11 Attachment 1 - 2024 Council Committee Appointments*DRAFT* 2024 COUNCIL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Rev.Dec.2023 Council Consideration December 19, 2023 - - Effective January 1, 2024 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Community Health and Senior Services Committee (CHSSC) Appointee serves as Council liaison to the Commission and not a voting member. Matthew Hudes N.A.Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Conceptual Development Advisory Committee The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises prospective applicants about their proposed projects' compliance with Town regulations prior to initiating the development review process. The Committee also identifies potential issues with proposals that should be addressed in the review process. Two Appointees: Mary Badame and Maria Ristow N.A.Monthly 2nd Wed 4:30 p.m. Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development (408) 354-6879 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 1ATTACHMENT 1 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Council Policy Committee The Town Council Policy Committee reviews and recommends changes to Town Council Policies, ordinances, and other documents. Two Appointees: Matthew Hudes and Maria Ristow N.A.(2020 to 2023 schedule: Monthly 4th Tuesday, 5:00 p.m.) 2024 Meeting Schedule TBD Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Finance Commission Established December 2020, the Finance Commission advises the Town Council on budgetary and fiscal matters. Resident appointments established January 19, 2021. Two Appointees (one of whom needs to be Mayor or Vice Mayor) Matthew Hudes and Rob Rennie N.A.(2021 to 2023 schedule: Monthly 2nd Monday, 5:00 p.m.) 2024 Schedule anticipated to continue 2nd Monday, monthly Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Gitta Ungvari, Finance Director (408) 354-6805 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 2 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) General Plan Committee The Town General Plan Committee is responsible for developing land use policy for the General Plan or any specific plan. Two Appointees: Maria Ristow and Rob Moore N.A.(Held/Cancelled as needed*) *Monthly, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development (408) 354-6879 Housing Element Advisory Board Established 2021 to guide the preparation of the Housing Element. (Same Appointees as GPC) Maria Ristow and Rob Moore N.A.Monthly, 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development (408) 354-6879 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 3 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) OUTSIDE AGENCIES' COMMITTEES Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly is a regional agency that represents 9 Bay Area Counties and all cities within those Counties. Membership is voluntary and the Town is a member. The ABAG General Assembly determines the fair share housing allocations to each city and county as required by the State and other matters. Rob Rennie Rob Moore Generally meets twice annually (Spring TBD Fall TBD) Special Meetings as needed. Spring and Fall Locations TBD Fred Castro fcastro@bayareametro .gov (415) 820-7913 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 4 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) League of California Cities (Peninsula Division) The League of California Cities is a State-wide organization that represents the member cities, holds conferences, provides training sessions, and lobbies the legislature. The League Peninsula Division is the regional division of the League of California Cities which discusses and addresses legislative issues from a regional perspective. Rob Moore Matthew Hudes Quarterly Meeting: January March May September Other: April (Legislative Action Day & Reception) June TBD Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum Location: TBD October TBD Annual Conference Location: TBD TBD (Varies) Seth Miller smiller@cacities.org (415) 595-8629 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 5 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee The Committee is composed of City Council members of the eight participating non- entitlement cities and one member of the Board of Supervisors who is the chairperson. The Committee makes policy recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the HCD Program and the development of a comprehensive, coordinated housing and community development plan. Mary Badame Rob Moore Scheduled as needed. Typically: February March October 2310 N. 1st Street (at Charcot) Charcot Training Center, Suite 100 San Jose Housing and Community Development Offices of Santa Clara County – Office of Affordable Housing 70 West Hedding Street, 7th Floor San Jose, CA 95110 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 6 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Cities Association - Board of Directors The Santa Clara County Cities Association Board of Directors provides a unified voice for all member cities with respect to regional, state, and federal agency activities that impact local government. The Board advocates for member cities by monitoring and engaging in the regional, state, and federal legislation processes. Matthew Hudes Rob Moore Monthly - 2nd Thursday 7:00-9:00 p.m. Note: April TBD (General Membership Meeting with City Managers) December TBD (General Membership – Holiday Party) TBD Shali Sirkay (Acting) Executive Director Audin Leung, Office Assistant/Board Clerk Santa Clara County Cities Association 505 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 749 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Executive_Director@ citiesassociation.org (408) 730-7770 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 7 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Cities Association - Legislative Action Committee The Santa Clara County Cities Association Legislative Action Committee reviews the legislative priorities that the Board of Directors sets for the year. The Committee tracks State/Federal legislation related to those priorities and makes recommendations to the Board. Historically, the same appointee serves on the Cities Assoc. Board, as the meetings occur back-to-back. Rob Moore Matthew Hudes Meets as needed (2nd Thursday of each month prior to SCCCA Board Meeting (See SCCCA Board of Directors meeting dates on page 6) TBD Shali Sirkay (Acting) Executive Director Audin Leung, Office Assistant/Board Clerk Santa Clara County Cities Association 505 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 749 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Executive_Director@ citiesassociation.org (408) 730-7770 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 8 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Cities Association - City Selection Committee The City Selection Committee makes