09 Attachment 1 - Financial and Investment Report October 2023Weighted Average YTM Portfolio Yield on Investments under Management 4.12% Weighted Average Maturity (days)579 This Month Last Month One year ago Portfolio Allocation & Treasurer's Cash Balances $64,959,590 $66,196,260 $62,569,240 Cert. of Participation 2002 Lease Payment Fund Managed Investments $49,338,863 Local Agency Investment Fund $11,278,106 Reconciled Demand Deposit Balances $4,342,621 Portfolio Allocation & Treasurer's Cash Balances $64,959,590 Benchmarks/ References: Town's Average Yield 4.12%3.77%1.82% LAIF Yield for month 3.67%3.53%1.77% 3 mo. Treasury 5.48%5.46%4.09% 6 mo. Treasury 5.57%5.55%4.55% 2 yr. Treasury 5.09%5.05%4.49% 5 yr. Treasury (most recent)4.86%4.61%4.23% 10 Yr. Treasury 4.93%4.57%4.05% Town of Los Gatos Summary Investment Information October 31, 2023 0 - 1 year53%1 - 2 years 9% 2 - 3 years14% 3 - 5 years24% Portfolio Maturity Profile Compliance: The Town's investments are in compliance with the Town's investment policy dated February 21, 2023and also in compliance with the requirements of Section 53600 at seq. of the California State Code. Based on the information available, the Town has sufficient funds to meet the cash demands for the next six months. Page 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Month YTD Cash & Investment Balances - Beginning of Month/Period 66,196,259.64$ 78,384,947.79$ Receipts 3,368,781.49 20,419,734.82 Disbursements (4,605,450.81)(33,845,092.29) Cash & Investment Balances - End of Month/Period $64,959,590.32 $64,959,590.32 Portfolio Allocation Amount % of Portfolio Max. % or $ Allowed per State Law or Policy BNY MM $83,335.30 0.14%20% of Town Portfolio US Treasury Notes $17,721,904.21 29.24%No Max. on US Treasuries Government Agency Debenture Notes $17,528,739.65 28.92%No Max. on Non-Mortgage Backed Corporate Medium Term Bonds $14,004,884.01 23.10%30% of Town Portfolio Local Agency Investment Fund $11,278,106.16 18.61%$75 M per State Law Subtotal - Investments 60,616,969.33 100.00% Reconciled Demand Deposit Balances 4,342,620.99 Total Portfolio Allocation & Treasurer's Cash Balances $64,959,590.32 Town of Los Gatos Portfolio Allocation & Treasurer's Cash Balances October 31, 2023 BNY MM0.14% US Treasury Notes29.24% Government Agency Debenture Notes28.92% Corporate Medium Term Bonds23.1% Local Agency Investment Fund 18.6% Portfolio Investment Allocation $62.6 M $65.0 M $0.0 M $10.0 M $20.0 M $30.0 M $40.0 M $50.0 M $60.0 M $70.0 M $80.0 M $90.0 M Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Treasurer's Fund Balances Page 2 October 2023 October 2023 October 2023 Beginning Deposits Interest/Ending Balance Realized Gain/Adj.Earnings Withdrawals Balance Non-Treasury Funds: Cert. of Participation 2002 Series A Reserve Fund 704,005.52$ 2,789.89$ 706,795.41$ Note 1 Cert. Of Participation 2010 Ser