14 Staff Report.LG Police Services Report July - December 2023 w attachemnts PREPARED BY: Jamie Field Chief of Police Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Finance Director, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/16/2024 ITEM NO: 14 DATE: January 11, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Consider the Following Actions: a. Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023, b. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute an Agreement with Meliora Public Safety Consulting to Conduct an Organizational Assessment and Develop a Data Analysis Toolkit in an Amount Not to Exceed $80,000, and c. Approve an Expenditure Budget Adjustment in the Amount of $80,000 from the Available General Fund Capital/Special Projects Reserve. RECOMMENDATION: a. Receive the information provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023, b. Authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Meliora Public Safety Consulting to conduct an organizational assessment and develop a data analysis toolkit in an amount not to exceed $80,000, and c. Approve an Expenditure Budget Adjustment in the amount of $80,000 from the Available General Fund Capital/Special Project Reserve. BACKGROUND: On August 3, 2023, the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department (LGMSPD) Chief presented to the Town Council an update on staffing, efficiencies and improvements, and public safety service delivery. These reports typically occur twice a year and this report is the second for the current fiscal year. The report provides an overview of the following information: • Department staffing update and outlook • Projects and Audits PAGE 2 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): • Integral Department Wellness • Trends in calls for service and policing response • Flock Update • Community engagement and partnerships • Proposed organizational assessment and data analysis DISCUSSION: DEPARTMENT STAFFING UPDATE AND OUTLOOK Appropriate staffing ensures the Department can deliver all of the law enforcement and related services expected by the communities of Los Gatos and Monte Sereno as described in the Town’s Adopted Operating Budget. Recruitment and retention remain a high priority as the Department continues to experience challenges due to protected leaves and a significant number of anticipated retirements in calendar year 2024. Reduced staffing due to extended protected leaves has positioned the Police Department without five sworn positions for at least the last five months and in some instances much longer. Four of the protected leave positions are held by individuals with leadership roles in the Department, requiring the remaining leadership team of Corporal, Sergeant, Captain, and Chief to absorb the responsibilities. Available sworn staffing is down from 35 sworn Officers available as a solo resource to 30 out of the 39 budgeted positions. During the last six months, the Police Department has had two sworn members retire. Filling these voids continues to require significant recruitment and hiring efforts, which are currently underway. The staff involved in the applicant evaluations, oral boards, backgrounding, and onboarding have been continuously reviewing applications, holding oral boards, and promoting the Department opportunities through various means. Potential lateral Officers and individuals for the Police Officer Trainee positions are currently in the background process. Each Police Officer Trainee must complete a six-month Police Academy and a 16-week Field Training Officer (FTO) Program, making them a yearlong focus prior to being available as a solo Officer. The fiscal costs for a new Officer that is sponsored through the Academy is just under $70,000, not including the time for LGMSPD staff to oversee the 16-week FTO Program. As a result, the Police Department continues to offer an employee referral bonus and a hiring bonus for lateral Officers as they can go into service as a solo Officer much sooner without the Academy and lengthy field training costs. PAGE 3 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): The LGMSPD has two Police Officer Trainees currently in a Police Academy and if they successfully complete the Academy, they will then begin a Field Training Program this spring. Additionally, the LGMSPD is striving to have two Police Officer Trainees beginning a Police Academy in January 2024 and to enroll another two Police Officer Trainees in the April 2024 Police Academy. This will stagger the necessary training efforts as availability of Field Training Officers are limited. Additionally, the Police Department is anticipating promotional opportunities for the position of Corporal, Sergeant, and a Captain in 2024. LGMSPD is in the process of working with an independent law enforcement consultant to perform assessments at the end of February 2024 to establish a promotional list for a year for both Corporal and Sergeant. To provide a broad pool of knowledgeable, well experienced applicants, and potentially encourage additional sworn lateral interest, the position of Sergeant is being opened to outside candidates for the first time. It is hoped that individuals who have ascended in their current agency to an equivalent position of Sergeant may be interested in applying to LGMSPD. In the anticipated event of a Captain position opening due to retirement, a Law Enforcement Executive Recruitment company has been identified to assist with promoting and swiftly filling the void. Due to attrition of Officers and leaders with institutional knowledge and the continued hiring of new sworn personnel, the depth of experience and leadership potential is still developing, and some future opportunities may be filled with lateral leaders. In the prior Police Services Report, there were 28 available sworn Officers divided among four patrol shifts in the Patrol Division, Investigations Division, and Administration. The current number is 30 available sworn with another two expected to depart in a couple months, bringing the number back to 28. Removing the three sworn Command staff (Chief and two Captains) results in 25 available sworn Officers to deliver core Patrol and Investigative services. Part-time Community Services Officers (CSOs) and Reserve Police Officers have assisted to meet the workload demands; however, LGMSPD expects to be recruiting to fill at least one future vacant CSO position. The table below identifies the current availability of sworn staff, while also considering protected leave: Budgeted Sworn Current Sworn Off due to protected leave Light / Modified Duty Field Training Total Active and available 39 35 5 0 0 30 CSOs worked 1417 hours during this reportable six-month timeframe and Reserve Police Officers worked 890 hours. Dispatch has eight budgeted positions. Currently, there are six operational Dispatchers and one in training. The Police Department has five per diem PAGE 4 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Dispatchers to supplement the full-time Dispatch staff and allow for coverage during training and vacation. LGMSPD is evaluating an eighth Dispatcher through the background process. The per diem Dispatchers have filled in for 403 hours throughout the prior six months. The Police Department has hired one Dispatcher who is in training and had a Dispatch Academy recruit graduate and successfully complete the Dispatch Field Training Program since July 2023. The chart below shows the difference in overtime hours between the last two fiscal year periods of July to December. Dispatch is supplemented by per diem Dispatchers and sworn staff is supplemented by Reserve Officers and the limited duties of CSOs and Parking Control; therefore, the