09 Desk Item.Item # 9 - CIP 2024 PREPARED BY: Nicolle Burnham Director of Parks and Public Works 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/06/2024 ITEM NO: 9 DESK ITEM DATE: February 6, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive a Status Report on Capital Improvement Projects and Provide Direction for the Fiscal Year 2024/25 – 2028/29 Priorities REMARKS: In response to Council Members’ questions, staff has provided the following responses in italics to the summarized questions: 1. What was the total amount of capital available to fund all the CIP projects listed at the end of FY 23? Is the total amount of $44,505,101 (bottom of “current funding of CIP” schedule) fully funded? The 23/24 budget information shown in Attachment 1 shows a total of $44,505,101 allocated to the 2023/24 CIP. This includes various sources of funding including GFAR, grants, permit fee revenue, gas tax and various other sources. Some of these, like GFAR, are fully funded. Others, such as grant revenue, represent funding promised through grant agreements but for which the Town must seek reimbursement. One example of this is Project 4505 – Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 Trailhead Connector Project. Attachment 1 shows the 2023/24 budget for this project to be $8,829,851. Of this amount, $7,711,306 is from grant sources that will be reimbursed to the Town. Other capital sources such as Measure G, gas tax revenues, storm drain funds, permit fee revenue, etc. are included in the $44,505,101 based on both existing available funding and projected revenues to be received during the fiscal year. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Receive a Status Report on Capital Improvement Projects and Provide Direction for the Fiscal Year 2024/25 – 2028/29 Priorities DATE: February 6, 2024 REMARKS (continued): 2. The total CIP adopted for FY 24 was $37,771,822. The current CIP schedule now shows $44.5M as the FY 23/24 budget. What is driving the $6.7M increase and where did the funding come for this increase? The $37,771,822 included an estimated $27,646,692 in carryforward funds in addition to $10,125,131 in new funding as reported the adopted CIP (See Page A-7). The carryforward funds presented in the adopted CIP represent the projected carryforward amount as of March 2023. The actual carryforward amount at the close of the budget year was higher than originally projected, which represents the $6.7M increase. In other words, capital funding was not spent as quickly between March and fiscal year end as staff predicted. This is the result of a vacancy in the CIP engineering team. 3. Why does Table 3 of the staff report include Hwy 17/9 interchange of $8.6M and Highway 17 bicycle bridge of $6.3M of “estimated additional funding required” if these amounts were included in the TIF that was just approved? My understanding is that the costs are now funded by the TIF. Both of these projects were included in the Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) at the “Estimated Additional Funding Required” levels presented in Table 3. The values presented in the TIF represent the Town’s share of design and construction costs as of 2022. Staff recognizes that the actual cost of construction may vary based on future design decisions (e.g., CalTrans criteria, environmental review, value engineering, etc.) and inflationary pressure. For this reason, the costs are presented here as “Estimated Additional Funding Required” at the same levels shown in the TIF. The values in the adopted TIF and shown in Table 3 are the same and are based on the best available information regarding these project costs. Also, please note that there are various potential sources of funding to meet the “Estimated Additional Funding Required” in Table 3, including future TIF revenues. With this current item, staff is asking for Town Council feedback on project priorities. Once the priorities are known, staff will identify appropriate funding strategies and sources to deliver the projects. Attachment 6 contains public comments received between 11:01 a.m. Monday, February 5, 2024, and 11:01 a.m. Tuesday, February 6, 2024. Attachment 7 contains the staff slide presentation that will be given at this evening’s meeting. Attachment 8 contains the revised Attachment 1. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Receive a Status Report on Capital Improvement Projects and Provide Direction for the Fiscal Year 2024/25 – 2028/29 Priorities DATE: February 6, 2024 COORDINATION: The preparation of this Desk Item was coordinated with the Finance Department and the Town Manager’s Office. Attachments received with the Staff Report: 1. Current Funding of CIP FY 2023/24 – 2027/28 2. Status of Currently Funded One-Time Capital Projects 3. Staff Memorandum to Parks Commission dated September 28, 2023 4. Public Comment Received Prior to 11:00 AM on February 1, 2024 Attachment received with the previous Addendum: 5. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m. Thursday, February 1, 2024, and 11:00 a.m. Monday, February 5, 2024. Attachments received with Desk Item: 6. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m. Monday, February 5, 2024, and 11:01 a.m. Tuesday, February 6, 2024. 