12 Staff Report.Agenda Format and Rules Policy Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 11/21/2023 ITEM NO: 12 DATE: November 14, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Approve Modifications to Town Council Policy 2-01: Agenda Format and Rules RECOMMENDATION: Approve modifications to Town Council Policy 2-01: Agenda Format and Rules Policy. BACKGROUND: In June 2023, the Town Council held a retreat and identified the following values that should guide the way Council members and staff engage with community members and how the Council would like community members to engage at Council members and other forums: • Be respectful, welcoming, inclusive, compassionate, and kind to each other, • Appreciate the diversity of perspectives and views in our community, • Express your views and share your perspectives in helpful ways, • Listen to understand and empathize with each other, and • Collaborate and work together to do what is best for Los Gatos. On September 5, 2023, the Town Council discussed the use of these community values at Council meetings. Council also discussed playing the civility video at the beginning of the meeting and had consensus that it was no longer necessary. Council provided direction to staff to modify the agenda format by consolidating the preamble language, removing the civility language, adding language regarding the Town values, and updating the Town Council Policy 2- 01: Agenda Format and Rules accordingly. PAGE 2 of 3 SUBJECT: Approve Modifications to the Agenda Format and Rules Policy DATE: November 14, 2023 DISCUSSION: Attachment 1 contains a redline of the Agenda Format and Rules Policy to incorporate the direction of the Town Council. Section Q entitled “Behavior Expectations and Consequences at Town Council Meetings” is proposed to be modified to read: At each meeting, the Mayor should welcome the public to participate in the meetings, understanding that the purpose of the meeting is to conduct the important business of the Town in an efficient and effective manner. At each meeting, the Mayor may promote constructive communication by asking Council members, staff, and community members to embrace and adhere to the following values: • Be respectful, welcoming, inclusive, compassionate, and kind to each other, • Appreciate the diversity of perspectives and views in our community, • Express your views and share your perspectives in helpful ways, • Listen to understand and empathize with each other, and • Collaborate and work together to do what is best for Los Gatos. As needed, the Mayor may need to remind the public about the Town’s civility rules. All of the civility rules remain in the Policy except the one pertaining to Penal Code (PC) 403. As mentioned in September, this item is being removed because a disruption of the meeting is a violation of PC Section 403, disrupters may be cited, and there are additional consequences. It is not necessary to call out a single consequence. The other recommended changes are minor. One change is in Section A “Order of the Agenda” to update the language of the first item to “Call Meeting to Order” instead of “Meeting Call to Order.” The second change would update the guidance for assistance under the Americans with Disability Act in Section H. Instead of 48-hours notice before a meeting, staff recommends at least two business days. This avoids the public trying to contact the Clerk’s Office during the weekend. CONCLUSION: The proposed modifications to the Agenda Format and Rules Policy communicate the Council’s values and provide the Mayor flexibility in the use of the values at a Council meeting. The civility rules remain in the Policy in the event the Mayor needs to remind the public more firmly about proper decorum. COORDINATION: The preparation of this report was coordinated with the Town Attorney and Town Clerk. PAGE 3 of 3 SUBJECT: Approve Modifications to the Agenda Format and Rules Policy DATE: November 14, 2023 FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed modification of the Town Council Policy has no fiscal impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The proposed modification is not a project defined under the California Environmental Quality Act and no further action is required. Attachment: 1. Town Council Policy 2-01: Agenda Format and Rules