overtime does not fully reflect the variance to 39 operational Officers. The FY 2023 overtime for sworn and professional staff during the first six months of this fiscal year is due to limited staffing, workers compensation vacancies, required trainings, and the Town special events. Title 7/1/22-12/31/22 7/01/23 – 12/31/23 Variance in FY Communications 1,582 hours 1364 hours 218 hours Sworn Staff 4,750 hours 3432 hours 1318 hours PROJECTS AND AUDITS Technology Projects and Equipment: LGMSPD began accepting Concealed Weapons Permit applications following the passing of an ordinance in August 2023 by the Los Gatos Town Council and in September 2023 by the City of Monte Sereno Council. LGMSPD uses an online application processing system known as Permitium, commonly used by other California Law Enforcement agencies. The online application and the ordinances are accessible on the LGMSPD website: https://www.losgatosca.gov/2857/Concealed-Carry-Weapon-CCW-Permits . The increase of Concealed Weapon Permit (CCW) applications has necessitated support by a Reserve Officer and oversight of an Administrative Sergeant to receive, monitor, interview, and process the Town’s CCW applications, although no CCW permits have yet been issued. Other significant software platforms and equipment have been implemented including automated Field Training and Dispatch Training evaluation processes. Council also recently approved the execution of an agreement to introduce electronic citation technology for more streamlined communication with the offender, courts, and the records database, using a grant from the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). Other technology and projects include continuously evaluating and advancing the use and knowledge of the Los Gatos drone program, digital marketing and recruiting efforts, and updating capabilities through State funding for our Communications Dispatch Center. PAGE 5 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Additionally, through the funding efforts of the Los Gatos Police Foundation and research by our School Resource Officer (SRO), a “Campus Safety Cart” was purchased and introduced in October 2023. This is a street legal and electric powered golf cart that allows the SRO to travel between six school campuses during periods of congested traffic, and for various Town events throughout the year. The “Campus Safety Cart” can access almost every area of the campuses, as well as the surrounding parking lots, trails, and areas that are not accessible by a patrol vehicle. Since implementation, several other law enforcement agencies throughout California have inquired for more information as they assess utilizing similar equipment in their areas. Grants and Settlements: Additional equipment projects are expected in the next several months due to approved funding from the State Homeland Security Grant program (SHSGP). The release of the funds from the State is expected to occur in January or February and Council would then be asked to accept the funds and approve their use for qualifying expenses. The County provided the Town with a Tobacco Grant for assuring retail establishments were in compliance during the last six months. During the prior fiscal year, the State allocated funding to every California law enforcement agency for purposes of Officer wellness: Board of State Community Corrections (BSCC) Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant. The one-time amount was based on the size of each law enforcement agency and resulted in about $30,000 for LGMSPD. The use of the funds is discussed within the Integral Wellness section of this report. The LGMSPD received notification in early 2023 that it would be receiving Opioid Settlement funds in an undetermined amount over the next several years. The funds can be used by the receiving agency for Narcan training, community education, prevention and outreach, intervention, and improved safety measures for public safety. The Youth Commission in collaboration with the LGMSPD SRO are working on recommendations for use of these funds, which will be brought to Town Council for consideration. Some of the funds were applied to the production costs for Fentanyl High that was produced by Los Gatos High School student Kyle Santoro. Members of LGMSPD and the Youth Commission attended the showing of Fentanyl High in the Los Gatos Move Theatre in December 2023. Audits: Law enforcement auditing processes and requirements have significantly increased due to unfunded mandates. These audits typically involve an examination of law enforcement PAGE 6 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): practices, policies, and procedures to ensure accountability, transparency, and adherence to legal and legislative standards. In October 2023, LGMSPD received confirmation letters from Department of Justice auditors that LGMSPD is “In Compliance” for state and federal requirements of the following systems: - California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) – audits include administrative review of policies, user/agency agreements, completion of required trainings and security, and an on-site inspection. - Department of Justice Criminal Offender Record Information (DOJ CORI) – a random sample of 71 inquiries was selected and “Compliance” with statutes and regulations was confirmed. - Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Interstate Identification Index (FBI III) – a random sample of inquiries was evaluated between July – September 2023 and LGMSPD was in “Compliance” The Police Officer Standard and Training (POST) guides many requirements for California law enforcement agencies. A POST audit is conducted to evaluate our hiring, retention, and training standards every two years. LGMSPD passed this audit in 2023 and continues to meet the increasing POST training requirements, some of which are outlined on the Department’s Transparency webpage: https://www.losgatosca.gov/2713/Transparency-and-Data-page. Additional law enforcement reporting mandates include the Racial Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) requirements. This involves Officers completing various data inquiries following each traffic stop or proactive contact and RIPA data are reported out annually by DOJ. The California Incident Based Reporting System (CIBRS) outlines more than a dozen collected datapoints an Officer must complete prior to approval of any report and captures details that are reported to the state. CIBRS capture details on victims, known offenders, relationships between victims and offenders, arrestees, property, and drugs involved in crimes within an incident, representing a substantial shift in crime reporting. The additional crime incident data provides greater analytic capability in comparison to the previously utilized Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standard. The Town’s data can be found in a presentation that will be given to Town Council on January 16 to accompany this report (see Attachment 1). Evidence and Property Audits: Evidence and property audits in law enforcement involve the systematic review and verification of items held by the police as evidence or property. These audits ensure the accuracy, security, and proper handling of items, often tied to criminal investigations. It is crucial to maintain the integrity of legal proceedings and ensure that evidence is handled in accordance with established protocols and laws. Evidence audits can be quite costly and therefore, may be infrequent for law enforcement agencies. PAGE 7 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): From June to December of 2023, a temporary employee was hired to fill a void due to a professional staff member being on protected