09 Staff Report.CIP 2024 w attachments PREPARED BY: Nicolle Burnham Parks and Public Works Director Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/06/2024 ITEM NO: 8 DATE: January 26, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive a Status Report on Capital Improvement Projects and Provide Direction for the Fiscal Year 2024/25 – 2028/29 Priorities RECOMMENDATION: Receive a status report on Capital Improvement Projects and provide direction for Fiscal Year 2024/25 – 2028/29 priorities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town of Los Gatos Capital Improvement Plan currently includes 63 funded projects. Eleven of these are ongoing projects that receive annual funding with work completed each year to ensure high quality infrastructure. The remaining 52 are one-time projects that are specialized improvements or upgrades. This report provides the status of current projects and proposes the following potential priorities for Town Council direction: 1. Continue to fund the ongoing projects (see Table 2), consider additional funding for the ADA compliance work, and restore Annual Restriping Projects. 2. Increase funding as available for six existing one-time projects (see Table 3). 3. Consider two new projects at the Town’s Parks and Public Works Yard that are critical to operations and consider an increasing the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) goal from 75 to 78. 4. Direct staff on how to prioritize implementation of five potential new projects. Council’s direction will inform the development of a proposed five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). PAGE 2 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 BACKGROUND: The Town of Los Gatos Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) supports the safe and efficient operation and management of Town-owned infrastructure and assets. Town-owned assets include 17 park and open space areas that total 223 acres, nine miles of trail, 113 miles of roadways (236 lane miles), 576,000 linear feet of sidewalks, 31 traffic signals, 2,100 street lights, 12 public buildings totaling 139,373 square feet, and 23 surface parking lots (including lots in parks), and one underground parking structure. These major assets are supported by ancillary assets like restroom buildings (five total), storm drainage systems, retaining walls, and traffic signs. Each year, staff evaluates projects for inclusion in the five-year Capital Improvement Plan and makes recommendations to add or delete projects and/or increase funding for certain projects. Capital Projects are allocated by Programs and Project Types as noted in Table 1. Table 1. List of CIP Programs and Project Types Program Name Project Type Streets Street Reconstruction and Resurfacing Street Repairs, Maintenance and Safety Street Improvements Bridges Parks and Trails Parks Trails Public Facilities Town Infrastructure Equipment The purpose of this report is to provide Town Council the opportunity to review the status of existing projects and provide direction for potential new projects should funding be available. Council’s direction will inform the development a proposed five-year Capital Improvement Plan. The current funding status of projects in the current CIP and spending through December 31, 2023 is presented in Attachment 1. In preparing the CIP, consideration is given to the amount of funding available and/or anticipated from a variety of various funding sources – Measure G, Construction Impact Fees, Gas Tax, Utility Undergrounding Fees, Refuse Vehicle Impact Fees, Measure B, Traffic Mitigation Fees, Storm Drainage Fees, Grant Funds and, when available, the General Fund Special/Capital Projects Reserve. The availability of funding from these sources varies from year to year. Many of these have specific dedicated uses and so must be applied to specific projects (e.g., roadway resurfacing or storm drainage improvements). PAGE 3 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): Existing Capital Projects Capital projects as presented in the CIP are either ongoing with funding added annually, or one- time projects that have a specific scope with a start and end date. Table 2 lists the current ongoing annually funded capital projects. Table 2. Ongoing and Annually Funded Capital Projects (2023/24 – 2027/28 CIP) Project Name Project No. Funding Program Project Purpose1 Street Repair & Resurfacing 811-9901 / 811-9903 Streets 1,2,3,5 Unanticipated Repairs - Annual 811-9904 Streets 1,4 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction 812-0130 Streets 1,5 Measure B Education & Encouragement 812-0134 Streets 1,2,3 Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk Maintenance 813-9921 Streets 1,3,4 Retaining Wall + Guardrails Repairs 815-9930 Streets 1,2,3,5 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project 816-0420 Streets 1,3,4,5 Town Beautification 821-2002 Public Facilities 3,5 Annual ADA Compliance Work 821-2013 Public Facilities 1,3,4,5 Parks Playground Fibar Project (Bi-Annual) 831-4605 Parks and Trails 1,3,4 Vegetation Management Town-wide 832-4508 Parks and Trails 1,5 Notes: 1. Project Purposes are: (1) Safety, (2) Traffic/Transportation, (3) Quality of Life, (4) Regulatory or Legal Mandate, (5) Effective Management of Existing Assets and (6) Improvement In addition to the 11 ongoing annually funded projects, the current capital plan includes 52 one- time projects. While these one-time projects may span numerous years, the project is still considered one-time in that it has a specific starting and ending point. Attachment 2 provides the list of these projects and their status. Some of these one-time projects are noted as being on hold at the present time. This is attributed to a vacancy in the lead Engineering position on the Capital Projects delivery team, and the need to address specific issues on other projects in 2023. The Shannon Road (Diduca Way to Santa Rosa) lane closure in August 2023 and subsequent temporary repair in December 2023 is an example of the issues that required attention of the Engineering Team. PAGE 4 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): Staff expects to close the following projects before the end of the 2023/24 fiscal year: • Traffic Signal Modernization (Project No. 813-0227) • Storm Related Repairs (Project No. 813-0243) • Downtown Parking Lots Seal coat & Restriping (Project No. 817-0705) • Downtown Restroom Feasibility Study (Project No. 821-2011) • Adult Recreation Center - HVAC Unit Replacement (Project No. 821-2207) • HVAC Improvements – POB (Project No. 821-2403) • ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms - Adult Recreation Center (Project No. 821-2601) • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan project (Project No. 812-0129) • Losal Road Safety Plan (Project No. 812-0132) • Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design (Project No. 813-0238) Additional projects may be closed depending on work progress through Spring 2024. Staff is proposing to close the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan project (Project No. 812-0129) and increase funding in the annual and ongoing category (Project No. 821-2013) to support compliance work. DISCUSSION: In considering funding priorities for the CIP, staff follows the guidance provided by various Town documents, including: Council Strategic Priorities, General Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, Pavement Management Program, Stormwater Master Plan, Facilities Condition Assessments, the ADA Transition Plan, and legislative mandates. Project ideas and needs are also identified from field observations by Town staff, input from residents, and ideas from Town Commissions. For this discussion and to provide insight into the considerations for CIP recommendations, projects are presented and discussed in four categories: 1) Ongoing and Annually Funded Projects; 2) Underfunded Existing One-Time Projects; 3) Infrastructure Backlog Items; 4) Other Projects for Consideration; and 5) Los Gatos Theater. With this current report staff is not recommending specific funding allocations as these will be dependent on the budget forecast, which is anticipated to be reviewed by Town Council at the February 20, 2024 meeting. Once accepted by Council, staff will recommend funding PAGE 5 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): allocations across the priority projects identified through the direction provided for this current item. Ongoing and Annually Funded Projects Each of the ongoing projects noted in Table 2 support various identified strategic initiatives of the Town, such as quality public infrastructure, safety for all modes of travel (motorist, cyclist, and pedestrian), and playground safety. Staff is recommending that these project categories continue to be funded annually. Staff recommends that consideration given to increasing the level of funding for the ADA compliance work. Additional funding would support implementation of improvements and the required ongoing management of the database that tracks the Town’s ADA compliance efforts. It is also recommended that one new category be added/restored: Annual Street Restriping. The ongoing and annually funded Annual Street Restriping project (formerly Project No. 811- 9902) was eliminated in the 2023/24 CIP. This change was made because this work can often be combined with the Annual Street Resurfacing Project (Project No. 811-9901). However, during this year, it became clear that having a separate funding source would provide flexibility in executing one-off street restriping projects that are sometimes needed. For example, restriping crosswalks can often be needed at times and in locations that do not coincide with the Annual Street Resurfacing Project. Underfunded Existing One-Time Projects Consistent with past Council direction, this review of capital projects identifies opportunities to provide additional funding for underfunded projects already in progress to help move them forward to completion. Given the progress on projects in 2023/24, staff is recommending funding increases on a very limited number of projects as presented in Table 3. If Council wishes to add funding to these projects, the actual amount of funding to be added will be determined based on available capital funding and will be included as part of the proposed five- year Capital Improvement Plan. PAGE 6 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Table 3. Staff Recommended Priorities for Additional Funding to Existing One-Time Projects Project Name Project No. Funding Program Project Purpose1 Past Funding (From Attachment 1) Estimated Additional Funding Required2 Rationale for Additional Funding Shannon Road Repair (Stabilization) 811-0008 Streets 1,2,3,5,6 $4,517,943 $130,000 Anticipated property acquisition costs Hwy 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements - Hwy 17 Congestion Relief Project (@ SR 9) 813-0237 Streets 1,2,3,6 $3,867,000 $8,600,000 Estimated Town match $11M required. Existing CIP proposes $800,000 per year starting in 2025/26. Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge - Design 818-0803 Streets 1,2,3,6 $3,786,885 $6,322,156 Past allocations funded design. Project design to be complete in 2024. Matching funds for construction grants will be needed. Civic Center Plumbing Repair 821-2120 Public Facilities 5 $40,000 $120,000 Existing funding is inadequate for the level of work required. Staff suggests additional modest funding per year over the next four years. Town Plaza Turf Repair 831-4202 Parks and Trails 3,5,6 $42,000 $40,000 Existing funding is not adequate to complete meaningful improvements to address root intrusion and grass impacts. Creekside Park Turf Replacement 831-4404 Parks and Trails 1, 5 $500,000 $500,000 Existing funding covers portion of the cost. Community group may fund up to $200,000 Notes: 1. Project Purposes are: (1) Safety, (2) Traffic/Transportation, (3) Quality of Life, (4) Regulatory or Legal Mandate, (5) Effective Management of Existing Assets and (6) Improvement. 2. Preliminary opinion of needs over the life of the project. Funding for some projects may be spread over multiple years. PAGE 7 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Infrastructure Backlog Items When considering new projects for future funding, staff continues to consider the project needs that were identified in the CIP report presented as Item 13 in the Town Council meeting of March 1, 2022. Needs that were identified in March 2022 included: Facilities Needs: Facility assessments were completed in 2022 for all Town-owned facilities and deficiencies were identified. While the total 15-year funding need for facilities was estimated to be $19,957,500, five buildings represented 84.5% of that cost: Adult Recreation Center ($2,051,500), Civic Center ($6,424,000), Library ($1,620,000), Police Operations Building (POB) ($1,492,500), and the Theatre ($5,274,500). Minor improvements (characterized as less than $1 million per building 15 years) were identified at park restrooms, the Parks and Public Works Yard, and the Youth Recreation Center. Prior capital budgets addressed facilities related needs and these improvements are currently underway. Notably, there is some overlap between these costs and the ADA Upgrade Requirements. In spring 2024, staff will be compiling the deficiencies noted in these assessments and working to develop a long-term capital plan for the Town’s buildings. In the meantime, certain critical needs have been identified that staff recommends considering for priority: • Replacing the Transfer Switch and Generator at the PPW Yard: The transfer switch was recommended for replacement in early 2023. These components are outdated. In danger of failing, and replacement parts are no longer available for them. If the PPW Yard loses power, then numerous PPW operations would cease, as would the Town’s ability to fuel vehicles at the service yard. • Improvements to the Fleet Servicing Bays: The Town employs 1.5 FTE mechanics to manage the more than 80 vehicles in its fleet, making efficiency