A Lease Pymt Fund 783.89 3.35 787.24 Note 1 Cert. of Participation 2002 Lease Payment Fund 433.18 1.80 434.98 Note 1 Cert. of Participation 2010 Series Reserve Fund 1,335,686.18 5,731.37 1,341,417.55 Note 2 Total Restricted Funds:2,040,908.77$ -$ 8,526.41$ -$ 2,049,435.18$ CEPPT IRS Section 115 Trust 1,351,902.66 (29,242.70)1,322,659.96$ Grand Total COP's and CEPPT Trust 3,392,811.43$ -$ (20,716.29)$ -$ 3,372,095.14$ These accounts are not part of the Treasurer's fund balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note 1: The three original funds for the Certificates of Participation 2002 Series A consist of construction funds which will be expended over the next few years, reserve funds which will guarantee the payment of lease payments, and a third fund for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery costs. Note 2: The 2010 COP Funds are all for the Library construction, reserves to guarantee lease payments, and a lease payment fund for the life of the COP issue. The COI fund was closed in September 2010. Note 3: The CEPPT Section IRS Section 115 Trust was established as an irrevocable trust dedicated to accumulate resources to fund the Town's unfunded liabilities related to pension and other p Town of Los Gatos Non-Treasury Restricted Fund Balances October 31, 2023 Page 3 July 2023 133,845.42$ August 2023 129,679.93 September 2023 158,361.71 October 2023 151,048.03 November 2023 - December 2023 - January 2024 - February 2024 - March 2024 - April 2024 - May 2024 - June 2024 - 572,935.09$ Interest by Month Town of Los Gatos Statement of Interest Earned October 31, 2023 Page 4 Town of Los Gatos Investment Schedule October 31, 2023 Market Value Maturity Yield to Interest Interest Interest DaysDepositParOriginalMarketAbove (Under)Purchased Date or Maturity Received Earned Earned toInstitutionCUSIP #Security Coupon Date Value Cost Value Cost Interest Call Date or Call to Date Prior Yrs.Current FY Maturity FFCB 3133EKMX1 Gov. Agency Debenture 2.23%8/2/2019 1,000,000.00 1,014,400.00 989,430.00 (24,970.00)2/23/2024 1.90%96,075.83$ 74,902.07$ 6,451.65$ 115FFCB3133EMBE1Gov. Agency Debenture 0.30%10/8/2020 1,600,000.00 1,598,000.00 1,565,504.00 (32,496.00)3/28/2024 0.34%14,253.34$ 14,655.57$ 1,811.69$ 149Apple 037833DB3 Corporate Bond 2.90%12/20/2022 1,300,000.00 1,228,591.00 1,196,000.00 (32,591.00)6/21/2027 4.19%27,437.22$ 28,170.97$ 18,047.03$ 1329Cert. of Participation 2002 Le437076BM3 Corporate Bond 3.00%8/4/2022 1,000,000.00 991,960.00 945,580.00 (46,380.00)1/1/2026 3.04%34,750.00$ 29,252.66$ 10,903.26$ 793US Treasury 912828ZW3 US Treasury Note 0.25%8/9/2022 350,000.00 322,096.88 322,780.50 683.62 6/30/2025 3.16%779.89$ 9,366.72$ 3,544.94$ 608IBM 459200JY8 Corporate Bond 3.00%3/25/2021 1,000,000.00 1,071,040.00 985,190.00 (85,850.00)5/15/2024 0.71%64,166.67$ 16,751.96$ 2,491.52$ 197FFCB3133EN5V8Gov. Agency