leave. The temporary employee completed several key projects, including an evaluation of current processes, audit for compliance and efficiencies, consolidated database, and the movement of approximately 32,000 pieces of evidence from a temporary storage area to a permanent Police Evidence Storage warehouse which created space for a dedicated office currently used by the Traffic Sergeant at the Police Operations Building (POB). INTEGRAL DEPARTMENT WELLNESS Organizational wellness is one of the goals for LGMSPD that has been emphasized in the last six months by building a sustainable, accessible, and comprehensive integral wellness program for the Police Department. The integral wellness program addresses multiple aspects of well- being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. The program incorporates fitness, nutrition, stress management, mental health support, and other holistic elements to promote overall well-being, resiliency, and healthy lifestyles. Integrating these components can lead to improved employee health, increased productivity, and a positive organizational culture. The Integral Wellness Program for the Police Department includes: - Chaplains from the Los Gatos community. - Therapy Dogs with one sworn and one professional staff member as handlers. - Educational Support Incentive through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Town Employees Association (TEA) and Police Officers Association (POA) bargaining units. - New Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with public safety competent therapy resources for up to eight visits. The new EAP program implemented in July by Human Resources also offers many other tools for the employee and their family. - On-site fitness facility located at the Police Operations Building and available to all Police Department staff. On-duty workout time is available if appropriate level of staffing and calls for service permit. - Peer Support through sworn and professional colleagues that have attended peer support training and can offer assistance and resources confidentially. In July and August 2023, LGMSPD worked with Sigma Tactical Wellness and brought a comprehensive health assessment and Cardiometabolic testing company specifically for First Responders on-site. The evaluation process was confidential to the employee and offered to all LGMSPD employees. This was financially supported by the BSCC Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant. LGMSPD also offered access to Sigma Tactical to several other nearby law PAGE 8 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): enforcement agencies, including Campbell Police Department, Los Altos Police Department, and Milpitas Police Department who paid for their own assessments. In total, there were 96 individuals that took part in the health assessment, with about 40 being from LGMSPD. TRENDS IN CALLS FOR SERVICE AND POLICING RESPONSE LGMSPD continues to meet response time performance goals and provide a high level of service to the community; however, due to low staffing there is less discretionary time utilized for visibility, engagement opportunities, and some proactive policing measures. The following table depicts a comparison of the Communications Division call volume, both inbound and outbound, immediacy to which they are answered, and number of 911 calls over the last two years between the months of July to December. July – December Inbound 911 calls % of 911 calls answered < 10 seconds Incoming Non- emergency calls Non-emergency Outbound calls 2022 4,589 96.8% 15,112 7,453 2023 4,709 96.6% 15,967 7,726 The industry standard for a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) agency is a target for 911 calls to be answered within less than ten seconds 95% of the time. Outbound calls can be a result of transferring callers to other points of contact within Town Departments, contacting or following up with community members, or conducting other inter-agency duties. Officers’ response to priority calls for service continue to be comparable to prior years, meeting the performance targets. These metrics can be found in the Fiscal Year 2023/24 Adopted Operating Budget in the performance measures section of the Police Department chapter. Priority 1 refers to immediate emergency with threat to life or a public safety hazard, Priority 2 is an urgent emergency that requires an immediate response, and a Priority 3 incident is a non- emergency. The LGMSPD has set response time goals of 5:00 minutes for Priority 1 calls, 10:00 for Priority 2 calls, and 15:00 for Priority 3 calls. FLOCK UPDATE In August 2023, the Town of Los Gatos Council approved for LGMSPD to share data obtained through the Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) systems managed through Flock PAGE 9 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): Technology with agencies within Santa Clara County. This increases the ability to investigate and deter crime by broadening the data pool locally. The public may access information on the Flock Transparency page (https://transparency.flocksafety.com/los-gatos-ca-pd) , including the Police Department ALPR Policy. By way of an example, the Flock Technology was instrumental in several instances of vehicle theft, crime prevention, and recent retail theft that occurred during one week in early December 2023. The following is a chronological order of events of that week and the impact Flock Technology had on the success of deterrence, prevention, and accountability through collaborative resources. - The manager of a private Los Gatos neighborhood Flock camera contacted LGMSPD about his community’s concerns about a pickup truck that had been repeatedly seen slowly driving through the area. It was determined to be a roofing contractor working in the area. This partnership helped allay the neighborhood’s concerns that the driver was not casing the neighborhood for future crime. - A Town Flock camera alerted LGMSPD that a vehicle wanted in another agency’s commercial burglary investigation had entered downtown. Officers located the vehicle and arrested the driver for an outstanding burglary warrant and for the possession of methamphetamine found in the vehicle. - A Town Flock camera alerted LGMSPD that a stolen car had entered Town. LGMSPD Officers located it parked at a downtown business and attempted to take the suspect into custody when he returned to the vehicle. The suspect intentionally rammed the stolen car into the occupied LGMPSD police vehicle before fleeing. The vehicle was located in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the suspect was identified, and a multi-agency investigation was launched to locate the suspect who was determined to be a dangerous parolee with prior convictions for weapons offenses. - LGMSPD learned that a particular vehicle had been used in two Apple store Organized Retail Crime (ORC) cases in the prior two days with a combined loss over $110,000. The suspect vehicle’s license plate was added to the Flock Hotlist. A Town Flock camera alerted LGMSPD that the vehicle used in the Apple store retail thefts had entered Town. Officers moved to that area and confronted the vehicle that then fled out of Town. Research into the Town’s Flock system identified a previously unknown accomplice vehicle. This intelligence was forwarded around the Bay Area. - LGMSPD was alerted to an organized retail burglary in progress at Lululemon. Officers arrived and intercepted the suspects leaving the store. Their getaway vehicle fled. The town Flock system was used to obtain an image and the license plate of the vehicle. - A Town Flock camera alerted LGMSPD that a vehicle wanted in a felony hit-and-run from another agency had entered town. Shortly