Addendum with Attachment 7.123 Wilder Ave PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/20/2023 ITEM NO: 3 ADDENDUM DATE: December 19, 2023 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Technical Demolition of a Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards and Requiring a Variance to Side Yard Setback Requirements Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Located at 123 Wilder Avenue. APN 510-18-008. Architecture and Site Application S-23-039. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owner: Bogusla Marcinkowski and Brygida Sas-Marcinkowski. Applicant: Jose De La O. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. REMARKS: Attachment 7 includes information on Craftsman architecture, including images showing the variety of siding materials used in the Craftsman style. This information is provided as reference and in support of the Committee’s discussion of this item. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the December 20, 2023 Staff Report: 1. 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Sanborn Map Exhibit 3. Current Exterior Photos 4. Photos of Residence Prior to Work 5. Photos from Applicant 6. Development Plans Received with this Addendum Report: 7. Information on Craftsman Architecture This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 7