Item 3 - Staff Report with Exhibits 1 through 8.666 NSC PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/13/2024 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: March 8, 2024 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval of a Modification to an Existing Conditional Use Permit for a Convenience Market that Includes the Sale of Beer and Wine at an Automobile Service Station on Property Zoned C-1. Located at 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue. APN 529-10-141. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Conditional Use Permit Application U-22-004. Property Owner/Applicant: Samir Dave, HDLM Associates. Project Planner: Jocelyn Shoopman. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Neighborhood Commercial Zoning Designation: C-1 Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan; Commercial Design Guidelines Parcel Size: 0.504 acres (21,980 square feet) Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Office, Single-Family Residential, and Multi-Family Residential Office Professional and Medium Density Residential O and R-M:5-12 East Commercial Service Commercial LM South Commercial Neighborhood Commercial C-1 West Commercial and Residential Neighborhood Commercial C-1 and R-M:5-12 PAGE 2 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. ▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). ▪ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit. ▪ As required for compliance with the Commercial Design Guidelines. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at the intersection of Blossom Hill Road and North Santa Cruz Avenue (Exhibit 1). The project site is 0.504 acres (21,980 square feet) and is currently occupied by a Mobil gas station, convenience market, and three automotive service bays. For the remainder of the staff report, the Mobil automobile service station will be referred to as a service station, consistent with Town Code terminology for the use. The site has three points of access with ingress and egress on Blossom Hill Road, North Santa Cruz Avenue, and Industrial Way (Exhibit 1). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property is located at the intersection of Blossom Hill Road and North Santa Cruz Avenue (Exhibit 1). The surrounding area contains a mix of uses with office, single- family residential, and multi-family residential to the north, commercial uses to the east, as well as residential and commercial uses to the west and south. PAGE 3 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (continued): B. Project Summary The applicant is requesting approval of a modification to the existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a convenience market that includes the sale of beer and wine at a service station (Exhibit 6). No modification to the existing fuel dispensers is proposed. C. Zoning Compliance The sale of beer and wine at a service station requires approval of a CUP in the C-1 zone. The existing use is operating with an approved CUP from 1970 (Exhibit 4). The proposed project includes a modification to the existing CUP for expansion of the existing convenience market into three existing automotive service bays. DISCUSSION: A. Zoning The sale of beer and wine at a service station is allowed as a conditional use in the C-1 zone, requiring approval of a CUP. The existing service station is operating with an approved CUP from 1970 (Exhibit 4). The proposed project includes a modification to the existing CUP for a convenience market that includes the sale of beer and wine at a service station. The proposed project includes expansion of the existing convenience market into three existing automotive service bays and would not result in an increase in the existing building square footage or lot coverage. The project complies with the zoning requirements related to lot coverage, building height, parking, and circulation. The applicant is not requesting any exceptions or Variances to the Town Code. B. Conditional Use Permit The existing service station is operating under CUP application, U-70-7, approved by the Planning Commission on May 27, 1970 (Exhibit 4). On February 27, 1985, the Planning Commission denied a request to modify the existing CUP to convert an existing salesroom into a convenience market. On May 6, 1985, the Town Council denied the appeal of the Planning Commission decision to deny the CUP (Exhibit 5). Presently, there is a convenience market on the property. The property owner does not have information as to when the conversion of the sales room to a convenience market occurred and stated that the condition was present when the property was purchased in 2007. The applicant has stated that with the retirement of the operator of the automotive service bays, and with a PAGE 4 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): change in the technology of automobiles, an expanded convenience store is a better fit for the neighborhood and in keeping with the commercial character of the zone (Exhibit 6). Additionally, the Town has no Building or Planning permit records that the conversion of the sales room into a convenience store was done with the benefit of a permit. In order to grant approval of a CUP for the proposed use, the deciding body must make the following findings: 1. The proposed use of the property is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; 3. The proposed use