later, a community-owned Flock camera PAGE 10 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): alerted us that the vehicle had entered the small neighborhood. Officers located the parked vehicle in the neighborhood and later captured its driver who had fled on foot. The vehicle was collected by the outside agency as evidence and the driver was booked into jail for a violent crime warrant and possession of narcotics. COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND PARTNERSHIPS LGMSPD’s community outreach and partnerships are essential for fostering positive relationships between law enforcement and the community we serve. These initiatives aim to build trust, enhance communication, and address public safety concerns collaboratively. The LGMSPD’s community policing programs involve sworn and professional staff engaging with residents and businesses, attending community events, and participating in dialogues to better understand local needs and concerns. Establishing strong partnerships contributes to a more effective and responsive police force while promoting a sense of shared responsibility for public safety. Community outreach and resources occur in many forms including LGMSPDs social media, primarily on Facebook and Instagram. The LGMSPD greatly appreciates and recognizes the volunteer support and exhaustive hours that go into supporting the Town of Los Gatos during the Halloween activities on Tait and Johnson Avenue and the extensive support during the Tree Lighting and Childrens’ Holiday Parade in December 2023. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) partnered in these events and were a much-needed force multiplier when minimal resources were available. LGMSPD encourages the community to access crime data at the Crime Graphics community facing portal: https://lgpd.crimegraphics.com/2013/default.aspx. This site allows for users to search for crime activity that has occurred within an area of interest within the LGMSPD jurisdictional area. LGMSPD also promotes community members and business employees to sign up for Nixle by texting “lgmspd” to 888777 or visiting the Nixle website so they may receive safety notifications. LGMSPD offers Neighborhood Watch meetings to address specific concerns, customized collaborative feedback and problem solving, and offer consideration of various resources. Finally, LGMSPD is accepting applications for the Community Police Academy scheduled to begin March 7, 2024, running eight consecutive Thursday evenings for three-hour blocks and PAGE 11 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): concluding April 25th. The class is currently half full, and community members and Los Gatos employees or business owners are encouraged to apply and participate. PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND DATA ANALYSIS: The LGMSPD has been providing law enforcement services from two buildings since 2010 [Headquarters (Civic Center) and the POB (15900 Los Gatos Blvd)]. The internal consistency, teamwork, and project management is challenged under the current model and has had a noticeable impact on supervision and developing new sworn and professional staff. A single location for all of the Police Department’s functions and infrastructure would improve efficiencies, consistent communication within the Department, customer service, and accountability. Prior to a space assessment to consolidate operations at POB, a comprehensive organizational assessment should be conducted to anticipate the evolving needs of the Department and its functions. The assessment would analyze standards of service, coverage of the service area and its population (both Town of Los Gatos and City of Monte Sereno), staffing model(s) for sworn and civilian staff, recent policing and dispatch data, and feedback from Police Department staff, Town leaders, and the community. If the Town Council authorizes the Manager to execute an agreement for the organizational assessment and associated budget action, then the facility assessment is expected to occur in Fall 2024. A space assessment would identify the ideal types and amounts of space needed to support the organization, staffing, and programs within the POB. Staff has researched firms that do comprehensive organizational assessments and has determined that Meliora Public Safety Consultants (PSC) is the most qualified consultant for this project. If authorized by the Town Council, the agreement with Meliora would be a “sole source” due to their unique data-driven methodology, collaborative approach, and a tailored Data Analysis Toolkit which is a customized program to analyze the Department’s data for comparative analysis. The toolkit would remain with LGMPSD following the assessment and future data can be entered into the Toolkit to allow for ongoing assessment and evaluation without paying additional fees (see Meliora PSC Proposal in Attachment 2). Meliora PSC is well known throughout California law enforcement agencies and is currently in agreement or has provided recent services to many agencies in the Bay Area, including Tiburon. PAGE 12 OF 12 SUBJECT: Receive the Information Provided in the Police Services Report: July – December 2023 and Authorize Organizational Assessment DATE: January 11, 2024 CONCLUSION: This Police Services Report provides a transparent overview and status of operational achievement, priorities, and staffing impacts for July to December 2023 for both the community and Town Council. Staff recommends Council authorize an agreement with Meliora Public Safety Consulting not to exceed $80,000 to allow for an organizational assessment and data analysis for evaluation of standards of coverage, service delivery model and staffing, in addition to developing a data analysis toolkit to be utilized in perpetuity. FISCAL IMPACT: The receipt of this report has no fiscal impact. The request to enter into an agreement for an Organizational Assessment requires the Town Council to approve an expenditure budget adjustment in the amount of $80,000 from available General Fund Capital/Special ProjectsReserve for purposes of authorizing an agreement with Meliora PSC. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Police Services Report July – December 2023 Powerpoint Presentation 2. Meliora Public Safety Consulting Proposal for Organizational Assessment & Data Analysis LOS GATOS POLICE SERVICES REPORT JULY –DECEMBER 2023 ATTACHMENT 1 Police Officers Police Officers Trainees Dispatchers THE DEPARTMENT Staff Update OVERTIME HOURSCommunications 1,364 HRSPolice Officers 3,432 HRS NEW HIRES CSOs 1,417 HRSReserves 890 HRSPer Diem Dispatchers 403 HRSPer Diem Evidence & Property 1,159 HRS TEMP/PER DIEM HOURS ON BOARDING UNIFORM & EQUIPMENT TRAINING COSTS BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS SERVICES $ 2,500 UNIFORM $3,125 EQUIPMENT $9,512 ACADEMY TUITION $5,020 TEMP HOURS $49,000 PROJECTS/AUDITS 911 Phone System (NGA, final stages) Crossroads (Traffic Investigations Software) RIMS 6 (Update) Permitium (Concealed Carry Weapon) Find a Force (Digital Marketing/Recruitment) Power DMS Flock-data share throughout the County Drones TECHNOLOGY/EQUIPMENT GRANTS/SETTLEMENTS State Homeland Security Grant Office of Traffic Safety Grant BSCC Officer Wellness & Mental Health Grant Tobacco Grant Opioid Settlement AUDITS FLOCK Racial Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) California Incident Based Reporting System (CIBRS) Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST) District Attorney’s Office California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) Department of Justice (DOJ) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS-FBI) Evidence and Property: Move & Audit BEFORE AFTER ON DUTY WORKOUT PROGRAM