Staff Report with Exhibits 1 through 10.15977Shannon PREPARED BY: Erin Walters Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/12/2023 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: July 7, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval to Exceed the Maximum Height of a Visible Home in the Hillside for an Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence; to Construct an Accessory Building with a Combined Gross Floor Area Greater than 450 Square Feet, but Less Than 600 Square Feet; and for Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned HR-1. Located at 15977 Shannon Road. APN 529-01-002. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Architecture and Site Application S-20-017. PROPERTY OWNER: JART, LLC. APPLICANT: Tom Sloan. PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Hillside Residential Zoning Designation: HR-1 Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan, Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines, Hillside Specific Plan Parcel Size: 2.12 acres (91,152 square feet) Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 South Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 East Commercial Hillside Residential HR-1 West Residential Hillside Residential HR-1 PAGE 2 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 15301: Existing Facilities. FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, 15301: Existing Facilities. ▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). ▪ The project complies with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G), with the exceptions of exceeding the maximum allowable building height of a visible home for an addition to an existing single-family residence, and exceeding the maximum allowed fill for driveways. ▪ The project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan. CONSIDERATIONS: ▪ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located to the north of Shannon Road, approximately 320 feet east of Wollin Way (Exhibit 1). The hillside property is approximately 2.12 acres, with an average lot slope of greater than 30 percent. The site is currently developed with an existing three-story 4,947-square foot residence with a 422-square foot attached two car garage, 423 square feet of below grade square footage, an existing 306 square feet detached accessory structure, and a swimming pool (Exhibit 10). On May 5, 2020, the applicant applied for an Architecture and Site application to demolish the existing three-story residence and construct a new one-story residence. The application was reviewed through the Town’s Staff Technical Review process, however at the third review on August 11, 2021, the Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) deemed the project subject to the July 1, 2021, California Public Resource Code 4290 (PRC 4290). This requirement is applicable for new homes located within lands classified and designated as Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) within the Local Responsibility Area (LRA). The PRC 4290 requirements required modifications to the width of existing roads, existing road surfaces, PAGE 3 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 BACKGROUND (continued): grading thresholds for all roads and driveways, existing road radius, and providing turnouts for the driveways and dead-end roads. The subject property is located at the end of a steep private shared driveway which services a total of six single-family residences. The applicant’s team met with the SCCFD to discuss project options and the PRC 4290 requirements. On February 22, 2023, the applicant resubmitted a modified project which includes a remodel and addition to the existing three-story residence in order not to trigger the PRC 4290 requirements. The applicant’s team has worked closely with the SCCFD, Public Works Engineering, and Planning on the subject remodel/addition application. The Draft Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 3) include roadway and other improvements for fire safety that will be required as a result of this coordination with the SCCFD. The Architecture and Site application has been referred to the Planning Commission based on the requested exceptions to the HDS&G which include portions of the addition that exceed the maximum allowable height for a visible home, and a portion of the modified driveway that exceeds the maximum allowable fill. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property is approximately 2.12 acres, located north of Shannon Road, approximately 320 feet east of Wollin Way and is accessed by a steep private shared driveway which services a total of six single-family residences (Exhibit 1). The hillside property is developed with a three-story residence. The subject site and surrounding hillside properties to the north, east, south, and west are comprised of single-family homes. B. Project Summary The applicant proposes an addition and remodel of an existing three-story single-family residence. The existing residence is a visible home per the HDS&G as more than 24.5 percent of the western elevation can be seen from the Blossom Hill Road/Los Gatos Boulevard established viewing area. The scope of work includes modifying the existing architectural style from contemporary to contemporary modern. The applicant proposes to modify the existing gable roof to a flat roof design. The proposed addition is located to the east of the existing house and cannot be seen from the Blossom Hill Road/Los Gatos Boulevard viewing area. The existing gable roof peak would be removed reducing the height of the structure; however, the proposed remodel would remain a visible home as defined by the HDS&G. The applicant is PAGE 4 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (continued): requesting a height exception for portions of the addition which exceed the maximum allowable height of 18 feet. The project requires a Grading Permit for the site improvements with earthwork quantities exceeding 50 cubic yards. The site improvements include modifications of the existing driveway, a new fire truck turn around, a new pool, new landscaping, and gardening space with rock retaining walls. The project complies with the objective standards of the Town Code and the applicant requests exceptions to the HDS&G for a portion of the modified driveway which exceeds the maximum allowable fill. C. Zoning Compliance A single-family residence, accessory structure, and swimming pool are permitted in the HR- 1 zone. The proposed residence is in compliance with the zoning regulations for allowable floor area, setbacks, and on-site parking requirements for the property. The existing three- story residence exceeds the maximum allowable height for a hillside visible home. The applicant requests approval to exceed the maximum height of a visible home in the hillside for portions of the addition to the existing single-family residence. DISCUSSION: A. Architecture and Site Analysis Pursuant to the HDS&G, when determining the maximum allowable floor area for a hillside property, the gross lot area is reduced based on its average slope. The subject property is approximately 2.12 acres with an average lot slope of over 30 percent. Based on this average slope and excluding the driveway easement, the net lot area is 36,105 square feet, which provides for a maximum allowable floor area of 6,000 square feet. The applicant has provided a Project Description and Letter of Justification detailing the project (Exhibits 4 and 5). The applicant proposes a comprehensive remodel and addition to the existing three-story residence and detached accessory structure. The applicant proposes to: retain all three floors; add additional floor area; modify the contemporary architecture to a contemporary modern style; remove the existing gable roof; and introduce a flat modern roof line, reducing the height. The proposed remodel and addition maintain more than 50 percent of the existing exterior wall framing, in order to not result in a technical demolition. The applicant proposes an addition to the existing 4,907-square foot residence, resulting in a 5,014-square foot residence (Exhibit 10). The project proposes an 860-square foot attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and a one car garage on the lower level. The ADU PAGE 5 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): is not part of this application. The floor area of the one-car garage counts toward the existing residence. An existing accessory structure is located off the existing driveway southwest of the main residence. The proposed project includes an addition of 189 square feet to the existing accessory structure resulting in a 495-square foot building. The project also includes a new swimming pool, a pool terrace, and covered patio. The proposed residence increases the existing 423-square foot below grade square footage to 905 square feet, which is exempted from floor area. A new 888-square foot attached three car garage is proposed to be located uphill, and east side of the existing residence, 400 square feet of which is exempt per the HDS&G. A summary of the floor area for the existing and proposed residence is included in the table below. Floor Area Summary (Square Feet) Existing Proposed Allowed Upper Level 1,486 1,896 Main Level 2,466 2,606 Lower Level (includes one car garage and equipment room) 995 512 Total Residence 4,907 5,014 Below Grade Square Footage 423 905 exempt Accessory Structure 306 495 Garage 422 - 400 = 22 888 - 400 = 488 400 exempt Attached ADU -- 860 1,200 max. (Not part of this application) Total Countable SF* (excluding Below Grade SF, 400 SF garage and ADU) 5,275 5,997 6,000 max. * Pursuant to Sec. 29.10.020, floor area means the entire enclosed area of all floors that are more than four feet above the proposed grade, measured from the outer face of exterior walls or in the case of party walls from the centerline. B. Building Design The project proposes a contemporary modern style residence with neutral colors and materials. Proposed exterior materials include: a modern flat roof; faux wood metal siding; smooth stucco siding; natural rock siding; aluminum wood clad windows and doors; wood pivot door; aluminum frame with gable railing guardrail; and natural wood veneer garage doors (Exhibit 6). PAGE 6 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): The Town’s Architectural Consultant reviewed the project to provide recommendations regarding the architecture and neighborhood compatibility. The Consulting Architect noted that the “proposed addition and other modifications to the existing house are very well designed with an overall design unity among all of its parts. Its design quality is a substantial upgrade from the current home on the site. In terms of its height, mass, and scale, it does not deviate much from the existing house.” The Town’s Architectural Consultant requested no recommendations for changes (Exhibit 7). C. Building Height and Visibility The existing residence is a visible home per the HDS&G as more than 24.5 percent of the western elevation can be seen from the Blossom Hill Road/Los Gatos Boulevard viewing area (Sheet VA of Exhibit 10). The existing three-story residence has a maximum height of 30 feet, three inches tall, exceeding the maximum allowable height of 18 feet of a visible home per the HDS&G. The applicant proposes to remove the existing gable roof to mitigate the visual impact of the existing tall roof surface. The proposed flat roof reduces the overall building height by 5 feet, three inches. The proposed remodel reduces some of the existing residence’s mass and height. The illustration below shows the existing gable roof line, depicted with a red dashed line, and the proposed remodeled maximum flat roof height of 25 feet. South Elevation Illustrating Modified Building Height and Height Exceptions The applicant is requesting an exception to the maximum allowable building height for visible hillside residences (Chapter V, Standard E.3, page 39) for portions of the proposed addition and roof eaves. The second story addition is located on the uphill side of the existing residence and cannot be seen from the viewing area. A portion of the proposed second story roof line addition exceeds the maximum height limit by two feet. On PAGE 7 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): the western side of the residence, the new roof overhangs extend four inches above the 18- foot height limit. The elevation shown above denotes the location of the proposed height exceptions with orange hatch marks. The applicant discusses the requested exception in their Letter of Justification (Exhibit 5). D. Neighborhood Compatibility Pursuant to the HDS&G, the maximum allowable floor area for the subject parcel is 6,000 square feet. The table below reflects the current conditions of the development in the immediate area and the proposed project. FAR Comparison – Neighborhood Analaysis Address Zoning House SF Garage SF Site SF Building FAR Stories 16057 Shannon Rd. HR-1 2,232 275 43,754 0.05 1 15960 Quail Hill Rd. HR-1 2,074 528 45,626 0.05 1 15920 Quail Hill Rd. HR-1 2,784 517 40,120 0.07 1 130 Drysdale Drive HR-1 4,483 666 57,063 0.08 2 120 Drysdale Drive HR-1 3,350 704 42,416 0.08 2 15973 Shannon Rd. HR-1 1,963 410 16,940 0.12 2 15969 Shannon Rd. HR-1 3,218 517 40,430 0.08 1 15975 Shannon Rd. HR-1 1,465 300 34,200 0.04 1 15965 Shannon Rd. HR-1 4,268 757 52,272 0.08 2 15891 Shannon Rd. HR-1 6,059 918 121,968 0.05 2 15977 Shannon Rd. (E) HR-1 4,947 422 92,001 0.05 3 15977 Shannon Rd. (P) HR-1 5,014 888 92,001 0.05 3 The properties in the immediate neighborhood contain one- and two-story residences with a mix of architectural styles. The existing residence is three stories. Property sizes within the immediate neighborhood range from 16,940 square feet to 121,968 square feet. Based on Town and County records, the residences in the immediate neighborhood range in size from 1,465 square feet to 6,059 square feet. The applicant is proposing a 5,014-square foot residence with an attached 888-square foot garage, 905 square feet of below grade area, a 495-square foot accessory structure, and an 860-square foot attached ADU (not part of this application) on a 2.12-acre parcel, where a maximum total floor area of 6,000 square feet is allowed by the HDS&G. The proposed project would be the second largest in terms of total square footage. E. Site Design and Parking The applicant proposes a remodel and addition to the existing residence and attached garage which are located in the central portion of the property. Outdoor living areas are PAGE 8 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): concentrated at the north of the residence and include a new rectangular swimming pool, pool terrace, and covered patio. The existing pool will be removed and replaced with a vegetable garden. Additional vegetable gardens are proposed to the east of the main residence. The existing driveway would be modified to include a SCCFD compliant driveway and turn around area for emergency vehicles and provide access to the attached garages, utilizing most of the footprint of the existing driveway to minimize impacts to adjacent trees (Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 10, Sheet A-1.2). Four additional on-site guest parking spaces are required by the Hillside Specific Plan and would be provided by three spaces located along the east side of the parking driveway and one space in the proposed three-car garage. The one car garage would provide the required parking for the ADU. F. Tree Impacts The development plans were reviewed by the Town’s Consulting Arborist who inventoried 16 protected trees within the project area and made recommendations for their preservation or removal (Exhibit 8). The applicant responded to the recommendations by including Sheet L-1 in the Development Plans showing tree preservation measures consistent with the recommendations of the Town’s Consulting Arborist (Exhibit 10). Of the 16 trees included in the inventory, eight are proposed for removal due to proposed construction impacts (#1173, #1175, #1176, #1181, #1183, #1184, #1186, and #1187). The Landscape Plan proposes 25 new replacement trees, exceeding the requirement for 24 replacement trees (Sheet L-1 of Exhibit 10). If the project is approved, tree protection measures would be implemented prior to construction and maintained for the duration of construction activity. Arborist recommendations for tree protection and requirements for obtaining a Tree Removal Permit have been included in the Draft Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 3). G. Grading The project includes site improvements with grading quantities exceeding 50 cubic yards, which requires approval of a Grading Permit. Site improvements adjacent to the residence would require 763 cubic yards of cut and 234 cubic yards of fill as shown below. PAGE 9 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): Site Grading Summary (cubic yards) Cut Fill Driveway 326 99 Driveway (Widening) 67 0 Landscaping 264 130 Pool 106 5 Total 763 234 Public Works Engineering staff have included a condition of approval requiring submittal and evaluation of a Grading Permit in parallel with the required Building Permits (Exhibit 3). H. Exceptions to the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines The applicant is requesting an exception to the grading standard which limits the depth of fill to three feet for driveways (Chapter III, Standard A.1, page 20). The proposed project includes a small area of the redesigned driveway that would exceed this fill depth to accommodate a new fire truck turn around, which requires a fill depth of five feet. The applicant discusses the requested exception in their Letter of Justification (Exhibit 5). The applicant has also requested an exception to the maximum allowable building height for a visible house as previously discussed in Section C of this staff report. I. Neighbor Outreach The owners have indicated that they have been communicating with surrounding neighbors to discuss the proposed project. A summary of their outreach efforts is included in Exhibit 9. J. CEQA Determination The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Story poles and project signage were installed on the site on February 28, 2023, in anticipation of the July 12, 2023, Planning Commission hearing. At the time of this report’s preparation, the Town has not received any public comment. PAGE 10 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval of an Architecture and Site application: to exceed the maximum allowable height of a visible home in the hillside for portions of an addition to an existing single-family residence; to construct an accessory building with a combined gross floor area greater than 450 square feet, but less than 600 square feet; and for site improvements requiring a grading permit. The project is well designed, reduces the overall height of the existing three-story residence, improves the emergency vehicle access on site, and is compatible with the properties in the immediate area. The project is consistent with the Zoning and General Plan land use designation for the property. The applicant requests two exceptions to the HDS&G as discussed above and otherwise complies with the applicable sections of the HDS&G and Hillside Specific Plan. B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends approval of the Architecture and Site application subject to the recommended conditions of approval (Exhibit 3). If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposed project, it should: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the finding that due to the requirement to provide a fire-truck turn around, exceptions to the depth of fill standard can be made, and the exception to exceed the maximum allowable height for a visible home for portions of the addition can be made as the proposed height will not increase the visibility of the existing structure from the established viewing area, and the project is otherwise in compliance with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (Exhibit 2); 4. Make the finding that the project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan (Exhibit 2); 5. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and 6. Approve Architecture and Site Application S-20-017 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3 and the Development Plans in Exhibit 10. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or PAGE 11 OF 11 SUBJECT: 15977 Shannon Road/S-20-017 DATE: July 7, 2023 CONCLUSION (continued): 2. Approve the application with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the application. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Project Description 5. Letter of Justification 6. Color and Materials Board 7. Town’s Consulting Architect Report 8. Town’s Consulting Arborist Report 9. Neighborhood Outreach 10. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank SHANNON RD SHADY LN SHORT RDDRYSDALE DRG U M T R E E L N CERRO VISTA DRQUAI L H I L L R D 15977 Shannon Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes: - Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm) - Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label - Updated 10/8/20 to add street centerlines which can be useful in the hillside area - Updated 02-19-21 to link to TLG-SQL17 database (sm) EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank \\tlg-file\data\SHARE\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\07-12-2023\Item 3 - 15977 Shannon Rd\Exhibit 2 - Recommended Findings and Considerations docx PLANNING COMMISSION – July 12, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS & CONDSIDERATIONS FOR: 15977 Shannon Road Architecture and Site Application S-20-017 Requesting Approval to Exceed the Maximum Height of a Visible Home in the Hillside for an Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence; to Construct an Accessory Building with a Combined Gross Floor Area Greater than 450 Square Feet, but Less Than 600 Square Feet; and for Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned HR-1. APN 529-01-002. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. PROPERTY OWNER: JART, LLC APPLICANT: Tom Sloan FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Required compliance with the Zoning Regulations: ■ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). Required compliance with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines: ■ The project complies with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G) with two exceptions including: (1) exceeding the maximum allowable building height of a visible home for an addition to an existing single-family residence because the renovation results in an overall reduction in the building’s existing height; and (2) exceeding the maximum allowed fill for driveways in order to accommodate the required fire truck turn around. Required compliance with the Hillside Specific Plan: ■ As required, the project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan. CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Architecture & Site applications: ■ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project. EXHIBIT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – July 12, 2023 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 15977 Shannon Road Architecture and Site Application S-20-017 Requesting Approval to Exceed the Maximum Height of a Visible Home in the Hillside for an Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence; to Construct an Accessory Building with a Combined Gross Floor Area Greater than 450 Square Feet, but Less Than 600 Square Feet; and for Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned HR-1. APN 529-01-002. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. PROPERTY OWNER: JART, LLC APPLICANT: Tom Sloan TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 4. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 5. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, as defined in the Town Code, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 6. EXISTING TREES: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan, and must remain on the site. 7. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist’s report for the project, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 8. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. EXHIBIT 3 9. TREE STAKING: All newly planted trees shall be double-staked using rubber tree ties. 10. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped. 11. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement (“the Project”) from the Town shall defend (with counsel approved by Town), indemnify, and hold harmless the Town, its agents, officers, and employees from and against any claim, action, or proceeding (including without limitation any appeal or petition for review thereof) against the Town or its agents, officers or employees related to an approval of the Project, including without limitation any related application, permit, certification, condition, environmental determination, other approval, compliance or failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and/or processing methods (“Challenge”). Town may (but is not obligated to) defend such Challenge as Town, in its sole discretion, determines appropriate, all at applicant’s sole cost and expense. Applicant shall bear any and all losses, damages, injuries, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, staff time and in-house attorney’s fees on a fully-loaded basis, attorney’s fees for outside legal counsel, expert witness fees, court costs, and other litigation expenses) arising out of or related to any Challenge (“Costs”), whether incurred by Applicant, Town, or awarded to any third party, and shall pay to the Town upon demand any Costs incurred by the Town. No modification of the Project, any application, permit certification, condition, environmental determination, other approval, change in applicable laws and regulations, or change in such Challenge as Town, in its sole discretion, determines appropriate, all the applicant’s sole cost and expense. No modification of the Project, any application, permit certification, condition, environmental determination, other approval, change in applicable laws and regulations, or change in processing methods shall alter the applicant’s indemnity obligation. 12. WATER EFFICIENCY LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The final landscape plan shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance or the State Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 13. EXTERIOR COLORS: The exterior colors of all structures shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 14. DEED RESTRICTION: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office that requires all exterior materials be maintained in conformance with the Town’s Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 15. NESTING BIRDS: To avoid impacts to nesting birds, the removal of trees and shrubs shall be minimized to the greatest extent feasible. Construction activities that include any tree removal, pruning, grading, grubbing, or demolition shall be conducted outside of the bird nesting season (January 15 through September 15) to the greatest extent feasible. If this type of construction starts, if work is scheduled to start or if work already occurring during the nesting season stops for at least two weeks and is scheduled to resume during the bird nesting season, then a qualified biologist shall conduct a pre-construction surveys for nesting birds to ensure that no nests would be disturbed during project construction. If project-related work is scheduled during the nesting season (February 15 to August 30 for small bird species such as passerines; January 15 to September 15 for owls; and February 15 to September 15 for other raptors), a qualified biologist shall conduct nesting bird surveys. Two surveys for active nests of such birds shall occur within 14 days prior to start of construction, with the second survey conducted with 48 hours prior to start of construction. Appropriate minimum survey radius surrounding each work area is typically 250 feet for passerines, 500 feet for smaller raptors, and 1,000 feet for larger raptors. Surveys shall be conducted at the appropriate times of day to observe nesting activities. If the qualified biologist documents active nests within the project site or in nearby surrounding areas, an appropriate buffer between each nest and active construction shall be established. The buffer shall be clearly marked and maintained until the young have fledged and are foraging independently. Prior to construction, the qualified biologist shall conduct baseline monitoring of each nest to characterize “normal” bird behavior and establish a buffer distance, which allows the birds to exhibit normal behavior. The qualified biologist shall monitor the nesting birds daily during construction activities and increase the buffer if birds show signs of unusual or distressed behavior (e.g. defensive flights and vocalizations, standing up from a brooding position, and/or flying away from the nest). If buffer establishment is not possible, the qualified biologist or construction foreman shall have the authority to cease all construction work in the area until the young have fledged and the nest is no longer active. 16. SPECIAL-STATUS BATS: Approximately 14 days prior to tree removal or structure demolition activities, a qualified biologist shall conduct a habitat assessment for bats and potential roosting sites in trees to be removed, in trees within 50 feet of the development footprint, and within and surrounding any structures that may be disturbed by the project. These surveys will include a visual inspection of potential roosting features (bats need not be present) and a search for presence of guano within the project site, construction access routes, and 50 feet around these areas. Cavities, crevices, exfoliating bark, and bark fissures that could provide suitable potential nest or roost habitat for bats shall be surveyed. Assumptions can be made on what species is present due to observed visual characteristics along with habitat use, or the bats can be identified to the species level with the use of a bat echolocation detector such as an “Anabat” unit. Potential roosting features found during the survey shall be flagged or marked. If no roosting sites or bats are found, a letter report confirming absence will be prepared and no further measures are required. If bats or roosting sites are found, a letter report and supplemental documents will be prepared prior to grading permit issuance and the following monitoring, exclusion, and habitat replacement measures will be implemented: a. If bats are found roosting outside of the nursery season (May 1 through October 1), they will be evicted as described under (b) below. If bats are found roosting during the nursery season, they will be monitored to determine if the roost site is a maternal roost. This could occur by either visual inspection of the roost bat pups, if possible, or by monitoring the roost after the adults leave for the night to listen for bat pups. If the roost is determined to not be a maternal roost, then the bats will be evicted as described under (b) below. Because bat pups cannot leave the roost until they are mature enough, eviction of a maternal roost cannot occur during the nursery season. Therefore, if a maternal roost is present, a 50-foot buffer zone (or different size if determined in consultation with the CDFW) will be established around the roosting site within which no construction activities including tree removal or structure disturbance will occur until after the nursery season. b. If a non-breeding bat hibernaculum is found in a tree or snag scheduled for removal or on any structures scheduled to be disturbed by project activities, the individuals will be safely evicted, under the direction of a qualified bat biologist. If pre- construction surveys determine that there are bats present in any trees to be removed, exclusion structures (e.g. one-way doors or similar methods) shall be installed by a qualified biologist. The exclusion structures shall not be placed until the time of year in which young are able to fly, outside of the nursery season. Information on placement of exclusion structures shall be provided to the CDFW prior to construction. If needed, other methods conducted under the direction of a qualified bat biologist could include: carefully opening the roosting area in a tree or snag by hand to expose the cavity and opening doors/windows on structures, or creating openings in walls to allow light into the structures. Removal of any trees or snags and disturbance of any structures will be conducted no earlier than the following day (i.e., at least one night will be provided between initial roost eviction disturbance and tree removal/structure disturbance). This action will allow bats to leave during dark hours, which increases their chance of finding new roosts with a minimum of potential predation. 17. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 18. PERMITS REQUIRED: A Building Permit is required for the renovations and addition to an existing single-family residence and attached garage. An additional separate permit will be required for each detached structure including pools and retaining walls. An additional Building Permit will be required for the PV System. 19. APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2023, are the 2022 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 20. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 21. SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 22. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation, and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 23. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth, or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 24. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 25. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e., directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 26. TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a. Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch-wide doors on the accessible floor level. c. The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 27. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 28. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 29. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: This project is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface High Fire Area and must comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code, Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 30. PROVIDE DEFENSIBLE SPACE/FIRE BREAK LANDSCAPING PLAN: Prepared by a California licensed Landscape Architect in conformance with California Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 31. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: Provide a letter from a California licensed Landscape Architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. 32. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 33. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at ARC Blueprint for a fee or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 34. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 35. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner and/or Applicant’s representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner and/or Applicant’s expense. 36. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 37. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 38. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance to the Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 39. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right- of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. 40. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 41. STREET CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 42. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees associated with the Grading Permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the commencement of plan check review. 43. GRADING PERMIT FEES: All fees associated with the grading permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 44. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner and/or Applicant’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as-built” plans. 45. PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Additionally, any studies imposed by the Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the Owner and/or Applicant. 46. GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for all site grading and drainage work except for exemptions listed in Section 12.20.015 of The Code of the Town of Los Gatos (Grading Ordinance). After the preceding Architecture and Site Application has been approved by the respective deciding body, the grading permit application (with grading plans and associated required materials and plan check fees) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location(s), driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). Prior to Engineering signing off and closing out on the issued grading permit, the Owner/Applicant/Developer’s soils engineer shall verify, with a stamped and signed letter, that the grading activities were completed per plans and per the requirements as noted in the soils report. A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, is needed for grading within the building footprint. 47. GEOTECHNICAL PEER REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS: The applicant’s geotechnical consultant shall review and approve all geotechnical aspects of the project building and grading plans (i.e., site preparation and grading, site drainage improvements and design parameters for foundations, etc.,) to ensure that their recommendations have been properly incorporated. The Geotechnical Consultant should clarify the following items in their Plan Review letter: a. The project Geotechnical Consultant should provide recommendations to abandon/demolish and backfill the existing pool. b. The Project Geotechnical Consultant should evaluate and discuss the anticipated settlement for fills compacted to below standard of practice (i.e. 85 to 89 percent relative compaction). c. The Project Geotechnical Consultant should evaluate and provide recommendations, as warranted, regarding the locations of the two storm water discharge locations on slopes to the north and west of the improvements. d. The plans (Sheet A-1.3) show a small amount of side hill fill, the Project Geotechnical Consultant should evaluate and provide recommendations for side hill fill placement and compaction, including a keyway, as warranted. e. Retaining walls up to 11.8 feet high are shown on Civil Sheet 5 of 8, the Project Geotechnical Consultant should provide seismic loading design criteria for this wall. f. The Project Geotechnical Consultant should evaluate if the Trench Drain shown on the eastern side of the proposed swimming pool is adequate. g. Depending on when the project was submitted for permit, the Project Geotechnical Consultant may need to provide updated seismic design criteria in accordance with the most recent adopted code. 48. COMPLIANCE WITH HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: All grading activities and operations shall be in compliance with Section III of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All development shall be in compliance with Section II of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. 49. CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner and/or Applicant to obtain any and all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform the grading herein proposed. Proof of agreement/approval is required prior to the issuance of any Permit. 50. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT: Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map (except maps for financing and conveyance purposes only) or prior to the issuance of any grading/improvement permits, whichever comes first, the Owner and/or Applicant shall: a) design provisions for surface drainage; and b) design all necessary storm drain facilities extending to a satisfactory point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of storm runoff; and c) provide a recorded copy of any required easements to the Town. 51. TREE REMOVAL: Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to the issuance of a grading permit/building permit. 52. SURVEYING CONTROLS: Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall: top of wall elevations and locations. b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. 53. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the Owner and/or Applicant, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. 54. RETAINING WALLS: A building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. 55. SOILS REPORT: One electronic copy (PDF) of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design, and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. 56. SOILS REVIEW: Prior to Town approval of a development application, the Owner and/or Applicant’s engineers shall prepare and submit a design-level geotechnical and geological investigation for review by the Town’s consultant, with costs borne by the Owner and/or Applicant, and subsequent approval by the Town. The Owner and/or Applicant’s soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer review comments. Approval of the Owner and/or Applicant’s soils engineer shall then be conveyed to the Town either by submitting a Plan Review Letter prior to issuance of grading or building permit(s). 57. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the Owner and/or Applicant’s soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing shall be documented in an “as-built” letter/report prepared by the Owner and/or Applicant’s soils engineer and submitted to the Town before a certificate of occupancy is granted. 58. SOIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The project shall incorporate the geotechnical/geological recommendations contained in the project’s design-level geotechnical/geological investigation as prepared by the Owner and/or Applicant’s engineer(s), and any subsequently required report or addendum. Subsequent reports or addendum are subject to peer review by the Town’s consultant and costs shall be borne by the Owner and/or Applicant. 59. PRIVATE EASEMENTS: Agreements detailing rights, limitations and responsibilities of involved parties shall accompany any proposed private easement. Access driveway shall be within the recorded access easement. A new private access easement shall be recorded, and an electronic copy (PDF) of the recorded agreement shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, prior to issuance of a grading or building permit. A realigned access driveway shall be completed prior to the issuance of grading or building permit. 60. PRECONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permit, the Owner and/or Applicant shall complete a pavement condition survey documenting the extent of existing pavement defects using a smartphone video (in Landscape orientation only) or digital video camera. The survey shall extend the length of Shannon Road. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review. 61. POSTCONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY: The Owner and/or Applicant shall complete a pavement condition survey to determine whether road damage occurred as a result of project construction and whether there were changes in pavement strength. Rehabilitation improvements required to restore the pavement to pre-construction condition. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review and approval before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Owner and/or Applicant shall be responsible for completing any required road repairs prior to release of the faithful performance bond. 62. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: No construction vehicles, trucks, equipment and worker vehicles shall be allowed to park on the portion of any public (Town) streets without written approval from the Town Engineer. 63. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Owner and/or Applicant to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 64. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays. The Town may authorize, on a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner and/or Applicant shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 65. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty- five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty- five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 66. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Owner and/or Applicant’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full-size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Project Schedule, employee parking, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 67. COMMON PRIVATE DRIVEWAY: The common private driveway accessing the Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction and in perpetuity after construction has been completed. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one (1) week in advance of closure. 68. WVSD (West Valley Sanitation District): Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used. A Sanitary Sewer Clean-out is required for each property at the property line, within one (1) foot of the property line per West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawing 3, or at a location specified by the Town. 69. UTILITIES: The Owner and/or Applicant shall install all new, relocated, or temporarily removed utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code Section 27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. The Owner and/or Applicant is required to obtain approval of all proposed utility alignments from any and all utility service providers before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Town of Los Gatos does not approve or imply approval for final alignment or design of these facilities. 70. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs): The Owner and/or Applicant is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be maintained and be placed for all areas that have been graded or disturbed and for all material, equipment and/or operations that need protection. Removal of BMPs (temporary removal during construction activities) shall be replaced at the end of each working day. Failure to comply with the construction BMP will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders. 71. SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 72. EROSION CONTROL: Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. A maximum of two (2) weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping, shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter months. The Town of Los Gatos Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department and the Building Department will conduct periodic NPDES inspections of the site throughout the recognized storm season to verify compliance with the Construction General Permit and Stormwater ordinances and regulations. 73. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 74. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust- free. b. All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off-site shall be covered. d. As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track- out control device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt-track-out onto adjacent public roads. f. All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g. All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334- ODOR (6367). i. All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j. Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 75. DETAILING OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, all pertinent details of any and all proposed stormwater management facilities, including, but not limited to, ditches, swales, pipes, bubble-ups, dry wells, outfalls, infiltration trenches, detention basins and energy dissipaters, shall be provided on submitted plans, reviewed by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, and approved for implementation. 76. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 77. WATER FEATURES: New swimming pools, hot tubs, spas and/or fountains shall have a connection to the sanitary sewer system, subject to West Valley Sanitation District’s authority and standards, to facilitate draining events. Discharges from these features shall be directed to the sanitary sewer and are not allowed into the storm drain system. 78. SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 79. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 80. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner and/or Applicant’s representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner and/or Applicant’s expense. 81. PERMIT ISSUANCE: Permits for each phase; reclamation, landscape, and grading, shall be issued simultaneously. 82. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 83. REVIEW: Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 84. NOTE: The subject property is located within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) of the Local Responsibility Area (LRA). Pursuant to California Public Resources Code (PRC) 4290, the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection is required to “..adopt regulations implementing minimum fire safety standards related to defensible space: applicable to “the perimeters and access to all residential, commercial, and industrial building construction.” In 2018, the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed SB 901 (Dodd), which expanded the applicability of the regulations promulgated under PRC 4290 to land in the Local Responsibility Area (LRA) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. All comments below that result from PRC 4290 are identified by**. 85. Addition to an existing structure is currently exempted from PRC 4290. 86. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet A-0.0) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 SF whether by increasing the area of the primary residence or by creation of an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basements and in existing basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all attached ADUs, additions or alterations to an existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. Exceptions: 1) One or more additions made to a building after January 1, 2011 that does not total more than 1,000 square feet of building area and meets all access and water supply requirements of Chapter 5 and Appendix B and C of the 2019 California Fire Code. 2) Detached Accessory Dwelling Units, provided that all of the following are met: a) The unit meets the definition of an Accessory Dwelling Unit as defined in the Government Code Section 65852.2. b) The existing primary residence does not have automatic fire sprinklers. c) The detached ADU does not exceed 1,200 square feet in size. d) The unit is on the same lot as the primary residence. e) The unit meets all access and water supply requirements of Chapter 5 and Appendix B and C of the 2019 California Fire Code. 87. FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEMS REQUIRED: Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, onsite fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Exception: For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3, the distance requirement shall be not more than 600 feet. [CFC, Section 507.5.1] Private fire hydrant relocation shown on sheet A-1.2. Add a note on coversheet as a deferral submittal item on the building plan set. 88. FIRE DEPARTMENT (ENGINE) DRIVEWAY TURNAROUND REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet A- 1.2) Provide an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 40 feet outside. Maximum grade in any direction shall be a maximum of 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications D-1. CFC Sec. 503. 89. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE)ACCESS ROADWAY REQUIRED: (Approved AMMR on sheet A- 0.1) Provide an access roadway with a paved all-weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet A-1. CFC Sec. 503. AMMR approved to address roadway requirement. PC #23-1771. 90. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: (UFS testing letter received) The minimum require fireflow for this project is 1000 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) at 20 psi residual pressure. This fireflow assumes installation of automatic fire sprinklers per CFC [903.3.1.3] Residence construction type as III-B to meet required fireflow. 91. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: (As Noted on Sheet A-0.0) This project is located within the designated Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area. The building construction shall comply with the provisions of California Building Code (CBC) Chapter 7A. Note that vegetation clearance shall be in compliance with CBC Section 701A.3.2.4 prior to project final approval. Check with the Planning Department for related landscape plan requirements. 92. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33. 93. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 94. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1. 95. ALTERNATIVE MEANS/METHODS: The Alternate Means/Methods Request application is approved per Santa Clara County Fire Department Plan Review No. 23 1771 on May 30, 2023 with the following conditions: a. This application proposes to mitigate deficiencies to a non-conforming fire apparatus access road. The existing roadway is currently not paved to a width of 20 feet, exceed 23% in slope and the surface are filled with pot-holes. b. In order to mitigate the non-conforming road, the applicant proposes the following: i. Modified NFPA 130-13D sprinkler system for the entire main house and along the eaves. ii. The roadway will be reconstructed to be capable of supporting 75,000 lbs. iii. The roadway will be reduced to a maximum of 19% slope. iv. A SCCFD standard turnout will be installed in the middle of the roadway v. Widening of the driveway at the top last turn to accommodate fire engine turning radius. vi. Removed existing tree to provide width and aerial clearance of the roadway. c. Proposals intend to offer code equivalence by: i. The increased sprinkler design intends to provide additional fire control, therefore allowing more time for fire crews to respond and set up operations. ii. The increased fire control is anticipated to minimize the quantity of emergency resources required thus mitigating access challenges presented by the existing, non-conforming road. iii. The widen road provide better fire access although it's not conforming 20ft. iv. Turnout will be utilized for a non-conforming 20 ft road. d. Roadway improvement including paving, width widening and slope reduction shall be implemented prior to combustible construction. e. Turnout shall be installed prior to combustible construction. f. Modified fire sprinklers shall be installed throughout the residence in accordance with 2016 NFPA 13D and Santa Clara County Fire Department Standard Details and Specification SP-6. Additional sprinklers shall be installed throughout combustible concealed spaces not otherwise specified by these standards. Combustible concealed spaces to be sprinklered include bathrooms, closets and not otherwise required by 13D. g. The 4 most hydraulically remote sprinklers are proposed to be included in the system design. h. A Knox switch shall be provided if automatic gate is installed. i. A copy of the Alternate Means/Methods application form, with approval signature shall be made part of the planning drawing set, to be routed to Santa Clara County Fire Department for final approval. 96. This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction. A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid. Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] This Page Intentionally Left Blank PROJECT DESCRIPTION – 15977 SHANNON ROAD THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPEMENT APPROVAL FOR THE REMODELING AND ADDITIONS TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. THE EXISTING RESIDENCE DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE HDS&G, AS IT STANDS 3-STORIES TALL AND EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEIGHT FOR A VISIBLE SITE IN THE HR ZONING. PROJECT APPROVAL REQUIRES BEEING GRANTED A HEIGHT EXCEPTION. THE SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE VHFHZ -WILD FIRE URBAN INTERFACE ZONE AND AS SUCH AN ATTEMPT BY THE OWNERS TO CONSTRUCT A NEW ONE-STORY DWELLING WAS NOT POSSIBLE. THE OWNER’S OBJECTIVE IS TO DESIGN A FIRE SAFE, MODERNIZED HOME THAT IS SUSTAINABLE WHILE ALSO CREATING AN INDOOR OUTDOOR LIVING ENVIRONMENT THAT PROMOTES A HEALTHLY LIFESTYLE. THE PROPOSED PROJECT ENTAILS THE REMODLING AND AADDITIONS TO CONVERT AN EXISTING GARAGE INTO AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AND ADD A NEW 3-CAR GARAGE TO THE MAIN FLOOR LEVEL. THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS INVOLVE THE REGRADING OF THE DRIVEWAY AND NEW EMERGENCY TURN AROUND IN ORDER TO BRING THE SITE INTO COMPLIANCE WITH SCCFD STANDARDS. A NEW POOL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF A 30% SLOPED BANK AND CONVERTING IT INTO A KITCHEN GARDEN SPACE. EXISTING TREES ADJACENT TO THE NEW AND PROPOSED RESIDENCE WILL BE REMOVED TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTIBLE “DEFENSIBLE SPACE”. EXHIBIT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Project Narrative and Letter of Justification 5/31/23 The owners of 15977 Shannon Road are requesting approval to remodel their residence that was constructed in 1980, prior to the Town developing the Hillside Design Standards & Guidelines and studies and documents. The site is located at the end of a driveway shared with 5 other neighbors and is also void of any clear pattern of neighborhood context. All attempts to remodel the existing residence to be below the allowable overall height of 18 feet resulted in a “technical demolition”. The local fire department will not approve the construction of a new dwelling at this site due to the requirements of PRC 4290. The owners have no choice but to remodel, retain all 3 floor levels and add new floor area to the existing residence to meet the owner’s objectives and necessities. The owner’s objective is to modernize their home inside and out to provide state-of-the-art wildfire protection while adding floor area to provide for the family’s active life-styles. A change from the original architecture resulted from new roof elements used to mitigate the visibility of the home and provide privacy. The home is organically designed to step and flow with the natural contours of the site and complies with the Town’s Zoning Code and Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines except as pertaining to building height. The home’s exterior is constructed entirely of unprotected wood and is located in a Very High Fire Hazard Zone. A portion of the existing driveway reaches up to a 23% grade. The proposed site development will be constructed to have on-site SCCFD compliant driveway and turnaround areas for emergency vehicles. The remodeled residence will have new fire-resistant exterior siding and trim throughout. The Landscape Plan provides several new trees outside of the fire safety zones that will screen a variety of locations from viewing the house. The landscape plan has also been developed using native, drought tolerant planting. The landscape will meet the requirements for WELO and not use a larger than acceptable water consumption. Outside, the swimming pool and patio-garden design have been seamlessly integrated into the interior living spaces to promote a healthy living environment. Areas for small organic gardens and a net zero solar powered home will provide a more sustainable, green living environment. Site Retaining walls are used to gently terrace the hillside and provide mitigation through planting above and below the walls. No grading exceptions are required and all retaining wall are designed to be compliant with the HDS&G. EXHIBIT 5 An existing tool and mechanical shed is being remodeled into a gym, matching the existing building height and well below the 15 ft. maximum. The gym is connected to the surrounding gardens and site features by a circuitous gravel path. Justification for the height exception This project requires the granting of a height exception for portions of the roof eaves measuring over 18 feet above grade. These roof eaves provide architectural integrity and mitigate the visual impacts of the original design. One of the primary objectives in designing the additional floor area was to remove and remodel the roof elements of the existing residence such that a new roof design will mitigate the visual impact of the tall roof surface. A small addition to the private area of the upper floor provides an additional bathroom, laundry room and family study space. The floor area for the new addition is located on the uphill side of the home and outside of view from all local viewing platforms. One might say that the new addition is located in the MDA (most desirable area). The new addition integrates seamlessly into the proposed architecture and below the new horizontal roof lines. A portion of the roof for the new addition is located 2 feet above the 18 ft. height limitation for sites that are visible. Most importantly, the entire proposed addition cannot be seen from any of the viewing platforms, thus the new addition has no negative impacts and meets the primary objectives of the HDS&G. On the western side of the residence, a 4” high portion of the new roof overhangs pokes above the 18’ height limit. The roof overhang is a consistent height of 8 feet and is environmentally designed to shield the home from the negative solar impacts. The larger area of shading provided by the existing decking also duplicated into the design of the roof result in diminishing the vertical wall surface areas while providing shade that darkens the light reflectivity value. All of the minor roof encroachments fall well below the height of the original residence and provide better environmental outcomes such as energy savings and reduced visibility. Justification to exceed the maximum allowable of “fill” for driveways per HDS&G Section III This project requires the granting of a grading exception in order to modify a small area of existing driveway and turnaround area to meet the Fire Departments Standards. An Alternative, Materials & Methods Request was granted by the Fire Department as a result of the fill required to provide an ample level turnaround space. Zoning and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines The objectives of the Hillside Design Standards & Guidelines have been met by integrating as many Standards and Guidelines as possible for a remodeling project. The existing and proposed additions and site development are all located within the LRDA and located away from the most façade. The floor area of the home is within allowable limits and will not result in the largest home within the surrounding neighborhood. All existing and proposed walls and balconies will be hardened with flame proof materials. Exposed exterior wood will be replaced with fire resistant materials such as stucco plaster, stone and metal siding. A fire sprinkler system with rain-curtain surrounding the all metal eaves will be supplemented with a new private hydrant located near the residence. The existing driveway will be re-graded to meet the allowable slope gradient and a new emergency vehicle turnaround has been designed for the site. Small, existing trees that are located within 10 feet fire-safety zone will be removed. Site elements such as the swimming pool and surrounding wood decking will be removed and redesigned to step with the hillside and integrate better with the surrounding site and existing residence. New trees are proposed along the north and east property lines to provide privacy screening to help mitigate visual impacts between the neighboring properties. This Page Intentionally Left Blank 'LONGBOARD' METAL SIDING -LIGHT NATIONAL WALNUT COLOR, LRV 11 1-16-23 FINISH BUILDING MATERIALS : 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 • CAMPBELL, CA 95008 • (408) 871-1071 PH METRO GROUP DESIGN ROOF:EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS AND PLANTERS: THORNTON RESIDENCE FASCIA, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, SCUPPERS: ENTRY DOOR: CUSTOM WOOD PIVOT DOOR MEDIUM DARK COLOR LRV 8 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032-4736 GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO', CLASS "A" -DESERT TAN COLOR, LRV 27 EXTERIOR WALLS: CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 ALUMINUM WOOD CLAD / ALUMINUM CLAD 'DARK BRONZE' ANODIZED ALUMINUM, LRV 5 WINDOWS/EXTERIOR DOORS, EXTERIOR WALLS METAL CLAD PATIOS: 2' X 4' PORCELAN TILE GAUGED NATURAL ROCK SIDING, AVERAGE LRV,30 KMA72-5LRV 8BARNWOOD SW 2855LRV 28SYCAMORE TAN KM5758-5LRV 27SAGE ADVICE LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER - COLOR SIMILAR TO SW 2855 SYCAMORE TAN - LRV 28 GARAGE DOOR: NATURAL WOOD VENEER LRV 11 GARAGE DOOR ADU, TRIMS: CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 KMA72-5LRV 8BARNWOOD GUARDRAIL: ALUMINUM FRAME WITH CABLE RAILING -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 DRIVEWAY: ASPHALT SW 6990LRV 5CAVIAR EXHIBIT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank February 13, 2023 Ms. Erin WaltersCommunity Development DepartmentTown of Los Gatos110 E. Main StreetLos Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 15977 Shannon Road Dear Erin: I reviewed the drawings, and evaluated the site context. My comments and recommendations are as fol- lows: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT The site is located on a large hillside parcel in an area of other large parcels and homes. The site currently con- tains a three-story home. Aerial photographs of the site and its surrounding context are shown on the follow- ing page. EXHIBIT 7 15977 Shannon Road Design Review Comments February 13, 2023 Page 2 The Site and Existing House The Site and Existing House 15977 Shannon Road Design Review Comments February 13, 2023 Page 3 ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS The existing house on the site is of a similar size and height to the proposed house with its new addition - see illustrations below. Existing House grade level view looking northeastExisting House aerial view looking northeast PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION PROPOSED RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION PROPOSED LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 15977 Shannon Road Design Review Comments February 13, 2023 Page 4 15977 Shannon Road Design Review Comments February 13, 2023 Page 5 The proposed addition and other modifications to the existing house are very well designed with an overall design unity among all of its parts. Its design quality is a substantial upgrade from the current home on the site. It terms of its height, mass and scale, it does not deviate much from the existing house - see the com- parative elevation illustrations below. FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION 15977 Shannon Road Design Review Comments February 13, 2023 Page 6 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION LEFT SIDE ELEVATION 15977 Shannon Road Design Review Comments February 13, 2023 Page 7 I also looked at the tall front stone elevation element since tall walls are often an issue. But found that the tall wall is lower and narrower than the front wall of the existing house - see illustration below. I have no recommendations for changes Erin, please let me know if you have questions or if I missed any important issues. Sincerely, CANNON DESIGN GROUP Larry L. Cannon This Page Intentionally Left Blank Tree Inventory, Assessment, and Protection Report 15977 Shannon Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 Prepared for: Town of Los Gatos March 28, 2023 Prepared By: Richard Gessner ASCA - Registered Consulting Arborist ® #496 ISA - Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B EXHIBIT 8 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Table of Content Summary ...............................................................................................................1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................1 Background ............................................................................................................1 Assignment .............................................................................................................1 Limits of the assignment ........................................................................................1 Purpose and use of the report ................................................................................2 Observations .........................................................................................................2 Tree Inventory .........................................................................................................2 Plans .......................................................................................................................2 Analysis .................................................................................................................4 Discussion .............................................................................................................5 Condition Rating .....................................................................................................5 Expected Impact Level .........................................................................................6 Mitigation for Removals ..........................................................................................7 Tree Protection .......................................................................................................8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................9 Recommendations .............................................................................................10 Pre-construction and Planning Phase ..................................................................10 Bibliography ........................................................................................................11 Glossary of Terms ...............................................................................................12 Appendix A: Tree Inventory Map .......................................................................14 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 A1: Grading Plan ..................................................................................................14 A2: Site Plan .........................................................................................................15 Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables ......................................16 Appendix C: Photographs ..................................................................................18 C1: Oak #1174 and Ash #1175 ............................................................................18 C2: Pepper #1177 and Valley Oak #1178 .............................................................20 C3: Coast Live Oak #1185 ....................................................................................21 C4: Trees along the driveway radius #1170 through #1172 .................................22 C5: Coast live oaks #1888 and #1889 ..................................................................23 Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines ...........................................................24 Plan Sheet Detail S-X (Type I) ...............................................................................24 Plan Sheet Detail S-Y (Type III) .............................................................................25 Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During Construction ...........................26 Tree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications .................................................26 All persons, shall comply with the following precautions .....................................27 Prohibited Activities ..............................................................................................27 Monitoring ............................................................................................................28 Root Pruning .........................................................................................................28 Boring or Tunneling ...............................................................................................28 Tree Pruning and Removal Operations .................................................................28 Appendix E: Tree Protection Signs ....................................................................29 E1: English ............................................................................................................29 E2: Spanish ...........................................................................................................30 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions ...................................31 Certification of Performance .............................................................................32 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Summary The applicant is requesting approval for site improvements requiring a grading permit, and to exceed the maximum height for visible homes in the hillside for an addition to an existing single- family residence zoned HR-1. APN 529-01-002. The inventory contains 16 trees comprised of 5 different species with two oaks considered Large Protected and none Exempt. Ten trees are in good condition, five fair, and one is in poor shape. Eight trees are expected to be highly impacted and caused to be removed while an additional six could be moderately affected. There are discrepancies between the plans regarding retention and removal. Some trees have been removed as noted in Appendix A that are on the plans. Also there is significant grading activity around trees #1179, #1180, and #1182, but the plans indicate these are to be retained, while the landscape plan does not indicate coast live oak #1185. The applicant is required to replace eight trees highly impacted. Tree protection will be tight around the site but most of the trees retained are small and can be protected. Trees along the driveway should be protected as a group. There were 16 trees appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $45,040.00. Introduction Background The Town of Los Gatos asked me to assess the site, trees, and proposed footprint plan, and to provide a report with my findings and recommendations to help satisfy planning requirements. Assignment •Provide an arborist’s report including an assessment of the trees within the project area and on the adjacent sites. The assessment is to include the species, size (trunk diameter), condition (health, structure, and form), and suitability for preservation ratings. Affix number tags on the trees for reference on site and on plans. •Provide tree protection specifications, guidelines, and impact ratings for those affected by the project. •Provide appraised values using the Trunk Formula Technique. Limits of the assignment •The information in this report is limited to the condition of the trees during my inspection on March 22, 2023. No tree risk assessments were performed. •Tree heights and canopy diameters are estimates. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 1 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 The plans reviewed for this assignment were as follows (Table 1) Purpose and use of the report The report is intended to identify all the trees within the plan area that could be affected by a project. The report is to be used by the Town of Los Gatos and the property owners as a reference for existing tree conditions to help satisfy planning requirements. Observations Tree Inventory The inventory consists of trees protected by the Town of Los Gatos located on site and those in close proximity on neighboring properties. Sec. 29.10.0960. - Scope of protected trees. All trees which have a four-inch or greater diameter (twelve and one half-inch circumference) of any trunk, when removal relates to any review for which zoning approval or subdivision approval is required. (Appendix A and B). Los Gatos Town Ordinance 29.10.0970 Exceptions (1) states the following: “A fruit or nut tree that is less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter (fifty-seven-inch circumference). Plans The applicant is requesting approval for site improvements requiring a grading permit, and to exceed the maximum height for visible homes in the hillside for an addition to an existing single- family residence zoned HR-1. APN 529-01-002. Table 1: Plans Reviewed Checklist Plan Date Sheet Reviewed Source Existing Site Topographic Proposed Site Plan January 27, 2023 A1.2 Yes Metro Design Demolition Plan Erosion Control Grading and Drainage January 2023 4 of 7 Yes Hanna Brunetti Utility Plan and Hook-up locations Exterior Elevations Landscape Plan January 26, 2023 L1 Yes Karen Aitken & Associates Irrigation Plan T-1 Tree Protection Plan Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 2 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 The inventory contains 16 trees comprised of 5 different species. Two trees are considered Large Protected and none are Exempt . 1 2 The chart below list the species and their relative quantities (Chart 1). Large protected tree means any oak (Quercus spp.), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), or Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) which has a 24-inch or 1 greater diameter (75-inch circumference); or any other species of tree with a 48-inch or greater diameter (150-inch circumference). A fruit or nut tree that is less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter (fifty-seven-inch circumference).2 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 3 32 Quantity 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Analysis Tree appraisal was performed according to the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers Guide for Plant Appraisal 10th Edition, 2019 (CLTA) along with Western Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004. The trees were appraised using the “Cost Approach” and more specifically the “Trunk Formula Technique” (Appendix B). “Trunk Formula Technique” is calculated as follows: Basic Tree Cost = (Unit tree cost x Appraised trunk area), Appraised Value = (Basic tree cost X functional Limitations (percentage) X Condition (percentage) X External Limitations (percentage)). The trunk formula valuations are based on four tree factors; size (trunk cross sectional area), condition, functional limitations, and external limitations. There are two steps to determine the overall value. The first step is to determine the “Basic Tree Cost” based on size and unit tree cost. Unit tree cost is calculated by dividing the nursery wholesale cost of a 24 inch box specimen and its replacement size (cost per square inch trunk caliper) which is determined by the Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004 Western Chapter Regional Supplement. The cost of the 24 inch box wholesale specimen was determined through personal communications with BrightView and Normans nurseries in Farmington and Central Wholesale in San Jose for an average of $214.00. The second part is to depreciate the tree’s Basic Cost through an assessment of condition, functional limitations, and external limitations. The condition assessment guidelines and percentages are defined in the “Condition Rating” section of this report. Functional limitations are based on factors associated with the tree’s interaction to its planting site that would affect condition, limit development, or reduce the utility in the future and include genetics, placement, and site conditions for the individual tree. External limitations are outside the property, out of control of the owner and also affect condition, limit development, or reduce the utility in the future (i.e power lines, municipal restrictions, drought adaptations, or species susceptibility to pests). There were 16 trees appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $45,040.00. Appraisal worksheets are available upon request Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 4 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Discussion Condition Rating A tree’s condition is a determination of its overall health, structure, and form. The assessment considered all three criteria for a combined condition rating. •100% - Exceptional = Good health and structure with significant size, location or quality. •61-80% - Good = Normal vigor, well-developed structure, function and aesthetics not compromised with good longevity for the site. •41-60 % - Fair = Reduced vigor, damage, dieback, or pest problems, at least one significant structural problem or multiple moderate defects requiring treatment. Major asymmetry or deviation from the species normal habit, function and aesthetics compromised. •21-40% - Poor = Unhealthy and declining appearance with poor vigor, abnormal foliar color, size or density with potential irreversible decline. One serious structural defect or multiple significant defects that cannot be corrected and failure may occur at any time. Significant asymmetry and compromised aesthetics and intended use. •6-20% - Very Poor = Poor vigor and dying with little foliage in irreversible decline. Severe defects with the likelihood of failure being probable or imminent. Aesthetically poor with little or no function in the landscape. •0-5% - Dead/Unstable = Dead or imminently ready to fail. Ten trees are in good condition, five fair, and one is in poor shape (Chart 2). Most of the trees are naturally occurring or volunteers and are very small. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 5 32 Quantity 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Expected Impact Level Impact level defines how a tree may be affected by construction activity and proximity to the tree, and is described as low, moderate, or high. The following scale defines the impact rating: •Low = The construction activity will have little influence on the tree. •Moderate = The construction may cause future health or structural problems, and steps must be taken to protect the tree to reduce future problems. •High = Tree structure and health will be compromised and removal is recommended, or other actions must be taken for the tree to remain. The tree is located in the building envelope. Eight trees are expected to be highly impacted and caused to be removed while an additional six could be moderately affected. Two trees are outside the general construction area and are not expected to be impacted (Chart 3). There are discrepancies between the plans regarding retention and removal. Some trees have been removed as noted in Appendix A that are on the plans. Also there is significant grading activity around trees #1179, #1180, and #1182 but the plans indicate these are to be retained. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 6 32 Quantity 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Mitigation for Removals The table below indicates the recommended replacement values (Table 3). The applicant is required to replace eight trees highly impacted. Alternatively it may be possible to create an approved landscape plan or provide an in-lieu payment. 1To measure an asymmetrical canopy of a tree, the widest measurement shall be used to determine canopy size. 2Often, it is not possible to replace a single large, older tree with an equivalent tree(s). In this case, the tree may be replaced with a combination of both the Tree Canopy Replacement Standard and in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by Town Council resolution paid to the Town Tree Replacement Fund. 3Single Family Residential Replacement Option is available for developed single family residential lots under 10,000 square feet that are not subject to the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All 15-gallon trees must be planted on-site. Any in-lieu fees for single family residential shall be based on 24” box tree rates as adopted by Town Council. 4Replacement Trees shall be approved by the Town Arborist and shall be of a species suited to the available planting location, proximity to structures, overhead clearances, soil type, compatibility with surrounding canopy and other relevant factors. Replacement with native species shall be strongly encouraged. Replacement requirements in the Hillsides shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Appendix A and Section 29.10.0987 Special Provisions—Hillsides. Replacement trees should be placed on a landscape plan to account for the canopy loss. Table 3: Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy - Replacement Standard Canopy Size of Removed Tree (1) Replacement Requirement (2)(4) Single Family Residential Replacement Option (3)(4) 10 feet or less Two 24 inch box trees Two 15 gallon trees More than 10 feet to 25 feet Three 24 inch box trees Three 15 gallon trees More than 25 feet to 40 feet Four 24 inch box trees or two 36 inch box trees Four 15 gallon trees More than 40 feet to 55 feet Six 24 inch box trees; or three 36 inch box trees Not available Greater than 55 feet Ten 24 inch box trees; or five 36 inch box trees Not available Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 7 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Tree Protection Typically there are three different tree protection schemes which are called Type I, Type II and Type III trunk protection only. Tree protection focuses on avoiding damage to the roots, trunk, or scaffold branches (Appendix D). The most current accepted method for determining the TPZ is to use a formula based on species tolerance, tree age/vigor, and trunk diameter (Matheny, N. and Clark, J. 1998) (Fite, K, and Smiley, E. T., 2016). Preventing mechanical damage to the trunk from equipment or hand tools can be accomplished by wrapping the main stem with straw wattle or using vertical timbers (Appendix D). Tree protection will be tight around the site but most of the trees retained are small and can be protected. The recommended tree protection radii are list in table 2 below (Table 2). Trees along the driveway should be protected as a group with fence running along or adjacent to the driveway and any grading. Table 2: Tree Protection Radii Tree Species #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Percentage Expected Impact TPZ Radii (ft.) coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)1174 6, 4, 2, 2 15 70%Low 5 pepper (Schinus molle)1177 4, 4, 4 20 70%Low 5 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1175 12 25 30%Moderate 8 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1181 4, 4 20 50%Moderate 4 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1186 5, 4 20 50%Moderate 5 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)1172 6, 3 20 50%Moderate 5 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)1189 11 15 70%Moderate 7 wax myrtle (Morella californica)1171 4, 4, 2, 2 20 70%Moderate 5 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 8 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Conclusion The applicant is requesting approval for site improvements requiring a grading permit, and to exceed the maximum height for visible homes in the hillside for an addition to an existing single- family residence zoned HR-1. APN 529-01-002. The inventory contains 16 trees comprised of 5 different species with two oaks considered Large Protected and none Exempt. Ten trees are in good condition, five fair, and one is in poor shape. Eight trees are expected to be highly impacted and caused to be removed while an additional six could be moderately affected. Two trees are outside the general construction area and are not expected to be impacted. There are discrepancies between the plans regarding retention and removal. Some trees have been removed as noted in Appendix A that are on the plans. Also there is significant grading activity around trees #1179, #1180, and #1182, but the plans indicate these are to be retained, while the landscape plan does not indicate coast live oak #1185. The applicant is required to replace eight trees highly impacted. Tree protection will be tight around the site but most of the trees retained are small and can be protected. Trees along the driveway should be protected as a group with fence running along or adjacent to the driveway and any grading. There were 16 trees appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $45,040.00. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 9 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Recommendations Pre-construction and Planning Phase 1.Place tree numbers and tree protection fence locations and guidelines on the plans including the grading, drainage, and utility plans. Create a separate plan sheet that includes all protection measures labeled “T-1 Tree Protection Plan.” 2.Make sure all the plans have the existing trees and indicate the removals consistently throughout all drawings (civil, architectural, and landscape) 3.Place tree protection fence along the driveway adjacent to #1170, #1171, #1172, #1888, and #1889 (Type I) 4.Place tree protection fence around coast live oak #1185 at the edge of the existing pool patio (Type I). 5.Place fence around #1177 and #1178 individually at the required radii (Type I). 6.Provide a landscape plan that accounts for the loss in tree canopy to include in tabular form the required replacements in accordance with the Town’s Tree Canopy Replacement Standard. 7.All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writing according to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards and local regulations. All maintenance is to be performed according to ISA Best Management Practices. 8.Provide a copy of this report to all contractors and project managers, including the architect, civil engineer, and landscape designer or architect. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure all parties are familiar with this document. 9.Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the project arborist or landscape architect to verify tree protection is in place, with the correct materials, and at the proper distances. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 10 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Bibliography American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management : Standard Practices (Management of Trees and Shrubs During Site Planning, Site Development, and Construction)(Part 5). Londonderry, NH: Secretariat, Tree Care Industry Association, 2012. Print. Costello, Laurence Raleigh, Bruce W. Hagen, and Katherine S. Jones. Oaks in the urban landscape: selection, care, and preservation. Oakland, CA: University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2011. Print. Fite, Kelby, and Edgar Thomas. Smiley. Managing trees during construction, second edition. Champaign, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2016. ISA. Guide For Plant Appraisal 9th Edition. Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2000. Print. ISA. Guide For Plant Appraisal 10th Edition. Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2018. Print. ISA. Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004 Western Chapter Regional Supplement. Western Chapter ISA Matheny, Nelda P., Clark, James R. Trees and development: A technical guide to preservation of trees during land development. Bedminster, PA: International Society of Arboriculture1998. Smiley, E, Matheny, N, Lilly, S, ISA. Best Management Practices: Tree Risk Assessment: International Society of Arboriculture, 2017. Print Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 11 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Glossary of Terms Basic Tree Cost: The cost of replacement for a perfect specimen of a particular species and cross sectional area prior to location and condition depreciation. Cost Approach: An indication of value by adding the land value to the depreciated value of improvements. Defect: An imperfection, weakness, or lack of something necessary. In trees defects are injuries, growth patterns, decay, or other conditions that reduce the tree’s structural strength. Diameter at breast height (DBH): Measures at 1.4 meters (4.5 feet) above ground in the United States, Australia (arboriculture), New Zealand, and when using the Guide for Plant Appraisal, 9th edition; at 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) above ground in Australia (forestry), Canada, the European Union, and in UK forestry; and at 1.5 meters (5 feet) above ground in UK arboriculture. Drip Line: Imaginary line defined by the branch spread or a single plant or group of plants. The outer extent of the tree crown. Form: describes a plant’s habit, shape or silhouette defined by its genetics, environment, or management. Health: Assessment is based on the overall appearance of the tree, its leaf and twig growth, and the presence and severity of insects or disease. Mechanical damage: Physical damage caused by outside forces such as cutting, chopping or any mechanized device that may strike the tree trunk, roots or branches. Scaffold branches: Permanent or structural branches that for the scaffold architecture or structure of a tree. Straw wattle: also known as straw worms, bio-logs, straw noodles, or straw tubes are man made cylinders of compressed, weed free straw (wheat or rice), 8 to 12 inches in diameter and 20 to 25 feet long. They are encased in jute, nylon, or other photo degradable materials, and have an average weight of 35 pounds. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 12 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Structural evaluation: focused on the crown, trunk, trunk flare, above ground roots and the site conditions contributing to conditions and/or defects that may contribute to failure. Tree Protection Zone (TPZ): Defined area within which certain activities are prohibited or restricted to prevent or minimize potential injury to designated trees, especially during construction or development. Tree Risk Assessment: Process of evaluating what unexpected things could happen, how likely it is, and what the likely outcomes are. In tree management, the systematic process to determine the level of risk posed by a tree, tree part, or group of trees. Trunk: Stem of a tree. Trunk Formula Technique: Method to appraise the monetary value of trees considered too large to be replaced with nursery or field grown stock. Based on developing a representative unit cost for replacement with the same or comparable species of the same size and in the same place, subject to depreciation for various factors. Contrast with replacement cost method. Volunteer: A tree, not planted by human hands, that begins to grow on residential or commercial property. Unlike trees that are brought in and installed on property, volunteer trees usually spring up on their own from seeds placed onto the ground by natural causes or accidental transport by people. Normally, volunteer trees are considered weeds and removed, but many desirable and attractive specimens have gone on to become permanent residents on many public and private grounds. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 13 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Appendix A: Tree Inventory Map A1: Grading Plan Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 14 32 3SHEET OF 7 220831"=20'TMAMXXAMJANUARY 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONS[APPLICATION TYPE] APPLICATION NO. [_-__-___]APN 527-01-002TOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY & SITE PLANCIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 A2: Site Plan Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 15 32 A-1.2 THORNTON 1-20-23.pln1/27/20231:44 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.2 THORNTON 1-20-23.pln1/27/20231:44 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 1/27/2023 N 1 4 ' - 0 "20' -0 "30'-0"20' -0 " 25'-0" 2 0 ' - 0 "30'-0"30'-0" 30'-0" 55'-3"79' -0" 1 1 0 ' - 6 " 95'-7" 35'-9" 1 0 3 ' - 2 "8' MAX.44'-10"(p) elev. = 538.00 BOS = 547.00 TOS= 554.00 FG = 546.67'FG = 546.67' FG = 553.50' 1178 1179 INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 25'-0" REQUIRED REAR SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES TREE PROTECTION FENCING PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL TREE PROTECTION DIRECTIONS AND PER ARBORIST REPORT RECOMMENDATION - SEE DET S-X/AR-4 (SHEET 26 OF 34) POLE W/SERVICE DROPS & UNDERGROUND RISER 518.8 (E) CHAIN-LINK FENCE POWER POLE W/ TRANSFORMER TREE DRIP LINE (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED -TYP. (N) MAIL BOX AND ADDRESS SIGNAGE/ IDENTIFICATION COLUMN INDICATES NEW 14' WIDE AC DRIVEWAY W/ 13'-6" MIN. VERTICAL CLEARANCE - TYP. (E) TREE TO BE REMOVED INDICATES PROPOSED RESIDENCE, TYP. INDICATES (E) RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVED INDICATES EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT INDICATES EXISTING HARDSCAPE AT ACCESSORY BUILDING TO BE REMOVED INDICATES PROPOSED 38'-10" WIDE x 21'-6" DEEP INSIDE DIM. - THREE CAR GARAGE (TYP.) U.N.O. (E) WIRE FENCE INDICATES (N) RETAINING WALL - TYP. INDICATES (N) AC PADS 3 - PROPOSED PARKING SPACES 10'-0" x 18'-0" RELOCATE EX. WATER METER FG = 553.50' INDICATES NEW PAVEMENT AT EXISTING DRIVEWAY MIN. 12' WIDE AC DRIVEWAY W/ 13'-6" MIN. VERTICAL CLEARANCE - TYP. RELOCATE (E) WATER METER 1189 POWER POLE PROPOSED LOCATION OF WHARF HYDRANT - PER SCCFD STANDARD DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS - SPEC NO. W-1/ REV. 07/07/20 - V.A.1.