Debenture 4.13%1/17/2023 236,000.00 239,174.20 229,712.96 (9,461.24)1/11/2027 3.76%4,705.25$ 4,016.30$ 3,012.23$ 1168US Treasury 91282CBT7 US Treasury Note 0.75%9/30/2022 800,000.00 712,565.18 724,528.00 11,962.82 3/31/2026 4.14%6,000.00$ 23,165.06$ 10,437.01$ 882FFCB3133ENP95Gov. Agency Debenture 4.25%9/30/2022 900,000.00 900,939.60 882,495.00 (18,444.60)9/30/2025 4.14%38,250.00$ 28,374.86$ 12,784.28$ 700US Treasury 91282CAW1 US Treasury Note 0.25%7/15/2021 1,200,000.00 1,199,437.50 1,197,672.00 (1,765.50)11/15/2023 0.27%5,502.72$ 6,348.21$ 1,092.07$ 15American Honda 02665WCZ2 Corporate Bond 2.40%11/27/2019 1,000,000.00 1,012,410.01 977,810.00 (34,600.01)6/27/2024 2.12%96,733.34$ 76,483.79$ 7,175.82$ 240JP Morgan Chase 46625HRS1 Corporate Bond 3.20%9/23/2022 500,000.00 474,660.00 468,735.00 (5,925.00)3/15/2026 4.70%11,644.44$ 17,865.15$ 7,847.90$ 866Honeywell Int'l.438516BW5 Corporate Bond 2.30%11/20/2019 1,000,000.00 1,014,660.00 974,100.00 (40,560.00)7/15/2024 1.64%85,483.33$ 71,679.55$ 6,689.37$ 258Caterpillar Financial Serv 14913Q2V0 Corporate Bond 2.85%2/23/2021 1,000,000.00 1,077,370.00 984,390.00 (92,980.00)5/17/2024 0.44%63,650.00$ 10,677.18$ 1,532.43$ 199FNMA3135G0V75Gov. Agency Debenture 1.75%10/17/2019 1,100,000.00 1,105,833.30 1,073,204.00 (32,629.30)7/2/2024 1.63%71,706.25$ 66,718.86$ 6,069.84$ 245US Bancorp 91159HHV5 Corporate Bond 3.38%12/24/2019 1,000,000.00 1,049,040.00 992,800.00 (56,240.00)1/5/2024 2.12%121,968.75$ 75,978.33$ 7,278.30$ 66 FFCB 3133EKQA7 Gov. Agency Debenture 2.08%10/21/2019 1,000,000.00 1,019,780.00 969,310.00 (50,470.00)9/10/2024 1.66%80,831.11$ 61,888.40$ 5,647.09$ 315FHLB3135G05X7Gov. Agency Debenture 0.38%6/10/2022 1,200,000.00 1,102,952.40 1,100,844.00 (2,108.40)8/25/2025 3.04%5,437.50$ 36,626.55$ 11,701.47$ 664US Treasury 912828ZL7 US Treasury Note 0.38%4/12/2022 1,700,000.00 1,583,927.57 1,582,071.00 (1,856.57)4/30/2025 2.72%9,879.49$ 54,017.06$ 14,964.18$ 547JP Morgan Chase 46625HJT8 Corporate Bond 3.88%9/23/2019 1,400,000.00 1,485,414.00 1,393,126.00 (92,288.00)2/1/2024 2.39%209,163.89$ 130,689.90$ 11,682.31$ 93 US Treasury 912828V23 US Treasury Note 2.25%11/29/2021 1,000,000.00 1,032,933.04 994,680.00 (38,253.04)12/31/2023 0.66%35,706.52$ 10,649.43$ 2,266.23$ 61US Treasury 91282CBE0_2 US Treasury Note 0.13%10/7/2021 1,000,000.00 994,768.98 989,380.00 (5,388.98)1/15/2024 0.36%2,214.67$ 6,137.79$ 1,196.43$ 76FHLB3130ALH98Gov. Agency Debenture 0.25%2/26/2021 1,000,000.00 997,610.00 983,320.00 (14,290.00)2/26/2024 0.33%6,250.00$ 7,713.30$ 1,110.93$ 118FHLB3130AQF65Gov. Agency Debenture 1.25%11/30/2022 1,300,000.00 1,160,559.40 1,160,549.00 (10.40)12/21/2026 4.15%9,072.92$ 29,385.32$ 17,049.03$ 1147 US Treasury 912828U57 US Treasury Note 2.13%7/31/2019 1,000,000.00 1,011,875.00 997,390.00 (14,485.00)11/30/2023 1.84%81,458.33$ 72,526.17$ 6,238.26$ 30US Treasury 912828X70 US