FINANCIAL HEALTH FAMILY DAY RECOGNITION LUNCHEON CHAPLAINS SIGMA K9 THERAPY DOGS WELLNESS SYMPOSIUM EAP INTEGRAL WELLNESS PROGRAM Racial Identity Profiling Act (RIPA)- Preliminary Analysis 143 8%67 4% 61434% 150 8% 3 0% 12 1% 822 45% STOP DATA PERCEIVED RACE/ETHNICITY July 2023 -December 2023 Asian Black/African America Hispanic/Latino Middle Eastern or South Asian Native American Pacific Islander White 1317 74% 467 26% 6 0% 2 0% STOP DATA PERCEIVED GENDER July 2023 -December 2023 Male Female Transgender Nonbinary Traffic Enforcement &Case Reports 1461 1976 622 872 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Jul-Dec 2022 Jul-Dec 2023 TRAFFIC STOPS & CITATIONS ISSUED July -December 2022 -2023 Traffic Stops Citations Issued 1108 1054 539 598 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Jul-Dec 2022 Jul-Dec 2023 DOCUMENTED REPORTS Original/Supplemental July -December 2022 -2023 Orignal Reports Supplemental Reports Calls For Service 2:24 0:00 4:48 7:12 12:00 9:36 16:48 14:24 PRIORITY 1CALLS 4,589 17% 15,112 56% 7,453 27% COMMUNICATIONS CALL CENTER METRICS July -December 2022 911 Calls (96.8% Calls Answered < 10 Sec) Incoming Non Emergency Calls Outbound Calls 4,70917% 15,967 56% 7,726 27% COMMUNICATIONS CALL CENTER METRICS July -December 2023 911 Calls (96.6% Calls Answered < 10 Sec) Incoming Non Emergency Calls Outbound Calls 4:40 6:51 7:14 4:20 7:01 7:07 5:00 10:00 15:00 0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00 14:24 16:48 PRIORITY 1 CALLS PRIORITY 2 CALLS PRIORITY 3 CALLS RESPONSE TIMES BY PRIORITY July –December 2022 -2023 2022 2023 GOAL FLOCK SAFETY-USAGE Additional Info-https://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/23300/Automated- License-Plate-Reader-Policypdf Volunteers-DART, CERT, VIP, EXPLORERS Special Olympics-Torch Run, Bocce Ball Schools-Venture, LGHS, and our Youth Commission LGMS Police Foundation-Annual Gala, Police Recognition Wellness-Peer Support, Operation Freedom Paws-K9 Therapy Dogs, & Chaplains Safety & Neighborhood Watch Meetings Local Churches-Calvary, St. Luke’s Methodist Local Businesses Additional Partners-Jewish Community Center, Town of Los Gatos, City of Monte Sereno COMMUNITY POLICING & PARTNERSHIPS Comprehensive Organization Assessment Data Analytics of Workload Standards of Coverage and Service Delivery 3 YEARS CAD RMS INTERNAL FOCUS GROUP MEETINGS COMMUNITY MEETING ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT This Page Intentionally Left Blank PROPOSAL FOR ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT & DATA ANALYSIS TOOLKIT LOS GATOS-MONTE SERENO POLICE DEPARTMENT NOVEMBER 17, 2023 ATTACHMENT 2 Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 1 November 17, 2023 Jamie Field Chief of Police Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Chief Field: Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC, (Meliora PSC) is pleased to submit this proposal to the Town of Los Gatos-Monte Sereno for a comprehensive organizational assessment of the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department. Meliora is Latin for “better” or “for the pursuit of the better.” Meliora PSC was founded by a team of police professionals with a passion for continuous improvement and implementation of contemporary practices in the field of public safety. We are committed to sharing years of executive experience to help police organizations grow, improve and flourish. We use this as the cornerstone of our work with police agencies across the country. Our passion for continuous improvement perfectly aligns with the philosophy of always seeking continuous improvement in organizations through collaborative insight from department staff and community members in conducting a comprehensive organizational assessment. As part of this approach, the insight shared by Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department staff will provide a path forward to creating an understanding of the organizational culture and current service delivery model. Additionally, Meliora PSC will listen to community members to learn how services are being received by various groups and stakeholders and ways to improve organizational culture and services to the community. MELIORA PUBLIC SAFETY CONSULTING, LLC |PO BOX 71 PULLMAN, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | WWW.MELIORAPSC.COM 2 The organizational assessment will include the following areas: § Review of current organizational configuration and service delivery systems to determine the optimal staffing model that appropriately considers the service delivery expectations, operational budgets, Town Council priorities, workload, goals and specific performance measures; § Evaluate the current police facilities with consideration to sustainability and function; § Assess and evaluate current management capacity, roles and responsibilities and analyze configuration and reporting relationships to ensure efficiencies; § Analyze the department’s efficiencies in how it serves the community; § Examine organizational structure and functions; § Assess human resources related to structure, functions and duties; § Assess and evaluate current supervisory roles and responsibilities and analyze reporting relationships to ensure efficiencies; § Review the department’s operational functions and workflow processes; § Conduct a three-year CAD data analysis; § Review pertinent documents such as police budgets/strategic plans and identify and analyze data from the Computer-Aided Dispatch/Records Management System (CAD/RMS) to provide insight about workload in the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department; § Analyze department and employee performance measurement and accountability systems; § Assess data collection systems and analytical capabilities; § Analyze overtime use and management to include potential staffing alternatives; § Review staff retention and experience; § Assess the department’s alignment with 21st Century Policing; § Conduct focus group meeting with community stakeholders; § Conduct focus group meetings with department staff members; § And conduct interviews with Town staff, as needed. As part of the organizational assessment process, our team from Meliora PSC will engage in a collaborative assessment of the department and establish a comprehensive list of recommendations consistent with best practices. A detailed description of our organizational assessment process is included in the attached proposal. This proposal is specifically designed to meet the needs of the organization with an external assessment of police services in your community. In today’s ever-changing public safety environment, police leaders must be adept at leading the organization through change, partnering with the community to include those with varying perspectives, collaborating with intra-department Town leaders, addressing Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 3 opportunities for development, training and improvement, and being ever-present and willing to adapt to societal issues impacting the industry. One of the most unique aspects of our team is their extraordinary knowledge and experience with police organizations and culture. You will have access not only to the co-founders of the company, but also our subject-matter experts that collectively have been part of assessing police and sheriff organizations throughout their professional careers. Meliora PSC has assembled a diverse team of premier public safety executives with hundreds of years of combined experience leading organizations through change and development, teaching and training law enforcement leaders, authoring professional publications, and providing extensive consulting services throughout the country. Meliora’s team