Draft Minutes of the November 29, 2023 Planning Commission Special Meeting110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/10/2024 ITEM NO: 2 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 29, 2023 The Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Chair Jeffrey Barnett, Vice Chair Steve Raspe, Commissioner Susan Burnett, Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, and Commissioner Kathryn Janoff. Absent: Commissioner Emily Thomas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.Draft Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element General Plan Amendment Application GP-22-003 Location: Town-Wide Project Planner: Erin Walters and Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planners Consider and Make a Recommendation to the Town Council on the Draft Revised 2023- 2031 Housing Element. Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Lee Quintana -I feel like I’m trying to read and make comments on a moving target, and a moving target that is not even all visible at one time. As the attorney said, you can meet again before the Town Council after receipt of the comments from HCD. I would think that’s what you would want to do so you weren’t just making a decision to recommend approval of something that you didn’t even know what it is. I don’t think the Housing Element PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 29, 2023 adequately addresses HCD’s comments. They indicate that even the site inventory isn’t approved yet, because they need the analysis from those other evaluations before they can address that. They also commented on the lack of zoning for multiple-family distributed evenly throughout the Town. One of the problems with the analysis is that it’s divided into little pieces, each piece is answered and each piece compares it to the region and county, but there is no point at which all of that information gets reaggregated and analyzed in a totality, because there are contradictions within each of those different sections; that’s the analysis that I think the State is looking for. What is the Town zoning that has impeded achieving our goals in the Housing Element? The information is not specific enough. Lee Fagot - The work the Planning Commission is doing has been very difficult due to the dynamic changes occurring. The Town staff, HCD, Planning Commission, and Town Council all use different calendars for planning and I urge everyone use the same calendar. The November 15th Planning Commission meeting was informative, but the next day, without citizen or Council review, the staff submitted the new draft with significant changes to HCD, so there was no opportunity for public review. Now I have learned tonight that another submittal was made yesterday. Ms. Quintana made very good points that there needs to be better coordination between the Planning Commission, the Housing Element Advisory Board, and Town staff. The Town Council gives the final review and direction, but the citizens need an opportunity as well. Let’s work together better going forward. Tony Alarcon - Like many others have expressed, I sincerely don’t understand how this has taken so long, and it feels as though there have been many errors, whether not keeping track of consultants, the communication between departments, or perhaps trying to overachieve and build too many units instead of simply complying with our RHNA numbers. I feel for the Planning Commission, and I hope the citizens of this Town hear what I’ve said today and consider that when voting for leadership in our Town. We need to streamline our process and do better. Los Gatos needs to be a leader to other towns, and instead of having these delays with citizens not knowing what is going on, and asking the Planning Commission to approve a plan before they have received a letter of comments from HCD, is not a valid approach. Ron Meyer - The way this process has evolved over the past 12 to 16 months has been a failure to inform the public, a failure to manage the previous consultants in their three failed attempts, and a waste of $180,000 of taxpayer money. I see a level of incompetence in both the staff and the Planning Commission, because the Planning Commission has not been taking the recommendations from the Housing Element Advisory Board , and the Los Gatos Community Alliance seriously. The incompetence, lack of transparency, the confusion, the mis-coordination, the oversight by the Town Council, and the usurping of their power by Town staff and pieces of the Planning Commission is not favorable and not PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 29, 2023 even remotely the way this process should have been conducted. The citizens of Los Gatos deserve better. The Town Council has not been doing it’s job in terms of exercising their oversight responsibilities over this process, and the citizens of Los Gatos will end up paying for this. Closed Public Comment. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Janoff to recommend Town Council adoption of the Draft Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element that was submitted to them on November 28, 2023, and to adopt the resolution recommending approval provided in Exhibit 6. Seconded by Vice Chair Raspe. Commissioners discussed the matter. VOTE: Motion passed 4-1, with Commissioner Burnett dissenting. OTHER BUSINESS None. REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT None. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS/COMMISSION MATTERS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the November 29, 2023 meeting as approved by the Planning Commission. _____________________________ /s/ Vicki Blandin This Page Intentionally Left Blank