Item 2 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 through 7.52 Ashler Avenue PREPARED BY: Maria Chavarin Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/24/2024 ITEM NO:2 DATE: July 19, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a Second-Story Addition Exceeding 100 Square Feet and Exterior Alterations to an Existing Pre-1941 Single- Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 52 Ashler Avenue. APN 410-14-048. Minor Residential Development Application MR-24-009. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owner: Joseph Ervin. Applicant: Ramin Zohoor. Project Planner: Maria Chavarin. RECOMMENDATION: Requesting approval for construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence on property zone R-1D located at 52 Ashler Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1915 per County Assessor’s Database; 1920s/1980s per Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: R, historic but grossly altered. 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No BACKGROUND: The County Assessor indicates that the residence located at 52 Ashler Avenue was constructed in 1915, and the 1991 Bloomfield Survey estimates the construction date as the 1920s/1980s and providing a rating of “historic but grossly altered” (Attachment 1). The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps show a consistent building footprint from 1928 -1955 (Attachment 2). PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 52 Ashler Avenue/MR-24-009 DATE: July 19, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\07-24-24\Item 2 - 52 Ashler Ave\Staff Report.52 Ashler Avenue.docx BACKGROUND (continued): The 1991 Anne Bloomfield Survey noted as an alteration a second-story addition (Attachment 1). The following alterations are reflected in the Town’s permit records included as Attachment 3: • 2000 replacement of all windows (B00-000744); • 1999 construction of a porte cochere addition (P7409); • 1997 replacement of sheetrock and kitchen remodel (B23872); • 1995 re-roof (B95-000254); • 1975 construction of a 750 square foot addition (B2267); and • 1953 remodel of a bathroom and porch (1011) The applicant provided a summary of the records researched (Attachment 4), as well as property pictures (Attachment 5). DISCUSSION: Minor Residential Development Application MR-24-009 was submitted on May 2, 2024, proposing construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence. The project includes a second-story addition of 262 square feet and replacement of an existing window with a door on the rear elevation (Attachment 7). The proposed materials of the addition consist of wood siding (white color) to match the existing materials and finishes of the residence. All doors and windows consist of wood trim (white color) to match the residence. The roof material consists of composition shingles to match the residence. The addition will follow the same style of roof (gable roof) with a proposed height to match the existing roof ridge (approximately 29 feet 2 inches). CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1D. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the recommendation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the application would continue through the Minor Residential Development process. The project would not return to the Committee. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 52 Ashler Avenue/MR-24-009 DATE: July 19, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\07-24-24\Item 2 - 52 Ashler Ave\Staff Report.52 Ashler Avenue.docx FINDINGS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: X For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines Sections 3.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for construction of additions to existing residences (Attachment 6). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 3. Town Records 4. Applicant’s Submittal Packet 5. Property Pictures 6. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines 7. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank cflnnt:. !B[oom(u:fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File add r ess -/. • "" ",~ --~?~/--~---~------------------ PARCEL MAP I NFORMATION A RCH ITECTU RA L HISTORY (415) 922-1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET S AN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 Parcel # ~--C ------------------=-----------Lot size: ______ front f t . x ____ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L ___ Rectan gle with small rear jog___ Other _______________ __ Location: N / S E w side of ____ / ________ St __ Av e /Other _____ _ f rom --------------------dis tance to cross s t: ____ ft. N_ s_ E_ w_ SE SW HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP Other _____________________________________________________________________________ __ COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page ___ EFFective date ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date ____ :1891 I Blk Book '1908 ! Survey ! 1941 I Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size Owner Name MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/ frame # L'u · ?A Da t e 7J.., National Re gister listed date __________________ __ County Inventor y 1979 ____________ ~~------------ Town of Los Gato s : Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ------------------------------- Previous Survey Ge bhard: page # illustration page # Butler/Junior Leag ue ------- ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank dd,DEdϮ 1928-1944 1928-1956 ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Photos – MR-24-009/52 Ashler Ave. ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Residential Design Guidelines 33 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.8.3 Use traditional detailing •Treat openings in walls as though they were constructed of the traditional material for the style. For example, be sure to provide substantial wall space above arches in stucco and stone walls. Traditionally, wall space above the arch would have been necessary to structurally span the opening, and to make the space too small is inconsistent with the archi- tectural style. •Openings in walls faced with stone, real or synthetic, should have defined lintels above the opening except in Mission or Spanish Eclectic styles. Lintels may be stone, brick or wood as suits the style of the house. •Treat synthetic materials as though they were authentic. For example, select synthetic stone patterns that place the individual stones in a horizontal plane as they would have been in a load bearing masonry wall. •Select roof materials that are consistent with the traditional architectural style (e.g., avoid concrete roof tiles on a Crafts- man Style house.) 