7. PowerPoint presentation 8. Revised Attachment 1 - Current Funding of CIP FY 2023/24 – 2027/28 From:Leanne McAuliffe To:Clerk Subject:Public Comment Item #9 - Council Meeting 02/06/2024, 7:00pm Date:Tuesday, February 6, 2024 8:05:52 AM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Council Members, thank you for allowing this public comment. Re: Replacement of Artificial Turf (AT)at Creekside Park. Why would our town spend $1 Million on another artificial turf that will almost definitely not meet future regulations? Aside from the fact that this plastic carpet sheds micro and nano plastics into the environment over its entire lifetime, every artificial turf sample tested by The Ecology Center and Dr Graham Peaslee of Notre Dame University has tested positive for PFAS. PFAS are the 14,000 or so "forever chemicals" we are constantly hearing about which are being linked to cancers, infertility, reduced immunity, among others. Three PFAS are already on the Prop 65 list. (and have been found in AT.) The EPA is considering classifying 9 as hazardous (eight of which have been found in AT). Governor Newsom recently vetoed a bill that would regulate PFAS in artificial turf. He did so not because he didn't agree with it but because AB1423 was devoid of any regulatory oversight. So he has passed the issue to the Department of TOXIC Substances Control who are studying artificial turf with a view to regulating it. The reason for these regulations is to prevent pollution of the air we breath, the soil that supports biodiversity and the water we drink. This is the environment our developing children are dependent on. Developing children are most susceptible to the negative effects of any toxic exposures, via inhalation, ingestion and dermal absorption. Please pause on artificial turf and sincerely investigate replacing the field with natural grass for the health of our community (especially our children) and the environment. New hybrid grasses are drought tolerant and more resistant to wear which were the old arguments against natural turf. If anyone tells you artificial turf fields don’t shed, ask for the warranty. Many state 50% blade height loss over 8 years is reasonable and not covered. So 50% of the petrochemical derived, PFAS laced blades are “lost” into the environment (and our kids) and that’s acceptable according to the artificial turf industry. If anyone tells you a product is PFAS free, ask for the data. Ask for 3rd part independent testing by leading experts. Industry generally only tests for 70 or so PFAS and often only to parts per million which is not sufficient enough to claim "PFAS free". ATTACHMENT 6 To put that into perspective, the EPA advisory for drinking water equates to 0.000000004 ppm. (= 0.004 parts per trillion). The artificial turf industry requested 100ppm limits for AT. This equates to 100,000,000 ppt. PFAS and microplastics are not the only issue with artificial turf. There are many reasons that make artificial turf a bad choice which I'm happy to provide information on. Please consider natural turf. Leanne McAuliffe Resident of Los Gatos and parent of four. Side note: There is also reference to a community group contributing up to $200K for the new carpet. Please make it clear to the whole community what conditions are attached to this contribution. Would Creekside still be a community field or only for that community sub- group? It is essential the field be fairly available to the whole community and not just a sub- group. If you allow the sub-group to choose the new surface and monopolize use then might the ratio of contributions be the wrong way around? Dear Council Members, My concern is artificial turf and its negative impact on the environment and our children.(See the letter from the Santa Clara County Medical Association to Saratoga High School.)Because the artificial turf industry is unregulated,we request a moratorium on artificial turf for all Los Gatos town-managed property or,at the very least,all of the following actions: ●strict regulations that require PFAS free products (proven by 3rd party testing) ●100%plant sourced infills ●GMAX (field hardness)testing every six months (because of the heavy field use) ●defined policies regarding field closures in response to unsafe field hardness (GMAX) ●defined policies regarding field closures in response to elevated risk of heat related illness I understand that a primary concern for the town is cost.Beware of 20 year cost comparisons as these are often skewed in favor of artificial turf with misleading information as was the case when artificial turf was being considered by LGUSD (eg.omitting a full artificial turf replacement due at year 20).Also,consider the externalized costs (Story of Stuff).There are potentially irreparable environmental and human health costs,each of which could lead to exorbitant mitigation*and litigation costs especially with regard to PFAS and microplastics contamination of local water supplies for example.