would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare; and 4. The proposed use of the property is in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. In regard to the first finding, the proposed modifications would be considered desirable to the public convenience or welfare in that the modification would provide convenience goods to residents and visitors. As required by finding two, the proposed modification to the existing use would not impair the integrity and character of the zone since the existing use is located in a commercial zone. In regard to the third finding, the proposed modifications to the existing use would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare. In regard to the final finding, the proposed use meets the objectives of the General Plan and Town Code as described in this report. Pursuant to Section 29.20.197 of the Town Code, the deciding body must also consider the following factors: 1. The number of locations of retail on-sale and off-sale licenses to sell alcohol located within a reasonable distance, generally one mile, of the proposed location; 2. The proximity of the location to schools, public parks, playgrounds, youth-oriented facilities, and residential neighborhoods. Generally, beer and wine sales within 500 feet of school, public park, playground, or youth-oriented uses should not be allowed; 3. Hours of operation and of alcohol sales; 4. Past history of businesses on the property; and 5. History of loitering and police activity in the general neighborhood of location. In regard to the first factor, staff researched the number of active retail on- and off-sale Alcohoic Beverage Control (ABC) licenses within one mile and determined that there are approximately 86 active license. This approximation of active licenses includes restaurants, PAGE 5 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): grocery stores, service stations, and a convenience store. In regard to the second factor, there are no schools located within 500 feet of the subject property; however, Oak Meadow Park is located within 500 feet of the subject property. In regard to the third factor, th e hours of operation are proposed to remain the same with operating hours of 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. In regard to the fourth factor, the service station has been at this location since 1970. Lastly, in regard to the fifth factor, the Los Gatos Monte Sereno Police Department does not have a record of loitering or police activity at this location. The applicant has also provided a letter of justification in response to the additional factors for review of a CUP to sell beer and wine at a convenience market (Exhibit 6). Pursuant to Section 29.20.197 of the Town Code, the following conditions of approval have been included in Exhibit 3: 1. No beer or wine shall be displayed within five feet of the cash register; 2. No advertisement or display of beer or wine shall be made outside the building in which sales of beer and wine occur; 3. No sale of beer or wine shall be made from a drive-in window; 4. No beer or wine for sale shall be refrigerated, and no display or sale of beer or wine shall be made from an ice tub; 5. No self-illuminated advertising for beer or wine shall be located on buildings or windows; 6. Employees on duty between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. who may sell beer or wine shall be at least 21 years of age; 7. There shall be no on-premises consumption of beer or wine; 8. The sale of beer and wine shall at all times be incidental to the operation of the building as a service station. Whether the sale of beer or wine is incidental shall be determined by measurement of the space devoted to sales of beer and wine with relation to sales of grocery and convenience items, and the volume of sales of beer and wine with relation to sales of other grocery and convenience items; 9. Uniformed security personnel may be required in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol-related problems recur that are not resolved by the licensed owner; 10. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with representatives of the Police Department for ongoing employee training on alcoholic beverages sales to the general public; and 11. The operator shall post and maintain a warning regarding driving after consumption of alcoholic beverages in a visible location near the cash register. PAGE 6 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): C. Design and Compatibility The proposal will not result in an increase in the existing building height or addition to the existing building, rather an interior and exterior renovation of the existing convenience market into the three existing automotive service bays will be done (Exhibits 6 and 7). The proposed exterior finishes include tile wainscot, wood panel lap siding, wood trim, and aluminum windows in a dark bronze color. The existing tile roofing is proposed to remain (Exhibit 8). The proposed exterior modifications to the existing building are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Commercial Design Guidelines to provide a unified design around all sides of the building and to utilize high quality building materials. The proposed building materials are provided on Sheet A301 of Exhibit 8 and would match the existing materials. The only site improvement proposed as part of the project is to re-stripe the existing off-street parking