also includes a data scientist who has a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and Criminology and is a published research scientist in the policing field. As a unique and unparalleled service not offered by others, the department will be provided a Data Analysis Toolkit: a customized program to upload CAD data for ensuing years allowing the leaders of the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department to conduct a comparative data analysis. The Data Analysis Toolkit allows department staff to upload the CAD data to be displayed in the same types of tables and charts from the organizational assessment report for comparison, without paying additional fees. Our team at Meliora Public Safety Consulting is ready to assist immediately and greatly appreciates this opportunity. I would be pleased to address any questions you may have and can be reached at 714-334-5831 or via email at jackie@meliorapsc.com. Sincerely, Jackie Gomez-Whiteley Principal Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 4 OUR TEAM Jackie Gomez-Whiteley, Police Chief (Ret.) Principal, Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Background Chief Jackie Gomez-Whiteley is a 33-year public safety professional having served with distinction in Orange, Los Angeles, and Monterey Counties. In 1986, she began her sworn career at the Orange Police Department where she worked in all three divisions: Patrol, Investigations, and Administration. She was the department’s first woman motor officer, as well as sergeant and lieutenant. In 1989, Jackie was involved in an officer-involved shooting of a kidnap and attempted murder suspect. Because of her courageous actions, she was awarded the Medal of Valor. After 23 years at Orange PD, she accepted a position as Captain at the Cypress Police Department where she oversaw both divisions: Operations and Support Services. In 2011, she was appointed Chief of Police and the first woman to serve as Police Chief of a municipal agency in Orange County. Under her leadership, the Cypress Police Department was recognized by Crime Survivors as the Community-Policing Organization of the Year for 2012 and received the 2013 Community-Policing Award from the Orange County Human Relations Commission. In 2014, Chief Gomez- Whiteley was awarded the Spurgeon Award for her contributions to youth in law enforcement from Exploring Learning for Life of Orange County. She retired in 2015 and shortly thereafter, served as Interim Police Chief for the Alhambra Police Department in Los Angeles County from 2016-2017. In 2019, she served as Interim Police Chief for the Pacific Grove Police Department in Monterey County. In 2020, Chief Gomez-Whiteley was awarded the California Police Chiefs Association, Joe Malloy Memorial Award for her outstanding service and dedication to the policing profession. Chief Gomez-Whiteley obtained her Master of Arts degree from Chapman University in Organizational Leadership with a certificate in Public and Non-Profit Leadership. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Loyola Marymount University in Psychology with a minor in Alcohol and Drug Studies. In 2007, Jackie graduated from the P.O.S.T. Command College, where she published an article in Police and Security News Magazine titled: Dirty Bombs: Calculating the Threat. Chief Gomez-Whiteley has been an adjunct instructor at various police training centers throughout the state for 29 years and is Program Director for the prestigious California Police Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute at Drucker (Claremont Graduate University). Chief Gomez-Whiteley is a Principal and Co-Founder of Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC specializing in training, consulting, expert testimony, strategic planning, organizational assessments, and leadership development for police agencies Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 5 throughout the country. Chief Gomez-Whiteley consults and trains Police Chiefs and City Managers throughout the United States. Mark Yokoyama, Police Chief and City Manager (Ret.) Principal, Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Background Mark Yokoyama began his career in public service in 1987 when he became a Police Officer with the La Palma Police Department in Orange County, California. Over the course of 30 years Yokoyama worked for California police departments in La Palma, Newark, Cypress and Alhambra working varied assignments, supervisory and command positions and serving the last eight years of his policing career as the Chief of Police in the City of Cypress and the City of Alhambra. Throughout his policing career, Yokoyama has been credited with enhancing Community-Oriented Policing and community engagement through various community programs and innovative outreach initiatives, as well implementation of contemporary policing practices and policies. During this time, he has also received awards and national/international accolades for his progressive and contemporary use of technology in effort to build police community relations and policing practices. In 2016, Yokoyama was appointed the City Manager for the City of Alhambra in Los Angeles County where he oversaw the day-to-day operations of 10 City departments, including municipal police and fire departments. During his short tenure as City Manager, he focused on strategic planning for the city, implementation of fiscal reforms and initiatives, city-wide infrastructure projects, organizational reform, utility and energy efficiency projects and social service improvement projects. After more than 30 years of a public service career in municipal government, Yokoyama retired in 2017 and accepted the position of Academic Dean with the School of Public Safety at Rio Hondo College. During the course of his professional career, Yokoyama has also maintained a successful private consulting practice covering a large scope of services from training programs, management services and assessment, corporate investigations, emergency planning, policy development, security assessments, pre-employment background investigations, law enforcement liaison services, and critical incident risk management response, to name a few. In addition to working with a number of municipal communities and special districts, his clients also include law firms, private business, as well as a large international Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 6 hospitality corporation. Yokoyama holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Southern California and California State University Dominguez Hills and a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of La Verne. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, P.O.S.T. Command College, and the Senior Management Institute for Police. Yokoyama has been an adjunct faculty member to several community colleges in Southern California as a lecturer and police academy instructor for 30 years. He is also the Past-President of the California Peace Officers Association and is a past board member for the California Police Chiefs’ Association. Professionally he is a member of the FBI National Academy Associates, the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Society of Industrial Security. Eve Berg Director, Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Background Chief Eve R. Berg began her law enforcement career with the Inglewood Police Department in 1984 after graduating from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Academy. As an officer, she worked a variety of assignments including: Patrol, Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) and Detectives. As a Detective, Chief Berg became a nationally- recognized expert in the area of Domestic Violence and worked assignments in Sex Crimes, Child Abuse, Major Assaults, and Robbery. Chief Berg was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 1994 and worked a variety of assignments as a front-line supervisor in both the Patrol and Administrative Bureaus. Chief Berg was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in 1999 where she commanded the Community Affairs Section, Internal Affairs and was the Press Information Officer. Chief Berg was later promoted to the rank of Captain in 2003. In 2011, she was appointed Chief of Police for the Manhattan Beach Police Department and served in that capacity for six and one-half years. In January 2018, she was appointed Chief of Police for the Torrance Police Department. She served as a member on the California Police Chiefs' Association Law & Legislation Committee and the Training Committee, and was the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association's representative on the Los Angeles County Peace Officers Memorial Foundation. Chief Berg also served as a board member on the Governor’s Medal of Valor Committee. In 2019, Chief Berg was appointed by Governor Newsome as a Commissioner for the California Peace Officers Standards and Training and served in that capacity until her retirement in 2021. Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 7 Chief Berg holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business from the University of Redlands and a Master of Business Administration from the University of La Verne. Chief Berg has been an adjunct instructor at a number of law enforcement training centers throughout California. She trains police supervisors and managers in strategic planning. John Clark, Sheriff Captain (Ret.) Senior Associate, Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Background Captain Jim Clark (Ret.) served with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for over 33 years. His broad experience includes command, administrative, operational and tactical assignments in Patrol, Detective, Custody, Court and Administrative divisions, with his last eight years being spent at command level posts. As Captain, he was in command of various units including internal investigations, financial and cyber-crimes, custody operations and inmate transportation; and responsible for the administrative and operational management of each. Clark also managed the Southern California High Tech Taskforce comprised of Federal, State and local agencies as part of his command duties. Throughout his career, Captain Clark was a command and operations level member of a county-wide team responsible for managing all department resources during natural disasters, civil disturbances and other high-profile events such as political conventions and sporting events. During his career, Clark was a member of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators, the Southern California Jail Managers Association, the Los Angeles Superior Court Management Group, and the San Gabriel Valley Peace Officers Association. He also served as an adjunct faculty member for a local community college. In 2015, Clark entered the consulting field and has conducted over 25 organizational assessments of police and sheriff departments ranging from small rural agencies to large urban agencies focusing on improving their effectiveness and efficiency. Captain Clark holds a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from the California State University, Fullerton. Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 8 Craig Junginger, Police Chief (Ret.) Senior Associate, Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Background Chief Craig Junginger has served multiple communities over the course of a 40-year career, serving the last nine years as Chief of Police. Junginger has over 20 years of law enforcement executive experience, in addition to 20 years of line level experience in Community Policing, Internal Affairs, K-9, SWAT, CNT, Beach Detail, Narcotics, Vice/Intelligence, Motorcycle Traffic Officer, Personnel, and Patrol. He began his career at the City of Bell in Los Angeles County, CA, and spent the majority of his career at the Huntington Beach Police Department in Orange County, CA. where he rose through the ranks to Captain. In 2008, he was hired as the 11th Chief of Police for the City of Gresham, Oregon and spent the next eight years building stronger bonds with the community through community policing and improving the department through education, training and technology. Through his leadership, he developed a city-wide program involving multiple city departments which improved the quality of life for the members of the community. Junginger retired in 2016, and subsequently served as Interim Chief of Police for two different law enforcement organizations. For the last 10 years, he has maintained a private consulting business conducting approximately 40 police department organizational assessments ranging from small rural departments to large urban departments focusing on improving their effectiveness and efficiency. He has also built a successful practice of conducting personnel investigations involving employee misconduct for public entities throughout the State of California. Junginger obtained his Master of Arts Degree from California State University, Long Beach in Emergency Services Management, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of La Verne in Political Science. He also attended the FBI National Academy for police executives, West Point Leadership Program, and P.O.S.T. Command College, where he published an article on providing law enforcement training to the millennial generation. Chief Junginger has been an adjunct instructor at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, OR, and Golden West Community College in Huntington Beach, CA. David Makin, Ph.D. Criminal Justice and Criminology Data Scientist, Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC Background David A. Makin, Ph.D., has nearly two decades of experience in translational research helping police departments, and other public safety agencies, in operationalizing existing data and implementing new data collection practices. As a mixed- Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 9 methodologist, he has implemented research programs in a variety of police departments conducting quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis to support evidence-based decision-making. He has experience coordinating and conducting research in a diverse range of environments including projects within the states of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Montana, California, Idaho, and Washington. Additionally, Dr. Makin through his comparative and international research has conducted research in China, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Caribbean. As a researcher, he has nearly 50 peer-reviewed publications and has received over $3 million dollars in research funding, including research funded by the National Institute of Justice, National Science Foundation, and Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). He has demonstrated success in developing and implementing private-public partnerships to support technology development, implementation, and integration within police departments. He is as an expert in programmatic implementation and evaluation, technology assessments, and is among a select group of researchers actively working with police departments to integrate body-worn camera (BWC) footage into supervision, risk management, and training. In addition to his research, statistical, and disciplinary expertise, he has completed a 40-hour POST certified Crisis Intervention Team training, a