(All artificial turf carpet samples independently tested to date contained PFAS.)Note,any artificial turf being considered now will almost certainly exceed the PFAS limits of any future Bills. Creekside sports field is a prime example of how artificial turf is typically not maintained adequately.It’s also a prime example of how owners typically haven’t planned and budgeted to replace it in advance of it reaching irreparable field hardness.In 2022 this sports field exceeded recommended impact safety levels. Was this remediated?These fields also continue to disintegrate throughout their lifetime,polluting the environment (Los Gatos Creek)and putting the health and safety of children at risk.Even maintenance doesn’t solve the migration of field debris beyond the sportsfield into the greater environment.Since the field is up for renewal in the next year or so,we strongly recommend investigating a return to natural turf for the field,because natural turf fields are possible. For ornamental purposes,be they town or residential,artificial turf also has negative environmental and human health costs and for that reason Valley Water does not give rebates for it as a solution to drought tolerant landscaping.For these ornamental spaces,and even dog parks,there are many healthier,safer and natural drought tolerant options. Given that artificial turf is made with PFAS laden petrochemical plastic which then disintegrates into micro- and nano-plastics over its entire lifetime,the environmental,human health and financial costs will last for generations.The best way to avoid future potential mitigation*and litigation costs associated with artificial turf is to simply NOT install it in the first place.On this basis I urge the council to consider a moratorium on artificial turf or,at the very least,stringently regulate it as defined above.The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap 2021-2024 requires local governments to prevent new PFAS contamination.Here is an opportunity for the Los Gatos Town Council to do just that. The following page lists just a few cost concerns with artificial turf sports fields,many of which also apply to town and residential artificial turf installations in general.Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any questions,further information or discussion on this important matter.Thank you for your time!! Kind regards, Leanne McAuliffe,Concerned Resident of Los Gatos and Mom of Four. FINANCIAL COSTS ●Installation -Artificial turf sports fields (AT)cost millions at first installation. ●Maintenance -If maintained correctly,the maintenance cost of AT would be similar to natural turf with a lawn mower simply being traded for multiple maintenance and grooming machines (FieldTurf maintenance manual).AT not maintained correctly opens up injury liabilities and voids warranty. ●Replacements -Carpet and infill replacement costs after 8 to10 years are often higher than initial installation and can leave buyers surprised and without enough funds to replace worn out,unsafe fields. Replacements with shockpad at around the 20 year mark are even more expensive. ●Converting back -If it all goes wrong (PFAS deception),converting AT back to natural grass is said to be costly if soil replacement is required.This can make buyers feel locked into AT. ●Mitigation*and Litigation -AT environmental pollution and human health effects (heat related injuries, concussions,CTE,death,PFAS exposure,cancers etc.)may lead to mitigation and litigation costs. HUMAN HEALTH COSTS (especially to our kids who are uniquely vulnerable) ●PFAS,Toxins,Microplastics -AT potentially exposes our children to toxins (PFAS,microplastics, phthalates,heavy metals,methane,ethylene,etc.)through dermal contact,inhalation and ingestion, jeopardizing their short and long term health and safety.Chemical exposures have been listed as a potential cause of the 62%decline in sperm count and 50%increase in cancer rates in children. ●Heat -AT can have a “heat island”effect leading to heat exhaustion,heatstroke (potentially fatal)and thermal burns.Many argue that excessive rain is an issue with natural turf.Excessive heat is the same for AT which can easily reach 40-70°hotter than local air temp with cork infill.In our town,heat is far more of an issue than rain,and properly managed natural turf fields can and do easily handle rain. ●Injuries -AT is associated with a higher rate of injuries,concussions,friction burns etc. ●Unregulated -AT is unregulated at this time meaning no government organization currently categorically deems AT safe for children to play on. ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS ●Pollution -AT pollutes the soil,water and air with PFAS,other chemicals,gasses and microplastics at site of manufacture,use and disposal.As AT disintegrates due to age,use,maintenance,UV and heat exposure,the level of pollution potentially increases. ●End of Life Disposal -AT is NOT recycled.(“Chemical recycling”is incineration.)A small amount is repurposed but the vast majority ends up in landfills and some is even illegally disposed of. ●Biodiversity/Soil/Trees -AT destroys soil health and biodiversity and can lead to the demise of surrounding shallow,wide rooting trees like redwoods. ●Pesticides -AT requires pesticides and herbicides as well as fungicides,biocides,anti-statics,cleaning agents.Some AT component products even include antibacterials as ingredients.Every AT “feature” equals more chemicals.And AT itself is chemicals.Compare this to organically managed grass. ●Water -AT advocates argue it uses less water which is crucial in times of drought.However,to provide a cool,safe,playable surface,irrigation amounts for AT are greater than for natural warm-season turf. Water is also required to clean AT and for maintenance purposes to meet warranty conditions.New drought tolerant grasses use dramatically less water and continue to improve with research and