Planning Commission Agenda - 02-14-2024Page 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FEBRUARY 14, 2024 110 EAST MAIN STREET TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 PM Steven Raspe, Chair Emily Thomas, Vice Chair Susan Burnett, Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Commissioner Kathryn Janoff, Commissioner Adam Mayer, Commissioner Vacant, Commissioner IMPORTANT NOTICE This is a hybrid/in-person meeting and will be held in-person at the Town Council Chambers at 110 E. Main Street and virtually through the Zoom webinar application (log-in information provided below). Members of the public may provide public comments for agenda items in-person or virtually through the Zoom webinar by following the instructions listed below. The live stream of the meeting may be viewed on television and/or online at www.LosGatosCA.gov/TownYouTube. PARTICIPATION The public is welcome to provide oral comments in real-time during the meeting in three ways: • Zoom webinar (Online): Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join: https://losgatosca- gov.zoom.us/j/82667484817?pwd=XR5lZptcKt0bptK3H6ge83HDKqObtw.QtfzvPgFdm-7nqv3. Passcode: 712482. You can also type in 826 6748 4817 in the “Join a Meeting” page on the Zoom website at https://zoom.us/join and use passcode 712482. o When the Chair announces the item for which you wish to speak, click the “raise hand” feature in Zoom. If you are participating by phone on the Zoom app, press *9 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand. • Telephone: Please dial (877) 336-1839 US Toll-free or (636) 651-0008 US Toll. (Conference code: 686100). If you are participating by calling in, press #2 on your telephone keypad to raise your hand. • In-Person: Please complete a “speaker’s card” located on the back of the Chamber benches and return it to the Vice Chair before the meeting or when the Chair announces the item for which you wish to speak. NOTES: (1) Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes or less at the Chair’s discretion. (2) If you are unable to participate in real-time, you may email to planning@losgatosca.gov the subject line “Public Comment Item #__” (insert the item number relevant to your comment) or “Verbal Communications – Non-Agenda Item.” All comments received will become part of the record. (3) Deadlines to submit written public comments are: − 11:00 a.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission meeting for inclusion in the agenda packet. − 11:00 a.m. the Tuesday before the Planning Commission meeting for inclusion in an addendum. − 11:00 a.m. on the day of the Planning Commission meeting for inclusion in a desk item. (4) Persons wishing to make an audio/visual presentation must submit the presentation electronically to planning@losgatoca.gov no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day of the Planning Commission meeting. Page 2 MEETING CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (Members of the public may address the Commission on any matter that is not listed on the agenda. Unless additional time is authorized by the Commission, remarks shall be limited to three minutes.) CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) (Before the Planning Commission acts on the consent agenda, any member of the public Commission may request that any item be removed from the consent agenda. At the Chair’s discretion, items removed from the consent calendar may be considered either before or after the Public Hearings portion of the agenda.) 1. Draft Minutes of the January 24, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting PUBLIC HEARING (Applicants/Appellants and their representatives may be allotted up to a total of five minutes maximum for opening statements. Members of the public may be allotted up to three minutes to comment on any public hearing item. Applicants/Appellants and their representatives may be allotted up to a total of three minutes maximum for closing statements. Items requested/recommended for continuance are subject to the Commission’s consent at the meeting.) 2. Consider and Forward a Recommendation Regarding a Zone Change fromC-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) to RD (Residential Duplex) for Properties Located at 15025, 15026, 15039, 15040, 15053, 15054, 15066, 15067, 15080, and 15081 Downing Oak Court. APNs 523-41-024, -033, - 025, -032, -026, -031, -030, -027, -029, and -028. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3): Review for Exemption. Zoning Code Amendment Application Z-24-002. APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. 3. Forward a Recommendation to the Town Council on Amendments to Chapter 29 (Zoning Regulations) of the Town Code Regarding the Powers and Duties of the Historic Preservation Committee. The Proposed Amendments also include Revisions to Chapter 29 Regarding Assignment of Duties of the Planning Director and Appeals of Decisions of the Historic Preservation Committee. The Proposed Amendments to the Town Code are Not Considered a Project Under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act. Town Code Amendment Application A-24-001. Project Location: Town Wide. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. OTHER BUSINESS REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS / COMMISSION MATTERS ADJOURNMENT (Planning Commission policy is to adjourn no later than 11:30 p.m. unless a majority of the Planning Commission votes for an extension of time) Page 3 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEET- ING, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY TO THIS MEETING [28 CFR §35.102-35.104]. Writings related to an item on the Planning Commission meeting agenda distributed to members of the Commission within 72 hours of the meeting are available for public inspection at the reference desk of the Los Gatos Town Library, located at 100 Villa Avenue; the Community Development Department and Clerk Department, both located at 110 E. Main Street; and are also available for review on the official Town of Los Gatos website. Copies of desk items distributed to members of the Commission at the meeting are available for review in the Town Council Chambers. Note: The Town of Los Gatos has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a decision of the Town Council must be brought within 90 days after the decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Planning Commission meetings are broadcast Live on KCAT, Channel 15 (on Comcast) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Live and Archived Planning Commission meetings can be viewed by going to: www.LosGatosCA.gov/TownYouTube This Page Intentionally Left Blank