01 Attachment 1 - Applications1 of 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g,. responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES •Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed. •All appointed applicants are required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Cristiano Colantoni Los Gatos Museum Association Director of Exhibitions & Collections 5 yrs ATTACHMENT 1 2 of 6 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on the Arts and Culture Commission? Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Public Art, concentration in Museum Studies and Art Education. 19 years of experience in the museum field and private collections. Assisted artists on multiple public murals in Monterey and Los Angeles. 6+ years of producing exhibitions for, and stewarding the permanent collection of, New Museum Los Gatos (NUMU). My passion for the arts and belief in their transformative power within a community are the driving forces behind my desire to contribute to the cultural development of our Town. Arts and culture play a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant and dynamic community. They have the unique ability to bring people together, stimulate creativity, and enhance the overall quality of life. As a committed advocate for the arts, I am eager to actively participate in shaping policies and initiatives that will further enrich our cultural landscape. I believe that a thriving arts scene is not only a source of aesthetic enjoyment but also a catalyst for economic growth. By supporting local and regional artists, promoting cultural events, and investing in public art projects, we can create a more attractive and appealing and welcoming environment that attracts residents and visitors alike. 3 of 6 Have you ever attended an Arts and Culture Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? What do you see as the role of this Commission? I have served on the commission, completing the term of a previous commissioner since July of this year. I am interested in continuing my appointment and work toward the many exciting projects and partnerships the commission has been discussing and planning in these last months. In essence, an Arts and Culture Commission in a town like Los Gatos serves as a catalyst for social cohesion, economic growth, and the overall well-being of the community by actively promoting and nurturing the arts and cultural activities. I look forward to continuing to advocate for the production and planning of public artworks that express community values, enhance our environment, transform our town's urban landscape, heighten our awareness, create safe spaces, and question our assumptions. 4 of 6 How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? What is your current involvement in the arts? Balancing personal interests with the broader role of the Commission is crucial to ensuring my own, as well as the commission's, effectiveness and ability to serve the diverse needs of the community. Strategies to acheive this balance include: being committed to the commission's mission; prioritize the community's needs over my own personal interests or preferences; engage with fellow commision members and the puclic to inform decision making; adhere to a high standard of ethical conduct; and regulary reflect on my own biases while contribuing to fostering a thriving cultural environment for the entire community. As Director of Exhibitions at New Museum Los Gatos, I am intimately involved in the production of art exhibitions for the publics enjoyment, appreciation and education. I work with artists, vendors and contractors on a daily basis. 5 of 6 What is your experience with public art programs? What has been your experience or involvement with non-profit agencies? I have been involved in mural projects in Monterey and Los Angeles, and in the latter served as liason between the artist and the office of then city commisioner Jan Perry. Museum exhibitions could be categorized under the umbrella of public art. I am also currently a sitting commissioner in this committee. I have worked art, and art and history, based non profit museums and orgainzations since 2004 including the Monterey History and Art Association, the National Steinbeck Center, the Museum of Monterey, and New Museum Los Gatos. 6 of 6 What has been your experience or involvement with grant programs? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment: Town Website Social Media Chamber of Commerce Town Newsletter Friend / Neighbor KCAT Ad Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting Other ______________________ Los Gatan Ad Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] I've co-written and administered several grants in the organizations I have worked for, including most currently the Historic Grant Program administered by the County of Santa Clara Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, awarded to NUMU that funds the Los Gatos History Project which spotlights untold stories of Los Gatos and surrounding communities through an exploration of NUMU's permanent art and history collections. I have also supported the execution of several grant applications to state and federal agencies including the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanites, the Intstitute of Museum and Library Services, California Humanities, California Arts Council to name a few. 11/10/2023CristianoColantoni 1 of 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g,. responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES x Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed. x All appointed applicants are required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Dornaz Memarzia CrowdStrike Corporate Sales Specialist 5 yrs 2 of 6 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on the Arts and Culture Commission? Work Experience, CROWDSTRIKE– Sunnyvale, CA Corporate Sales Specialist –Aug.2022-–Present FORTINET – Sunnyvale, CA Territory Account Manager– March 2019-Aug. 2022 NIAC – Washington D.C. Advancement Officer and Northern California Community Organizer – Oct. 2017 – Mar. 2019 SAN MATEO COUNTY – Redwood City, CA Fellow to the Commission on the Status of Women & LGBTQ Commission Sep. 2016 – Sep. 2017 FREEDOM HOUSE – Washington D.C. Intern (MENA Program) – May 2016 – Aug. 2016 PERSIANATE GLOBAL NETWORK– Washington D.C Secretary to the Board – July 2014 – Aug. 2016 Volunteer Experience, Diaspora Art Connections – Sep.2016-Sep.2022 Pars Equality Center – Sep.2016- Present Education, Master of Public Administration As the current Vice Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission, my journey has been one of exploration, ideation, and initiation. However, I recognize that the role demands time to refine ideas, understand the dynamics, and effectively navigate challenges. Therefore, I am keen to continue the momentum and contributions I've made by seeking reappointment to the commission. My interest in serving on the Arts and Culture Commission stems from a desire to further develop and implement the initiatives I've been working on. I see this as an opportunity to contribute more substantially, leveraging my experience, insights, and commitment to enhancing the artistic landscape in our community. By seeking reappointment, I aim to continue fostering a vibrant and inclusive arts environment, ensuring that the commission's impact resonates with the diverse voices and talents within our locality. Moreover, I’d like to serve on the commission and contribute to the vibarnt arts and cultures scene in our beautiful community. The arts have always held a special place in my heart, and I firmly believe in their power to enrich lives, foster creativity, and strengthen the fabrics of diversity. Growing up, I was fortunate to have been exposed to various forms of artistic expression, from visual arts to performing arts internationally. These experiences have shaped my perspective and instilled in me a deep appreciation for the transformative impact of the arts. I have witnessed firsthand how art can transcend barriers, spark dialogue, and bring people together in ways that words alone cannot. By serving on the Arts and Culture Commission, I hope to channel my passion for the arts into concrete action. I am eager to collaborate with fellow commissioners, artists, cultural organizations, and community members to create an environment that celebrates and nurtures artistic expression. 3 of 6 Have you ever attended an Arts and Culture Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? What do you see as the role of this Commission? Yes, I've been actively engaged as the Vice Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission for the past few months, providing a unique perspective and contributing to the dynamic initiatives of the commission. During this time, I've consistently proposed innovative ideas and strategies to enhance the commission's impact. As part of our efforts, we've established subcommittees focused on fundraising, visibility, and other key initiatives. I took the initiative to address the emerging issue of AI threats to local artists, emphasizing the need for the commission to explore and tackle this challenge. In my observation, the Arts and Culture Commission would greatly benefit from more individuals who actively engage in proposing fresh and out-of-the-box ideas. Currently, one significant challenge is the lack of active projects, which hinders our ability to promote the commission to the public and subsequently raise funds. To overcome this, the commission requires individuals with the energy, dynamism, and determination to generate new ideas, secure funding, and drive the implementation of impactful projects. As a woman of color and member of the Los Gatos community, I do believe the art and culture Commission has a critical role in bringing the community together and provide a safe space for dialuges by organizing events, exhibitions, workshops, and programs that encourage participation and interaction with the arts and cultural activities. Public art inititiaves such as music in the park, Gateway project and art in the council chambers. Also, highlighting the importance of art and culture within the community, helping to shape policies and initiaves that support the growth and development of the artistic sector. Collaborating with other city departments, community organizations, and regional arts bodies to leverage resources. To add to the beauty of our city, the commission should oversee the selection, installation, and maintenance of public art within the city. They may establish guidelines and criteria for public art projects, work with artists and community stakeholders to select suitable artworks, and ensure proper maintenance and preservation of public art pieces. 4 of 6 How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? What is your current involvement in the arts? I recognize that the art and culture Commission serves the entire community, representing various interests, backgrounds, and artistic expressions. I will strive to approach my role with an open mind and appreciation for diverse viewpoints, ensuring that decisions and initiatives consider the broader needs and aspirations of our community. Second, I will actively listen to community members, artists, and stakeholders to understand their concerns, aspirations, and visions for art and culture in our city. By fostering dialogue and seeking input from various sources, I can effectively advocate for a range of interests while ensuring inclusivity and representation in our initiatives. Third, While I bring my personal interests and expertise to the Commission, I understand the importance of maintaining a broader perspective. I will strive to find common ground and identify opportunities to bridge personal passions with initiatives that align with the diverse needs. In the past few months, I've been actively involved in the arts through collaborative efforts with SV Creates, Los Gatos Park Commission, and the LG Chamber of Commerce. Attending the SV Creates Luncheon provided a valuable platform for exchanging ideas and learning from peers about their current focus areas. I've taken the initiative to familiarize myself with our local artists, including engaging with NuMu and other stakeholders in the artistic community. Additionally, I've collaborated with fellow commissioners to generate innovative ideas for the Arts and Culture Commission. Recognizing the importance of online presence, I proposed and initiated the development of a social media presence for the commission. This effort aligns with my commitment to enhancing visibility and engagement within the community, creating a platform to showcase the vibrant arts scene in our locality. In summary, my current involvement in the arts extends beyond collaborative initiatives with key stakeholders and attending events; it includes actively contributing to the commission's strategies, fostering connections with local artists, and championing the establishment of a digital presence for the commission. In addition,I am actively involved with Diaspora Art Connections, a community organization that celebrates and promotes the artistic expressions of various cultures and diasporic communities. Through my volunteer work with Diaspora Art Connections, I have had the opportunity to connect with a diverse group of performers and singers. I have gained a profound appreciation for the transformative power of art in connecting communities, bridging cultural gaps, and fostering a sense of unity and understanding. 5 of 6 What is your experience with public art programs? What has been your experience or involvement with non-profit agencies? I have collaborated closely with local artists an performers to commission and develop site-specific public art installations/events. Including facilitating the artist selection process, guiding them through the project's requirements, and supporting their creative vision. Also, as a former fellow to the LGBTQ Commission of San Mateo County, I helped the commissioners with mulitple street festivals/events. I worked with artists and performers to showcase their talents, organizing stages, performances, and interactive art installations that engage attendees and promote LGBTQ visibility and empowerment. My role was instrumental in promoting and featuring LGBTQ artists and performers within the commission's Pride celebration events. Including curating art exhibitions featuring LGBTQ artists, organizing performances by LGBTQ musicians, dancers, and spoken word artists, or coordinating workshops and panel discussions that highlight LGBTQ artistic voices and perspectives. I prioritized inclusivity by ensuring that the pride celebration events embraced the diversity of the LGBTQ community. This involved featuring a range of artistic styles, genres, and cultural influences to represent the varied experiences and identities within the community. By providing platforms for artists and performers from different backgrounds, we aimed to create an environment where everyone felt seen, valued, and celebrated. As an advocate for social justice and equality, I have had the privilege of working with both national and local advocacy organizations in Washington DC and the Bay Area. Throughout my career, my focus has been on advocating for the rights of communities of color and amplifying their voices in the fight against systemic injustices. As a feminist and human rights activist, I have had the privilege of working with esteemed organizations such as Freedom House and other nonprofit agencies to facilitate workshops for Middle Eastern women internationally. These experiences have been transformative and have shaped my commitment to promoting gender equality and fostering positive change in diverse cultural contexts. Recognizing the importance of local activism and community engagement, I transitioned my advocacy efforts to the Bay Area. Here, I continued my work in advancing the rights of communities of color by addressing the unique challenges faced by the region. Collaborating with grassroots organizations, community leaders, and activists, I focused on issues such as voting rights, environmental justice, and cultural preservation, and immigration. My experience working with advocacy organizations in both Washington DC and the Bay Area has strengthened my understanding of the complex challenges faced by communities of color. It has also deepened my commitment to creating positive change and ensuring that everyone has equal access to opportunities and rights. I firmly believe that art and culture have the potential to challenge norms, bridge divides, and promote understanding. I will leverage my experiences to inform and shape initiatives that celebrate diversity, foster inclusion, and empower underrepresented voices within the local arts and culture scene in LG. 6 of 6 What has been your experience or involvement with grant programs? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment: ‰Town Website ‰Social Media ‰Chamber of Commerce ‰Town Newsletter ‰Friend / Neighbor ‰KCAT Ad ‰Los Gatos Weekly Ad ‰ Town Meeting ‰Other ______________________ ‰Los Gatan Ad ‰Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] As a fellow to the Commission on the Status of Women and LGBTQ Commission of San Mateo County, I played a significant role in grant writing efforts. Collaborating closely with commission members, I contributed my expertise in crafting grant proposals that highlighted the importance of gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and inclusive community spaces. The successful acquisition of funding to open the first Pride center in San Mateo County stands as a testament to our collective efforts. During my tenure at Freedom House in Washington DC, I collaborated with the organization's grant writing team to develop compelling proposals aimed at promoting human rights and women's empowerment. By conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and articulating the organization's mission and impact, I contributed to successful grant applications that secured funding for critical programs and initiatives. While working with advocacy organizations both in Washington DC and the Bay Area, I actively engaged in grant writing to support initiatives that advocated for the rights of marginalized communities, particularly communities of color. By aligning program objectives with grant requirements, crafting persuasive narratives, and presenting data-driven evidence, I helped secure funds to drive social change, combat systemic inequalities, and empower underrepresented populations. My experience in grant writing spans a diverse range of nonprofits and social causes. Through these engagements, I have honed my ability to craft compelling narratives, articulate program objectives, 11/08/23 This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICES COMMISSION APPLICATION F¾l:CEIVED TOWN OF LOS GATOSContact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 NOVO 3 2023 ( 408)354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov CLERK DEPARTMENT General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees I The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES •Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. •Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. Gregory Gentile FIRST NAME: ______________ LAST NAME: ____________ _ EMERGENCY CONTACT:---------­ Retired attorney EMPLOYER:------------- 27 years Cell Home Work Attorney JOB TITLE:------------- HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? _________________ _ 1 of5 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. -Rhode Island College; BA with majors in History and English. -Awarded Clairborne Pell Award for Excellence in American History.-Golden Gate University School of Law. -Admitted to California Bar 1989, -Retired December 2022; Ropers Majeski PC. Partner. -33 years as a practicing California attorney; -Experienced in matters dealing with real estate, construction and general business issues. -Member of the Real Estate Executive Committee of the Santa Clara County Bar Association. -Member of the Ropers, Majeski, Kohn & Bentley Real Estate Practice Group. -Litigation Partner responsible for litigation matters through trial. -lncidential duties. Prepare and analyzed contracts for business, construction and real estate including commercial and residential leases, purchase agreements, construction contracts and archtectural plans. Active Member: Los Gatos Rotary 2013 -present; Board of Directors 2017-2019. Why are you interested in serving on the Community Health and Senior Services Commission? I wish to serve the Community in which I reside and find great satisfaction in playing a part in working for, asisting in and developing the requisite outreach and programs that would benefit and enhance the life-style of our Town's seniors. Now that i am retired and am an active senior, I would like to serve our Town in an area which needs outreach, and development. 2of5 Have you ever attended a Community Health and Senior Services Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, do you follow any other senior oriented programming in the area (e.g. LGS Rec 55+, Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, Sourcewise, etc.)? Yes. I attended a meeting of the commission on 10/26/23. I have also attended an ad-hoc committee meeting with Dick Conrad. Dick Conrad and Jeff Blum have apprised me as to the progress of the Committee. I understand that the development of the Commission and its activities are in their nascent stages, with the establishment of committees and the development of strategy and resources for a non-profit corporation to facilitate a Town senior rec center, and there is a pending report by the Committee to the Town Counsil. How do your personal interests align with the broader role of the Commission? As a recent retiree and a long-time resident of Los Gatos, I am interested in devoting the time for public service in pursuing the Town's and the Commission's goals in fostering an active lifestyle for all of our seniors. I whole-heartedly support the goals of the Town and the Commission. Seniors in Los Gatos are a growng and vital part of the community and must remain involved socially since they constitute a large group of residents who need attention and activity. The programs being developed through the Town and the Commission are calculated to benefit the senior community and enhance our seniors lifestyle and the Town. As a recent retiree and senior, I recognize this need and i wish to play an active role as a Commissioner. What do you see as the role of this Commission? To explore, foster promote and faciltate the opportunities and activities available to senior citizens in the Town as to the programs, resources and facilities available for older adults so as to enable our seniors to live full and healthy lives within the community and to promote senior living and lifestyle. In furtherance of the same to develop and enhance the necessary resources for our seniors. What, from your perspective, are emerging needs/trends in our older adult community that you would like the Commission to address? Our society is quickly changing with the transition from the older "baby-boomer" generation to newer generations. Many seniors face the challange of finance, and physical infirmities and mental health. The older adult community require resources to assist with the "challanges" and also need to remain active citizens and maintain an active lifestyle. They need access to necessary resources to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle during their senior years. Too many seniors may easily become uninvolved in every-day activity. They need to be ensured of their value as active members of our Town and made aware of the resources available through the state, county and the Town. 4of5 What has been your experience or involvement with grant programs? I understand that grants are an intregal part of funding of programs and that they need to be pursued agres sively. Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment: Iii Town Website □ Social Media □Town Newsletter Iii Friend/ Neighbor □Los Gatos Weekly Ad □ Town Meeting □Los Gatan Ad Iii Service Group □Chamber of Commerce □KCAT Ad □Other ---------- The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6. 2023. beginning at 6:00 p.m .. and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. ate and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104) SofS This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICES COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 ( 408)354•6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCAgov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees I The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES •Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. •Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. F1RsT NAME: Richard PHONE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: EMPLOYER: Retired LAsr NAME: Konrad Cell Home Work JOB TITLE:------------ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? _4_0_y_e_a_rs ____________ _ 1o S Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. BSEE, MBA Why are you interested in serving on the Community Health and Senior Services Commission? 2 ofS Have you ever attended a Community Health and Senior Services Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, do you follow any other senior oriented programming in the area (e.g. LGS Rec 55+, Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, Sourcewise, etc.}? How do your personal interests align with the broader role of the Commission? 3 ofS What do you see as the role of this Commission? What, from your perspective, are emerging needs/trends in our older adult community that you would like the Commission to address? 4 ofS What has been your experience or involvement with grant programs? In 2022, i was on the Los Gatos Committee that approved Town Grants. As a Commission member.I was involved in recommending funding of service organizations. Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment: □Town Website □Social Media □Town Newsletter □Friend/ Neighbor □Los Gatos Weekly Ad □ Town Meeting □Los Gatan Ad □Service Group □Chamber of Commerce □KCATAd □Other Town Official The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023. beginning at 6:00 p,m .. and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1. 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: � Date:/o/zolzoz.3 7 7 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY {28 CFR §35.102-35.104] S ofS This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 4 TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMPLETE STREETS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee please complete a separate application. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee.Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified for an interview with Town Council. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g. responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES •Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed. •All appointed applicants are required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. •Applicants appointed to the Planning Commission are also required to complete Ethics Training AB 1234 every two years. . FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Erik Miller Specular Theory Hardware Engineer 20 Years This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? Steven Bakota Micron Corporate Vice President 10 years 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) • Los Gatos business owner  Yes  No • Los Gatos business employee  Yes  No • Los Gatos faith leader  Yes  No • Los Gatos non-profit employee  Yes  No • Los Gatos resident  Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. n I have learned the power of an inclusive environment in my role at Micron Technology, a $15B semiconductor company with 42k+ employees. I'd like to learn more about how we can continue to make Los Gatos a more inclusive community. I have served a variety of volunteer boards in my career and life, from roles with local children and neighborhood groups in multiple places we have lived to technology boards for industry standards bodies. I am completing a term on the Los Gatos Personnel board and looking for other ways to give back. 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? I believe the role of this Commission is to first understand if Los Gatos is and is perceived to be an inclusive community, then it's to look for ways we can evolve while contributing to the goals and objectives of the town. I would probably use the word integrate vs. balance. I am a big proponent of equity and equality, and want to do my part to ensure our community as well supports these beliefs. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. I have spent time on multiple boards plus have 30 years in corporate America, high technology in a variety of leadership roles. I am also a proud husband of a former public school teacher and a father of three children in Los Gatos schools. I feel my life skills can be of use to the group. As stated, I've been involved with multiple groups such as Y Guides boys and girls groups, Los Gatos Personnel Board, Treasurer for Stonehedge Pool association in Los Gatos plus groups from our former neighborhood association when we lived in Dallas TX. The roles I have served have ranged from Treasurer to Secretary to Vice Chair. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] I think we are all very fortunate to live in the beautiful community of Los Gatos. I'd love to be able to say the same for future generations, and to do so, we need to stay in tune with the evolving times and dynamics that shape communities. While I don't see any pressing gaps, I would like to better immerse myself in the community to see how we can improve. n 10/7/2023Steven Bakota This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? Dominic Broadhead LGS Recreation Recreation Coordinator n/a 5 Years 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. n n n n n My interest in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission is driven by a variety of reasons, all of which are driven by a deep desire to help and serve the community of Los Gatos. A few of the reasons include commitment to diversity and inclusion, social justice advocacy, and personal experiences. I have a strong commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within our community based on personal experiences that I have encountered during my time in Los Gatos. I believe that everyone in our community should have equal opportunities regardless of their background. While serving on this commission I will use my passion for social justice to help accomplish some of these goals. Below are a few of the volunteer roles that I have held within the Social Justice space, along with a few other accolades that closely align with DEI. - Member of the Community Advisory Group that created the charter for this commission - Member of the Community Advisory Group that created the JEDI Workplan that this commission will be responsible for rolling out - Member of the California Parks and Recreations Society's JEDI Counsel - Volunteer with the Trevor Project as a Crisis Center Counselor - Presented at both District and State conferences on various JEDI topics 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? I see the role of this Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Commission to have several key responsibilities aimed at fostering a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment within the Los Gatos Community While I believe some of the specific duties may vary depending on who serves on the commission, I have listed some key responsibilities below. - Advocacy: Serve as advocates for underrepresented groups within our community. This may involve addressing issues of discrimination, bias, or inequity. - Education and Training: Develop and implement educational programs and training initiatives to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion, promote cultural competence, and mitigate unconscious bias. - Community Engagement: Foster engagement with the broader community or workforce, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in decision-making processes. This may involve conducting surveys or creating other forms of dialogue. - Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborate with external organizations, community groups, or other commissions to amplify the impact of DEI initiatives and share best practices. Balancing my personal interests with the broader role of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission is crucial for effective and inclusive leadership. Here are some strategies that I will use to help achieve this balance: - Align Personal Values with Commission Goals: Ensure that my personal values align with the mission and goals of the DEI Commission. This will help me stay focused on the broader objectives. - Maintain Objectivity: Strive to maintain objectivity in decision-making and recommendations. Consider the impact of my decisions on all stakeholders and be mindful of potential biases. - Embrace Diversity of Thought: Acknowledge and appreciate diverse perspectives within the commission. Encouraging open dialogue and welcome input from all members, even when opinions differ from your own. - Stay Informed and Educated: I will continuously educate myself on evolving issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This ongoing learning will help me make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to the commission's work. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. I believe that I have many skills that the DEI Commission can benefit from. I have been a part of many similar groups/commissions that give me a unique insight into the world of JEDI. I have listed my specific skills below. - Commitment to DEI Principles: I have a strong commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion and understanding of the importance of these principles in fostering a fair and inclusive community. - Effective Communication: Effective communication is essential for conveying the goals of the commission, facilitating discussions, and building understanding among diverse stakeholders. - Empathy and Cultural Competence: I have the ability to empathize with individuals from diverse backgrounds and varying cultural upbringings. - Collaboration and Teamwork: I am constantly collaborating with diverse teams. Effective teamwork is critical for the success of a DEI Commission, as it involves working with individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives. - Flexibility and Adaptability: I maintain extreme flexibility and adaptability to changing circumstances. DEI work often requires adjusting strategies based on feedback and evolving community needs. I have been an employee with LGS Recreation for 5 years now. In that time I have seem the community through good times and tough times, this gives me a unique insight into what the community needs. Also, through my work I have a direct lifeline to members of this community and they often share with me the hardships that they encounter on the daily. I believe that I can make a difference by serving on the commission and in turn helping the individuals that I have served during my years with LGS recreation. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] Identifying emerging needs in our community is a crucial step in contributing to the work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission. The specific needs can vary but here are some general areas that are relevant: - Equitable Access to Opportunities: Addressing disparities in access to educational, employment, and economic opportunities. - Mental Health and Well-Being: Recognizing and addressing mental health disparities within the community. Developing strategies to promote mental well-being and ensure that mental health resources are accessible to everyone. - Youth Engagement and Empowerment: Developing programs to engage and empower young people from diverse backgrounds. - LGBTQ+ Inclusivity: Advocating for the rights and inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ community. This could involve policies and initiatives that foster a safe and welcoming environment for individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities. - Anti-Racism Education: Implementing educational programs that promote anti-racism and cultural competency. Community Advisory Group 11/10/2023Dominic Broadhead 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment: Town Website Social Media Chamber of Commerce Town Newsletter Friend / Neighbor KCAT Ad Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting Other ______________________ Los Gatan Ad Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMERGENCY CONTACT: EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? Diane Fisher retired 18 years 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. n I have had a deep commitment to growing diverse and positive community relations in Los Gatos for nearly two decades, and am very happy to see the creation of this commission. I know that it takes intentional effort to create diverse opportunities and a sense of belonging in a community--it doesn't happen by accident. I am sure that I would enjoy and have common cause with the other commissioners, and would be honored to bring the faith community's perspective to the work. I am comfortable reaching out to diverse community members to better understand what would be effective to strengthen the sense of belonging. I would enjoy discussions that first are rooted in deep personal relationships and trust, and then ultimately lead to ideas and execution of opportunities. While this work takes time and patience, it is rewarding, and with a long-view vision I am confident Los Gatos can grow into the community it was meant to be. For 18 years I served as the Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Silicon Valley, located at the JCC on Oka Road in Los Gatos. My goal in that position was to strengthen community relations across diverse ethnic, religious, racial and cultural groups, hosting events and dialogues in partnership with other similar nonprofits. While much of the work was proactive--creating opportunities for people to join together, there also came a time for reactive efforts. In 2021, I came to the Town Council and Staff with a proposal for a community response to the violence and hate-filled attacks occuring against the Mayor, against LGBTQ community members, and against the Jewish community. In partnership ultimately with 30+ institutions, we conceived the Los Gatos United Against Hate Walk and Rally, which brought ~3,000 people together in solidarity against hate. I believe this event opened many hearts and minds, and led to this moment of greater intentionality around creating a welcoming community for all. In December of 2022 I retired as Director of JCRC, and have stepped up to serve on the Board of Congregation Shir Hadash in Los Gatos. Shir Hadash has been my religious home for nearly 30 years, and through that connection I am continuing to be a voice in Los Gatos for diversity and inclusion. I am inspired to bring into fruition the learning I achieved as a Fellow at the American Leadership Forum, an organization known for building leaders and community specifically around diversity and inclusion. 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? I see this first iteration of the Commission starting by building strong relationships among themselves, developing the trust and honesty to discuss the challenges and opportunities before us. It will be encumbent on the Commissioners to have deep connections across diverse segments of the Town, to be public seekers and good listeners to concerns and interests that could strengthen awareness and belonging. Based on that listening and discussions, broad goals can be transformed into specific recommendations to the Town Council to consider for implementation. In my previous role as Director of JCRC, I always sought to strengthen the democratic foundations and social fabric of the entire community, since that is the best way to insure my personal community could thrive. That understanding applies directly to this Commission as well--the stronger the social fabric of Los Gatos, the more understanding and appreciation for diverse cultures we have, the more each of our communities will thrive. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. I hope I bring kindness and compassion. I am not afraid of listening to people with opinions different from mine, or of pursuing challenges that are large and long-term. I believe I am someone who can be relied upon to uphold my committments, while respecting whatever contributions others are able to make. I have experience sitting with discomfort in difficult conversations, and believe that can be important in order to grow. I also believe that it is important to simply show up, and be a part of the activities that are important to other people. I have geniune interest in the lives and families of our community members, and approach this work with my glass at least half full of confidence and possibility. I am an active musician, playing chamber music and attending concerts locally. I join many exercise classes at the JCC. I am part of a women's club that enjoys books, plays and holiday celebrations together. I continue to participate in ALF activities as a Senior Fellow. I participate regularly at Congregation Shir Hadash. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] On the one hand I would like to approach this Commission with an open mind and discover what people desire to bring forward. But my years of experience in Los Gatos also inform my understanding of the need for greater awareness and understanding of diverse communities. Ultimately I would like to see every institution--library, schools, law enforcement, community centers, faith communities and businesses--be growing and learning about our diversity, and evolving in the way we welcome each other. We should have tools as well to discuss conflict when it arises. There is a lot of opportunity to be more welcoming to guests coming to Los Gatos for shopping, concerts, faith community events, etc. as well. personal conversations October 31, 2023 This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. ■ I'm interested in applying to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission because I am passionate about living in a world that is fair and just to all. I want to do my part to help make this happen. I aspire to create an inclusive culture so everyone who lives, works, or visits Los Gatos feels they belong here. I spent 13 years at Apple creating successful large-scale events and programs, including in-person conferences, live-stream meetings, celebrations, and Pride Parades for our diverse employees. My team and I also designed and executed smaller recognition programs and team events. I retired from Apple in 2017 and soon enrolled in Leadership Los Gatos. That program was an excellent introduction to local government, and I got the opportunity to meet Town Staff. Upon completion of the program, I developed an interest in participating in civic issues that were important to me. In November of 2021, our then-mayor, Marico Sayoc, and the JCC experienced hateful and targeted attacks. That prompted me to join Diane Fisher and the town to help execute a Los Gatos United Against Hate March. My friend and I created UAH T-shirts which were distributed throughout the community. I marched in solidarity with new friends and old neighbors from Fisher to Town Hall. The following year, during UAH Week, I created a less complex program to continue the momentum that began the previous year. Citizens were asked to share why they stood United Against Hate, and their written comments were posted in windows at the library and in select storefronts around town. When UAH Week ended, forms were given to Los Gatos High School students for a secondary project. 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? This commission, comprised of diverse individuals who live and work in Los Gatos, should act as the eyes and ears of the community concerning DEI interests. Commissioners are responsible for connecting with their neighbors and community partners to stay informed. It is their individual responsibility to make recommendations to the commission about solutions that might help improve our collective interests. Our commission should be careful about how we approach DEI efforts in town because the very mention of the acronym DEI makes many people combative and defensive. Our commission needs to find a way to focus on celebrating our differences. We need to create opportunities to learn from one another by sharing our stories. Many Los Gatans think we have no DEI issues, and the commission will need to keep that in mind if they want to propose any new programs successfully. There is some low-hanging fruit the commission could implement in year one that would allow our community to align on one DEI calendar, which, at the very least, unites town efforts. The JEDI report has other wonderful ideas with minor steps the town could take to make things more equitable for people of all backgrounds and physical limitations. I would focus my efforts on many of those recommendations. Additionally, there are existing Town programs that, if marketed differently, might become part of a powerful campaign. We should look at existing programs and programs that prompt people to share stories; as stories are a powerful way to open people's hearts and minds to perspectives that are different from their own. I would bring an open heart to each meeting to listen and learn from others. I would also be a vocal participant willing to speak up and contribute to the conversation. I am not interested in joining the commission to gain anything on a personal level. I am only interested in making our community a more welcoming place for all. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. In addition to being an event and program professional, I've also been a successful salesperson and business development manager. All these skills will contribute to being an effective and collaborative partner with other commissioners, community partners, town staff, and council members. In addition to the activities listed above, I'll add that my family and I were also members of Boys Team Charity from 2019 to 2022. Boys Team Charity is a volunteer service organization dedicated to developing an altruistic spirit in young men through the active participation of parents and sons in philanthropic projects in the community. While a member of BTC, I spearheaded multiple opportunities to partner with the LG Parks Department to collect trash in town. We met many wonderful families and partnered with 30+ philanthropic organizations in and around Los Gatos. I was also a member of Democracy Tent from 2017 to 2018. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] Parents are keenly aware of the hateful speech and bullying taking place on campuses today. More should be done to support our schools to ensure they are getting the support they need to stop acts of hate and violence. War raging between Russia and Ukraine and Isreal and Hammas is felt worldwide. The threat of war with China is also very real. Random acts of violence are escalating everywhere and so many are suffering. I look forward to conversations with others to see what we can do to be a part of the solution. We also need to focus on the marginalized populations in town so they get housing solutions and medical services they need to thrive in our community. I recommend pursuing the ideas outlined in the ALFI Report. A lot of time and thought went into compiling those recommendations. JEDI Advisory Group - ALFI Nov 9, 2023Varily Isaacs This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES •Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. •Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? Pradeep Khanal Intel Principal Product Lead 2 years 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. n n n n n Community becomes vibrant where there is diversity. Diversity sustains when there is equity and inclusion. After living in Los Gatos for about 2 years, I feel residents in Los Gatos are quite welcoming. And to my pleasant surprise, I find Los Gatos to be quite diverse, too. This was contrary to what we expected before we moved in. While Los Gatos is a pretty diverse and welcoming, we can still do more and create environment and curate events that showcase our diversity. With experience in Community Health and Senior Services Committee, now I feel I know the town and residents better, understand how the committees work in town. I feel I can contribute in helping this newly formed DEI committee take off to a good start. And with my background (born and raised in Nepal, college in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, and residing in Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Milpitas), I feel I can bring diverse perspectives. As an incoming freshman at my undergraduate college, I was elected the President of International Student Association. Led many diversity activities. Designed t-shirt for students with slogan "Unity in Diversity" that helped bring student community together. My DEI journey started from undergraduate which has continued all along. Also, I co-founded and lead a non-profit 501c3 called Global Nepali Professional Network bringing professionals together for mutual benefits. Also at Intel, I've been active in different Employee Resource Groups to bring DEI initiatives to fruition. I've co-founded a teaching/learning platform called Kakaaki.com to teach languages and arts trying to bring communities together. 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? I could be a member or vice-chair of the commission. Given my full-time job and kids, I may not have enough time to serve as the Chair but I can contribute to the best of my ability as the member, and if necessary as the vice-chair. I love to be involved in the community and would like to stay engaged with the town. I've loved meeting the residents in Los Gatos and also visiting places in Los Gatos. I plan to remain connected to the town as much as I could. And DEI is close to heart, so I plan to prioritize as best as I can. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. Education, professional experience, leadership/management background have enabled a broad set of skills that I can apply to the Commission. And my DEI experience and interest will help. Currently, member of Community Health and Senior Services Committee in Los Gatos. Co-founder of Kakaaki.com, learning platform. Ex-President, current board member of Global Nepali Professional Network (501c3) Co-founder, current board member of American Society of Nepalese Engineers (501c3) 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] Promoting diversity and showcasing diversity. Until we showcase activities that represent diversity, community won't know. Let's showcase the goodness of Los Gatos being a diverse and welcoming town. And, explore ways to make this town feel more inclusive through language, arts, events etc. 11/26/2023Pradeep Khanal This Page Intentionally Left Blank 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? The role of the DEI Commission is to serve as experts in the areas of justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to use that expertise as a lens through which to advise the Town Council. The duties will include understanding the complex and varied issues that come before the Commission and ultimately the Town Council. The Commission should also actively engage with the community in fulsome discussions with an open mind to understand various viewpoints on issues. After gathering feedback and weighing the viewpoints of all stakeholders, the Commission should provide a recommendation to the Town Council that consists of a reasonable concrete action or program that can be instituted. The members of the Commission will also serve as an extension of the Town Council, to promote its programs, and particularly any events surrounding DEI initiatives. I understand that any individual’s role on the Commission will be to promote the progress of the community over personal gain. I also view a Commission-member’s role as serving as a representative of the town’s interest. Prior to any recommendations, it will be important to gather a diverse set of viewpoints and feedback throughout the community. I am also collaborative by nature, and truly enjoy working across the aisle to create cooperative solutions. I also note that my profession binds me to certain ethical obligations, part of which includes the necessity for me to only serve in my personal capacity, and that I cannot function as a lawyer in my Commission-member capacity. I would also be recusing myself from any discussions which may involve any of my firm’s clients or interests. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. I am a strong communicator and understand the importance of knowing your audience. Throughout my career, I have worked with clients ranging from senior-level executives to low-income, underrepresented individuals. On a daily basis, I may go from meeting with law firm management, to interviewing with a translator a survivor of domestic violence seeking immigration assistance. I have honed my skills in building trusting relationships, empathetic listening, and tailoring messages to varied audiences. I am curious and thrive in learning about new issues and challenges. I have extensive experience working in big teams tackling complex matters, staying on top of deadlines, and understanding prioritization and efficiency. I would relish the opportunity to understand the various issues that come before the Town Council and to be part of the collaborative team in tackling those issues. I am solution-oriented. I understand the process of how to identify a challenge, be creative in building a plan to address the challenge, and execute the plan to get to a defined solution. I often work with legal aid organizations to identify and create programs to address the justice gap experienced by certain underserved groups, ranging from low-income entrepreneurs to veterans. My process is to work collaboratively by asking the right questions, soliciting and responding to feedback, and empowering every member of the team to have a stake in the solution. In addition to my involvement with legal aid organizations as part of my profession, I am also involved in my community through my children’s schools. My son attends Blossom Hill Elementary. I volunteer as a chaperone for school field trips, and try to participate in school events as much as possible. My daughter attends a local preschool. Through that connection, I volunteered with the Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley in 2022 to assist its 240 resettled Afghan refugees. My son is also involved in local sports teams including Los Gatos Little League and Los Gatos United, which are further ways to be engaged in the community. My family also fosters shelter dogs through Santa Clara County Animal Shelter, Copper’s Dream Rescue, and California Bully Rescue. Since moving to Los Gatos, we have fostered 4 different dogs, giving them a temporary home, training, and lots of love. We work with the rescues to promote the dogs for adoption. Each of our foster dogs have found wonderful forever families. This Page Intentionally Left Blank CamScanner CamScanner CamScanner CamScanner This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES x Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. x Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? Dornaz Memarzia CrowdStrike Corporate Sales Specialist 5 yrs 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) x Los Gatos business owner ‰Yes ‰ No x Los Gatos business employee ‰Yes ‰ No x Los Gatos faith leader ‰Yes ‰ No x Los Gatos non-profit employee ‰Yes ‰ No x Los Gatos resident Yes ‰ No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. My experiences have afforded me a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that individuals from diverse backgrounds face. Having been actively involved in various nonprofits and dedicating my efforts to serving the LGBTQ community and communities of color from various socio economic status, I have witnessed the transformative power of inclusive policies and initiatives. I am committed to making our city a fantastic place for everyone by championing initiatives that not only address current issues but also anticipate and adapt to the evolving needs of our diverse population. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with fellow commission members, bringing a blend of cultural awareness and a track record of successful initiatives to the table. Together, we can work towards creating a city that not only acknowledges its diversity but actively embraces and thrives on it. My journey in dedicating my life to societal betterment has equipped me with a diverse and impactful set of experiences, making me well-suited to serve on this Commission. I initiated my career as an intern for a nonprofit affiliated with the World Bank, focusing on serving women of color. This role involved collaborating with the State Department and USAID to secure grants for international workshops on Women Economic Empowerment, showcasing my ability to navigate complex bureaucratic processes and secure funding for critical initiatives. Subsequently, at Freedom House, an international human rights organization, I further honed my skills in grant acquisition from various sources, including Open Society and USAID. Upon relocating to the Bay Area, my role as a liaison to the Commission on the Status of Women and the LGBTQ Commission in San Mateo County allowed me to engage with marginalized communities. Notably, my efforts contributed to the establishment of the first Price Center in San Mateo, requiring collaboration with nonprofits, research institutes, and stakeholders. Currently serving as a Cyber Security Specialist, I actively contribute to making the digital world safer. Beyond my professional role, I am dedicated to mentoring and advising women of color to enter the cybersecurity field, promoting diversity and inclusion in a critical industry. My commitment to equality and diversity, coupled with my experience in securing funds, identifying 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? The Commission should play an important role in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in Los Gatos. The focus would be on advocating for equitable access to resources and opportunities, addressing root causes of inequities, and recommending solutions to the town council. It should demonstrate committment to fostering relationships with underrepresented communities and serving as Trusted Messengers to bridge gaps. Diversity includes historically underrepresented groups, such as people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those with disabilities. Equity guides our efforts, seeking to balance disparities and ensure equal opportunities for success. Inclusion is our dynamic goal, aiming for a community where everyone can fully participate in decision-making processes, feel respected, and valued for their contributions. In essence, the Commission works towards creating a vibrant and inclusive community where diversity is leveraged for a healthy, high-performing environment. Additionally, each commission member should actively strive to cultivate an atmosphere where individuals and groups feel a sense of safety, respect, engagement, motivation, and value. Balancing my personal interests with the broader role of the Commission entails synchronizing my dedication to supporting underrepresented communities, which spans socioeconomic status levels, races and ethnicities, disability, and sexual orientation, with the overarching objectives outlined. My commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion seamlessly integrates with the Commission's goals, particularly within the context of my involvement with nonprofits and advocacy for the LGBTQ community. Moreover, drawing upon my corporate experience, I bring a practical and strategic perspective to the table. This experience equips me with the ability to propose guides and recommendations that are not only rooted in principle but are also practical and feasible in the real-world context. It enables me to balance personal interests with a broader vision by ensuring that the proposed actions are not only impactful but also implementable within the organizational and societal framework. In essence, my personal interests become a driving force behind my contributions to the Commission, while my corporate experience adds a layer of pragmatism to the proposed guides and recommendations, ensuring a balanced and effective approach to advancing the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion within our community. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. I bring a multifaceted skill set and attributes to the Commission that encompass both strategic thinking and practical implementation. My ability to develop comprehensive strategies will aid in the formulation of overarching plans for the DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION. Additionally, my proficiency in partnership and relationship-building will be instrumental in fostering connections with key stakeholders. Furthermore, my dedication to community relations will enable me to identify gaps and pinpoint areas requiring focused attention and improvement. Overall, I offer a versatile approach, combining strategic vision with hands-on execution, to contribute effectively to the Commission's goals. In the realm of community activities and civic engagement, my recent role as the Vice Chair of the Art and Culture Commission has been a fulfilling journey. Over the past couple of months, my position has granted me valuable insights into the focal points and priorities of our town, deepening my understanding of the community's needs and aspirations. Beyond this, my involvement extends to fostering strong connections with various minority groups. As an active member of the Jewish Democratic Club of Silicon Valley and the local Jewish Club, I have established robust ties within the Jewish community. Simultaneously, my engagement with the Middle Eastern community in Los Gatos has allowed me to cultivate meaningful relationships with diverse groups. These experiences uniquely position me to bring a nuanced perspective to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission. My role as Vice Chair has honed my ability to collaborate effectively within a commission setting, ensuring a cooperative and constructive approach. Moreover, my ties to different minority groups underscore my commitment to inclusivity, enabling me to advocate for a broad range of perspectives within our community. This blend of experiences equips me to contribute dynamically to the Commission's goals and foster a more inclusive and harmonious community. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment: ‰Town Website ‰Social Media ‰Chamber of Commerce ‰Town Newsletter ‰Friend / Neighbor ‰KCAT Ad ‰Los Gatos Weekly Ad ‰ Town Meeting ‰Other ______________________ ‰Los Gatan Ad ‰Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: 11/7/2023 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] Housing: The increasing strain on affordable housing options is a pressing concern within our community. Addressing this issue requires the Commission to delve into comprehensive strategies that advocate for affordable housing developments, promote equitable housing opportunities, and ensure that residents from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds have access to safe and affordable living spaces. Job Opportunities and STEM Investment: Another critical emerging need revolves around creating more job opportunities, offering training programs, and investing in STEM initiatives for communities of color. The Commission can work towards identifying and addressing disparities in employment, advocating for policies that promote inclusivity in the workforce, and fostering an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal access to job opportunities and advancement, particularly in STEM fields. LGBTQ Rights: Ensuring the rights and well-being of the LGBTQ community remains a vital focus. The Commission can play a pivotal role in advocating for inclusive policies, fostering a supportive environment, and addressing any discriminatory practices that may exist. By prioritizing these multifaceted issues, the Commission can actively contribute to the development of a more inclusive, accessible, and supportive community for all residents. Ongoing community engagement, dialogue, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders will be essential in understanding and effectively addressing these emerging needs. This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? PHILLIPS FOLAKE AWO Excutive DirectoR 5 YEARS N/A 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. n n It is always a good thing to be a part of something bigger than oneself. A Commission or group that fosters an inclusive and equitable environement, one that is passionate about fairness and doing what is right is a commission I would want to get involved with. There are many opportunitites to be innovative and creative, to collaborate with others for the greater good, to identify and groom DEI servant leaders and much more. As an immigrant woman from Nigeria, with strong belief in the power of navigating multicultural spaces for improved self-understanding, serving in the DEI commission will help me learn more, listen better Also, I am raising a child here in this community and I am working had to ensure he grows up to see and experience a different Los Gatos from the one I am learning more. Moreover, operating through a DEI lens enriches a community in many measurable ways. Raised in Nigeria with deep Yoruba cultural roots and educated at Coventry University in the UK with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing Management, I am a is a Christian, currently a mother of one and a community organiser. Though my career has spanned the fields of marketing, human resources, strategy and corporate client hospitality with multinational clients where I also organized, managed and facilitated various symposiums, public seminars and leadership trainings, my recent nonprofit work operates with a fierce urgency of now and curates programs with a collective-mindset approach to civil an 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? It is my hope that this commission serves as a liaison between the community and other commissions and the Council. If this DEI commission is charged with the responsibility to help make the Town more inclusive and leads advocacy efforts that identify systemic inequitites, can review and revise exisiting policies and procedures, add additional DEI related internal policies where needed to the town's agencies, collaborates with, develops and promotes DEI related initiaives, these will be a great start. Some areas of immediate work opportunities are: - Affordable Housing - Town of Los Gatos sponsored multi-cultural event - Substantial Incentives to encourage BIPOC business owner to gain entry into the Town Capacity for the work and provision of training and wellness initiatives. Training that helps build a common vocabulary and understanding of a total DEI concept will help me understand what I am a part of and the collective effort required to effect real change. Wellness initiatives such as retreats and DEI conferences to learn from peers and other development opportunitites to hone skills, and for growth in the role will help maintain focus and commitment. I will always work hard to ensure financial interest, personal activity or arelationship that could impair my ability to carryout my duty effectively or to act impartiially. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. Global Citizenship & Global Mindest Thinking Community Organising Leadrship Fainess and Objectivity Multi-Culturalism Breaking Barriers Event Production Since 2020, I have committed to the work of community building and change by founding AWO, a social justice nonprofit organisation based here in Town. I felt it important to do this in order to bring my unique perspective to the table in a hyper local fashion amidst America's ongoing racial reckoning. Serving in this way meant I could contribute to something much larger than me. We implement public engagement inititatives and school programs which we term dream equity inititatives. Building bridges, breaking cultural silos and community making are at the core of all we do. When people come to our spaces or participate, the objectives are to learn, share, engage and where necessary, speak truthfully about injusticies, imbalances or shed more light on what could be blind spots to some or conscious and with intent to others. In 2021, I was a speaker at Los Gatos Stands United Against Hate rally, I spoke up about the terrible treatement former Mayor Sayoc and her family experienced, worked with a team of experts to design and build a curriculum to be piloted in one of our local schools, with the support of, and/or in partnership, work with the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos, The Chamber of Commerce, Los Gatos Library, the JCC, some local businesses, the Town office, other cities within Santa Clara County. 5 of 5 What emerging needs do you see in our community that you would like the Commission to address? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] Societies evolve. Los Gatos is no exception and bears little resemblance to how it was decades ago. Like the surrounding Bay Area communitties, The Town of Los Gatos is also now home to diverse people from diverse background who reside, work, worship or school here. These people want to feel seen, heard, acknowledged, contribute and want to feel a true sense of belonging. I believe the Commission can help promote facilitated listening sessions, cultural events, fun educational panel disccussions that people can look forward to participating in and be excited about and any activity that furthers a DEI effort. Commission can also look into affordable house. Community Working Center 11/10/2023 Folake Phillips This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Town of Los Gatos resident, Los Gatos business owner, Los Gatos business employee, Los Gatos non-profit employee, and/or Los Gatos faith leader. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: _ HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN LOS GATOS HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED IN LOS GATOS? Gordon Yamate Retired 36 years 2 of 5 Are you a: (Please check all that apply.) •Los Gatos business owner Yes  No •Los Gatos business employee Yes  No •Los Gatos faith leader Yes  No •Los Gatos non-profit employee Yes  No •Los Gatos resident Yes  No Why are you interested in serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission? Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held that would demonstrate your ability to effectively serve on this Commission. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ As a long-time Los Gatos resident, I'm really pleased to see the Town of Los Gatos take steps to enhance the quality of life in our community, particularly in combatting prejudice, bias and racism. These are not easy problems to solve, but the creation of the Town's DEI commission provides an opportunity to think creatively on how to engage, educate and enlighten our community to be sensitive to the issues and challenges of DEI, to improve and celebrate diversity that will enrich and strengthen our community, and to find ways to hold people accountable for lapses or breaches of speech and conduct that threatens a community dedicated to DEI principles. While other municipalities have adopted DEI goals as part of their charters or other governing documents or established tasks forces to examine DEI issues, establishing a formal DEI commission puts Los Gatos in a unique leadership role. But, it also comes with a responsibility that we approach DEI issues and challenges with fairness, an open mind and heart, honesty and trust, as other communities will watch how this commission performs and what it accomplishes. For me, it's personal, having experienced overt racist speech and behavior directed at me in Los Gatos. You can never be prepared for it, and it is often accompanied by disbelief. But, when it happens you carry that experience throughout your life. I have second-guessed myself as to whether I heard correctly or did something wrong to invite that conduct. And, there are many more instances of behavior that might be interpreted as discriminatory or racist but are sufficiently ambiguous to be clearly labeled as such. I have also witnessed disputes among neighbors that I think carried an undertone of racism, and I provided public testimony to encourage neighbors to behave and act fairly in that matter. From a professional standpoint, as a former vice president and general counsel, I was responsible for the company-wide legal affairs of the nation's second largest newspaper company Knight Ridder from 2000 until its acquisition by McClatchy in 2006. Prior to Knight Ridder, I served as vice president, general counsel and secretary of Liberate Technologies, a Silicon Valley developer of software enabling access to the Internet via set-top boxes and other Internet appliances. Prior to moving in-house, I was a partner in the Silicon Valley law offices of McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen (later Bingham McCutchen), where I specialized in corporate transactions and intellectual property matters. I continue to serve as a long-time member of the Board of Trustees of the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles (serving as board chair from 2010-2015). I currently serve as President of the Board of Directors of the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art. Other board service includes, among others, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ), Silicon Valley Chapter, and its successors, the Silicon Valley Conference for Community and Justice and Silicon Valley FACES. I am a Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum-Silicon Valley. From a civic perspective, I've served as a member of the Town of Los Gatos' General Plan Update Advisory Committee (2008-2010) and North 40 Specific Plan Advisory Committee (2011-2013). 3 of 5 What do you see as the role of this Commission? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? Although the role of the Commission is spelled out in the commission's charter—to create more equitable opportunities and increase a sense of belonging for all residents and visitors through community engagement, collaborative activities, and social advocacy—and there is a work plan with delineated categories, the devil is really in the details. There are no specific programs, activities, events or collaborations identified or suggested. I see the principal role of the DEI Commission as consisting of oversight of, and providing advice to, the Town's efforts in creating the aforementioned equitable opportunities and enhancing community engagement. Collaboration among the Town's departments and with community and business organizations in addition to our local schools is critical to achieving impact on DEI issues. We should be seeking out activities, events and other opportunities to engage the Los Gatos community in unique ways. I believe that starts with one-on-one experiences. We need to make this personal because that's where real change begins. One concept that I'd like to explore is based on a pre-Pandemic art project that took place in Berkeley, California, and Omaha, Nebraska, called Everybody Eats Lunch [https://www.everybodyeatslunch.com/]. I could see engaging Los Gatos residents in conversation over meals sourced from many of our local restaurants, making this a real community and business collaboration. This effort might involve NUMU as a convener/host for a potential exhibit to report the results of such project. I know that the artist who created Everybody Eats Lunch is working on a new iteration of this project in Palo Alto. If we approach the DEI challenges from a post-Pandemic perspective, there's an opportunity to address community well-being, both from a mental health standpoint (and other physical health care concerns) and generally as a way to learn more about the diversity of our community members. We should also consider the parameters of how we engage—are we expected to provide guidance on how to act when one encounters an act of discrimination, bias or bigotry? Will the Commission serve as a clearinghouse for reports or complaints of discrimination and bigotry or investigating incidents of such conduct? I would certainly like to see a return to civil discourse, where issues can be discussed with respect, candidness and openness, and where we will not tolerate hate speech or conduct. We should consider other ways where we can uncover and share individual stories—my hope is that these stories will reveal shared values that can help build empathy and compassion within our community. If I understand the question correctly, I would honestly hope that my personal interests are consistent with the broader role of the Commission. If the question is addressing the balance of personal time and time for the Commission, I would commit to putting in the necessary time required by the Commission. I don't believe that I otherwise have any conflicts of interests, real or perceived, in serving on the Commission. 4 of 5 What skills or attributes do you bring to this Commission? Describe your involvement in community activities or civic organizations. I bring an ability to listen carefully, a life-time of experiences and a curiosity to discover and learn new things and ideas. As a lawyer, we were trained to solve problems. I have a great interest in the arts and am inspired by how artists communicate and solve problems, often with scarce resources. I have participated in nonprofit social justice organizations—mainly at the board level—in leading them through periods of change and financial challenges. Having sat on two advisory committees for the Town of Los Gatos, I've got some familiarity with the Town's processes and protocols. I've had the privilege and fortune of retiring at a relatively young age and decided to devote my time to philanthropy, sitting on the boards of numerous charitable organizations and helping finance philanthropic objectives. My board work includes serving as board chair in many instances or as chair of a board committee. I've had the opportunity to teach a course on corporate governance at Santa Clara University Law School for about 10 years as an adjunct lecturer in law. This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS LIBRARY BOARD APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: PHONE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Sabiha Chunawala Contentful Inc.VP, Deputy General C 11 years 2 of 6 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on the Library Board? Commissioner, Town of Los Gatos Library, May 2018-present; Vice Chair 2021, Chair 2022 Board Member, City of Santa Clara Library Foundation, 2011-17, President 2016-17; VP 2014-16; Treasurer 2013-14; Secretary 2012-13 Board Member OPEN Silicon Valley 2022 to Present Mentor to law students at Santa Clara School of Law Tech JD Program and ChIPs Education: Stetson University, 1994, BBA Finance University of Miami School of Law, 1997, Juris Doctorate Experience: Practicing attorney since 1997. As you can see from my participation and experience, I have a passion for literacy and libraries as a central pillar of our community. The Library Board is here to ensure the voice of the community is continually monitored and discussed so that we can ensure that the services the Library provides and how they are provided are meaningful and valuable to our community and reflect our communities' needs and interests. 3 of 6 What are your unique perspectives and experiences that you would bring to this role? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Board? I believe I bring uniquely diverse ideas and perspectives to the Library being a 1st generation American Indian Muslim daughter of immigrant parents. I also grew up in Florida and only moved to California in 1997. I'm also active in the online book community on Instagram: @literarylawgirl so comfortable with and understanding of the power of social media for outreach to the community. I believe I can balance my personal interests with the broader role of the Board very well as I've had practice and experience doing so for over 12 years of participation on Library Boards and I understand that my role is to prioritize and share the voice of the Los Gatos community above my own. 4 of 6 What do you see as the role of this Board? How do you connect with the community? The role of this Library Board is to ensure the voice of the community is continually monitored and discussed so that we can ensure that the services the Library provides and how they are provided are meaningful and valuable to our comminity and reflect our communities' needs and interests. I connect with the community through participation in the Library Board, other charitable organization events, local events and activities with the schools and other children's recreational organizations and exercising my right to vote on local representation and issues. 5 of 6 What Library services do you currently use or have used in the past? Have you ever attended a Library Board meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? I mainly use the physical book services as well as donating books to the Friends. I also use the ballot drop box for my ballots and find refuge in the Library on rainy days. Yes, I've attended many Library Board meetings as a Commissioner for the Library since May 2018. My observations are that the Library Board serves as a voice of the community and ensuring that the services the Library provides and how they are provided are meaningful and valuable to our comminity and reflect our communities' needs and interests while also balancing the priorities of the broader Town of Los Gatos strategic plan. 1 of 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS LIBRARY BOARD APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Mary "Megan"Grasser Effectv Political Sales Manager 2 years 2 of 6 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on the Library Board? I am an advertising sales manager for Effectv (Comcast Cable) specializing in political for the state of CA. Over the course of 10+years working in media, I have developed expertise in strategy, negotiation, problem solving and leadership. I previously served on the board of the Bay Area Advetising Relief Committee in which we provided access to financial services and resources to those who have fallen on hard times in the Bay Area media community. I also guest lecturered at San Francisco State University in my spare time discussing the business side of the media. I am currently an active member of the Junior League of San Jose in which we partner with many organizations, however, the main charity of focus right now is foster aged youth who term out of the system. Within JLSJ, I also serve on the Fund Development Committe which focuses on training our members on how to ask and raise money for the organization. I am interested in serving on the Library Board because I am passionate about reading for all ages and think that our library is such an imporant resource in our community! In the 2 years that I've lived in Los Gatos, many a day has been spent either upstairs browsing the collections, downstairs with my daughter or on the lawn attending one of the many fabulous events. 3 of 6 What are your unique perspectives and experiences that you would bring to this role? How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Board? I believe that I can bring youth (even though I'm not very young! ha), excitement, vast relationships in this community as well as a different and unique point of view to this role. I just want the opportunity to serve Los Gatos while making them aware of the wonderful resources we have. This is something I do in my daily life as the Political Sales Manager for the state of CA at Effectv (Comcast cable). I'm not a stranger to voicing my opinions while remaining a small part of a bigger whole. 4 of 6 What do you see as the role of this Board? How do you connect with the community? To serve as an advisor to the Los Gatos tow council regarding library programs, services and policies. While only a resident for 2 years, my husband was borned and raised here. We moved down from San Francisco in the pandemic to increase our quality of life here in Los Gatos. Myself, m y husband and his family are passoniate abou this community and I feel very lucky to be here. I currently am attending local events to meet people in the community but it's my hope that by serving on the Library Board I can better connect with LG folks that way. 5 of 6 What Library services do you currently use or have used in the past? Have you ever attended a Library Board meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? Everything kids related we've used! I have not yet attended a library board meeting yet. I wasn't aware that there was such a thing until I was browsing the LG website today and then knew I immediately wanted to get involved! 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Mike Buncic Santa Clara USD Teacher 24 yea4s 2 of 5 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving the Parks Commission? I have been a member of the parks commission since 2015 My interest in the Parks Commission stems largely from the fact that I am and outdoor enthusiast and I would like to promote these experiences to a larger segment of the public, so that they too may experien the wonderful outdoor environment as I have been fortunate to. I feel I can make a contribution to the to future efforts in promoting such activities. 3 of 5 Have you ever attended a Parks Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? What do you see as the role of this Commission? I sm a current member 4 of 5 How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? What, from your perspective, are the major priorities in the areas of parks with respect to policies, capital investment, and/or maintenance? I have extensive interest in outdoor experiences, so it is not a difficult choice, However I must realize the emphasis is for the broader group of residents, not my own interests Currently the struggle maintaining our parks while residents also yearn for expand service in the constra of the town budget 5 of 5 Have you visited any of the Town parks? If yes, which ones? What did you like most and least about them? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] I have been to all of them. Worcester is my favorite Current commissioner 10/31/23Mike Buncic This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET PHONE: EMERG EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Craig Gleason Synopsys Principal Engineer 28 years 2 of 5 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving the Parks Commission? Education: BSEE in electrical engineering from RPI in Troy NY. 39 years experience in computer design, VLSI chip development, and Electronic Design Automation. Frequent trail bulding/maintenance and land stewardship volunteer for Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Stewardship, Grassroots Ecology, Midpen, SCV Open Space Authority, and other groups and agencies. I've served on the MROSD (Midpen) Board of Directors for Ward 1 (Los Gatos/Saratoga area) since 1/2023 and on the Los Gatos Parks Commission for the past two years. I'm an avid open space user with a keen interest in how access to the natural world enhances not only our health and well-being, but encourages people to value the open space and environment. I feel that improving access to and experiences in parks and open space, in combination with great stewardship of the land, is critical to a sustainable future for plants, animals, and humans. 3 of 5 Have you ever attended a Parks Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? What do you see as the role of this Commission? Yes, I've served on the Commission for two years. I've contributed to the ad-hoc committee for trail connectivity as well as advocating for joint discussions with the Arts and Culture Commission. I've also spoken in favor of a more strategic and visionary approach, as Los Gatos Parks have been somewhat in incremental/maintenance mode for decades. 50+ years ago the town took a visionary approach to create the parks system; it's time to update that vision as the world around us and our understanding of that world has changed in so many ways. The Commission is only an advisory body, but it can be enthusiastic and visionary. It provides a non-partisan forum for the public to get engaged and let us know what they'd like to see. We should be identifying opportunities to improve the town for residents and visitors. 