development. If realistic water and maintenance costs between properly maintained artificial turf and natural turf sports fields are similar,why would we give up ALL the benefits of natural turf for ALL the negative and potential costs of artificial turf? *You can only mitigate PFAS,you can not remediate.There is NO 100%solution to PFAS pollution, because there are no viable remediation methods at present.PFAS are called “forever chemicals” for a reason.They are mostly Persistent,Bioaccumulative Toxins (PBTs).This means they are essentially impossible to completely remove from soil,water,air and human bodies.Combine this with emerging data on the negative health and environment effects of PFAS,and the fact that thousands of PFAS have yet to even be studied,and it becomes clear that it’s IMPERATIVE to STOP using PFAS wherever possible to prevent further and new contamination. Capital Improvement Program Status and Priorities Town Council Meeting February 6, 2024 1 ATTACHMENT 7 CURRENT PROJECTS PRIOR SPENDING SUMMARY (from Attachment 1) 2 FY 2018/19 - 2022/23 Spending FY 2023/24 Actual Spending Year to Date Total Streets Projects $ 25,637,810 $ 3,789,506 Total Parks Projects $ 1,076,436 $ 214,253 Total Facilities Projects $ 3,628,845 $ 526,640 Total Capital Improvement Allocations FY23/24 through 27/28 $ 30,343,091 $ 4,530,398 ONGOING ANNUAL PROJECT PRIORITIES (from Memo Table 2) 3 Project Name Project No.Funding Program Project Purpose1 Street Repair & Resurfacing 811-9901 / 811-9903 Streets 1,2,3,5 Unanticipated Repairs - Annual 811-9904 Streets 1,4 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction 812-0130 Streets 1,5 Measure B Education & Encouragement 812-0134 Streets 1,2,3 Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk Maintenance 813-9921 Streets 1,3,4 Retaining Wall + Guardrails Repairs 815-9930 Streets 1,2,3,5 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project 816-0420 Streets 1,3,4,5 Town Beautification 821-2002 Public Facilities 3,5 Annual ADA Compliance Work 821-2013 Public Facilities 1,3,4,5 Parks Playground Fibar Project (Bi-Annual)831-4605 Parks and Trails 1,3,4 Vegetation Management Town-wide 832-4508 Parks and Trails 1,5 ADD / RESTORE: Annual Restriping NEW Streets 1,2,3,5 Notes: 1. Project Purposes are: (1) Safety, (2) Traffic/Transportation, (3) Quality of Life, (4) Regulatory or Legal Mandate, (5) Effective Management of Existing Assets and (6) Improvement STAFF RECOMMENDED ONE-TIME PROJECT PRIORITIES (from Memo Table 3) 4 Notes: 1. Project Purposes are: (1) Safety, (2) Traffic/Transportation, (3) Quality of Life, (4) Regulatory or Legal Mandate, (5) Effective Management of Existing Assets and (6) Improvement 2. Preliminary opinion of needs over the life of the project. Funding for projects may be spread over multiple years. Project Name Project No.Funding Program Project Purpose1 Past Funding (From Attachment 1) Estimated Additional Funding Required2 Shannon Road Repair 811-0008 Streets 1,2,3,5,6 $4,517,943 $130,000 Hwy 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements 813-0237 Streets 1,2,3,6 $3,867,000 $8,600,000 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge - Design 818-0803 Streets 1,2,3,6 $3,786,885 $6,322,156 Civic Center Plumbing Repair 821-2120 Public Facilities 5 $40,000 $120,000 Town Plaza Turf Repair 831-4202 Parks and Trails 3,5,6 $42,000 $40,000 Creekside Park Turf Replacement 831-4404 Parks and Trails 1, 5 $500,000 $500,000 STAFF RECOMMENDED NEW PROJECTS 5 Parks and Public Works Yard Generator and Transfer Switch Replacement Fleet Bay Improvements OTHER PROJECTS FOR CONSIDERATION 6 •Tennis / Pickleball Courts at LaRinconada and Blossom Hill Parks: Parks and Sustainabilty Commission recommendation •Recoating AirForce Plane at Oak Meadow Park: Required per contract with Air Force •Blossom Hill Road Safety Improvements: Grant match required •Townwide Parks Master Plan: Staff recommendation to address population needs OTHER PROJECTS FOR CONSIDERATION 7 •Townwide Parks Master Plan: Staff recommendation to address population needs •Overlook Road Streetscape: To address impacts from removal of eucalyptus trees •Downtown Streetscape Enhancement: Redesign and reconstruct Santa Cruz from Blossom Hill Road to Broadway •Montebello Way Event Closure: Install bollards to facilitate events TODAY’S DISCUSSION 8 •Status of existing capital projects (Memo Attachment 1) •Funding for ongoing annually funded projects (Memo Table 2) •Funding priorities for existing projects (Memo Table 3) •Funding consideration for critical upgrades at Parks and Public Works Yard •Direct staff on how to prioritize potential new projects Current Funding of CIPFY 2023/24 ‐2027/28STREETS PROGRAM SUMMARYProject NumberProject NameFY 2018/19 ‐ 2022/23 SpendingFY 2023/24 Actuals Through1/25/24 FY 2023/24 Adjusted Budget as of 12/31/2023FY 2024/25 BudgetFY 2025/26 BudgetFY 2026/27 BudgetFY 2027/28 Budget Total BudgetedReconstruction9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing12,128,469.07        2,670,467.89          7,755,984         3,243,947      3,243,947      3,243,947      3,243,947      32,860,240       9903 Pavement Rehab‐Crack Seal1,109,499.42          180,000.00             360,000             180,000         180,000         180,000         180,000         2,189,499          Maintenance‐Safety9904 Unanticipated Repairs ‐ Annual‐ ‐ 100,000             