01 Attachment 3 - PowerPoint PresentationPinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) & Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design (CIP No. 832-4510 ) ATTACHMENT 3 Overview Project Overview Project Development Process Identify Study Plan Design Construct Open Basic Analysis Technical Analysis Community Engagement and Preliminary Designs Completed Designs Construction Operation and Maintenance Define Analyze Outreach and Preliminary Designs Assemble Funds Assemble Funds Assemble Funds Outcome Defining and aligning projects and identifying limitations Surveying, soil sampling, Utility direction, researching community gardens Community Engagement Delivery of 35% Design Concepts Completed plans/specs Built Project Ongoing operation and maintenance Timeline 1 month – 1 year 6 months – 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year Ongoing Benefits of a Community Garden Increase access to fresh foods Create a community space for people to come together In alignment with goals on the Senior Services Roadmap Promotes environmental learning and education Increase food security Beautifies area and reduces littering on vacant lot Increased physical activity through gardening Improve mental health and dietary habits • • • • • • Existing Conditions & Constraints Pinehurst Community Garden Concept Designs: Pinehurst Community Garden • • • • • Concept Designs: Pinehurst Community Garden • • • • • Concept Designs: Pinehurst Community Garden • • • • • Garden Bed Example Pinehurst Community Garden Image Board Blossom Crest Trail System • Existing Conditions & Constraints Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway • • • • Concept Designs: Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway • • • • Concept Designs: Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway • • • Concept Designs: Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway • • • • Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway Image Board Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Pathway Levels of Use Image Board Community Feedback • • • • • • • • • Community Feedback • • • • • Community Feedback • • • • • • • • • Community Feedback • • • • • • • • Community Feedback • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Next Steps Questions/Comments?