Item 1 - Draft Minutes of the February 14, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/28/2024 ITEM NO: 1 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2024 The Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Steve Raspe, Vice Chair Emily Thomas, Commissioner Susan Burnett, Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Commissioner Kathryn Janoff, and Commissioner Adam Mayer Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – January 24, 2024 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Hanssen to approve adoption of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Burnett. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Zone Change – Downing Oak Court Zoning Code Amendment Application Z-24-002 APNs 523-41-024, -033, -025, -032, -026, -031, -030, -027, -029, and -028 Applicant: Town of Los Gatos Project Planner: Sean Mullin Consider and forward a recommendation regarding a zone change from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) to RD (Residential Duplex) for properties located at 15025, PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14, 2024 15026, 15039, 15040, 15053, 15054, 15066, 15067, 15080, and 15081 Downing Oak Court. Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3): Review for Exemption. Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Lee Quintana - I’m a past member of the General Plan Committee and the General Plan Advisory Committee for the 2040 General Plan, and I’m a current member of the Historic Preservation Committee. This question of inconsistencies between the General Plan and the Zoning Code was brought up during the General Plan Update process, and only one inconsistency was recommended to be included, one that was requested by the property owner. My question is why this change has been brought up now has been answered, as well as my question of whether the Town would systematically go through and update all the other numerous inconsistencies. Of course I support making the zoning consistent. Closed Public Comment. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Janoff to forward a recommendation of approval to Town Council regarding a zone change, and recommend a future General Plan land use designation and zoning amendments to allow high-density residential for 15025, 15026, 15039, 15040, 15053, 15054, 15066, 15067, 15080, and 15081 Downing Oak Court. Seconded by Vice Chair Thomas. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3. Amendments to Town Code Regarding Powers and Duties of the Historic Preservation Committee Town Code Amendment Application A-24-001 Project Location: Town Wide Applicant: Town of Los Gatos Forward a recommendation to the Town Council on amendments to Chapter 29 (Zoning Regulations) of the Town Code regarding the powers and duties of the Historic Preservation Committee. The proposed amendments also include revisions to Chapter 29 regarding assignment of duties of the Planning Director and appeals of decisions of the Historic Preservation Committee. The proposed amendments to the Town Code are not considered a project under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act. Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14, 2024 Opened Public Comment. None. Closed Public Comment. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Hanssen to forward a recommendation of approval to Town Council regarding amendments to Chapter 29, Zoning Regulations, and amendments to the Enabling Resolution regarding the powers and duties of the HPC. Seconded by Commissioner Janoff. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS REPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Jennifer Armer, Planning Manager • Town Council met February 6, 2024, where it discussed the Housing Element and provided direction. • Town Council a held special meeting on February 13, 2024 to set strategic priorities. • The Town is doing mid-year recruitments for vacant positions on commissions and committees. Applications are due at 4:00p.m. on March 4, 2024, with interviews tentatively scheduled for March 19, 2024. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS/COMMISSION MATTERS Committee Name None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the February 14, 2024 meeting as approved by the Planning Commission. _____________________________ /s/ Vicki Blandin This Page Intentionally Left Blank