Item 2 - Addendum with Attachments 8 and 9.14915 Shannon Road (PDF)PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/11/2023 ITEM NO: 2 ADDENDUM DATE: October 10, 2023 TO: General Plan Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for a Zone Change from RC (Resource Conservation) to HR-2½ (Hillside Residential), a General Plan Amendment to Change the Land Use Designation from Agricultural to Hillside Residential, and Subdivision of One Lot into Nine Lots on Property Zoned RC. APN: 537-27-047. CEQA Review is Pending. Zone Change Application Z-22-001, General Plan Amendment Application GP-22-001, and Subdivision Application M-22-003. Project Location: 14915 Shannon Road. Property Owner: Ray M. Elam, III, Trustee of Elam Family Trust. Applicant: Terence J. Szewczyk. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. REMARKS: Attachment 8 includes the applicant’s response to the Staff Report. Attachment 9 includes public comments received between 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 6, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the October 11, 2023, Staff Report: 1.Location Maps (Showing Existing and Proposed General Plan Designations) 2.Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Staff Report with Attachments 1 th rough 6, January 8, 2020 3.Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Desk Item with Attachment 7, January 8, 2020 4.Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2020 5.Letter from Applicant 6.Applicable General Plan Goals and Policies 7.Development Plans PAGE 2 of 2 SUBJECT: 14915 Shannon Road/Z-22-001, GP-22-001, and M-22-003 DATE: October 10, 2023 ATTACHMENTS (continued): Received with this Addendum Report: 8.Applicant’s response to Staff Report 9.Public comments received between 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 6, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2023 From: Terence J. Szewczyk Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2023 5:02 PM To: Alexa Nolder <ANolder@losgatosca.gov>; Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Jennifer Armer <JArmer@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: General Plan Committee Agenda - 10/11/2023 [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hey Mr. Mullin, Thanks for the staff report. I marked it up with my comments. 1) GP and not Zoning Decision I am a little concerned that we are merely asking GPC to change from RC to HR and not having them specify the HR2.5 zoning. However, I am sure they will be keen on the zoning discussion. 2) 45 - YEAR HSP GENERATED ONLY 23% OF THE GOAL FOR NEW UNITS Based upon my reading of the HSP, the Town is light on the creation of about 750 houses in the hillsides (1049-250= 750ish). The HSP was adopted at about the time of Prop 13 and I suspect was considered an alternative to generate revenue for hillside infrastructure for roads, sewer, and water. It was intentionally generous with clustered density to encourage a critical mass of dwellings to support costs. 3) TOWN DOESN'T IMPLEMENT THE SPECIFIC PLAN AS CALIFORNIA LAW INTENDED, THE BLOSSOM HILL OPEN SPACE STUDY IS UNUSED Somehow, these important policy documents that were adopted and amended up until about 2001 seem to disappear from town-initiated discussions. They have never been pre-empted by subsequent legislative action nor jointly amended with the Town partner Agency---- Santa Clara County. The HDS&G was not a comprehensive revision to the HSP, but did include new info on subdivisions (see Chapter 8 attached). One might argue that these policies were considered within the newly adopted General Plan, but that might not be correct. 4) THE SKY LANE TO SIERRA AZULE EMERGENCY ACCESS CONNECTION SHOULD BE CELEBRATED Bud Elam expended his own resources to secure the street right of way that PPW forgot in 1989. SUMMARY In summary, we have offered the Town a "policy compliant" subdivision design and will be interested to hear what improvements can be made to enhance the design with open space and public input. Best regards, Terry Terence J. Szewczyk. P.E. TS/Civil Engineering, Inc ATTACHMENT 8 TOWN OF LOS GATOS HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES 2. The least restrictive development areas within sub-areas 2 through 9 of the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan shall be defined as those areas: a. Below the ridge view protection line as defined in Chapter III, Section D.3. b. Outside riparian corridors, c. With a 30 percent slope or less, and d. Where the impact on the natural hillside environment including vegetation, wildlife corridors, cut and fill slopes, and natural watersheds is minimized. 3. Within Sub-areas 2 through 9 of the Hillside Specific Plan, development is prohibited outside the least restrictive development areas unless there is no feasible alternative. 4. The Blossom Hill Open Space Study contains a map identifying the least restrictive development area for Sub-area 1, of the Hillside Specific Plan. Development applications for property located outside sub-area 1 shall be required to map the least restrictive development areas for their individual sites D. Exceptions to development within LRDA. Within Sub-area 1 of the Hillside Specific Plan, development outside of the least restrictive development areas, as identified by the Blossom Hill Open Space Study, shall be prohibited except when all of the following conditions exist: 1. The development is clearly in compliance with the provisions of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines, Hillside Specific Plan, and General Plan. 2. Development outside of the least restrictive development areas results in minimal grading, tree removal and/or changes to the natural landscape and is more advantageous as determined by the decision making body. 3. Access to a development within a least restrictive development area can only be attained by developing a road or driveway outside a least restrictive development area. 4. Project visibility from any valley floor viewing area shall not exist or shall be significantly less than development within the LRDA. Page 60 TOWN OF LOS GATOS HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Do this Don’t do this b. Drainage channels and brow ditches should receive a naturalizing treatment including native rock and landscaping so that the structure appears as an integral part of the environment and should be placed in the least visible locations. Do this Don’t do this 3. Lot configuration and building locations. Standards: a. The layout of lots shall be derived from the form of the land. The development plan shall adapt to existing topography and natural features, avoiding unnecessary alteration of landforms. Page 62 TOWN OF LOS GATOS HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES f. Trail design standards should be developed and included in planned development documents or subdivision plans that: ▪ limit trail use to pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian use only ▪ prevent use by all motorized vehicles ▪ protect the natural environment ▪ promote safe recreational use ▪ determine appropriate width ▪ establish policies regarding fencing location and type ▪ incorporate erosion control measures Page 65 From: L Starov <> Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 4:51 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Objection to Zoning Change & Subdivision of Shannon Road [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Sean: As good long-time citizens of Los Gatos, we object to the zoning change and subdivision of Shannon Road. The Shannon Road part of Los Gatos is one of the few remaining in this town where its natural beauty and scenic sights allow all the town dwellers to enjoy - whether it be for biking, hiking, riding their horses, etc. This nature reserve is a place we are all proud of which not many towns can boast about. With the proposed zoning and subdivision, not only will it destroy Los Gatos' identity, it will also add more hazards - natural and human - that are discussed on this website: https://keepshannonroadscenic.com/ We seek your support in listening to our concerns and taking action to preserve Shannon. Thank you in advance, Lily ATTACHMENT 9 From: bruce entin <> Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 10:03 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Zone change application on 14915 Shannon Road [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello, I am writing to voice my opposition to the proposed change in zoning at 14915 Shannon Road. As we know, Shannon Road is narrow, heavily populated by cyclists, and prone to road hazards (as we are experiencing now with a lane shutdown that is expected to last the rest of 2023). Adding more cars - many more cars per family in these new homes - will only add to traffic congestion and increase the possibility of accidents with cars entering the road. In addition, adding these new homes, plus possibly ADU's, will only increase the risk of hillside fires. Thank you for your consideration, Bruce Entin --Bruce