Item 6 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 through 7.66 Ellenwood Ave PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/24/2024 ITEM NO: 6 DATE: April 19, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations (Window and Door Replacement) on a Presumptive Historic Residence (Pre-1941) on Property Zoned R-1:12. Located at 66 Ellenwood Avenue. APN 510-20-067. Request for Review PHST-24-007. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Section 15061 (b)(3) Existing Facilities. Property Owners: John and Susan Pinkel. Applicant: Steven W. Plyler, DeMattei Construction. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request for approval for construction of exterior alterations (window and door replacement) on a presumptive historic residence (pre-1941) on property zoned R-1:12 located at 66 Ellenwood Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1928 per County Assessor’s Database; 1930s per Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: “+” or historic and intact or worthy of special note 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? N/A 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the north side of Ellenwood Avenue approximately 335 feet from the intersection with Hernandez Avenue. The property is developed with a two-story single-family residence. The County Assessor lists that the residence was constructed in 1928 PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 66 Ellenwood Avenue/PHST-24-007 DATE: April 19, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\04-24-24\Item 6 - 66 Ellenwood Avenue\Staff Report.66 Ellenwood Ave.docx BACKGROUND (continued): and the 1990 Anne Bloomfield survey indicates a construction date of the 1930s with a preliminary rating of “+” or historic and intact or worthy of special note (Attachment 1). The building footprint shown on the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps is consistent between 1928 and 1956 (Attachment 2). Town records indicate that a ground-floor and second-story addition was approved through the Minor Residential Development process in 2001 (Attachment 3). The approval included a condition that all windows and doors be wood (vinyl or aluminum clad windows are not permitted); no snap in grids or grids inside the glass are permitted; and simulated wood grids are acceptable. The approved plans show that the addition was located to the rear of the residence, preserving the front façade. Additionally, the plans show that most of the windows in the portion of the residence to remain were not replaced. New wood windows and doors were installed in the addition, matching those to remain in materials and design (Attachment 4). DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval to replace the wood windows and doors with aluminum clad wood windows and doors (Attachment 5). The applicant indicates in their Letter of Justification that the existing wood windows and doors are rotting and failing. The proposed windows and doors would match the divided lite pattern of the existing windows, utilizing simulated divided lites with a stone white exterior paint finish (Attachments 6 and 7). The new windows and doors would be installed within existing openings, without increasing the size or modifying the shape of the existing windows or doors. The Residential Design Guidelines provides the following recommendations related to window materials: 3.7.3 Match window materials to the architectural style and to the surrounding neighborhood • Wood windows are common in Los Gatos. Wood is still the desired choice for styles that traditionally used wood. However, today there are some window materials, such as vinyl clad wood windows that are not noticeably different from wood at a short distance. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 66 Ellenwood Avenue/PHST-24-007 DATE: April 19, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\04-24-24\Item 6 - 66 Ellenwood Avenue\Staff Report.66 Ellenwood Ave.docx DISCUSSION (continued): 4.8.2 Building Materials • Composite, synthetic, metal, vinyl, plastic or fabricated/imitation wood products, painted brick or imitation used brick will generally not be approved. However, some ex- ceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis when the decision-making body determines that the replacement is consistent with the appearance of the original material, and that a lay person would be unlikely to discern the difference. The burden of proof will reside with the applicant. Material samples, photographs, and specific locations where the material may be seen in use will all assist in the evaluation of alternative materials. 4.8.4 Windows and Glass in doors • Windows should be constructed of real glass, and window frames should be constructed of real wood - not vinyl, metal, or plastic. Wood sashes may be vinyl or metal clad if the window frame and dressing is designed consistent with the historic context of the building. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations (window and door replacement) to a presumptive historic residence (pre-1941). Should the Committee find merit in the request, a recommendation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the project would be completed with a Building Permit. The project would not return to the Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 66 Ellenwood Avenue/PHST-24-007 DATE: April 19, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\04-24-24\Item 6 - 66 Ellenwood Avenue\Staff Report.66 Ellenwood Ave.docx CONSIDERATIONS (continued): B. Residential Design Guidelines Sections 3.7.3, 4.8.2, and 4.8.4 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offer recommendations for windows on historic resources. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Sanborn Exhibit 3. 2000 Plans 4. Exterior Photos 5. Letter of Justification 6. Proposed Window Photo 7. Window Specifications PARCEL MAP INFORMATION cflnne. !Bfoom{i.e.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH Lot size: front ft. ARCHITECTURAL H:S TORY C41 51 922-1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 I 5 .-oS x _. ___ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other _______________ __ Location: N ./ S E / \.J side of e St Ave·/ Other ---------- distance to cross st: <::. 5; "t ft. N ___ S / E / W ___ from /-~ r . a ,..,o/ c.z_ at NE NW SE sw corner of _____________________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name ____________ Old Block # ________ Old lot # ____________ __ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary ratino..g _ _.:.,__ Estimated age ______ _ Style ~I; # stories__ Alterations~--------------~------------------------------------------------------------ Other ____________________________________________________________ ___ SOUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page _____ EFFective date __ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I Source Date !1891 ----, Blk Book i 1908 ' I Survey j1941 ~-, Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size Owner Name ,- ---------·----------------------------------------1---------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS Nat i onal Register listed date _________________ _ County Inventory 1979~------------=------------- Town of Los Gatos : Designation ___ Recognition __ Distric t Na me ~----------------------------- Prev~us Survey Gebha f d: pa~e # illustration page # . Rut-~_"'\rj,J~•n; r T.QJ:>OIIP ------- ',(; f}fj{rflT'fffff?. te C', 19;us(Dir;Sa • A.;\" Alterations : E""Moved_ '/!' _ ~Cit:) Co ntribut or~ -:; Raised Porch encl . ~ D i~t rict N o n -co n tr i b~Ad dit i on__ Sidi n C Earhest kn n j ~_.)W i nd o w s Co ndition <Nn erj Resid en t~: 'f!,GM•I'Il.~Wrh-~ _,., . ---Et>uc.,~($1: "i?~b~.-. De s ~g n er: a_ b_ d_ PHOTOS: Roll/frame #&!·-/ .o), Dat e<'---- ATTACHMENT 1 I dfnYU !Bloom{utd UCHI'.S<:~C.t}L~ SURVBY ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (4151 S»22 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 ,. ~. RBSBARCH ~ . •-(per•on, builcUnCJ, orpniaation, etc)-.i.·~' 1:------------------------------- '\ddre••e• a .. oc::iated with llfame·-------------------------------------- llelevant date•t con•tr~.ction. ___ • birtn. ____ • death. ___ • other, __________ _ I . DIRBC'l'ORY sEAJtCH (City Direc:toriea, county Dlrectoriea, Teaphone Booka, •ociety dinc:tori••· etc . l Year Book Nue/Claaaif'iad .,..,.,.;,.,. Liat:ina l~nr>v •nt:i ... aJfa..,t:l~ aa ah,_,• u•• • f'nP bn1df'at!e) ( 0 I:"J£ A l.S ) ;' i I/..! /'1' /.;'i I t., I -'t r ~ ..... .... J ' ' 11 -)r-t . .J .f 1': / ,,~ ' .. I ~ ! J / ' f ! h :J , .. ) /; J. ' I I .. ': , I ~ _") Y r' I ~ BIOGRAPHICAL SSAJtCR, indexe• • ~her alphabetical U•tiRCJ• •.. {iNtitlt dltl Mark 'X' Unfd .or ''' (nothiftcJ foaftd) et each •ouroe you try. Lbt Und~ below. Los ,Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: VCity directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) . Pen Pictures, 1988 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) Bruntz, Hist'y of .LG, 1971 (bio index) ___ Extended index to Bruntz ___ Blo index of Nunroe Frazer, 1681 (Survey ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection box) Other sources: I Lo§" Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): _vr __ IDeath records by year ___ Indexes, California Historical ~ti·arterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Li brary-S. F. Newspaper Ind~~ .: ( 11 ) ___ Funeral records (index cards ___ Photo collection to big books) III. LIST ALL RU'ERBIICES FROM ABOVE. Find them. Copy 9ood ut,rial • attach. Or copy below if only a few word•. Or explain why not relevant {a•, wrong per•on). ·, I ·'. j/.tp, • F L:7 Continued on Reverse .. I' ile address /a/,-/~/ fl ;:...! .I PUBLISHID MDIOmrc&MIII'l'S dlnne P ~ .,m{i.E.fd ARCHITECTUnrlL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH sourcea __ Ad __ Bulletin __ CA&BIIf __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Bd...AB __ u --•ew• _PCA Other ARCHITEt -<AL HJST )RY 15) 92 ?-10103 2229 STER STijEET S AN FRANC-IS CO. CA 94! 1 5 • ~ Vol118e nate Page __ _ Sature of announcement: __ contract notice __ Notice of coapletion __ BP i••ued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'g __ Ploor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Real eat. Copy exactly: ~ fBuilder/Contractor I Architect/Engineer 1 Location !Nature of work 1 £9..!! BUI~D~NG ~BRMITS Jourcer PerJBit ,~eCJi•ter, Pre Address requ~ated. ________ -------------- ··-Application . Nwaber OTRBR SOURCB (specify thoroughly) SAMBORH MAPS Ria 14t:.f'/ I Vac. or Vol/ dif. ~lbldq --·~ if ____ .. __ I ":J/ ~'l. I Address 'b(., _.,._-.. Date Color: yel, pnk, orange blu,gry ·~ Location ~ ...J!!.!.._ Patches Ye•/ No. of .!!?__rstoriea I : UH/ Owner lfo. ot " 1laUL. address No. of a.iCjht bay .....1fL.lt w indowt Builder/ Arch't/ contr. & engin'r /In-itillla -Date Bldg's width/ depth/ Exterior address & address Description of wor k height Materials 'Po~c t+ Pe.,., ~ u·'l (/ Differences from today inr ~ . Stories, Footprint .f ' -~itials date Date of constr. Describe or sketch Plan ( !Initials Date This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1928 ATTACHMENT 2 1956 ATTACHMENT 4 Sean Mullin, Senior Planner  Town of Los Gatos  110 E Main St.  