01 Staff Report. Pinhurst Lynn Ave PREPARED BY: Nicolle Burnham Parks and Public Works Director Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/19/2023 ITEM NO: 1 DATE: December 11, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive a Report and Provide Direction on the Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway (CIP No. 832-4510) RECOMMENDATION: Receive a report and provide direction on the Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway (CIP No. 832-4510). BACKGROUND: The Town’s Adopted Capital Budget includes funding for the Pinehurst Community Garden and the Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway. Given their close proximity to each other in east Los Gatos, staff proceeded with concept development for both projects concurrently. On June 20, 2023, Town Council authorized the execution of an agreement with Dillingham Associates to provide preliminary design services for both projects. The scope of work includes development of multiple concept plans for each location, community outreach, and the preparation of one concept for each location that reflects the community feedback. The final concept plan will be brought to Town Council for review before proceeding with development of design drawings. At present, the consultant has developed multiple concept plans for each location and community outreach is in process. At this study session, staff will present the base mapping of the properties in questions, show the concept plans to Town Council, summarize the feedback received to date, and receive Council comments and direction. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway (CIP No. 832-4510) DATE: December 11, 2023 DISCUSSION: The proposed projects span three separate properties, two owned by the Town of Los Gatos and one owned by Pacific Gas and Electric. All three parcels are encumbered with a PG&E easement for overhead electric transmission lines and a Valley Water easement for a potable water transmission line. Other reported encumbrances in favor of private property owners are still being verified. Plans of the existing conditions, plus concepts for both projects can be found here: //www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/37181/LG-Garden-and-Path-Design Three community garden concepts were developed that include up to 30 raised garden beds plus up to nine beds that meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Small areas for seating are shown for consideration. One alternative proposes off-street parking in response to community concerns regarding lack of parking in this area. Staff also contracted a consultant to complete parking counts in the area to assess the existing use of on-street parking spaces. Three concepts have been developed for the Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway. Each concept proposes both bicycle and pedestrian pathways to allow for connection to the planned Blossom Crest Trail. Information about that trail system can be found here: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/3061/2028 Community Feedback Staff and the consultant team presented preliminary project information at a joint meeting of the Arts and Culture and the Parks Commissions on October 18, 2023 (this was prior to the name change to Parks and Sustainability Commission). Notices for this meeting were mailed to residents within a 500-foot radius of the project sites and posted on social media. Members of the public were invited to attend and provide comment. Approximately 20 residents attended the meeting and eight comment cards were received. Two spoke in favor of the project and six against. On December 4, 2023, the Parks and Sustainability Commission received a presentation about the two projects and provided feedback. The Commission’s feedback regarding the garden included support for the idea of off-street parking to alleviate potential impacts to the neighborhood, a desire to provide tribal land acknowledgement, and interest in providing seating and picnic space. With regard to the walkway, the Commission expressed concern about bicycle and pedestrian conflicts, interest in nature-based amenities, and the desirability of including art and play features such as slides or swings. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway (CIP No. 832-4510) DATE: December 11, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): On December 7, 2023 the project team hosted a community meeting. Notices for this meeting were mailed to the residents in the same 500-foot radius, emailed to residents that had expressed interest in wanting to be notified about the project, and posted on various social media platforms, the Town website, and in the Town’s weekly newsletter. Approximately 25 residents attended the meeting with most of them being against the project. A copy of written comments received through this process (as of December 14, 2023 at 11 a.m.) are presented in Attachment 1. Residents adjacent to the project sites have expressed concern regarding parking and traffic, loss of privacy, loss of access to areas of their property, and noise from the proposed uses. Some of the feedback received included scaling the project down (i.e., not providing 30 beds to start), not including the seating area, and requests to demonstrate the need for a community garden. CONCLUSION: Staff will provide Town Council with generally the same presentation as the community saw on December 7, 2023, summarize the feedback received at that meeting and other engagement touchpoints, and seek direction from the Town Council. Following this Town Council Study Session, the project team will compile the feedback received and use that information to refine the concept for each project. One final concept plan for each project will be presented to the community and to Town Council in Spring 2024. COORDINATION: This report has been coordinated with the Town Attorney and the Town Manager’s Office. FISCAL IMPACT: This item is for feedback only and no new expenditures are proposed. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Pinehurst Community Garden is defined as a project under CEQA. The necessary environmental review will be completed following development of a final concept plan. The Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway is a project as defined under CEQA. The necessary environmental review will be completed following development of a final concept plan. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway (CIP No. 832-4510) DATE: December 11, 2023 Attachments: 1. Written community comment received October 18, 2023 through December 14, 2023 at 11 a.m.