critical to maintaining operations. The current fleet bay is too small for certain larger vehicles that the Town owns. When these vehicles are being repaired the bay doors to the building cannot be secured. As such, the mechanics need to move vehicles in and out of the bay each workday which often means reassembling vehicles, moving them to the yard, and then having to disassemble them again the next day. Reconstructing the garage is cost prohibitive so staff has identified a location to install a covered workspace and add paving to allow for work to be completed on these larger vehicles without needing to bring them into the garage. This would allow the vehicles to remain disassembled overnight and improve the efficiency of the fleet management. PAGE 8 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Pavement Maintenance: In 2016, an assessment of street pavement was conducted and revealed a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 67, on a scale of 1 (Lowest) to 100 (new roadway). Based on this, the Town Council set a PCI goal of 75. The current PCI is 75. It is common for the PCI goal to be increased as a goal is achieved. Therefore, the Town should be considering an increase in PCI goal to 78. Funding of $4.4 million annually is required to achieve that goal. It should be noted that the pavement maintenance funding serves a dual role, whenever possible, of enhancing crosswalks for pedestrian safety and providing bike lanes. When planning paving projects, the design team considers necessary bicycle and pedestrian improvements and incorporates those into the work plan each year. Stormwater Infrastructure: In 2020, a project was created to perform Stormwater Master Planning. While initially conceived as a Town-wide project, the funding was not adequate to analyze drainage systems throughout the Town so a select number of systems were evaluated and improvements were recommended. The value of those improvements were estimated at $15M in 2020 dollars. New projects were added last year to address deficiencies in the storm drainage system and these projects will be advanced in 2024. No new projects are proposed for this year so staff can focus on delivering the existing projects. Other Project for Consideration There are certain new projects that staff recommends for consideration. These include: • Resurfacing tennis courts at Blossom Hill Park and LaRinconada Park: Staff has been working with Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation and the Parks and Sustainability Commission to mitigate the impact of pickleball play at LaRinconada. Concerns regarding noise associated with pickleball was discussed in detail at the October meeting of the Parks Commission (now Parks and Sustainability Commission). A copy of the staff memo on this topic is included in Attachment 3. At that meeting the Commission recommended restriping one court at Blossom Hill Park for the dual use of tennis and pickleball. Staff indicated this idea would be included for Council consideration during development of the capital budget. In addition to the need for additional pickleball courts, the courts at both parks require resurfacing. The resurfacing of courts was proposed for the 2023/24 CIP but not funded. • Coating the Air Force Plane at Oak Meadow Park: This work is required in accordance with our agreement with the United States Airforce and is overdue to be completed. The work serves to preserve the plane. PAGE 9 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): • Blossom Hill Road Safety Improvements: The Town of Los Gatos has been awarded a federal grant through the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Program to complete planning for potential safety improvements on Blossom Hill Road from Union Avenue to Camden Avenue. This work will be coordinated with the City of San José (CSJ). The grant includes a requirement for a local 20% match of $160,000. Staff anticipates splitting this match with CSJ and will pursue the appropriate agreement for this cost share. With that cost share, the Town of Los Gatos will need to provide matching funds of at least $80,000 for its portion. • Townwide Parks Master Plan: The Town has 17 park and open space assets under its control. There is no recent evaluation of these spaces, nor recent targeted engagement with the community to determine if the available assets are meeting the Town’s needs. In addition, with potential future residential growth, staff recommends that planning be undertaken to ensure there are adequate park resources to meet future demands. • Streetscape enhancements on Overlook Road between Chestnut Avenue and Wissahickon Avenue: The recent removal of 18 eucalyptus trees caused damage to the asphalt pathway along the road, and there are now no street trees in this location. Residents of this area have expressed interest in having new trees planted. There is no dedicated funding source for this work. Staff is evaluating removal of the remaining asphalt using operating funds while the next steps of this work would need additional funding. • Downtown Streetscape: The existing project named Downtown Streetscape Revitalization / Economic Recovery Efforts (Project No. 813-0235) was created with the idea of re-visioning and reconstructing Santa Cruz Avenue from Highway 9 to Broadway. Past funding was used to construct parklets and was augmented with American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) Replacement Revenue Funding. Santa Cruz Avenue will be scheduled for repaving within the next three years as part of the annual paving project. Staff would like direction regarding whether that should be delayed to allow for a streetscape design should be considered to enhance the overall appearance of this road. • Event Closure Implementation for Montebello Way: Montebello Way is heavily used for downtown events and is regularly subject to closures from vehicular traffic. Staff has evaluated installation of collapsible bollards across both ends of this road to make event related closures easier to complete, and more consistent in its implementation. PAGE 10 OF 10 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Projects Status and Discussion of Priorities DATE: January 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Los Gatos Theatre The agreement for operation of the Los Gatos Theatre is intended to be self-sustaining, with required capital improvements funded from rental payments. Operation of the theater is entering its second year so the available funding for capital improvements is still being evaluated. Recognizing that the Town cannot fund significant improvements until further into the contract term, the theater operator, CineLux, funded and completed certain improvements to ensure the quality if their guest experience and will seek reimbursement for some of these through the agreement. In addition, CineLux has asked staff to consider funding the replacement of seats in both auditoriums. The seat replacement will not be proposed to Council until sufficient funding is available