spaces to be compliant with the Town Code. F. General Plan The 2020 General Plan Land Use designation for the site is Neighborhood Commercial. This designation provides for necessary day-to-day commercial goods and services required by the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods. This designation encourages concentrated and coordinated commercial development at easily accessible locations. In addition to maintaining neighborhood quality, the 2020 General Plan Land Use Element focuses on maintaining a “full-service” Town that provides a range of goods and services that support economic vitality, while limiting adverse impacts on the quality of life of all the residents. Applicable goals and policies of the 2020 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements include, but are not limited to the following: • Policy LU-2.1: Minimize vehicle miles traveled for goods and services by allowing and encouraging stores that provide these goods within walking distance of neighborhoods in Los Gatos; • Goal LU-4: To provide for well-planned, careful growth that reflects the Town’s existing character and infrastructure; • Goal LU-9: To provide residents with adequate commercial and industrial services; • Policy LU-9.4: Encourage existing light industry and service commercial uses to remain or be replaced with similar uses; • Policy LU-9.5: Encourage the development and retention of locally owned stores and shops; PAGE 7 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): • Policy LU-9.8: Retail sales tax “leakage” should be kept to a minimum by providing in- town convenience and comparative shopping opportunities; • Policy CD-1.1: Building elements shall be in proportion with those traditionally in the neighborhood; • Policy CD-1.2: New structures, remodels, landscapes, and hardscapes shall be designed to harmonize and blend with the scale and rhythm of the neighborhood and natural features in the area; • Policy CD-1.4: Development on all elevations shall be of high-quality design and construction, a positive addition to and compatible with the Town’s ambiance. Development shall enhance the character and unique identity of existing commercial and/or residential neighborhoods; and • Goal CD-8: Promote, enhance and protect the appearance of the Los Gatos’s commercial areas. G. Parking The proposed use requires 10 parking spaces. The proposal includes 10 compliant on-site parking spaces. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Written notice was sent to property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the subject property. At the time this report was published, no comments had been received. CEQA DETERMINATION: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15301: Existing Facilities. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval of a modification to the existing CUP for a convenience market that includes the sale of beer and wine at a service station in the C-1 zone. The project is consistent with the Zoning Code, General Plan, and applicable Commercial Design Guidelines. PAGE 8 OF 8 SUBJECT: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue/U-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2024 CONCLUSION (continued): B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends approval of the CUP application subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval. If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposed project, it should: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the findings as required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a CUP (Exhibit 2); and 4. Approve CUP application U-22-004 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3, and development plans included as Exhibit 8. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Approve the application with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the application. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Conditional Use Permit U-70-7 5. Resolution 1985-61 6. Letters of Justification 7. Project Description 8. Development Plans UNIVERSITY AVN SANTA CRUZ AVINDUSTRIAL WYBLOSS O M H I L L R D MARIP O S A A V SAN M A T E O A V ASHLE R A V AUGU S T A C T 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes:- Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm)- Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label- Updated 10/8/20 to add street centerlines which can be useful in the hillside area- Updated 02-19-21 to link to TLG-SQL17 database (sm) EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – March 13, 2024 REQUIRED FINDINGS & CONSIDERATIONS FOR: 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue Conditional Use Permit Application U-22-002 Requesting Approval of a Modification to an Existing Conditional Use Permit for a Convenience Market that Includes the Sale of Beer and Wine at an Automobile Service Station on Property Zoned C-1. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Samir Dave, HDLM Associates PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman FINDINGS Required findings for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Required compliance with the Zoning Regulations: ■ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). Required Findings for a Conditional Use Permit: ■ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit: 1. The proposed uses of the property are essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare in that the modification would provide convenience goods to residents and visitors; 2. The proposed uses will not impair the integrity and character of the zone since the existing use is located in a commercial zone and meets the development standards of the zone including setbacks, building height, and lot coverage; 3. The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare; and 4. The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the general plan and the purposes of Chapter 29 of the Town Code. Commercial Design Guidelines: ■ The proposed building is consistent with applicable provisions of the Commercial Design Guidelines. N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2024\NSC 666 - CUP Findings - PC 03-13-24.docx EXHIBIT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – March 13, 2024 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 666 North Santa Cruz Avenue Conditional Use Permit Application U-22-002 Requesting Approval of a Modification to an Existing Conditional Use Permit for a Convenience Market that Includes the Sale of Beer and Wine at an Automobile Service Station on Property Zoned C-1. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Samir Dave, HDLM Associates PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission on March 13, 2024. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director or the Planning Commission, depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The Conditional Use Permit approval will expire two years from the approval date unless it is used before expiration. Section 29.20.335 defines what constitutes the use of an approval granted under the Zoning Ordinance. 3. LAPSE FOR DISCONTINUANCE: If the activity for which the Conditional Use Permit has been granted is discontinued for a period of one (1) year the approval lapses. 4. USE: The approved use is a service station with a convenience store that includes the sale of beer and wine. 5. HOURS OF OPERATION: The maximum hours of operation for the automobile service station and convenience store shall be 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. 6. SIGN PERMIT: A Sign Permit from the Los Gatos Community Development Department must be obtained prior to any changes to existing signs or installation of new signs. 7. CERTIFICATE OF USE AND OCCUPANCY: A Certificate of Use and Occupancy from the Los Gatos Community Development Department must be obtained prior to commencement of use. 8. BUSINESS LICENSE: A business license from the Town of Los Gatos Finance Department must be obtained prior to the commencement of any new or change of use. 9. BEER AND WINE LOCATION: No beer or wine shall be displayed within five feet of the cash register. 10. ADVERTISEMENT: No advertisement or display of beer or wine shall be made outside the building in which sales of beer and wine occur. 11. POINT OF SALE LOCATION: No sale of beer or wine shall be made from a drive-in window. EXHIBIT 3 12. BEER AND WINE LOCATION: No beer or wine for sale shall be refrigerated, and no display or sale of beer or wine shall be made from an ice tub. 13. SELF-ILLUMINATION SIGNAGE: No self-illuminated advertising for beer or wine shall be located on buildings or windows. 14. EMPLOYEES: Employees on duty between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. who may sell beer or wine shall be at least 21 years of age. 15. CONSUMPTION OF BEER AND WINE: There shall be no on-premises consumption of beer or wine. 16. INCIDENTAL USE: The sale of beer and wine shall at all times be incidental to the operation of the building as a service station. Whether the sale of beer or wine is incidental shall be determined by measurement of the space devoted to sales of beer and wine with relation to sales of grocery and convenience items, and the volume of sales of beer and wine with relation to sales of other grocery and convenience items. 17. SECURITY: Uniformed security personnel may be required in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol-related problems recur that are not resolved by the licensed owner. 18. EMPLOYEE TRAINING: At the discretion of the Chief of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with representatives of the Police Department for ongoing employee training on alcoholic beverages sales to the general public. 19. WARNING SIGNAGE: The operator shall post and maintain a warning regarding driving after consumption of alcoholic beverages in a visible location near the cash register. 20. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. Building Division 21. A comprehensive plan review has not been completed for this CUP modification under consideration by the Development Review Committee and compliance with applicable codes have not been verified. 22. PERMITS: No work requiring Building Permits can commence without issuance of any required Building Permits. Building Permit plan review, including review by the Santa Clara County Fire Department and the Parks and Public Works Department, will be part of any required Building Permit application process. No change in the character of occupancy or change to a different group of occupancies as described by the Building Code shall be made without first obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Official. 