Attachment 5 - Letter of Justification Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB
710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008
408-796-1845 |
Town of Los Gatos June 10th, 2024
Historic Preservation Committee
110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95030
Project Location: 25 W Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030
Owner: Reveal Corp/ 655 North First St. Suite 550, San Jose, CA 95112
Architecture and Site Application S-22-039
Variance Application V-22-011
Justification Letter, Rooftop Vent and Screen
This project proposal is requesting approval for a rooftop exhaust vent with screen, finished with
vertical siding, to match the addition (approved on December 14th, 2022).
On December 14, 2022, the Los Gatos Historical Preservation Committee recommended
approval for the “addition to a Contributing Building In the Downtown Historic Commercial
District, Including the Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Number of Required Parking
Spaces on Property Zones C-d:LHP. APN 529-01-017”
The project follows the Commercial Design Guidelines:
1.5.6 Screen all roof equipment
a) All roof equipment must be screened to minimize its visual impact on views from public
Roof top vent, placed at the rear of the building, is screened by the proposed framed screen
with vertical siding. The screen is not visible from the front and rear views.
Front Street View Rear Patio View
Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB
710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008
408-796-1845 |
b) Locate equipment in recessed roof wells or hide equipment behind parapet walls so that it
cannot be seen are the preferred solutions.
The equipment is hidden behind the roof screen, 3’-1” higher than the top of the roof, and 6’-4”
c) Roof screens should be constructed from materials as similar to the building walls as
possible, and should be designed to appear as an architecturally integrated part of the building
rather than an added-on element.
The roof screen finish is vertical siding to match the addition. The color to match the existing
d) In cases where mechanical wells or parapets of sufficient height to screen equipment are not
possible, equipment should be clustered and placed as far as possible from building edges. The
visible equipment should be painted a color that will blend the equipment visually with the
backdrop (e.g., pale blue for elements seen against the sky.)
The narrow lot makes the proposed hood/vent location the best viable option and least impact
(with 10' setbacks from property lines).
e) Submit a roof plan at the time of submittal for review and approval. The plan shall show the
location, type and size, including height, of all roof mounted equipment. The application
elevation and section drawings shall also show the location and size of all roof mounted
See A300 and A302
Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB
710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008
408-796-1845 |
Properties/ Examples with similar rooftop equipment/screen
Commercial Design Guidelines, pg 12 Easy breezy, 307 N Santa Cruz Ave
Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2
Tasting House, 368 Village Ln, Exhibit 3 191 Saratoga Los Gatos Rd, Exhibit 4
Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB
710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008
408-796-1845 |
322 N Santa Cruz Ave, Exhibit 5 330 N Santa Cruz Ave, Exhibit 6
221 Saratoga-Los Gatos Rd, Exhibit 7
Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB
710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008
408-796-1845 |
Secretary of the Interior's Standards For The Treatment of Historic Properties, Standards
for Rehabilitation
9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic
materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work will be
differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale
and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment.
The historic building, with horizontal siding, will differentiate the rooftop screen which will have
vertical siding.
10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a manner
that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its
environment would be unimpaired.
The proposed location of the hood vent and screen, if removed in the future, the form of the
historic property would be unimpaired. If the vent and screen were to be inset into the gable of
the roof, the integrity of the existing historic structure would be compromised.
Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB
710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008
408-796-1845 |
Findings, Benefits
- A new restaurant in the downtown Los Gatos area would further enhance the pedestrian
friendly environment.
- Per Section 29.80.290
In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior
architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the
application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and
appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely
affect the character, or the historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the
The Vent/Screen is located at the rear of the building, for minimal affect to the exterior
facade and maintains the front street facing exterior elevation.
- Maintaining and encouraging diversity and providing visual interests
Thank you for your consideration of this application. We look forward to rehabilitating this
historical building, maintaining the integrity of the structure, and creating a unique focal point
for the community.
Gkw Architects, Inc.