Treasury Note 2.20%12/30/2019 1,000,000.00 1,010,589.29 982,850.00 (27,739.29)4/30/2024 1.75%84,703.30$ 68,481.11$ 6,590.90$ 182US Treasury 912828XT2 US Treasury Note 2.00%10/31/2019 1,000,000.00 1,015,667.41 980,080.00 (35,587.41)5/31/2024 1.64%71,639.34$ 60,792.37$ 5,588.54$ 213FFCB3133EJ3Q0Gov. Agency Debenture 2.88%8/28/2019 1,500,000.00 1,587,503.75 1,494,540.00 (92,963.75)12/21/2023 2.12%164,473.96$ 87,804.46$ 7,703.24$ 51 US Treasury 91282CBE0 US Treasury Note 0.13%9/15/2021 650,000.00 647,615.46 643,097.00 (4,518.46)1/15/2024 0.28%1,488.12$ 3,281.18$ 618.05$ 76FHLB3130APJH9Gov. Agency Debenture 0.75%1/17/2023 1,000,000.00 907,010.00 905,010.00 (2,000.00)10/28/2026 4.17%5,854.17$ 14,420.85$ 10,815.64$ 1093FFCB3133EN5N6Gov. Agency Debenture 4.00%2/8/2023 1,700,000.00 1,706,732.00 1,633,751.00 (72,981.00)1/6/2028 3.91%27,955.56$ 25,921.64$ 22,453.25$ 1528Freddie Mac 3137EAEX3 Gov. Agency Debenture 0.04%5/1/2023 750,000.00 689,032.50 685,845.00 (3,187.50)156.26 9/23/2025 3.97%(156.26)$ 4,222.09$ 8,655.28$ 693American Honda 02665WED9 Corporate Bond 4.70%5/11/2023 600,000.00 608,856.00 576,972.00 (31,884.00)1/12/2028 4.34%4,778.33$ 3,603.61$ 8,864.88$ 1534US Treasury 91282CEF4 US Treasury Note 2.50%6/9/2023 1,500,000.00 1,416,626.12 1,389,675.00 (26,951.12)3/31/2027 4.09%11,577.87$ 3,416.23$ 20,009.37$ 1247US Treasury 91282CGA3 US Treasury Note 4.00%6/20/2023 2,100,000.00 2,080,558.59 2,055,627.00 (24,931.59)1,147.54 12/15/2025 4.40%(1,147.54)$ 2,515.25$ 30,937.54$ 776Colgate-Palmolive 194162AR4 Corporate Bond 4.60%7/14/2023 500,000.00 504,655.00 489,990.00 (14,665.00)2/1/2028 4.37%3,002.79$ -$ 6,563.38$ 1554FannieMae3135G06G3Gov. Agency Debenture 0.50%7/14/2023 500,000.00 455,157.00 455,815.00 658.00 465.28 11/7/2025 4.63%(465.28)$ -$ 6,517.40$ 738FFCB3133EPQC2Gov. Agency Debenture 4.63%7/17/2023 500,000.00 501,957.50 494,115.00 (7,842.50)7/17/2026 4.48%-$ -$ 6,526.43$ 990FFCB3133EPBM6Gov. Agency Debenture 4.13%7/14/2023 600,000.00 596,220.00 581,172.00 (15,048.00)8/23/2027 4.29%2,681.25$ -$ 7,665.59$ 1392PNC Bank 69353RFJ2 Corporate Bond 3.25%7/25/2023 1,000,000.00 921,490.00 894,400.00 (27,090.00)270.83 12/23/2027 5.23%(270.83)$ -$ 13,498.97$ 1514US Treasury 91282CFU0 US Treasury Note 4.13%7/31/2023 1,300,000.00 1,290,660.60 1,265,160.00 (25,500.60)10/31/2027 4.31%13,406.25$ -$ 14,069.71$ 1461 Toyota Motor Credit 89236TKL8 Corporate Bond 5.45%8/25/2023 1,600,000.00 1,617,168.00 1,595,264.00 (21,904.00)25,433.33 11/10/2027 5.16%(25,433.33)$ -$ 15,258.68$ 1471US Treasury 912810FE3 US Treasury Note 5.50%10/3/2023 1,200,000.00 1,238,207.14 1,233,564.00 (4,643.14)8,788.04 8/15/2028 4.76%(8,788.04)$ -$ 4,461.33$ 1750Pepsico Inc 713448DF2 Corporate Bond 2.85%10/16/2023 1,000,000.00 947,570.00 947,740.00 170.00 4,116.67 11/24/2025 5.24%(4,116.67)$ -$ 2,192.60$ 755FFCB3133EPUW3Gov. Agency Debenture 4.75%10/13/2023 1,000,000.00 994,338.00 993,700.00 (638.00)5,541.67 9/1/2026 4.96%(5,541.67)$ -$ 2,439.16$ 1036Freddie Mac 3137EAEP0 Gov. Agency Debenture 1.50%10/13/2023 1,000,000.00 951,540.00 953,030.00 1,490.00 2,541.67 2/12/2025 5.32%(2,541.67)$ -$ 2,527.19$ 470 US Treasury 91282CEW7 US Treasury Note 3.25%10/16/2023 1,000,000.00 950,039.06 946,130.00 (3,909.06)9,538.04 6/30/2027 4.73%(9,538.04)$ -$ 1,889.51$ 1338US Treasury 91282CEN7 US Treasury Note 2.75%10/31/2023 1,300,000.00 1,214,336.39 1,211,847.00 (2,489.39)4/30/2027 4.82%-$ -$ -$ 1277 Subtotal 49,886,000.00$ 49,255,527.87$ 48,089,975.46$ (1,165,552.41)$ 57,999.33$ 1,516,683.08$ 1,238,499.95$ 384,871.92$ BNY MM Money Market 83,335.30 83,335.30 0.00 0.00%1LAIFState Investment Pool 11,278,106.16 11,123,683.39 (154,422.77)3.67%174,356.80 1 $60,616,969.33 $59,296,994.15 ($1,319,975.18)$57,999.33 1,516,683.08$ 1,238,499.95$ 559,228.72$ Matured AssetsPNC Financial 69349LAM0 Corporate Bond 3.80%2/7/2022 1,000,000.00 1,033,470.00 7/25/2023 1.49%55,733.33$ 20,987.56$ 1,032.85$ US Treasury 91282CCN9 US Treasury Note 0.13%1/13/2022 1,200,000.00 1,188,375.00 7/31/2023 0.75%2,323.37$ 13,176.45$ 766.36$ Toyota Motor Credit 89236THA6 1 Corporate Bond 1.35%4/12/2021 500,000.00 510,580.00 8/25/2023 0.45%15,993.75$ 5,065.91$ 350.67$ Toyota Motor Credit 89236THA6 Corporate Bond 1.35%1/11/2022 1,100,000.00 1,107,315.00 8/25/2023 0.94%24,090.00$ 15,144.57$ 1,585.23$ US Treasury 91282CDA6 US Treasury Note 0.25%1/31/2022 1,100,000.00 1,085,222.44 9/30/2023 1.07%4,570.74$ 16,417.94$ 2,932.91$ American Honda 02665WCQ2 Corporate Bond 3.63%9/14/2021 950,000.00 1,012,871.00 10/10/2023 0.41%71,362.15$ 7,316.05$ 1,141.03$ FFCB 3133EMCQ3 Gov. Agency Debenture 0.28%10/16/2020 2,000,000.00 1,998,000.00 10/13/2023 0.31%16,753.33$ 16,950.71$ 1,803.27$ US Treasury 91282CAP6 US Treasury Note 0.13%6/30/2021 1,000,000.00 995,390.63 10/15/2023 0.33%2,865.44$ 6,520.12$ 955.69$ US Treasury 91282CDD0 US Treasury Note 0.38%1/13/2022 1,100,000.00 1,090,675.78 10/31/2023 0.85%7,406.77$ 13,599.56$ 3,138.36$ Total Investments "Matured"13,706.37$ Total Interest FY 23_24 Matured and Current 572,935.09$ Maturity Profile Amount Percent0-1 year 32,307,389.20$ 53% 1-2 years $5,550,488.95 9%2-3 years $8,065,776.27 13%3-5 years 14,693,314.91$ 24%$60,616,969.33 Page 5 Town of Los Gatos Investment Transaction Detail 10/31/2023 Date Cusip/Id Description Tran Type Settlement Date Par Coupon Maturity Date Price Principal Interest Transaction Total 10/2/2023 91282CDA6 USA TREASURY 0.25% 30SEP2023 BOND INTEREST 9/30/2023 1,100,000 0.250%9/30/2023 - - 1,375.00 1,375.00 10/2/2023 91282CEF4 USA TREASURY 2.5% 31MAR2027 BOND INTEREST 9/30/2023 1,500,000 2.500%3/31/2027 - - 18,750.00 18,750.00 10/2/2023 91282CBT7 USA TREASURY 0.75% 31MAR2026 BOND INTEREST 9/30/2023 800,000 0.750%3/31/2026 - - 3,000.00 3,000.00 10/2/2023 3133ENP95 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 4.25% 30S BOND INTEREST 9/30/2023 900,000 4.250%9/30/2025 - - 19,125.00 19,125.00 10/2/2023 437076BM3 HOME DEPOT INC 3% 01APR2026 (CALLABLE 01JAN26)BOND INTEREST 10/1/2023 1,000,000 3.000%4/1/2026 - - 15,000.00 15,000.00 10/2/2023 91282CDA6 USA TREASURY 0.25% 30SEP2023 REDEMPTION 10/2/2023 1,100,000 0.250%9/30/2023 100.00 1,100,000.00 - 1,100,000.00 10/3/2023 912810FE3 USA TREASURY 5.5% 15AUG2028 PURCHASE 10/3/2023 1,200,000 5.500%8/15/2028 103.18 1,238,207.15 8,788.04 1,246,995.19 10/3/2023 Cash-USD Cash-USD S-T INV FUND INCOME 10/3/2023 514.77 0.000%100.00 - - 514.77 10/10/2023 02665WCQ2 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 3.625% 10OCT2023 BOND INTEREST 10/10/2023 950,000 3.625%10/10/2023 - - 17,218.75 17,218.75 10/10/2023 02665WCQ2 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 3.625% 10OCT2023 REDEMPTION 10/10/2023 950,000 3.625%10/10/2023 100.00 950,000.00 - 950,000.00 10/13/2023 3137EAEP0 FREDDIE MAC 1.5% 12FEB2025 PURCHASE 10/13/2023 1,000,000 1.500%2/12/2025 95.15 951,540.00 2,541.67 954,081.67 10/13/2023 3133EMCQ3 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 0.28% 13OCT2023 CALLABLE BOND INTEREST 10/13/2023 2,000,000 0.280%10/13/2023 - - 2,800.00 2,800.00 10/13/2023 3133EMCQ3 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 0.28% 13OCT2023 CALLABLE REDEMPTION 10/13/2023 2,000,000 0.280%10/13/2023 100.00 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 10/16/2023 3133EPUW3 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 4.75% 01SEP2026 PURCHASE 10/16/2023 1,000,000 4.750%9/1/2026 99.43 994,338.00 5,541.67 999,879.67 10/16/2023 713448DF2 PEPSICO INC 2.85% 24FEB2026 (CALLABLE 24NOV25)PURCHASE 10/16/2023 1,000,000 2.850%2/24/2026 94.76 947,570.00 4,116.67 951,686.67 10/16/2023 91282CEW7 USA TREASURY 3.25% 30JUN2027 PURCHASE 10/16/2023 1,000,000 3.250%6/30/2027 95.00 950,039.06 9,538.04 959,577.10 10/16/2023 91282CAP6 USA TREASURY 0.125% 15OCT2023 BOND INTEREST 10/15/2023 1,000,000 0.125%10/15/2023 - - 625.00 625.00 10/16/2023 91282CAP6 USA TREASURY 0.125% 15OCT2023 REDEMPTION 10/16/2023 1,000,000 0.125%10/15/2023 100.00 1,000,000.00 - 1,000,000.00 10/30/2023 3130APJH9 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1% 28OCT2026 (CALLABLE 28JAN24) #0006 BOND INTEREST 10/28/2023 1,000,000 1.000%10/28/2026 - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 10/31/2023 91282CEN7 USA TREASURY 2.75% 30APR2027 PURCHASE 10/31/2023 1,300,000 2.750%4/30/2027 93.41 1,214,336.39 - 1,214,336.39 10/31/2023 912828X70 USA TREASURY 2% 30APR2024 BOND INTEREST 10/31/2023 1,000,000 2.000%4/30/2024 - - 10,000.00 10,000.00 10/31/2023 912828ZL7 USA TREASURY 0.375% 30APR2025 BOND INTEREST 10/31/2023 1,700,000 0.375%4/30/2025 - - 3,187.50 3,187.50 10/31/2023 91282CFU0 USA TREASURY 4.125% 31OCT2027 BOND INTEREST 10/31/2023 1,300,000 4.125%10/31/2027 - - 