in the Theatre Fund to cover the approximately $300,000 in costs but is mentioned here for information purposes. CONCLUSION: It is unlikely that there will be adequate capital funding available to fund all of the town’s needs. At this time staff is seeking feedback from Town Council regarding their priorities for allocating what funding may be available. COORDINATION: This memorandum was coordinated with the Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director. FISCAL IMPACT: This item provides direction regarding capital funding priorities to be considered in building the five-year CIP for 2024/25 through 2028/29. No specific budget actions are proposed at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1.Current Funding of CIP FY 2023/24 – 2027/28 2.Status of Currently Funded One-Time Capital Projects 3.Staff Memorandum to Parks Commission dated September 28, 2023 4.Public Comment Received Prior to 11:00 AM on February 1, 2024 Current Funding of CIPFY 2023/24 ‐2027/28STREETS PROGRAM SUMMARYProject NumberProject NameFY 2018/19 ‐ 2022/23 Spending FY 2023/24 ActualsFY 2023/24 Adjusted Budget as of 12/31/2023FY 2024/25 BudgetFY 2025/26 BudgetFY 2026/27 BudgetFY 2027/28 Budget Total BudgetedReconstruction9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing12,128,469.07        2,670,467.89          7,755,984         3,243,947      3,243,947      3,243,947      3,243,947      32,860,240       9903 Pavement Rehab‐Crack Seal1,109,499.42          180,000.00             360,000             180,000         180,000         180,000         180,000         2,189,499          Maintenance‐Safety9904 Unanticipated Repairs ‐ Annual‐ ‐ 100,000             100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000         500,000             9930 Retaining Wall Repairs226,540.74             1,073.58 566,799             50,000           50,000           50,000           50,000           993,340             0008 Shannon Road Repair*433,152.13             140,577.48             4,442,912         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,876,064          0009 North 40 Traffic Mit‐ 47,976.98 ‐ ‐ 0129 ADA Transition Plan162,100.00             8,050.00 22,900               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 185,000             0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction8999,809.00             340.00 1,572,191         100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000         2,972,000          0131 East Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk*43,700.00 ‐ 271,300             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 315,000             0132 Local Road Safety Program103,306.93             12,081.78 25,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 128,307             0133 VMT Mitigation Program134,767.04             9,354.33 115,233             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000             0134 Measure B Education & Encouragement18,670.91 ‐ 119,674             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 138,345             0135 Town‐wide Speed Studies‐ ‐ 80,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 80,000               Street Improvements9921 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance2,596,962.39          89,535.00 445,832             300,000         300,000         300,000         300,000         4,242,794          0218 Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements*263,303.56             78,979.16 2,043,823         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,307,127          0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements2,851.67 ‐ 299,573             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 302,425             0227 Traffic Signal Modernization1,986,927.96          38,443.75 635,333             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,622,261          0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts1,929,139.50          239,867.38             912,500             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,841,640          0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements600,000.00             ‐ 867,000             ‐ 800,000         800,000         800,000         3,867,000          0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design141,323.72             ‐ 1,734,250         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,875,574          0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway942,061.55             ‐ 693,560             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,635,622          0241 Kennedy Sidewalk  ‐ LGB To Englewood‐ ‐ 631,126             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 631,126             0242 Parking Program Implementation153,110.08             17,294.00 445,390             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 598,500             0243 Storm Related Repairs5,250.00 18,065.00 39,050               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 44,300               0414 Stormwater System ‐ Pollution Prevention Compliance22,722.11 38,746.68 265,278             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 288,000             0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project291,180.75             ‐ 252,219             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 543,400             0421 Loma Street Drainage‐ ‐ 100,000             250,000         496,300         ‐ ‐ 846,300             0422 Harwood/Belridge Drainage Study‐ ‐ 100,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100,000             0423 709 University Avenue Drainage System Replacement‐ ‐ 200,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000             0424 333 University Avenue Inlet Capacity Improvements‐ ‐ 50,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000               0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping59,924.00 ‐ 15,161               10,000           ‐ 10,000           ‐ 95,085               0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing199,800.00             ‐ 50,200               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000             Bridges0801 Quito Road ‐ Bridge Replacement‐ ‐ 285,087             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 285,087             0803 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge ‐ Design1,083,237.92          198,652.56             3,374,064         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,457,302          0804 Timber Bridge Inspection‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000           25,000           ‐ 50,000               Total Streets Projects25,637,810$           3,789,506$             28,871,439$     4,233,947$    5,295,247$    4,808,947$    4,773,947$    73,621,337$     * Includes ARPA Replacement Revenue Funding1 of 2ATTACHMENT 1 Current Funding of CIPFY 2023/24 ‐2027/28PARK & TRAILS PROGRAM SUMMARYPrior Years Spending 2023/24 Actuals 2023/24 Budget2024/25 Budget2025/26 Budget2026/27 Budget2027/28 Budget Total BudgetedParks4007 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements22,282.42 ‐ 264,448             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 286,730             4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs1,000.00 ‐ 27,000               15,000           ‐ ‐ ‐ 43,000               4404 Creekside Park Turf Replacement*‐ ‐ 500,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 500,000             4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project29,071.20 ‐ 56,969               25,000           ‐ 25,000           ‐ 136,040             4610 Pinehurst Community Garden*14,314.20 22,524.24 270,686             100,000         ‐ ‐ ‐ 385,000             Trails4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair72,941.84 ‐ 474,891             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 547,833             4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades‐ ‐ 152,000             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 152,000             4505 Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 Trailhead Connector Project691,999.96             170,319.51             8,829,851         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9,521,851          4508 Vegetation Management ‐ Town Wide244,826.23             5,391.75 102,881             100,000         100,000         100,000         100,000         747,707             4510Lynn Ave Pedestrian Path Design*‐ 16,017.02 190,000             100,000         ‐ ‐ ‐ 290,000             Total Parks Projects1,076,436$             214,253$                10,868,726$     340,000$       100,000$       125,000$       100,000$       12,610,161$     PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM SUMMARYPrior Years Spending 2023/24 Actuals 2023/24 Budget2024/25 Budget2025/26 Budget2026/27 Budget2027/28 Budget Total BudgetedInfrastructure2002 Town Beautification44,796.51 9,957.85 25,203               15,000           15,000           15,000           15,000           130,000             2009 Public Art Gateway Project*50,000.00 20,500.00 81,500               37,500           37,500           ‐ ‐ 206,500             2011 Downtown Restroom Feasibility Study*‐ 23,000.00 25,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000               2012 Emergency Preparedness*‐ ‐ 96,780               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 96,780               2013 Annual ADA Compliance Work‐ ‐ 10,000               10,000           10,000           10,000           10,000           50,000               2117 ADA Restrooms And HR Offices74,924.00 69,203.00 905,076             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 980,000             2120 Civic Center Plumbing Repair*‐ ‐ 40,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 40,000               2206 Adult Rec Ctr Floor Repr155,169.60             877.25 ‐ 155,170             2207 Adult Recreation Center HVAC195,404.34             ‐ 114,596             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 310,000             2208 ARC ‐ Interim Community Center‐ ‐ 866,281             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 866,281             2302 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard2,139,969.12          133,386.09             507,033             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,647,002          2309 Termite Abatement at Water Tower*‐ 2,100.00 24,500               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 24,500               2310 Engineering Counter Modifications*‐ ‐ 40,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 40,000               2403 HVAC Improvement ‐ POB Building8‐ ‐ 25,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000               2404 POB Space Study‐ ‐ 75,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 75,000               2504 Library Improvements‐ ‐ 22,000               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 22,000               2505 Battery Power Supply ‐ Library439,466.20             100,716.20             103,534             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 543,000             2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms ‐ Adult Recreation Building52,081.26 ‐ 599,898             ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 651,979             Equipment6003 Town‐Wide Document Imaging Project‐ ‐ 16,990               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 16,990               6101 Enterprise Resource Planning Upgrade281,154.17             166,899.90             1,132,425         ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,413,579          6103 EOC Communications Upgrade24,716.93 ‐ 25,283               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000               6104It Disaster Recovery Improvements171,162.88             ‐ 28,837               ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000             Total Facilities Projects3,628,845$             526,640$                4,764,935         62,500           62,500           25,000           25,000           8,568,780         Total Capital Improvement Allocations FY23/24 through 27/2830,343,091$           4,530,398$             44,505,101$     4,636,447$    5,457,747$    4,958,947$    4,898,947$    94,800,279$     * Includes ARPA Replacement Revenue Funding2 of 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Attachment 2 Status of Currently Funded One‐Time Capital Projects Project Name Project No. Funding Program Project Catgory1 Project Phase as of  12/31/23 Shannon Road Repair (Stabilization)811‐0008 Streets 1,2,3,5,6 100% Design ADA Transition Plan 812‐0129 Streets 1,3,4,5 Close Out E.Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk 812‐0131 Streets 1,2,3 Hold Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP)812‐0132 Streets 1,2 Complete VMT Mitigation Program 812‐0133 Streets 2,4 95% Complete Town‐wide Speed Studies 812‐0135 Streets 1,2,4 Hold Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 813‐0218 Streets 1,2,3 100% Design Utility Undergrounding Improvements ‐ Rule 20A LGB 813‐0225 Streets 1,6 Hold Traffic Signal Modernization 813‐0227 Streets 1,2,3,5,6 Close Out Downtown Streetscape Revitalization / Economic  Recovery Efforts 813‐0235 Streets 3,5,6 Hold Hwy 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements ‐  Hwy 17 Congestion Relief Project (@ SR 9)813‐0237 Streets 1,2,3,6 Concept Design Winchester Blvd. Complete Streets Final Design 813‐0238 Streets 1,2,3,6 CANCELLED Winchester Class IV Bikeway 813‐0240 Streets 1,2,3 Close Out Kennedy Sidewalk ‐ LGB to Englewood 813‐0241 Streets 1,2,3 Hold Parking Program Implementation 813‐0242 Streets 3,5 Hold Storm Related Repairs 813‐0243 Streets 1,3,5 Complete Stormwater System ‐ Pollution Prevention  Compliance 816‐0414 Streets 4 Consultant Selection  Loma Street Drainage 816‐0421 Streets 1,5 Hold Harwood / Belridge Drainage Study 816‐0422 Streets 3.5 Hold 709 University Avenue Drainage System Replacement 816‐0423 Streets 1,3,5 