08 Staff Report - On-Call Consultant Services with attachments PREPARED BY: Gary Heap Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/20/2024 ITEM NO: 8 DATE: February 15, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Consider Approval of On-Call Consultants List for Engineering and Design Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Consider approval of On-Call Consultants List for Engineering and Design Support Services. BACKGROUND: The Department of Parks and Public Works requires the assistance of consultants for engineering and design support services. The types of needed support services and expertise are in twelve different disciplines, including: • Architectural Study and Design • Bridge Design and Inspection • Construction Inspection Services • Construction Management Services • Environmental Compliance • General Civil Engineering • Geotechnical Services • Land Development Plan Review and Inspection Services • Landscape Architecture Services • Materials Testing • Surveying • Traffic Engineering PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Consider Approval of On-Call Consultants List for Engineering and Design Support Services DATE: February 15, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for On-Call Consultant Services was issued by the Parks and Public Works Engineering Division on September 18, 2023. The RFQ was posted on the Town of Los Gatos website and noticed through the Town’s bidding portal BidNet. Eighty-one Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) were received for the twelve disciplines from 44 firms by the Friday, October 20, 2023 deadline. The consultants that submitted SOQs are listed in alphabetical order in Attachment 1. The Statements of Qualifications were reviewed and scored based on the criteria listed in the RFQ. Criteria for selection were past experience, references, key personnel, and project experience that would qualify them to perform engineering and design work for the Town’s project needs. Having multiple firms gives the Town the opportunity to select a consultant that is best suited to a particular job, and to provide the efficiency of having multiple consultants working on multiple projects simultaneously. The prequalification process streamlines the consultant selection process and provides for engineering and design support services on an as-needed basis for a period of four years, with an allowance for one one-year extension of the qualified list. DISCUSSION: A committee consisting of Parks and Public Works staff was formed to score and qualify each of the firms based on their Statement of Qualifications. The Committee members have the requisite knowledge and experience in the scope of work involved and the type and quality of professional firms needed to perform the work. All firms provided well-prepared SOQs based on the criteria listed in the RFQ. Firms were reviewed and qualified based on the following criteria: • Statement of Qualifications • References • Key Staff and Subconsultants • Project Experience Based on their qualifications and ability, the consultants listed in Attachment 2 are recommended as the best qualified for the approved on-call list of engineering and related consultants for future projects in the Town of Los Gatos. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Consider Approval of On-Call Consultants List for Engineering and Design Support Services DATE: February 15, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): It should be noted that the approval of this list of consultants does not assign any work to these firms or bind the Town to any contracts, but rather only pre-qualifies them to provide proposals to the Town when requested. When the Town requires the services of consultants of the type listed in the approved list, a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be distributed to the approved on-call list of firms. Proposals will be evaluated based on the consultant response including the cost of services, and a separate contract for professional services will be executed for those services per the Town’s Procurement Procedures. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends Town Council approve the list of on-call consultants identified in Attachment 2. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts associated with the Town Council’s action to approve the list of consultants for future on-call services. If there is a need for the Town to engage one of these consultants in the future for engineering and design support services, a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be issued to the listed on-call firms per the Town’s Procurement Procedures. A contract for professional services will then be executed with the best qualified firm for that specific project. A funding source will be identified at the time of contract approval. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Approval of an on-call list of consultants in not considered a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. List of Submitting Consultants 2. List of Approved On-Call Consultants by Discipline This Page Intentionally Left Blank Atachment 1 ATTACHMENT 1 APPROVAL OF ON-CALL CONSULTANTS LIST FOR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SUPPORT SERVICES LIST OF SUBMITTING CONSULTANTS (in alphabe�cal order) 1. ActiveWayz Engineering 2. ARC Engineering Consultants, Inc. 3. Bellecci 4. Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. 5. BKF Engineers 6. Brightview Design Group 7. BSK Associates 8. Consor PMCM, Inc. 9. CSG Consultants, Inc. 10. Dillingham Associates 11. EMC Planning Group 12. Fehr & Peers 13. Gates + Associates 14. Gensler 15. Ghirardelli Associates, Inc. 16. H.T. Harvey & Associates 17. Haley & Aldrich 18. HMH Engineers 19. Integra Planning + Landscape Architecture 20. Integrated Project Solutions 21. ISI Inspection Services 22. Jayson Architecture 23. Kier+Wright 24. Kimley-Horn 25. MIG, Inc. 26. MME Civil + Structural Engineering 27. NCE 28. Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Engineering Scientists Consultants 29. O’Dell Engineering 30. PARIKH Consultants, Inc. 31. RHAA Landscape Architectural + Planning 32. Sandis Civil Engineers Surveyors Planners 33. Schaaf & Wheeler 34. Sidell Pakravan Architects 35. SORA Engineering 36. Studio-MLA 37. The KPA Group 38. TJKM 39. TL Engineering 40. Townsend Management, Inc. 41. Verde Design, Inc. 42. W-Trans 43. William Duff Architects 44. Wilsey Ham This Page Intentionally Left Blank Atachment 2 ATTACHMENT 2 APPROVAL OF ON-CALL CONSULTANTS LIST FOR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SUPPORT SERVICES LIST OF APPROVED ON-CALL CONSULTANTS BY DISCIPLINE (in alphabe�cal order) Architectural Study and Design 1. Gensler 2. Integrated Project Solutions 3. Jayson Architecture 4. Sidell Pakravan Architects 5. The KPA Group 6. William Duff Architects Bridge Design and Inspec�on 1. ARC Engineering Consultants, Inc. 2. Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. 3. CSG Consultants, Inc. Construc�on Inspec�on Services 1. ARC Engineering Consultants, Inc. 2. Consor PMCM, Inc. 3. CSG Consultants, Inc. 4. Integrated Project Solutions 5. Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants 6. Townsend Management, Inc. Construc�on Management Services 1. ARC Engineering Consultants, Inc. 2. Consor PMCM, Inc. 3. CSG Consultants, Inc. 4. Haley & Aldrich 5. SORA Engineering 6. Wilsey Ham Environmental Compliance 1. CSG Consultants, Inc. 2. EMC Planning Group 3. MIG, Inc. 4. NCE General Civil Engineering 1. ActiveWayz Engineering 2. Bellecci 3. BKF Engineers 4. CSG Consultants, Inc. 5. HMH Engineers Atachment 2 6. Kier+Wright 7. Kimley-Horn 8. MME Civil + Structural Engineering 9. NCE 10. Sandis Civil Engineers Surveyors Planners 11. Schaaf & Wheeler 12. Sidell Pakravan Architects 13. SORA Engineering 14. Wilsey Ham Geotechnical Services 1. BKS Associates 2. Haley & Aldrich 3. Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants 4. PARIKH Consultants, Inc. 5. Sidell Pakravan Architects Land Development Plan Review and Inspec�on Services 1. CSG Consultants, Inc. 2. Ghirardelli Associates, Inc. 3. Haley & Aldrich 4. HMH Engineers 5. Kimley-Horn 6. SORA Engineering Landscape Architecture Services 1. Brightview Design Group 2. Dillingham Associates 3. Gates + Associates 4. H.T. Harvey & Associates 5. HMH Engineers 6. Integra Planning + Landscape Architecture 7. Kimley-Horn 8. MIG, Inc. 9. NCE 10. O’Dell Engineering 11. RHAA Landscape Architecture + Planning 12. Sidell Pakravan Architects 13. Studio-MLA 14. Verde Design, Inc.Verde Design, Inc. Materials Tes�ng 1. BKS Associates 2. ISI Inspection Services, Inc. 3. Nino & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants Atachment 2 Surveying 1. Bellecci 2. BKF Engineers 3. HMH Engineers 4. Kier+ Wight 5. Sandis Civil Engineers Surveyors Planners 6. Sidell Pakravan Architects 7. Wilsey Ham Traffic Engineering 1. BKF Engineers 2. Fehr & Peers 3. Kimley-Horn 4. Sandis Civil Engineers Surveyors Planners 5. TJKM 6. TL Engineering 7. W-Trans