two-year Fellowship at the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville and holds several awards for research, teaching, and service across several institutions of higher education where he has worked. Dr. Makin graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science, received a Master of Science in Administration of Justice from the University of Louisville in 2004, and in 2012 received a PhD in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Washington State University. Currently, Dr. Makin works with police departments to align body-worn camera technology, and other technologies, into existing practice, and revising policy to improve integration and operationalization. His work has been featured in a range of print and media outlets including national, state, and local news agencies and publications. Examples of this research include contextualizing use of force and procedural justice through body-worn camera footage, the Pullman police department smart policing initiative public safety camera project, national evaluation of genetic evidence within property crime scenes, the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on police practice, and research examining how public health interventions influence public safety. Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 10 PROJECT TEAM Project team subject to change; in that case agency to be notified. Jackie Gomez-Whiteley Project Manager Eve Berg Director Craig Junginger Senior Associate David Makin Data Scientist Mark Yokoyama Co-Founder John Clark Project Lead Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 11 OUR ASSESSMENT PROCESS Meliora PSC has developed a comprehensive approach to conducting organizational assessments. Our process is unparalleled in that it provides the agency a finished report with recommendations and includes three-year data analysis along with a Data Analysis Toolkit: a program department staff can use to replicate the charts and tables for comparison in the ensuing years. This positions the leaders of the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department to upload CAD data and produce the same types of information to contrast and compare from preceding years. This value add means the data analysis can be repeated in-house rather than expending more resources to conduct the data analysis in the future. The first step is a request for information to include documents, reports, worksheets and data. These informational sources will form the foundation for determining a baseline of activities of the department’s existing systems and processes, performance efficiencies, risk management capabilities, and community policing strategies. Concurrently, our Data Scientist will work with department staff to collect three years of computer-aided dispatch (CAD) data, clean and analyze the data, synthesize the data and provide a data analysis report that looks beyond the outcomes of response time and deeper into the types of calls for service, number of units, emergency versus non-emergency calls, etc. The data report will include details regarding patrol workload, calls for service, response times, and deployment throughout the years as well as examined through seasons of the year, months and days of the week. In an effort to help the organization enhance the ability to analyze data moving forward, Meliora PSC offers the added benefit of providing a program so annual CAD data can be analyzed using the same program giving the agency’s leadership team the ability to recreate the same tables and charts for future comparisons and analysis. Crime and clearance data reported to the FBI will also be reviewed, as well as investigations case management systems and processes. The Meliora team will review support functions in the organization such as dispatch, records, and property and evidence, as well as risk management functions to include personnel, training, professional standards, and policy. Next, Meliora PSC staff will initiate phone and/or video conferences with key personnel in the department to further explore the inner-workings of the Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Department. It is important that we learn the areas that meet or exceed best practices as well as identify opportunities for improvement and/or greater efficiencies. Meliora PSC will conduct a two-day site visit as part of the assessment. Internal focus group meetings with professional staff, sworn, and supervisor/managers will be Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 12 conducted during the visit. We recognize that department members are dedicated to serving their community and often have a unique perspective on addressing and improving the service delivery model to the community, as well as overall systems and processes, organizational culture, and department performance. Additionally, we will meet with key staff members at the department and Town as part of the organizational assessment as needed. Seeking input from external stakeholders in the community is a key component to a holistic assessment process. During the site visit, the Meliora PSC team will conduct a community focus group meeting to elicit feedback from community stakeholders on the department’s performance and identify where expectations are met and can be enhanced. Upon completion of the visit, Meliora PSC will generate an in-depth, comprehensive organizational assessment report addressing key observations and recommendations covering operations, investigations, administration, organizational culture, and performance management. Our data scientist will provide the data analysis program so staff can insert the ensuing year’s CAD data and subsequently prepare the charts and tables from the data analysis report in the organizational assessment report for comparison. The program can be used for future years as well so the leadership team at the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department can strategically align the department for the needs of the community. Meliora Public Safety Consulting, LLC |PO Box 71 Pullman, WA 99163 | 714-334-5831 | www.MelioraPSC.com 13 PROPOSED FEES The quotation of proposed fees shall remain in effect for 90 days from the date of proposal submission. Meliora PSC will conduct a comprehensive organizational assessment of the Los Gatos- Monte Sereno Police Department and provide the Data Analysis Toolkit for $77,000, exclusive of travel. The project would be billed in three installments: 40% ($30,800) upon contract signing; 40% ($30,800) upon completion of site visit; and the remaining 20% ($15,400) with delivery of the final report. Upon delivery of the draft report, the department will have 30 days to provide feedback regarding accuracy and the final report will be returned within 30 days of the comment period. Travel expenses will be billed as incurred at actual cost with no overhead or administrative fees applied. Mileage will be billed at current IRS rate. All reports will be provided to the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department for review in electronic format. A draft report will be finalized after review and input from the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department. Upon finalization of the report, on- going staff support, preparation, presentations, attendance at virtual or in-person meetings, and consulting services will be billed at $250 per hour/per person plus travel expenses. Any travel would again be billed as incurred at actual cost with no overhead or administrative fees applied. The organizational assessment will serve as the framework for a future needs assessment and strategic plan that can be conducted separately as an additional Meliora PSC service.