23. ACCESSIBILITY: In addition to all new work complying with the Code for accessibility, when existing buildings are altered or remodeled, they must be made accessible to persons with physical disabilities in accordance with the CBC Section 11B-202, “Existing buildings and facilities.” TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 24. Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 25. Please note that tenant improvements will be reviewed during building permit submittal. 26. This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction. A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid. Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2024\NSC 666 - CUP COA - PC 03-13-24 DRAFT.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT 4 EXHIBIT 5 K12 Architects, Inc. 3090 Fite Circle, Suite 104, Sacramento, CA. 95827 Phone: (916) 455-6500 Fax: (916) 455-8100 July 31, 2023 Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner City of Los Gatos Planning Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 9 666 N. Santa Curz Avenue: U-22-004 LETTER OF JUSTIFICATION 1.Convenience store use is a desirable use at this location. Today those people coming into the gas station expect a nice convenience store with the usual chips, drinks and other snacks. As well as commonly needed items found in grocery stores. This saves them added time driving to other stores and waiting in longer lines. Today convenience stores are even adding hot food items also. 2.The proposed uses will not impair the integrity and character of the zone. The current operator of the repair shop is retiring from this work, and so the auto repair shop is closing. Over the last 40 years the fuel station has taken on a new look. It is no longer the “service” station like it was. Car technology has changed this. They are now more of a convenience store. This model has proven to be a profitable change for the industry. Today it is more typical to see a convenience store than a car repair shop at a fuel station. With the repair shop empty the owner needs to change his model and expand into the convenience store. The character found within the zone will not be changed by this change. The building architecture will not be modified that much. The large door openings will be replaced with windows and the exterior wainscot will be updated. 3.The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare. This proposed renovation will bring this property up to current code requirements for safety, health and general welfare. The restrooms will be accessed from the interior which is a deterrent for those who tend to hang around and use them without being a client of the facility. 4.The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the general plan and the purposes of this chapter. We feel that this use fits into the services that are allowed in the general plan and the design keeps the small town character of the neighborhood. Convenience stores are a use found within this zone. 5.A hazardous waste facility proposal is subject to the California Health and Safety code and with Santa Clara County Hazardous Waste Management Plan. The current fuel station is already following the guidelines of these codes and has a Hazardous waste management plan. Sincerely, Kurt Wagenknecht EXHIBIT 6 K12 Architects, Inc. 3090 Fite Circle, Suite 104, Sacramento, CA. 95827 Phone: (916) 455-6500 Fax: (916) 455-8100 July 31, 2023 Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner City of Los Gatos Planning Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 9 666 N. Santa Curz Avenue: U-22-004 LETTER OF JUSTIFICATION for Section 29.20.197 (a) and (b) (a) When reviewing an application for a conditional use permit or modification to a conditional use permit to sell beer or wine for consumption off-premises at a service station pursuant to section 29.20.185, the deciding body shall consider the following factors in addition to those required in section 29.20.190 1. The number of locations that sell beer and wine within a mile. We do not have this information. We can ask the licensing organization to determine this. There does not appear to many stores that sell beer and wine within this radius. 2. The proximity of the location to schools, public parks, playgrounds, youth-oriented facilities, and residential neighborhoods. Generally, beer and wine sales within five hundred (500) feet of school, public park, playground, or youth-oriented uses should not be allowed; There are no schools within 500’. There is a walking entrance to the Oak Meadow park within this 500’. The drive entrance is further away. The Vasona Lake County park is further away. 3. Hours of operation: The hours of operation will remain as they have been. Monday-Friday: 5am to Midnight Saturday- Sunday: 6am to Midnight 4. The past history of business at this location. The fuel station and auto repair has been there since 1970 and is a vital part of the neighborhood. 5. History of Loitering and police activity. While there have been some loitering and some police calls, this location is on the low side of police activity this is true for this neighborhood as well. (b) When reviewing an application to sell beer and wine for consumption off-premises at a service station, the deciding body shall impose the following conditions and operating standards: The owners agrees with these provisions. 1) No beer or wine shall be displayed within five feet of the cash register. 2) No advertisement or display of beer or wine shall be made outside the building in which sales or beer and wine occur. 