- PAGE 3 4' H RET. WALL ORGANIC KITCHEN GARDEN LANDSCAPED AREA(E) FDC 538.00 18' x 42'550SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE (E) MINOR GRADE CONTOUR LINE (E) MAJOR GRADE CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED GRADE CONTOUR LINE EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMOVED (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED (E) SITE WALL TO BE REMOVED -TYP (E) EDGE OF PAVEMENT (E) TREE TO REMAIN (E) TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE NUMBER - SEE SHEET T-1 FOR MORE INFO TREE PROTECTION FENCING STRAW WATTLE JOINT TRENCH SANITARY SEWER LINE STORM DRAIN LINE WATER LINE FIRE SPRINKLER LINE AC AC E 550 30 % SLOPE LINE30 % SLOPE LINE30 % SLOPE LINE 30 % SLOPE LINEPINE TREES 1168 & 1169 HAVE BEEN REMOVED PER TREE REMOVAL PERMIT PROPO S E D REAR SETBA C K P RO PO S ED S ID E S E T BA C K PROPO S E D FRONT SETBA C K PROPOSEDSIDE SETBACKP R O PO S E D S I D E S E T B A C K FO R A C C E S S O R Y S T R U C T U R E PROPOSED FRONT SETBACK FOR ACCESSOR Y STRUCTUR E INDICATES AREA WITHIN LRDA LIMIT LINE (SLOPE UNDER 30 %) (TYP.) INDICATES AREA OUTSIDE LRDA LIMIT LINE (SLOPE 30 % OR MORE) (TYP.) PORTION OF (E) BUILDING TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BUILDING TO REMAIN PROPOSED ADDITION PROPOSED ASPHALT DRIVEWAY AT (E) DRIVEWAY LOCATION INDICATES NEW AREA OF AC DRIVEWAY PROPOSED HARDSCAPE PROPOSED KITCHEN VEGETABLE GARDEN (MIN. 40')A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 8 T H Y E N FIRE PROTECTION WATER AN AUTOMATIC NFPA 13D FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM APPROVED BY THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN ALL PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING. THREE SETS OF PLANS PREPARED BY A SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT (14700 WINCHESTER BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032) FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. THE SPRINKLERS SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION AND OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING. A. AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, HYDRAULICALLY DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA STANDARD 13D -2019 EDITION AND LOCAL ORDINANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE. THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY VALVING, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC), ETC., SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH NFPA 13D REQUIREMENTS. B. FAST RESPONSE FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT THE GARAGE AND ALL CONTIGUOUS AREAS WITHIN THE STRUCTURE. C. A STATE OF CALIFORNIA LICENSED FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE (3) COPIES OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS, CALCULATIONS, A COMPLETED PERMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE FEES TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. D. THE FIRE DISTRICT MUST ISSUE A PERMIT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. E. THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY BUSINESS LICENSE AND WORKER'S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE. F. A FLAT CEILING IS REQUIRED IN AREAS INCORPORATING AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ASURE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE SPRINKLER HEADS. G. THE BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED TO ALLOW CONTROL OF THE SPRINKLER RISER FROM OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS (3 SETS) AND A PERMIT APPLICATION TO THE FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE INSTALLING THE SYSTEM. CALL (408) 378-4010 FOR MORE INFORMATION. SMOKE ALARMS PER CBC #907.2.9.2, SMOKE ALARMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC #907.2.11. EGRESS DOORS EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPENABLE FROM THE EGRESS SIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY, THUMB TURN, OR ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. MANUALLY OPERATED FLUSH BOLTS OR SURFACE BOLTS ARE NOT PERMITTED, UNLESS ANY OF THE EXCEPTIONS TO THE SECTION 1008.1.9.4 ARE MET. (CBC #1008.1.9) PREMISES IDENTIFICATION / PROJECT ADDRESS APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL NEW AND EXISTING BUILDINGS IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY LEGIBLE AND VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. SAID NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. WHERE REQUIRED BY THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES HIGH WITH A MINIMUM STROKE OF 0.5 INCH. (CFC/505.1) WILDLAND / URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE DESIGNATED WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE AREA. THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC) CHAPTER 7A. & R337 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY A. CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY IS REQUIRED. SEE PROVIDED DETAILS ON AD SHEETS. B. MIN. 1/2" SPARK ARRESTOR SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH CHIMNEY. C. COMBUSTIBLE VEGETATION SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30FT TO 100FT. OF STRUCTURE AND BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CBC SEC 701A.3.2.4 PRIOR TO PROJECT FINAL APPROVAL. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS POTABLE WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTAMINATION CAUSED BY FIRE PROTECTION WATER SUPPLIES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT AND ANY CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CONTACT THE WATER PURVEYOR SUPPLYING THE SITE OF SUCH PROJECT, AND TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT PURVEYOR. SUCH REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN OF ANY WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, AND/OR FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS OR STORAGE CONTAINERS THAT MAY BE PHYSICALLY CONNECTED IN ANY MANNER TO AN APPLIANCE CAPABLE OF CAUSING CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY OF THE PURVEYOR OF RECORD. FINAL APPROVAL OF THE SYSTEM(S) UNDER CONSIDERATION WILL NOT BE GRANTED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT UNTIL COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER PURVEYOR OF RECORD ARE DOCUMENTED BY THAT PURVEYOR AS HAVING BEEN MET BY THE APPLICANT(S). CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY ALL CONSTRCUTION SITES MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CFC CHAPTER 33 AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'S STANDARD DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION SI-7. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE NOTATIONS ON SUBSEQUENT PLAN SUBMITTALS, AS APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT. CFC CHP.33 FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES FG = 546.67' 1185 1182 1181 1177 11761175 11741173 1186 1187 1172 1171 1188 1189 1170 1180 INDICATES (N) ELEC. METER LOCATION INDICATES EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. TREE PROTECTION STRAW WATTLE PER ARBORIST REPORT RECOMMENDATION - SEE DET S- Y/AR-4 -TYP. (SHEET 27 OF 34) LOCATION OF EXISTING PRIVATE WHARF HYDRANT (TYP.) U.N.O. FF MAIN FLOOR 547.25' EXISTING RESIDENCE PROPOSED ADDITION TURNAROUND PER SCCFD STANDARD 1 POOL LANDSCAPED GARDEN GARAGE FLOOR sloped 1% three parking stalls MAIN TERRACE SPA COVERED PATIO (E) TERRACE DECK (ABOVE) ENTRY PORCH 3 - GUEST PARKING STALLS UP 3- CAR GARAGE GARAGE 2 FF LOWER FLOOR 538.25' one parking stall POOL EQUIPMENT VAULT EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FF =527.00' LANDSCAPED GARDEN FF = 547.25' LANDSCAPED GARDEN LANDSCAPED GARDEN INSTRUMENT: 24215488 (PARCEL ONE) JART, LLC APN 527-01-002 10'10'EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PER INSTRUMENT: 24215488 (PARCEL TWO) 207 MAPS 41-42 TRACT NO. 3973 LOT 7 LOT 3 TRACT NO. 3973 207 MAPS 41-42 EASE M E N T FOR INGRE S S /EGRE S S AND PUBLI C UTILI TI E S PER INSTR U M E N T : 2421 5 4 8 8 (PARC E L TWO )20'gate560570550540530520510510 520530510 520 530 550 540 530 520 510 56 0 N 84 ° 12 ' 52 "E 190 .18N06° 42' 42"E248.62N52° 11' 30"W 90.76 N40° 30' 13"W 48.52L=57.98,R=26.00D=127°46'37"S 85 ° 33 ' 17 "E 276 .76 N85° 33' 17 "W 198 .79 S10° 04' 24"W94.32S 82 ° 36 ' 04 "E 195 .42S08° 17' 02"W83.99S10° 04' 24"W60.21A P N 5 2 7 - 0 3 - 0 0 1 H O U A P N 5 2 7 - 0 2 - 0 1 1 S T R U C K A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 1 2 S N Y D E R A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 1 1 D R I G G S A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 3 L I B E R K O W S K I A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 4 Z O L O T O R E V / K O L E S N I K O V A A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 M U R R A Y FLOOD ZONE: PANEL NUMBER: 060337-06085C0377H REVISION DATE: MAY 18, 2009 COMMUNITY NAME: SANTA CLARA COUNTY ZONE D AN AREA OF UNDETERMINED BUT POSSIBLE FLOOD HAZARDS 19.9' EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PER INSTRUMENT 24215488 (PARCEL TWO) BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK ID: LG29 ELEVATION: 370.93 FEET ORGANIZATION: TOWN OF LOS GATOS DESCRIPTION: INTERSECTION OF SHANNON ROAD AND SHORT ROAD PR O P O S E D AD D I T I O N 1 2'-0" 2'-6"2'-6"2" MIN.3'-6"2'-4" +'- 2" MIN.1'-8" +/-3" TYP.3" TYP. 3'-0"PER USPSREQUIREMENTS15977 USPS APPROVED MAILBOX (TYP. ADDRESS SIGNAGE PLAQUE PER CRC SEC 319.1 & CBC SEC 505.1 LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER TO MATCH RESIDENCE (TYP.) RECESSED' IN GROUND LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP. PRECAST CONC. CAP MATCH RESIDENCE (TYP.) 20 GA. STEEL MAILBOX 'CAP' TO MATCH CHIMNEY CAP DESIGN (41" - 45")SIDE VIEW 1" RECESS AT, FRONT, SIDE, AND REAR FACES FRONT VIEW SCALE: 1/2"= 1'-0" ADDRESS COLUMN DETAIL SITE PLAN 1/16" = 1'- 0" , DZ Tree Removed X Tree Removed X 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables Table 2: Inventory and Assessment Summary Tree Species #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Suitability Expected Impact Large Protected Rounded Depreciated Value coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1170 13, 12, 8, 6 30 50%Good Moderate Yes $9,700.00 wax myrtle (Morella californica)1171 4, 4, 2, 2 20 70%Fair Moderate No $2,570.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1172 6, 3 20 50%Fair Moderate No $1,080.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1174 6, 4, 2, 2 15 70%Fair High No $1,980.00 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1175 12 25 30%Poor High No $480.00 pepper (Schinus molle)1177 4, 4, 4 20 70%Poor Moderate No $380.00 valley oak (Quercus lobata)1178 8, 6 20 70%Good Low No $5,200.00 valley oak (Quercus lobata)1179 6 20 70%Good High No $1,110.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1180 6 20 70%Good High No $1,110.00 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1181 4, 4 20 50%Poor High No $800.00 valley oak (Quercus lobata)1182 6 20 70%Good High No $1,890.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1185 18, 8 35 70%Good Low Yes $12,400.00 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 16 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1186 5, 4 20 50%Poor High No $270.00 ash (Fraxinus dipetala)1187 5, 4, 4 20 50%Poor High No $350.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1188 8 15 70%Good Moderate No $1,980.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 1189 11 15 70%Good Moderate No $3,740.00 Tree Species #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Suitability Expected Impact Large Protected Rounded Depreciated Value Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 17 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Appendix C: Photographs C1: Oak #1174 and Ash #1175 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 18 32 #1174 #1175 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 19 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 C2: Pepper #1177 and Valley Oak #1178 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 20 32 #1177 #1178 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 C3: Coast Live Oak #1185 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 21 32 #1185 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 C4: Trees along the driveway radius #1170 through #1172
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 22 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 C5: Coast live oaks #1888 and #1889 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 23 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines Plan Sheet Detail S-X (Type I)
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 24 32 TREE PROTECTION Crown drip line or other limit of Tree Protection area. See tree preservation plan for fence alignment.4'-0"Maintain existing grade with the tree protection fence unless otherwise indicated on the plans. 2" x 6' steel posts or approved equal. Tree Protection fence: High density polyethylene fencing with 3.5" x 1.5" openings; Color- orange. Steel posts installed at 8' o.c. 5" thick layer of mulch. Notes: 1- See specifications for additional tree protection requirements. 2- If there is no existing irrigation, see specifications for watering requirements. 3- No pruning shall be performed except by approved arborist. 4- No equipment shall operate inside the protective fencing including during fence installation and removal. 5- See site preparation plan for any modifications with the Tree Protection area. SECTION VIEW KEEP OUT TREE PROTECTION AREA 8.5" x 11" sign laminated in plastic spaced every 50' along the fence. URBAN TREE FOUNDATION © 2014 OPEN SOURCE FREE TO USE Tree protection fence: Fencing shall be comprised of six- foot high chain link mounted on eight- foot tall, 1 7/8-inch diameter galvanized posts, driven 24 inches into the ground. Minimum 4” thick mulch layer Crown diameter drip line distance equal to the outer most limit of foliage.Notes: •All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writing according to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards and local regulations. •All maintenance is to be performed according to ISA Best Management Practices. Notes: The Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) may vary in radius from the trunk and may or may not be established at the drip line distance. See arborist’s report and plan sheet for specifications of TPZ radii.6’-0”Modified by Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC, 2019 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Plan Sheet Detail S-Y (Type III)
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 26 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 1.Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. 2.Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. 3.Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. 4.Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. 5.Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. 6.Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. 7.The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered. Prohibited Activities The following are prohibited activities within the TPZ: •Grade changes (e.g. soil cuts, fills); •Trenches; •Root cuts; •Pedestrian and equipment traffic that could compact the soil or physically damage roots; •Parking vehicles or equipment; •Burning of brush and woody debris; •Storing soil, construction materials, petroleum products, water, or building refuse; and, •Disposing of wash water, fuel or other potentially damaging liquids. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 27 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Monitoring Any trenching, construction or demolition that is expected to damage or encounter tree roots should be monitored by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist and should be documented. The site should be evaluated by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist after construction is complete, and any necessary remedial work that needs to be performed should be noted. Root Pruning Roots greater than two inches in diameter shall not be cut. When roots over two inches in diameter are encountered and are authorized to be cut or removed, they should be pruned by hand with loppers, handsaw, reciprocating saw, or chain saw rather than left crushed or torn. Roots should be cut beyond sinker roots or outside root branch junctions and be supervised by the project arborist. When completed, exposed roots should be kept moist with burlap or backfilled within one hour. Boring or Tunneling Boring machines should be set up outside the drip line or established Tree Protection Zone. Boring may also be performed by digging a trench on both sides of the tree until roots one inch in diameter are encountered and then hand dug or excavated with an Air Spade® or similar air or water excavation tool. Bore holes should be adjacent to the trunk and never go directly under the main stem to avoid oblique (heart) roots. Bore holes should be a minimum of three feet deep. Tree Pruning and Removal Operations All tree pruning or removals should be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Treatment, including pruning, shall be specified in writing according to the most recent ANSI A-300A Standards and Limitations and performed according to ISA Best Management Practices while adhering to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards. Trees that need to be removed or pruned should be identified in the pre-construction walk through. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 28 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Appendix E: Tree Protection Signs E1: English
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 29 32 Warning Tree Protection Zone This Fence Shall Not Be Removed And Is Subject To Penalty According To Town Code 29.10.1025 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 E2: Spanish Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 30 32 Cuidado Zona De Arbol Pretejido Esta valla no podrán ser sacados Y está sujeta a sanción en función de Código Ciudad del 29.101025 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. Any titles or ownership of properties are assumed to be good and marketable. All property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. All property is presumed to be in conformance with applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other regulations. Care has been taken to obtain information from reliable sources. However, the consultant cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or attend meetings, hearings, conferences, mediations, arbitration, or trials by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services. This report and any appraisal value expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is not contingent upon the reporting of a specified appraisal value, a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report are intended for use as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale, and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. The reproduction of information generated by architects, engineers, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is only for coordination and ease of reference. Inclusion of said information with any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless otherwise expressed: a) this report covers only examined items and their condition at the time of inspection; and b) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that structural problems or deficiencies of plants or property may not arise in the future. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 31 32 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 28, 2023 Certification of Performance I Richard Gessner, Certify: That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and/or the property referred to in this report, and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation and/or appraisal is stated in the attached report and Terms of Assignment; That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; That the analysis, opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own; That my analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted Arboricultural practices; That no one provided significant professional assistance to the consultant, except as indicated within the report. That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party, nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any other subsequent events; I further certify that I am a Registered Consulting Arborist® with the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and that I acknowledge, accept and adhere to the ASCA Standards of Professional Practice. I am an International Society of Arboriculture Board Certified Master Arborist®. I have been involved with the practice of Arboriculture and the care and study of trees since 1998. Richard J. Gessner ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #496 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualified CA - Qualified Applicators License QL104230 Copyright © Copyright 2020, Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC. Other than specific exception granted for copies made by the client for the express uses stated in this report, no parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the express, written permission of the author. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 32 32 From: T Thornton <> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 9:58 AM To: Erin Walters <EWalters@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Tom Sloan Subject: Re: 15977 Shannon Road - Los Gatos Staff Technical Review Comments - progress questions [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Erin On March 12th, my husband and I went to talk to the neighbors closest to us , Janusz and Danuta Liberkowski. We informed them that we will be doing road improvements, also on the part of the road that is on their property. Danuta told us that her and her husband support this and look forward to the project being done as it will add value to their home as well. I have also spoken to Tina and Kirk Murray down the street ) and they too are supporting us in our plans with the house. In addition, we have spoken multiple times with Ken and Kristin Dickens at the bottom of the road at . They too are supporting us and were surprised that nothing has happened up there yet as far as construction goes. Tabea EXHIBIT 9 A-0.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:24 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:24 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 A-0.0 A-0.1 A-0.2 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 A-1.0 A-1.1 A-1.2 A-1.3 A-1.4 A-1.5 A-1.6 A-1.7 A-2.0 A-2.1 A-2.2 A-2.3 A-3.0 A-4.0 A-4.1 A-4.2 A-5.0 A-6.0 A-6.1 A-6.2 A-6.3 A-6.4 A-6.5 A-7.0 A-7.1 A-8.0 A-8.1 A-8.2 VA-1 VA-2 VA-3 L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 COVER SHEET AMMR BUILD IT GREEN COVER SHEET BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY & SITE PLAN DRIVEWAY - GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN YARD - GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SECTIONS & DETAILS EXISTING DRIVEWAY - PLAN & PROFILE EROSION CONTROL PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN EXISTING SITE PLAN - DEMOLITION SITE PLAN SITE SECTIONS EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN LEGEND FOR SITE PHOTOS SITE PHOTOS EXISTING - MAIN FLOOR EXISTING - UPPER & LOWER FLOORS EXISTING ELEVATIONS - SOUTH & WEST EXISTING ELEVATIONS - EAST & NORTH PROPOSED VS. DEMOLITION PLAN - ANALYSIS PROPOSED LOWER FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED ROOF PLAN ARCHITECTURAL 3D RENDERINGS ARCHITECTURAL 3D RENDERINGS PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION CROSS SECTION A & B CROSS SECTION C PROPOSED ACCESSORY BUILDING ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ELEVATIONS EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURE VISIBILITY ANALYSIS VISIBILITY ANALYSIS PROPOSED-VISIBILITY ANALYSIS LANDSCAPE PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION AND PLANTING DETAILS TREE PROTECTION MEASURES, NOTES & DETAILS PROJECT SITE GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAP PROJECT INFORMATION AS-NOTED COVER SHEET PROJECT DATA GENERAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION AREA TABULATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX CONSULTANT DIRECTORY CONSULTANT DIRECTORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARCHITECT METRO DESIGN GROUP CONTACT :TOM SLOAN A.I.A. 1475 S. BASCOM AVE. # 208 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408)871-1071 PHONE TOPO SURVEY, BOUNDARIES & PROPERTY OWNERS PHONE MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT ADDRESS A.P.N. LOCATED WITHIN DESIGNATED WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA CONSTRUCTION TYPE OCCUPANCY FIRE SPRINKLERS APPROVED AMMR JART, LLC (408)674-6643 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 527-01-002 YES - STATE MANDATED LRA (VHFHA) III-B R-3/U REQUIRED (NFPA-13D) YES - SEE SHEET A-0.1 SHEET INDEX ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES, AS WELL AS ALL APPLICABLE STATE CODES & LOCAL CITY ORDINANCES, 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (C.B.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (C.R.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (C.E.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (C.P.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (C.M.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (C.F.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE (C.E.C.) 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE (C.G.C.) NOTHING ON THE DRAWINGS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THESE CODES & REGULATIONS. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL EXAMINE THOROUGHLY THE SITE AND SATISFY THEMSELVES AS TO THE CONDITIONS TO WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AT THE SITE ALL MEASUREMENTS AFFECTING HIS WORK, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF THE SAME. NO EXTRA COST TO THE OWNER WILL BE ALLOWED RESULTING FROM HIS NEGLIGENCE TO EXAMINE OR FAILURE TO DISCOVER CONDITIONS AFFECTING HIS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS BY TAKING FIELD MEASUREMENTS; FOR PROPER FIT AND ATTACHMENT OF ALL PARTS IS REQUIRED. SHOULD THERE BE ANY DISCREPANCIES, IMMEDIATELY REPORT TO THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY RELATED WORK. IN THE EVENT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO DO SO, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY AND SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OR ADJUSTMENT OF ANY SUCH RELATED WORK OR ERRORS. DO NOT SCALE THESE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DRAWINGS. MINOR DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL CONDITIONS ARE TO BE EXPECTED. CONDITIONS REQUIRING CLARIFICATION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL INSTALL OR APPLY, AND PROTECT ALL PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, PROCESSES, METHODS, COATINGS, EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCES, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, ETC. IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS, TYPICAL. ALL MANUALS OR INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED BY THESE MANUFACTURER'S FOR PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE ABOVE ARE TO BE DELIVERED TO THE OWNER AT THE COMPLETION AND FINAL INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE QUANTITY, ROUGH OPENINGS AND TYPES OF DOORS AND WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULES IN RELATION TO FRAMING PER FIELD PRIOR TO ORDERING. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AND AEROSOL PAINT CONTAINERS MUST REMAIN ON THE SITE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. PER CGBSC SEC. 4.504.2.4 PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, A LETTER SIGNED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR THE OWNER/BUILDER (FOR ANY OWNER/BUILDER) PROJECTS MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFYING THAT ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AEROSOL PAINTS, AEROSOL COATINGS, CARPET SYSTEMS (INCLUDING CARPETING, CUSHION AND ADHESIVE), RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS, AND COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT ARE WITHIN THE EMISSION LIMITS SPECIFIED IN CGBSC SECTION 4.504. 1.CODES AND REGULATIONS 2.SITE VERIFICATION 3.MEASUREMENTS 4.DIMENSIONS 5.DISCREPANCIES 6.MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 7.WINDOWS AND DOORS 8.CALGREEN STANDARDS CIVIL ENGINEER MONARCH CONSULTING ARBORIST LLC RICHARD GESSNER, ASCA - REGISTERED CONSULTING ARBORIST ISA - CERTIFIED ARBORIST P.O. BOX 1010, FELTON, CA 95018 (831)331-8982 PHONE CONSULTING ARBORIST , DZ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING GeoForensics Inc. CONSULTING SOIL ENGINEERING CONTACT: DANIEL F. DYCKMAN, PE, GE 303 VINTAGE PARK DRIVE #220 FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 (650)349-3369 PHONE (650)571-1878 FAX KAREN AITKEN & ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS CONTACT: KAREN AITKEN 8262 RANCHO REAL GILROY CA. 95020 CALIF. REG.#2239 (408) 842-0245 karen@kaa.design LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTHANNA-BRUNETTI CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER CONTACT: AMANDA (WILSON) MUSY-VERDEL P.E., QSD 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIA OFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662 EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI THIS RESIDENCE WILL COMPLY WITH THE TOWN'S ELECTRIC APPLIANCE, ELECTRIC VEHICLE AND ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN CODE SECTION 6.70.020 AND 6.120.020. 9.TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENERGY REACH CODE BUILDING FLOOR AREA UPPER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL LOWER LEVEL (INCLUDING GARAGE #2 & POOL EQUIPMENT RM.) BELOW GRADE SF (BGSF) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE (E)GARAGE /3 CAR GARAGE ADU (NOT PART OF THIS APPLICATION) TOTAL (EXCLUDING BGSF, 400 SF @ GARAGE & ADU) EXISTING CONDITIONS PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRED/ PERMITTED 1,486 SF 2,466 SF 995 SF 423 SF 306 SF 422 SF ------ 5,275 SF 1,896 SF 2,606 SF 512 SF 905 SF 495 SF 888 SF 860 SF 5,997 SF 1,200 SF MAX. 6,000 SF MAX. 6,000 SF MAX. 400 SF EXEMPTION SETBACKS: FRONT: REAR: SIDE (N): SIDE (S): 103'-2" 103'-3" 67'-7" 142'-8" 95'- 7" 64'- 0" 77'-10" 116'- 3" 30' MINIMUM 25' MINIMUM 20' MINIMUM 20' MINIMUM MAXIMUM HEIGHT: MAXIMUM LOW TO HIGH HEIGHT: 30'-3"25'-0"18'-0" MAX. 34'-8"29'-2"28'-0" MAX. BUILDING COVERAGE: RESIDENCE FOOTPRINT: GARAGE: ACCESSORY BUILDING: TOTAL: 2,466 SF 0 SF 306 SF 2,772 SF (BELOW FOOTPRINT) 2,606 SF 1,028 SF 495 SF 4,129 SF NO MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE:NO MAXIMUM REDUCE WHEN POSSIBLE BUILDING COVERAGE: WOOD DECKS: CONCRETE PATIOS, TERRACES: POOL: DRIVEWAY: TOTAL: PARKING: GARAGE SPACES: UNCOVERED SPACES: TOTAL: SEWER OR SEPTIC:SEWER SEWER - 2 COVERED AT GARAGE - 4 COVERED AT GARAGES 3 ON-SITE GUEST 7 SPACES 2 COVERED MIN. 4 UNCOVERED MIN. GUEST 6 SPACES MIN. LOT SIZE (SF) ACRES GROSS LOT AREA AVERAGE SLOPE NET LOT AREA 2.11 92,152 SF GREATER THAN 30 % 90,262 SF (2.072 AC.) 36,105 SF (0.829 AC.) EXCLUDES DRIVEWAY EASEMENT AFTER 60 % SLOPE REDUCTION SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 0.92 ACRES MINIMUM 40,000 SF MINIMUM GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL SAME - LAND USE SINGLE FAMILY HOME SINGLE FAMILY HOME - ZONING DISTRICT HR-1 SAME - 4,129 SF 0 SF 4,706 SF 848 SF 6,557 SF 16,240 SF (17.99 %)(14.98 %) 2,772 SF 1,952 SF 2,653 SF 693 SF 5,448 SF 13,518 SF (4.57 %) THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPEMENT APPROVAL FOR THE REMODELING AND ADDITIONS TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. THE EXISTING RESIDENCE DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE HDS&G, AS IT STANDS 3-STORIES TALL AND EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE HEIGHT FOR A VISIBLE SITE IN THE HR ZONING. PROJECT APPROVAL REQUIRES BEEING GRANTED A HEIGHT EXCEPTION. THE SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE VHFHZ -WILD FIRE URBAN INTERFACE ZONE AND AS SUCH AN ATTEMPT BY THE OWNERS TO CONSTRUCT A NEW ONE-STORY DWELLING WAS NOT POSSIBLE. THE OWNER’S OBJECTIVE IS TO DESIGN A FIRE SAFE, MODERNIZED HOME THAT IS SUSTAINABLE WHILE ALSO CREATING AN INDOOR OUTDOOR LIVING ENVIRONMENT THAT PROMOTES A HEALTHLY LIFESTYLE. THE PROPOSED PROJECT ENTAILS THE REMODLING AND ADDITIONS TO CONVERT AN EXISTING GARAGE INTO AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (* NOTE: ONLY A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE ADU - NOT PART OF THIS APPLICATION) AND ADD A NEW 3-CAR GARAGE TO THE MAIN FLOOR LEVEL. THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS INVOLVE THE REGRADING OF THE DRIVEWAY AND NEW EMERGENCY TURN AROUND IN ORDER TO BRING THE SITE INTO COMPLIANCE WITH SCCFD STANDARDS. A NEW POOL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF A 30% SLOPED BANK AND CONVERTING IT INTO A KITCHEN GARDEN SPACE. EXISTING TREES ADJACENT TO THE NEW AND PROPOSED RESIDENCE WILL BE REMOVED TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTIBLE “DEFENSIBLE SPACE”. (3.07 %) BGSF EXEMPT EXHIBIT 10 A-0.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:24 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:24 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N/A AMMR N/A A-0.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:24 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-0.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:24 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist 20 5 6 8 1.0 20.0 9.0 7.7 14.0 Points Achieved Community Energy IAQ/Health Resources WaterAA. COMMUNITY No 1. Home is Located within 1/2 Mile of a Major Transit Stop 2 2. Compact Development & House Size a. Density of 10 Units per Acre or Greater (Enter units/acre)2 2 TBD b. Home Size Efficiency (5 points is average, points awarded based on home size)1--9 3. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access/ Alternative Transportation a. Site has Pedestrian Access Within ½ Mile of neighborhood services: TIER 1: 1) Day Care 2) Community Center 3) Public Park 4) Drug Store 5) Restaurant 6) School 7) Library 8) Farmer's Market 9) After School Programs 10) Convenience Store Where Meat & Produce are Sold TIER 2: 1) Bank 2) Place of Worship 3) Laundry/Cleaners 4) Hardware 5) Theater/Entertainment 6) Fitness/Gym 7) Post Office 8) Senior Care Facility 9) Medical/Dental 10) Hair Care 11) Commercial Office of Major Employer 12) Full Supermarket TBD 5 Services Listed Above (Tier 2 Services count as 1/2 Service Value)1 TBD 10 Services Listed Above (Tier 2 Services count as 1/2 Service Value)1 TBD b. Access to A Dedicated Pedestrian Pathway to Places of Recreational Interest within 1/2 Mile 1 TBD c. At Least Two of the Following Traffic-Calming Strategies Installed within 1/4 mile: 1 Designated Bicycle Lanes are Present on Roadways; Ten-Foot Vehicle Travel Lanes; Street Crossings Closest to Site are Located Less Than 300 Feet Apart; Streets Have Rumble Strips, Bulbouts, Raised Crosswalks or Refuge Islands 4. Safety & Social Gathering TBD a. Front Entrance Has Views from the Inside to Outside Callers 1 TBD b. Front Entrance Can be Seen from the Street and/or from Other Front Doors 1 TBD c. Porch (min. 100sf) Oriented to Streets and Public Spaces 1 5. Diverse Households TBD a. Home Has at Least One Zero-Step Entrance (prerequiste for 5b. And 5c.)1 Yes b. All Main Floor Interior Doors & Passageways Have a Min. 32-Inch Clear Passage Space 1 TBD c. Home includes at Least a Half-Bath on the Ground Floor with Blocking for Grab Bars 1 TBD d. Lot Includes Full-Function Independent Rental Unit 1 Total Points Available in Community = 26 A. SITE TBD 1. Protect Existing Topsoil from Erosion and Reuse after Construction 1 1 2. Divert Construction and Demolition Waste Yes a. Divert All Cardboard, Concrete, Asphalt and Metals (Required for both Whole House and Elements, if Applicable) Y R TBD b. Divert 25% C&D Waste Excluding All Cardboard, Concrete, Asphalt and Metals 2 TBD 3. Construction IAQ Management Plan 2 52 A home is only GreenPoint Rated if all features are verified by a Certified GreenPoint Rater through Build It Green. GreenPoint Rated is provided as a public service by Build It Green, a professional non-profit whose mission is to promote healthy, energy and resource efficient buildings in California. This checklist is used to track projects seeking a Whole House or Elements Label using the GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Rating System. The minimum requirements for each lable are listed in the project summary at the end of this checklist. Selected measures can be awarded points allocated by the percentage of presence of the measure in the home. The measure or practice must be found in at least 10% of the home to earn points. Instructions: Column A is a dropdown menue with the options of "Yes", "No", or "TBD" or a range of percentages to allocate points. Select the appropriate dropdown and the apropriate points will appear in the yellow "points acheived" column. The criteria for the green building practices listed below are described in the GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Rating Manual, available at www.builditgreen.org/greenpointrated GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist Version 2.1.3 Whole HouseEnter Label: Points Achieved: THORNTON RESIDENCE Possible Points Possible Points 0 20 5 6 8 1 20 9 8 14 © 2020 Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist v2.1.3 1 Points Achieved Community Energy IAQ/Health Resources WaterTHORNTON RESIDENCE Total Points Available in Site = 6 B. FOUNDATION 1. Replace Portland Cement in Concrete with Recycled Flyash or Slag TBD a. Minimum 20% Flyash and/or Slag Content 1 TBD b. Minimum 30% Flyash and/or Slag Content 1 Yes 2. Moisture Source Verification and Correction (Required for Whole House)Y R R 3. Retrofit Crawl Space to Control Moisture TBD a. Control Ground Moisture with Vapor Barrier 2 TBD b. Foundation Drainage System 2 TBD 4. Pest Inspection and Correction 1 5. Design and Build Structural Pest Controls TBD a. Install Termite Shields & Separate All Exterior Wood-to-Concrete Connections by Metal or Plastic Fasteners/Dividers 1 Yes b. All New Plants Have Trunk, Base, or Stem Located At Least 36 Inches from Foundation 1 1 TBD 6. Radon Testing and Correction or Radon Resistant Construction 1 Total Points Available in Foundation = 10 1 C. LANDSCAPE Yes Is the landscape area <15% of the total site area? (only 3 points available in this section for projects with <15% landscape area) 1. Resource-Efficient Landscapes Yes a. No Invasive Species Listed by Cal-IPC Are Planted 1 1 TBD b. No Plant Species Require Shearing 1 Yes c. 50% of Plants Are California Natives or Mediterranean Cimate Species 2 3 Yes 2. Fire-Safe Landscaping Techniques 1 3. Minimal Turf Areas TBD a. Turf Not Installed on Slopes Exceeding 10% or in Areas Less than 8 Feet Wide 2 TBD b. Turf is <25% of Landscaped Area 2 TBD c. Turf is <10% of Landscaped Area or eliminated 2 TBD 4. Shade Trees Planted 1 1 1 TBD 5. Plants Grouped by Water Needs (Hydrozoning) 2 6. High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems Installed TBD a. System Uses Only Low-Flow Drip, Bubblers, or Low-flow Sprinklers 2 TBD b. System Has Smart Controllers 3 TBD 7. Compost and Recycle Garden Trimmings on Site 1 TBD 8. Mulch in All Planting Beds to the Greater of 2 Inches or Local Water Ordinance Requirement 2 TBD 9. Use Environmentally Preferable Materials for Non-Plant Landscape Elements and Fencing 1 Yes 10. Light Pollution Reduced by Shielding Fixtures and Directing Light Downward 1 11. Rain Water Harvesting System (1 point for ≤ 350 gallons, 2 points for > 350 gallons) TBD a. Cistern(s) is Less Than 750 Gallons 1 TBD b. Cistern(s) is 750 to 2,500 Gallons 1 TBD c. Cistern(s) is Greater Than 2,500 Gallons 1 TBD 12. Soil Amended with Compost 1 1 Total Points Available in Landscape = 32 3 D. STRUCTURAL FRAME & BUILDING ENVELOPE 1. Optimal Value Engineering TBD a. Place Rafters & Studs at 24-Inch On Center Framing 1 75% b. Size Door & Window Headers for Load 0.75 1 TBD c. Use Only Jack & Cripple Studs Required for Load 1 2. Use Engineered Lumber TBD a. Engineered Beams & Headers 1 TBD b. Insulated Headers 1 TBD c. Engineered Lumber for Floors 1 TBD d. Engineered Lumber for Roof Rafters 1 TBD e. Engineered or Finger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications 1 TBD f. Oriented Strand Board for Sublfoor 1 TBD g. Oriented Strand Board Wall and Roof Sheathing 1 3. FSC Certified Wood TBD a. Dimensional Lumber, Studs, and Timber 4 TBD b. Panel Products 2 4. Solid Wall Systems (includes SIPs, ICFs, & Any Non-Stick Frame Assembly) TBD a. Floors 2 2 TBD b. Walls 2 2 TBD c. Roofs 2 2 Possible Points Possible Points Possible Points © 2020 Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist v2.1.3 2 Points Achieved Community Energy IAQ/Health Resources WaterTHORNTON RESIDENCE 5. Reduce Pollution Entering the Home from the Garage Yes a Tightly Seal the Air Barrier between Garage and Living Area 1 1 Yes b. Install Garage Exhaust Fan OR Have a Detached Garage 1 1 TBD 6. Energy Heels on Roof Trusses (75% of Attic Insulation Height at Outside Edge of Exterior Wall)1 7. Overhangs and Gutters TBD a. Minimum 16-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 1 TBD b. Minimum 24-Inch Overhangs and Gutters 1 8. Retrofit/ Upgrade Structure for Lateral Load Reinforcement for Wind or Seismic TBD a. Partial Lateral Load Reinforcement Upgrades/ Retrofits 1 TBD b. Lateral Load Reinforcement Upgrades/ Retrofits for Entire home 2 Yes 9. Sound Exterior Assemblies (Required for Whole House)Y R Total Points Available in Structural Frame & Building Envelope = 36 2.75 E. EXTERIOR FINISH TBD 1. Recycled-Content (No Virgin Plastic) or FSC-Certified Wood Decking 2 10%2. Rain Screen Wall System Installed 0.2 2 75%3. Durable & Noncombustible Cladding Materials 0.75 1 ≥90%4. Durable & Fire-Resistant Roofing Materials or Assembly 2 2 Total Points Available in Exterior Finish = 7 2.95 F. INSULATION 1. Install Insulation with 30% Post-Consumer Recycled Content TBD a. Walls and Floors 1 TBD b. Ceilings 1 2. Install Insulation that is Low-Emitting (Certified CA Residential Section 01350) TBD a. Walls and Floors 1 TBD b. Ceilings 1 ≥90%3. Inspect Quality of Insulation Installation before Applying Drywall 1 1 Total Points Available in Insulation = 5 1 G. PLUMBING 1. Distribute Domestic Hot Water Efficiently ≥50% a. Insulate All Accessible Hot Water Pipes (prerequisite for 1b. and 1c.)2 1 1 TBD b. Locate Water Heater Within 12' Of All Water Fixtures, as measured in plan 1 1 TBD c. Install On-Demand Circulation Control Pump 1 1 ≥90%2. High-Efficiency Toilets (Dual-Flush or ≤ 1.28 gpf)2 2 3. Water Efficient Fixtures Yes a. All Fixtures Meet Federal Energy Policy Act (Toilets: 1.6 gpf, Sinks: 2.2 gpm, Showers: 2.5 gpm) (Required For Whole House)Y R ≥90% b. High-Efficiency Showerheads Use ≤ 1.8 gpm at 80 psi 3 3 ≥90% c. Bathroom Faucets Use ≤ 1.2 gpm 2 1 1 Yes 4. Plumbing Survey (No Plumbing Leaks) (Required for Whole House and Elements)Y R Total Points Available in Plumbing = 13 9 H. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING 1. General HVAC Equipment Verification and Correction Yes a. Visual Survey of Installation of HVAC Equipment (Required for Whole House and Elements)Y R Yes b. Conduct Diagnostic Testing to Evaluate System 2 2 Yes c. Conduct Flow Hood Test and Assess Delivery of Air 1 1 Yes d. Air Conditioning Compressor Operates Properly and Refrigerant Charge is Optimal 1 1 TBD 2. Design and Install HVAC System to ACCA Manuals J, D and S 4 3. Sealed Combustion Units TBD a. Furnaces 2 TBD b.Water heaters 2 TBD 4. Zoned, Hydronic Radiant Heating 1 1 Yes 5. High Efficiency Air Conditioning Air conditioning with Environmentally Responsible Refrigerants 1 1 6. Effective Ductwork Installation Yes a. New Ductwork and HVAC unit Installed Within Conditioned Space 1 1 Yes b. Duct Mastic Used on All Ducts, Joints and Seams 1 1 Yes c. Ductwork System is Pressure Relieved 1 1 Yes 7. High Efficiency HVAC Filter (MERV 13+)1 1 Yes 8. No Fireplace OR Sealed Gas Fireplaces with Efficiency Rating ≥60% using CSA Standards 1 1 9. Effective Exhaust Systems Installed in Bathrooms and Kitchens ≥90% a. ENERGY STAR Bathroom Fans Vented to the Outside 1 1 TBD b. All Bathroom Fans are on Timer or Humidistat 1 Yes c. Kitchen Range Hood Vented to the Outside 1 1 Possible Points Possible Points Possible Points Possible Points © 2020 Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist v2.1.3 3 Points Achieved Community Energy IAQ/Health Resources WaterTHORNTON RESIDENCE 10. Mechanical Ventilation System for Cooling Installed Yes a. ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans & Light Kits in Living Areas & Bedrooms 1 1 Yes b. Whole House Fan 1 1 11. Mechanical Ventilation for Fresh Air Installed Yes a. Compliance with ASHRAE 62.2 Mechanical Ventilation Standards (as adopted in Title 24 Part 6) 1 1 Yes b. Advanced Ventilation Practices (Continuous Operation, Sone Limit, Minimum Efficiency, Minimum Ventilation Rate, Homeowner Instructions)1 1 TBD c. Outdoor Air Ducted to Bedroom and Living Areas of Home 1 1 12. Carbon Monoxide Yes a. Carbon Monoxide Testing and Correction (Required for Whole House)Y R Yes b. Carbon Monoxide Alarm(s) Installed 1 1 Yes 13. Combustion Safety Backdraft Test (Required for Whole House and Elements)Y R Total Points Available in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning = 30 17 I. RENEWABLE ENERGY 1. Offset Energy Consumption with Onsite Renewable Generation (Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind) Enter % total energy consumption offset, 1 point per 4% offset 25 Total Points Available in Renewable Energy = 25 J. BUILDING PERFORMANCE Yes 1. Energy Survey and Education (Required for Elements or Meet J3)Y R 2. Energy Upgrades (Available for Elements Rating Only, Mutually Exclusive with J3. 2 point minimum and 6 point maximum credit required) TIER 1: Practices in Tier 1 Are Worth Full Value (1 point) TBD a) Attic Insulation up to or Exceeding Current Code 1 TBD b) Crawl Space Insulation up to or Exceeding Current Code 1 TBD c) Wall Insulation up to or Exceeding Current Code 1 TBD d) High Efficiency Furnace (90% AFUE Minimum) 1 TBD e) Seal Ducts and Duct Leakage is <15%1 TBD f) 15 SEER, 12 EER Air Conditioning Unit (in climate zones 2,4,8-15) 1 TBD g) House Passes Blower Door Test With ≤0.5 ACH or a 50% Improvement 1 TIER 2: Practices in Tier 2 Are Worth Half Value (0.5 points) TBD h) High Efficiency Water Heater ≥.67EF 0.5 TBD i) Radiant Barrier in Attic 0.5 TBD j) Windows Upgraded to Current Code Requirements, Which are Typically Dual Pane 0.5 TBD k) Duct insulation to Code 0.5 TBD l) ENERGY STAR Thermostat 0.5 TBD m) 15 SEER, 12 EER Air Conditioning unit (in climate zones 1,3,5,6,7,16) 0.5 3. Meet Energy Budget for Home Based on Year (Based GreenPoint Rated Index, Includes Blower Door Test) (Required for Whole House, Available for Elements)10+ TBD 4. Design and Build Zero Energy Homes 5 TBD 5. Comprehensive Utility Bill Analysis 1 Total Points Available in Building Performance = 16+ K. FINISHES TBD 1. Entryways Designed to Reduce Tracked in Contaminants 1 2. Low/No-VOC Paint TBD a. Low-VOC Interior Wall/Ceiling Paints (<50 gpl VOCs regardless of sheen)1 TBD b. Zero-VOC: Interior Wall/Ceiling Paints (<5 gpl VOCs (flat) )2 TBD 3. Coatings Meet SCAQMD Rule 1113 for Low VOCs 2 TBD 4. Low-VOC Caulks & Construction Adhesives (Meet SCAQMD Rule 1168) 2 TBD 5. Recycled-Content Paint 1 6. Environmentally Preferable Materials for Interior Finish: A) FSC Certified Wood B) Reclaimed Materials C) Rapidly Renewable D) Recycled-Content E) Finger-Jointed or F) Local 75% a. Cabinets 0.75 1 75% b. Interior Trim 0.75 1 75% c. Shelving 0.75 1 75% d. Doors 0.75 1 TBD e. Countertops 1 Yes 7. For Newly Installed Products, Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish – Meet Current CARB Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Composite Wood Formaldehyde Limits by Mandatory Compliance Dates (Required for Whole Building & Elements) (EPA IAP) Y R Possible Points Possible Points Possible Points © 2020 Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist v2.1.3 4 Points Achieved Community Energy IAQ/Health Resources WaterTHORNTON RESIDENCE 8. Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish - Exceed Current CARB ATCM for Composite Wood Formaldehyde Limits Prior to Mandatory Compliance Dates TBD a. Doors 1 TBD b. Cabinets and Countertops 2 TBD c. Interior Trim and Shelving 1 TBD 9. After Installation of Finishes, Test of Indoor Air Shows Formaldehyde Level <27ppb 3 Total Points Available in Finishes = 21 3 L. FLOORING TBD 1. Environmentally Preferable Flooring: A) FSC-Certified Wood B) Reclaimed or Refinished C) Rapidly Renewable D) Recycled-Content, E) Exposed Concrete F) Local Flooring Adhesives Must Have <70 gpl VOCs and sealer must meet SCAQMD Rule 1113. 4 TBD 2. Thermal Mass Floors 1 TBD 3. Flooring Meets CA Section 01350 or CRI Green Label Plus Requirements 2 Total Points Available in Flooring = 7 M. APPLIANCES AND LIGHTING Yes 1. ENERGY STAR Dishwasher (Must Meet Current Specifications) (Mutually Exclusive with J3)2 1 1 2. ENERGY STAR Clothes Washing Machine with Water Factor of 3.2 or Less Yes a. Meets CEE Tier 2 Requirements (Modified Energy Factor 2.92, Water Factor 3.2)3 1 2 TBD b. Meets CEE Advanced Tier Requirements (Modified Energy Factor 3.10, Water Factor 3.0)2 3. ENERGY STAR Refrigerator Installed Yes a. ENERGY STAR Qualified & < 25 cu.ft.Capacity (Mutually Exclusive with J3)1 1 Yes b. ENERGY STAR Qualified & < 20 cu.ft Capacity (Mutually Exclusive with J3)1 1 4. Built-In Recycling & Composting Center TBD a. Built-In Recycling Center 2 TBD b. Built-In Composting Center 1 Yes 5. Electrical Survey (Required for Whole House)Y R TBD 6. Verification of Entire Electrical System 2 ≥90%7. Energy Efficient Lighting 1 1 TBD 8.Low- Mercury Lamps (Linear and Compact Flourescent)1 ≥90%9. Lighting Controls Installed 1 1 Total Points Available in Appliances and Lighting = 13+9 N. OTHER Yes 1. Incorporate GreenPoint Checklist in Blueprints Or Distribute Checklist (Required for Whole House and Elements)Y R Yes 2. Develop Homeowner Manual of Green Features/Benefits 2 1 1 3. Hazardous Waste Testing TBD a. Lead Testing Interior, Exterior and Soil 1 TBD b. Asbestos Testing and Remediation 1 TBD 4. Gas Shut Off Valve (motion/ non-motion)1 1 Total Points Available in Other = 6 2 P. INNOVATIONS AA. Community: No Innovation Measures At This Time A. Site TBD 1. Cool Site 1 B. Foundation: No Innovation Measures At This Time C. Landscaping TBD 1. Irrigation System Uses Recycled Wastewater 1 D. Structural Frame and Building Envelope 1. Design, Build and Maintain Structural Pest and Rot Controls TBD a. Locate All Wood (Siding, Trim, Structure) At Least 12 Inches Above Soil 1 TBD b. All Wood Framing 3 Feet from the Foundation is Treated with Borates (or Use Factory- Impregnated Materials) OR Walls are Not Made of Wood 1 TBD 2. Use Moisture Resistant Materials and Practices in Wet Areas of Kitchen, Bathrooms, Utility Rooms, and Basements 1 3. Use FSC-Certified Engineered Lumber TBD a. Engineered Beams and Headers 1 TBD b. Insulated Engineered Headers 1 TBD c. Wood I-Joists or Web Trusses for Floors 1 TBD d. Wood I-Joists for Roof Rafters 1 TBD e. Engineered or Finger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applications 1 TBD f. Roof Trusses 1 Possible Points Possible Points Possible Points Possible Points © 2020 Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist v2.1.3 5 Points Achieved Community Energy IAQ/Health Resources WaterTHORNTON RESIDENCE E. Exterior Finish TBD 1. Green Roofs (25% or Roof Area Minimum)2 2 F. Insulation: No Innovation Measures At This Time G. Plumbing TBD 1. Graywater Pre-Plumbing (Includes Clothes Washer at Minimum)1 TBD 2. Graywater System Operational (Includes Clothes Washer at Minimum)2 TBD 3. Innovative Wastewater Technology (Constructed Wetland, Sand Filter, Aerobic System)1 TBD 4. Composting or Waterless Toilet 1 TBD 5. Install Drain Water Heat-Recovery System 1 H. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) TBD 1. Humidity Control Systems (Only in California Humid/Marine Climate Zones 1,3,5,6,7)1 I. Renewable Energy: No Innovation Measures At This Time J. Building Performance Yes 1. Test Total Supply Air Flow Rates 1 1 TBD 2. Energy Budget Analysis (J3) Completed By CEPE 1 K. Finishes: No Innovation Measures At This Time. L. Flooring: No Innovation Measures At This Time. M. Appliances: No Innovation Measures At This Time. N. Other TBD 1. Homebuilder's Management Staff Are Certified Green Building Professionals 1 TBD 2. Comprehensive Owner's Manual and Homeowner Education Walkthroughs 1 3. Additional Innovations: List innovative measures that meet green building objectives. Points will be assessed by Build It Green and the GreenPoint Rater. TBD a. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD b. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD c. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD d. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD e. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD f. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD g. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P TBD h. Describe Innovation Here and Enter Possible Points in Columns L-P Total Points Available in Innovation = 26+1 Summary Total Available Points 224+25 83 46 76 47 Minimum Points Required (Whole House)50 20 5 6 8 Minimum Points Required (Elements)25 8 2 2 4 Total Points Achieved 52 1.0 20.0 9.0 7.7 14.0 Project has not yet met the recommended minimum requirements for GreenPoint Rated Whole House: - Total Project Score of At Least 50 Points - Required measures: -A2a: Divert All Cardboard, Concrete, Asphalt and Metals -B2: Moisture Source Verification and Correction -D9: Sound Exterior Assemblies -G3a: All Fixtures Meet Federal Energy Policy Act -G4: Plumbing Survey (No Plumbing Leaks) -H1a: Visual Survey of Installation of HVAC Equipment -H12a: Carbon Monoxide Testing and Correction -H13: Combustion Safety Backdraft Test -J3: Meet Energy Budget for Home Based on Year -K7: Meet Current CARB ATCM for Composite Wood Formaldehyde Limits -M5: Electrical Survey -N1: Incorporate GreenPoint Checklist in Blueprints or Distribute Checklist - Minimum points in specific categories: -Energy (20 points) -IAQ/Health (5 points) -Resources (6 points) -Water (8 points) © 2020 Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Existing Home Checklist v2.1.3 6 N/A BUILD IT GREEN DZ REV.: DEC. 2015 VICINITY MAP PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSCOVER SHEETARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017REVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE: MAY 2023AMXXAMTMAS SHOWN22083TOWN OF LOS GATOS STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: a. TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS). b. ALL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO THE PROJECT. c. THESE PLANS AND DETAILS. d. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROJECT SOILS INVESTIGATION SOILS ENGINEER GEO FORENSICS INC. REFERENCE REPORT NO. 220063, DATED 3/10/23 LETTER NO. __________, DATED ____________, SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPLIED WITH. BOTH THE MENTIONED REPORT AND ALL UPDATES/ADDENDUMS/LETTERS ARE HEREBY APPENDED AND MADE A PART OF THESE PLANS. 2. NO WORK MAY BE STARTED ON-SITE WITHOUT AN APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND A GRADING PERMIT ISSUED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 41 MILES AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030. 3. A PRE-JOB MEETING SHALL BE HELD WITH THE TOWN ENGINEERING INSPECTOR FROM THE PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE INSPECTIONS LINE AT (4080 399-5771 AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING OR ONSITE WORK. THIS MEETINGSHOULD INCLUDE: a. A DISCUSSION OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, WORKING HOURS, SITE MAINTENANCE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATTERS; b. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN WRITING THAT CONTRACTOR AND APPLICANT HAVE READAND UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, AND WILL MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL PROJECT SUB-CONTRACTORS HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THEM PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND THAT A COPY OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WILL BE POSTED ON SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4. APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELEASE THE DEVELOPER OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF MISTAKES, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. IF,DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC INTEREST AND SAFETY REQUIRES A MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATIONS OR THESE IMPROVEMENT PLANS, THE TOWN ENGINEER SHALL HAVEFULL AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE SUCH MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE AND TO SPECIFY THE MANNER IN WHICH THE SAME IS TO BE MADE. 5. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN APPLIES ONLY TO THE GRADING, EXCAVATION, PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION OF NATURAL EARTH MATERIALS. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONFER ANY RIGHTS OF ENTRY TO EITHER PUBLIC PROPERTY OR THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF OTHERS AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. 6. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR TO IDENTIFY,LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY USA (UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT) AT 1-800-227-2600 A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS BUT NOT MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ALL WORK. 7. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR AIRBORNE PARTICULATES. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS, CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK IDENTIFIED ON THESE PLANS. THESE SHALL INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SAFETY AND HEALTH RULES AND REGULATIONSESTABLISHED BY OR PURSUANT TO THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OR ANY OTHER APPLICABLE PUBLIC AUTHORITY. 9. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE QUALIFIED SUPERVISION ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE ALL NECESSARY CAUTION TO AVOID DAMAGE TO ANY EXISTING TREES, SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, WATER, SEWER, ELECTRICAL OR TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES WHETHER ABOVE GROUND OR UNDERGROUND.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE THERETO. 11. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS SHALL BE SET AND CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER QUALIFIED TO PRACTICE LAND SURVEYING. 12. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL APPLICABLE WORK (SUBGRADE, PAVING, ETC.) SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE APPLICANT'S SOILS ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED ATLEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING SUCH WORK. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE ON-SITE TO VERIFY CONDITIONS AS REQUIRED IN HIS REPORT. SHOULD ANY CHANGES TO THE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS BE NECESSARY, TOWN APPROVAL SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ANY ASSOCIATED WORK. 13. THE RESULTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING SHALL BE DOCUMENTED IN AN “AS-BUILT” LETTER/REPORT PREPARED BY THE APPLICANTS' SOILS ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED FOR THE TOWN'S REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE BEFORE FINAL RELEASE OF ANY OCCUPANCY PERMIT IS GRANTED. 14. ALL PRIVATE AND PUBLIC STREETS ACCESSING PROJECT SITE SHALL BE KEPT OPEN AND IN A SAFE, DRIVABLE CONDITION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. IF TEMPORARY CLOSURE IS NEEDED, THEN FORMAL WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE ADJACENT NEIGHBORS AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF CLOSURE, AND NO CLOSURE SHALL BE GRANTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE TOWN. NO MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE STORED IN THE PUBLIC OR PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN FENCES, BARRIERS, LIGHTS AND SIGNS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO GIVE ADEQUATE WARNING AND PROTECTION TO THE PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES. 16. OWNER/APPLICANT: ____________________________ PHONE:_____________ 17. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: _________________________ PHONE:_____________ 18. A TOWN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. A STATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY (IF APPLICABLE). THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING INSPECTION PERFORMED BY OTHER GOVERNMENTALAGENCIES. 19. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES SHALL BE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. SUPERINTENDENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DILIGENTLY PERFORMED BY A PERSON OR PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO DO SO AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THE STORING OF GOODS AND/OR MATERIALS ON THE SIDEWALK AND/OR THE STREET WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS A SPECIAL PERMIT ISISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. THE ADJACENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF ALL JOB RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS AT THE END OF THE DAY. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCORDING TO THIS CONDITION MAY RESULT IN PENALTIES AND/OR THE TOWN PERFORMING THE REQUIRED MAINTENANCE AT THE DEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. SHEET INDEX 1. TOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA, LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS 2. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND SITE PLAN 4. DRIVEWAY - GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 5. YARD - GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 6. SECTIONS & DETAILS 7. EXISTING DRIVEWAY - PLAN & PROFILE 8. EROSION CONTROL PLAN PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS NPDES NOTES 1. SEDIMENT FROM AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE USING STRUCTURAL CONTROLS AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 2. STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE PROPERLY CONTAINED TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES VIA RUNOFF, VEHICLE TRACKING, OR WIND AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 3. APPROPRIATE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED MATERIALS, WASTES, SPILL OR RESIDES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO MINIMIZETRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, OR ADJOINING PROPERTY BY WIND OR RUNOFF AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 4. RUNOFF FROM EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE WASHING SHALL BE CONTAINED AT CONSTRUCTION SITES AND MUST NOT BE DISCHARGED TO RECEIVING WATERS OR TO THE LOCAL STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ARE TO BE MADE AWARE OF THE REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) AND GOODHOUSEKEEPING MEASURES FOR THE PROJECT SITE AND ANY ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREAS. 6. AT THE END OF EACH DAY OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS SHALL BE COLLECTED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED IN TRASH ORRECYCLE BINS. 7. CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A CONDITION THAT A STORM DOES NOT CARRY WASTE OR POLLUTANTS OFF OF THE SITE. DISCHARGES OF MATERIAL OTHER THAN STORMWATER (NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES) ARE PROHIBITED EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY AN INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT OR THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: SOLID OR LIQUIDCHEMICAL SPILLS; WASTES FROM PAINTS, STAINS, SEALANTS, SOLVENTS, DETERGENTS, GLUES, LIME, PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, FERTILIZERS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES AND ASBESTOS FIBERS, PAINT FLAKES OR STUCCO FRAGMENTS; FUELS, OILS, LUBRICANTS,AND HYDRAULIC, RADIATOR OR BATTERY FLUIDS; CONCRETE AND RELATED CUTTING OR CURING RESIDUES; FLOATABLE WASTES; WASTES FROM ENGINE/EQUIPMENT STEAM CLEANING OR CHEMICAL DEGREASING; WASTES FROM STREET CLEANING; AND SUPERCHLORINATED POTABLE WATER FROM LINE FLUSHING AND TESTING. DURING CONSTRUCTION, DISPOSAL OF SUCH MATERIALS SHOULD OCCUR IN A SPECIFIED ANDCONTROLLED TEMPORARY AREA ON-SITE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED FROM POTENTIAL STORMWATER RUNOFF, WITH ULTIMATE DISPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. 8. DISCHARGING CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING GROUNDWATER THAT HAS INFILTRATED INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IS PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING OF CONTAMINATED SOILS VIA SURFACE EROSION IS ALSO PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING NON-CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING ACTIVITIES REQUIRES A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT FROM THE RESPECTIVE STATE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. TOTAL SITE AREA: ____________ SF TOTAL SITE AREA DISTURBED: ____________ SF (INCLUDING CLEARING, GRADING OR EXCAVATING) EXISTING AREA (SF) PROPOSED AREA (SF) REPLACED NEW TOTAL AREA POST-PROJECT (SF) IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL NEW & REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS AREA TABLE OF PROPOSED PERVIOUS AND IMPERVIOUS AREAS AB AGGREGATE BASE AC ASPHALT CONCRETE AD AREA DRAIN ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE BC BACK OF CURB BFP BACKFLOW PREVENTER BW BOTTOM OF WALL CATV CABLE TELEVISION CB CATCH BASIN CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND C/L CENTERLINE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEANOUT CY CUBIC YARD DCVA DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY DI DROP INLET DIA DIAMETER DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DWY DRIVEWAY (E) EAST EG EXISTING GRADE ELEC ELECTRICAL EP EDGE OF PATH EVAE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT EX EXISTING FC FACE OF CURB FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE FH FIRE HYDRANT FL FLOW LINE FM FORCED MAIN FS FIRE SERVICE FT FEET G GAS GA GAUGE GB GRADE BREAK GM GAS METER GS GAS SERVICE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HP HIGH POINT IEE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IN INCH INV INVERT ELEVATION LAT LATERAL LG LIP OF GUTTER LP LOW POINT MAX MAXIMUM MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MPH MILES PER HOUR (N) NORTH N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE O.C. ON CENTER O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER PAD PAD ELEVATION PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PERF PERFORATED PG&E PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY PIEE PRIVATE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PL PROPERTY LINE PR PROPOSED PSDE PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PSE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT PSSE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE R RADIUS RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RIM RIM ELEVATION R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY (S) SOUTH S SLOPE SCC SANTA CLARA COUNTY SCCFD SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SD STORM DRAIN SDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT SDE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SDR STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO SF SQUARE FEET SJWC SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY SS SANITARY SEWER SSCO SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT SSE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STD STANDARD S/W SIDEWALK TC TOP OF CURB TELE TELEPHONE TLG TOWN OF LOS GATOS TW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE (W) WEST W WATER WM WATER METER WS WATER SERVICE WV WATER VALVE WVSD WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT XING CROSSING ABBREVIATIONS 8SHEET OF 1CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.APN 527-01-002CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMDrysdale Drive Shannon Road Cerro Vista Court Wollin WayShort RoadShady Lane Blossom Hill R o a d CaminoDel CerroSITE ELEMENT CUT FILL ADDITION TABLE 1 - MAXIMUM GRADED CUTS AND FILLS 11.7' 0 GARAGE 4.6'0 POOL 4'3' YARD 2'3' DRIVEWAY 2'5' REV.: SEPT. 2016 8SHEET OF 2 PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSREVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE: MAY 2023AMXXAMTMNONECONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.22083GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANSLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADBLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAYARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 527-01-002 3SHEET OF 8 220831"=20'TMAMXXAMMAY 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017APN 527-01-002TOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY & SITE PLANCIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS 4SHEET OF 8 220831"=10'TMAMXXAMMARCH 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017DRIVEWAY - GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 527-01-002NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS SEE SHEET 5 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 5 MATCH LINE MATCH LINE 0+00 - SEE SHEET 7MATCH LINE 0+00SEE SHEET 7 5SHEET OF 8 220831"=10'TMAMXXAMMARCH 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017YARD - GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 527-01-002NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 4 MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 4 6SHEET OF 8 220831"=10'TMAMXXAMMARCH 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017SECTIONS & DETAILSTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 527-01-002NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS 7SHEET OF 8 220831"=10'TMAMXXAMMARCH 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017EXISTING DRIVEWAY - PLAN & PROFILETOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 527-01-002NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANSMATCH LINE 0+00SEE SHEET 4MATCH LINE 0+00 - SEE SHEET 4 8SHEET OF 8 22083AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMMARCH 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-20-017EROSION CONTROL PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF THORTON - 15977 SHANNON ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 527-01-002NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS A-1.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 SHANNON ROAD APN#: 527-01-008:3,634 SF / 1,085 AC. GR. 1.04 AC. NET. S H A N N O N R O A D A P N # : 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 6 : 6 6 8 S F / 0. 4 8 9 A C . 15930 QUAIL HILL RD.APN#: 527-01-011:2,074 SF / 1.04 AC. 120 DRYSDALE DR.APN#: 527-02-010:3,350 SF / 0.93 AC. SHANNON ROAD APN#: 527-01-004:3,218 SF / 0,93 AC. 140 DRYSDALE DR.APN#: 527-03-001:3,066 SF / 1.25 AC. SHANNON ROAD APN#: 527-01-007:4,268 SF / 0.94 AC. SHANNON ROAD APN#: 527-01-009:2,232 SF / 1,01 AC. 15997 SHANNON ROAD APN #: 527 -01 -002 : 4 ,870 SF /1 ,738 AC . NET SHANNON ROAD APN#: 527-01-001:1,963 SF / 0,32 AC. SHANNON ROAD APN#: 527-01-003: 1,465 SF / 0,69 AC. 15920 QUAIL HILL RD.APN#: 527-01-012:2,784 SF / 0.92 AC. 130 DRYSDALE DR.APN#: 527-02-011:4,483 SF / 1.34 AC. NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AS SHOWN , DZ A-1.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N 103'-2" 103'-3"20' -0 "30' -0 "20' -0 " 25'-0" 2 0 ' - 0 "30'-0"30'-0" 30'-0"67' -7 " 1 4 2 ' - 8 " 1185 1184 1183 1182 1181 11781177 1176 1175 1174 1173 1179 1172 1171 1188 1189 1170 1180 EXISTING PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED INDICATES EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED INDICATES EXISTING PAVEMENT AT THE DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW ASPHALT INDICATES EXISTING RETAINING WALLTO BE REMOVED - TYP. (E) GATE TO BE REMOVED INDICATES EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. TREE DRIP LINE (E) HOUSE TO REMAIN (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED -TYP. INDICATES (E) RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVED - TYP. INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 25'-0" REQUIRED REAR SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES TREE PROTECTION FENCING PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL TREE PROTECTION DIRECTIONS AND PER ARBORIST REPORT RECOMMENDATION - SEE SHEET L-4 (E) CHAIN-LINK FENCE (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED -TYP. (E) WIRE FENCE POWER POLE W/ TRANSFORMER POWER POLE (E) ELECTRIC SERVICE TO BE RELOCATED - SEE SITE PLAN FOR NEW LOCATION (E) GAS METER TO BE ABANDONED 1189 WOOD.DECK TO BE REMOVED - TYP.. INDICATES EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING TO REMAIN INDICATES (E) TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED (E) 8" TREE TO BE REMOVED demolition site plan INSTRUMENT: 24215488 (PARCEL ONE) JART, LLC APN 527-01-002 10'10'EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PER INSTRUMENT: 24215488 (PARCEL TWO) 207 MAPS 41-42 TRACT NO. 3973 LOT 7 LOT 3 TRACT NO. 3973 207 MAPS 41-42 EASEME NT F OR I N G RESS /EGRESS A N D P UBLI C UTILITIES PER INST R U ME NT : 24215488 (PARCEL T W O )2 0 'gateconcb u i l d i n gwallc u r b c u r b gateac curbp a v e m e n tp a v e m e n twallwallwal l w a l lp o o lspasteps pool equipwall d e c kc o n clandingg a r a g ed e c kd e c kh o u s ec o n cdeck lined e c kc o n cc o n c wallstepssteps planter topstepwall 560570550540530520510510520530510 520 530 550 540 530 520 510 560 N84° 12' 52"E190.18N06° 42' 42"E248.62N52° 11' 30"W 90.76 N40° 30' 13"W 48.52L=57.98,R=26.00D=127°46'37"S 85 ° 33 ' 17 "E 276 .76 N 85 ° 33 ' 17 "W 198 .79 S10° 04' 24"W94.32S 82 ° 36 ' 04 "E 195 .42S08° 17' 02"W83.99S10° 04' 24"W60.21A P N 5 2 7 - 0 3 - 0 0 1 H O U A P N 5 2 7 - 0 2 - 0 1 1 S T R U C K A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 1 2 S N Y D E R A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 1 1 D R I G G S A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 8 T H Y E N A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 3 L I B E R K O W S K I A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 4 Z O L O T O R E V / K O L E S N I K O V A A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 M U R R A Y FLOOD ZONE: PANEL NUMBER: 060337-06085C0377H REVISION DATE: MAY 18, 2009 COMMUNITY NAME: SANTA CLARA COUNTY ZONE D AN AREA OF UNDETERMINED BUT POSSIBLE FLOOD HAZARDS BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK ID: LG29 ELEVATION: 370.93 FEET ORGANIZATION: TOWN OF LOS GATOS DESCRIPTION: INTERSECTION OF SHANNON ROAD AND SHORT ROAD 19.9' EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PER INSTRUMENT 24215488 (PARCEL TWO) PINE TREES 1168 & 1169 HAVE BEEN REMOVED PER TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 30 % SLOPE L I N E30 % SLOPE LINE30 % SLOPE LINE 30 % SLOPE LINE EXISTING / DEMOLITION SITE PLAN LEGEND EXISTIN G F R O N T S E T B A C K EXIST ING SIDE SETBACK EXISTI N G REAR SETBAC K E X I S T I N G S I D E S E T B A C K (E) FDC PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE (E) MINOR GRADE CONTOUR LINE (E) MAJOR GRADE CONTOUR LINE EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMOVED (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED (E) SITE RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVED -TYP (E) EDGE OF PAVEMENT (E) OVERHEAD POWER LINE TO BE UNDERGROUNDED (E) TREE TO REMAIN (E) TREE TO BE REMOVED (E) TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED TREE NUMBER - SEE SHEET T-1 FOR MORE INFO TREE PROTECTION FENCING STRAW WATTLE INDICATES AREA WITHIN LRDA LIMIT LINE (SLOPE UNDER 30 %) LINE (TYP.) PORTION OF (E) BUILDING TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BUILDING TO REMAIN (E) DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED AREA OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AT (E) DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED EXISTING HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED - TYP. U.N.O. 11861187 1180 EXISTING / DEMOLITION SITE PLAN 1/16" = 1'- 0" , DZ A-1.