Los Gatos, CA 95031  Application Number: PRE24‐00304  Project Name: Pinkel Residence Window Replacement  Project Address: 66 Ellenwood Ave.  Date: 04/17/2024  Window Replacement Letter of Justification.  Sean,  The purpose of this letter is to justify the homeowners’ request to replace all the homes wood windows  with clad, period accurate windows. The current wood windows are rotting & failing.  The intent is to replace the windows with a clad product that will last longer and is more energy  efficient. The windows will be custom made to accurately match the existing style, color, and grid  pattern. Any trim, molding, or other materials removed during installation will be retained and re‐ installed or replaced with like materials.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Thank You,   Jim Whitney  De Mattei Construction  408‐350‐4200  ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank new window image ATTACHMENT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank □□□□□ LIVING SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" □□ □□ M BED TRANSOM - I/ / / LIVING SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" "" SCALE 1/2" -1'-0" MASTER CLOSET SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" I ' / \ I I I \ \ I I \ \ \ 0 00 \ I I DINING I SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" \ 0 00 \I/ / FAMILY I SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" \ \ I I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ I □□/ []□I \ I I/ I\ 0 0 0 \ \ I \ I \ I \ 11 DINING SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" □□ □□ □□ □□ FAMILY SCALE: 1/2" -1'-0" \ \ I I ' � I \ \ I \ ' , I \ / I I / h \ / POWDER SITTING SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" □□ \ \ I I □ □ I / / / / k v I\ � " � " ' ' M BATH WC M BATH VAN IT Y SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" I □ □□ \ / / / \ I \ I / / / 0 0 \ KITCHEN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" \ FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY \ SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" I SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" □□ DD \ \ KITCHEN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" □ / \ □ I \ I \ □□ □ I \ / \ \ \ I <l \ I \ I \ / MASTER SPA MASTER SPA SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" / / / KITCHEN SINK SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" M BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" □□ □□ KITCHEN SINK TRANSOM SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" � □ � / / / KITCHEN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" / I I I I/ ,, \ \ \ \ M BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" ' \, // KITCHEN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" " � \ \ \ \ ; I I I v M BED M BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" □ □ / '",-□ v -/ / \ / / " v ' \ / " / " / " / ' I/ ' OF F ICE SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" JACOB BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" \ 0/\D I \ KITCHEN BASEMENT I \ / / / ' JACOB BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" □/ I / / / ' " " " " I, ' BEN BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" ' BED (WAR RIORS) SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" / I, / / ' BEN BED SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" JACK & JILL BATH SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" / ' / / ' REAR BEDS (TBC) REAR BEDS (TBC) SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" I / I \ \ \ I 0 0 0 I I \ I \ I ' I \ 11 RECREATION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" I, ' KITCHEN BASEMENT TEMPERED SCALE: 1/2ff = 1'-0" / ' I, / / ' KITCHEN BASEMENT KITCHEN BASEMENT SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" I/ I \ I \ I \ I \ BASEMENT BATH SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" Q) ·;::ll'. 0 0 ,:, 0 0 0 0 o<S C: s:Q) w 0 <O 0 <O z -s:Q) <.J ll'. C: w Q) ,:, :::, -.;; ..: Q) mll'. w Q) ()"" :::,ll'.0.m m ll'. 0 w ::, _J -, ..: 0 w ll'. 0 en 0 SHEET 1 OF 1 :;,; 0 I f- _J & ..: 0 z ! 0 z 0 en > w ll'. 0 N C! z 0 w > ,c'. 0. w <O (!) w en � ti :::, a ATTACHMENT 7 Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote #: SEG6EQA A Proposal for Window and Door Products prepared for: Job Site: 94040 Shipping Address: BRUCE BAUER WINDOW & DOOR 134 SAN ANTONIO CIR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040-1207 DARRYL THOM BRUCE BAUER WINDOW & DOOR 134 SAN ANTONIO CIR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040-1207 Phone: (650) 948-1089 Fax: (650) 948-1483 Email: darryl@brucebauer.com This report was generated on 3/21/2024 6:29:15 AM using the Marvin Order Management System, version 0004.02.01 (Old). Price in USD. Unit availability and price are subject to change. Dealer terms and conditions may apply. Project Description: residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Los Gatos. Featuring products from: OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 4 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. LINE ITEM QUOTES The following is a schedule of the windows and doors for this project. For additional unit details, please see Line Item Quotes. Additional charges, tax or Terms and Conditions may apply. Detail pricing is per unit. Line #1 Qty: 2 Mark Unit: Living Egress Information No Egress Information available. Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement Picture Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 5W1H 6 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip Solid Wood Covers 5 9/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #2 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Living Egress Information No Egress Information available. Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Awning - Roto Operating Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Rectangular - Special Cut 4W1H Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 5 9/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #3 Qty: 2 Mark Unit: Dining Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Outswing French Door G2 4 9/16" - XX Right Hand OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 5 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Egress Information Width: 63 47/64" Height: 90 3/4" Net Clear Opening: 40.16 SqFt Glass Add For All Sash/Panels Left Panel Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Right Panel Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Traditional Lever(s) Multi-Point Lock on Active Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Exterior Handle Set on Active Panel Keyed Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Interior Handle Set on Active Panel Multi-Point Lock on Inactive Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Inactive Exterior Handle Set on Inactive Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Inactive Interior Handle Set on Inactive Panel Dark Bronze Adjustable Hinges 3 Per Panel- Bronze Ultrex Sill Black Weather Strip 6" Jambs Thru Jamb Installation w/ Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #4 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Dining Egress Information Width: 63 47/64" Height: 90 3/4" Net Clear Opening: 40.16 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Outswing French Door G2 4 9/16" - XX Left Hand Glass Add For All Sash/Panels Left Panel Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Right Panel Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 6 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Traditional Lever(s) Multi-Point Lock on Active Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Exterior Handle Set on Active Panel Keyed Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Interior Handle Set on Active Panel Multi-Point Lock on Inactive Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Inactive Exterior Handle Set on Inactive Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Inactive Interior Handle Set on Inactive Panel Dark Bronze Adjustable Hinges 3 Per Panel- Bronze Ultrex Sill Black Weather Strip 6" Jambs Thru Jamb Installation w/ Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #5 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Powder Egress Information Width: 15 57/64" Height: 40 57/64" Net Clear Opening: 4.51 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Right Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 5 9/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #6 Qty: 4 Mark Unit: Sitting Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Awning - Roto Operating Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" - 1 Lite Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter Bar Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 7 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Egress Information No Egress Information available. Line #7 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: M bath WC Egress Information Width: 15 57/64" Height: 42 25/64" Net Clear Opening: 4.68 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #8 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: M bath vanity Egress Information Width: 20 25/64" Height: 42 25/64" Net Clear Opening: 6.00 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #9 Qty: 2 Mark Unit: Master spa OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 9 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Egress Information Width: 28 47/64" Height: 90 5/64" Net Clear Opening: 17.98 SqFt Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Right Panel Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Traditional Handle(s) 2 Point Multi-Point Lock on Active Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Exterior Handle Set on Active Panel Keyed Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Interior Handle Set on Active Panel Exterior Ultimate Sliding Screen G2 Stone White Surround Bright View Mesh ***Screen/Combo Ship Loose Std Ultrex Sill Bronze Ultrex Sill Black Weather Strip Bare Oak Sill Liner Wood Sill Liners will not have an interior pre finish. 6" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #12 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: M bed Egress Information Width: 18 57/64" Height: 66 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.66 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG - 3/4" - 1 Lite Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter Bar Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #13 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: M bed Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Stationary OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 12 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Egress Information Width: 63 47/64" Height: 90 3/4" Net Clear Opening: 40.16 SqFt Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Right Panel Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 13" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Traditional Lever(s) Multi-Point Lock on Active Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Exterior Handle Set on Active Panel Keyed Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Active Interior Handle Set on Active Panel Multi-Point Lock on Inactive Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Inactive Exterior Handle Set on Inactive Panel Oil Rubbed Bronze PVD Inactive Interior Handle Set on Inactive Panel Dark Bronze Adjustable Hinges 3 Per Panel- Bronze Ultrex Sill Black Weather Strip 6" Jambs Thru Jamb Installation w/ Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #18 Qty: 2 Mark Unit: Family Egress Information No Egress Information available. Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Outswing French Door Transom G2 - 4 9/16" OO Left Sash Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Rectangular - Standard Cut 2W2H Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Right Sash Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Rectangular - Standard Cut 2W2H Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Additional Mull Info: XX Left Hand 6" Jambs Thru Jamb Installation w/ Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #19 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Family Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 18 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. 5 1/4" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: This configuration meets a minimum structural performance of DP 20 through either physical testing or calculations in accordance with AAMA 450 and building code requirements. Mull certification ratings may vary from individual unit certification ratings. Reference the mulling chapter of the ADM for additional information. ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #29 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Jacob bed Egress Information Width: 20 57/64" Height: 58 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.42 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #30 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Jacob bed Egress Information Width: 20 57/64" Height: 58 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.42 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Right Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 19 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Line #31 Qty: 2 Mark Unit: Ben bed Egress Information Width: 20 57/64" Height: 58 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.42 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #32 Qty: 2 Mark Unit: Ben bed Egress Information Width: 20 57/64" Height: 58 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.42 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Right Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #33 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Jack & Jill bath Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 22 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. Qty: 1 Egress Information Width: 20 57/64" Height: 58 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.42 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior IG - 3/4" Tempered Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #38 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Kitchen basement Egress Information Width: 20 57/64" Height: 58 1/64" Net Clear Opening: 8.42 SqFt Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Left Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" Low E3 w/Argon Black Perimeter and Spacer Bar 7/8" SDL - With Spacer Bar - Black Cottage - Special Cut 2W1H 3 Rect Lites 10" DLO Height Stone White Clad Ext - Primed Pine Int Ogee Interior Glazing Profile Standard Bottom Rail White Weather Strip White Folding Handle White Multi - Point Lock Extruded Aluminum Screen White Surround Bright View Mesh 6 11/16" Jambs Nailing Fin ***Note: Unit Availability and Price is Subject to Change Line #39 Qty: 1 Mark Unit: Kitchen basement Stone White Clad Exterior Primed Pine Interior Ultimate Casement - Right Hand Stone White Clad Sash Exterior Primed Pine Sash Interior California Fire Glass IG - 3/4" OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old) Product availability and pricing subject to change. Pinkel Residence 66 Ellenwood Drive Quote Number: SEG6EQA OMS Ver. 0004.02.01 (Old)Processed on: 3/21/2024 6:29:14 AM Page 25 of 25 For product warranty information please visit, www.marvin.com/support/warranty. CALIFORNIA USERS About California Proposition 65 California's Proposition 65 entitles California consumers to special warnings for products that contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. We are providing the following warnings in connection with this quote: WARNING:This product can expose you to chemicals including titanium dioxide, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. WARNING:This product can expose you to chemicals including methanol, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. WARNING:Drilling, sawing, sanding or machining wood products can expose you to wood dust, a substance known to the State of California to cause cancer. Avoid inhaling wood dust or use a dust mask or other safeguards for personal protection. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/wood. California Warranties Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1973.01, for product sold and originally delivered in California, the Limited Warranty is made and the warranty notice period begins to run on the original date of product delivery.