3) No sale of beer or wine shall be made from a drive-in window. K12 Architects, Inc. 3090 Fite Circle, Suite 104, Sacramento, CA. 95827 Phone: (916) 455-6500 Fax: (916) 455-8100 4) No beer or wine for sale shall be refrigerated, and no display or sale of beer or wine shall be made from an ice tub. 5) No self-illuminated advertising for beer or wine shall be located on buildings or windows. 6) Employees on duty between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. who may sell beer or wine shall be at least 21 years of age. 7) There shall be no on-premises consumption of beer or wine. 8) The sale of beer and wine shall at all times be incidental to the operation of the building as a service station. Whether the sale of beer or wine is incidental shall be determined by measurement of the space devoted to sales of beer and wine with relation to sales of grocery and convenience items, and the volume of sales of beer and wine with relation to sales of other grocery and convenience items. 9) Uniformed security personnel may be required in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol-related problems recur that are not resolved by the licensed owner. 10) At the discretion of the Chief of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with representatives of the Police Department for ongoing employee training on alcoholic beverages sales to the general public. 11) The operator shall post and maintain a warning regarding driving after consumption of alcoholic beverages in a visible location near the cash register. Sincerely, Kurt Wagenknecht This Page Intentionally Left Blank K12 Architects, Inc. 3090 Fite Circle, Suite 104, Sacramento, CA. 95827 Phone: (916) 455-6500 Fax: (916) 455-8100 December 6, 2023 Los Gatos Mobil Remodel Remove 3 Auto Service Bays – New Convenience Store 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos Conditional Use Application: U-22-004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existing Fuel Station: There are 4- Existing fuel dispensers, these will remain. There is no new fuel work involved with this project. There is existing propane sales, this will remain. There are currently 3- auto Service bays in the building. These will be eliminated. The roll-up doors will be replaced with walls and windows to match the existing building. The existing toilet room has an exterior entrance. This will be removed and replaced. The interior of the existing building will be demolished and remodeled into a convenience store. The existing 13 parking stalls will remain. New Convenience Store: The interior of the building will be converted in a convenience store. There will be two interior access rest rooms. Storage room, walk-in cooler and standard gondolas in the sales area. The new store will also have beer and alcohol sales. The roll-up doors will be come windows with low walls below. The main entry door will be more centrally located instead of at the corner of the building. Parking: The parking required for the existing auto service is 10 parking spaces. The required parking for the new convenience store is 10 spaces. Hours of Operation: The new fueling and convenience store will keep the existing hours of Monday-Friday: 5am to Midnight Saturday-Sunday: 6 am to Midnight. New site work: Site work will be limited to the area just in front of the convenience store and the path of travel for the street and restriping of the handicapped parking stall. New landscaping at the corner You are welcome to send comments to the owner, architect or the Planning Department. Kurt Wagenknecht, Architect kurt@k12architects.com EXHIBIT 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank CASHIEROFFICEWORK ROOMBEER CAVEFREEZERWALK-INSALESREST ROOMREST ROOMELECTPARKINGNOPROPANESHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE 15 EXISTING SITE PLAN 1" = 20'-0"SCALE: SITE PLAN KEYNOTES VICINITY MAP LOS GATOS, CA SITE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(S): PROJECT SITE AREA (GROSS): EXISTING BUILDING DATA: CONVENIENCE STORE STRUCTURE USE ZONE TYPE OFCBC CONST.OCCUP. S.F.2,304 AREA (0.504 ACRES) C1 - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL S.F.21,980 529-10-141 PROJECT DATA FUELING CANOPY S.F.1,360MII B LOS GATOS MOBIL LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 666 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE CONVENIENECE STORE REMODEL M V B A101 EXISTING SITE PLAN OWNER APPROVED - DECEMBER 3, 2015 CODE AUTHORITY: TITLE 19 C.C.R., PUBLIC SAFETY STATE FIRE MARSHAL REGULATIONS 2022 CA ADMIN. CODE TITLE 24, PART 1 2022 CA BUILDING CODE (CBC) TITLE 24, PT. 2 2022 CA ELEC. CODE (CEC) TITLE 24, PT. 3 2022 CA MECH. CODE (CMC) TITLE 24, PT. 4 2022 CA PLUM. CODE (CPC) TITLE 24, PT. 5 2022 CA ENERGY CODE CCR TITLE 24, PT. 6 2022 CA FIRE CODE (CFC) CCR TITLE 24, PT. 9 2022 CA GREEN BLDG. STANDARS, TITLE 24, PT 11 2022 CA REFERENCED STANDARDS, TITLE 24, PT 12 CURRENT CODES, AS AMENDED AND ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AS OF JANUARY , 2020, ARE THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 24. NUMBER OF STORIES:1 BUILDING HEIGHT:19'-6" YEAR BUILDING WAS CONSTRUCTED:1971 BLOSS O M H I L L R D EXISTING AUTO SERVICE BAYS TO BE REMODELED TO A CONVENIENCE STORE EXISTING FUEL ISLAND EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PROPERTY LINE EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT AWAY SIDEWALK TO REMAIN, TYP