Hold 333 University Avenue Inlet Capacity Improvements 816‐0424 Streets 1,2,5 Hold Downtown Parking Lots Seal coat & Restriping 817‐0705 Streets 2,5 Complete Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing 817‐0708 Streets 5 Construction Quito Road Bridge (Delivered via Town of Saratoga) 818‐0801 Streets 1,2,5,6 100% Design Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge ‐ Design 818‐0803 Streets 1,2,3,6 35% Design Timber Bridge Inspection 821‐0804 Streets 1,2,3,4,5  Hold  Public Art Gateway 821‐2009 Public Facilities 3,6 Hold Downtown Restroom Feasibility Study 821‐2011 Public Facilities 3,6 95% Complete Emergency Preparedness 821‐2012 Public Facilities 1 10% Complete ADA Restrooms and HR Offices 821‐2117 Public Facilities 3,4,5,6 100% Design Civic Center Plumbing Repair 821‐2120 Public Facilities 5 Bidding Adult Recreation Center ‐ HVAC Unit Replacement 821‐2207 Public Facilities 3,5 Complete  ARC ‐ Create Space 821‐2208 Public Facilities 3, 6 HOLD Building Replacement at Corporation Yard 821‐2302 Public Facilities 5,6 Close Out Termite Abatement at Water Tower ‐ 41 Miles  Avenue 821‐2309 Public Facilities 5 50% Complete Engineering Counter Modifications 821‐2310 Public Facilities 3,5,6 100% Design HVAC Improvements ‐ POB 821‐2403 Public Facilities 3,5 Complete POB Space Study 821‐2404 Public Facilities Hold Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby 821‐2504 Public Facilities 3,5 Concept Design Battery Power Supply ‐ Library 821‐2505 Public Facilities 5,6 Construction ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms ‐ Adult Recreation  Center 821‐2601 Public Facilities 3,5,6 Construction Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements 831‐4007 Parks and Trails 3,6 100% Design Town Plaza Turf Repair 831‐4202 Parks and Trails 3,5,6 Hold  Creekside Park Turf Replacement 831‐4404 Parks and Trails Hold Pinehurst Community Garden 831‐4610 Parks and Trails 3,5,6 Concept Design Charter Oak Trail Improvements 832‐4503 Parks and Trails 1,3,5 Hold Open Space Trail Upgrades 832‐4504 Parks and Trails 1,3 Hold LGC Trail to Route 9 Trailhead Connector Project 832‐4505 Parks and Trails 1,2,3,6 Construction Lynne Avenue Pedestrian Path Design 832‐4510 Parks and Trails 3,5,6 Concept Design Town‐wide Document Imaging Project 841‐6003 Public Facilities 4,5 In‐progress 1/30/2024 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Attachment 2 Status of Currently Funded One‐Time Capital Projects Project Name Project No. Funding Program Project Catgory1 Project Phase as of  12/31/23 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Upgrade 841‐6101 Public Facilities 1,5 In‐progress EOC Communication Upgrade 841‐6103 Public Facilities 1,5 In‐progress IT Disaster Recovery Improvements 841‐6104 Public Facilities 1,5,6 In‐progress Notes: 1) Project Type: (1) Safety; (2) Traffic / Transportation; (3) Quality of Life; (4) Regulatory or Legal Mandate; (5) Effective Management  of Assets; (6) Improvement 1/30/2024 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/02/2023 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: September 28, 2023 TO: Parks Commission FROM: Nicolle Burnham, Parks and Public Works Director SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Feedback on Pickleball at La Rinconada Park RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide feedback on pickleball at La Rinconada Park. BACKGROUND: At its meeting of June 4, 2018, the Los Gatos Parks Commission (Commission) received a report from staff recommending that the tennis court at La Rinconada Park (Park) be striped to accommodate pickleball and that a pilot program for pickleball be initiated. The Commission supported this recommendation. In Fall of 2018 the Town of Los Gatos entered into an agreement with First Serve Productions to layout and stripe four pickleball courts on top of the existing tennis court at the Park. On April 1, 2019, the Commission heard a report indicating that the pickleball pilot had been successful and recommending that the courts be programmed two days each week for pickleball under the guidance of Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation. The Commission supported this recommendation. On August 5, 2019, the Commission heard a report from Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation (LGS Rec) regarding their pickleball program. The report indicated that programming was scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 AM to 12 PM. Since the pilot program was initiated in 2019 pickleball use at the Park has grown to seven days per week during most hours in which the park is open (sunrise to one hour after sunset). At present, LGS Rec runs pickleball programs at La Rinconada six days a week with a combination of open play and lessons. A total of 20.5 hours per week is dedicated to LGS Rec use. All other times are open play for the public. There is no record of additional discussion of pickleball in Commission meeting minutes until December 5, 2022, when a representative of LGS Rec discussed the need for additional pickleball courts and asked to convert courts at Blossom Hill Park from tennis to pickleball. ATTACHMENT 3 PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Feedback on Pickleball at La Rinconada Park DATE: September 28, 2023 BACKGROUND (continued): During 2023, the Commission has received numerous comments from the public regarding the need for more pickleball courts, and about the adverse impact of pickleball noise on the residential properties near the Park. In addition, staff regularly receives noise complaints about this activity at La Rinconada. At the August 2023 meeting, staff provided the Commission an overview of concerns about pickleball related noise at the Park and potential options for addressing this. The Commission requested additional information to facilitate discussion of these alternatives. DISCUSSION: Management of noise related to pickleball is a chronic problem share by parks and recreation agencies and communities all over the United States. Pickleball paddles and balls are much harder than tennis rackets and balls and so pickleball sounds very different from tennis. With a smaller court, the frequency with which pickleball strike occur adds to the noise impacts. This has proven to be a very challenging issue to resolve. Three options presented in August were: 1) eliminating pickleball at La Rinconada; 2) implementing acoustic barriers; or 3) requiring the use of “Green Equipment” that are designed to generate less noise. Since the August meeting staff has met with LGS Rec to discuss additional potential solutions. Option 1 – Eliminate Pickleball at La Rinconada This is not a preferred option given the level of use the four pickleball courts receive. The loss of four courts would reduce the number of dedicated public pickleball courts in Los Gatos to zero. Option 2 - Implement Acoustic Barriers Staff evaluated the installation of an acoustic barrier around the courts. Installation of a hard wall and landscaping would create safety concerns since they