Study Session Public CommentsFrom:Lauren Brown To:Clerk Subject:Public Comment Item #1: Receive a Report and Provide Direction on the Pinehurst Community Garden. Date:Tuesday, December 19, 2023 11:03:07 AM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Honorable Council Member, <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> First, thank you for your service on the Council. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my opinion about the Pinehurst Community Garden and Passthrough Project. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> My name is Lauren Brown and I live in the neighborhood around the project. I am serving a term with AmeriCorps at Our City Forest working to improve the urban forest in our valley as a climate mitigation. I have lived in the neighborhood for 26 years. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]--> I am in support of this project because our current gardening practices are dangerous to our ecosystem. We need support for pollinators in the city and suburban areas, as well as, the open spaces we preserve. In addition, growing food close to home to reduce transportation costs and related greenhouse emissions. I think community is important and a garden would allow people to come together in a quiet and peaceful way and build community unity. I am worried about homeless encampments and community gardens are empirically shown to reduce vagrancy. I am deeply concerned about the environment and know native plant species, like those the Town's talking about including, will help pollinators thrive in our region. I also want a safe walkway separated from cars for our kids to walk to school. Thank you for listening to my opinion. 12/19/2023 Study Session comments received after the submittal deadline <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]--> Sincerely, Lauren Brown From:MARJORIE CAHN To:Margie Cahn; susan cahn; Clerk; Matthew Hudes Subject:Very concerned about size of the projects on and across from Alberto Way - leading to big safety and health/medical concerns Date:Tuesday, December 19, 2023 11:06:33 AM [EXTERNAL SENDER] To the Clerk at Los Gatos, We are both longtime residents of Los Gatos. We are very upset and concerned about the size of the huge projects proposed/scheduled now and in the near future on and across fromAlberto Way. I am the daughter Susan Cahn living at 435 Alberto Way 12 adjacent to 405 project in late late 50s and my mom Marjorie Cahn 158 Clover Way, Los Gatos is in her 80s. I am the maincaregiver for my mother who requires constant care help and watching. We spend time at both of our houses and need to be able to travel to emergency doctors appts, hospitals and labs rightaway as well as emergency vets since my dog has a major heart defect. Alberto Way is already a very narrow very dangerous road to walk on and drove safely as is before the huge influx of construction trucks and related cars and eventually when theresidents move in - it will be lead to many on going disasters which will include pedestrians seniors walking from the Commons and all residents of Alberto Way or Los Gatos, etc.walking and driving. There is no available parking at night as it is now and sometimes during the days and it will be exceptional dangerous for people to drive on the street if there are morecars. As of now, we can not safely get in and out of our driver way on 435 Alberto Way with the number of cars especially when both sides of the streets are blocked with parked cars. Youcan not safely see to get out as of now; once construction starts and eventually when residents move in there will be no safety at all. There will be a huge traffic jam coming in and out ofAlberto Way and Los Gatos Saratoga Road/High 9 which will also effect Los Gatos BLVd and all streets downtown so no one will be able to get any where fast which will lead multipleemergencies and loss of life especially when emergency vehicles won’t have quick access in and out - including fire trucks, ambulances, etc for residents on Alberto Way or residents inLos Gatos in general. If you don’t believe us, please come drive at night multiple times and try to get safely in and out of the 435 Alberto Way Address. You won’t feel safe and good. Iget raised blood pressure every time I do this. It is very scary as it is right now with the current amount of cars. There will be a lot of pollution for the trucks and cars from the construction and all of theincreased traffic for future residents and delivery people coming to attend or to live on Alberto Way. The street is also only a 1 way street - meaning - no through traffic so if there is a majoremergency like a fire even a 4 alarm and police emergency than it will be very dangerous for all - related safety and health. I was almost run over by a police officer driving fast into one ofthe complex - and we had 4 alarm fire in our complex over 10 years ago so this is not something that we are imaging. My mother and I both have multiple health/medical issues mother just like the rest of the residents and many seniors at the commons and other complex have needs for immediate and emergeny care. I am not sure if this is the case but I heard there are not enough parking spots for the 405residents proposed units to all have 1 parking spot for their cars. Where are they going to park their cars the street is already unsafe as is as people try to park there cars not and grab spotsthere is just no where for people to go. It unsafe and unfair for all residents families, children seniors that might want drive in and out of their house on Alberto Way and /or exercise sincemany seniors can’t drive and this is there only way they can exercise which is mandatory to extend their lives. If there is a fire zone on the 405 Project which that seems to be important for requirements ,why are the rest of the residents lives on Alberto Way put in jeopardy by the lack of abiitly for emergency help to reach them due to the crazy influx of traffic the blocking of the streets onAlberto way and around the town due to all fo the increase people and traffic. It is just not fair. Our whole quality of life and mental wellness will be affected by these big projects becausewe both bought our house to enjoy the calm quiet small town nature of Los Gatos, and it will soon be turned into a nightmare circus that will jeoparidize everybody’s health, medicalsituation and mental/wellbeing. There will be no privacy for us at Alberto Way 435 with the higher 4th floor blviding plan so there residents can look into our patios, driveways and houses. We bought our house to have parking spots and I am very afraid other residents and people will try to take our spots which we need for safety closeness to be able to walk my mom in since she is in a wheelchair. Pls vote no for the whole projects and if that is not allowed now at least for the 4th floor andany extra additional large projects that will kill the town off completely. It is just fair to put the lives of 1000s of residents at jeapardy, at risk or to be 2nd class citizens - this is discriminatory- compared to the new residents that will have the opportunities to live and rent in the new propose projects. Why are our rights and lives less valuable the new owners and newresidents for the new projects on Alberto and the lodge more important. They will get the safety they need but 1 to 5 minutes makes difference in life and death situations and the rest ofthe residents won’t be so lucky waiting for the emgergecy cars/trucks to come or waiting to drive to emergency hospitals or urgent care. We will also lose equity and value for our house if and when we want to sell in the future dueto the traffic and congestion It will wreck the view of both sides of Alberto Way with the 4th story added. Please vote no once again - to protect us. We appreciate you consideration and support. Please do not read out names at any public meetings or hearings etc. Thanks, Susan Cahn Marjorie Cahn Susancahn1@gmail.com artmarj@aol.com