05 Staff Report.Wayfinding signage PREPARED BY: Gary Heap Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Police Chief, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/05/2023 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: November 20, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Parking Program Implementation-Wayfinding Signage (CIP No. 813-0242): a. Approve the Plans and Specifications; and b. Authorize Advertising the Project for Bid RECOMMENDATION: Parking Program Implementation-Wayfinding Signage (CIP No. 813-0242): a. Approve the Plans and Specifications (Attachment 1); and b. Authorize Advertising the Project for Bid. BACKGROUND: On December 17, 2019, the Town Council received the Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study from Dixon Resources Unlimited (DIXON). The Parking Study identified wayfinding as a strategy to efficiently manage parking, improve the visitor experience, and enhance vehicle traffic flow. On January 26, 2021, the Town Council reaffirmed the commitment to the Parking Roadmap with the adoption of the Strategic Priorities FY 2021-2023. One of the initial Town Council priorities was to enhance wayfinding signage and new parking program branding to assist visitors in finding a convenient parking space. In November 2021, work began with Hunt Design on the Downtown Wayfinding Master Plan. Hunt Design conducted an analysis of the existing conditions and presented design styles. Through a series of collaborative meetings with Town staff, Hunt Design has developed scale models of several different styles of wayfinding and destination signage for the Town Council to consider. On March 15, 2022, Town Council approved moving forward with Design Style B as depicted in Attachment 3 Final Design Intent. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Approve Plans & Specifications for Parking Program Implementation-Wayfinding Signage (CIP No. 813-0242) DATE: November 20, 2023 DISCUSSION: After Town Council approved moving forward with Design Style B, Town staff worked with Hunt Design to review messaging and locations for each sign type. At the conclusion of the staff review, Hunt Design came to Los Gatos on March 2, 2023 with several full-size Design Style B mockup signs to identify exact locations, sign sizes, and mounting requirements. In attendance of the mock-up walking tour was staff from Parks and Public Works, Police Department, Community Development, Economic Vitality, and the Town Manager. Hunt Design then prepared a Wayfinding Master Plan report, bid documents, and cost estimates. Wayfinding improvement is planned as a multi-phased process with improvements to static signage first and exploration of vehicle occupancy counting and dynamic electronic signage as a future option pending identification of a funding source. This project is different from a typical construction project since the contractor that is awarded the contract will be responsible for both the manufacturing of the signs per the Messaging Schedule (Attachment 2) and the Final Design Intent (Attachment 3) documents prepared by Hunt Design. The final design package that will be advertised includes the project specifications (Attachment 1) and the two Hunt documents referenced. If Council approves this agenda item, the project schedule is as follows: Advertise Project for Bid December 8, 2023 Bid Opening January 19, 2024 Town Council Award of Contract February 20, 2024 Expected Notice to Proceed March 18, 2024 Project Completion August 30, 2024 CONCLUSION: Approval of the recommendations would allow staff to move forward with bidding for Wayfinding Signage Project. COORDINATION: This report was coordinated with the Parks and Public Works Department, Office of Economic Vitality, Police Department, Community Development, and the Town Manager’s Office. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Approve Plans & Specifications for Parking Program Implementation-Wayfinding Signage (CIP No. 813-0242) DATE: November 20, 2023 FISCAL IMPACT: The cost estimate for this package of wayfinding signs is $287,200. The adopted Fiscal Year 2023/24 – 2027/28 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for this project is shown in the table below: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project as defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. Wayfinding Sign Specifications 2. Message Schedule 3. Final Design Intent Budget Costs GFAR 598,500$ Total Budget 598,500$ Costs Consultant and Construction Costs (Including Encumbrances)275,420$ Misc. Project Costs 892$ Temp Staff Charges 1,934$ Total Costs 278,245$ Available Balance 320,255$ Parking Program Implementation CIP No. 813-0242