Item 2 - Desk Item with Attachment 10.14915 Shannon Road PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/11/2023 ITEM NO: 2 DESK ITEM DATE: October 11, 2023 TO: General Plan Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for a Zone Change from RC (Resource Conservation) to HR-2½ (Hillside Residential), a General Plan Amendment to Change the Land Use Designation from Agricultural to Hillside Residential, and Subdivision of One Lot into Nine Lots on Property Zoned RC. APN: 537-27-047. CEQA Review is Pending. Zone Change Application Z-22-001, General Plan Amendment Application GP-22-001, and Subdivision Application M-22-003. Project Location: 14915 Shannon Road. Property Owner: Ray M. Elam, III, Trustee of Elam Family Trust. Applicant: Terence J. Szewczyk. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. REMARKS: Attachment 10 includes comments received between 11:01 a.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 11, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the October 11, 2023, Staff Report : 1. Location Maps (Showing Existing and Proposed General Plan Designations) 2. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Staff Report with Attachments 1 th rough 6, January 8, 2020 3. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Desk Item with Attachment 7, January 8, 2020 4. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2020 5. Letter from Applicant 6. Applicable General Plan Goals and Policies 7. Development Plans PAGE 2 of 2 SUBJECT: 14915 Shannon Road/Z-22-001, GP-22-001, and M-22-003 DATE: October 10, 2023 ATTACHMENTS (continued): Previously received with the Addendum Report: 8. Applicant’s response to Staff Report 9. Public comments received between 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 6, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Received with this Desk Item Report: 10. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 11, 2023 From: Ker Zhang <> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 9:01 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov>; Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Objecting rezoning of 14915 Shannon Road, Los Gatos [EXTERNAL SENDER] To whom it may concern, I am writing to you declaring our objecting to the rezoning of the land at 14915 Shannon Road. We concern that this will create much more traffic and further increase the burden on Shannon Road which lead to our home. This also increases fire danger and makes obtaining insurance for our property much more difficult. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Song Ding ATTACHMENT 10 From: Abby Zhang <> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 10:49 AM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: 14915 Shannon Road [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Sean, In advance of tonight’s public hearing, I would like to express our objection to the proposed re- zoning and subdivision of 14915 Shannon Road. Our concerns are: (1) Fire is a danger in the area, with emergency evacuation being a challenge we all anticipate. Creating nine lots in the property will add fire risk and increase the danger in an evacuation. The narrow road has risks that are concerning even without additional development. The report titled "Accept Wildland Urban Interface Evacuation Assessment Report" dated Oct 9, 2019 which was generated by the Town of Los Gatos identified the following issue: For the hillside area around Shannon Road, the special concerns are “High concentration of one-way in and one-way out ingress/egress options. Some of the same routes that allow access to the area for responders are the same routes that could be needed for evacuation.” The report identified that at the time there were “155 total residences, 33 within a 1⁄4 mile of the boundary” in the Shannon Road, Santa Rosa Drive, Sierra Azul Drive, Sky Lane, and Hicks Road area. It is likely that all these residents may need to evacuate through Shannon Road passing 14915 Shannon Road potentially causing congestion. Adding any additional density at this address would endanger the lives of the people who live in the surrounding area. (2) Many residences in the area are already facing difficulty in obtaining fire insurance. Adding density at 14915 Shannon Road would exacerbate the problem for everyone. (3) Shannon Road is a narrow road that already experiences heavy vehicle and bicycle traffic. It was clearly not designed for the amount -- and excessive speed -- of traffic it gets. This development will add at least one driveway entering Shannon Road, and will have multiple houses sharing a driveway, all on a narrow downhill stretch of road where speeding is common. Near-collisions are common on Shannon Road as cars mix with bicycles on the multiple blind corners. Adding more traffic and more people entering and exiting the road is an invitation to disaster. (4) The portion of Shannon Road in front of 14915 Shannon Road is narrow and next to a steep slope. Adding more traffic, including the heavy trucks and equipment needed for development as well as ongoing daily traffic, would furrther burden the road and cause damage to it. (5) In addition, adding density at this address would negatively impact the environment and sustainability, and the wildlife in the area, and violates the aesthetics standard, set out by the general plan of the Town of Los Gatos. We would urge the Town of Los Gatos to reject the request for re-zoning and subdivision. Adding any more density in this area would be reckless and put the lives of the people living in the area in danger. Sincerely, Jon Toor and Abby Zhang From: Jon Garliepp <> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 10:58 AM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 14915 Shannon Road - Issues to be Addressed due to Proposed Zoning Change / Project [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Sean Mullin, • This project does not conform to the Los Gatos 2040 General Plan. • The project does not address wildfire issues. • There isn’t an environmental report. • The project does not address the feasibility of two (maybe three?) new ridgeline houses. • The project does not address impacts to the roadway of Sky Lane or the neighbors that live on it. • The proposed project zoning is inconsistent with the zoning on six properties that directly touch it (along the north section) and with the property to the west that touches it also. • See concerns listed in attached .pdf file. Note that these concerns and questions are related to the documents listed online at the Town of Los Gatos website for the 10/11/2023 meeting. These need to be addressed by the Town of Los Gatos and/or the applicant. • Santa Clara County designates Shannon Road as a “Scenic Road” from Kennedy to Hicks. This section of Shannon was in the county previously, and was designated a scenic road with certain requirements with respect to building views, etc. How is the Town of Los Gatos going to make sure that these same county standards are applied here as the road is the same – a scenic roadway? • See list of concerns noted on website: https://keepshannonroadscenic.com/. Note that this website was developed to promote communication and bring forth concerns related to this property. Sincerely, Jon & Melody Garliepp This Page Intentionally Left Blank