26,812.50 26,812.50 10/31/2023 91282CDD0 USA TREASURY 0.375% 31OCT2023 BOND INTEREST 10/31/2023 1,100,000 0.375%10/31/2023 - - 2,062.50 2,062.50 10/31/2023 91282CDD0 USA TREASURY 0.375% 31OCT2023 REDEMPTION 10/31/2023 1,100,000 0.375%10/31/2023 100.00 1,100,000.00 - 1,100,000.00 Page 6 Security Description Maturity Date Par/Shares Moody Rating S&P Rating Insight ESG Rating Environment Social Governance JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 3.875% 01FEB2024 2/1/2024 1,400,000$ A1 A-3 1 3 4 US BANCORP 3.375% 05FEB2024 (CALLABLE 05JAN24)2/5/2024 1,000,000$ A3 A 3 3 4 4 IBM CORP 3.0% 15MAY2024 5/15/2024 1,000,000$ A3 A-2 1 2 3 CATERPILLAR FIN SERVICES 2.85% 17MAY24 5/17/2024 1,000,000$ A2 A 4 4 3 4 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 2.4% 27JUN2024 6/27/2024 1,000,000$ A3 A-2 1 3 3 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL 2.3% 15AUG2024 (CALLABLE 15JUL24)8/15/2024 1,000,000$ A2 A 4 3 4 3 PEPSICO INC 2.85% 24FEB2026 (CALLABLE 24NOV25)2/24/2026 1,000,000$ A1 A+2 2 2 2 HOME DEPOT INC. 3% 01APR2026 (CALLABLE 01JAN2026)4/1/2026 1,000,000$ A2 A 2 2 2 3 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 3.2 15JUN2026 (CALLABLE 15MAR26)6/15/2026 500,000$ A1 A-3 1 3 4 APPLE INC. 2.9% 12SEP2027 (CALLABLE 12JUN27)9/12/2027 1,300,000$ Aaa AA+4 1 4 5 TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP 5.45% 10NOV2027 11/10/2027 1,600,000$ A1 A+3 2 3 4 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 4.7% 12JAN2028 1/12/2028 600,000$ A3 A-2 1 3 3 PNC BANK NA 3.25% 22JAN2028 (CALLABLE 01 FEB28)1/22/2028 1,000,000$ A2 A 3 2 3 3 COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO 4.6% 01MAR2028 (CALLABLE 01FEB28)3/1/2028 500,000$ Aa3 AA-3 3 3 3 Total/Average 13,900,000$ 2.9 1.9 3.0 3.4 *ESG ratings are from 1 to 5, with 1 as the highest rating and 5 as the lowest. All ratings are weighted by industry rankings, based on the importance of the category within the individual industry. Town of Los Gatos Insight ESG Ratings as of October 31, 2023 Page 7 Fund Schedule Fund Number Fund Description Current Revenue Current Expenditure Transfer In Transfer Out GENERAL FUND Non-Spendable: Loans Receivable 159,000 - - - - - 159,000 Restricted Fund Balances: Pension 1,400,163 - - - - - 1,400,163 Land Held for Resale 44,338 - - - - - 44,338 Committed Fund Balances: Budget Stabilization 6,129,774 - - - - - 6,129,774 Catastrophic 6,129,775 - - - - - 6,129,775 Pension/OPEB 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 Measure G District Sales Tax 590,581 - - - - - 590,581 Assigned Fund Balances: Open Space 410,000 - - - - - 410,000 Sustainability 140,553 - - - - - 140,553 Capital/Special Projects 10,359,577 - - - - - 10,359,577 Carryover Encumbrances 37,698 - - - - - 37,698 Compensated Absences 1,580,623 - - - - - 1,580,623 ERAF Risk Reserve 689,608 - - - - - 689,608 Council Priorities - Economic Recovery 1,556,614 - - - - - 1,556,614 Unassigned Fund Balances: 111 Other Unassigned Fund Balance Reserve (Pre YE distribution)- (3,923,476) 2,954,406 (3,899,805) - - (4,868,875) General Fund Total 29,528,304 (3,923,476) 2,954,406 (3,899,805) - - 24,659,429.00 * Interfund transfers and ARPA funding allocation to be performed as part of the fiscal year end closing entries. ** Interfund transfers to be performed as part of the fiscal year end closing entries. Oct 2023 Prior Year Carryforward 7/1/2023* Increase/ (Decrease) July - Sept Estimated Fund Balance 10/31/2023** Page 8 Fund Schedule Fund Number Fund Description Current Revenue Current Expenditure Transfer In Transfer Out SPECIAL REVENUE 211/212 CDBG 166,653 - - - - - 166,653 222 Urban Runoff (NPDES)629,843 11,410 29,996 (17,371) - - 653,878 231-236 Landscape & Lighting Districts 176,964 (6,078) - (2,701) - - 168,185 241 ARPA - - - -- - - 251 Los Gatos Theatre 74,991 1,097 5,514 (429) - - 81,173 711-716 Library Trusts 530,173 72,307 111 (2,429) - - 600,162 Special Revenue Total 1,578,624 78,736 35,621 (22,930) - - 1,670,051 CAPITAL PROJECTS 411 GFAR - General Fund Appropriated Reserve 21,725,837 (1,574,042) 780,830 (343,858) - - 20,588,767 421 Grant Funded Projects (406,889) 303,442 29,620 (50,515) - - (124,342) 461-463 Storm Basin Projects 3,218,331 67,555 4,394 - - - 3,290,280 471 Traffic Mitigation Projects 431,079 - 1,253 (1,253) - - 431,079 472 Utility Undergrounding Projects 3,438,996 9,797 861 - - - 3,449,654 481 Gas Tax Projects 1,671,245 (128,520) 234,297 (860,053) - - 916,969 Capital Projects Total 30,078,599 (1,321,768) 1,051,255 (1,255,679) - - 28,552,407 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 611 Town General Liability 212,022 (1,009,025) - (5,634) - - (802,637) 612 Workers Compensation 514,813 (536,612) 30,847 (188,861) - - (179,813) 621 Information Technology 2,474,618 (222,095) 8,947 (59,966) - - 2,201,504 631 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 2,413,719 232,110 - - - - 2,645,829 633 Facility Maintenance 927,699 55,683 6,794 (90,940) - - 899,236 Internal Service Funds Total 6,542,871 (1,479,939) 46,588 (345,401) - - 4,764,119 Trust/Agency 942 RDA Successor Agency (6,187,789) (1,672,055) - (1,905) - - (7,861,749) Trust/Agency Fund Total (6,187,789) (1,672,055) - (1,905) - - (7,861,749) Total Town 61,540,609 4,087,870 (5,525,720) - - 51,784,257 * Interfund transfers and ARPA funding allocation to be performed as part of the fiscal year end closing entries. ** Interfund transfers to be performed as part of the fiscal year end closing entries. Deposit Accounts of Interest: 111-23541 General Plan Update deposit account balance $1,030,658.57 111-23521 BMP Housing deposit account balance $4,021,280.60 Prior Year Carryforward 7/1/2023* Increase/ (Decrease) July - Sept Oct 2023 Estimated Fund Balance 10/31/2023** Page 9