12 Desk Item.Item #12 - Transportation Impact Fee PREPARED BY: Nicolle Burnham Director of Parks and Public Works 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 1/16/2024 ITEM NO: 12 DESK ITEM DATE: January 16, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Conduct a Public Hearing for the Town’s Transportation Impact Fee Program to: a. Adopt a Resolution to Adopt the Transportation Impact Nexus Study Dated November 2023 (including the Project List – Appendix 1 Which Serves as the Town’s Transportation Capital Improvement Plan); b. Adopt a Resolution to Update a Transportation Impact Fee to Replace the Town’s Existing Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee; c. Introduce an Ordinance Titled “An Ordinance of the Town of Council of the Town of Los Gatos Amending Town Code Section 15, Article VII ‘Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees’”; and d. Adopt a Resolution to Modify Town Council Policy 1-08: “Transportation Impact Policy.” REMARKS: Attachment 7 contains a public comment received between 11:01 a.m. Monday, January 15, 2024, and 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Attachment 8 contains PowerPoint presentation that will given by staff at the meeting. Attachments received with the Staff Report: 1. Draft Resolution to Adopt the Nexus Study, including the Project List which serves as the Town’s Transportation Capital Improvement Plan 2. Draft Resolution to Adopt Updated Transportation Impact Fee to Replace the Town’s Existing Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee 3. Draft Ordinance Titled “An Ordinance of the Town of Council of the Town of Los Gatos Amending Town Code Section 15, Article VII ‘Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees’” 4. Redline of Proposed Changes to Town Code Section 15, Article VII 5. Draft Resolution to Modify Town Council Policy 1-08, “Transportation Impact Policy.” 6. Redline of Proposed Changes to Town Council Policy 1-08 PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Transportation Impact Fee DATE: January 16, 2024 Attachments received with this Desk Item: 7. Public comment received between 11:01 a.m. Monday, January 15, 2024, and 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 16, 2024. 8. PowerPoint presentation From: Phil Koen <> Date: January 16, 2024 at 7:10:35 AM PST To: Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Agenda item 12 [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello Rob, I want to share some quick thoughts regarding the TIF study under consideration in agenda item #12. Unfortunately, this study fails to analyze what the law requires, which is a fair analysis of capital improvements related to growth.. There must be a factual causal relationship between new incremental growth and the capital expenditure. Before adopting a TIF, a local jurisdiction must make a specific finding that include identifying the purpose of the fee and describing why the fee is needed to provide new or expanded facilities to mitigate the impacts of new development induced by the growth. Unfortunately, most of the projects listed are the result of deficiencies in current conditions. Under state law AB 1600, improvements to existing deficiencies cannot be funded through a TIF. At the very least the study needs to analyze and separate which capital costs will serve future growth vs which capital costs are associated with existing deficiencies. I have attached the staff report from the study session that was held on October 10, 2023. The discussion of the SR-17 project is very instructive on this point. This project is all about addressing an existing regional deficiency. Just read VTM’s flyer ATTACHMENT 7 on this project. If there was no growth in Los Gatos over the next 20 years, this project will still go forward given the current deficiencies. The staff report makes it very clear that the only reason this project is included is Staff wants to use TIF funds to pay for the required 10% match. That unfortunately is not how the law works. They have put the cart before the horse. The net result of the TIF study is to burden 100 % of the $42m of unfunded capital project costs (and who knows if that number is even remotely accurate – I have my doubts) on the new residents of Los Gatos. This is driving the TIF for new residential units to increase anywhere from 168% to 178% at the same time we are trying to promote new housing development. Furthermore, the difference between the proposed TIF and surrounding jurisdictions of like size is breath taking. It simply doesn’t make sense to me. Assessing the full cost of new infrastructure on new housing/growth could prove to be exclusionary and place an outsized burden on or prevent the accommodation of new residents. This is totally at odds to what we are saying in the HE. My recommendation is the send the study to the FC and have the FC work with the consultant to prepare a complete TIF study. This one is deeply flawed. As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Phil Koen Transportation Impact Fee Program Town Council Meeting January 16, 2024 1ATTACHMENT 8 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2 •2014 – Town’s most recent Nexus Study and Traffic Impact Fee are adopted (Resolutions 2014-017 and 2014-059) in accordance with Assembly Bill 1600 (the Mitigation Fee Act). •2022, January – Assembly Bill 602 takes effect, requiring new nexus studies for impact fees and certain other changes to fee calculation methodology. •2022 – DKS Associates is contracted to develop new Nexus Study and Update Traffic Impact Fee Program. PROJECT BACKGROUND (Cont’d) 3 •May 2023 – Staff provides report on technical work completed and preliminary fee calculations. •October 2023 – Town Council holds a study session to address questions raised in the May 2023 meeting and provides feedback to staff. •November 2023 – Town Council received the draft Nexus Study, including the Capital Project List in Appendix 1, and set a hearing date for January 16, 2024. ADOPT THE NEXUS STUDY WITH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 4 •Informed by General Plan and previously adopted transportation related planning documents. •Considers historic investment in transportation infrastructure. •Documents desired transportation investments based on adopted planning documents and needed projects. This is the Capital Improvement Plan as presented in Appendix Section 1 of the Nexus Study. •Calculated the maximum justifiable fee to $57,907 per dwelling unit equivalent based on the historic level of investment the Town of has made in transportation related projects. UPDATE THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE 5 Land Use Classification Proposed Fee Single Family Residential (per square foot)1 $6.10 Multi-Family Residential (per square foot)2 $6.96 Retail (per 1,000 square feet)$22,391.00 Office (per 1,000 square feet)$19,731.00 Industrial (per 1,000 square feet)$9,255.00 1.Single family fee is $16,051 per dwelling unit; converted to a square foot basis using an average single family residential unit size of 2,632 square feet. 2.Multi-family fee is $11,472 per dwelling unit converted to a square foot basis using an average multi- family residential unit size of 1,649 square feet. MODIFY TOWN CODE SECTION 15, ARTICLE VII 6 •Update title and name of the fee to Transportation Impact Fees to reflect the inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian projects in the Project List. •Update method of calculating the Transportation Impact Fee to reflect the Nexus Study and AB 602 requirements. •Add credits of 50% for deed restricted low- and very-low-income housing units and for existing traffic from current uses of a property. MODIFY COUNCIL POLICY 1-08 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT POLICY 7 •Update the name of the fee •Charge impact fees on Accessory Dwelling Units of 750 square feet or larger •Clarify per square foot basis fee calculation for residential units •Update information about credits to be consistent with proposed changes to Town Code Chapter 15 •Replace the project list in Attachment 2 with the Capital Improvement Plan in Appendix 1 of the Nexus Study. PROPOSED ACTIONS 8 a.Adopt a Resolution to Adopt the Transportation Impact Nexus Study dated November 2023 (including the Project List – Appendix 1 which serves as the Town’s Transportation Capital Improvement Plan) b.Adopt a Resolution to Update a Transportation Impact Fee to Replace the Town’s Existing Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee c.Introduce an ordinance titled “An Ordinance of the Town of Council of the Town of Los Gatos Amending Town Code Section 15, Article VII ‘Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees’” d.Adopt a resolution to modify Town Council Policy 1-08: “Transportation Impact Policy”