Attachment 1 - 1990 Anne Bloomfield Surveydl-nn.£ !Bloom{ ufJ ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address ;;2,5<f5 £'".k/e,,.,,,. PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141511122·1063 22211 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 9411!1 I Parcel 15$1-0...; � {;)i """ Lot size: er.o front ft. x .;� ft. deep (' Lot shape: Rectangle� L_ Rectangle with small rear jog_ Other _________ _ �_/ -� Location: N_ S_(� W_�_. side of Z: St��e.-L-Other _____ _ distance to cross st: ____ ft. N __ S_ E_ W_ from _________ _ at NE NW SE SW corner of __________ _ HISTORIC INFO RMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name I}, ,1./J 'li:l. '?!I t� I ·h Old Block #_1..___ Old lot #_/ ____ _ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating ✓ Estimated age /� :i.O.s Style ___________ # stories..!.:!.. 2 Alterations ------------------------------------ Other U-la."i COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name ----- SourceDate 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 MISCELLANEO US Source Page Location of property. or Lot Old-tract/block/lot Size National Register listed date ---------County Inventory 1979 ____________ _ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name '---------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page# illustration page# Butler/Junior League ---- Owner Name EFFective date ---- ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank