Item 4 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 through 6.25 W. Main Street PREPARED BY: Erin Walters Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/24/2024 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: June 21, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Modifications (Roof Vent and Screening) to a Contributing Commercial Building Located in the Downtown Historic Commercial District on property zoned C-2:LHP. Located at 25 W. Main Street. APN 529-01-017. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Building Permit Application B24-0065. Property Owner: Reveal Corp. Applicant: Gordon Wong, GKW Architects. Project Planner: Erin Walters. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request for approval for exterior modifications (roof vent and screening) to a contributing commercial building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District on property zoned C-2:LHP located at 25 W. Main Street. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date structure was built: 1880’s 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: 5D, Appears eligible for local designation as an individual property (Residential Design Guidelines, Appendix E) 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes 5. If yes, what district? Downtown Historic Commercial District 6. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 7. Findings required? No 8. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The property is located at the corner of Park Avenue and W. Main Street. The Santa Clara County’s Accessor’s Database lists a construction date of 1901. The 1990 Anne Bloomfield PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 25 W. Main Street/B24-0065 DATE: June 21, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\07-24-24\Item 4 - 25 W. Main St\W. Main, 25 - Report.docx BACKGROUND (continued): Survey indicates that the commercial building was constructed in the 1880’s and is a contributing building (Attachment 1). On August 24, 2022, and December 14, 2022, the Committee conducted a preliminary review and a formal review to consider exterior modifications and addition to the existing two-story contributing commercial building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District (Attachment 2 and 3). The project included the following modifications: • Demolition of the existing attached rear shed; • Construction of a new 128-square foot enclosed stairwell at the rear elevation with vertical exterior siding to denote a material difference between the historic structure and addition; • Retain location of existing front door located at the corner of Park Avenue and W. Main Street and make the door inoperable; • Introduce a new operable front door at the left side of the front elevation on W. Main Street; • Replacement in-kind of one of the large first story store front windows at the front elevation; • All new windows and doors to be replaced in-kind with the same style, material and trim as the existing windows and doors; • Construction of a new deck located at the rear of the building; • Construction of a new free-standing wood pergola at the rear deck; and • Construction of a new detached trash enclosure. The Committee discussed the proposal and expressed support of the overall project. The Committee unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval. On July 26, 2023, the Planning Commission considered, and discussed (Architecture and Site Application S-22-039, Variance Application V-22-001, and Conditional Use Permit Application U-23- 002) a request for construction of an addition to a contributing building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, a Conditional Use Permit for a restaurant use with alcohol service, a Variance for maximum floor area and reduced parking, and site work requiring a grading permit for the subject property (Attachment 4). The Planning Commission unanimously approved the applications. The applicant has submitted building permits for the proposed addition, exterior modifications, and restaurant tenant improvements and received plan check comments that the Building Code requires the roof hood vent be located a minimum of ten feet from the property lines. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 25 W. Main Street/B24-0065 DATE: June 21, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\07-24-24\Item 4 - 25 W. Main St\W. Main, 25 - Report.docx DISCUSSION: The applicant’s request for exterior modifications includes the addition of a roof hood vent and associated roof screening to accommodate the proposed restaurant tenant improvements at the subject property. The applicant submitted a letter of justification for the proposed four- foot, one-inch-tall roof vent and the three-feet, one-inch-tall vent screening (Attachment 5). Sheet A300 and A302, of the development plans, illustrates the proposed location, height, and vertical siding material (Attachment 6). The maximum allowable building height for the C-2:LHP zone is 45 feet and the proposed building height with the proposed venting and screening would be 26 feet tall. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Required with Recommendation Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the district. CONCLUSION: The applicant requests a recommendation for approval of exterior modifications (roof hood vent and screening) to an existing two-story contributing commercial building located in the Downtown Historic Commercial District. Should the Committee find merit in the proposed project, it should make the above considerations and make a recommendation of approval to the Community Development Director. The project will not return to the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. August 24, 2022 Historic Preservation Committee Meeting Minutes 3. December 14, 2022 Historic Preservation Committee Meeting Minutes 4. July 26, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 5. Letter of Justification 6. Development Plans – Roof Hood Vent and Screening This Page Intentionally Left Blank dd,DEdϭ 1895 25 W Main St dd,DEdϮ 1904 25 W Main St 1908 25 W Main St 1928 25 W Main St 1944 25 W Main St 1956 25 W Main St 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 භ408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 25, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on May 25, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – April 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Raspe. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. dd,DEdϯ PAGE 2 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 327 University Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-025 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-060. PROPERTY OWNER: Johan Back and Vibha Rao APPLICANT: Greenberg Design Gallery PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Enrique Eckhaus, Project Designer, Applicant presented the project. - Underneath the original fireplace is an existing central heater. The chimney is brick from the roof level up. There is nothing underneath. It is fake and not safe. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Enrique Eckhaus, Project Designer - They opened and looked underneath the fireplace. It is a hazard. The brick flue is in the air. Ginadi can verify. They don’t know when and why it was done this way by whomever did this modification. Ginadi, Project Manager, Contractor - There are two set of sliders proposed: one in the back and one to the right side of the house. Currently there are French doors that open all the way outside. - In the beginning of the project, the homeowners asked to keep the look of the house as much as possible. The only concern was the hazard of the fireplaces. They are very tall and may one day collapse. That is the reason to remove them. - After a few weeks into the project, they investigated the foundation. The rear fireplace has no footing in the foundation. Framing for a door had been put in with the fake fireplace outside. - Their in-house engineer recommended removal. It is impacting the foundation. Can already see movement in the foundation underneath the fireplace. - The door openings will change from 6 to 8 feet tall. They thought sliders that open to the side would make it more comfortable for the owners. If preferred, the doors can go back to French doors. PAGE 3 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Jonah Back, Owner - They are flexible on the door choices. But the chimneys missing the foundation is concerning. In the back of the house, they are beginning to see cracks in the ceiling. It is a safety risk. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. x Sliders don’t work with the style of the house. French doors would retain the historic look of the house. x Need written documentation about the chimneys being structurally unsound. x Were the chimneys a late addition and not historical? x The chimneys are aesthetically pleasing. But if the applicant feels unsafe, can the chimneys be fixed? x Is it a major or minor job to make the chimneys sound? x Continue for a third review with more information about the chimneys. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to continue this item to June 22, 2020 for additional information on the two chimneys and sliders. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3. 16405 Kennedy Road Historic Review Request PHST-22-006 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:10. APN 532-15-002. PROPERTY OWNER: Fevzi and Sevil Karavelioglu APPLICANT: Tony Jeans PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Tony Jeans, Applicant presented the project. - In 2012 this property was brought to the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) by a potential buyer. HPC decided there was no historic value. The current owner is considering a SB 9 lot split. Items that were wrong have been addressed. Windows are now vinyl or metal. The property was not included in the Sanborn and Bloomfield maps. Determined that no one of significant stayed there. PAGE 4 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Tony Jeans, Applicant - In 2012, this property was brought to the HPC by a potential buyer. HPC decided it had no historic value. After 2012, there was no major renovations. There were mainly Interior changes and some roof work done. Nothing was done to restore its historic integrity. Committee members discussed the matter. x Seems reasonable due to its condition and lack of historical significance. x Findings were met. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Approve a Request to Remove a Pre- 1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:10. Located at 16405 Kennedy Road. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 106 Royce Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-023 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Non- Contributing Commercial Building in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-04-025. PROPERTY OWNER: Rosa Family LLC APPLICANT: Todd Bayless PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Todd Bayliss, William Kempf Architects, Applicant presented the project - He is the architect and available to answer questions. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Todd Bayliss, Architect - He filled out application but did not see any neighborhood compatibility analysis matrix. PAGE 5 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Staff - Their application included photos of nearby structures. Todd Bayliss, Architect - He thinks that the existing building is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. But they are not proposing anything drastic except more pastel colors. Todd Bayliss, Architect - The mural was painted in 1998 by the prior tenant. There were no permits. It has not been maintained. The owner of the building recommended that it be replaced. The tenant has suggested a branding mural that reflects their logo and history. The mural has no significance with the Town. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. x The replacement building falls under the Committee’s purview. x The proposal makes it tidier, nicer, and more modern. x The original residential use was terminated at some point. The current commercial building was added. Nothing visually links it to the residential neighborhood across the street on University Avenue. x The proposed plans freshen and clean it up. Maintains its post-modern look. Does not anchor itself to the Victorian/Craftsman look of the University Avenue community. x It is Post-modern and not Victorian or Craftsman. x The proposal matches to its current style. x The building sits empty. Would like to see it in use. x Give the applicant the option to design with the neighborhood style in mind. x The Committee could continue the hearing to allow time for the applicant to add a nod to the neighborhood. Opened Public Comment. Todd Bayliss, Architect - They would need the owner’s input about adding design elements that fit with the surrounding neighborhood style. It would be a challenge to avoid a weird hybrid style. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. x Staff could work with the applicant to give a nod to the surrounding neighborhood. x Staff: the Committee reviews existing style and design. Project is bordered by a parking lot and is at the very edge of the University-Edelen Historic District. It is the only PAGE 6 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 structure facing Royce Street. The applicant can continue to work with the staff and then return to the Committee. x The applicant should have conversations with staff about how to blend in with the neighborhood without returning to the Committee. x The original style shall be maintained. The design should blend with or recognize the historic nature of the surrounding neighborhood. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to continue this item to have the applicant work with staff to consider comments made during the meeting to incorporate a nod to the neighborhood, so long as the applicant is willing to do so. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed. 3-1, Commissioner Clark opposed. 5. 17617 Bruce Avenue Historic Review Request PHST-22-008 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 410-11-008. PROPERTY OWNER: Ruth and Todd Slyngstad APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Gary Kohlsaat, Architect, Applicant presented the project - The property owners recently purchased this property with the intent to replace what is there. The previous addition has obliterated the original house. The style is not significant or historical. No significant resident has lived there, and the home was not designed by a significant architect. Much of the building has been modified and stripped away that it should be taken off the inventory. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. x Significant alterations were made, including a second story done in the 80’s. x No historical significance or style remains. x The building could benefit from significant reworking. x It doesn’t look historic. x It is an easy and clear decision. PAGE 7 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 17617 Bruce Avenue. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 6. 60 Rogers Street Historic Review Request PHST-22-007 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Window Replacement) to a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:20. APN 529-33-055. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Kiavash and Emily Baratzadeh PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Kia Baratzadeh, Owner/Applicant presented the project - They bought the house a year ago. They love it. They want to maintain the visual look of the Spanish revival style home. They would like to use the best possible materials to preserve the architecture and visual appeal of the home. The policy for historic properties is to replace like for like windows. The existing wood windows are single paned. They would like to use superior fiberglass windows with interior wood, gridlines, and double- paned Low-E glass for enhanced energy efficiencies. Last winter they ran the heater a lot because of the cold. They wanted to run this project by the Committee before purchasing. Committee members asked questions of the applicant Kia Baratzadeh, Owner/Applicant - They will maintain the look of the windows. Most of the windows are arched at the top. The new arched windows would have wood on the interior side for casement and fiberglass exterior on the exterior. - Some windows in the kitchen are rectangular and would not need a wood interior. - The fiberglass windows come pre-painted in a variety of trim color. They could choose a creamy white to match or bronze to go with the Spanish revival style. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 8 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Committee members discussed the matter. x Concerned about maintaining the look of the windows. Need to see drawings. x If the arched windows must be custom-made, there would not be a catalogue to see. We could not see the final product until construction. x Technology has changed. In 2022 window efficiencies have improved with use of new materials but with the look of wood. x The entire window opening visually stays the same, but the material used will change. x They should replicate the appearance of the existing widows. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Approve the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Window Replacement) to a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:20 subject to the condition that the windows that are being replaced will replicate the existing windows with exception of the materials, where appropriate, the proposed fiberglass clad substitute material. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 7. 223 Tait Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-22-024 Forward a Recommendation of Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Technical Demolition of a Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-17-004. PROPERTY OWNER: Mark and Tammy De Mattei APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jay Plett, Applicant presented the project - They intend to remodel and add on to the home in a manner consistent with the Almond Grove neighborhood. The existing house’s plaster will remain, though not much is left. They would like to use Anderson Series 1 windows. The fiberglass is superior to wood. They are including an ADU. The project is not over the FAR. They have provided a few comparison photos of a home with a two story addition, and a plaster art and crafts style PAGE 9 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 home. The original house did not have a style. It was not mentioned in Bloomfield survey. The owner has done neighborhood outreach. Mark De Mattei, Owner - He shared his plans and has had some conversations with addresses across the street and to the right of the home. He has been knocking on doors for neighborhood outreach and will continue. Close Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Forward a Recommendation of Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Technical Demolition of a Non-Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 8. 33 Walnut Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-22-003 Requesting Approval for Technical Demolition of a Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 510-41-007. PROPERTY OWNER: Jeffrey Siegel APPLICANT: David V. Hernandez, Architect, Heritage Architecture PLANNER: Erin Walters Vice Chair Cheskin recused himself from Item 8, 33 Walnut Avenue, as his residence is located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Jeffrey Siegel, Owner/Applicant presented the project - This is a review of what was previously approved by the HPC. They want to extend an architectural feature to keep it proportionate to the new front porch. The roof accents are not the same proportion as to the original porch so they will be extended. PAGE 10 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. x It is under a 2019 HPC approval with minor modifications. x The modifications seem minor and non-consequential. x Seems straight forward and recommend approval MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Raspe to Recommend for Approval to the Community Development Director for the Technical Demolition of a Pre- 1941 Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed. (3-0) Vice Chair Cheskin recused. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 9. 25 W. Main Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application PHST-22-009 Preliminary Review for Construction of Exterior Modifications and an Addition to a Contributing Commercial Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017. PROPERTY OWNER: Reveal Corp. APPLICANT: Gordon Wong, Gkw Architects PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report Opened public comment. Gordon Wong, Munenari Hirata, and Jenny Wong, of Gkw Architects, Applicant presented the project - This project is trying to preserve the building and grade. They are focusing on accessibility and preserving the front façade. Upgrades will cover fire suppression, building code, accessible parking, and an accessible ramp. Theresa Warren, Owner - They are downsizing the project. They want to bring the building back to life. They are not adding footage but improving it with newer windows, and ADA compliance. PAGE 11 OF 11 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 2022 Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Mune, Applicant - The first floor use is for business/retail and the second floor use is for office. Gordon Wong, Applicant - There is no residential use. The use reflects what was previously there. They wanted to keep the second floor use flexible and prevent mechanical, electrical, and plumbing changes. The rear staircase is the only access to the second floor. It touches, as minimally as possible, the exterior walls to maintain the siding, window configurations, and roof. Closed public comment. Committee members provided the following comments: x Relocation of the front door works with the building. x Supportive of the proposal. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the May 25, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager dŚŝƐWĂŐĞ /ŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJ >ĞĨƚůĂŶŬ dd,DEdϰ Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com June 19th, 2022 Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95030 Project Description Project Location: 25 W Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Owner: Reveal Corp, 655 North First St. Suite 550, San Jose, CA 95112 Application: Architecture and Site Application and Variance Application The subject property located at 25 W Main Street, Los Gatos, CA has an existing 2-story historical building on a gross lot size 3,133 SF. The scope is a tenant improvement 2,170 SF and addition 243 SF for circulation space with a stairway. Site adjustments include two parking spaces with an accessible ramp and steps to a rear entry. In December 2019, the site was originally approved for a multi-family mixed-use project (Architecture and Site Application S-19-005, Variance V-19-002, and conditional use permit (U-19-001). This new project application significantly reduces the scope, preserves the existing historical building, reduces the amount of required parking, and has less environmental impact. dd,DEdϱ Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-315-2125 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com Project Location: 25 W Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 (Paul W. Chamberlain & Carol Kasaban 1901, Commercial) Owner: Reveal Corp 655 North First St. Suite 550, San Jose, CA 95112 Date: May 3rd, 2022 Scope of Work: A remodel/Tenant Improvement and addition to the historic two-story building. In addition, a new circulation space with a stairway, two parking spaces and a ramp to the new back entry are proposed. Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee/Planning Commission A letter of Justification of How the Project Meets the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines This project is to revitalize the historical building to make it more functional and meet the owner’s needs by maintaining the value of the exterior simultaneously. The major change to the building is 1) relocation of the front entry and 2) demolition of the storage room in the back and replacing it with code-compliant stairway. The exterior material of the walls and details such as trims will be carefully preserved or replaced in-kind according to the guidelines. The following ordinances are applicable and included in this project. Los Gatos Commercial Design Guidelines District C-2A 3.2.1 Facades should be setback from public street property lines no more than five feet a) The intent of this guideline is to maintain retail continuity along block fronts in support of a strong pedestrian and retail environment. 3.2.2 Open space on the parcel should be placed away from the front of the parcel b) Open space should be located at the rear of the parcel or at the sides of the parcel away from the front facade. This open space will allow for rear dining courtyards for restaurants, outdoor display areas for businesses, enhanced entries to courtyards for small retail and personal service uses with an orientation to the fronting street. 3.3.1 Maintain a building front module that is consistent with the remaining block front streetscape 3.3.2 Design buildings along North Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street to be compatible with traditional architectural styles 3.3.3 Emphasize display windows and storefront entries 3.3.4 Maintain transparent storefronts and public right-of-way walls 3.3.6 Utilize high quality storefront materials Ordinance 1843 Los Gatos Historic Commercial District 5. Siding: The historic siding should be maintained on all sides of the historic buildings, and it should be matched in repair or rehabilitation. Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-315-2125 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com 6. Building Materials: The original materials shall be matched as closely as possible when rehabilitating a structure. 7. Roofs: Roofs should be concealed behind parapets. The ends of gable roof should not be visible. 8. Windows and Doors: Existing historic windows and doors should be retained where possible; if not possible, they should be replicated in kind. The preferred material for doors and windows (except the large display windows) is wood; plastic materials should not be used in place of glass, but glass block may be approved if individual circumstances warrant it. For new construction and additions, windows should be compatible with their surroundings in proportions, size, type, subdivisions, and materials. Transom windows above display windows should be maintained and/or restored; they are encouraged in new construction. Reference: Commercial Design Guidelines Town of Los Gatos ● chapter 3 C-2 District ● Appendix A Ordinace 1843 Los Gatos Historic Commercial District dŚŝƐWĂŐĞ /ŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJ >ĞĨƚůĂŶŬ PARK AVENUEE MAIN STREETCONor th(P ) F R ON T S E T B A C K1'-6 "(E ) F R ON T S E T B A C K11'-11 "R/W DEDICATION261 SF(P) SIDE S.B.0' - 0"(P) SIDE S.B.0' - 0"1' - 4"4' - 10"WALL TO CENTER OF STREET11' - 8"W AL LTO C E N T E R O F ST R EET39'-1 0 "1 0 '-0 "57' - 4"57810962349'-0"5'-0"8'-0"5'-1"8'-0"8'-0"0' - 0"-0' - 9"-1' - 6"-0' - 9"-5' - 0"1112TYP13PROJECT LOCATIONPARKAVEWMAINSTSSANTACRUZAVEBROADWAYN SANTA CRUZ AVEWMAINSTUNIVERSITYAVELUNDY LNMAPLEPLC O LLE G E A V E DITTOSLNPAGEANTWAYEMAINSTHWY17HWY17A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & MUNENARI HIRATA 710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description5/17/2022 2:51:54 PMAs indicatedA000Cover Sheet / SitePlan, ProposedCover Sheet / Site Plan, ProposedSCOPE OF WORKBUILDING INFORMATION MODEL•NET FLOOR AREA1ST FLOORENTRANCE: 76 SFRETAIL: 742 SFADA BATHROOM: 48 SF2 TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOMS: 70 SFFIRE RISER ROOM: 16 SF2ND FLOOR ONE OFFICE: 131 SFONE CONFERENCE ROOM: 131 SFONE BATHROOM WITH SHOWER & 1/2 BATHROOM: 107 SFOPEN LOUNGE AREA/KITCHENETTE: 608 SF•ADDITIONSTAIRWAY : 107 SF PARKING SPACES (1 ADA PARKING SPACE): 536 SFRAMP: 129 SFOPEN SPACE: 490 SFPROJECT INFORMATION0'4'8'16'32'SITE PLAN KEYNOTES25 WEST MAIN ST.C A L I F O R N I AL O S G A T O SVICINITY MAPA000 Cover Sheet / Site Plan, ProposedA001 Site Plan, Existing & Exterior PhotosA002 General Notes & Demolition PlanA003 Abbreviations & SymbolsA100 Floor Plan, ExistingA101 Floor Plan, ProposedA200 Elevations, Existing & Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"1Site Plan, ProposedPROJECT LOCATION:APN:PROJECT JURISDICTION:ZONING:GENERAL PLAN USE:OCCUPANCY CLASS:YEAR BUILT/OCCUPIED:MIN. LOT SIZE:GROSS LOT SIZE:NET LOT SIZE:AVG. SLOPE OF LOT:SPRINKLER SYSTEM:(E) GROSS FLOOR AREA:(P) GROSS FLOOR AREA:(P) GROSS ADDITION AREAS:DEDICATION SQ. FOOTAGE:FAR:ALLOWED:EXISTING:PROPOSED:PARKING SPACE REQUIRED, RETAIL/COMMERCIAL:REQUIRED, BUSINESS:(REQUIRED/PROPOSED):CONSTRUCTION TYPE:FIRE SPRINKLERS25 W MAIN STREET529 - 01 - 017LOS GATOSC-2: LHP CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT(LOS GATOS HISTORICAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTR-2, M, U1901N/A3,132.96 SF2,870.72 SF6%REQUIRED1ST FLOOR: 1,168 SF / 2ND FLOOR: 1,080 SF1ST FLOOR: 1,096 SF / 2ND FLOOR: 1,080 SFSTAIRWAY: 126 SF 261 SF60 % 72 %81 %459 / 2V-BYES1NOTES:•ADA 502.2 VEHICLE SPACESCAR PARKING SPACES SHALL BE 96 INCHES (2440 MM)WIDE MINIMUM AND VAN PARKING SPACES SHALL BE 132 INCHES (3350 MM) WIDEMINIMUM, SHALL BE MARKED TO DEFINE THE WIDTH, AND SHALL HAVE ANADJACENT ACCESS AISLE COMPLYING WITH 502.3.•EXCEPTION: VAN PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE 96 INCHES(2440MM) WIDE MINIMUM WHERE THE ACCESS AISLE IS 96 INCHES (2440 MM) WIDEMINIMUM.•IF ANY EXCAVATION EXCEEDS 5-FEET IN DEPTH OR REMOVES LATERAL SUPPORTFROM AN EXISTING BUILDING, AN ADJACENT PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC RIGHT OFWAY, THE PROJECT WILL HALTED UNTIL SHORING PLANS AND CALCULATIONSPREPARED BY A CA LICENSED ENGINEER ARE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOSGATOS BUILDING DIVISION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PROJECT MAY RESUMECONSTRUCTION ONCE SHORING PLANS HAVE BEEN APPROVED FORCONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS.SHEET INDEXPROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENT & DEDICATIONSET BACKS HISTORICAL(REQUIRED / EXISTING / PROPOSEDFRONT:SIDE:REAR:STREET SIDE:MAX. HEIGHT:EXISTING HEIGHT:PROPOSED HEIGHT:10'-0" / 11'-1" / 1'-6"0'-0" / 0'-0" / 0'-0"0'-0" / 61'-8" / 57'-10" 10'-0" / 0'-0" / 0'-0"45'-0"22'-0"22'-0"22'-0"THIS PROJECT PROPOSES A TENANT IMPROVEMENT AND ADDITION TO THE HISTORIC TWO-STORY BUILDING. SCOPE INCLUDES A NEW CIRCULATION SPACE WITH A STAIRWAY, TWO PARKING SPACES AND A RAMP TO A REAR ENTRY1(E) TWO-STORY BUILDING(E) RETAINING WALL W/ 1-HR RATED ASSEMBLY WALLPER CBC 2019 TABLE 602 (X < 5')(E) SPLIT SYSTEM CONDENSER(E) STORM WATER DRAINAGE(E) PG&E BOX TO REMAIN(P) ELECTRICAL METER, SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN(E) UTILITY POLE TO REMAINWATER METER TO BE RESURFACED(P) RETAINING WALL, CONCRETE(P) GAS METER(P) VAN ADA PARKING SIGN(P) BACK-IN PARKING ONLY SIGN(P) STEP2345891067LEGENDCOCLEAN OUT HYDRANTSETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING FOOTPRINT(P) ROLLED CURBRIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION(P) TRUNCATED DOME(P) ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL111213RETAIL,M1 VEHICLE PARKING SPACE PER 300 SF41,080 SFOCCUPANCYPARKING PER SF OR PER UNIT# OF PARKING REQUIREDSF OR UNITSN/A# OF PARKING PROVIDEDADDITIONAL PARKING PER PARKING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT71 VEHICLE PARKING SPACE PER 250 SF51,220 SFBUSINESS,B21. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PART 1, 6, 10 & 112. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PART 2, 2.5, 3 - 5, 8 - 9, 123. 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE PART 2.54. 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE5. 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE6. 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE7. 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE8. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE9. 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODES10. ALL OTHER STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS11. LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE12. 2019 CALIFORNIA HISTORIC BUILDING CODEAPPLICABLE CODEOWNER:PROJECT DIRECTORYREVEAL CORP675 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 550 SAN JOSE CA 95112408-314-0077INFO@REVEALCORP.COMARCHITECT:GKW ARCHITECTS, INC. 710 E. MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109 CAMPBELL, CA 95008408-315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COM1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DUST CONTROL AND INSURING AREA ADJACENT TO WORK IS LEFT IN A CLEANCONDITION.2. UTILIZE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S), AS REQUIRED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, FOR ANYACTIVITY, WHICH DISTURBS SOIL.3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TEST, INSPECTIONS AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS PER CITY OF LOSGATOS.4. OPERABLE SMOKE DETECTORS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO RE-OCCUPY DWELLINGS5. PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FOR METER RELEASE.6. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS SHALL CONFORM TO ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WITHOUT REQUIRING THEEXISTING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UBC, PROVIDED THE ADDITIONALTERATION OR REPAIR CONFORMS TO THAT REQUIRED FOR NE WBUILDING OR STRUCTURE PER UBC SECTION 3403.2.7. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE & LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL NEW UTILITYCONNECTIONS AND/ OR UPGRADE EXISTING AS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS ANDAPPROVALS AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES.8. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY DEMOLITION PERMITS AND APPROVALS INCLUDING ASBESTOSABATEMENT AS PART OF THE BASE BID9. PER CGBSC 301.1.1 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS UNDERGOING PERMITTED ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR IMPROVEMENTSSHALL REPLACE NONCOMPLIANT PLUMBING FIXTURES WITH WATER-CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES. PLUMBINGFIXTURES REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUNACE OF A CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION, CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANCY OR FINAL PERMIT APPROVAL BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT.10. PER CGBSC 301.1.1 - WHERE ADDITION OR ALTERATION INCREASED THE BUILDING'S CONDITIONED AREA, VOLUME, ORSIZE, THE REQUIREMENTS OF CALGreen CHAPTER 4 SHALL APPLY ONLY TO AND WITHIN THE SPECIFIC AREA OF THEADDITION OR ALTERATION.PUBLIC WORKS & PLAN SITE NOTESFAR CALCULATIONS(E) 1ST FLOOR(E) 2ND FLOOR(E) TOTAL SF(E) LOT SIZE(E) FAR1,089.76 SF1,078.56 SF2168.32 SF3,132.96 SF0.69(P) 1ST FLOOR(P) 2ND FLOOR(P) TOTAL SF(P) LOT SIZE(P) FAR1095.61 SF1205.53 SF2301.14 SF2,870.72 SF0.80(E) LOT SIZE(P) LOT SIZEFARALLOWABLE SF3,132.96 SF2,870.72 SF0.61,722.43 SFPARKING CALCULATIONSdd,DEdϲ 1PARK AVENUE11' - 8"P.L 120.96'P.L 120.50'P.L26.12'P.L26.08'E MAIN STREETCOOHOHOHOH43OHNor thJ89276510123456A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & MUNENARI HIRATA 710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description5/17/2022 2:44:17 PM1/8" = 1'-0"A001Site Plan, Existing& Exterior PhotosSite Plan, Existing & Exterior Photos(E) BUILDING TO RENOVATED PER HISTORICAL GUIDELINESRETAINING WALL W/ 1-HR RATED ASSEMBLY WALL PER CBC 2019 TABLE 602 (X<5')(E) METAL BOX, SEE CIVIL PLAN, TO BE RELOCATEDCONDENSER TO BE PROTECTED (E) WATER METER TO BE RESURFACED(E) GAS METER TO BE REPLACED / RELOCATED(E) ELECTRICAL METER TO BE REPLACED / RELOCATED(E) STORM WATER DRAINAGE TO REMAINTREE TO BE PROTECTED PER CITY CODE (SEE TREE PROTECTION NOTES)PG&E BOX2TETHER TO BE REMOVEDPG&E POLE CLEAN OUT HYDRANTWATER VALVELEGENDJCOLINE LEGEND SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING OUTLINE OVERHEAD LINEOH5KEYNOTES, SITE PLAN, EXISTING6743189TREE PROTECTION NOTES:SEC. 29.10.1005. - PROTECTION OF TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION. (A) PROTECTIVE TREE FENCING SHALL SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING:1. SIZE AND MATERIALS. SIX (6) FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCING, MOUNTED ON TWO-INCH DIAMETER GALVANIZED IRON POSTS, SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST TWO (2) FEET AT NO MORE THAN TEN-FOOT SPACING. FOR PAVING AREA THAT WILL NOT BE DEMOLISHED AND WHEN STIPULATED IN A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN, POSTS MAY BE SUPPORTED BY A CONCRETE BASE. 2. AREA TYPE TO BE FENCED. TYPE I: ENCLOSURE WITH CHAIN LINK FENCING OF EITHER THE ENTIRE DRIPLINE AREA OR AT THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ), WHEN SPECIFIED BY A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST. TYPE II: ENCLOSURE FOR STREET TREES LOCATED IN A PLANTER STRIP: CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANTER STRIP TO THE OUTER BRANCHES. TYPE III: PROTECTION FOR A TREE LOCATED IN A SMALL PLANTER CUTOUT ONLY (SUCH AS DOWNTOWN): ORANGE PLASTIC FENCING SHALL BE WRAPPED AROUND THE TRUNK FROM THE GROUND TO THE FIRST BRANCH WITH TWO-INCH WOODEN BOARDS BOUND SECURELY ON THE OUTSIDE. CAUTION SHALL BE USED TO AVOID DAMAGING ANY BARK OR BRANCHES. 3. DURATION OF TYPE I, II, III FENCING. FENCING SHALL BE ERECTED BEFORE DEMOLITION, GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ARE ISSUED AND REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE WORK IS COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIRST OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ARBORIST ON RECORD PRIOR TO REMOVING A TREE PROTECTION FENCE. 4. WARNING SIGN. EACH TREE FENCE SHALL HAVE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED AN EIGHT AND ONE-HALF-INCH BY ELEVEN-INCH SIGN STATING: "WARNING—TREE PROTECTION ZONE—THIS FENCE SHALL NOT BE REMOVED AND IS SUBJECT TO PENALTY ACCORDING TO TOWN CODE 29.10.1025." (B) ALL PERSONS, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS: 1. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL THE FENCE AT THE DRIPLINE, OR TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) WHEN SPECIFIED IN AN APPROVED ARBORIST REPORT, AROUND ANY TREE AND/OR VEGETATION TO BE RETAINED WHICH COULD BE AFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND PROHIBIT ANY STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR OTHER MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT CLEANING, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN THE TPZ. THE DRIPLINE SHALL NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY SO AS TO INCREASE THE ENCROACHMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 2. PROHIBIT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE TPZ, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: EXCAVATION, GRADING, DRAINAGE AND LEVELING WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF THE TREE UNLESS APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR. 3. PROHIBIT DISPOSAL OR DEPOSITING OF OIL, GASOLINE, CHEMICALS OR OTHER HARMFUL MATERIALS WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF OR IN DRAINAGE CHANNELS, SWALES OR AREAS THAT MAY LEAD TO THE DRIPLINE OF A PROTECTED TREE. 4. PROHIBIT THE ATTACHMENT OF WIRES, SIGNS OR ROPES TO ANY PROTECTED TREE. 5. DESIGN UTILITY SERVICES AND IRRIGATION LINES TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE DRIPLINE WHEN FEASIBLE. 6. RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST WHO SHALL SERVE AS THE PROJECT ARBORIST FOR PERIODIC MONITORING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND THE HEALTH OF THOSE TREES TO BE PRESERVED. THE PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE PRESENT WHENEVER ACTIVITIES OCCUR WHICH MAY POSE A POTENTIAL THREAT TO THE HEALTH OF THE TREES TO BE PRESERVED AND SHALL DOCUMENT ALL SITE VISITS. 7. THE DIRECTOR AND PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DAMAGE THAT OCCURS TO A PROTECTED TREE DURING CONSTRUCTION SO THAT PROPER TREATMENT MAY BE ADMINISTERED. ( ORD. NO. 2240, § I(EXH. B), 6-2-15 ) 10• GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY (E) SITE CONDITIONS• ALL ITEMS IN BLUE TO BE DEMOLISHED0'4'8'16'32'1/8" = 1'-0"1Site Plan, Existing123456 UPDNWALL TO BE REMOVEDWALL ALTERATIONDETAIL REFERENCENameElevationDATUM REFERENCEX#OR#KEY NOTEBUILDING SECTION#WALL TYPEINTERIOR ELEVATION101ADOOR TYPE1REVISIONA00WINDOW TYPEA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & MUNENARI HIRATA 710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description5/17/2022 2:44:22 PMAs indicatedA002General Notes &Demolition PlanGeneral Notes & Demolition Plan0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'DEMOLITION / ALTERATION BREAKDOWNFRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)REARRIGHTLEFT%TOTAL374.56368526.84536.181805.586.3WALLS TO BE DEMOLISHED FACING PUBLIC STREET DEMOLITION OF AN HISTORIC STRUCTURE MEANS:•REMOVAL OF MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE (25) PERCENT OF THE WALL AREA FACING A PUBLIC STREET(S) AND/OR FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF ALL EXTERIOR WALL AREA; OR•ENCLOSURE OR ALTERATION OF MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE (25) PERCENT OF THE WALL AREA FACING A PUBLIC STREET AND/OR FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF THE EXTERIOR WALL AREA SO THAT THEY NO LONGER FUNCTION AS EXTERIOR WALLS.•ALL REMAINING EXTERIOR WALL MUST BE CONTIGUOUS. NO NEW EXTERIOR WALL COVERING SHALL BE PERMITTED OVER THE EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL COVERING. THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS FOR REPLACEMENT, REPAIR, OR REMOVAL. PLEASE SEE SECTION 29.10.020 FOR EXCEPTIONS. DEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 374 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 15.57 SFWALL AREA ALTERED = 25.75 SFDEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 368 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 257.22 SFWALL AREA ALTERED = 34.18 SFDEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 526.84 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 31.46 SFWALL AREA ALTERATION = 0 SFDEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 536.18 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 34.77 SFWALL AREA ALTERED = 0 SFWALLREMOVAL (SF)15.5731.4631.4634.77113.261/8" = 1'-0"2Floor Plan, Level 1, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"3Floor Plan, Level 2, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"4Elevation, Front, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"5Elevation, Right, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"6Elevation, Left, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"7Elevation, Rear, Demo1.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS AND MAKE KNOWN ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING THEIR WORK.2.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NATIONAL, CITY, STATE, LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES WHICH MAY BE IN EFFECT. ALL MATERIALS, INSTALLATION PROCEDURES AND PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY ALL APPLICABLE CODE ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION, AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR;S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FOR THE WORK.3.THESE DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN A NEGOTIATED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND THEREFORE, MAY NOT SPECIFICALLY DETAIL OR SPECIFY MATERIAL AND / OR MANUFACTURERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL SAMPLES AND OR CUTS AS REQUIRED TO ASSIST OWNER OR HIS AGENT IN MAKING MATERIAL SELECTIONS. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTIMATING, THE CONTRACTORS SHALL USE THE MATERIALS SELECTED BY THE OWNER, OR IN ABSENCE OF SAME. SHALL PROVIDE AN ALLOWANCE AMOUNT AND SO CONDITION ANY COST ESTIMATE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN SUCH ESTIMATE.4.NO GUARANTEE OF QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION IS IMPLIED OR INTENDED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS, AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OR ALL CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES.5.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND THE ARCHITECT FROM ANY ACTION INITIATED BY THE OWNER OR ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES, MODIFICATIONS OR SUCH CONDITIONS WHICH MAY BE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE ARCHITECT.6.ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH AND RECORD THE CONDITIONS OF ALL EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING PAVED AREAS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE KNOWN ALL EXISTING DAMAGED OR DISREPAIR ITEMS AND CONDITIONS THAT MAY WORSEN DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION. ALL ITEMS IN GOOD CONDITION SHALL BE MAINTAIN IN THEIR PRESENT CONDITION AND ANY REPAIR OR DAMAGE WHICH OCCURS DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7.CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY EXAMINE THE SITE AND SATISFY HIM OR HERSELF AS OF THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AT THE SITE ALL MEASUREMENTS AFFECTING HIS OR HER WORK AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF SAME. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE EXPENSES DUE TO HIS OR HER NEGLECT TO EXAMINE OR FAILURE TO DISCOVER CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT HIS OR HER WORK.8.ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ARCHITECTURAL, FIRE PROTECTION AND LIGHTING DRAWINGS APPLYING TO THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FABRICATION APPROVAL.9.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ALL INVOLVED PARTIES AND PREPARE SHOP DRAWINGS.10. ALL NEW INTERIOR PAINT COLOR, FLOOR, WALLS AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWNER AT THE TIME WHEN IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT.11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE WORK OR TO MAKE ITS PARTS FIT TOGETHER PROPERLY WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE QUALITY OF THE WORK.12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATE BRACING, SHORING, AND PROTECTING ALL WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION, AGAINST DAMAGE, BREAKAGE, COLLAPSE, DISTORTIONS, AND OFF ALIGNMENTS ACCORDING TO CODES AND STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICE.13. ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST ADOPTED CITY STANDARDS. THE STORING OF GOOD AND MATERIALS ON SIDEWALK AND/ OR STREET SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR HAS APPLIED AND SECURED A SPECIAL PERMIT WHICH ALLOW SUCH STORAGE TO BE PLACED.14. OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS: THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF GKW ARCHITECTS --GORDON WONG, ARCHITECT, THE DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE EXCEPT AS APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT.15. LIMITATION OF THE WORK: THE LIMITS OF THE WORK ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING TRADESMEN WITH THESE LIMITS.16. PIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT A SANITARY SEWER HOOKUP PERMIT (OR CLEARANCE LETTER) MUST BE OBTAINED AND A COPY OF THE PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. AABVACADADDLAFFASPHBBITUMBKGBLDGBMBRBURBDRBWCCABCBCEMCFCJCLCTLCLGCONCCPTDDDRE(E)EELECEPEXTFFDNFHFINFFFLFLUORFOCFOFFOSFRFSFSLFTGFURRABOVEASPHALT CONCRETEAREA DRAINADDITIONALABOVE FINISH FLOORASPHALTBITUMINOUSBACKINGBUILDINGBEAMBACKER RODBUILT-UP-ROOFBEDROOMBOTTOM OF WALLCABINETCATCH BASINCEMENTCUBIC FEETCONTROL JOINTCLOSETCENTERLINECEILINGCONCRETECARPETDECKDRAINEXISTINGEASTELECTRICALELECTRICAL PANELEXTERIORFOUNDATIONFIRE HYDRANTFINISHFINISH FLOORFLOW LINEFLUORESCENTFACE OF CONCRETEFACE OF FINISHFACE OF STUDFIRE RATEDFLOOR SINKFIRE SPRINKLERFOOTINGFURRINGGGALVGCGLGNDGWBGYPHHDBDHDRHDWRHDWDHTRHVACIININCANDINSULINTINVJJSTJTKKKITKPLLOCLTMMBMDFMECHMEMBMETMHMSCMTDMTLGALVANIZEDGENERAL CONTRACTORGLASSGROUNDGYPSUM WALL BOARDGYSUMHARDBOARDHEADERHARDWAREHARDWOODHEATERHEATING, VENT. & A.C.INCHINCANDESCENTINSULATIONINTERIORINVERTJOISTJOINTKIPSKITCHENKICK PLATELOCATIONLIGHTMACHINE BOLTMEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARDMECHANICALMEMBRANEMETALMANHOLEMISCELLANEOUSMOUNTEDMETALN(N)NNICNOMNPNRNTSOOAOCODOFCIOFOIP(P)PENNPERFPERPPLPLPLASPLBGPLWDPNLPOCPPPREFABPSFPSIPTDPTRPTRWDQQQTYRRRADRCPRDREFREFLREFRRETREGRONEWNORTHNOT IN CONTRACTNOMINALNO PARKINGNON-RATEDNOT TO SCALEOVERALLON CENTEROUTSIDE DIAMETER/ DIMENSIONOWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLEDOWNER FURNISHED OWNER INSTALLPROPOSEDPENETRATIONPERFORATEDPERPENDICULARPLATEPROPERTY LINEPLASTERPLUMBINGPLYWOODPANELPOINT OF CONNECTIONPERMEABLE PAVERSPREFABRICATEDPOUNDS PER SQUARE FOOTPOUNDS PER SQUARE INCHPAINTEDPRESSURE TREATEDPRESSURE TREATED WOODQUANTITYREVEAL OR RISERRADIUSREINFORCED CONCRETE PIPEROOF DRAINREFERENCEREFLECTEDREFRIGERATORRETAINING OR RETARDANTREGISTERROUGH OPENINGABBREVIATIONSSSCDSCHDSDSECTSEDSFSHRSHTSHTGSIMSJSLSLDSMSMDSOFSOGSPDSPEC/SSQSSSSDSTCSTDSTLSTORSTRLSYTT&BT&GTCTOCTOPTOSTRDTWUULUTILVVCPVERTVTRWWWCWDWDWW/OWPWPTWRSEE CIVIL DRAWINGS SCHEDULESTORM DRAINSECTIONSEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGSSQUARE FOOT OR FEETSHOWERSHEETSHEATHINGSIMILARSEISMIC JOINTSEALANTSEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGSSHEET METALSEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGSSOFFITSLAB ON GRADESEE PLUMBING DRAWINGSSPECIFICATIONSQUARESANITARY SEWERSEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSSOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTSTANDARDSTEELSTORAGESTRUCTURALSQUARE YARDTOP AND BOTTOMTONGUE AND GROOVETOP OF CURBTOP OF CONCRETETOP OF PAVINGTOP OF STEELTREADTOP OF WALLUNDERWRITERS LABORATORIESUTILITIESVITREOUS CLAY PIPEVERTICALVENT THROUGH ROOFWEST OR WIDTHWATER CLOSETWOODWINDOWWITHOUTWATER PROOFWORKING POINTWATER RESISTANTGRAPHIC SYMBOLSGENERAL NOTESLOT AREA & IMPERVIOUS AREAGROSS LOT AREANET LOT AREA(E) IMPERVIOUS AREA(P) IMPERVIOUS AREATOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA CREATED3,132.96 SF2,870.72 SF1,173 SF2,340 SF1,167 SFPROPERTY LINEIMPERVIOUS AREASTREET DEDICATION(E) (P)FRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)REARRIGHTLEFTTOTAL374.56368526.84536.181805.58%15.7WALL ALTERATION (SF)25.75257.2200282.97FRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)RIGHTTOTAL374.56526.84901.4WALLREMOVAL (SF)15.5731.4647.03%5.2REMOVAL ALL WALL AREA6.3% < 50% = NOT DEMOLITIONREMOVAL WALL AREAFACING PUBLIC STREET5.2% < 25% = NOT DEMOLITIONALTERATION ALL WALL AREA15.7% < 50% = NOT DEMOLITIONALTERATION WALL AREA FACING PUBLIC STREET2.9% < 25% = NOT DEMOLITIONWALLS TO BE DEMOLISHED FACING PUBLIC STREET FRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)RIGHTTOTAL374.56526.84901.4WALLREMOVAL (SF)25.75025.75%2.9LEGEND UPDN15' - 8"215(E) RETAIL SPACE(E) BREAK ROOM47' - 0"5' - 9"12' - 3"9' - 11"15' - 0"4' - 1"4' - 0"AD25' - 9"FLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 & 2 EXISTING, LEGEND(E) DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED(E) WINDOW TO BE DEMOLISHED(E) WALL TO BE DEMOLISHEDCOVERED PATIO TO BE DEMOLISHEDSTORAGE AREA TO BE DEMOLISHED 126B2'-11"10' - 0"8' - 7"3' - 4"8' - 0"NOTES:EXISTING WALLS ARE NOT IN STRAIGHT ALIGNMENT TO GRIDLINE.EXISTING WALLS MUST BE VERIFIED ON SITE.FLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 & 2 EXISTING, KEYNOTES3' - 6" 8' - 5"12' - 2"43221' - 9"4' - 0"1' - 9"4' - 9"3' - 11"7' - 4"6' - 1"2' - 1"16' - 0"10' - 7"11' - 1"5' - 3"2' - 1"2' - 0"10' - 9"4' - 0"7' - 0"10' - 9"41' - 10"21' - 6"3' - 0"14' - 6"10' - 8"1547' - 0"11' - 9"18' - 0"9' - 11"15' - 0"4' - 1"2' - 11"(E) BEDROOM(E) BEDROOM(E) CL(E) CL(E) CL(E) CL(E) CL(E) BEDROOM (E) BEDROOM(E) BEDROOM(E) BEDROOM13' - 2"4' - 0"3' - 3"AD25' - 9"63' - 5"2' - 11"5' - 9"3' - 7"9' - 1"439' - 1"12' - 0"13' - 0"17' - 11"9' - 4"7' - 4"9' - 2"19' - 2"3' - 10"3' - 10"16' - 1"19' - 7"3' - 6"3' - 6"16' - 5"6' - 10"12' - 6"6' - 5"13' - 0"11' - 7"5' - 6"12' - 5"A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & MUNENARI HIRATA 710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description5/17/2022 2:44:24 PM1/4" = 1'-0"A100Floor Plan,ExistingFloor Plan, Existing1/4" = 1'-0"1Floor Plan, Level 1, Existing1/4" = 1'-0"2Floor Plan, Level 2, Existing0'2'4'8'16'0'2'4'8'16' 15(E) RETAIL SPACE(P) ENTRY STAIRWELLACD25' - 9"10' - 9"15' - 0"18' - 0"9' - 11"15' - 0"8' - 4"7ADACLEARANCE43UPADACLEARANCEWH1:12 SLOPE MAX6' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0"UA5' - 4"6' - 3"2' - 5"23' - 4"5' - 6"D3D3D1D1D151' - 3"791011826134101314155' - 4"15' - 11"10' - 7"11' - 1"7' - 4"6' - 3"R3' -0"5D5W3W4W4W5D313151315616D18' - 5" 1' - 0"1' - 0"3' - 0"1215(P) STAIRWELLACD18' - 0"9' - 11"15' - 0"8' - 4"9' - 4"1' - 5"5' - 11"9' - 1"25' - 9"743D4OFFICEOPEN AREA LOUNGE/KITCHENCONFERENCEBATHROOM5' - 0"1/2 BATHø 5' - 0"4' - 1"3' - 0"D3D3D3W251' - 3"14' - 11"3' - 0" 5' - 0" 2' - 1"7' - 4" 8' - 7"33' - 9"243ø5'-0"19' - 2"3' - 10"3' - 10"16' - 1"19' - 7"3' - 6"3' - 6"16' - 5"6' - 10"11' - 0"7' - 11"13' - 0"29' - 2"8' - 9"W1W1W1W1612166' - 6"12' - 3"D3(P) STEP TO ENTRANCE(P) FIRE RISER(P) WALL IN ALIGNMENT TO EXISTING WALL(P) 1 GARBAGE, 1 RECYCLING & COMPOST FOR OFFICE (95 GALLON)(P) 1 GARBAGE, 1 RECYCLING & COMPOST FOR RETAIL (95 GALLON)(P) HANDRAIL EXTENSION PER CBC SECTION 11B-505.1FLOOR FINISH TO BE REPLACED(P) GAS WATER TANK (CRAWL SPACE)(N) 7" X 14" PARALLAM 1 HOUR FIRE RATED INTERIOR FIRE BARRIER*EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR SIDING TO BE REPLACED WITH ONE LAYER OF 5/8" TYPE X GYPSUM BOARDS ON BOTH SIDESFLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 PROPOSED, LEGEND(P) NEW CONSTRUCTION DOOR(P) NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOW(P) UNDER FLOOR ACCESS 30"x30"FLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 PROPOSED, KEYNOTESPONY WALL1 HOUR FIRE RATED EXTERIOR FIRE WALL*INTERIOR SIDING TO BE REPLACED WITH ONE LAYER OF 5/8" TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD*EXTERIOR SIDING TO BE REPLACED WITH ONE LAYER OF 5/8" DENSGLASS SHEATHING BOARD WITH FIRERATED HARDIE BOARD EXTERIOR SIDING TO MATCH EXISTINGCLEAR SPACE SHALL HAVE MAXIMUM SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 2% IN ANY DIRECTION FOR THE FULL DIMENSION OF THIS REQUIRED EXTERIOR LEVEL LANDING. [CBC 11B-404.2.4]ACCESSIBLE UNISEX RESTROOM24" MIN. STRIKE SIDE X 60" DEEP CLEARANCE. CBC 11B-404.2.4.(P) WINDOWS OF SAME STYLE TO BE FIRE RATED WITH OH-45 OR W-60 GLAZING MARKINGS PER CBC 716.1(3)111091234567141581213UA16A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & MUNENARI HIRATA 710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description5/17/2022 2:46:24 PM1/4" = 1'-0"A101Floor Plan,ProposedFloor Plan, Proposed1/4" = 1'-0"1Floor Plan, Level 1, Proposed1/4" = 1'-0"2Floor Plan, Level 2, Proposed0'2'4'8'16'0'2'4'8'16'(P) Window ScheduleWindowNumberCount Window Type Width Height Sill Height Tempered.W1 4 Single Hung 2' - 6" 4' - 5"W2 1 Fixed 7' - 0" 3' - 6" 3' - 2" YESW3 1 Store Front Glass 2' - 9 1/2" 7' - 0" 1' - 5 1/2"W4 2 Store Front Glass 3' - 2" 7' - 0" 1' - 5 1/2"W5 1 Store Front Glass 3' - 0" 1' - 11 1/2" 6' - 7 1/2"(P) Door ScheduleDoor Number Count Door Type Width Height Fire RatingD1 4 Exterior Storefront, Single 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 1-HRD3 7 Interior Single Flush 3' - 0" 6' - 8"D4 1 Interior Single Flush 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 1-HRD5 1 Exterior Single Flush 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 1-HR 1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"(D)(R)(D)(R)22' - 0"8' - 9" 1' - 1" 5' - 1" 7' - 1"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"13Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"(P)(R)(P)(R)22' - 0"8' - 9" 1' - 1" 5' - 1" 7' - 1"2' - 10"3' - 4" 3' - 4"3' - 6"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"(D)(D)(D)Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"31Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"(P)22' - 0"(P)1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"(R)(R)(R)1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"EXISTING HISTORICAL TO REMAINPROPOSED ADDITION23(R)(R)(R)Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"122' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"(D)(D)Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"(P)1Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"2EXISTING HISTORICAL TO REMAIN PROPOSED ADDITION7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"(P)22' - 0"36" 6" 6" A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & MUNENARI HIRATA 710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description5/17/2022 2:44:43 PM1/8" = 1'-0"A200Elevations,Existing &ProposedElevations, Existing & Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"1Elevation, Front, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"3Elevation, Front, Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"2Elevation, Rear, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"4Elevation, Rear, Proposed0'4'8'16'32'ELEVATION KEYNOTESEXTERIOR SIDING COLOR MATCH MINERAL GRAY COLOR SW 2740ROOFING MATERIAL COMPOSITION SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING TRIMWOOD TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING MATERIALS123(D)(P)(R)(P) TONGUE AND GROOVE SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING(P) CLASS A COMPOSITION SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING(P) WOOD TRIM TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTINGTO BE DEMOLISHEDPROPOSEDTO BE REPLACED0'4'8'16'32'1/8" = 1'-0"5Elevation, Left, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"6Elevation, Left, Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"7Elevation, Right, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"8Elevation, Right, Proposed0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'ELEVATION LEGEND PARK AVENUEE MAIN STREETCONor th1 1' -6"R/W DEDICATION262 SF57' - 4"4320' - 0"-0' - 9"-5' - 0"57A005101TYP(E) O.H.TEATHER88TYPP.L26.12'P.L 120.96'P.L 120.50'P.L26.08'1 0' -0"TENANT IMPROVEMENT2170 SF-1' - 6"PROJECT LOCATIONPARKAVEWMAINSTSSANTACRUZAVEBROADWAYN SANTA CRUZ AVEWMAINSTUNIVERSITYAVELUNDY LNMAPLEPLC O LLE G E A V E DITTOSLNPAGEANTWAYEMAINSTHWY17HWY17SITE PLAN KEYNOTES1ADDITION, 243 SFELECTRICAL METERRETAINING WALL, CONCRETEGAS METERVAN ADA PARKING SIGNSTEPSBOLLARD23457LEGENDCOPOWER POLE TETHERCLEAN OUT HYDRANTSETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING FOOTPRINTRIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION (SEE CIVIL)(P) TRUNCATED DOME(P) ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVELRETAIL,M1 VEHICLE PARKING SPACE PER 300 SF41,080 SFOCCUPANCYPARKING PER SF OR PER UNIT# OF PARKING REQUIREDSF OR UNITSN/A# OF PARKING PROVIDEDADDITIONAL PARKING PER PARKING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT71 VEHICLE PARKING SPACE PER 250 SF51,206 SFBUSINESS,B2FAR CALCULATIONS1ST FLOOR2ND FLOORTOTAL SFFAR1,090 SF1,080 SF2,170 SF0.691,206 SF1,207 SF2,413 SF0.84(E) LOT SIZE(P) LOT SIZEMAX. FAR3,133 SF2,871 SF0.6PARKING CALCULATIONS8EXISTINGPROPOSEDNOTES:1.ADA 502.2 VEHICLE SPACESCAR PARKING SPACES SHALL BE 96INCHES (2440 MM) WIDE MINIMUM AND VAN PARKING SPACESSHALL BE 132 INCHES (3350 MM) WIDE MINIMUM, SHALL BE MARKEDTO DEFINE THE WIDTH, AND SHALL HAVE AN ADJACENT ACCESSAISLE COMPLYING WITH 502.3.2.EXCEPTION: VAN PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE 96INCHES (2440 MM) WIDE MINIMUM WHERE THE ACCESS AISLE IS 96INCHES (2440 MM) WIDE MINIMUM.3.IF ANY EXCAVATION EXCEEDS 5-FEET IN DEPTH OR REMOVESLATERAL SUPPORT FROM AN EXISTING BUILDING, AN ADJACENTPROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, THE PROJECT WILLHALTED UNTIL SHORING PLANS AND CALCULATIONS PREPARED BYA CA LICENSED ENGINEER ARE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOSGATOS BUILDING DIVISION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PROJECTMAY RESUME CONSTRUCTION ONCE SHORING PLANS HAVE BEENAPPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TOAPPROVED PLANS.LOT SIZEA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 6:14:53 PMAs indicatedA000Site Plan,ProposedSite Plan, ProposedSCOPE OF WORKBUILDING INFORMATION MODEL•TENANT IMPROVEMENT1ST FLOORENTRANCE: 76 SFRETAIL: 742 SFADA BATHROOM: 48 SFTRASH ENCLOSURE ROOM: 70 SFFIRE RISER ROOM: 16 SF2ND FLOOR ONE OFFICE: 131 SFONE CONFERENCE ROOM: 131 SFONE BATHROOM WITH SHOWER & 1/2 BATHROOM: 107 SFOPEN LOUNGE AREA/KITCHENETTE: 608 SF•ADDITIONSTAIRWAY : 252 SF •SITE ADJUSTMENTS2 PARKING SPACES (1 ADA), RAMP & STEPS, GUARDRAIL AND HANDRAILSPROJECT INFORMATION0'4'8'16'32'25 WEST MAIN ST.C A L I F O R N I AL O S G A T O SVICINITY MAPGeneralA000 Site Plan, ProposedA001 Site Plan, Existing & Exterior PhotosA002 Notes & Demolition PlanA003 Adjacent Building Plan & Shadow StudyA004 Fire, Egress & Occupancy Load AnalysisA005 Adjacent Building, Streetscape Elevations, AccessibilityTopography1 of 1 Boundary Survey and Topographic MapCivilSheet 1 of 8 Town Notes, General Notes, Legend & Abbr.Sheet 2 of 8 DemolitionSheet 3 of 8 Site PlanSheet 4 of 8 Grading and Drainage PlanSheet 5 of 8 Section & DetailsSheet 6 of 8 Blueprint for a Clean BaySheet 7 of 8 Erosion Control PlanSheet 8 of 8 Erosion DetailsArchitecturalA100 Floor Plan, ExistingA101 Architectural, Floor Plan, ProposedA102 Architectural, Accessible, Site & BuildnigA200 Elevations, Existing & ProposedA300 Section & Roof Plan1/8" = 1'-0"1Site Plan, ProposedPROJECT LOCATION:APN:PROJECT JURISDICTION:ZONING:GENERAL PLAN USE:OCCUPANCY CLASS:YEAR BUILT/OCCUPIED:MIN. LOT SIZE:GROSS LOT SIZE:NET LOT SIZE:AVG. SLOPE OF LOT:SPRINKLER SYSTEM:(E) GROSS FLOOR AREA:1ST FLOOR:2ND FLOOR:(P) GROSS FLOOR AREA:1ST FLOOR:2ND FLOOR: RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION:FAR:ALLOWED:EXISTING:PROPOSED:REQUIRED PARKING:RETAIL/COMMERCIAL:BUSINESS:PROPOSED:CONSTRUCTION TYPE:FIRE SPRINKLERS:25 W MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CA 95030529 -01 -017LOS GATOSC-2: LHP CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT(LOS GATOS HISTORICAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT%1901N/A3,133 SF2,871 SF6%REQUIRED2,170 SF1,090 SF1,080 SF2,413 SF1,206 SF ( INCLUDES 116 SF ADDITION)1,207 SF ( INCLUDES 127 SF ADDITION)262 SFFLOOR AREA / LOT SIZE 60 % = 1,880 SF / 3,133 SF 69 % = 2,170 SF/ 3,133 SF 84 % = 2,413 SF/ 2,871 SF9452V-BYESSHEET INDEXSET BACKSFRONT:SIDE:REAR:STREET SIDE:MAX. HEIGHT:(E) HEIGHT:(P) HEIGHT:(REQUIRED / EXISTING / PROPOSED)10'-0" / 11'-1" / 1'-6"0'-0" / 0'-0" / 0'-0"0'-0" / 61'-8" / 57'-10" 10'-0" / 0'-0" / 0'-0"45'-0"22'-0"22'-0"THIS PROJECT PROPOSES A TENANT IMPROVEMENT (2,170 SF) AND ADDITION (243 SF) TO THE HISTORIC TWO-STORY BUILDING. SCOPE INCLUDES A NEW CIRCULATION SPACE WITH A STAIRWAY, TWO PARKING SPACES AND A RAMP TO A REAR ENTRYAPPLICABLE CODEOWNER:PROJECT DIRECTORYREVEAL CORP675 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 550 SAN JOSE CA 95112408-314-0077 I INFO@REVEALCORP.COMARCHITECT:GKW ARCHITECTS, INC. 710 E. MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109 CAMPBELL, CA 95008408-315-2125 I GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMPUBLIC WORKS & PLAN SITE NOTESCIVIL ENGINEER:LC ENGINEERING598 E SANTA CLARA ST. STE 270 SAN JOSE CA 95112408-806-7187 I NLE@LCENGINEERING.NET1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DUST CONTROL AND INSURING AREA ADJACENT TO WORK IS LEFT IN A CLEANCONDITION.2.UTILIZE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S), AS REQUIRED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, FOR ANYACTIVITY, WHICH DISTURBS SOIL.3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TEST, INSPECTIONS AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS PER CITY OF LOS GATOS.4. OPERABLE SMOKE DETECTORS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO RE-OCCUPY DWELLINGS5. PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FOR METER RELEASE.6. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS SHALL CONFORM TO ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WITHOUT REQUIRING THEEXISTING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UBC, PROVIDED THE ADDITIONALTERATION OR REPAIR CONFORMS TO THAT REQUIRED FOR NE WBUILDING OR STRUCTURE PER UBC SECTION 3403.2.7.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE & LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL NEW UTILITYCONNECTIONS AND/ OR UPGRADE EXISTING AS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS ANDAPPROVALS AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES.8. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY DEMOLITION PERMITS AND APPROVALS INCLUDING ASBESTOS ABATEMENTAS PART OF THE BASE BID9. PER CGBSC 301.1.1 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS UNDERGOING PERMITTED ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR IMPROVEMENTSSHALL REPLACE NONCOMPLIANT PLUMBING FIXTURES WITH WATER-CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES. PLUMBINGFIXTURES REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUNACE OF A CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION, CERTIFICATE OFOCCUPANCY OR FINAL PERMIT APPROVAL BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT.10. PER CGBSC 301.1.1 - WHERE ADDITION OR ALTERATION INCREASED THE BUILDING'S CONDITIONED AREA, VOLUME, ORSIZE, THE REQUIREMENTS OF CALGreen CHAPTER 4 SHALL APPLY ONLY TO AND WITHIN THE SPECIFIC AREA OF THEADDITION OR ALTERATION.1. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PART 1, 6, 10 & 112. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PART 2, 2.5, 3 - 5, 8 - 9, 123. 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE PART 2.54.2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE5. 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE6.2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE7. 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE8. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE9. 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODES10. ALL OTHER STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS11. LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE12.2019 CALIFORNIA HISTORIC BUILDING CODEdd,DEdϳ 1PARK AVENUEWALL TO CENTER OF STREET11' - 8"P.L 120.96'P.L 120.50'P.L26.12'P.L26.08'EMAINSTREETCOOHOHOHOH43OHNor th8927651012345611TYPA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:05:02 PM1/8" = 1'-0"A001Site Plan, Existing& Exterior PhotosSite Plan, Existing & Exterior PhotosBUILDING TO BE RENOVATED PER HISTORICAL GUIDELINESRETAINING WALL METAL BOX TO BE RELOCATEDMINI SPLIT CONDENSER WATER METER TO BE RESURFACEDGAS METER TO BE REPLACED / RELOCATEDELECTRICAL METER TO BE REPLACED / RELOCATEDSTORM WATER DRAINAGE TO REMAINTREE TO BE PROTECTED PER CITY CODEPG&E BOX TO REMAINUTILITY POLE TO REMAIN2TETHER TO BE REMAINCLEAN OUT HYDRANTWATER VALVELEGENDCOLINE LEGEND SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING OUTLINE OVERHEAD LINEOH5KEYNOTES, SITE PLAN, EXISTING6743189TREE PROTECTION NOTES:SEC. 29.10.1005. - PROTECTION OF TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION. (A) PROTECTIVE TREE FENCING SHALL SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING:1. SIZE AND MATERIALS. SIX (6) FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCING, MOUNTED ON TWO-INCH DIAMETER GALVANIZED IRON POSTS, SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST TWO (2) FEET AT NO MORE THAN TEN-FOOT SPACING. FOR PAVING AREA THAT WILL NOT BE DEMOLISHED AND WHEN STIPULATED IN A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN, POSTS MAY BE SUPPORTED BY A CONCRETE BASE. 2. AREA TYPE TO BE FENCED. TYPE I: ENCLOSURE WITH CHAIN LINK FENCING OF EITHER THE ENTIRE DRIPLINE AREA OR AT THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ), WHEN SPECIFIED BY A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST. TYPE II: ENCLOSURE FOR STREET TREES LOCATED IN A PLANTER STRIP: CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANTER STRIP TO THE OUTER BRANCHES. TYPE III: PROTECTION FOR A TREE LOCATED IN A SMALL PLANTER CUTOUT ONLY (SUCH AS DOWNTOWN): ORANGE PLASTIC FENCING SHALL BE WRAPPED AROUND THE TRUNK FROM THE GROUND TO THE FIRST BRANCH WITH TWO-INCH WOODEN BOARDS BOUND SECURELY ON THE OUTSIDE. CAUTION SHALL BE USED TO AVOID DAMAGING ANY BARK OR BRANCHES. 3. DURATION OF TYPE I, II, III FENCING. FENCING SHALL BE ERECTED BEFORE DEMOLITION, GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ARE ISSUED AND REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE WORK IS COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIRST OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ARBORIST ON RECORD PRIOR TO REMOVING A TREE PROTECTION FENCE. 4. WARNING SIGN. EACH TREE FENCE SHALL HAVE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED AN EIGHT AND ONE-HALF-INCH BY ELEVEN-INCH SIGN STATING: "WARNING—TREE PROTECTION ZONE—THIS FENCE SHALL NOT BE REMOVED AND IS SUBJECT TO PENALTY ACCORDING TO TOWN CODE 29.10.1025." (B) ALL PERSONS, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS: 1. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL THE FENCE AT THE DRIPLINE, OR TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) WHEN SPECIFIED IN AN APPROVED ARBORIST REPORT, AROUND ANY TREE AND/OR VEGETATION TO BE RETAINED WHICH COULD BE AFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND PROHIBIT ANY STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR OTHER MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT CLEANING, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN THE TPZ. THE DRIPLINE SHALL NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY SO AS TO INCREASE THE ENCROACHMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 2. PROHIBIT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE TPZ, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: EXCAVATION, GRADING, DRAINAGE AND LEVELING WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF THE TREE UNLESS APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR. 3. PROHIBIT DISPOSAL OR DEPOSITING OF OIL, GASOLINE, CHEMICALS OR OTHER HARMFUL MATERIALS WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF OR IN DRAINAGE CHANNELS, SWALES OR AREAS THAT MAY LEAD TO THE DRIPLINE OF A PROTECTED TREE. 4. PROHIBIT THE ATTACHMENT OF WIRES, SIGNS OR ROPES TO ANY PROTECTED TREE. 5. DESIGN UTILITY SERVICES AND IRRIGATION LINES TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE DRIPLINE WHEN FEASIBLE. 6. RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST WHO SHALL SERVE AS THE PROJECT ARBORIST FOR PERIODIC MONITORING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND THE HEALTH OF THOSE TREES TO BE PRESERVED. THE PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE PRESENT WHENEVER ACTIVITIES OCCUR WHICH MAY POSE A POTENTIAL THREAT TO THE HEALTH OF THE TREES TO BE PRESERVED AND SHALL DOCUMENT ALL SITE VISITS. 7. THE DIRECTOR AND PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DAMAGE THAT OCCURS TO A PROTECTED TREE DURING CONSTRUCTION SO THAT PROPER TREATMENT MAY BE ADMINISTERED. ( ORD. NO. 2240, § I(EXH. B), 6-2-15 ) 10• GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY (E) SITE CONDITIONS• ALL ITEMS IN BLUE TO BE DEMOLISHED0'4'8'16'32'1/8" = 1'-0"1Site Plan, Existing12345611 UPDNWALL TO BE REMOVEDWALL ALTERATIONDETAIL REFERENCENameElevationDATUM REFERENCEX#OR#KEY NOTEBUILDING SECTION#WALL TYPEINTERIOR ELEVATION101ADOOR TYPE1REVISIONA00WINDOW TYPEA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:05:08 PMAs indicatedA002Notes &Demolition PlanNotes & Demolition Plan0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'DEMOLITION / ALTERATION BREAKDOWNFRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)REARRIGHTLEFT%TOTAL374.56368526.84536.181805.586.3WALLS TO BE DEMOLISHED FACING PUBLIC STREET DEMOLITION OF AN HISTORIC STRUCTURE MEANS:•REMOVAL OF MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE (25) PERCENT OF THE WALL AREA FACING A PUBLIC STREET(S) AND/OR FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF ALL EXTERIOR WALL AREA; OR•ENCLOSURE OR ALTERATION OF MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE (25) PERCENT OF THE WALL AREA FACING A PUBLIC STREET AND/OR FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF THE EXTERIOR WALL AREA SO THAT THEY NO LONGER FUNCTION AS EXTERIOR WALLS.•ALL REMAINING EXTERIOR WALL MUST BE CONTIGUOUS. NO NEW EXTERIOR WALL COVERING SHALL BE PERMITTED OVER THE EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL COVERING. THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS FOR REPLACEMENT, REPAIR, OR REMOVAL. PLEASE SEE SECTION 29.10.020 FOR EXCEPTIONS. DEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 374 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 15.57 SFWALL AREA ALTERED = 25.75 SFDEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 368 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 257.22 SFWALL AREA ALTERED = 34.18 SFDEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 526.84 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 31.46 SFWALL AREA ALTERATION = 0 SFDEMOLITION CALC.(E) TOTAL WALL AREA= 536.18 SFWALL AREA REMOVED = 34.77 SFWALL AREA ALTERED = 0 SFWALLREMOVAL (SF)15.5731.4631.4634.77113.261/8" = 1'-0"2Floor Plan, Level 1, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"3Floor Plan, Level 2, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"4Elevation, Front, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"5Elevation, Right, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"6Elevation, Left, Demo1/8" = 1'-0"7Elevation, Rear, Demo1.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS AND MAKE KNOWN ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING THEIR WORK.2.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NATIONAL, CITY, STATE, LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES WHICH MAY BE IN EFFECT. ALL MATERIALS, INSTALLATION PROCEDURES AND PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY ALL APPLICABLE CODE ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION, AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR;S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FOR THE WORK.3.THESE DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN A NEGOTIATED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND THEREFORE, MAY NOT SPECIFICALLY DETAIL OR SPECIFY MATERIAL AND / OR MANUFACTURERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL SAMPLES AND OR CUTS AS REQUIRED TO ASSIST OWNER OR HIS AGENT IN MAKING MATERIAL SELECTIONS. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTIMATING, THE CONTRACTORS SHALL USE THE MATERIALS SELECTED BY THE OWNER, OR IN ABSENCE OF SAME. SHALL PROVIDE AN ALLOWANCE AMOUNT AND SO CONDITION ANY COST ESTIMATE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN SUCH ESTIMATE.4.NO GUARANTEE OF QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION IS IMPLIED OR INTENDED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS, AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OR ALL CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES.5.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND THE ARCHITECT FROM ANY ACTION INITIATED BY THE OWNER OR ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES, MODIFICATIONS OR SUCH CONDITIONS WHICH MAY BE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE ARCHITECT.6.ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH AND RECORD THE CONDITIONS OF ALL EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING PAVED AREAS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE KNOWN ALL EXISTING DAMAGED OR DISREPAIR ITEMS AND CONDITIONS THAT MAY WORSEN DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION. ALL ITEMS IN GOOD CONDITION SHALL BE MAINTAIN IN THEIR PRESENT CONDITION AND ANY REPAIR OR DAMAGE WHICH OCCURS DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7.CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY EXAMINE THE SITE AND SATISFY HIM OR HERSELF AS OF THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AT THE SITE ALL MEASUREMENTS AFFECTING HIS OR HER WORK AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF SAME. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE EXPENSES DUE TO HIS OR HER NEGLECT TO EXAMINE OR FAILURE TO DISCOVER CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT HIS OR HER WORK.8.ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ARCHITECTURAL, FIRE PROTECTION AND LIGHTING DRAWINGS APPLYING TO THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FABRICATION APPROVAL.9.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ALL INVOLVED PARTIES AND PREPARE SHOP DRAWINGS.10. ALL NEW INTERIOR PAINT COLOR, FLOOR, WALLS AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWNER AT THE TIME WHEN IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT.11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE WORK OR TO MAKE ITS PARTS FIT TOGETHER PROPERLY WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE QUALITY OF THE WORK.12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATE BRACING, SHORING, AND PROTECTING ALL WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION, AGAINST DAMAGE, BREAKAGE, COLLAPSE, DISTORTIONS, AND OFF ALIGNMENTS ACCORDING TO CODES AND STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICE.13. ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST ADOPTED CITY STANDARDS. THE STORING OF GOOD AND MATERIALS ON SIDEWALK AND/ OR STREET SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR HAS APPLIED AND SECURED A SPECIAL PERMIT WHICH ALLOW SUCH STORAGE TO BE PLACED.14. OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS: THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF GKW ARCHITECTS --GORDON WONG, ARCHITECT, THE DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE EXCEPT AS APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT.15. LIMITATION OF THE WORK: THE LIMITS OF THE WORK ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING TRADESMEN WITH THESE LIMITS.16. PIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT A SANITARY SEWER HOOKUP PERMIT (OR CLEARANCE LETTER) MUST BE OBTAINED AND A COPY OF THE PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. AABVACADADDLAFFASPHBBITUMBKGBLDGBMBRBURBDRBWCCABCBCEMCFCJCLCTLCLGCONCCPTDDDRE(E)EELECEPEXTFFDNFHFINFFFLFLUORFOCFOFFOSFRFSFSLFTGFURRABOVEASPHALT CONCRETEAREA DRAINADDITIONALABOVE FINISH FLOORASPHALTBITUMINOUSBACKINGBUILDINGBEAMBACKER RODBUILT-UP-ROOFBEDROOMBOTTOM OF WALLCABINETCATCH BASINCEMENTCUBIC FEETCONTROL JOINTCLOSETCENTERLINECEILINGCONCRETECARPETDECKDRAINEXISTINGEASTELECTRICALELECTRICAL PANELEXTERIORFOUNDATIONFIRE HYDRANTFINISHFINISH FLOORFLOW LINEFLUORESCENTFACE OF CONCRETEFACE OF FINISHFACE OF STUDFIRE RATEDFLOOR SINKFIRE SPRINKLERFOOTINGFURRINGGGALVGCGLGNDGWBGYPHHDBDHDRHDWRHDWDHTRHVACIININCANDINSULINTINVJJSTJTKKKITKPLLOCLTMMBMDFMECHMEMBMETMHMSCMTDMTLGALVANIZEDGENERAL CONTRACTORGLASSGROUNDGYPSUM WALL BOARDGYSUMHARDBOARDHEADERHARDWAREHARDWOODHEATERHEATING, VENT. & A.C.INCHINCANDESCENTINSULATIONINTERIORINVERTJOISTJOINTKIPSKITCHENKICK PLATELOCATIONLIGHTMACHINE BOLTMEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARDMECHANICALMEMBRANEMETALMANHOLEMISCELLANEOUSMOUNTEDMETALN(N)NNICNOMNPNRNTSOOAOCODOFCIOFOIP(P)PENNPERFPERPPLPLPLASPLBGPLWDPNLPOCPPPREFABPSFPSIPTDPTRPTRWDQQQTYRRRADRCPRDREFREFLREFRRETREGRONEWNORTHNOT IN CONTRACTNOMINALNO PARKINGNON-RATEDNOT TO SCALEOVERALLON CENTEROUTSIDE DIAMETER/ DIMENSIONOWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLEDOWNER FURNISHED OWNER INSTALLPROPOSEDPENETRATIONPERFORATEDPERPENDICULARPLATEPROPERTY LINEPLASTERPLUMBINGPLYWOODPANELPOINT OF CONNECTIONPERMEABLE PAVERSPREFABRICATEDPOUNDS PER SQUARE FOOTPOUNDS PER SQUARE INCHPAINTEDPRESSURE TREATEDPRESSURE TREATED WOODQUANTITYREVEAL OR RISERRADIUSREINFORCED CONCRETE PIPEROOF DRAINREFERENCEREFLECTEDREFRIGERATORRETAINING OR RETARDANTREGISTERROUGH OPENINGABBREVIATIONSSSCDSCHDSDSECTSEDSFSHRSHTSHTGSIMSJSLSLDSMSMDSOFSOGSPDSPEC/SSQSSSSDSTCSTDSTLSTORSTRLSYTT&BT&GTCTOCTOPTOSTRDTWUULUTILVVCPVERTVTRWWWCWDWDWW/OWPWPTWRSEE CIVIL DRAWINGS SCHEDULESTORM DRAINSECTIONSEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGSSQUARE FOOT OR FEETSHOWERSHEETSHEATHINGSIMILARSEISMIC JOINTSEALANTSEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGSSHEET METALSEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGSSOFFITSLAB ON GRADESEE PLUMBING DRAWINGSSPECIFICATIONSQUARESANITARY SEWERSEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSSOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTSTANDARDSTEELSTORAGESTRUCTURALSQUARE YARDTOP AND BOTTOMTONGUE AND GROOVETOP OF CURBTOP OF CONCRETETOP OF PAVINGTOP OF STEELTREADTOP OF WALLUNDERWRITERS LABORATORIESUTILITIESVITREOUS CLAY PIPEVERTICALVENT THROUGH ROOFWEST OR WIDTHWATER CLOSETWOODWINDOWWITHOUTWATER PROOFWORKING POINTWATER RESISTANTGRAPHIC SYMBOLSGENERAL NOTESLOT AREA & IMPERVIOUS AREAGROSS LOT AREANET LOT AREA(E) IMPERVIOUS AREA(P) IMPERVIOUS AREATOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA CREATED3,132.96 SF2,870.72 SF1,173 SF2,340 SF1,167 SFPROPERTY LINEIMPERVIOUS AREASTREET DEDICATION(E) (P)FRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)REARRIGHTLEFTTOTAL374.56368526.84536.181805.58%15.7WALL ALTERATION (SF)25.75257.2200282.97FRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)RIGHTTOTAL374.56526.84901.4WALLREMOVAL (SF)15.5731.4647.03%5.2REMOVAL ALL WALL AREA6.3% < 50% = NOT DEMOLITIONREMOVAL WALL AREAFACING PUBLIC STREET5.2% < 25% = NOT DEMOLITIONALTERATION ALL WALL AREA15.7% < 50% = NOT DEMOLITIONALTERATION WALL AREA FACING PUBLIC STREET2.9% < 25% = NOT DEMOLITIONWALLS TO BE DEMOLISHED FACING PUBLIC STREET FRONTTOTAL WALL SURFACE (SF)RIGHTTOTAL374.56526.84901.4WALLREMOVAL (SF)25.75025.75%2.9LEGEND PARK AVENUEEMAIN STREET Nor th21/23 W MAIN ST35, 45, & 55 W MAIN ST65 W MAIN ST81 W MAIN ST14 W MAIN ST50 W MAIN ST78 W MAIN ST88 & 98 W MAIN STFREEWAY 17U NI VE R S I TY AV E FREEWAY 17LUNDYLNPROJECT LOCATION101 W MAIN ST109 W MAIN STA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:05:25 PM1" = 30'-0"A003Adjacent BuildingPlan & ShadowStudyAdjacent Building Plan & Shadow StudyADJACENT PROPERTIES:• 21 W MAIN ST.• 23 W MAIN ST.• 35 W MAIN ST.• 45 W MAIN ST.• 55 W MAIN ST.CRAFTBOX (RETAIL)TANGLES (HAIR SALON)SPICED ARTISAN NUTS (FOOD SUPPLIER)MANAZ, JOHNSON VALLEY CA (RETAIL)ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE (RETAIL)PROPOSED PROJECT PROPERTY:• 25 W MAIN ST.MIXED-USE (RETAIL & OFFICE)ADDRESSNAMEM- MERCANTILEB- BUSINESSB- BUSINESSM- MERCANTILEM- MERCANTILEUSE• 65 W MAIN ST.• 81 W MAIN ST.• 14 W MAIN ST.• 50 W MAIN ST.• 78 W MAIN ST.• 88 W MAIN ST.• 98 W MAIN ST.NIMBUS SALON (HAIR SALON)ZONA ROSA (RESTAURANT)14 WEST MAIN APARTMENTS (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL)ICING ON THE CAKE (BAKERY)BOUTIQUE LA LUNE (RETAIL)PALAPA LOUNGE BEACHWEAR (RETAIL)OPTIQUE AMERICA (RETAIL)ADDRESSNAMEB- BUSINESSA-2- ASSEMBLYR-2- RESIDENTIALB- BUSINESSM- MERCANTILEM- MERCANTILEM- MERCANTILEUSE1" = 30'-0"7Adjacent Building Plan, Proposed6Shadow Study Summer Solstice 3PM4Shadow Study Summer Solstice 9AM5Shadow Study Summer Solstice 12PM1Shadow Study Winter Solstice 9AM2Shadow Study Winter Solstice 12PM3Shadow Study Winter Solstice 3PM 18601080 SF1OLOLFFEXIT #1191.8 36EXIT #2191.8 36COMMON PATH OF EGRESS68'-5"BUSINESS/RETAIL48'-4"A1CBA2BA1BCA1BF####### SF#OLOLFOCCUPANT LOAD ROOM REF. NUMBERAPPROXIMATE AREAOCCUPANCY LOAD FACTOROCCUPANCY LOADEGRESS LENGTHFIRE EXTINGUISHER##'-##"####EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED# OF OCCUPANTSPROVIDED EXIT WIDTHEXIT #REQUIRED EXIT WIDTHFFOFFICE/LOUNGE55'-1"COMMON PATH OF EGRESS48'-5"EXIT #3181.6 3681501080 SF1OLOLFFA1BPARK AVENUEE MAIN STREETNor th10' - 0"10' - 0"9 '-7 "1 0 '-5 "123R22'-0"R42'-0"OH,TEATHEREXITA1TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE LOCATED AT ALL EXTERIOR EXIT DOORS3/4" RAISED WHITE SANS SERIF LETTERS ON 1/8" CLR. ACRYLIC W/ 4 SCREWS AS SHOWN TYP.1" TYPMIN. 6"VERIFYBRAILLE SYMBOLS CORRESPONDING TO SIGNS WRITTEN DIRECTIVE, TYP.::::::::1" TYPEXIT ROUTETACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE LOCATED AT INTERIOR DOORS THAT EXIT INTO CORRIDORS::::::::1" TYPVERIFY1" TYPVERIFYA2BTHIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN THIS SPACE IS OCCUPIED.SIGN TO FOLLOW PER CBC 1010.1.9.4 LOCKS AND LATCHES: (2) A READILY VISIBLE DURABLE SIGN IS POSTED ON THE EGRESS SIDE ON OR ADJACENT TO THE DOOR STATING: THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. THE SIGN SHALL BE IN LETTERS 1 INCH HIGH ON A CONTRASTING BACKGROUND.1"-0"INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY (ISA)COMPLY WITH CBC FIGURE 11B-703.7.2.1THE SYMBOL SHALL CONSIST OF WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE COLOR BLUE SHALL APPROXIMATE FS 15090 IN FEDERAL STANDARD 595C (CBC SEC. 11B-703.7.2.1).C[CBC11B-703.4.1]60" MAX TO THE BASE LINE OF THE HIGHEST LINE OF RAISED CHARACTERS.........[CBC 11B-703.4.1]48" MIN TO THE BASELINE OF THE LOWEST BRAILLE CELLSUNISEXA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:05:35 PMAs indicatedA004Fire, Egress &Occupancy LoadAnalysisFire, Egress & Occupancy Load Analysis1/8" = 1'-0"1Occupancy Load Diagram, Level 10'4'8'16'32'OCCUPANT LOAD, EGRESS, & LIFE SAFETYPER CBC TABLE 1004.5MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOWANCES PER OCCUPANTFUNCTION OF SPACEOLF(SF/PERSON)MERCANTILE60 GROSSFLOOR AREA/ OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR = # OF TOTAL OCCUPANTSLEVEL 1, MERCANTILE= 1080 SF/ 60= 18 LEVEL 2, BUSINESS= 1080 SF/ 150= 8 TOTAL=26 OCCUPANTSPER CBC SECTION 1005.3.2 MEAN OF EGRESS OTHER THAN STAIRWAYS:EXIT # 1EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED = OCCUPANTS X 0.2"9 x 0.2" = 1.8"EXIT PROVIDED 36" > 1.8" = OKAYEXIT # 2EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED = OCCUPANTS X 0.2"9 x 0.2" = 1.8"EXIT PROVIDED 36" > 1.8" = OKAYPER CBC SECTION 1006.2.1 EGRESS BASED ON OCCUPANT LOAD AND COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE:TWO EXITS OR EXIT ACCESS DOORWAYS FROM ANY SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE DESIGN OCCUPANT LOAD OR THE COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL WHEN DISTANCE EXCEEDS THE VALUES LISTED IN TABLE 1006.2.1RETAIL UNIT (GROUP M) : MAXIMUM COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE 70' < 75' = 1 EXIT DOORWAY REQUIREDOFFICE/LOUNGE (B): MAXIMUM COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE 59' < 100' WITH SPRINKLER SYSTEM = 1 EXIT DOORWAY REQUIREDPER CBC SECTION 1010.1.2.1 DIRECTION OF SWING:PIVOT OR SIDE-HINGED SWINGING DOORS SHALL SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF EGRESS TRAVEL WHERE SERVING A ROOM OR AREA CONTAINING AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE PERSONS OR A GROUP H OCCUPANCY.RETAIL UNIT OCCUPANT LOAD: 19 < 50 = OKAYOFFICE/LOUNGE OCCUPANT LOAD: 8 < 50 = OKAYPER CBC SECTION 1013 EXIT SIGNS:WHERE REQUIRED. EXITS AND EXIT ACCESS DOORS SHALL BE MARKED BY AN APPROVED EXIT SIGN READILY VISIBLE FROM, ANY DIRECTION OF EGRESS TRAVEL. THE PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL TO EXITS AND WITHIN EXITS SHALL BE MARKED BY READILY VISIBLE EXIT SIGNS TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE DIRECTION OF EGRESS TRAVEL IN CASES WHERE THE EXIT OR THE PATH OF EGRESS IS NOT IMMEDIATELY VISIBLE TO THE OCCUPANTS. INTERVENING MEANS OF EGRESS DOORS WITHIN EXITS SHALL B ESUCH THAT NO POINT IN AN EXIT ACCESS CORRIDOR OR EXIT PASSAGEWAY IS MORE THAN 100 FEET OR THE LISTED VIEWING DISTANCE FOR THE SIGN, WHICHEVER IS LESS, FROM THE NEAREST VISIBLE EXIT SIGN.LEGEND1/8" = 1'-0"2Occupancy Load Diagram, Level 2PER CBC SECTION 1006.3.3 SINGLE EXIT:A SINGLE EXIT OR ACCESS TO A SINGLE EXIT SHALL BE PERMITTED FROM ANY STORY OR OCCUPIED ROOF WHERE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXISTS:1. THE OCCUPANT LOAD, NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS AND COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL DISTANCE DO NOT EXCEED THE VALUES IN TABLE 1006.3.3(2).BUSINESS: MAX. COMMON PATH OF EGRESS, SECOND STORY = 75'(P) COMMON PATH OF EGRESS, SECOND STORY = 48'-5", OKAY0'4'8'16'32'20 FT WIDE FIRE APPARATUS DRIVEMINIMUM FIRE APPARATUS OUTSIDE TURNING RADIUS IS 42 FTFIRE APPARATUS CROSSES OVER CENTERLINE OF MAIN ST BY 6'-7" TO MEET MINIMUM OUTSIDE TURNING RADIUS OF 42 FTFIRE ANALYSIS KEYNOTES123HEIGHT & AREA CALCS.MSPRINKLER / AREA INCREASESCONSTRUCTION TYPETYPE VBALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT & STORIES IN FEET ABOVE GRADE PLANE [CBC TABLE 504.4]OCC.CLASSALLOWABLE HEIGHT60 FTMSPRINKLER / HEIGHT INCREASEUSSCONSTRUCTION TYPETYPE VBTYPE VBALLOWABLE AREA DETERMINATION (FACTOR IN SQ. FT) [CBC TABLE 506.2]OCC.CLASSALLOWABLE AREA (SF)27,000 SF16,500 SFALLOWABLE STORIES2CBC 504.2 MIXED OCCUPANCYIN A BUILDING CONTAINING MIXED OCCUPANCIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 508, NO INDIVIDUAL OCCUPANCY SHALL EXCEED THE HEIGHT AND NUMBER OF STORY LIMITS SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION (SEE TABLE BELOW) FOR THE APPICABLE OCCUPANCIESX<5TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION5 < X < 1010 < X < 30ALLIA, OTHERSIA, IB IIB, VB OTHERSOCCUPANY GROUPA, B, E, F-2, I, R, S-2, U11, 1101FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS FOR EXTERIOR WALLS BASED ON FIRE SEPARATION [CBC TABLE 602]FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCEALLX > 300THE DISTANCE MEASURED FROM THE BUILDING FACE TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:1. THE CLOSEST INTERIOR LOT LINE2. TO THE CENTERLINE OF A STREET3. TO AN IMAGINARY LINE BETWEEN TWO BUILDINGS ON THE LOTOCCUPANY GROUPM22, 110100-3,600FIRE FLOW(GPM)3,601-4,8001,5001,750FIRE DURATION HOURS2TABLE B105.1(2) FIRE FLOW CALCULATION AREA (SQUARE FEET)TYPE V-BFIRE FLOW CALCULATIONCFC 507.3 FIRE FLOWFIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING OR PORTIONS OF BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY AN APPROVED METHOD OR APPENDIX B.NO SPRINKLERMINIMUM FIRE FLOW (GPM)NFPA 13VALUE25% OF THE VALUEATABLE B105.2 REQUIRED FIRE FLOW FOR BUILDINGS OTHER THAN 1 & 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS, GROUP R-3 & R-4 BUILDINGS AND TOWNHOUSESAUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM NFPA 13R25% OF THE VALUEBMINIMUM FIRE FLOW (GPM)DURATIONDURATION @ REDUCED FLOW RATEDURATION @ REDUCED FLOW RATENOTE:REFER FIRE FLOW VALUES AND DURATION IN TABLE B105.1(2)A. THE REDUCED FIRE FLOW SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1,000 GPMB. THE REDUCED FIRE FLOW SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1,500 GPMREQUIRED FIRE FLOW(P) FLOOR AREA: 2,286 SFAUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM: NFPA 13REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: 0.25 X 1,500 = 375 GPM, SHALL NOT BE LESS 1,000 GPM (REQUIRED)FIRE FLOW PROVIDED:1,000 GPM PER SJWLEGENDHYDRANTPROPERTY LINE BUILDING OUTLINE FIRE APPARATUSU S TYPE VB 60 FT 2B S TYPE VB 60 FT 3B S TYPE VB 27,000 SF1 HOURTYPE OF ASSEMBLYCBC TABLE 716.1(2) OPENING FIRE PROTECTION ASSEMBLIES, RATINGS AND MARKINGSREQ,D WALL RATINGMIN FIRE DOOR & FIRE SHUTTER ASSEMBLY RATING3/4 HOURDOOR VISION PANEL SIZEMAX SIZE TESTEDEXTERIOR WALLS1 HOUR 1 HOUR100 SQ. IN.FIRE BARRIERS / SHAFT ENCLOSURES0'4'8'16'32'FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE-FSDMINIMUM DISTANCE OF PROJECTION [CBC TABLE 705.2]0'-0"MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM FSD LINEPROJECTIONS NOT PERMITTEDPROPOSED PROJECTION0"3'-1"24 INCHES0'-2"PROPOSED DISTANCE FROM FSD LINE0'-0"2'-11"1/8" = 1'-0"3Fire Analysis, ProposedBUSINESS 150 GROSSEXIT # 3EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED = OCCUPANTS X 0.2"8 x 0.2" = 1.6"EXIT PROVIDED 36" > 1.6" = OKAYTHE MOST REMOTE POINT TO THE NEAREST EXIT, LEVEL 1 = 48'-4" < 250', OKAYTHE MOST REMOTE POINT TO THE NEAREST EXIT, LEVEL 2 = 55'-1" < 300', OKAYEXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCEMAXIMUM EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE, PER CBC TABLE 1017.2 OCCUPANCYB200 FTMAX. EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCEWITHOUT SPRINKLER SYSTEM300 FTMAX. EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCEWITH SPRINKLER SYSTEMM 200 FT 250 FT12" = 1'-0"5Tactile Exit Signage12" = 1'-0"4Door Sign, Lock & Latche12" = 1'-0"6International Symbol of Access1/2" = 1'-0"8Bathroom Door Symbol W MAIN STGrade/1st F.F.0'-0"14 W MAIN ST25 W MAIN ST24' - 7"21' - 11"PARK AVENUE21 W MAIN STGrade/1st F.F.0'-0"25 W MAIN ST35 W MAIN ST 65 W MAIN ST 81 W MAIN STFREEWAY 17 UNDER BRIDGE21' - 11"32' - 8"24' - 8"20' - 0"LUNDY LNGrade/1st F.F.0'-0"88 & 98 W MAIN ST14 W MAIN ST78 W MAIN ST 50 W MAIN STUNIVERSITY AVEFREEWAY 17 UNDER BRIDGE25' - 0"16' - 0"25' - 0"16' - 0"TOP DIAMETER OF0.45 " -0.47"BASE DIAMETER OF0.9"-0.92"0.2"DOME SIZE AND SPACING. TRUNCATED DOMES SHALL HAVE A DIAMETER OF 0.9 INCH (23 MM) AT THE BOTTOM, A DIAMETER OF 0.4 INCH (10MM) AT TOP, A HEIGHT OF 0.2 INCH (5 MM) AND A CENTER-TO-CENTERSPACING OF 2.35 INCHES (60 MM) MEASURED ALONG ONE SIDE OF A SQUARE ARRANGEMENT. APPLY AT CURB CUTS WITH SLOPES BETWEEN 5.0 % AND 6.67% AND WHERE NOTED.TRUNCATED DOMES SHALL BE IN A YELLOW COLOR INTEGRAL TO SURFACE -CONFORMING TO FS33538 OF FEDERAL STANDARD 595C.SECTION OF DOME FOR A DETECTABLE WARNING. DRAWING SHOWS HEIGHT, TOP, AND BOTTOM DIMENSIONS..1'-0"RAMP1/4"1/4"3/4"NOTE: GROOVED BORDER MUST BE ON THE LEVEL SURFACE AT THE TOP OF THE RAMP2.3" - 2.4"2.3" - 2.4"NOTE:RISERS SHALL BE SOLID AND SLOPED OR UNDERSIDE OF THE NOSING SHALL HAVE AN ANGLE NOT LESS THAN 60 DEGREES FROM THE HORIZONTAL.THE STRIP SHALL BE OF A MATERIAL THAT IS AT LEAST AS SLIP RESISTANT AS THE OTHER TREADS OF THE STAIR.A PAINTED STRIP SHALL BE ACCEPTABLE AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF THE STEP. 11A005BLUE PAINTED BORDERLINE PER CBC 11B-502.3.3 STRIPES AT 36" MAX O.C. PAINTED IN A COLOR CONTRASTING WITH THE AISLE SURFACE, PREFERABLY WHITE OR BLUE, PER CBC 11B-502.3.3INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY STALL EMBLEM WHITE SYMBOL ON A 36" x 36" BLUE BACKGROUND ALIGNED TO THE END OF PARKING SPACE LENGTH PER CBC 11B-502.3.3WHEEL STOPACCESS AISLEACCESSIBILITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN TO BE CENTERED AT THE INTERIOR END OF PARKING SPACE PER CBC 11B-502.6THE WORD "NO PARKING" SHALL BE PRINTED ON THE GROUND WITHIN EACH 5-FT. (or 8ft). THIS NOTICE SHALL BE PAINTED IN WHITE LETTERS NO LESS THAN 12 IN. HIGH LETTERS AND LOCATED SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE TO TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS. PER 2019 CBC 11B-502.3.3 4' - 3" 18' - 0"8' - 0"9' - 0"1' - 4"8' - 0"10"1" / 12"7' - 0"6" 3' - 3" 6"5' - 0" 8' - 0" 5' - 0"BUILDING3' - 0"1' - 0"3' - 0"1" / 12"10' - 0"12"12"12"12"12"12"MIN1'-0"6'-3"1'-6"2'-6"6"3'-0"10"10'-0"5'-0"A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 6:15:57 PMAs indicatedA005Adjacent Building,StreetscapeElevations,AccessibilityAdjacent Building, Streetscape Elevations, Accessibility1/16" = 1'-0"1Streetscape, Park Ave.1/16" = 1'-0"2Streetscape, W Main St. Looking South1/16" = 1'-0"3Streetscape, W Main St. Looking North12" = 1'-0"4Truncated Domes.1/8" = 1'-0"5Grooved Border6" = 1'-0"8Stairs1/4" = 1'-0"10ADA VAN Parking1/4" = 1'-0"11Section, Ramp 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϭ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&Ϯ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϯ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϰ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϱ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϲ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϳ 'Z/E'EZ/E'W>E^Ϯϱt^dD/E^dZdWZ<^EWh>/tKZ<^WZdDEddKtEK&>K^'dK^'Z/E'WZD/dWW>/d/KEEK͘Zs/^/KE^ zdWZK:dEK͗͘^>͗E'Z͗,<͗ZtE͗^/'E͗d͗ ϬϲͬϯϬͬϮϬϮϮEE>E>Eϴ^,dK&ϴ UPDN15'-8"215(E) RETAIL SPACE(E) BREAK ROOM47' - 0"5' - 9"12' - 3"9' - 11"15' - 0"4' - 1"4'-0"AD25' - 9"FLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 & 2 EXISTING, LEGEND(E) DOOR TO BE DEMOLISHED(E) WINDOW TO BE DEMOLISHED(E) WALL TO BE DEMOLISHEDCOVERED PATIO TO BE DEMOLISHEDSTORAGE AREA TO BE DEMOLISHED 126B2'-11"10'-0"8'-7"3'-4"8'-0"NOTES:EXISTING WALLS ARE NOT IN STRAIGHT ALIGNMENT TO GRIDLINE.EXISTING WALLS MUST BE VERIFIED ON SITE.FLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 & 2 EXISTING, KEYNOTES3'-6" 8'-5"12'-2"43221' - 9"4' - 0"1' - 9"4' - 9"3' - 11"7' - 4"6' - 1"2' - 1"16' - 0"10' - 7"11' - 1"5' - 3"2' - 1"2' - 0"10' - 9"4' - 0"7' - 0"10'-9"41'-10"21'-6"3'-0"14'-6"10'-8"1547' - 0"11'-8"18' - 0"9' - 11"15' - 0"4' - 1"2'-11"(E) BEDROOM(E) BEDROOM(E) CL(E) CL(E) CL(E) CL(E) CL(E) BEDROOM (E) BEDROOM(E) BEDROOM(E) BEDROOM13'-2"4'-0"3'-3"AD25' - 9"63'-5"2'-11"5'-9"3'-7"9'-1"439'-1"12'-0"13'-0"17'-11"9' - 4"7' - 4"9' - 2"19' - 2"3' - 10"3' - 10"16' - 1"19' - 7"3' - 6"3' - 6"16' - 5"6' - 10"12' - 6"6' - 5"13'-1"11'-7"5'-6"12'-5"A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:05:44 PM1/4" = 1'-0"A100Floor Plan,ExistingFloor Plan, Existing1/4" = 1'-0"1Floor Plan, Level 1, Existing1/4" = 1'-0"2Floor Plan, Level 2, Existing0'2'4'8'16'0'2'4'8'16' 152A300(E) RETAIL SPACE(P) ENTRY STAIRWELL4A300ACD25' - 9"10' - 9"15' - 0"18' - 0"9' - 11"15' - 0"8' - 4"743WH12'-5" 6'-0" 6'-0"UA5'-4"2' - 5"23' - 4"5'-6"D4D4D1D1D151'-3"542135'-4"15' - 11"10' - 7"11' - 1"7' - 2"4' - 1"2' - 4"R3' -0"3D3W3W4W4W5D2D17' - 9" 1' - 0"1' - 0"N2E1E127'-8"6'-8"7'-8"9'-2"4'-5"32'-4"7'-3"6'-7"11'-11"8'-7"15'-8"6'-9"2' - 3"4' - 3"1' - 10"2' - 1"4' - 11"3' - 6"6' - 11"42'-11"8'-4"152A300(P) STAIRWELL4A300ACD18' - 0"9' - 11"15' - 0"8' - 4"10' - 9"15' - 0"25' - 9"743D0OFFICEOPEN AREA LOUNGE/KITCHENCONFERENCEBATHROOM1/2 BATH3'-10"D2D2D2W251' - 3"16'-4"3'-0" 5'-0" 2'-1"7'-4" 8'-7"33'-9"19' - 2"3' - 10"3' - 10"24' - 5"19' - 7"3' - 6"3' - 6"16' - 5"6' - 10"3' - 11"2' - 1"12' - 11"11'-6"29'-2"8'-9"W1W1W1W16'-6"12'-3"D23'-8"4'-3"8'-9"12'-0"N3N110'-9"15'-0"8'-7"2'-0"1'-6"CONCRETE STEPSFIRE RISER1 GARBAGE, 1 RECYCLING & COMPOST (95 GALLON)FLOOR PLAN, LEVEL 1 PROPOSED, LEGEND(P) NEW CONSTRUCTION DOOR(P) NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOW(P) UNDER FLOOR ACCESS 30"x30"FLOOR PLAN, KEYNOTES12345UA(P) 1-HR FIRE RATED WALLGAS WATER TANK (CRAWL SPACE)PONY WALL(E) SIDING TO REMAIN(E) SHEATHING TO REMAIN(E) WOOD STUDS TO REMAIN(E) INSULATION TO REMAIN(E) 1/2" TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD TO REMAIN(P) 5/8" TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD TO BE ADDED(A) EXTERIOR FINISH1. WOOD SIDING(B) W.P. MEMBRANE1. GRADE "D" BLDG. PAPER (2 LAYERS)(C) SHEATHING1. 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD2. 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD(D) FRAMING1. 2X6 STUDS2. 2X4 STUDS(E) INSULATION1. WALL INSULATION(F) DRYWALL1. 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD.A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:31:46 PMAs indicatedA101Architectural,Floor Plan,ProposedArchitectural, Floor Plan, Proposed1/4" = 1'-0"1Floor Plan, Level 1, Proposed1/4" = 1'-0"2Floor Plan, Level 2, Proposed0'2'4'8'16'0'2'4'8'16'(P) Window ScheduleWindowNumberCount Window Type Width Height Sill Height Tempered.W1 4 Single Hung 2' - 6" 4' - 5" 1' - 11"W2 1 Fixed 7' - 0" 3' - 6" 3' - 2" YESW3 1 Store Front Glass 2' - 9 1/2" 7' - 0" 1' - 5 1/2"W4 2 Store Front Glass 3' - 2" 7' - 0" 1' - 5 1/2"W5 1 Store Front Glass 3' - 0" 1' - 11 1/2" 6' - 7 1/2"(P) Door ScheduleDoor Number Count Door Type Width HeightD0 1 Interior Door Opening 3' - 0" 6' - 8"D1 4 Exterior Storefront, Single 3' - 0" 6' - 8"D2 5 Interior Single Flush 3' - 0" 6' - 8"D3 1 Exterior Single Flush 3' - 0" 6' - 8"D4 2 Interior Single Flush 3' - 0" 6' - 8"1" = 1'-0"3Exterior Fire Rated Wall, Adjacent toNeighborE1(A1,B1,C1,D1,E1,F1)WALL TYPES:WALL ASSEMBLY:WALL TYPES:WALL ASSEMBLY:N1(C2,D2,C2)N2(C1,D2,C1)N3(C1,D1,C1)NTS4Wall Assembly A1024Sim6'-7"ø5' -0"ø5'-0"ø5'-0"ø5'-0"A1025SimA10211A112A2SINK CLR. 48" X 30"TOILET CLR. 56" X 60"6'-8"1'-10"5'-5"6'-8"7'-4"48" MINA10215B1SINK CLR. 48"X30"TOILET CLR. 56"X60"3SHOWER COMPARTMENTCLR. 30"413B23'-4"5'-0" MIN2'-6" MIN6'-1"8'-7"8'-9"16"-18"42" MIN12" MINBACK LIT MIRROR -(ONE PER SINK)SOLID SURFACE / GRANITE PER FINISH SCHEDULE ON 3/4" PLYWOOD -PROVIDE 1/8"/2' SLOPE TO FRONT COUNTER EDGEWALL TILE ACCENTSOLID SURF. W/ INT. EDGE (3/4" x 3" HT. NOSING @ COUNTER FRONT)2 1/2" x 3" x 1/2" STEEL ANGLE, TYP.2" x 3" x 3/16" ANGLE SUPPORT @ MID SPAN WELDED TO THE STEEL ANGLE @ COUNTER FRONTINSULATE ALL HOT WATER LINES AND DRAINS W/ INSULATED PLASTIC COVERSWALL TILE TO RUN CONTINUOUS TO BOTTOM OF COUNTER5" x 4" x 1/4" PL FILL IN FLUSH TO GWB CUT TILE TIGHT TO TUBE24" MIN.34" MAX A.F.F.KNEE AND TOE CLEARANCE -SEE SHEET 40" MAX TO REFLECTIVE SURFACE116"-18"5" 36" MIN24" MIN34" MAX40" MAX105"17"-19"54" MIN42" MIN 12" MIN33"-36"7"-9"15" MIN48" MAX105"280" MIN48" MINCLEARANCE21"6" MAX33"-36"8'-4"5" MAX448" MAX27" MAXA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 6:13:23 PMAs indicatedA102Architectural,Accessible DetailsArchitectural, Accessible DetailsADA PLAN LEGENDCLEARANCE NOTES:A. 28" CLR. BETWEEN LAVATORY AND EDGE OF WATER CLOSET TANK LID WHEN TANK WATER CLOSET OCCURS.B. 28" MIN. CLR. TO EDGE OF BOWL WHEN FLUSH VALVE WATER CLOSET OCCURS. (28" MIN. CLR. BETWEEN LAVATORY TO FURTHEST PROTRUDING EDGE OF WATER CLOSET, TYPICAL.)C.48" MIN. WHEN FRONT ENTRY DOOR OR 60" MINIMUM WHEN SIDE ENTRY DOOR0'4'8'16'32'1/8" = 1'-0"1ADA Plan, Level 1ACCESSIBLE PATH1/8" = 1'-0"2ADA Plan, Level 20'4'8'16'32'1/2" = 1'-0"4ADA Bathroom Plan, Level 11/2" = 1'-0"5ADA Bathroom, Level 21" = 1'-0"6Lavatory Counter1/2" = 1'-0"11A11/2" = 1'-0"12A21/2" = 1'-0"15B1ADA BATHROOM KEYNOTES1MIRRORTOILET PAPER DISPENSERNON-PERMANENT SEAT PER ADA 610 SEATSCONTROL PANEL21/2" = 1'-0"13B234 1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"(D)(R)(D)(R)22' - 0"8' - 9" 1' - 1" 5' - 1" 7' - 1"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"13Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"(P)(R)(P)(R)22' - 0"8' - 9" 1' - 1" 5' - 1" 7' - 1"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"(D)(D)(D)Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"31Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"(P)22' - 0"(P)A005111st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"(R)(R)(R)1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"23(R)(R)(R)Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"122' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"(D)(D)Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"(P)1Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"27' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"(P)22' - 0"3A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:16:08 PM1/8" = 1'-0"A200Elevations,Existing &ProposedElevations, Existing & Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"1Elevation, Front, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"3Elevation, Front, Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"2Elevation, Rear, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"4Elevation, Rear, Proposed0'4'8'16'32'ELEVATION KEYNOTESEXTERIOR SIDING COLOR MATCH MINERAL GRAY COLOR SW 2740ROOFING MATERIAL COMPOSITION SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING TRIMWOOD TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING MATERIAL BOARD123(D)(P)(R)(P) TONGUE AND GROOVE SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING(P) CLASS A COMPOSITION SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING(P) WOOD TRIM TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH EXISTINGTO BE DEMOLISHEDPROPOSEDTO BE REPLACED0'4'8'16'32'1/8" = 1'-0"5Elevation, Left, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"6Elevation, Left, Proposed1/8" = 1'-0"7Elevation, Right, Existing1/8" = 1'-0"8Elevation, Right, Proposed0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'0'4'8'16'32'ELEVATION LEGEND 1st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"3' - 0"ATTICSTAIRSTRASHRETAILENTRYLOUNGEOFFICE22' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"TYP7" RISECRAWL SPACE1231st T.O.P8'-9 5/16"2nd F.F9'-10 5/16"2nd T.O.P14' -11"T.O.R.22' -0"Grade/1st F.F.0'-0"A101322' - 0"7' - 1"5' - 1"1' - 1"8' - 9"3' - 0"CONFERENCELOUNGERETAIL21TYPTYP7' - 4"11' - 2"CRAWL SPACE4TYP8'-9"5 1/2" / 12"3 1/2" / 12"5 1/2" / 12"RIDGERIDGED.S.D.S.D.S.D.S.D.S.110' - 8" 5' - 2" 10' - 5"TYP5 1/2" / 12"3 1/2"/12"5 1/2" / 12"22' - 11"11' - 1"17' - 0"8' - 3"14' - 6"11' - 5"14' - 2"2D.S.RREEEEE5 1/2" / 12"5 1/2" / 12"13' - 4" 12' - 9"26' - 0"51' - 0"A TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-C25 West Main St.Project Schedule RevisionSCALER E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2023Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG & DANIA BAHA710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-1845#Date Description7/15/2022 5:06:16 PM1/4" = 1'-0"A300Section & RoofPlanSection & Roof Plan1/4" = 1'-0"2Section, AA, Proposed0'2'4'8'16'1FRAMING2INSULATIONSECTION KEY NOTES1/4" = 1'-0"4Section, BB, Proposed0'2'4'8'16'KEYNOTESD.S. TO CONNECT TO STORM WATER PIPE(E) PARAPET TO REMAIN10'2'4'8'16'STAIRCASE ATTIC VENT CALCS:• REQUIRED VENTILATION64 SF / 150 = 0.43 SF (61.44 SI)IDEAL RATIO (UPPER VENT : LOWER VENT) = 50% : 50% = 30.72 SI : 30.72 SIRIDGE VENT: (N.F.A. = 18 SI PER LINEAR FT)PROVIDED LENGTH = 3 FT3 x 18 = 48 SI EAVE VENT:(N.F.A. 7.06 SI PER VENT)PROVIDED HOLES = 47.06 x 4 = 28.24 SI TOTAL = 48 + 28.24 = 76.24 SI> 61.44 SI, OKAY1/4" = 1'-0"1Roof Plan, Proposed2LEGENDBUILDING FOOTPRINTDOWNSPOUTRIDGE VENTEAVE VENT(P) ATTIC AREA3HNADRAIL4DORMERNOTE:**ALL ROOF SHEATHING TO USE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED ROOF SHEATHING OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT**ALL ROOFING FINISH MATERIAL TO BE CLASS A AND SHALL MATCH EXISTING ROOF 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 24, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on August 24, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. This meeting This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark, and Committee Member Susan Burnett. Absent: Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1.Approval of Minutes – July 27, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ATTACHMENT 2 PAGE 2 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2.150 Oak Hill Way Request for Review PHST-22-016 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:20. APN 529-32-020. PROPERTY OWNER: Matthias Knaur APPLICANT: Barbara Chambers PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Barbara Chambers -Client’s grandmother and previous relatives have lived there. It was rented for many years and is in disrepair. They would like to tear down or relocate the house to make parking possible. They would like to take it off the Historic Resources Inventory. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. •There is no real features, special character or historical value. Hopefully the replacement will have some past character such as a gable roof, window styles, etc. •Staff: The property is deemed historic solely based on the construction date. •Some properties are just old and not historical. •It would be nice to have it return to HPC when removed from Inventory and a new build is proposed. Would like some say on the new structure. •Staff: As a part of the approved 2040 General Plan there are implementation programs. They would look at the inventory and consider any modifications. •Staff: Those properties that are within a historic district, and allowed to be demolished, would return to the HPC. If a property is not in a historic district, taken off the inventory, and demolished, it would not return to the HPC. These properties would be reviewed under the residential design guidelines, which include neighborhood compatibility, building form, and consistency. •Staff: The Planning Commission would look to the HPC for recommendations or special studies. The Town Council would make the final determination. PAGE 3 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:20. Located at 150 Oak Hill Way. Based on the Findings in the Report. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 3. 39 Reservoir Road Request for Review PHST-22-015 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D Located at 39 Reservoir Road. APN 529-33-022. PROPERTY OWNER: Tuyet Pham APPLICANT: Thanh Nguyen PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Thanh Nguyen, Applicant - He is representing the owner. The house has undergone many alterations from 1900 to 1990. The three units have many different exterior finishes. It is poorly constructed without a foundation or footings. They want to upgrade the structure. Fixing the window trims, siding damage, etc. will change the architecture of the house. They would like to have it taken off the inventory. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • This house has a little more integrity and character than the prior project. We can’t comment on the proposed structure. But we appreciate the architect maintaining the look of the original structure with similar gables. • This is not a close call. It has undergone so many alterations. I support having it removed. • I liked seeing the future project plans. PAGE 4 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 • At what point does the committee’s focus shift from taking a property off the inventory to keeping it as a historic property but with significant rehabilitation. The Bloomfield survey did find merit with the property as recently as 1990. • I like the look and feel of it. It’s not in that bad of shape. Keeping it on the inventory allows HPC to have some purview. • Staff: We can include in the minutes the committees’ feedback on their future plans. • Staff: Leaving it on the Historic Inventory could potentially penalize the homeowners by making it more expensive to proceed and trigger a technical demolition. • The committee’s criteria for removal should be based on the substantial changes done to the property. • I haven’t studied the new plans enough to say it’s a technical demo, but we don’t want to punish the applicant for sharing their plans. • Just keeping something on the inventory to retain the power to review is not fair. It should be removed based on whether it deserves to be on the inventory • We don’t know if keeping it on the inventory triggers a technical demolition. • Staff: The technical demo of a non-historic structure is allowed up to 50 percent. The technical demo of a home in the historic inventory is restricted to a 25 percent demo. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 39 Reservoir Road. Property to be restored similar to the plans presented includes the findings detailed in the application findings. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 25 W. Main Street Architecture and Site Application S-22-039 Variance Application V-22-011 Requesting Approval for Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, including Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Driveway Length on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017. PROPERTY OWNER: Reveal Corp. APPLICANT: Gordon Wong, Gkw Architects PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. PAGE 5 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 Applicant presented the project. Gordon Wong, Applicant - Their goal was to have the lowest impact to the building. The front door was the biggest issue. The current corner location posed accessibility and safety issues. The main addition is a new exterior enclosed stairway located at the rear of the building to bring the building up to code. The stairway enclosure does not alter the roof or the pop outs on the roof. They will provide an accessible ramp and parking. These changes are good for fire and mechanical upgrades. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. • Concerned about modifying the existing doors and windows around. The corner door has been there at least 50 years. Can the door remain at the corner? Gordon Wong, Applicant - They found a photo from 1949 showing the front door located on the left of the front elevation and not at the corner. The business was Sund T.V. Store. Staff shared the 1949 photo on the computer screen. Gordon Wong, Applicant - The photo was hanging in a neighboring business. The original front door has become a window now. They propose to keep the original siding, roof slopes, make, feel, texture, etc. The front two windows need to be replaced. They are proposing real wood windows to be replaced in kind. They are entirely made of wood by Milgard. Milgard is a brand name. Theresa Warren, Co-Property Owner - They have reduced the original project scope in half. The building has become dilapidated. They want to get the historic building back into to a working state. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Request to include in the motion the protected elements: transoms, parapet wall, one big window, and the look of two big windows. Replace the windows in kind with wood windows. • The proposed plans include all the stated elements so it’s not necessary to add them into the motion. MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Approve the Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, PAGE 6 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 including Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Driveway Length on Property Zoned C-2:LHP, with the understanding that the application includes a proposal for replacing windows as they appear on the plans. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 5. 202 University Avenue Variance Application V-22-003 Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Variances to the Accessory Structure Lot Coverage Standard and to the Side and Rear Setback Requirements for a Detached Accessory Structure on Property Located in the University-Edelen Historic District Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-001. PROPERTY OWNER: Tyler and Kristine Shewey APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Armer for Sean Mullin Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Jay Plett, Applicant - After the first HPC meeting, they scaled back on the size of the ADU. They worked with the neighbors on the location of the ADU to preserve the view corridor. If the garage was not located on a corner lot, the FAR would have been allowed. The garage should fit with the ADU. There are 9 other garages with smaller side yard setbacks, 5 with smaller rear yard setbacks; 2 garages with larger with floor areas; and 1 garage with a larger floor area of 880 square feet. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • Impressed that the view corridors of the neighbors were considered, and adjustments made. • Rare to see a project to return to show how they accommodated their neighbors. PAGE 7 OF 7 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2022 • In favor of this project. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Forward a Recommendation of Approval to the Community Development Director on a Request for Variances to the Accessory Structure Lot Coverage Standard and to the Side and Rear Setback Requirements for a Detached Accessory Structure on Property Located in the University-Edelen Historic District Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 6. The Committee can only discuss items on the agenda during public hearings. Please send an email to Committee Liaison Jennifer Armer to propose future agenda items. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:13 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the August 24, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 14, 2022 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on December 14, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with Town Council Policy 2-01 entitled Town Agenda Format and Rules and Town Resolution. In accordance with Town Policy and Resolution, the public may only view the meeting online and not in the Council Chamber. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:01 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Timothy Lundell, Vice Chair Barry Cheskin, and Committee Member Susan Burnett. Absent: Planning Commissioner Kylie Clark and Planning Commissioner Steve Raspe. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1.Approval of Minutes – November 16, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Burnett. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ATTACHMENT 3 PAGE 2 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 25 W. Main Street Architecture and Site Application S-22-039 Variance Application V-22-011 Requesting Approval for Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, including Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Number of Required Parking Spaces on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017. PROPERTY OWNER: Reveal Corp. APPLICANT: Gordon Wong, Gkw Architects PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Gordon Wong, Applicant - Available for questions. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Gordon Wong - Provided background on the history of the building’s front doors. The existing corner door will remain but be inoperable and a new operable door will be added to the left front façade. Jenny Wong - The new addition to the rear will be visually distinguishable by utilizing vertical siding. The siding color will match the original building. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to forward a recommendation of approval to the Community Development Director for Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, including Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Number of Required Parking Spaces on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 3 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 3. 126 University Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-042 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-02-016. PROPERTY OWNER: Jean-Philippe Persico APPLICANT: Davide Giannella PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Davide Giannella, Applicant - The purpose of the glass roof is to add light and openness to the basement. The rear wall was recently added and is not historical. Materials, such as the siding and French doors, match the existing house. Glass roofs are found in the Victorian era. A glass roof would be less visible at a 6 feet level than a shingled roof. The French glass doors will have a grid. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Davide Giannella, Applicant - The metal dividers between the glass will be steel tubing painted to look like iron. They did not consider a polygonal roof since it is a very small area of 4 x 5 feet. - The two long windows can be divided into smaller sections to match the other windows and doors. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • A flat shed roof seems modern. • The glass roof is not viewable from street. No objection. • The long windows will have six lites in each window in a pattern of 2 horizontal and 3 vertical sections. PAGE 4 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Approve the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the University-Edelen Historic District on Property Zoned R- 1D:LHP. Making all the Required Findings. Provided that Applicant Includes Dividing the Tall Vertical Windows into a matrix of 2 columns by 3 rows of lites per window. The dividers will consist of painted steel tubing. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 4. 35 Tait Avenue Request for Review PHST-22-021 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Front Door Replacement) to a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1D. APN 510-44-004. APPLICANT: Dan Burnham PROPERTY OWNERS: Steven and Katherine Erickson PROJECT PLANNER: Savannah Van Akin Savannah Van Akin, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Dan Burnham, applicant, and Steven Erickson, owner - They are renovating the interior. They would like to replace the exterior front door. The trim will look the same. The existing door doesn’t fit correctly and leaks air. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Steven Erickson, owner, - Don’t know the door manufacturer at this moment. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 5 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 Committee members discussed the matter. • The existing door looks okay. The proposed door is not consistent with the rest of the house. The proposed door looks very modern. • The proposed door doesn’t follow the style of the house. • Slightly mitigated by the fact that the front door doesn’t face the street. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Burnett to Deny the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Front Door Replacement) to a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1D. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 5. 307 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Request for Review PHST-22-022 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Retractable Awning and Seating Area) to a Pre-1941 Commercial Building on Property Zoned C-2. APN 510-14-048. PROPERTY OWNER: Millen Family Partnership, LP. APPLICANT: Mike Millen PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Mike Millen, applicant - They have not chosen a color yet. An earth tone is possible. Transparent material was ruled out due to damage while folding. Glass was ruled out due to maintenance. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 6 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 Committee members discussed the matter. • Area is tucked away from view. • Design is good. • Need to call out a color choice in the motion. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Burnett to Approve the Request for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Retractable Awning and Seating Area) to a Pre-1941 Commercial Building on Property Zoned C-2. With the Condition that the Awning be Earth Tone in Color. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 6. 16735 Shannon Road Request for Review PHST-22-023 Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 16735 Shannon Road. APN 523-06-006. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Mohsen Houshmand Sarvestani PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Mohsen Houshmand Sarvestani, applicant - There is no waterproof paper behind the siding according to our contractor. There is no way to repair the exterior siding and interior walls without waterproof paper. The exterior walls are rotten. They will need to remove old exterior siding to install waterproof paper, which would be considered a historic demolition. - They could not find any similar or like-for-like material to replace the old, unique wood siding. Staff - It is a challenge to find material that would match the profile of the existing siding. The work could be exempt if repaired with like-for-like material. They could send the Building PAGE 7 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 Official to see if the siding is irreparable. Their observation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director for exemption. The other scenario would be to cover the siding. On a historic home, covering up the existing siding is still considered demolition. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The structure still has integrity. Trying to save the bungalow style. Cannot see any damage. No proof of damage. Need further information on the damage. • Willing to be flexible on the materials with the owner’s efforts to rehabilitate the home. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Cheskin to Deny a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Seconded by Chair Lundell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Appeal rights were recited. 7. 