04 Staff Report.124 Garden Hill w attachment PREPARED BY: Jennifer Armer Planning Manager __________________________________________________________________________________________ Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/6/2024 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: February 1, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Adopt a Resolution Remanding Decision to Deny a Fence Height Exception Request at 124 Garden Hill Drive for the Construction of a Six-Foot Tall Fence Located Within the Required Front Yard Setback, Street Side Yard Setback, and Corner Sight Triangle on Property Zoned R-1:8 to the Planning Commission for Further Consideration. APN 424-23-084. Fence Height Exception Application FHE-23-005. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owner: Rushikesh Kulkarni. Applicant/Appellant: Martin Lettunich. Project Planner: Ryan Safty. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution (Attachment 7) remanding a Planning Commission decision to deny a fence height exception request at 124 Garden Hill Drive for the construction of a six-foot tall fence located within the required front yard setback, street side yard setback, and corner sight triangle on property zoned R-1:8 and to the Planning Commission for further consideration in light of new information provided by the appellant with his appeal. DISCUSSION: On January 16, 2024, Town Council voted unanimously, based on new information, to continue to a date certain of February 6, 2024, and directed staff to prepare a resolution to remand the item back to the Planning Commission for the Council’s adoption. Adoption of the attached resolution (Attachment 7) would finalize that decision. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 124 Garden Hill Drive/FHE-23-005 DATE: February 1, 2024 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures and Section 15301: Existing Facilities. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the January 16, 2024 Staff Report: 1.November 8, 2023, Planning Commission Staff Report, with Exhibits 1 through 12 2. November 8, 2023, Planning Commission Desk Item, with Exhibit 13 3.November 8, 2023, Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes 4.Appeal of the Planning Commission decision, received November 17, 2023 5.Revised Justification Letter 6.Draft Resolution to Deny the Appeal and Deny the Project Received with this Staff Report: 7.Draft Resolution to Grant the Appeal and Remand to Planning Commission ATTACHMENT 7 DRAFT RESOLUTION 2024-___ RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS REMANDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY A FENCE HEIGHT EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SIX-FOOT TALL FENCE LOCATED WITHIN THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK, STREET SIDE YARD SETBACK, AND CORNER SIGHT TRIANGLE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8 TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. APN 424-23-084 FENCE HEIGHT EXCEPTION APPLICATION: FHE-23-005 PROPERTY LOCATION: 124 GARDEN HILL DRIVE PROPERTY OWNER: RUSHIKESH KULKARNI APPELLANT/APPLICANT: MARTIN LETTUNICH WHEREAS, on August 4, 2023, the Town issued an administrative warning for a code violation at 124 Garden Hill Drive for an unpermitted six-foot tall fence at the corner of Garden Hill Drive; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2023, the property owner applied for an exception to the Town’s fence regulations for the unpermitted six-foot tall fence at the corner of Garden Hill Drive; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2023, the Town denied the exception request because the findings listed in Town Code Section 29.40.0320 could not be made; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2023, the decision of the Community Development Director to deny the exception request was appealed to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2023, the Planning Commission held a duly-noticed public hearing and considered an appeal of the Community Development Director denial of an exception to the Town’s fence regulations for an unpermitted six-foot tall fence in the required front yard setback, street side yard setback, and traffic view area at the corner of Garden Hill Drive; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2023, the Planning Commission denied the appeal, upholding the Community Development Director denial of the exception request; and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2023, the appellant, an interested person, filed a timely appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission; and Draft Resolution to be modified by Town Council deliberations and direction. WHEREAS, this matter came before the Town Council for public hearing on December 19, 2023, and was regularly noticed in conformance with State and Town law; and WHEREAS, on December 19, 2023, the Town Council continued the public hearing to a date certain of January 16, 2024; and WHEREAS, the Town Council received testimony and documentary evidence from the appellant and all interested persons who wished to testify or submit documents. The Town Council considered all testimony and materials submitted, including the record of the Planning Commission proceedings and the packet of material contained in the Council Agenda Report for their meeting on January 16, 2024, along with any and all subsequent reports and materials prepared concerning this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission decision to deny an exception the Town’s fence regulations is remanded to the Planning Commission for further consideration based on new information. 2. The decision does not constitute a final administrative decision and the application will be returned to Planning Commission for further consideration. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 6th day of February 2024, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: ___________________ ATTEST: TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: ___________________