Attachment 2 - Applicant’s Submittal Packet15116 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA, 95032 06/22/2024 Dear Members of the Historic Preservation Committee, I am writing to formally request the removal of my house, located at 15116 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA, 95032, from the city's historic inventory. After conducting thorough research into the history and architectural significance of the property, I believe that it meets the criteria for removal as outlined in the city's regulations concerning historic structures. In accordance with the criteria for evaluation of historic significance or architectural merit, as per the city's guidelines, I present the following findings: 1.Not Associated with Significant Events: The research indicates that the house has not been associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town's history. It served primarily as a residential structure without any documented noteworthy events occurring on the premises. 2.No Significant Persons Associated: There is no evidence to suggest that any persons of significant historical importance resided at or were associated with the site during its history. 3.Lack of Distinctive Characteristics: The architectural style and construction methods of the house do not exhibit distinctive characteristics of a particular type, period, or represent the work of a master builder. It is a modest example of residential architecture typical for its era. 4.No Contribution to Town History: Despite efforts to uncover any historical significance, the structure does not yield substantial information that contributes to the broader history of the Town. 5.Integrity Compromised: Over the years, the historic integrity of the structure has been compromised through various renovations and alterations, diminishing its ability to convey historical significance or architectural merit. For example, a major permitted renovation was done in 1988 making addition to the southern part of the house. We came to this determination through: 1) Our own Research done in Los Gatos Public library: we visited Los Gatos Library on 05/16/2024 and searched library records to find information about the house. We failed to find any record of significant events related to our house. 2) Our own research surveying previous owners: we reached out to previous owners asking about people living in the house. The previous owner mentioned they believe the house only ATTACHMENT 2 had two owners before us. They also mentioned they do not believe there is any historic significance of the house. 3) Search conducted by Los Gatos Library staff: Los Gatos Library staff Shawnte Santos conducted her own research on 05/21/2024. The only record she found about the house is the one we attached to the application, which is an architectural cultural survey. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, I respectfully request that the Historic Preservation Committee considers my application for the removal of my house from the historic inventory. The property does not meet the threshold for preservation based on its historical or architectural significance as defined by the city's criteria. Enclosed with this letter are copies of the research findings and supporting documents that substantiate the conclusions drawn regarding the property's historical and architectural context. I am available to provide any additional information or documentation that may assist in your review process. Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response. Sincerely, Owner 15116 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA, 95032