253 W. Main Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-051 Requesting Approval to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single- Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-45-006. PROPERTY OWNER: Mike and Kim Wasserman APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Applicant presented the project. Mike and Kim Wasserman, owners - The replacement door is 300 years old and a family heirloom. They did not have it when the plans were previously presented. It is replacing a modern glass door. Neighbors signed a letter in support. Committee members asked questions of the applicant. PAGE 8 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. • The door does not fit the context of the home. The features need to fit the home or the historic district. Maybe it could be installed elsewhere in the house. • Would the original plans have been approved with this new door? It is not replacing an existing historical door but the door in the plans. It is an unusual door. • Inclined to approve the door based on the history and owner’s attachment to the door. The neighbors expressed support to approve. • The door is not consistent with the neighborhood. • Not installed as a front door. • The door is very prominent. Open Public Comment for a specific question regarding the door being very prominent and not consistent with the style of the house and neighborhood. Mike and Kim Wasserman, owners - The original door did not follow the guidelines either, yet it was approved. The new door is made of wood and is a piece of art. Bess Wiersema - Entries in the Design Guidelines does not specifically refer to doors or door styles. They are addressing entries with details, porches and walk ups. In a modified Tudor style home, a heavy door that is wood and not see-through is appropriate. There was no discussion of the prior door. The door looked like a series of French doors. The door sits deep back from the front in a recessed porch. It may seem noticeable because the house is under construction. All glass French doors are not necessarily seen in a historical district. We are meeting the design guidelines. It is not a bungalow or a French cottage type house. It is a modified Tudor style house. A heavy wood door is appropriate for a modified Tudor house. Close Public Comment Committee members discussed the matter. • The previously proposed door was consistent with the house design. • When building in a historic district should be consistent with the district style. • On page 55 in the Design Guidelines, it says that all exterior elements subject to review should be consistent with the proposed style. There are no other 300-year-old doors in Los Gatos. PAGE 9 OF 9 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 14, 2022 MOTION: Motion by Chair Lundell to Approve the Request to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. The motion failed due to lack of second. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Burnett to Deny the Request to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Seconded by Vice Chair Cheskin. VOTE: Motion passed 2-1. Chair Lundell opposed. Appeal rights were recited. OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 8. Annual Certified Local Government Report Appreciation to Chair Tim Lundell for his service. A new member will be joining in January 2023. Susan Burnett will be joining the Planning Commission in 2023. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the December 14, 2022 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jennifer Armer, AICP, Planning Manager This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 26, 2023 The Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Jeffrey Barnett, Vice Chair Steve Raspe, Commissioner Susan Burnett, Commissioner Kylie Clark, Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Commissioner Kathryn Janoff, and Commissioner Emily Thomas. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Rigo Gallardo, Carpenters Local 405 -I advocate for area labor standards including: a livable wage; accessible healthcare; accredited apprenticeship programs; opportunity for local hire; and addressing unacceptable exploitation of workers by general contractors hired by developers with tax fraud and wage theft. Albert Lestre, Carpenters Local 405 -I’m also with Carpenters Local 405. Cities that have implemented these standards are Redwood City, Menlo Park, and Foster City. Berkeley has implemented hard hats and helmets for the workers, and ensures all workers have a certain amount of money and healthcare on every project. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1.Approval of Minutes – June 28, 2023 2.Approval of Minutes – July 12, 2023 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Clark to approve adoption of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Janoff. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ATTACHMENT 4 PAGE 2 OF 5 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 26, 2023 PUBLIC HEARINGS Chair Barnett indicated that he would recuse himself from participating in the public hearing for Item 3, 200 Happy Acres Road, based on actual or potentially perceived conflicts of interest due to his friendship and past professional relationship with the Applicant’s attorney, Mr. Hechtman, who has written a letter concerning the request on this item. 3.200 Happy Acres Road Subdivision Application M-21-006 APN 537-24-030 Applicant: Noel Cross Property Owner: Fred and Fereshten Toofan Project Planner: Jocelyn Shoopman Requesting Approval for Modification to an Existing Subdivision Application (PRJ-97-117) on Property Zoned HR-2½. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15315: Minor Land Divisions, and Section 15061(b)(3): Common Sense Exemption. Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Noel Cross, Applicant/Architect with Bart Hechtman, Land Use Attorney -This item is unusual in that we’re not here to approve a new residence, we are asking for approval of revised conditions for a parcel that was subdivided and recorded over 20 years ago. The original conditions of approval required a cul-de-sac and fire department turnaround at the end of Happy Acres Road at the bottom of the property, which required paving over the creek and installing a long drainage culvert. We have redesigned the roadway and placed the cul-de-sac and turnaround in a more environmentally acceptable location at the top of the property. Both immediate neighbors have signed letters allowing this ingress easement to be used for emergency vehicle access and allowing for the tree removals. The new design keeps grading to a minimum. An arborist report and slope stability study support the project. We support the staff report with the one request to alter the fire department language. The language proposed by the fire department could be interpreted as an agreement by the owners to give up their right to appeal as a condition of this approval, even before they get to the house approval. We want to avoid any dispute and to make it abundantly clear that the condition parallels the language of the ordinance. Both include the right to appeal what we feel is an unjust, unfair, or illegal condition. Closed Public Comment. PAGE 3 OF 5 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 26, 2023 Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Hanssen to approve a modification to an existing Subdivision Application on property zoned HR-2½ for 200 Happy Acres Road. Seconded by Commissioner Janoff. Commissioner Janoff requested the motion be amended to include the applicant’s proposed changes to Condition #16 that are not currently in Exhibit 3. The maker of the motion accepted the amendment to the motion. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Chair Barnett returned to the meeting. 4. 25 W. Main Street Architecture and Site Application S-22-039 Variance Application V-22-001 Conditional Use Permit Application U-23-002 APN 529-01-017 Applicant: Gordon Wong, GKW Architects Property Owner: Reveal Corp. Project Planner: Erin Walters Requesting Approval for Construction of an Addition to a Contributing Building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District; a Conditional Use Permit for a Restaurant Use with Alcohol Service; Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Reduced Parking; and Site Work Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned C-2:LHP. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Gordon Wong, GKW Architects - I’m the architect, and my wife Jenny will be presenting the project. Jenny Wong, GKW Architects - The project’s goal is to rehabilitate and preserve the existing historical building. We want to add a place of social value and provide accessibility upgrades, which is the goal of the exterior rear addition. We propose a quality restaurant with an outdoor deck to enhance pedestrian orientation in the Los Gatos Central Business District and to maintain the Town’s charm. PAGE 4 OF 5 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 26, 2023 Closed Public Comment. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Thomas to approve a request for construction of an addition to a contributing building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District, a Conditional Use Permit for a restaurant use with alcohol service, a Variance for maximum floor area and reduced parking, and site work requiring a Grading Permit on property zoned C-2:LHP for 25 W. Main Street. Seconded by Commissioner Clark. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 5. 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard and 17484 Shelburne Way Architecture and Site Application S-21-008 Conditional Use Permit Application U-21-010 Variance Application V-21-003 Subdivision Application M-22-008 Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-22-001 APNs 529-11-013, 038, 039, and 040 Applicant/Property Owner: Green Valley Corp. d.b.a. Swenson Project Planner: Sean Mullin Requesting Approval for Demolition of One Existing Office and Four Residential Buildings; Construction of an Assisted Living and Memory Care Facility; Variance from the Maximum Height and Lot Coverage of the Zone; Merger of Four Lots into One; and Removal of Large, Protected Trees on Property Zoned O. An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Have Been Prepared for this Project. Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager, indicated that Item 5, 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard and 17484 Shelburne Way, would be rescheduled to the Planning Commission meeting of August 9, 2023. REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT None. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS/COMMISSION MATTERS General Plan Committee Commissioner Hanssen PAGE 5 OF 5 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 26, 2023 - The GPC met on July 20, 2023, and considered and recommended approval of the proposed modifications to the General Plan needed to meet the requirements and for the sites that are in the Housing Element. The next step will be for the proposed modifications to go to the Planning Commission and Town Council. Housing Element Advisory Board Commissioner Hanssen - The HEAB met on July 20, 2023, and continued the process of getting the Housing Element approved by HCD, gave additional feedback to staff, and were informed that staff has hired new consultants that have been successful in getting approval for Housing Elements. - The HEAB will meet every month to review progress and will meet next in August 2023. Historic Preservation Committee Commissioner Burnett - The HPC met on July 26, 2023, and considered two items, Fairview Plaza and Bella Vista Avenue. - Lee Quintana is the newest member of the HPC. Commission Matters None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the July 26, 2023 meeting as approved by the Planning Commission. _____________________________ /s/ Vicki Blandin This Page Intentionally Left Blank Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com Town of Los Gatos June 10th, 2024 Historic Preservation Committee 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95030 Project Location: 25 W Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Owner: Reveal Corp/ 655 North First St. Suite 550, San Jose, CA 95112 Architecture and Site Application S-22-039 Variance Application V-22-011 Justification Letter, Rooftop Vent and Screen This project proposal is requesting approval for a rooftop exhaust vent with screen, finished with vertical siding, to match the addition (approved on December 14th, 2022). On December 14, 2022, the Los Gatos Historical Preservation Committee recommended approval for the “addition to a Contributing Building In the Downtown Historic Commercial District, Including the Variances for Maximum Floor Area and Number of Required Parking Spaces on Property Zones C-d:LHP. APN 529-01-017” The project follows the Commercial Design Guidelines: 1.5.6 Screen all roof equipment a) All roof equipment must be screened to minimize its visual impact on views from public right-of-way. Roof top vent, placed at the rear of the building, is screened by the proposed framed screen with vertical siding. The screen is not visible from the front and rear views. Front Street View Rear Patio View ATTACHMENT 5 Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com b) Locate equipment in recessed roof wells or hide equipment behind parapet walls so that it cannot be seen are the preferred solutions. The equipment is hidden behind the roof screen, 3’-1” higher than the top of the roof, and 6’-4” wide. c) Roof screens should be constructed from materials as similar to the building walls as possible, and should be designed to appear as an architecturally integrated part of the building rather than an added-on element. The roof screen finish is vertical siding to match the addition. The color to match the existing building. d) In cases where mechanical wells or parapets of sufficient height to screen equipment are not possible, equipment should be clustered and placed as far as possible from building edges. The visible equipment should be painted a color that will blend the equipment visually with the backdrop (e.g., pale blue for elements seen against the sky.) The narrow lot makes the proposed hood/vent location the best viable option and least impact (with 10' setbacks from property lines). e) Submit a roof plan at the time of submittal for review and approval. The plan shall show the location, type and size, including height, of all roof mounted equipment. The application elevation and section drawings shall also show the location and size of all roof mounted equipment. See A300 and A302 Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com Properties/ Examples with similar rooftop equipment/screen Commercial Design Guidelines, pg 12 Easy breezy, 307 N Santa Cruz Ave Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Tasting House, 368 Village Ln, Exhibit 3 191 Saratoga Los Gatos Rd, Exhibit 4 Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com 322 N Santa Cruz Ave, Exhibit 5 330 N Santa Cruz Ave, Exhibit 6 221 Saratoga-Los Gatos Rd, Exhibit 7 Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com Secretary of the Interior's Standards For The Treatment of Historic Properties, Standards for Rehabilitation 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work will be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. The historic building, with horizontal siding, will differentiate the rooftop screen which will have vertical siding. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. The proposed location of the hood vent and screen, if removed in the future, the form of the historic property would be unimpaired. If the vent and screen were to be inset into the gable of the roof, the integrity of the existing historic structure would be compromised. Gkw Architects, Inc., AIA, Architect, LEED GA, CSLB 710 E. McGlincy Lane, Ste. 109, Campbell, CA 95008 408-796-1845 | Gordonkwong@Gkwarchitects.com www.gkwarchitects.com Findings, Benefits - A new restaurant in the downtown Los Gatos area would further enhance the pedestrian friendly environment. - Per Section 29.80.290 In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the district. The Vent/Screen is located at the rear of the building, for minimal affect to the exterior facade and maintains the front street facing exterior elevation. - Maintaining and encouraging diversity and providing visual interests Thank you for your consideration of this application. We look forward to rehabilitating this historical building, maintaining the integrity of the structure, and creating a unique focal point for the community. Sincerely, Gkw Architects, Inc. SITE PLAN, PROPOSED, KEYNOTES 1 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING RETAINING WALL, CONCRETE ELECTRICAL METER/ PANEL GAS METER TRASH ENCLOSURE, CMU, 2Y GARBAGE, 1.5Y RECYCLE & COMPOST, SEPARATE PERMIT WITH FIRE SPRINKLER EXTERIOR MECHANICAL UNITS DRY STACK RETAINING WALL KNOX BOX OUTDOOR DECK/DINING WITH TRELLIS AND STRING LIGHTS (E) STREET TREE, CALIFORNIA BAY, DIAMETER 18" WITH PROTECTIVE FENCING, SEE TREE PROTECTION AND FENCING NOTES, ROOFTOP VENT HOOD MAKE-UP AIR UNIT, SEE MEP PLANS FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SCREEN, VERTICAL SIDING AND COLOR TO MATCH ADDITION (P) WATER METER 2 3 4 5 7 LEGEND CO POWER POLE TETHER CLEAN OUT HYDRANT SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING FOOTPRINT 8 SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. 2. 3. IF ANY EXCAVATION EXCEEDS 5-FEET IN DEPTH OR REMOVES LATERAL SUPPORT FROM AN EXISTING BUILDING, AN ADJACENT PROPERTY, OR THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, THE PROJECT WILL HALTED UNTIL SHORING PLANS AND CALCULATIONS PREPARED BY A CA LICENSED ENGINEER ARE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING DIVISION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PROJECT MAY RESUME CONSTRUCTION ONCE SHORING PLANS HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO APPROVED PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, SITE CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS, STRUCTURES PRIOR TO START OF WORK. IN EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS, NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING PRIOR TO STARTING EACH PORTION OF THE WORK. ESTIMATED CUT 0 CY/ FILL 29 CY 9 10 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION (SEE CIVIL) (P) TRUNCATED DOME (P) ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL 11 12 1. 2. 3. 4. NOTES DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE PROVIDED, PRIOR TO FIRST INSPECTION, CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE TO THE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PROVIDED TO THE JURISDICTION. CGBSC SECTION 5.408.1.4 ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AND AEROSOL PAINT CONTAINERS MUST REMAIN ON THE SITE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. CGBSC SECTION 5.504.4.3.2 PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, A LETTER SIGNED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR THE OWNER/BUILDER (FOR ANY OWNER/BUILDER PROJECTS) MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFYING THAT ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AEROSOL PAINTS, AEROSOL COATINGS, CARPET SYSTEMS (INCLUDING CARPETING, CUSHION AND ADHESIVE), RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS, AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT ARE WITHIN THE EMISSION LIMITS SPECIFIED IN CGBSC SECTION 5.504. HVAC, REFRIGERATION AND FIRE SUPPRESSION EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT CONTAIN CFCS OR HALONS. CGBSC SECTION 5.508.1 13 14 /4 A001.1 W 15PARK AVENUEE MAIN STREET CO N o r t h11'-6"R/W DEDICATION 262 SF57'-4" REAR SETBACK3 2 4 0' - 0" -1' - 6" 5 7 (E) O. H. T E A T H E R P.L 26.12'P.L 120.96' 0' SETBACKP.L 120.50' 0' SETBACKP.L 26.08'10'-0"TENANT IMPROVEMENT 2,153 SF 9 27'-10"ADDITION 128 SF 11 1 3'-1" -2' - 6" 8 10 1" / 12"1" / 12"FRONT SB1'-6"10'-0"10'-0" 2'-6"PAVERS8'-4"12 6'-3" 13 3'-9" 10'-0" MIN 14 15W 3'-0"MUA 10'-0" MIN PROJECT LOCATION PAR K A V E W M A I N S T S SANTA CRUZ AVEBR O A D W A YN SANTA CRUZ AVEW M A I N S T UNIVERSITY AVELUNDY LNMAPLE PLCOLLEGE AVEPAGEANT WAYE MAIN STHWY 17HWY 17ATTS LAC E FO ILICENS E D ARCHIT ECTF O RNIAGORD KONW GNO RENEWAL 03/01/2013 4 0 4 53-C 25 West Main St.SCALE R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2025 Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-18456/17/2024 10:36:09 AM As indicated A000. Site Plan, ProposedSite Plan, ProposedRevision Schedule Number Description Date 1 Planning 2022.10.19 2 Planning 2023.03.17 3 Planning 2023.05.02 6 Building Date 6 7 Plng Historical 2024.06.07 SCOPE OF WORK • • • TENANT IMPROVEMENT 2,153 SF 1ST FLOOR1,073 SF 2ND FLOOR 1,080 SF ADDITION128 SF SITE ADJUSTMENTS OUTDOOR DECK 361SF, TRELLIS AND STRING LIGHTS LANDSCAPING PER COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES TRASH ENCLOSURE PROJECT INFORMATION 25 WEST MAIN ST. C A L I F O R N I AL O S G A T O S VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCATION: APN: PROJECT JURISDICTION: ZONING: GENERAL PLAN USE: (E) / (P) OCCUPANCY: (E) USE / (P) USE: YEAR BUILT/OCCUPIED: GROSS LOT SIZE: NET LOT SIZE: AVG. SLOPE OF LOT: RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION: (E)GROSS FLOOR AREA: 1ST LVL: 2ND LVL: (P) GROSS FLOOR AREA: 1ST LVL: 1ST LVL ADDITION: 2ND LVL: FAR: ALLOWED: EXISTING: PROPOSED: REQUIRED PARKING: RESTAURANT 2,281 SF(1/300 SF) PROPOSED PARKING PARKING DISTRICT SPACES CONSTRUCTION TYPE FIRE SPRINKLERS: SET BACKS FRONT: SIDE: REAR: STREET SIDE: MAX. HEIGHT: (E) & (P) HEIGHT: 25 W MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 529 - 01 - 017 LOS GATOS C-2: LHP CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (LOS GATOS HISTORICAL COM. DISTRICT) CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT M / A-2 RETAIL / RESTAURANT 1901 3,133 SF 2,871 SF 6% 262 SF 2,170 SF 1,090 SF 1,080 SF 2,281 SF 1,073 SF 128 SF 1,080 SF FLOOR AREA / LOT SIZE 60 % = 1,880 SF / 3,133 SF 69 % = 2,170 SF/ 3,133 SF 79 % = 2,281 SF/ 2,871 SF 8 7 (1 SPACE REQUEST FOR PARKING VARIANCE) V-B YES (REQUIRED / EXISTING / PROPOSED) 10'-0" / 11'-9" / 1'-6" 0'-0" / 0'-0" / 0'-0" 0'-0" / 61'-8" / 57'-4" 10'-0" / 0'-0" / 0'-0" 45'-0" 21'-11" THIS PROJECT PROPOSES A TENANT IMPROVEMENT FOR A RESTAURANT (2,153 SF) AND ADDITION (128 SF) TO THE HISTORIC TWO-STORY BUILDING. SCOPE INCLUDES A NEW CIRCULATION SPACE WITH A STAIRWAY AND ACCESSIBLE SITE UPGRADES. THE OCCUPANCY/USE TO CHANGE FROM (M) MERCANTILE, TO (A-2) ASSEMBLY. OWNER: PROJECT DIRECTORY REVEAL 004 LLC 675 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 550 SAN JOSE CA 95112 408-314-0077 I INFO@REVEALCORP.COM ARCHITECT:GKW ARCHITECTS, INC. 710 E. MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 408-315-2125 I GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COM CIVIL ENGINEER & LAND SURVEYOR: LC ENGINEERING 598 E SANTA CLARA ST. STE 270 SAN JOSE CA 95112 408-806-7187 I NLE@LCENGINEERING.NET • • • • • • HPC/ SCOPE ADDITION EXTERIOR MATERIAL TO BE VERTICAL SIDING, COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING HISTORICAL BUILDING EXISTING CORNER ENTRY TO REMAIN LEFT ENTRY AND STORE FRONT WINDOWS TO BE REHABILITATED TO MATCH 1919-1952 FACADE, SEE A200 ALL OTHER EXTERIOR WINDOWS AND DOORS TO REMAIN, TRIM AND SIDING TO REMAIN, SEE DEMOLITION CALC ON A002 ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN ROOFTOP HOOD/VENT TO BE SCREENED WITH VERTICAL SIDING FINISH 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Site Plan, Proposed Plng BUILDING INFORMATION MODEL SHEET INDEX 0'4' 8' 16'32' General A000. Site Plan, Proposed A001 Site Plan, Existing & Exterior Photos Architectural A200 Elevations, Existing & Proposed A300 Section & Roof Plan & Trash Enclosure A301 Perspective Views & Diagram A302 Perspective & Section Views ATTACHMENT 6 1PARK AVENUECENTER OF STREET 11' - 8" WALL TO P.L 120.96', 0' SIDE YARD SETBACKP.L 120.50', 0' SIDE YARD SETBACKP.L 26.12' P.L 26.08' E MAIN STREET CO OH OHOH OH 4 3 OH N o r t h 8 9 2 7 6 5 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 TYP FRONT SETBACK11' - 9" (E)61' - 8" (E) REAR SETBACKATTS LAC E FO ILICENS E D ARCHIT ECTF O RNIAGORD KONW GNO RENEWAL 03/01/2013 4 0 4 53-C 25 West Main St.SCALE R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2025 Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-18456/7/2024 5:43:22 PM 1/8" = 1'-0" A001 Site Plan, Existing & Exterior PhotosSite Plan, Existing & Exterior PhotosBUILDING TO BE RENOVATED PER COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES RETAINING WALL METAL BOX TO BE RELOCATED MINI SPLIT CONDENSER, ADJACENT NEIGHBOR'S WATER METER TO BE RESURFACED GAS METER TO BE REPLACED / RELOCATED ELECTRICAL METER TO BE REPLACED / RELOCATED STORM WATER DRAINAGE TO REMAIN TREE TO BE PROTECTED PER CITY CODE PG&E BOX/ ELECTRICAL VAULT TO REMAIN UTILITY POLE TO REMAIN 2 TEATHER TO REMAIN CLEAN OUT RELOCATED, SEE A000 AND CIVIL HYDRANT WATER VALVE LEGEND CO LINE LEGEND SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING OUTLINE OVERHEAD LINEOH 5 KEYNOTES, SITE PLAN, EXISTING 6 7 4 3 1 8 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TREE PROTECTION NOTES: SEC. 29.10.1005. - PROTECTION OF TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION. (A) PROTECTIVE TREE FENCING SHALL SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING: SIZE AND MATERIALS. SIX (6) FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCING, MOUNTED ON TWO-INCH DIAMETER GALVANIZED IRON POSTS, SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST TWO (2) FEET AT NO MORE THAN TEN-FOOT SPACING. FOR PAVING AREA THAT WILL NOT BE DEMOLISHED AND WHEN STIPULATED IN A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN, POSTS MAY BE SUPPORTED BY A CONCRETE BASE. AREA TYPE TO BE FENCED. TYPE I: ENCLOSURE WITH CHAIN LINK FENCING OF EITHER THE ENTIRE DRIPLINE AREA OR AT THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ), WHEN SPECIFIED BY A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST. TYPE II: ENCLOSURE FOR STREET TREES LOCATED IN A PLANTER STRIP: CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANTER STRIP TO THE OUTER BRANCHES. TYPE III: PROTECTION FOR A TREE LOCATED IN A SMALL PLANTER CUTOUT ONLY (SUCH AS DOWNTOWN): ORANGE PLASTIC FENCING SHALL BE WRAPPED AROUND THE TRUNK FROM THE GROUND TO THE FIRST BRANCH WITH TWO-INCH WOODEN BOARDS BOUND SECURELY ON THE OUTSIDE. CAUTION SHALL BE USED TO AVOID DAMAGING ANY BARK OR BRANCHES. DURATION OF TYPE I, II, III FENCING. FENCING SHALL BE ERECTED BEFORE DEMOLITION, GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ARE ISSUED AND REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE WORK IS COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIRST OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ARBORIST ON RECORD PRIOR TO REMOVING A TREE PROTECTION FENCE. WARNING SIGN. EACH TREE FENCE SHALL HAVE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED AN EIGHT AND ONE-HALF-INCH BY ELEVEN-INCH SIGN STATING: "WARNING—TREE PROTECTION ZONE—THIS FENCE SHALL NOT BE REMOVED AND IS SUBJECT TO PENALTY ACCORDING TO TOWN CODE 29.10.1025." (B) ALL PERSONS, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS: PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL THE FENCE AT THE DRIPLINE, OR TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) WHEN SPECIFIED IN AN APPROVED ARBORIST REPORT, AROUND ANY TREE AND/OR VEGETATION TO BE RETAINED WHICH COULD BE AFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND PROHIBIT ANY STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR OTHER MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT CLEANING, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN THE TPZ. THE DRIPLINE SHALL NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY SO AS TO INCREASE THE ENCROACHMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION. PROHIBIT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE TPZ, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: EXCAVATION, GRADING, DRAINAGE AND LEVELING WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF THE TREE UNLESS APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR. PROHIBIT DISPOSAL OR DEPOSITING OF OIL, GASOLINE, CHEMICALS OR OTHER HARMFUL MATERIALS WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF OR IN DRAINAGE CHANNELS, SWALES OR AREAS THAT MAY LEAD TO THE DRIPLINE OF A PROTECTED TREE. PROHIBIT THE ATTACHMENT OF WIRES, SIGNS OR ROPES TO ANY PROTECTED TREE. DESIGN UTILITY SERVICES AND IRRIGATION LINES TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE DRIPLINE WHEN FEASIBLE. RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST WHO SHALL SERVE AS THE PROJECT ARBORIST FOR PERIODIC MONITORING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND THE HEALTH OF THOSE TREES TO BE PRESERVED. THE PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE PRESENT WHENEVER ACTIVITIES OCCUR WHICH MAY POSE A POTENTIAL THREAT TO THE HEALTH OF THE TREES TO BE PRESERVED AND SHALL DOCUMENT ALL SITE VISITS. THE DIRECTOR AND PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DAMAGE THAT OCCURS TO A PROTECTED TREE DURING CONSTRUCTION SO THAT PROPER TREATMENT MAY BE ADMINISTERED. ( ORD. NO. 2240, § I(EXH. B), 6-2-15 ) 10 1. 2. NOTES GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS, STRUCTURES, DIMENSIONS ALL ELEMENTS IN BLUE ARE TO BE DEMOLISHED 0'4' 8' 16'32' 1/8" = 1'-0"1Site Plan, Existing 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 PUBLIC WORKS & PLAN SITE NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DUST CONTROL AND INSURING AREA ADJACENT TO WORK IS LEFT IN A CLEAN CONDITION. UTILIZE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S), AS REQUIRED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, FOR ANY ACTIVITY, WHICH DISTURBS SOIL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TEST, INSPECTIONS AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS PER CITY OF LOS GATOS. OPERABLE SMOKE DETECTORS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO RE-OCCUPY DWELLINGS PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FOR METER RELEASE. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS SHALL CONFORM TO ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WITHOUT REQUIRING THE EXISTING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE TO COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UBC, PROVIDED THE ADDITION ALTERATION OR REPAIR CONFORMS TO THAT REQUIRED FOR NE WBUILDING OR STRUCTURE PER UBC SECTION 3403.2. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE & LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL NEW UTILITY CONNECTIONS AND/ OR UPGRADE EXISTING AS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY DEMOLITION PERMITS AND APPROVALS INCLUDING ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AS PART OF THE BASE BID PER CGBSC 301.1.1 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS UNDERGOING PERMITTED ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR IMPROVEMENTS SHALL REPLACE NONCOMPLIANT PLUMBING FIXTURES WITH WATER-CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES. PLUMBING FIXTURES REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUNACE OF A CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION, CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR FINAL PERMIT APPROVAL BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. PER CGBSC 301.1.1 - WHERE ADDITION OR ALTERATION INCREASED THE BUILDING'S CONDITIONED AREA, VOLUME, OR SIZE, THE REQUIREMENTS OF CALGreen CHAPTER 5 SHALL APPLY ONLY TO AND WITHIN THE SPECIFIC AREA OF THE ADDITION OR ALTERATION. Revision Schedule Number Description Date 2 Planning 2023.03.17 6 Building Date 6 APPLICABLE CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PART 1, 6, 10 & 11 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PART 2, 2.5, 3 - 5, 8 - 9, 12 2022 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE PART 2.5 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODES ALL OTHER STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA HISTORIC BUILDING CODE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT (SCCFD) SPECIFICATIONS 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0" (D) (E) (R)21'-11"8'-9" 1'-1" 5'-1" 7'-0" (E)(E) (E) 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" 3 Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"21'-11"8'-9" 1'-1" 5'-1" 7'-0" 4 3 (P)(E) (P) (E)(E) (E) (E) DOOR TO BE NON- FUNCTIONING A103 1 (P) 6 MAKE-UP AIR UNIT 1 3 LINE OF S I G H T 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" (D) (D)(D) Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"21'-11"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(R) STORAGE DEMOLITION 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" 3 1 Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(P)4'-1"21'-11"(P) (E) 4 5 3'-6"STAMPED CONCRETE DECK TRELLIS, WOOD GUARDRAIL 2 MAKE-UP AIR UNIT1 3 LINE OF SI G H T 3'-1"1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"21'-11"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(E)(E)(E) DEMOLISHED SHED 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" 2 Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"1 21'-11"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(E)(E)(E) 5 LANDSCAPING,SEE/8A003 TRELLIS/WOOD W/ STRING LIGHTS MECHANICAL UNITSTRASH ENCLOSURE HOOD/VENT MAKE-UP AIR UNIT 2'-5"3'-11"SCREEN 1 3 LINE OF S I G H T 1 3 LINE OF SI G H T 6'-4"3'-1"1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" (E) (D) Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"21'-11"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(E) (E)(E) (E)(E)(E) STORAGE DEMOLITION 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" (P) 1 Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0" 2 7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(P)21'-11"3 4 5 TRASH AREA SCREENED BY CMU WALL AND PLANTING TRELLIS, WOOD W/ STRING LIGHTS (E) CORNER FACADE TO REMAIN (E) DOOR TO BE NON-FUNCTIONING (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)(E)(E) 6 MAKE-UP AIR UNITSCREEN, VERTICAL SIDING3'-1"6'-4"4'-1"ELEVATION KEYNOTES/ MATERIAL 1 2 3 (E) (D) EXISTING TO BE DEMOLISHED ELEVATION LEGEND 4 EXTERIOR VERTICAL SIDING/ JAMES HARDIE COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING ROOFING MATERIAL CLASS A COMPOSITION SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING WINDOW GLASS PANES TO BE REPLACED, TRIM AND FRAME TO REMAIN FIXTURES TO MINIMIZE GLARE AND LIGHT SPILL ONTO AREAS OFF OF THE BUILDING SITE. EXTERIOR LIGHTING TO BE DOWNLIT 5 WOOD FENCE 1. 2. NOTE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS, EXISTING CONDITIONS, STRUCTURES, UTILITIES ON SITE. OWNER ALLOWED TO CHOOSE ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANT PRODUCT. PROPOSED TO BE REPLACED (P) (R) 6 ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION, CONTRAST WITH BACKGROUND, MIN 4 INCH HIGH, MIN STROKE 0.5 INCH, PER CBC SEC 505.1 1949-1952 1910 ATTS LAC E FO ILICENS E D ARCHIT ECTF O RNIAGORD KONW GNO RENEWAL 03/01/2013 4 0 4 53-C 25 West Main St.SCALE R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2025 Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-18456/7/2024 5:44:32 PM As indicated A200 Elevations, Existing & ProposedElevations, Existing & Proposed 1/8" = 1'-0"1Elevation, Front, Existing 1/8" = 1'-0"3Elevation, Front, Proposed 1/8" = 1'-0"5Elevation, Rear, Existing 1/8" = 1'-0"7Elevation, Rear, Proposed 0'4' 8' 16'32' PHOTO REFERENCE 0'4' 8' 16'32' 1/8" = 1'-0"2Elevation, Left, Existing 1/8" = 1'-0"4Elevation, Left, Proposed 1/8" = 1'-0"6Elevation, Right, Existing 1/8" = 1'-0"8Elevation, Right, Proposed 0'4' 8' 16'32' 0'4' 8' 16'32' 0'4' 8' 16'32' 0'4' 8' 16'32' 0'4' 8' 16'32' 0'4' 8' 16'32' Revision Schedule Number Description Date 1 Planning 2022.10.19 2 Planning 2023.03.17 6 Building Date 6 1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"6"STAIRWELL KITCHENDINING/BAR BAR 21'-11"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"TYP7" RISECRAWL SPACE 1 2 3 6 DINING HOOD VENT/ DISCHARGE SCREEN/ VERTICAL SIDING 4'-1"3'-0"1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0"21'-11"7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"2 1 CRAWL SPACE 4 7'-6"DINING 3 1/2" 12" 3 1/2" 12"8'-9"6 HALLWAY ALL-GENDER RESTRM 9 A300 10 A300 3 1/2" / 12"5 1/2" / 12"RIDGE RIDGED.S.D.S. D.S.D.S.D.S.10'-9"5'-0"10'-3"3 1/2" / 12"5 1/2" / 12"22'-10"11'-1"17'-0" 8'-2"14'-6"11'-5"14'-2" R EEEE5 1/2" / 12"5 1/2" / 12"13'-4"12'-9"26'-0"50'-11" (E) PARAPET ROOF TO REMAIN 11 A300 MUA 13 A300 HOOD EXHAUST/ DISCHARGE10'-0" MINSCREEN 14'-0"10'-0" MIN1'-6"2'-0"1'-6"6'-10"6'-4"1'-2"5 A302 37 10'-9"7'-8" 2" / 12" 1 7 3 7'-8" 29"3'-2"6'-0"2" 12" 1 2 3 7 6'-0"1'-11" 2'-1" 1'-2"8'-5"1'-2" 10'-9" 1'-2" 1 7 3 10'-9"2'-0"1'-11"6'-0"A300 6 A3004 A3005 7 A300 5412 A300 8 2% SLOPE 9 6 8 D10 D148"5'-0" 1'-2"8'-5"1'-2"2'-6"5'-2" 7'-8"10'-9"1'-0" 1 7 2 5 4 3 6 7'-8"3'-11"6'-0"2" 12"9"3'-2"6'-0"1 7 3 2 7'-8" 2" 12" UTILITY 5 STAIRWELL8'-0" 2'-11"8'-9"4'-8"10'-9"20'-9"7'-11"3'-6"FIRE RISER HOURLY RATING: 1-HOUR FIRE TEST REFERENCE: UL L501, cUL L501, GA FC 5420 5/8” (15.9 MM) TOUGHROCK® FIREGUARD X® PRODUCTS APPLIED PERPENDICULAR TO 2” X 10” WOOD JOISTS 16” (406 MM) O.C. WITH 1-7/8” (48 MM) 6D NAILS 6” (152 MM) O.C. WOOD JOISTS SUPPORTING 1” (25.4 MM) NOMINAL WOOD SUB AND 1” (25.4 MM) NOMINAL FINISH FLOOR, OR 19/32” (15.1 MM) PLYWOOD FINISHED FLOOR WITH LONG EDGES T&G AND 15/32” (11.9 MM) INTERIOR PLYWOOD WITH XTERIOR GLUE SUBFLOOR PERPENDICULAR TO JOISTS WITH JOINTS STAGGERED. APPROVED FOR ASSEMBLY: DENSARMOR PLUS® FIREGUARD C® PRODUCTS DENSARMOR PLUS® FIREGUARD® PRODUCTS DENSELEMENT® BARRIER SHEATHING DENSGLASS® FIREGUARD® SHEATHING DENSSHIELD® FIREGUARD® TILE BACKER TOUGHROCK® FIREGUARD C® PRODUCTS TOUGHROCK® FIREGUARD X® MOLD-GUARD® PRODUCTS TOUGHROCK® FIREGUARD X® PRODUCTS TOUGHROCK® LITE-WEIGHT FIRE-RATED PRODUCTS 1 (E) ROOF PARAPET TO REMAIN (E) WALL, (P) INSULATION (P) HANDRAIL 2 SECTION KEY NOTES 3 4 5 (E) DORMER/ ROOF, NEW INSULATION 1-HOUR RATED FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY, SEE MAKE-UP AIR UNIT, SEE MEP PLANS /12 A300 6 1st FF 0' - 0" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0" PLYWOOD, MIN 1.25" WITH ROOF PAN 1/2" BOLT DOWN FAN LINE O F S I G H T 21'-11"3'-0"8'-9"SCREEN5'-8"5'-6"1 3 5'-6"D.S. R E BUILDING FOOTPRINT DOWNSPOUT, TO CONNECT TO STORM WATER PIPE RIDGE VENT EAVE VENT ATTIC AREA ROOFTOP VENT HOOD MAKEUP AIR UNIT LEGEND MUA ATTS LAC E FO ILICENS E D ARCHIT ECTF O RNIAGORD KONW GNO RENEWAL 03/01/2013 4 0 4 53-C 25 West Main St.SCALE R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2025 Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-18456/7/2024 5:44:47 PM As indicated A300 Section & Roof Plan & Trash EnclosureSection & Roof Plan & Trash Enclosure 1/8" = 1'-0"9 Section 1, Proposed 0'4' 8' 16'32' 1/8" = 1'-0"10 Section 2, Proposed 0'4' 8' 16'32' 0'2' 4'8'16' • STAIRCASE ATTIC VENT CALCS: REQUIRED VENTILATION 64 SF / 150 = 0.43 SF (61.44 SI) IDEAL RATIO (UPPER VENT : LOWER VENT) = 50% : 50% = 30.72 SI : 30.72 SI RIDGE VENT: (N.F.A. = 18 SI PER LINEAR FT) PROVIDED LENGTH = 3 FT 3 x 18 = 48 SI EAVE VENT:(N.F.A. 7.06 SI PER VENT) PROVIDED HOLES = 4 7.06 x 4 = 28.24 SI TOTAL = 48 + 28.24 = 76.24 SI> 61.44 SI, OKAY 1/4" = 1'-0"1Roof Plan, Proposed NOTES: **ALL ROOF SHEATHING TO USE FIRE RETARDANT TREATED ROOF SHEATHING OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT **ALL ROOFING FINISH MATERIAL TO BE CLASS A AND SHALL MATCH EXISTING ROOF Revision Schedule Number Description Date 2 Planning 2023.03.17 6 Building Date 6 1/4" = 1'-0"2Trash Enclosure Roof Plan 1/4" = 1'-0"6Trash Enclosure, Left Side Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"5Trash Enclosure, Front Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"4Trash Enclosure, Rear Elevation 1CMU WALL 2MTL FABRICATED DOOR POWDER COATED TRASH ENCLOSURE KEY NOTES 3GALV. STANDING SEAM MTL SHED ROOF, GALV. 4TRASH BIN 5TRASH BIN BUMPER, CONCRETE 6 1/4" = 1'-0"3Trash Enclosure Floor Plan 1/4" = 1'-0"7Trash Enclosure, Section 7FASCIA BOARD 1/4" = 1'-0"8Trash Enclosure, Right Side Elevation 8FLOOR DRAIN, SEE CIVIL AND PLUMBING SHEETS 9J-HOOKS FOR SECURING THE DOOR FOR SERVICING 1/8" = 1'-0"11 Section, Stairwell 1" = 1'-0"12 1-Hour Fire Rated Ceiling/ Floor PERMEABLE PAVERS 1/8" = 1'-0"13 Section, Hood 3Section View, Front 4Section View, Rear ATTS LAC E FO ILICENS E D ARCHIT ECTF O RNIAGORD KONW GNO RENEWAL 03/01/2013 4 0 4 53-C 25 West Main St.SCALE R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2025 Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-18456/7/2024 5:45:49 PM A301 Perspective Views & DiagramPerspective Views & DiagramTRASH AREA SCREENED BY 6'-0" WOOD FENCE AND LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING, SEE A003 OUTDOOR DECK/ DINING AREA TRELLIS, STRING LIGHTING WITH WOOD FENCE/ SCREENING, 3'-6" ADDITION/ STAIRCASE ACCESSIBLE RAMP WITH HANDRAILS PERMEABLE PAVERS DRY STACKED RETAINING WALL WOOD FENCE 3'-6", ENCLOSING OUTDOOR DINING AREA (E) POWER POLE TO REMAIN (E) CORNER FACADE TO REMAIN (E) DOOR TO BE NON-FUNCTIONING (P) ENTRY DOOR TO BE REHABILITATED TO MATCH 1919-1952 PHOTO, SEE A200 (E) HORIZONTAL SIDING TO REMAIN CONCRETE RETAINING WALL (E) WINDOWS AND TRIM TO REMAIN, GLASS PANE TO BE REPLACED (E) ROOF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN VERTICAL SIDING, COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING Revision Schedule Number Description Date ROOFTOP VENT WITH SCREEN, VERTICAL SIDING ROOFTOP VENT WITH SCREEN, VERTICAL SIDING FAN LINE O F S I G H T SCREEN5'-8"1 3 5'-6"21'-11"3'-1"1st T.O.P 8' - 9 5/16" 2nd F.F 9' - 10 5/16" 2nd T.O.P 14' - 11" T.O.R. 21' - 10 11/16" Grade/1st F.F. 0' - 0" (P)7'-0"5'-1"1'-1"8'-9"(P)21'-11"(E) (E) (E) (E) (E)(E)(E) SCREEN, VERTICAL SIDING3'-1"6'-4"4'-1"5'-8"LINE OF S I G H T LI N E O F S I G H T ATTS LAC E FO ILICENS E D ARCHIT ECTF O RNIAGORD KONW GNO RENEWAL 03/01/2013 4 0 4 53-C 25 West Main St.SCALE R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT LIC# 34045710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 315-2125GORDONKWONG@GKWARCHITECTS.COMRENEWAL 08/31/2025 Los Gatos, CA, 95030PROJECT REPJENNY C. WONG710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 796-18456/7/2024 5:46:36 PM 1" = 10'-0" A302 Perspective & Section ViewsPerspective & Section ViewsRevision Schedule Number Description Date 1 Planning 2022.10.19 2 Planning 2023.03.17 1Street View, Rear Corner 2Street View, Corner 3 Street View, Front 4 Street View, Rear Patio 1" = 10'-0"5Section, Hood.. 1" = 10'-0"6Elevation, Right, Proposed. HOOD VENT IS NOT VISIBLE FROM THE REAR PATIO HOOD VENT/ VERTICAL SIDING SCREEN HOOD VENT/ VERTICAL SIDING SCREEN HOOD VENT IS NOT VISIBLE FROM FRONT STREET VIEW