EXISTING STOP LIGHT TO REMAIN EXISTING CURB RAMP TO REMAIN EXISTING LANDSCAPING TO REMAIN EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN,TYP UNO, 2 FOOT OVERHANG INTO LANDSCAPING. EXISTING GAS PRICE MONUMENT SIGN TO REMAIN EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN, TYP EXISTING AC PAVING TO REMAIN EXISTING UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK TO REMAIN EXISTING FUEL DISPENSER TO REMAIN, TYP. EXISTING FUEL DISPENSER ISLAND TO REMAIN, TYP EXISTING HOOP BOLLARD TO REMAIN EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. EXISTING CANOPY COLUMN TO REMAIN, TYP. EXISTING TILE PATTER PAVING TO REMAIN EXISTING STORAGEN. SANTA CRUZ AVE1 2 3 4 33 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING TO REMAIN 5 5 5 5 EXISTING STORAGE TANK TO REMAIN 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 EXISTING HOOP BOLLARD TO REMAIN DASHED LINE OF EXISTING FUELING CANOPY ABOVE 20 22 EXISTING SITE LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN, TYP. 21 22 23 EXISTING AIR/WATER SERVICE TO REMAIN 23 SCALE: N.T.S. 46'-5"78'-9"32'-0"72'-0"35'-0"42'-11" 30'-3"36'-5"24 EXISTING 4" WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT 25 EXISTING VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL ALL WALKWAYS AND SIDEWALKS ALONG ACCESSIBLE ROUTES OF TRAVEL (1) ARE CONTINUOUSLY ACCESSIBLE, (2) HAVE A MAXIMUM 1/2" CHANGE IN ELEVATION, (3) ARE MINIMUM 48" IN WIDTH, (4) HAVE A MAXIMUM 2% CROSS SLOPE, AND (5) WHERE NECESSARY TO CHANGE ELEVATION AT A SLOPE EXCEEDING 5% (I.E., 1:20) SHALL HAVE RAMPS COMPLYING WITH 2016 CBC, SECTION 11B-405 OR 11B406 AS APPROPRIATE. WHERE A WALK CROSSES OR ADJOINS A VEHICULAR WAY, AND THE WALKING SURFACES ARE NOT SEPARATED BY CURBS, RAILINGS OR OTHER ELEMENTS BETWEEN THE PEDESTRIAN AREAS AND VEHICULAR AREAS SHALL BE DEFINED BY A CONTINUOUS DETECTABLE WARNING WHICH IS 36" WIDE, COMPLYING 2016 CBC, SECTION 11B-705.1.2.5. PATH OF TRAVEL 26 EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN 27 EXISTING 8'-0" ACCESSIBLE AISLE 28 EXISTING COMPLIANT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY 29 EXISTING COMPLIANT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY 30 NEW 4" THICK CONCRETE WALK. SHOWN HATCHED. 30 PARKING NO (E)CONCRETE CURB TYP. SYMBOL 3'-0" SQ. WHITE PAINT ON FED. STANDARD BLUE VAN ACCESSABLE SIGN 12" HIGH LETTERING WHITE PAINT (N) CONCRETE WALK. SEE SITE PLAN 4" STRIPE, BLUE PAINT ACCESSIBLE CROSSWALK. 4" WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT AT 3'-0" O.C. SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" (E) ACCESSIBLE STALL 5'-0" 12'-0"18'-0"10 A102 12 DRAWING INDEX ARCHITECTURAL A101 COVER SHEET/SITE PLAN A201 NEW FLOOR PLAN A202 EXISTING/DEMO FLOOR PLAN A301 C STORE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A302 SITE PICTURES A303 SITE PICTURES A304 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXISTING PARKING DATA: NEW PARKING DATA: 2 PER SERVICE BAY + 1 PER EMPLOYEE 6+ 4 = 10 PARKING SPACES 1 SPACE PER 235 SF OF GROSS BUILDING AREA 2304 SF / 235 = 10 SPACES REQUIRED. NEW CONVENIENCE STORE REMOVE 3-AUTO SERVICE BAYS 21'-0 " 31 EXISTING 8'-0" CMU WALL, AT PROPERTY LINE. 31 31 15'-0" 15'-0"20'-0"32 EXISTING EASEMENT 32 32 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 33 NEW LANDSCAPING 33 33 10 5'-0"34 LINE OF CAR OVERHANG 35 EXISTING 40" DIA TREE 34 18'- 0 " 8'-6" 9'-6"18'-0"NOTE: ALL PARKING STALLS SHALL BE STRIPED PER THE TOWN'S OFF-STREET PARKING DOUBLE STRIPE STANDARD 8'-6"8'-6"12'-0"5'-0"8'-6"8'-6"18'-0"LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL AREA OF SITE: TOTAL AREA OF LANDSCAPE: S.F. S.F. 21,980 (19.5%) 4,292 LANDSCAPING LP-1 PRELIMINARY PLANTING PLAN 9 8'-6" 36 NEW 6" x6" CONC CURB WHEEL STOP 34 36 37 EXISTING 20" DIA TREE 38 EXISTING 18" DIA TREE 35 37 37 38 36 EXHIBIT 8 SHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE A201 NEW FLOOR PLAN NEW FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 20 SALES AREA BEER CAVE RESTROOM 72'-0" 35'-8"25'-2"11'-2" 8'-2"27'-7"253'-8"14'-9"5'-1"2'-11"8'-3" RESTROOM WORK ROOM OFFICE CASHIER 15'-2"8'-4"8'-7"FREEZER WALK-IN COOLER 32'-0"15'-6"6'-10"9'-8"32'-0"8'-1"63'-11" 72'-0" SHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE A202 EXISTING/DEMO FLOOR PLAN DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 20 SALES AREA AUTO GARAGE RESTROOM 74'-2" 44'-7"20'-9"8'-10"10'-7"19'-0"29'-7"DASHED LINE OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED. SEE IMPROVED FLOOR PLAN DASHED LINE OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED. SEE IMPROVED FLOOR PLAN A301 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 0'-0" FINISH GRADE SHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE KEY NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEW TILE WAINSCOT NEW WOOD TRIM NEW FABRIC SUN SHADES NEW WOOD PANEL LAP SIDING EXISTING SPANISH TILE ROOFING TO REMAIN 7 COLOR LEGEND EXISTING BRICK TO BE REPAINTED STOREFRONT WINDOW SYSTEM; DARK BRONZE ANODIZED, 2"x4.5" CENTER GLAZING SYSTEM; WITH 1" CLEAR DUAL GLAZING 0'-0" FINISH GRADE 0'-0" FINISH GRADE 0'-0" FINISH GRADE +3'-5" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF WINDOWS +7'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF WINDOWS +10'-0" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF OVERHANG +17'-9" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK +4'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF WAINSCOT +12'-0" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF OVERHANG +19'-5" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK +12-0" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF OVERHANG +19'-5" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK BOTTOM OF OVERHANG +10'-4" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK +17'-9" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF WINDOWS +4'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF WINDOWS +7'-9" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK +12'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK +19'-5" A.F.F. +3'-5" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF WINDOWS +7'-0" A.F.F. TOP OF WINDOWS +10'-0" A.F.F. BOTTOM OF OVERHANG +17'-9" A.F.F. TOP OF ROOF PEAK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 316 4 4 444444444 8 EXISTING FASCIA BOARD TO BE PAINTED 4 6 6 64 48 88 8 4 8 5555 7 6 7 A A A A A AA A B B B B B B B B B B BB B BCCCC C EEEE FFFFF DD D D DD D B D 5 E C E D F A B DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DEC746 "APACHE TAN" DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DEC713 "ROMAN BRICK" DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DE5846 "LAPIS" ARIZONA TILE- ANKARA TRAVERTINE SUNBRELLA FABRIC AWNING- CANVAS RAVEN BLACK DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DEW325 "VANILLA SHAKE" G SUNBRELLA FABRIC AWNING- CANVAS RAVEN BLACK SHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE A302 EXISTING BLDG PHOTOS EXISTING BUILDING PHOTOS 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 20 SHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE A302 SITE PHOTOS OFFSITE/NEIGHBOR PICTURES 1/4" = 1'-0"SCALE: 20 A304 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: SHEET CONTENTS: PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT DATE: CONSULTANTS: Sacramento, CA 95827 PH:(916) 455-6500 FAX:(916) 455-8100 3090 Fite Circle, #104 REVISIONS: 22-001 3-14-22 K12 Architects, Inc DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: LOS GATOS REMODEL PROFESSIONAL SEALS: 666 N. SANTA CRUZ AVE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 Samir Dave HDLM Associates 666 N. Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 REMOVE 3- AUTO SERVICE BAYS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE KEY NOTES 1 2 3 4 EXISTING 8'-0" CMU WALL EXISTING RETAIL/OFFICE ACROSS NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVE. COLOR LEGEND EXISTING RETAIL/OFFICE BEHIND OUR PROJECT EXISTING ROADWAY BEYOND C E D F A B DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DEC746 "APACHE TAN" DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DEC713 "ROMAN BRICK" DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DE5846 "LAPIS" ARIZONA TILE- ANKARA TRAVERTINE SUNBRELLA FABRIC AWNING- CANVAS RAVEN BLACK DUNN EDWARDS PAINT- DEW325 "VANILLA SHAKE" G SUNBRELLA FABRIC AWNING- CANVAS RAVEN BLACK 1 22 1 1 3 6 1 4 22 5 5 5 EXISTING RETAIL/OFFICE ACROSS BLOSSOM HILL ROAD 6 EXISTING RETAIL/OFFICE ACROSS INDUSTRIAL WAY CASHIEROFFICEWORK ROOMBEER CAVEFREEZERWALK-INSALESREST ROOMREST ROOMELECTPARKINGNO PROPANEACCENT GROUNDCOVERACCENT SHRUBSCRAPE MYRTLE ACCENTSHADE TREEEXISTING LANDSCAPE TORETAIN AND PROTECTDURING CONSTRUCTIONOF NEW PLANTINGSEXISTING LANDSCAPE TORETAIN AND PROTECTDURING CONSTRUCTIONOF NEW PLANTINGSEXISTING LANDSCAPE TORETAIN AND PROTECTDURING CONSTRUCTIONOF NEW PLANTINGSEXISTING EUCALYPTUSTREE 25' WIDEEXISTING CEDAR 22' WIDEEXISTING CEDAR 23' WIDESYMBOLBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMECONTQTYTREESLagerstroemia fauriei / Japanese Crape Myrtle24" Box2SYMBOLBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMESIZEQTYSHRUBSDietes bicolor 'Liz's Selection' / Liz's Selection Fortnight Lily5 gal8Muhlenbergia capillaris / Pink Muhly Grass1 gal33Myrtus communis `Compacta` / Dwarf Myrtle5 gal14SYMBOLBOTANICAL / COMMON NAMECONTSPACINGQTYGROUND COVERSJuniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' / Blue Pacific Shore Juniper1 gal42" o.c.553 sfSedum telephium 'Touchdown Teak' / Touchdown Teak Stonecrop1 gal16" o.c.361 sfPLANT SCHEDULEAECIL SN D E TTCEIHCRPCSANDALEREN. 11-30-25No. 3941NWORBYRRPELOR AC 10-06-24 530 823 2621P E R R Y D E S I G NCAROL PERRY BROWNIrrigation DesignLandscape Architectureperrydesign@att.netRLA 3941 CID 002624Convenience Store 666 N. Santa Cruz Avenue PRELIMINARY PLANTINGLP-1PLAN LOS GATOS REMODEL Owner-Samir DaveNOTES: shall be designed per City of Los Gatos landscape designrequirements and California MWELO.No groundcover or shrubs are to be planted within 3' of any treetrunk.A landscape soils test shall be analyzed by a soils testing laboratory.Soils shall be amended per soil analysis report recommendationsprior to Landscape Installation.This project shall be irrigated by an automatic irrigation systemconsisting of subsurface drip for shrubs and groundcover, and deepwatering bubblers for all trees all connected to a smart controller.All planter areas shall receive a three-inch (3") mulch of red firwalk-on bark. All groundcover areas shall receive a two-inch (2")layer of bark mulch.1" = 20'-0"SCALE:Los Gatos, CA BLOSSOM HILL RDN. SANTA CRUZ AVE NOTES:All Existing trees shall be protected during constructionNo grading or construction shall be done within the canopyarea of all existing trees to remain.Landscape Calculation:Site Area= 0.504 Acres or 21,954 SFLandscape Area = 4,363 SFPercent Landscape = 19.9%