appointments to LAFCO, MTC, and the Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission, and recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the Bay Area Quality Management District Board. Historically, the same appointee serves on the Cities Assoc. Board, as the meetings occur back-to-back. Matthew Hudes Rob Moore Meets as needed (2nd Thursday of each month prior to SCCCA Board Meeting – 6:00 or 6:15 p.m.) (See SCCCA Board of Directors meeting dates on page 6) TBD Shali Sirkay (Acting) Executive Director Audin Leung, Office Assistant/Board Clerk Santa Clara County Cities Association 505 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 749 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Executive_Director@ citiesassociation.org (408) 730-7770 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 9 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) Commission The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Valley Water Board regarding water-related matters. The Valley Water is responsible for flood control, water supply, and other water-related infrastructure for the County of Santa Clara. Rob Rennie Maria Ristow Quarterly 4th Wednesday 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Typically: January April July October Santa Clara Valley Water District, Headquarters Building Boardroom, 5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, California 95118 Glenna Branbill Valley Water 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 GBrambill@valleywat er.org (408) 630-2408 Town Staff Contact: Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 10 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) The VTA Policy Advisory Committee provides policy advice to the VTA Board. The VTA Board is comprised of elected officials from cities and the County. Maria Ristow Rob Rennie Monthly 2nd Thursday 4:00 p.m. Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority 3331 N. First, Building B - Room B-104 San Jose, CA 95134-1906 Michelle Garza Board Assistant Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (CMP) 3331 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95134 michelle.garza@vta.org (408) 546-7977 Town Staff Contact: Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 11 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (SR85 PAB) Formed in 2015, the VTA State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (SR85 PAB) studies the long-term transit and transportation plans to serve the SR 85 Corridor and advises the VTA Board of Directors on the scope, funding and construction of both near- and long-term transit and transportation improvement projects for this corridor. Maria Ristow Rob Rennie Quarterly, Mondays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Typically: April May September December TBD Michelle Garza Board Assistant Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (CMP) 3331 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95134 michelle.garza@vta.org (408) 546-7977 Town Staff Contact: Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 12 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) Formed March 2016, the Silicon Valley Clean Energy is a local, public non-profit that will purchase cleaner energy on the open market for residents and businesses in participating communities. Decisions are made through the Board of Directors, which is composed of a representative from each member community. Participating jurisdictions include Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Saratoga, Sunnyvale and the unincorporated parts of Santa Clara County. Rob Rennie Maria Ristow Monthly 2nd Wednesday 7:00 p.m. (or as needed) Cupertino Community Hall 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Andrea Pizano, Board Clerk/Executive Assistant 333 W. El Camino Real, Ste. 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Andrea.Pizano@svcle anenergy.org (408) 721-5301x1005 or (844) 474-7823 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 and Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 13 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Agency (JPA) Board of Directors The Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Agency (JPA) Board of Directors reviews issues related to the solid waste management franchise, disposal, recycling, and yard waste agreement. Mary Badame Maria Ristow Quarterly 1st Thursday of the month 5:00 p.m. February May September November Monte Sereno City Hall 18041 Saratoga- Los Gatos Road Monte Sereno Marva M. Sheehan, CPA Vice President Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson (HF&H) Consultants, LLC 201 North Civic Drive, Suite 230 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone (925) 977-6961 Fax (925) 977-6955 Email: msheehan@hfh- consultants.com Town Staff Contact: Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 14 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) West Valley Clean Water Program Authority (WVCWPA) The West Valley Clean Water Program Authority was formed in early 2018 to coordinate stormwater pollution abatement, control and management efforts to assist public and private entities in complying with stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permits and improving surface water quality and enhancing water supplies in California. Member Agencies: City of Campbell, Town of Los Gatos, City of Monte Sereno, City of Saratoga Mary Badame Maria Ristow Quarterly meetings immediately preceding (4:00 p.m.) the Solid Waste Management JPA Board of Directors. 2024 Meeting Schedule to be determined Monte Sereno City Hall 18041 Saratoga- Los Gatos Road Monte Sereno Scott Holt, Senior Associate, Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson (HF&H) Consultants, LLC 201 North Civic Drive, Suite 230 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone (925) 977-6967 Fax (925) 977-6955 Email: sholt@hfh- consultants.com Town Staff Contact: Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 15 Name of Committee Purpose 2024 Appointee 2024 Alternate 2024 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) West Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors The West Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors oversees the treatment of sewage for the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. ............................................... ........ Board of Directors receive $210 stipend per meeting. Rob Moore Maria Ristow Monthly 2nd Wednesday (or 4th Wednesday if needed) 5:00 p.m. West Valley Sanitation District 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Lesha Luu West Valley Sanitation District 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 lluu@westvalleysan.org (408) 378-2407 Town Staff Contact: Nicolle Burnham, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 2024 Council Committee Appointments.12-19-23 DRAFT working doc 12/14/2023 16