3.8.4 Materials changes •Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look. 3.9 ADDITIONS/ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/SECONDARY UNITS •Site additions in the least conspicuous place. In many cases this is a rear or side elevation - only rarely is it a rooftop. •The existing built forms, components and materials should be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and alterations should be consistent with and continue the original architectural style and design. •Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale and proportion to the historically significant portions of the existing structure. •When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in size, dimension, shape and location as the original, and Use stone or wood lintels over openings in stone walls Additions, accessory buildings and secondary units should match the form, architectural style, and details of the original house ATTACHMENT 6 Residential Design Guidelines34 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 should utilize the same materials as the existing protected exterior elements. • When an addition necessitates the removal of architectural materials, such as siding, windows, doors, and decorative elements, they should be carefully removed and reused in the addition where possible. • The introduction of window and door openings not char- acteristic in proportion, scale, or style with the original architecture is strongly discouraged (e.g., sliding windows or doors in a structure characterized by double hung windows and swinging doors). • The character of any addition or alteration should be in keeping with and subordinate to the integrity of the original structure. • The amount of foundation exposed on the addition should match that of the original building. • Do not add roof top additions where the roof is of historic significance. • Second floor additions are discouraged in neighborhoods with largely one story homes. If horizontal expansion of the house is not possible, consider incorporating a second floor addition within the roof form as shown in the example to the left. • Second floor additions which are not embedded within the roof form should be located to the rear of the structure. • The height and proportion of an addition or a second story should not dominate the original structure. • Deck additions should be placed to the rear of the struc- ture only, and should be subordinate in terms of scale and detailing. • New outbuildings, such as garages, should be clearly subor- dinate to the main structure in massing, and should utilize forms, materials and details which are similar to the main structure. • Garages should generally be located to the rear of the lot behind the rear wall of the residence. One car wide access driveways should be utilized. Original structure Addition incorporated into the roof successfully adds space while respecting the integrity of the existing house and the scale of the neighborhood Placing a two story addition to the rear can minimize its impact on the historic resource and the scale of the neighborhood MR-24-009: 52 Ashler Ave Town of Los Gatos Planning, This letter is to confirm that I “Ramin Zohoor” the designer of the project has done a site visit and following is the information explaining the proposed changes/ design and materials for the new addition to the above project. Exterior material of the house which is wood siding white color to remain on the all the portion of the existing house and the new finishes to match with the main house. Any finishes saved from existing to be used for the new addition for matching the style. All door and windows to have a white wood siding trim matching with the existing hosue type. Roof out of comp. shingles to remain and new addition to match. Hosue style with single pitched roof, high hip roof style to remain and new addition to follow the same styel. dd,DEdϳ TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE HISTORIC RESEARCH WORKSHEET Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a remodel, alteration, addition, determination of significance, or demolition of a designated or presumptive historic resource. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents of the historical and architectural characteristics, regarding both structures (construction date, alteration dates, photographic documentation) and people (owner and/or resident names). If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The Historic Preservation Committee reviews the application using the Town's Historic District Ordinance requirements. Copies of the ordinance(s) are available at Town Hall. The Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of every month. The filing deadline is 20 days prior to the meeting by 11:00 AM. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1. Los Gatos Public Library (see How to Research the History of a House in Los Gatos): □Sanborn Maps □1941 Tax Assessment □1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms □Polk’s Directories □Telephone Directories □Other 2. Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previously located in the county’s jurisdiction): □Santa Clara County Planning Department records □San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3. Community Development Department Resources: □Sanborn Maps □1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms □Community Development Department property files (permit history) Research was conducted on (please enter date): ____________________________________ Records and Documents found (please attach copies): _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND) (NO RECORD WAS FOUND)■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 04.01.2024 NO RECORD. 7KLV3DJH ,QWHQWLRQDOO\ /HIW%ODQN