would reduce visibility into the court. Installation of acoustic blankets affixed to the existing chain link fence on two sides of the court would be feasible and some courts have succeeded in managing noise with this technique. Staff can install these blankets, but the Town does not have funding to purchase them. The cost to purchase the blankets is $10,000 - $12,000. Option 3 – Require Use of Pickleball Equipment that Reduces Noise (Called Green Paddles) PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Feedback on Pickleball at La Rinconada Park DATE: September 28, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): A “green pickleball paddle” refers to a pickleball paddle that is meant to produce less noise than traditional pickleball paddles. The term “green” in the name is used to indicate that they are more environmentally friendly because they produce less noise pollution. A quiet pickleball paddle is usually made from materials that absorb / dampen vibrations and reduce the amount of noise generated when the paddle strikes the pickleball ball. However, there does not yet appear to be any consistent standard or certification for green pickleball equipment. Mandating the use of this type of equipment would reduce the noise impacts; however, neither the Town nor LGS Rec has the capacity to enforce this requirement consistently. Regardless, we can still recommend this and ask that the pickleball community be courteous to their neighbors and mindful of their proximity to residences. Option 4 – Operational Changes The courts at La Rinconada Park, like most park assets in Los Gatos, are open from sunrise to one hour after sunset seven days per week. Staff has discussed limiting the hours of play by locking the courts each evening and opening them each morning at a set time (e.g., opening at 8 AM and locking at 6 PM). The Town does not have the staff resources to complete this task with consistency. That said, limiting hours of play may provide some relief to the neighborhood and staff recommends installing signage at the court that limits the hours of play. Staff recommends limiting the hours of pickleball play via signage rather than installing locks. If the pickleball community refuses to adhere to the hours of play, then more drastic measures such as locking can be evaluated. Option 5 – Convert one Tennis Court at Blossom Hill Park to Pickleball Since La Rinconada Park has the only pickleball courts in Los Gatos, use of the courts is intensive. Additional courts could potentially provide some relief and an alternative location for pickleball play. Staff has discussed with LGS Rec the need to identify other courts and LGS Rec has considered additional courts at locations not owned by the Town. At this time, no other options have been identified. The tennis courts at Blossom Hill Park are heavily used for tennis. Staff at LGS Rec observed use of the courts at Blossom Hill Park and La Rinconada over a two-week period in September. Attachment 1 shows the results of these observations. While there are certain times when all courts at Blossom Hill Park are in use for tennis, there are times when courts are vacant. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Feedback on Pickleball at La Rinconada Park DATE: September 28, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): Given the observations by LGS Rec staff is willing to consider a pilot program to convert one of those courts to pickleball. One tennis court yields four pickleball court so this conversion would double the number of courts in Town. While there are advantages and benefits to converting a Blossom Hill Court, there are also concerns regarding potential noise impacts and conflicts in play. Staff recommends that the northwesterly court be converted for the pilot project since it is furthest from the residential properties. The closest residences on Hilow Court and on Fairmead Lane are approximately 280 feet away from court in question. At La Rinconada Park the closest residences are 140 feet from the courts. If a court at Blossom Hill Park were to be converted, the four pickleball courts would be directly adjacent to a tennis court, creating the opportunity for conflicts between the two uses. Fencing cannot be installed between the courts as it would not provide enough “run off” area adjacent to either use. As part of the pilot program staff would need to monitor concerns presented by users and consider these when discussing making the court permanent. The cost to stripe one tennis court for pickleball would be $10,000. The Town does not currently have funding for this work. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Feedback on Pickleball at La Rinconada Park DATE: September 28, 2023 CONCLUSION: Staff has identified options for potentially reducing neighborhood impacts associated with pickleball at La Rinconada Park. Table 1 summarizes these options and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Table 1. Summary of Options Option Pros Cons 1. Eliminate pickleball at La Riconada - Eliminates noise impact - Leaves no pickleball courts in Los Gatos 2. Install acoustic barrier - May reduce some noise impact - No Town funding for purchase - Actual attenuation would be hard to predict 3. Mandate Green Zone equipment - Would reduce noise - May impact play - Hard to enforce - relies on goodwill of players to achieve noise reduction 4. Operational Changes - Would reduce early morning and evening impacts depending on hours selected - Hard to enforce - relies on goodwill of players to achieve noise reduction 5. Stripe on tennis court at Blossom Hill for Pickleball - Would provide four additional pickleball courts in Los Gatos - May not reduce demand at La Rinconada - No Town funding currently These options are not mutually exclusive and combinations of each may be feasible. Staff looks forward to the Commission’s feedback. Attachments 1.Observed Court Usage – La Rinconada and Blossom Hill Park Site Time of DayTuesday 9/12/2023 Wednesday 9/13/2023 Thursday 9/14/2023 Friday 9/15/2023 Saturday 9/16/2023 Sunday 9/17/2023 Monday 9/18/2023La Rinconada Park10amPB 4 playersPB 18 playersPB Class‐10PB 20 playersPB‐10 players0PB 23 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 1 10am0000Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 2 10am0000Tennis 2 players0Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 3 10am0Tennis 2 players0Tennis 4 players Tennis 2 players0Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 4 10am0Tennis 2 playersTennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis‐3players0Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 5 10am000Tennis 2 players Tennis‐3players0Tennis 5 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 6 10am Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players0Tennis 2 players Tennis‐3players Tennis 2 players Tennis 4 playersLa Rinconada Park2pm PB Lesson 10 adults0PB 4 players0000Blossom Hill Park Court 12pm0000Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Lesson 8 kidsBlossom Hill Park