100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000         500,000             9930 Retaining Wall Repairs226,540.74             1,073.58 566,799             50,000           50,000           50,000           50,000           993,340             0008 Shannon Road Repair*433,152.13             140,577.48             4,442,912         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,876,064          0009 North 40 Traffic Mit‐ 47,976.98 ‐ ‐ 0129 ADA Transition Plan162,100.00             8,050.00 22,900               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 185,000             0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction8999,809.00             340.00 1,572,191         100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000         2,972,000          0131 East Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk*43,700.00 ‐ 271,300             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 315,000             0132 Local Road Safety Program103,306.93             12,081.78 25,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 128,307             0133 VMT Mitigation Program134,767.04             9,354.33 115,233             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000             0134 Measure B Education & Encouragement18,670.91 ‐ 119,674             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 138,345             0135 Town‐wide Speed Studies‐ ‐ 80,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 80,000               Street Improvements9921 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance2,596,962.39          89,535.00 445,832             300,000         300,000         300,000         300,000         4,242,794          0218 Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements*263,303.56             78,979.16 2,043,823         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,307,127          0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements2,851.67 ‐ 299,573             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 302,425             0227 Traffic Signal Modernization1,986,927.96          38,443.75 635,333             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,622,261          0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts1,929,139.50          239,867.38             912,500             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,841,640          0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements600,000.00             ‐ 867,000             ‐ 800,000         800,000         800,000         3,867,000          0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design141,323.72             ‐ 1,734,250         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,875,574          0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway942,061.55             ‐ 693,560             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,635,622          0241 Kennedy Sidewalk  ‐ LGB To Englewood‐ ‐ 631,126             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 631,126             0242 Parking Program Implementation153,110.08             17,294.00 445,390             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 598,500             0243 Storm Related Repairs5,250.00 18,065.00 39,050               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 44,300               0414 Stormwater System ‐ Pollution Prevention Compliance22,722.11 38,746.68 265,278             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 288,000             0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project291,180.75             ‐ 252,219             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 543,400             0421 Loma Street Drainage‐ ‐ 100,000             250,000         496,300         ‐ ‐ 846,300             0422 Harwood/Belridge Drainage Study‐ ‐ 100,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100,000             0423 709 University Avenue Drainage System Replacement‐ ‐ 200,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000             0424 333 University Avenue Inlet Capacity Improvements‐ ‐ 50,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000               0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping59,924.00 ‐ 15,161               10,000           ‐ 10,000           ‐ 95,085               0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing199,800.00             ‐ 50,200               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000             Bridges0801 Quito Road ‐ Bridge Replacement‐ ‐ 285,087             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 285,087             0803 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge ‐ Design1,083,237.92          198,652.56             3,374,064         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,457,302          0804 Timber Bridge Inspection‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000           25,000           ‐ 50,000               Total Streets Projects25,637,810$           3,789,506$             28,871,439$     4,233,947$    5,295,247$    4,808,947$    4,773,947$    73,621,337$     * Includes ARPA Replacement Revenue Funding1 of 2ATTACHMENT 1 REVISED 2/6/24ATTACHMENT 8 Current Funding of CIPFY 2023/24 ‐2027/28PARK & TRAILS PROGRAM SUMMARYPrior Years Spending 2023/24 Actuals 2023/24 Budget2024/25 Budget2025/26 Budget2026/27 Budget2027/28 Budget Total BudgetedParks4007 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements22,282.42 ‐ 264,448             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 286,730             4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs1,000.00 ‐ 27,000               15,000           ‐ ‐ ‐ 43,000               4404 Creekside Park Turf Replacement*‐ ‐ 500,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 500,000             4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project29,071.20 ‐ 56,969               25,000           ‐ 25,000           ‐ 136,040             4610 Pinehurst Community Garden*14,314.20 22,524.24 270,686             100,000         ‐ ‐ ‐ 385,000             Trails4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair72,941.84 ‐ 474,891             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 547,833             4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades‐ ‐ 152,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 152,000             4505 Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 Trailhead Connector Project691,999.96             170,319.51             8,829,851         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9,521,851          4508 Vegetation Management ‐ Town Wide244,826.23             5,391.75 102,881             100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000         747,707             4510Lynn Ave Pedestrian Path Design*‐ 16,017.02 190,000             100,000         ‐ ‐ ‐ 290,000             Total Parks Projects1,076,436$             214,253$                10,868,726$     340,000$       100,000$       125,000$       100,000$       12,610,161$     PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM SUMMARYPrior Years Spending 2023/24 Actuals 2023/24 Budget2024/25 Budget2025/26 Budget2026/27 Budget2027/28 Budget Total BudgetedInfrastructure2002 Town Beautification44,796.51 9,957.85 25,203               15,000           15,000           15,000           15,000           130,000             2009 Public Art Gateway Project*50,000.00 20,500.00 81,500               37,500           37,500           ‐ ‐ 206,500             2011 Downtown Restroom Feasibility Study*‐ 23,000.00 25,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000               2012 Emergency Preparedness*‐ ‐ 96,780               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 96,780               2013 Annual ADA Compliance Work‐ ‐ 10,000               10,000           10,000           10,000           10,000           50,000               2117 ADA Restrooms And HR Offices74,924.00 69,203.00 905,076             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 980,000             2120 Civic Center Plumbing Repair*‐ ‐ 40,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 40,000               2206 Adult Rec Ctr Floor Repr155,169.60             877.25 ‐ 155,170             2207 Adult Recreation Center HVAC195,404.34             ‐ 114,596             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 310,000             2208 ARC ‐ Interim Community Center‐ ‐ 866,281             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 866,281             2302Building Replacement at Corporation Yard2,139,969.12          133,386.09             507,033             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,647,002          2309 Termite Abatement at Water Tower*‐ 2,100.00 24,500               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 24,500               2310 Engineering Counter Modifications*‐ ‐ 40,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 40,000               2403 HVAC Improvement ‐ POB Building8‐ ‐ 25,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000               2404 POB Space Study‐ ‐ 75,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 75,000               2504 Library Improvements‐ ‐ 22,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 22,000               2505 Battery Power Supply ‐ Library439,466.20             100,716.20             103,534             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 543,000             2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms ‐ Adult Recreation Building52,081.26 ‐ 599,898             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 651,979             Equipment6003 Town‐Wide Document Imaging Project‐ ‐ 16,990               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 16,990               6101 Enterprise Resource Planning Upgrade281,154.17             166,899.90             1,132,425         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,413,579          6103 EOC Communications Upgrade24,716.93 ‐ 25,283               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000               6104It Disaster Recovery Improvements171,162.88             ‐ 28,837               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000             Total Facilities Projects3,628,845$             526,640$                4,764,935         62,500           62,500           25,000           25,000           8,568,780         Total Capital Improvement Allocations FY23/24 through 27/2830,343,091$           4,530,398$             44,505,101$     4,636,447$    5,457,747$    4,958,947$    4,898,947$    94,800,279$     * Includes ARPA Replacement Revenue Funding2 of 2