Tax Assessment □1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms □Polk’s Directories □Telephone Directories □Other 2. Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previously located in the county’s jurisdiction): □Santa Clara County Planning Department records □San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3. Community Development Department Resources: □Sanborn Maps □1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms □Community Development Department property files (permit history) Research was conducted on (please enter date): ____________________________________ Records and Documents found (please attach copies): _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND)■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 04.01.2024 NO RECORD. 7KLV3DJH ,QWHQWLRQDOO\ /HIW%ODQN