Court 2 2pm0Lesson 3 kids00000Blossom Hill Park Court 32pm000000Lesson 1 adultBlossom Hill Park Court 42pm000000Lesson 2 adultsBlossom Hill Park Court 52pm0000000Blossom Hill Park Court 62pm0000Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players0La Rinconada Park6pmPB 4 playersPB 4 playersPB 4 players Tennis‐2players004 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 1 6pmTennis 3 players0Tennis‐2players0Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 2 6pm0Tennis 4 players0004 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 3 6pm Tennis 4 players0Tennis 2 players Tennis‐2players000Blossom Hill Park Court 4 6pm Tennis 3 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players0000Blossom Hill Park Court 56pmLesson, 1 adult0Tennis 4 players0000Blossom Hill Park Court 6 6pm00Tennis 2 players00Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersSite Time of DayTuesday 9/19/2023 Wednesday 9/20/2023 Thursday 9/21/2023 Friday 9/22/2023 Saturday 9/23/2023 Sunday 9/24/2023 Monday 9/25/2023La Rinconada Park10am PB 15 playersPB 8 playersPB Class‐10PB 21 playersPB‐12 players0PB 18 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 1 10am000Tennis 4 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 2 10am000Tennis 4 players0Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 3 10am000Tennis 4 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 4 10am Tennis 5 players Tennis 2 playersTennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis‐2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 5 10am0000Tennis‐4 players0Tennis 5 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 6 10am Tennis 2 players Tennis 4 players0Tennis 1 player Tennis‐2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 4 playersLa Rinconada Park2pm PB Lesson 10 adults0PB 4 players0000Blossom Hill Park Court 12pm0000Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Lesson 8 kidsBlossom Hill Park Court 22pm00000Tennis 2 players0Blossom Hill Park Court 32pm0000Tennis 2 players0Lesson 1 adultBlossom Hill Park Court 4 2pm0Tennis 2 players00Tennis 2 players0Lesson 2 adultsBlossom Hill Park Court 52pm0000000Blossom Hill Park Court 62pm0000Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players0La Rinconada Park6pmPB 4 playersPB 6 playersPB 4 players Tennis‐2players004 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 1 6pmTennis 2 players0Tennis‐2players Tennis‐4 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 2 6pm0Tennis 4 players0004 playersBlossom Hill Park Court 3 6pm Tennis 4 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players Tennis‐2players000Blossom Hill Park Court 4 6pm Tennis 3 players Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 players00Tennis 2 players0Blossom Hill Park Court 5 6pm Lesson, 1 adult0Tennis 4 players4 playersTennis‐4 players Tennis 2 players0Blossom Hill Park Court 6 6pm0Tennis 4 players Tennis 2 players00Tennis 2 players Tennis 2 playersNotes: Observations courtesy of Los Gatos Saratoga RecreationTennis lesson, 5 adultsTennis lesson, 8 kidsTennis lesson, 8 kidsOBSERVED COURT USAGE ‐ LA RINCONADA AND BLOSSOM HILL PARKSAttachment 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank From:ed atherton To:Nicolle Burnham Subject:PickleBall at Blossom Hill Park tennis courts Date:Tuesday, January 23, 2024 3:57:15 PM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello Nicolle, I understand that the town is considering in its capital budget re-striping of the tennis courts for Pickleball. As a homeowner and resident of Los Gatos, I strongly encourage the town to do so for this rapidly growing sport. Thank you in advance, Ed Atherton ATTACHMENT 4 From:Janette Judd To:Robert Lipp Cc:Nicolle Burnham; Jim Harbin Subject:RE: Capital Budget - Pickleball court resurfacing & possible new courts Date:Tuesday, January 30, 2024 12:57:21 PM cc: Mayor and Town Council Town Manager and Asst. Town Manager PPW Director and Superintendent Good afternoon, Thank you for your e-mail, however, there is no Town Council meeting this evening. Council meetings occur the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, monthly. The following is information available on the Town website for submitting public communications: https://www.losgatosca.gov/2126/Public-Guide-to-Town-Council-Meetings It appears you may be referencing project funding and Town budget requests. These topics will be discussed at upcoming Town Council Meetings beginning in February through May for both the current and next Fiscal Year (adjustments, priorities, and adoption of budgets). Copied on this message: Parks and Public Works (PPW) Director Nicolle Burnham NBurnham@LosGatosCA.gov, whose oversight of all PPW divisions includes Town infrastructure, including Parks and amenities; and Streets/Parks/Traffic Superintendent Jim Harbin JHarbin@LosGatosCA.gov. Superintendent Harbin and Director Burnham are the best contact for input and comments regarding parks. Lastly, your communication will be retained by PPW staff and included in staff report materials (along with all public comments) for applicable budget discussions. If you wish to attend a Council Meeting(s) to deliver verbal or written communications, feel free to check the Town website for upcoming meeting agendas: https://www.losgatosca.gov/13/Agendas-Minutes You can also sign up for the Town’s “What’s New” notifications: https://www.losgatosca.gov/list.aspx Thank you once again for reaching out to the Town. Sincerely, Janette Judd ● Executive Assistant Town Council and Town Manager ● 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos CA 95030Ph: 408.354.6832 ● JJudd@LosGatosCA.govwww.LosGatosCA.gov ● https://www.facebook.com/losgatosca -----Original Message----- From: Robert Lipp > Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 10:54 AM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Capital Budget - Pickleball court resurfacing & possible new courts [EXTERNAL SENDER] I am unable to attend tonight's Council meeting so I would appreciate your entering these comments into the meeting. Pickleball is a fast paced game requiring quick footwork. The cracks in the current courts present a hazard to footwork and can lead to disastrous falls. I am not exaggerating - most of the players are seniors where a fall can readily lead to crippling injuries. There's a saying about Pickleball "It's not if you will get injured, but when". My wife had to quit due to such injuries. On another note, I would like the Town to consider building new dedicated Pickleball courts. The game is a disturbance to neighbors yet doesn't take mush space. I would like to recommend building 8-12 courts in Oak Meadow park near the playground airplane. It is an essentially unused space and there are no neighbors to disturb. Also, most Pickleball occurs in the mornings when the park is little used, so adding little congestion to the peak limited parking. This plan would be of great benefit to neighbors near current courts which could then be rededicated solely to tennis. Thank you. Robert Lipp Los Gatos, CA 95030