4 of 5 How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? What, from your perspective, are the major priorities in the areas of parks with respect to policies, capital investment, and/or maintenance? In my advocacy with Midpen and on the Commission, I've always tried to understand how our parks and open spaces can work not just for one group of users but for all - this is a critical aspect of modern trail system design and I think the concepts can apply to other facilities such as parks and playgrounds. In the recent past I think the parks department has been operating in an incremental mode and larger projects have come up on a one-off basis (connection to Creek Trail, bandstand, etc.). I would like to see a visioning process (with robust public input) and strategic plan that looks out decades in the future so that we know how these different features and priorities fit together, and where we might find funding for bigger ticket items, through grants, bond measures, etc. 5 of 5 Have you visited any of the Town parks? If yes, which ones? What did you like most and least about them? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] Yes, I've visited all of them. My favorite parks are those that have more of a natural/open space character, like Belgatos/Heintz/Santa Rosa and Worcester. As indicated above, I feel that the overall system has not been re-thought in many years, and consequently doesn't have some of the more creative aspects that are found in many town and city parks around the world. 11/6/2023 This Page Intentionally Left Blank CamScanner CamScanner CamScanner CamScanner This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. Appointed applicants may be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ZIP CODE: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMAIL: EMERGENCY CONTACT: PHONE: Cell Home Work EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Lydia M.Norcia Semi-Retired/Coldwell Banker Realy - Los Gatos Real Estate Agent and I am CA licensed Marriage Family Child Therapist. 24 years 2 of 5 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving the Parks Commission? I have served on many boards - extensive experience in volunteer postions. If needed I have a In the Town of Los Gatos I have been on the Los Gatos Health and Community Senior Services Commission for many years. I have also been on the Los Gatos Library Commission. I am currently interested in serving on the Community Parks and Public Works Commission. I love the Town of Los Gatos and I have the time to devote to make it the charming and beautiful town that it is and hope to make it even more beautiful and charming. I am an active member of the Los Gatos Rotary Noon Club and I am on the committee that plants and maintains our Garden Box in Los Gatos on North Santa Cruz Ave. Since I joined this Rotary Committee, I have become more aware of the individual gardens that are along North Santa Cruz Avenue and I am eager to become part of the community that keeps our town beautiful and thriving. I am a devoted garden in my own home and love to garden and I create succulent walls and plants for charity auctions that are in Los Gatos and as well as for the Stanford Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Foundation. 3 of 5 Have you ever attended a Parks Commission meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? What do you see as the role of this Commission? Yes, I attended the joint meeting with the Arts and Culture Commission in October 2023. I was very impressed with all of the members and the comments that they offered at this meeting. The role of this commission can include different levels. The commission covers a wide variety of locations - One of the main roles would be to continue the beautification of the parks in Los Gatos and to maintain them. In addition, the downtown area of Los Gatos has many locations that are tended by the the commission. This downtown of Los Gatos is the shining glory of this town. Los Gatos is a walking town and a gathering place for our residents,visitors of surrounding towns and cities and the many tourists who are drawn to its charm and beauty. We have a vibrant downtown and the commission members are part of the many other groups that keep the town alive and thriving. I would be honored to be one of the many that keep the Town of Los Gatos beautiful and charming. 4 of 5 How will you balance your personal interests with the broader role of the Commission? What, from your perspective, are the major priorities in the areas of parks with respect to policies, capital investment, and/or maintenance? I have the well honed ability to balance my family life, work and volunteer positions in an excellent balance. Unless, some dramatic change happens in my life, I do not see it being a problem. The major priorities should be the most visible areas in town. I say that because we have to assist our business community by making and maintaining the down town of Los Gatos as beautiful and charming as possible within our budget means. If we do not have a thriving business community we will not have a strong downtown community. 5 of 5 Have you visited any of the Town parks? If yes, which ones? What did you like most and least about them? Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] I have visited all of the parks in Los Gatos. It is difficult for me to choose one. I like the Town Plaza for Jazz in the Plazz and to just sit on a bench and enjoy the fountain, flowers and watching the children, family and people enjoying our town. I love walking the trails in Vasona and the water area that is so calming and meditative. October 22, 2023Lydia M. Norcia This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PERSONNEL BOARD APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirement: Resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes) please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • All appointed applicants are required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET AD PHONE: EMERGEN EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? David Sabes Currently Searching 22 years in Los Gatos and grew up in Saratoga 2 of 6 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on Personnel Board? I am a graduate of the Santa Clara University School of Law with a Jurist Doctorate degree. During my third year of Law School, I served as a Professor's TA. My responsibilities included lecturing, facilitating classroom discussions and legal research. As an undergraduate, I attended the University of California, at Berkeley where I received a Bachelors Degree from the College of Letters and Sciences in 'Peace and Conflict Studies' with an emphasis on 'Conflict Resolution'. Currently I am volunteering with three different non-profit organizations in different capacities: I am the supervisor and co-facilitator of a support group for Bay Area teens who stutter. The support group is sponsored by the National Stuttering Association. My daughter leads the group and is part of the stuttering community. I am a volunteer teacher for the international ENGin program which provides free ESL lessons for people living in war torn Ukraine. I meet one on one via Zoom with a student who lives in Kyiv. My experience includes not only teaching English, but also as a person with whom they can help themselves process their experiences during this time of war. I am a member of the Board of Directors for Congregation Sinai located in San Jose. The position is one of general responsibilities where I am serving as a sounding board for new ideas, solving issues, and helping to create and implement long term goals for the Synagogue including finding pathways to participate in the larger community. My interest in serving on the Personnel Board stems from my desire to take part in supporting the Town of Los Gatos, its employees, and administration. It is a position where I can use my experience to give back to the community by helping ensure a safe, supportive working environment for our civic workers who are essential to the welfare of Los Gatos. I feel that I can be a positive, engaged and active member of the Personnel Board because of my dedication to find just outcomes for conflict within our community and the workplace. I would look upon serving as a board member as a great responsibility to not be taken lightly. The issues that we will be discussing are personal, emotional, delicate and even uneasy for some. My strengths are as a listener, mediator, and problem solver. I want to utilize my skills to help the Board work effectively together to resolve the issues set before us. 3 of 6 Have you ever attended a Personnel Board meeting? If yes, please provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? What do you see as the role of this Board? I recently learned about the availability of joining the Personnel Board Commission and have not yet been able to attend a meeting. If I were to be selected, I will seek out amy videos, or board minutes that are available prior to my first meeting with the board. I see the Personnel Board as check and balance to ensure a just and equitable process for appeals relative to any grievance, disciplinary action, or alleged violation of Town ordinance by a Town employee. It is essential that our Town employees feel that they work in a safe enviroment where they are protected when important issues arise because of violations in the workplace. Both the agrieved and the accused must feel that the process to reach a decision on the issue is fair and just. Those involved should know that multiple individuals who represent the community will participate in listening, analyzing, and addressing the issues that affect the welfare of our Town employees. Making decisions type of issues should not be set upon on person. They should be adjudicated by a committee whose members do not have a personal stake in the outcome. The type of issues put forth the the Board are deeply personal to indivduals involved and the Board must serve as a trusted arbitrator of decisions. Everyone who leaves a Board meeting should come away with a deep understanding as to the evidence and reasons why the decisions were made. 4 of 6 What is your experience with labor relations and unionized environments? What is your experience with personnel or human resources, specifically in regard to disciplines and appeals? When I worked in Human Resources at Tesla, I experienced the struggles of employees who were seeking the protections of a union. Those who brought up forming a union during meetings, or even in personal conversation were shunned and aggressively gone after by company management. It was difficult to hear some of the struggles of employees who were seeking a union not just to fight for more compensation, rather they needed to feel protected, and supported in what was felt to be an unsafe environment. To this day the same struggle continues for the employees. I am not certain that forming a union would solve all of the issues, but it would be a start to a much safer enviroment free of physical danger, emotional distress, discrimination, harassment, and unfair labor practices. This past election I ran to be a member of my local High School Board of Trustees. During my candidacy, I met with members of the teachers union and went through intense questioning as I was seeking the support of the teachers union. It was an eye opening experience in which I saw and felt both the positives and potential negatives of an extreemly strong union. I felt that the leadership demanded a great deal from the School District and their tone was as an adversary rather than a partner. As I was questioned, it seemed that they were not willing to support anyone who had even the slightest disagreement with their vision. It felt like the leadership created built in dysfunction with their approach. At the same time, I completely understood their need to feel protected in the workplace. The struggles that teachers described were well beyond the stereotype of their just wanting more money. I listened closely to each individual who openly shared their experiences with me and it gave me a greater understanding of their need for a union. In my dissussions with current School Board members I found that the attitude towards the union by some to be a hinderence to generating a trusting relationship with the union. I believe that in labor relations it is imperative for management and union leaders to come together without prejudice. The relationship should be that as partners for achieving success. I worked for over a year in the Human Resources department at Tesla. There I served as a first point of contact for employees, workplace policy trainer for new employees, and I worked in the Learning and Development Department to rewrite and create the training for managers regarding understanind workplace legal regulations and policies for sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying. Regarding discipline and appeals, I worked with Human Resource Business Partners who were interviewing employees regarding personal issues. I helped gather information from the individuals involved and presented the matters to the HRBP in charge of the investigation. I was not part of the discipline and appeal process. I did however, hear anecdotal complaints from employees who trusted me in confidence to share their experiences. Often, the employees felt that their voices were not heard, evidence was overlooked and in general the process seemed to be broken. 5 of 6 What knowledge or experience do you have in regard to personnel boards in other agencies? Assuming you have read the Town’s Personnel Rules, what thoughts or comments do you have related to fairness and enforceability of the rules? As I mentioned above, I have experience working at Tesla with how one company's Human Resources function when dealing with personnel. I also have experience in writing policy as well as training employees to follow best practices in hopes of avoiding any of these types of issues that arise and are put forth to personnel boards. Unfortunately, the majority of my experiences were witnessing a dysfunctional system which needed to be changed in order for employees to feel as if there were just resolutions available when issues arised that made them feel unsafe in their work environment. Upon reading the Town Personnel Rules one of the things that comes to mind is the presentation of these rules when onboarding a new employee. I do not know how these rules are presented to new employees, but I hope that they are made quite clear and are discussed and presented in a way in which they are understood. I see that within the appeals processes there are strict timelines which must be aheared to which when misunderstood or not known it can lead to cases where an employee may feel as if the process was not fair or unjust as often mandatory dates seem arbitrary. I have been in cases where as a new employee a document such as this written in 'legalese' was handed to me with no further explanation. Often is the case when an employee disregards a deep look at the rules and processes in their workplace and it is to the detriment of the employee and the employer when this happens. Prior to an employee being able to appeal it seems that within the process the Town Manager has tremendous power in the outcome of the proceedings. In this instance, an employee who feels agrieved may make the matter become quite personal if they have any type of relationship with the Town Manager. This can lead to an immediate rejection of the decsions made and will end up quickly in the appeals process. I am not necessarily disagreeing with the great responsibilities allowed to the Town Manager, rather I am just taking a look at it from the potenial view of a Town employee. I believe that there is a clear process for rules to be enforced. As I have stated before, it is important to not only look at these rules and regulations but also the training that employees receive to ensure their understanding. One note that I would like to include is that by the document I read it appears that the rules and policies have not been updated since 1994. As workplace life has changed, employee protections enhanced and Human Resources functions have evolved, I believe that the Personnel Rules and Regulations should be analyzed and updated. I do not know the Town Process for this big endeavor, but if part of the question presented before me is regarding the 'fairness' of the rules then it is my contention that the Town should ensure that our policies are reassessed according to current best practives in the workplace. 6 of 6 Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] I was a previous candidate for a different Commission and it has been important 11/27/2023David Sabes 1 of 10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirements: A resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES • Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. • All appointed applicants are required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. • Applicants appointed to the Planning Commission are also required to complete Ethics Training AB 1234 every two years. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET PHONE: EMERG EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Jeffrey Barnett Retired Over forty years 2 of 10 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? Education University of California, Berkeley BA degree in Political Science. Distinction in General Scholarship; Honors Program Completed with great distinction. University of Santa Clara, School of Law. Magna Cum Laude Volunteer Positions Leadership Los Gatos Planned Development Study Committee General Plan Advisory Committee Planning Commission (January 1, 2020-December 31, 2023). Chair 2023 Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (2020-2023). Chair 2020-2023 Objective Standards Study Subcommittee Past director of San Jose Kiwanis Past director of Rotary Club of Los Gatos Experience Legal practice 1974-1999, specializing in real estate and construction I have lived in the Town of Los Gatos for over forty years. It has a very special place in my heart because of its natural beauty, charm, tightknit community, wonderful neighbors, numerous community resources and, as well, the tremendous schools which have provided excellent educations for my three children. It has been a true privilege to serve the Town through many years as a volunteer. Having a small part in shaping its future has been very rewarding, as has been working together with so many intelligent, dedicated and caring citizen volunteers, as well our highly professional staff members. As a continuing member of the Planning Commission, I aspire to assist the Town in shaping its physical and economic development. I welcome the challenge of making difficult land use decisions which require careful thought to the often valid competing interests. 3 of 10 How would you define the role of a Planning Commissioner in relation to the Town Council in planning matters? Have you ever attended or viewed a Planning Commission meeting? If yes, please note which meeting you viewed or attended and provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? https://meetings.municode.com/PublishPage/index?cid=LOSGATOS&ppid=a7cef0f9-a4a2-40e7-a6e3- 056a78898413&p=1 In the broadest sense, the Town Council establishes the Planning Commission and determines its rules, procedures, and standards. California Government Code 65102. Section 29.20.750 of the Los Gatos Municipal Code sets forth the duties of the Planning Commission, many of which relate to the Town Council. Some examples include: hearing and providing recommendations regarding all proposals for adoption and amendment of the general plan; hearing and providing recommendations for all proposals for adoption and amendment of specific plans; hearing and providing recommendations to the Town Council concerning proposals for zone changes, pre-zonings, and amendments to Chapter 20 of the Town Code, and forwarding a recommendation to the Town Council concerning mobile home park conversion permit applications. Additionally, the Planning Commission participates with the Town Council in study sessions such as our meeting of September 12th, held to review important State housing laws including Senate Bill 330, The Builder's Remedy, The Density Bonus Law, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). I do not recall missing any Planning Commission meetings during my four year tenure. I have certainly missed portions of some meetings because of recusals based on my home's proximity to the site or because I determined that I have a conflict of interest. My observations are that the Staff Reports are well written, the Planning Commissoners are prepared, and the hearings are conducted with courtesy, and with attention paid to the submissions and testimony of the applicants, appellants and the public. 4 of 10 How will you demonstrate impartiality in your role as a Commissioner with your personal beliefs with regards to land use and planning policies? The Commission is expected to demonstrate knowledge of the Town Code and its land use and planning policies. What experience do you have that would be useful on the Commission? I have demonstrated impartiality during my four years on the Planning Commission. I carefully review the Staff reports, and consider the presentations made by Staff, applicants, appellants and members of the community. Polite questions to the parties, and confirmation of their talking points, demonstrates respect for their opinions and broadminded interest in the matter. I bring bring open-mindedness to all meetings. Many times my preliminary thoughts on a matter have changed based on evidence presented at the hearing and insights of my fellow Commissioners. Through my service on the Planning Commission and Conceptual Development Advisory Committee, I have become familiar with applicable provisions of the Town Code and the Town planning policies. These include the Zoning Code, Residential Design Guidelines, Commercial Design Guidelines, Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines, and Objective Design Standards. Futher, my training as an attorney for over forty years has been useful in applying the Town Code and land use policies to specific factual contexts. 5 of 10 How would you describe your approach to planning and how it would relate to making a land use or policy determination? The Planning Commission meets at least twice a month and requires a significant amount of homework. Are you prepared to make the commitment to spend the amount of time required to attend regular meetings, committee meetings, do site visits, and study the packet material?  Yes  No You are expected to serve on at least one other Committee (General Plan Committee, Historic Preservation Committee, Conceptual Development Advisory Board). Will you have the time to serve on the additional Committee?  Yes  No CASE STUDY: All Planning Commission applications must include the two completed case studies (see next page). Please complete the case studies before submitting your signed application. Thank you. I do not have a specific agenda as a Commissioner. My approach to land use decisions is to adhere to California laws and to the Town ordinances and policies of the Town, including the grant of variances when warranted. As Planning Commissioners we must, within the constraints of the law, protect what makes our Town special, including appropriate architecture, protecting the character of our neighborhoods, historic preservation, streetscapes, tree protection, hillside views, and traffic safety. The question below concerning service on another committee should be checked yes, but that part form of the Application is inoperable. 6 of 10 PLANNING COMMISSION CASE STUDY #1 – Fictitious Location PROPERTY LOCATION: 170 Smith Boulevard PROPERTY OWNER: John Smith APPLICANT: Superior Commercial Development OVERVIEW: Existing Proposed General Plan Designation Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Zoning Designation C-1 C-1 Existing Use Vacant Vacant Property Size 15,000 Square Feet PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to construct a 10,000-square foot two-story office building with underground parking that will be 32 feet tall. The maximum height allowed by Town Code is 35 feet and the maximum lot coverage would allow a 15,000-square foot building. The surrounding area on Smith Boulevard is comprised of other commercial buildings and single-family homes are located behind the existing parcel. NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: The surrounding neighborhood is divided on the issue of development. Some of the neighboring property owners are in support of the project and think it will provide needed office space, while others are opposed to the project because they feel it will create a significant traffic impact. PROCESS: • The proposed project has been reviewed by staff and complies with all of the Town’s technical requirements. • A Traffic Impact Analysis has been prepared by the Town’s Traffic Consultant. • The Traffic Impact analysis shows that there would not be a significant traffic impact based on the Town’s existing traffic policies. • There are a number of residents at the Planning Commission meeting opposing the proposed project based on potential traffic impacts. What is your initial reaction to the above referenced project? On first consideration, this application appears straightforward. Often there are issues related to height and FAR in large commercial developments, but none are presented here. Office buildings are certainly allowed in the C-1 Zone, and contribute to the economic vitality of the Town. However, as with the Consulting Architect's response letter, traffic consultant reports must be given careful consideration, and weight, but are not binding on the Planning Commission. Traffic impacts may be somewhat mitigated through the use of appropriate signage. Section 6.8.3 of the Commercial Design Guidelines requires that signs provide easy visibility from passing vehicles so as to reduce backups from slowly moving vehicles looking for a business location. Protection of the single-family homes behind the existing parcel from excess noise, privacy reduction and loss of views may ulimately be necessary, although the focus of the residents' current concern is on traffic impacts. 7 of 10 What issues do you feel will need to be investigated further? How would you weigh your personal observations or experience regarding traffic and the professional input and recommendations of Town staff and Town consultants? The observations and experiences of concerned neighbors regarding existing traffic conditions must be seriously considered in combination with the report of the Traffic Consultant. The observations and concerns of neighbors may be based on their experiences as drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. They are a avaluable source of information to the Planning Commisson. Potential mitigation measures might include relocating ingress and egress points, modifying signal lights and signage as well as the imposition of traffic calming controls. Traffic safety and congestion are very serious issues in Los Gatos. They should be evaluated as part of the review of applications for commercial improvements and, as well, dense residential developments. When observing a site in preparation for a Planning Commission hearing, I watch the surrounding traffic conditions. And, of course, I may have an opinion concening relevant traffic patterns based on my long experience as a resident of the Town. This personal experience provides me with important perspectives on the actual field conditions. As noted the traffic report prepared by the Consultant is entitled to weight, but not deference. 8 of 10 PLANNING COMMISSION CASE STUDY #2 – Fictitious Location PROPERTY OWNER: John Smith APPLICANT: Design, Inc. OVERVIEW: Existing Proposed General Plan Designation Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Zoning Designation R-1:8 R-1:8 Existing Use Residential Residential Property Size 8,000 Square Feet 8,000 Square Feet PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to demolish an existing one-story residence and construct a new 2,500-square foot two-story residence with a 700-square foot attached garage. The proposed two-story residence will be 29 feet tall and have a lot coverage of 31 percent. The maximum allowable floor area for the home is 2,608 square feet and 733 square feet for the garage. The maximum height allowed by Town Code is 30 feet and the maximum allowable lot coverage is 40 percent. The proposed home will result in the largest home in the immediate neighborhood in terms of square footage and floor area. The surrounding area on Rose Street is comprised of one and two-story single-family residences. NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: The surrounding neighborhood is divided on the issue of the construction of a new two-story residence. Some of the neighboring property owners think the proposed two-story residence will be compatible with the neighborhood, while others are opposed to the project because they feel it will not be compatible with the neighborhood in terms of bulk and mass. Additionally, privacy impacts to the adjacent one-story homes on either side have also been submitted. PROCESS: • The proposed project has been reviewed by staff and complies with all of the Town’s objective standards. • A report has been prepared by the Town’s Consulting Architect that the project complies with the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines. • There are a number of residents at the Planning Commission meeting opposing the proposed project based on potential privacy impacts and concerns with neighborhood compatibility. What is your initial reaction to the above referenced project? This precise scenario presents itself often at Planning Commission meetings. Property owners have many incentives to build large homes in existing residential areas. These include accommodating large familes and using the land to its full economic potential given its scarcity and the land costs in Los Gatos. Frequently the concerns for privacy by the immediate neighbors must be addressed, together will an analysis of the projects compatability with the neighborhood, including bulk and mass. All the merits and demerits of the applications must be carefully examined. The devil is in the details. 9 of 10 What issues do you feel will need to be investigated further? How would you weigh your personal observations or experience regarding neighborhood compatibility and privacy and the professional input and recommendations of Town staff and the Town consultant? Site visits and a careful review of the plans provide valuable perspectives to the Commissioners on the impacts that would be created by the proposed project, including the stated concerns regarding compatability with the neighborhood and the personal privacy of the neighbors. Observing the larger neighborhood is important to understand developing trends on the street and in nearby areas. It is important to remember that the Towns limitations on height, FAR and square footage are maximums, and not targets to be met. An application may be within allowable parameters, as is described in this Case Study, but still be unacceptable because of other factors. For example, the Residential Design Guidelines require that homes will respect the scale and character of the immediate neighborhoods, including mass, bulk and scale, the existing FAR's, residential square footages and lot sizes in the neighborhood. Although Case Study #2 posits that the Town's Consulting Architect found that the project complies with the Residential Design Guidelines, it should again be remembered that under Council Resolution 2014-040 the Planning Commission may consider the architectural consultant's recommendations or alternatives as one of a number of factors that may be used in the consideration of any development project submitted to the Town. The Planning Commission may use its independent discretion in evaluating the recommendations of the Architectural Consultant, and may approve any design that meets all applicable Town Design Guidelines, ordinances, specific plan and the General Plan. Here the Planning Commission might address the bulk and mass concerns as well as privacy objections in many ways, including stepping back the second story, suggesting building the second story into the existing roof, increasing setbacks, requiring opaque glass in sensitive locations, requiring a one foot lattice on the six foot boundary fence, and other design elements referenced in Section 2Neighborhood Patternsin the Residential Design Guidelines. My points above provide my opinion regarding the importance of attentively observing the site and the immediate and larger neighborhoods. Although there is always an element of subjectivity in making decisions on neighborhood compatibility and privacy, as a Commissioner I examine the information and recommendations furnished by Staff, the report of theConsulting Architect, information and opiions of the applicant, the appellant, the members of the public, and the thoughts of my fellow Commissioners when formulating my opinions concerning compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines. The Consulting Architect's elevations depicting the heights and sizes of neighborhood homes are quite useful, as is the Staff's comparison of the lot sizes, square footage and FARs of the immediate neighbors in relation to the existing and proposed home. It is extremely rare for the Planning Commission to craft a motion that fully satisfies all the concerns of the stakeholders. However, the Planning Commissioners often find compromises that are generally acceptable to the parties. Of course, some approvals or denials will inevitably be appealed to the Town Council. 10 of 10 Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] October 31, 2023Jeffrey A. Barnett 11/9/2023 1 of 10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Contact: Clerk Department 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 or Clerk@LosGatosCA.gov General eligibility requirements: A resident of the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos. Other requirements may apply to specific Boards, Commissions, or Committees. If you would like to apply for more than one Board, Commission, or Committee, please complete a separate application for that particular Board, Commission, or Committee. Please note you may only serve on one Board, Commission, or Committee. Only applications for current openings will be considered at this time. Qualified applicants will be notified and must interview with Town Council to be considered for appointment. For more information about each Board, Commission, and Committee (e.g., responsibilities, meeting date, time, and frequency, agendas, and minutes), please visit Boards, Commissions & Committees | The Los Gatos CA Official Site!. IMPORTANT NOTICES •Please note that all information provided on the application becomes a public record after it is officially filed and will be included in the interview agenda packet. •All appointed applicants are required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) annually, which are also a public record. •Applicants appointed to the Planning Commission are also required to complete Ethics Training AB 1234 every two years. FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: STREET PHONE EMERG EMPLOYER: JOB TITLE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN LOS GATOS? Emily Thomas Saint Francis High School Teacher About 25 years ATTACHMENT 1 2 of 10 Please list what experience, education, or volunteer positions that you have held. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? Experience: I have served on the Planning Commission since January 2021. In that time I have also been on the General Plan Update Advisory Committee, Housing Element Advisory Board, and General Plan Committee. I also served on the first Youth Commission in Los Gatos (many years ago!). Education: B.S. Environmental Science, Santa Clara University MSc. Ecosystem Services, University of Edinburgh M.A. Teaching, Santa Clara University I am interested in continuing to serve on the Planning Commission because I am extremely invested in the future of the Town of Los Gatos. As an (almost) lifelong resident I care about the current and future economic, social, and environmental sustainability of our Town. I think that my perspective, experience, and skills have allowed me to contribute to key decisions as a Planning Commissioner and member of the General Plan Update Advisory Committee, Housing Element Advisory Board, and General Plan Committee. I believe that local civic engagement is an important part of the success of our democracy and I have the privilege to spend the time and energy required to be on the Planning Commission. 3 of 10 How would you define the role of a Planning Commissioner in relation to the Town Council in planning matters? Have you ever attended or viewed a Planning Commission meeting? If yes, please note which meeting you viewed or attended and provide a summary of your observation. If not, why not? https://meetings.municode.com/PublishPage/index?cid=LOSGATOS&ppid=a7cef0f9-a4a2-40e7-a6e3- 056a78898413&p=1 The role of a Planning Commissioner in relation to the Town Council in planning matters includes the following: to make recommendations and review projects. Each of these "hats" requires a different approach as a Commissioner and relates to Town Council in planning matters in different ways. When a Planning Commissioner is making a recommendation, their role is to discuss, analyze, and ultimately advise the Town Council on a specific topic or policy recommendation. This can come in the form of thoughtful and thorough discussion on a topic, a specific direction on a policy, or approval of a policy document such as the General Plan or Housing Element. In these scenarios, a Planning Commissioner is providing advice and perspective to Town Council, who will ultimately make the final decision. When reviewing projects, a Planning Commissioner is acting in their quasi-judicial role. These decisions can be less relevant to Town Council, unless the decision of the Planning Commission is appealed. In the case of an appeal. The Planning Commissions' minutes and decision will be provided to Town Council who will be making a final decision on a project. Overall, a Planning Commissioner's work should be supporting the work of Town Council when it comes to planning matters. Yes, I have been on the Planning Commission since January 2021. 4 of 10 How will you demonstrate impartiality in your role as a Commissioner with your personal beliefs with regards to land use and planning policies? The Commission is expected to demonstrate knowledge of the Town Code and its land use and planning policies. What experience do you have that would be useful on the Commission? Maintaining impartiality in the role as a Commissioner is extremely important, but my strategy varies depending on the "hat" I am wearing. As a scientist and teacher, acknowledging and counteracting bias is something that I have a lot of experience doing on a daily basis. I might have personal opinions about land use, however, as a Commissioner I do not let my personal beliefs influence my decision making on specific projects. I believe the most effective way to demonstrate impartiality is by being prepared for meetings and making concrete findings. This includes reading staff reports and exhibits, listening to public comment, and referring back to the appropriate sections of the General Plan and/or Town Code. Making sound findings by relying on staff reports, expert/consultant input, and citing Town Code helps me to remain impartial when it comes to making a decision about land use. Another "hat" Planning Commissioners wear is acting as an advisory body, which can inform planning policies. In this case, I demonstrate my impartiality through approaching a discussion or agenda item with a lens of various stakeholders in the community, listening to public comment, and referring to priorities of the Town to provide recommendations on policy. I also do not hesitate to state that I am unsure about something and want to hear more from the public, staff, and/or other Commissioners to inform my decision making. I have served on the Planning Commission in the Town of Los Gatos since January 2021. Town Code including its land use and planning policies. During my time as a commissioner, I have also participated in the writing of the 2040 General Plan and Housing Element. My experience on the General Plan Committee provides me with the knowledge and perspective of the town's current land use and planning goals, policies, and implementation programs that will be driving decision-making for the next two decades. Although I have a lot of experience reading and interpreting the Town Code, I also know who to reach out to (Town Staff and/or Town Attorney) for clarification. 5 of 10 How would you describe your approach to planning and how it would relate to making a land use or policy determination? The Planning Commission meets at least twice a month and requires a significant amount of homework. Are you prepared to make the commitment to spend the amount of time required to attend regular meetings, committee meetings, do site visits, and study the packet material?  Yes  No You are expected to serve on at least one other Committee (General Plan Committee, Historic Preservation Committee, Conceptual Development Advisory Board). Will you have the time to serve on the additional Committee?  Yes  No CASE STUDY: All Planning Commission applications must include the two completed case studies (see next page). Please complete the case studies before submitting your signed application. Thank you. My personal approach to planning is through prioritizing sustainability and equity. I value a comprehensive approach that strives to address the current social, economic, and environmental issues facing the Town so that all members of the community can thrive. Sometimes this approach is relevant to my role as a Planning Commissioner, such as my contributions to the 2040 General Plan and Housing Element, both of which inform policy in Town. Othertimes, this approach is not relevant because I am making a decision on a specific project. In these cases my approach to making land use or policy determination is very analytical. As a scientist, I use evidence to come to conclusions and make decisions; as a Planning Commissioner, I make findings! I always refer back to the policies and goals in the General Plan, Town Code, and the current town priorities set by the Town Council. In addition, I rely on expert opinions and reports including those from Town Staff, Town consultants, and the Town Attorney before making a land use or policy determination. n 6 of 10 PLANNING COMMISSION CASE STUDY #1 – Fictitious Location PROPERTY LOCATION: 170 Smith Boulevard PROPERTY OWNER: John Smith APPLICANT: Superior Commercial Development OVERVIEW: Existing Proposed General Plan Designation Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Zoning Designation C-1 C-1 Existing Use Vacant Vacant Property Size 15,000 Square Feet PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to construct a 10,000-square foot two-story office building with underground parking that will be 32 feet tall. The maximum height allowed by Town Code is 35 feet and the maximum lot coverage would allow a 15,000-square foot building. The surrounding area on Smith Boulevard is comprised of other commercial buildings and single-family homes are located behind the existing parcel. NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: The surrounding neighborhood is divided on the issue of development. Some of the neighboring property owners are in support of the project and think it will provide needed office space, while others are opposed to the project because they feel it will create a significant traffic impact. PROCESS: • The proposed project has been reviewed by staff and complies with all of the Town’s technical requirements. • A Traffic Impact Analysis has been prepared by the Town’s Traffic Consultant. • The Traffic Impact analysis shows that there would not be a significant traffic impact based on the Town’s existing traffic policies. • There are a number of residents at the Planning Commission meeting opposing the proposed project based on potential traffic impacts. What is your initial reaction to the above referenced project? My initial reaction is that the proposed project meets the Town Code and, from the information provided, is compatible with the community. In addition, I am not surprised the neighborhood is divided on their support of the project due to concerns about traffic, which is a common concern amongst residents when new development is proposed. I would expect a number of residents to provide public comment about the project at the Planning Commission meeting. As a Planning Commissioner I would be ready to listen to public comment and take residents' concerns into account when considering a motion on the project. I would also be prepared to ask questions to staff that highlight the key takeaways from the Traffic Impact analysis in attempts to appease residents' concerns. 7 of 10 What issues do you feel will need to be investigated further? How would you weigh your personal observations or experience regarding traffic and the professional input and recommendations of Town staff and Town consultants? Some issues that I feel will need to be investigated further include the Town's existing traffic policies, the reasons the neighbors are concerned about traffic, and the details of the Traffic Impact analysis. In addition, I have the following list of questions for staff, the applicant, and/or potential public speakers: - How did the applicant engage with the neighbors throughout the planning process? - What are the main concerns regarding traffic from the neighbors? Increased wait times, pedestrian and cyclist safety, or something else? - What specific traffic calming measures would make residents more comfortable with the development? - What traffic mitigation strategies is the applicant willing to adopt? - What traffic calming measures could be legally included as conditions of approval? - Does this project help the Town maintain a balanced, well-designed mix of land uses? - What modifications can be made or additional measures can be implemented to increase ease of pedestrian use and reduce vehicle miles traveled? - How will the applicant ensure that the architectural style is consistent with existing development in the area? - Other than traffic, are there any other perceived impacts of this project on infrastructure? - Are there any major environmental concerns associated with the project? - What are the conclusions of the Environmental Impact Assessment? I would value the professional input and recommendations of the Town staff and Town consultants and use that information to drive decision-making. Although I might have personal experience or observations regarding traffic, it is my responsibility as a Commissioner to listen to the public's concerns and make decisions and/or recommendations based on professional input from staff, the General Plan, and any applicable town policies and codes. 8 of 10 PLANNING COMMISSION CASE STUDY #2 – Fictitious Location PROPERTY OWNER: John Smith APPLICANT: Design, Inc. OVERVIEW: Existing Proposed General Plan Designation Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Zoning Designation R-1:8 R-1:8 Existing Use Residential Residential Property Size 8,000 Square Feet 8,000 Square Feet PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to demolish an existing one-story residence and construct a new 2,500-square foot two-story residence with a 700-square foot attached garage. The proposed two-story residence will be 29 feet tall and have a lot coverage of 31 percent. The maximum allowable floor area for the home is 2,608 square feet and 733 square feet for the garage. The maximum height allowed by Town Code is 30 feet and the maximum allowable lot coverage is 40 percent. The proposed home will result in the largest home in the immediate neighborhood in terms of square footage and floor area. The surrounding area on Rose Street is comprised of one and two-story single-family residences. NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: The surrounding neighborhood is divided on the issue of the construction of a new two-story residence. Some of the neighboring property owners think the proposed two-story residence will be compatible with the neighborhood, while others are opposed to the project because they feel it will not be compatible with the neighborhood in terms of bulk and mass. Additionally, privacy impacts to the adjacent one-story homes on either side have also been submitted. PROCESS: • The proposed project has been reviewed by staff and complies with all of the Town’s objective standards. • A report has been prepared by the Town’s Consulting Architect that the project complies with the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines. • There are a number of residents at the Planning Commission meeting opposing the proposed project based on potential privacy impacts and concerns with neighborhood compatibility. What is your initial reaction to the above referenced project? My initial reaction is that the proposed project meets Town Code, complies with objective standards, and complies with Residential Design Guidelines, however the neighbors' concerns and overall neighborhood compatibility and privacy need to be heard and taken into account. I would anticipate this project to have many public comments about privacy and neighborhood compatibility that would need to be considered and discussed before the Commission would be ready to vote on the project. In addition, I would anticipate that this project might require some additional conditions of approval, therefore, I would be ready to offer recommendations to improve the viability of the project and reduce the risk of an appeal to Town Council. 9 of 10 What issues do you feel will need to be investigated further? How would you weigh your personal observations or experience regarding neighborhood compatibility and privacy and the professional input and recommendations of Town staff and the Town consultant? Some issues that I feel will need to be investigated further include completing a site visit to see the story poles and investigate the neighborhood compatibility. In addition, I have the following list of questions for staff, the applicant, and/or potential public speakers: - How did the applicant engage with the neighbors throughout the planning process? - Did the applicant consider below-ground square footage in lieu of above ground square footage? - Are there any changes or mitigation strategies the applicant is willing to adopt to reduce the mass, bulk, or address neighbors' concerns? - What specific concerns do neighbors have regarding bulk and mass? - Are there specific changes the neighbors are asking for? Are they reasonable? - Is there a way to reduce bulk and mass without compromising the integrity of the project? - Can the footprint of the house be moved to reduce privacy concerns? In this scenario I would make sure to do a site visit to investigate the wider-neighborhood compatibility. This project would be on the Planning Commission agenda most likely because the proposed project would be the largest home in the immediate neighborhood in terms of square footage and FAR. The immediate neighborhood includes just the surrounding properties, but neighborhood compatibility requires a look at a wider area. A site visit would allow me to determine overall neighborhood compatibility. Some of the things I would look for when conducting this site visit to determine neighborhood compatibility would be: - the bulk and mass of the structure compared to other homes in the neighborhood - setbacks - architectural style, color, and materials - garage type and location Additional things I would look at with regards to neighbor privacy concerns would include: - comparison of the current structure and new structure footprint - setbacks - window sizes and directions - second-story balconies - current and potential landscape screening In addition, I would look over and refer to the Consulting Architect's report with regards to the compliance of the Residential Design Guidelines. With regards to privacy, I would not take my personal opinions into account and would instead listen to residents, the applicant, and Town staff's recommendations. F i th Pl i C i i I ld ti i t th t i i l t i thi 10 of 10 Please let us know how you heard about the recruitment:  Town Website  Social Media  Chamber of Commerce  Town Newsletter  Friend / Neighbor  KCAT Ad  Los Gatos Weekly Ad  Town Meeting  Other ______________________  Los Gatan Ad  Service Group The application deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 10, 2023. Applications received after the deadline will be held for the next recruitment. Interviews are scheduled on December 6, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and may be subject to change. You will be notified via email the week of November 20th of the interview details and be requested to RSVP no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023. All applicants are required to be interviewed to be considered for appointment as a Commissioner. I understand the scheduled interview date and time is Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Signature: Date: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERVIEW PROCESS, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY [28 CFR §35.102-35.104] n I am currently on the PC 11/09/2023