18 Attachment 6. Summary of Code of Conduct Provisions from Other Couny JurisdictionsAtachment 6 Summary of Code of Conduct Provisions from Other County of Santa Clara Jurisdic�ons City of Campbell • Code of Conduct focuses on conflicts of interest and requires recusal for perceived conflicts of interest • Provides that any Board or Commission member may be removed by majority vote of Council City of Cuper�no • Has adopted an Ethics Policy o Provides that Board and Commission members may be removed by a majority vote of the Council City of Gilroy • Has adopted City Council Norms – does not contain discipline procedures City of Los Altos • Separate policy regarding admoni�on and censure • Applies to City Council only • Requires two viola�ons of law or policy and a warning prior to censure • Censure adopted by resolu�on • Three or more Councilmembers may place discipline or removal of a Board or Commission member on a Town Council agenda City of Mountain View • Board and Commission conduct addressed in one chapter of Council Code of Conduct • Board or Commission member subject to removal by 4/5 vote of Council City of San Jose • Joint Council/Commission Code of Conduct – focus on avoiding perceived conflicts of interest • Council Conduct Policy o Council may ini�ate an inves�ga�on of allega�ons o Provides for remedies of admoni�on, sanc�on, and censure Atachment 6 City of Saratoga • Adopted Resolu�on Establishing a Code of Ethics o Aspira�onal statements o No discipline procedures City of Sunnyvale • Separate policy for Board and Commission members • Counseling, verbal reprimands, and writen warnings given by Mayor privately • Censure imposed by a majority of the City Council publicly • Board or Commission member can be removed by 4/5 vote of Council for enumerated reasons