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N 1 4 ' - 0 "20' -0 "30' -0 "20' -0 " 25'-0" 2 0 ' - 0 "30'-0"30'-0" 30'-0"77' -10 " 1 1 6 ' - 3 " 95'-7" 37 '-1 /2 " 1 0 3 ' - 2 "8' MAX.44'-10"64'-0" S3 A-3.1 S3 A-3.1 A-1.3 S1 A-1.3 S1 A-1.3 S2 A-1.3 S2 FG=547.22 FG = 546.42'FG = 546.42' INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 25'-0" REQUIRED REAR SETBACK INDICATES 20'-0" REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES 30'-0" REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK INDICATES TREE PROTECTION FENCING PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS GENERAL TREE PROTECTION DIRECTIONS AND PER ARBORIST REPORT RECOMMENDATION - SEE DET S-X/AR-4 (SHEET 26 OF 34) POLE W/SERVICE DROPS & UNDERGROUND RISER 518.8 (E) CHAIN-LINK FENCE POWER POLE W/ TRANSFORMER TREE DRIP LINE (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED -TYP. (N) ADDRESS SIGNAGE/ IDENTIFICATION COLUMN INDICATES NEW 14' WIDE AC DRIVEWAY W/ 13'-6" MIN. VERTICAL CLEARANCE - TYP. (E) TREE TO BE REMOVED INDICATES PROPOSED RESIDENCE, TYP. INDICATES (E) RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVED INDICATES EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT INDICATES EXISTING HARDSCAPE AT ACCESSORY BUILDING TO BE REMOVED INDICATES PROPOSED 32'-0" WIDE x 21'-6" DEEP INSIDE DIM. - THREE CAR GARAGE (TYP.) U.N.O. (E) WIRE FENCE INDICATES (N) RETAINING WALL - TYP. INDICATES (N) AC PADS 3 - PROPOSED PARKING SPACES 10'-0" x 18'-0" INDICATES NEW PAVEMENT AT EXISTING DRIVEWAY MIN. 12' WIDE AC DRIVEWAY W/ 13'-6" MIN. VERTICAL CLEARANCE - TYP. RELOCATE (E) WATER METER POWER POLE 4' H RET. WALL TW = 552.00'TW = 552.00' TW=552.00' FS=538.30' FG=547.01' TW=538.00'BW=536.00'2'-0" RET. WALL TW=540.20'BW=538.30'2' HIGH RET. WALL FG=551.80' FG=554.50' TOS = 558.24 FG=547.07 FG=547.09 FS=552.50' 1189 INDICATES (E) TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED (E) 8" TREE TO BE REMOVED ORGANIC KITCHEN GARDEN LANDSCAPED AREA(E) FDC 18' x 42'550SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE (E) MINOR GRADE CONTOUR LINE (E) MAJOR GRADE CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED GRADE CONTOUR LINE EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMOVED (E) HARDSCAPE TO BE REMOVED (E) SITE WALL TO BE REMOVED -TYP (E) EDGE OF PAVEMENT (E) TREE TO REMAIN (E) TREE TO BE REMOVED (E) TREE TO BE TRANSPLANTED TREE NUMBER - SEE SHEET T-1 FOR MORE INFO TREE PROTECTION FENCING STRAW WATTLE JOINT TRENCH SANITARY SEWER LINE STORM DRAIN LINE WATER LINE FIRE SPRINKLER LINE FIRE HYDRANT AC AC E 550 30 % SLOPE L I N E30 % SLOPE LINE30 % SLOPE LINE 30 % SLOPE LINE PINE TREES 1168 & 1169 HAVE BEEN REMOVED PER TREE REMOVAL PERMIT PROPO S E D R E A R S E T B A C K P R O P O S E D S I D E S E T B A C K PROPOS E D F R O N T S E T B A C K PROPOSEDSIDE SETBACK P R O P O S E D S I D E S E T B A C K F O R A C C E S S O R Y S T R U C T U R E PROPOSED FRONT SETBACK FOR ACCESS O R Y STRUCTURE INDICATES AREA WITHIN LRDA LIMIT LINE (SLOPE UNDER 30 %) (TYP.) INDICATES AREA OUTSIDE LRDA LIMIT LINE (SLOPE 30 % OR MORE) (TYP.) PORTION OF (E) BUILDING TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BUILDING TO REMAIN PROPOSED ADDITION PROPOSED ASPHALT DRIVEWAY AT (E) DRIVEWAY LOCATION INDICATES NEW AREA OF AC DRIVEWAY PROPOSED HARDSCAPE PROPOSED KITCHEN VEGETABLE GARDEN (MIN. 40')A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 8 T H Y E N FIRE PROTECTION WATER AN AUTOMATIC NFPA 13D FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM APPROVED BY THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN ALL PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING. THREE SETS OF PLANS PREPARED BY A SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT (14700 WINCHESTER BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95032) FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. THE SPRINKLERS SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION AND OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING. A. AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, HYDRAULICALLY DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA STANDARD 13D -2019 EDITION AND LOCAL ORDINANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE. THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY VALVING, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC), ETC., SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH NFPA 13D REQUIREMENTS. B. FAST RESPONSE FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED THROUGHOUT THE GARAGE AND ALL CONTIGUOUS AREAS WITHIN THE STRUCTURE. C. A STATE OF CALIFORNIA LICENSED FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE (3) COPIES OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS, CALCULATIONS, A COMPLETED PERMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE FEES TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. D. THE FIRE DISTRICT MUST ISSUE A PERMIT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. E. THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A CITY BUSINESS LICENSE AND WORKER'S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE. F. A FLAT CEILING IS REQUIRED IN AREAS INCORPORATING AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ASURE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE SPRINKLER HEADS. G. THE BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED TO ALLOW CONTROL OF THE SPRINKLER RISER FROM OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS (3 SETS) AND A PERMIT APPLICATION TO THE FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE INSTALLING THE SYSTEM. CALL (408) 378-4010 FOR MORE INFORMATION. SMOKE ALARMS PER CBC #907.2.9.2, SMOKE ALARMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC #907.2.11. EGRESS DOORS EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPENABLE FROM THE EGRESS SIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY, THUMB TURN, OR ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. MANUALLY OPERATED FLUSH BOLTS OR SURFACE BOLTS ARE NOT PERMITTED, UNLESS ANY OF THE EXCEPTIONS TO THE SECTION 1008.1.9.4 ARE MET. (CBC #1008.1.9) PREMISES IDENTIFICATION / PROJECT ADDRESS APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL NEW AND EXISTING BUILDINGS IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY LEGIBLE AND VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. SAID NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. WHERE REQUIRED BY THE FIRE CODE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES HIGH WITH A MINIMUM STROKE OF 0.5 INCH. (CFC/505.1) WILDLAND / URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE DESIGNATED WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE AREA. THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC) CHAPTER 7A. & R337 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY A. CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY IS REQUIRED. SEE PROVIDED DETAILS ON AD SHEETS. B. MIN. 1/2" SPARK ARRESTOR SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH CHIMNEY. C. COMBUSTIBLE VEGETATION SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30FT TO 100FT. OF STRUCTURE AND BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CBC SEC 701A.3.2.4 PRIOR TO PROJECT FINAL APPROVAL. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS POTABLE WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTAMINATION CAUSED BY FIRE PROTECTION WATER SUPPLIES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT AND ANY CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CONTACT THE WATER PURVEYOR SUPPLYING THE SITE OF SUCH PROJECT, AND TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT PURVEYOR. SUCH REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN OF ANY WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, AND/OR FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS OR STORAGE CONTAINERS THAT MAY BE PHYSICALLY CONNECTED IN ANY MANNER TO AN APPLIANCE CAPABLE OF CAUSING CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY OF THE PURVEYOR OF RECORD. FINAL APPROVAL OF THE SYSTEM(S) UNDER CONSIDERATION WILL NOT BE GRANTED BY THIS OFFICE UNTIL COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER PURVEYOR OF RECORD ARE DOCUMENTED BY THAT PURVEYOR AS HAVING BEEN MET BY THE APPLICANT(S). 2019 CFC SEC. 903.3.5 AND HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 13114.7. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY ALL CONSTRCUTION SITES MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CFC CHAPTER 33 AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'S STANDARD DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION SI-7. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE NOTATIONS ON SUBSEQUENT PLAN SUBMITTALS, AS APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT. CFC CHP.33 FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES 29.50% AVERAGE SLOPE AT POOL 5 4 8 552556554550 5 4 8 546 ENTIRE DRIVEWAY SERVING LESS THAN 3 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS SHALL BE 12’ WIDE AND ABLE TO SUPPORT 75,000 LBS. NOTE: FG = 546.67' 1185 1182 1181 1178 1177 11761175 11741173 1186 1187 1179 1172 1171 1188 1189 1170 1180 INDICATES (N) ELEC. METER LOCATION INDICATES EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. TREE PROTECTION STRAW WATTLE PER ARBORIST REPORT RECOMMENDATION - SEE DET S- Y/AR-4 -TYP. (SHEET 27 OF 34) RELOCATE EX. WATER METER LOCATION OF EXISTING PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT (TYP.) U.N.O. NEW RELOCATED PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT (TYP.) U.N.O. PER SCCFD STANDARDS 1180 1184 1183 FF MAIN FLOOR 547.25' EXISTING RESIDENCE PROPOSED ADDITION TURNAROUND PER SCCFD STANDARD 1 POOL LANDSCAPED GARDEN GARAGE FLOOR sloped 1% three parking stalls MAIN TERRACE SPA COVERED PATIO (E) TERRACE DECK (ABOVE) ENTRY PORCH 3 - GUEST PARKING STALLS UP 3- CAR GARAGE GARAGE 2 FF LOWER FLOOR 538.25' one parking stall POOL EQUIPMENT VAULT EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FF =527 .00 ' LANDSCAPED GARDEN FF = 547.25' LANDSCAPED GARDEN LANDSCAPED GARDEN INSTRUMENT: 24215488 (PARCEL ONE) JART, LLC APN 527-01-002 10'10'EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PER INSTRUMENT: 24215488 (PARCEL TWO) 207 MAPS 41-42 TRACT NO. 3973 LOT 7 LOT 3 TRACT NO. 3973 207 MAPS 41-42 EASEMENT F O R I N G RESS /EGRESS A N D P UBLIC UTILITIES PER INST R U ME NT : 24215488 (PARCEL T W O )2 0 'gate560570550540530520510510520530510 520 530 550 540 530 520 510 560 N84° 12' 52"E190.18N06° 42' 42"E248.62N52° 11' 30"W 90.76 N40° 30' 13"W 48.52L=57.98,R=26.00D=127°46'37"S 85 ° 33 ' 17 "E 276 .76 N 85 ° 33 ' 17 "W 198 .79 S10° 04' 24"W94.32S 82 ° 36 ' 04 "E 195 .42S08° 17' 02"W83.99S10° 04' 24"W60.21A P N 5 2 7 - 0 3 - 0 0 1 H O U A P N 5 2 7 - 0 2 - 0 1 1 S T R U C K A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 1 2 S N Y D E R A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 1 1 D R I G G S A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 3 L I B E R K O W S K I A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 4 Z O L O T O R E V / K O L E S N I K O V A A P N 5 2 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 M U R R A Y FLOOD ZONE: PANEL NUMBER: 060337-06085C0377H REVISION DATE: MAY 18, 2009 COMMUNITY NAME: SANTA CLARA COUNTY ZONE D AN AREA OF UNDETERMINED BUT POSSIBLE FLOOD HAZARDS 19.9' EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PER INSTRUMENT 24215488 (PARCEL TWO) BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK ID: LG29 ELEVATION: 370.93 FEET ORGANIZATION: TOWN OF LOS GATOS DESCRIPTION: INTERSECTION OF SHANNON ROAD AND SHORT ROAD PRO P O S E D ADD I T I O N 1 2'-0" 2'-6"2'-6"2" MIN.3'-6"2" MIN. 2'-6"3'-6"15977 ADDRESS SIGNAGE PLAQUE PER CRC SEC 319.1 & CFC SEC 505.1 LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER TO MATCH RESIDENCE (TYP.) RECESSED' IN GROUND LIGHT FIXTURE, TYP. PRECAST CONC. CAP MATCH RESIDENCE (TYP.) SIDE VIEWFRONT VIEW SCALE: 1/2"= 1'-0" ADDRESS COLUMN DETAIL SITE PLAN 1/16" = 1'- 0" , DZ A-1.3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/20234'-71/2"2'-11"2'-101/2"3'-71/2"2'-2"2'-3"RETAINING WALL TOW =552.00' BOW =547.07' MAX. 5' HIGH PROPOSED GRADE INDICATES EXISTING GRADE INDICATES PROPOSED GRADE NATURAL/ EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN FS = 538.3' EXISTING DECK TO BE REMOVED SHOWN DASHED MAX. 3' FILL PLANTING AREA TW=540.2' BW=538.3' 2' RET. WALL SWIMMING POOL ORGANIC GARDEN 540 550 560 530 520 540 550 560 530 520 PATIO 570 570 2 : 1 MAX. SLOPE EXISTING POOL 3'-1"1'-111/2"3'-0"3'-41/2"FS = 538.3' EXISTING GRADE TO REMAINPROPOSED FILL EXISTING DECK TO BE REMOVED SHOWN DASHED PROPOSED GRADE PLANTING AREA INDICATES EXISTING GRADE INDICATES PROPOSED GRADE NATURAL/ EXISTING GRADE TO REMAIN INDICATES EXISTING GRADE RETAINING WALL TOW =552.00' BOW =547.07' MAX. 5' HIGH TW=540.2' BW=538.3' 2' RET. WALL SWIMMING POOL ORGANIC GARDEN EXISTING POOL 540 550 560 530 540 550 560 530 PATIO 2 : 1 MAX. SLOPE 1'-0"1'-10"1'-81/2"2'-61/2"2'-11"WALL HEIGHT = 546.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' ROOF EDGE = 557.92' DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED ROOF EDGE = 566.33' RETAINING WALL TOW =552.00' BOW =547.09' MAX. 5' HIGH INDICATES EXISTING GRADE INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT EXISTING PLANTERS POOL EDGE = 547.00' MECHANICAL ROOMTHEATRE TRASHPOOL EQUIPMENT SWIMMING POOL KITCHEN GUEST ROOMLOGGIACLO. BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 WALK-IN CLOSET HALL CLO.540 550 560 530 540 550 560 530 570 570 EXISTING SPA 3/16" = 1'-0" SITE SECTIONS SECTION 'S1' SECTION 'S2' SECTION 'S3' , D.Z. SECTION S1 SECTION S2 SECTION S3 A-1.4 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.4 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 NN (P) LIGHT 'B' -TYP. OF 5 @ GARAGE (P) LIGHT 'A' -TYP. OF 1 (P) LIGHT 'B' -TYP. OF 4 @ COVERED ENTRY PORCH (P) LIGHT 'C' -108 LF STRIP LIGHTING - TYP. @ ENTRY STAIR (P) LIGHT 'C' -72 LF STRIP LIGHTING - TYP. @ EXTERIOR STAIR ROOF OVER MAIN FLOOR BALCONY ROOF AT COVERED PORCH (P) LIGHT 'B' -TYP. OF 34 (P) LIGHT 'B' -TYP. OF 27 @ COVERED PORCH (P) LIGHT 'A' -TYP. OF 4 (P) LIGHT 'C' -38 LF STRIP LIGHTING - TYP. @ EXTERIOR STAIR UPPER FLOOR ABOVE MAIN FLOOR FOOTPRINT UPPER FLOOR BUILDING LINE ROOF LINE AT UPPER FLOOR (P) LIGHT 'B' -TYP. OF 14 @ DECK 'B' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'C' 'C' 'A' 'A''A''A' TOTAL (P) LIGHT 'A': 5 TOTAL (P) LIGHT 'C': 218 LF TOTAL (P) LIGHT 'B': 106 UPPER FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN MAIN FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN * SEE LOWER FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN ON SHEET A-1.5 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE PRODUCT DETAILS: Suitable for use in wet (outdoor direct rain or sprinkler) locations as defined by NEC and CEC. Meets United States UL Underwriters Laboratories & CSA Canadian Standards Association Product Safety Standards Fixture is Dark Sky compliant and engineered to minimize light glare upward into the night sky Meets California Energy Commission 2013 & 2016 Title regulations/JA8 Equipped with a 120/277 universal driver. 0-10 dimming. 2 year finish warranty LED components carry a 5-year limited warranty Bold lines and a clean, minimalist style complement contemporary architecture Warm rich light bronze tone KUBE 1768BZ SMALL DOWN LIGHT WALL MOUNT LANTERN A collection of sleek designs, Kube's contemporary style featuring solid aluminum construction provides a chic, minimalist statement to complement a variety of exteriors. DETAILS FINISH:Bronze MATERIAL:Extruded Aluminum GLASS:Etched Lens DIMENSIONS WIDTH:6" HEIGHT:6" WEIGHT:3.5lb BACK PLATE:4.5" Sq. EXTENSION:6.8” TOP TO OUTLET:3" LIGHT SOURCE LIGHT SOURCE:Integrated LED LED NAME:LC1-60 WATTAGE:7.50w LED *Included VOLTAGE:120v COLOR TEMP:3000 LUMENS:600 CRI:96 INCANDESCENT EQUIVALENCY: 1 x 60w DIMMABLE:Yes - CL Type Dimmer (SSL7A), 0-10V on 277VAC SHIPPING CARTON LENGTH:8.5 CARTON WIDTH:8.5 CARTON HEIGHT:9.5 CARTON WEIGHT:4 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) HINKLEY 33000 Pin Oak Parkway Avon Lake, OH 44012 PHONE: (440) 653-5500 Toll Free: 1 (800) 446-5539 hinkley.com PRODUCT DETAILS: Suitable for use in wet (outdoor direct rain or sprinkler) locations as defined by NEC and CEC. Meets United States UL Underwriters Laboratories & CSA Canadian Standards Association Product Safety Standards Fixture is Dark Sky compliant and engineered to minimize light glare upward into the night sky Meets California Energy Commission 2013 & 2016 Title regulations/JA8 Equipped with a 120/277 universal driver. 0-10 dimming. 2 year finish warranty LED components carry a 5-year limited warranty Bold lines and a clean, minimalist style complement contemporary architecture Warm rich light bronze tone KUBE 1765BZ SMALL FLUSH MOUNT A collection of sleek designs, Kube's contemporary style featuring solid aluminum construction provides a chic, minimalist statement to complement a variety of exteriors. DETAILS FINISH:Bronze MATERIAL:Extruded Aluminum GLASS:Etched Lens DIMENSIONS WIDTH:6" HEIGHT:3.5" WEIGHT:2lb LIGHT SOURCE LIGHT SOURCE:Integrated LED LED NAME:LC1-60 WATTAGE:7.50w LED *Included VOLTAGE:120v COLOR TEMP:3000 LUMENS:600 CRI:96 INCANDESCENT EQUIVALENCY: 1 x 60w DIMMABLE:Yes - CL Type Dimmer (SSL7A), 0-10V on 277VAC MOUNTING CANOPY:6" Sq. SHIPPING CARTON LENGTH:8.5 CARTON WIDTH:6 CARTON HEIGHT:9 CARTON WEIGHT:3 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) HINKLEY 33000 Pin Oak Parkway Avon Lake, OH 44012 PHONE: (440) 653-5500 Toll Free: 1 (800) 446-5539 hinkley.com 150 Ft Cool White LED Rope Light Kit - 120V Standard IP65 Waterproof DESCRIPTION Material: High Quality, UV Protected Polyurethane Voltage: 120V Power Draw: 0.8w Per Foot Light Output: 80 Lumens per Foot Bulb Spacing: 1" Tube Diameter: 1/2" Outer Jacket: Clear / Colored Cuttable: Marked Every 30" Diode Type: Horizontal Mounted LED Color Temperature: Cool White (5000-5500K) Spool Length: 150 ft Rectifier Capacity: 1.2A Certifications: UL Listed for Indoor & Outdoor Usage (E302332) ORDERING INFORMATION LEDROPEKITS COLOR KIT WW: Warm White CW: Cool White MW: Moon White LEDROPEKITS - _______ - _______ Fixture Type:_____________________________ Job Name:_______________________________ Notes: __________________________________ STD: Standard PRE: Premium DLX: Deluxe www.aqlightinggroup.com 800.865.7221 SPECIFICATIONS AQLIGHTING brings you the best LED rope light on the market, this 2 wire LED cool white kit generates unbelievable lighting with minimal energy draw. Consuming only 0.8w per foot, this 120V LED rope light creates 80 lumens per foot, outshining the competition. UL listed for both indoor and outdoor applications, we've included UV protection on our spool, keeping ours as new as the day you bought it while rival products yellow in the sun. Fully dimmable and simple plug-in installation, the LED cool white spool is flexible enough for any lighting project but simple enough to be used by anybody. This LED rope light is field cuttable, allowing you to trim your spool down to your individual specifications in a matter of minutes. The cool white light output is quickly making it a fan-favorite for lighting display cases, accenting important landscape landmarks, creating indirect lighting with crown molding or lining walkways. A staple in the professional construction and design fields, you can find our cool white rope light being used in high-end casinos, high class hotel chains and theatrical cinemas across the United States.COLOR OPTIONS WARM WHITE COOL WHITE MOON WHITE KIT OPTIONS STANDARD KIT Includes: - LED Rope Light 150' Spool- 1x 2Ft 2 Wire Power Cord (Attached)- 1x 2 Wire Power Connector (Attached) - 1x 1/2" End Cap (Attached) PREMIUM KIT Includes: - LED Rope Light 150' Spool - 2x 2Ft 2 Wire Power Cord*- 2x 2 Wire Power Connector* - 2x 1/2" End Cap* - 100x Mounting Clips DELUXE KIT Includes: - LED Rope Light 150' Spool- 3x 2Ft 2 Wire Power Cord*- 2x 6Ft 2 Wire Power Cord - 5x 2 Wire Power Connector*- 5x 2 Wire Invisible Splice Connectors- 5x 1/2" End Cap* - 150x Mounting Clips PROPOSED EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" SITE LEGEND , DZ NOTE: EXTERIOR FIXTURES WILL COMPLY WITH TOWN REQUIREMENTS TO BE DOWNWARD DIRECTED AND SHIELDED. SCALE: 1"=20'-0"SCALE: 1"=20'-0" PROPOSED WALLMOUNTED LIGHT 'A'PROPOSED FLUSHMOUNTED LIGHT 'B' HINKLEY LIGHTING 1765BZ-LED BRONZE31/2" HEIGHT - DARK SKY LED OUTDOORSMALL FLUSH MOUNT - KUBE COLLECTION HINKLEY LIGHTING 1768BZ-LED BRONZE6" HEIGHT - DARK SKY LED OUTDOORSMALL DOWN LIGHT WALL MOUNTLANTERN - KUBE COLLECTION PROPOSED EXTERIOR LINEAR STEP LIGHT 'C' AQLIGHTING - LED OUTDOOR STEP LIGHT A-1.5 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.5 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N MAIN FLOOR TERRACE (P) LIGHT 'B' -TYP. OF 26 LOWER FLOOR FOOTPRINT LOWER FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PRODUCT DETAILS: Suitable for use in wet (outdoor direct rain or sprinkler) locations as defined by NEC and CEC. Meets United States UL Underwriters Laboratories & CSA Canadian Standards Association Product Safety Standards Fixture is Dark Sky compliant and engineered to minimize light glare upward into the night sky Meets California Energy Commission 2013 & 2016 Title regulations/JA8 Equipped with a 120/277 universal driver. 0-10 dimming. 2 year finish warranty LED components carry a 5-year limited warranty Bold lines and a clean, minimalist style complement contemporary architecture Warm rich light bronze tone KUBE 1768BZ SMALL DOWN LIGHT WALL MOUNT LANTERN A collection of sleek designs, Kube's contemporary style featuring solid aluminum construction provides a chic, minimalist statement to complement a variety of exteriors. DETAILS FINISH:Bronze MATERIAL:Extruded Aluminum GLASS:Etched Lens DIMENSIONS WIDTH:6" HEIGHT:6" WEIGHT:3.5lb BACK PLATE:4.5" Sq. EXTENSION:6.8” TOP TO OUTLET:3" LIGHT SOURCE LIGHT SOURCE:Integrated LED LED NAME:LC1-60 WATTAGE:7.50w LED *Included VOLTAGE:120v COLOR TEMP:3000 LUMENS:600 CRI:96 INCANDESCENT EQUIVALENCY: 1 x 60w DIMMABLE:Yes - CL Type Dimmer (SSL7A), 0-10V on 277VAC SHIPPING CARTON LENGTH:8.5 CARTON WIDTH:8.5 CARTON HEIGHT:9.5 CARTON WEIGHT:4 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) HINKLEY 33000 Pin Oak Parkway Avon Lake, OH 44012 PHONE: (440) 653-5500 Toll Free: 1 (800) 446-5539 hinkley.com PRODUCT DETAILS: Suitable for use in wet (outdoor direct rain or sprinkler) locations as defined by NEC and CEC. Meets United States UL Underwriters Laboratories & CSA Canadian Standards Association Product Safety Standards Fixture is Dark Sky compliant and engineered to minimize light glare upward into the night sky Meets California Energy Commission 2013 & 2016 Title regulations/JA8 Equipped with a 120/277 universal driver. 0-10 dimming. 2 year finish warranty LED components carry a 5-year limited warranty Bold lines and a clean, minimalist style complement contemporary architecture Warm rich light bronze tone KUBE 1765BZ SMALL FLUSH MOUNT A collection of sleek designs, Kube's contemporary style featuring solid aluminum construction provides a chic, minimalist statement to complement a variety of exteriors. DETAILS FINISH:Bronze MATERIAL:Extruded Aluminum GLASS:Etched Lens DIMENSIONS WIDTH:6" HEIGHT:3.5" WEIGHT:2lb LIGHT SOURCE LIGHT SOURCE:Integrated LED LED NAME:LC1-60 WATTAGE:7.50w LED *Included VOLTAGE:120v COLOR TEMP:3000 LUMENS:600 CRI:96 INCANDESCENT EQUIVALENCY: 1 x 60w DIMMABLE:Yes - CL Type Dimmer (SSL7A), 0-10V on 277VAC MOUNTING CANOPY:6" Sq. SHIPPING CARTON LENGTH:8.5 CARTON WIDTH:6 CARTON HEIGHT:9 CARTON WEIGHT:3 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) HINKLEY 33000 Pin Oak Parkway Avon Lake, OH 44012 PHONE: (440) 653-5500 Toll Free: 1 (800) 446-5539 hinkley.com 150 Ft Cool White LED Rope Light Kit - 120V Standard IP65 Waterproof DESCRIPTION Material: High Quality, UV Protected Polyurethane Voltage: 120V Power Draw: 0.8w Per Foot Light Output: 80 Lumens per Foot Bulb Spacing: 1" Tube Diameter: 1/2" Outer Jacket: Clear / Colored Cuttable: Marked Every 30" Diode Type: Horizontal Mounted LED Color Temperature: Cool White (5000-5500K) Spool Length: 150 ft Rectifier Capacity: 1.2A Certifications: UL Listed for Indoor & Outdoor Usage (E302332) ORDERING INFORMATION LEDROPEKITS COLOR KIT WW: Warm White CW: Cool White MW: Moon White LEDROPEKITS - _______ - _______ Fixture Type:_____________________________ Job Name:_______________________________ Notes: __________________________________ STD: Standard PRE: Premium DLX: Deluxe www.aqlightinggroup.com 800.865.7221 SPECIFICATIONS AQLIGHTING brings you the best LED rope light on the market, this 2 wire LED cool white kit generates unbelievable lighting with minimal energy draw. Consuming only 0.8w per foot, this 120V LED rope light creates 80 lumens per foot, outshining the competition. UL listed for both indoor and outdoor applications, we've included UV protection on our spool, keeping ours as new as the day you bought it while rival products yellow in the sun. Fully dimmable and simple plug-in installation, the LED cool white spool is flexible enough for any lighting project but simple enough to be used by anybody. This LED rope light is field cuttable, allowing you to trim your spool down to your individual specifications in a matter of minutes. The cool white light output is quickly making it a fan-favorite for lighting display cases, accenting important landscape landmarks, creating indirect lighting with crown molding or lining walkways. A staple in the professional construction and design fields, you can find our cool white rope light being used in high-end casinos, high class hotel chains and theatrical cinemas across the United States.COLOR OPTIONS WARM WHITE COOL WHITE MOON WHITE KIT OPTIONS STANDARD KIT Includes: - LED Rope Light 150' Spool- 1x 2Ft 2 Wire Power Cord (Attached)- 1x 2 Wire Power Connector (Attached) - 1x 1/2" End Cap (Attached) PREMIUM KIT Includes: - LED Rope Light 150' Spool - 2x 2Ft 2 Wire Power Cord*- 2x 2 Wire Power Connector* - 2x 1/2" End Cap* - 100x Mounting Clips DELUXE KIT Includes: - LED Rope Light 150' Spool- 3x 2Ft 2 Wire Power Cord*- 2x 6Ft 2 Wire Power Cord - 5x 2 Wire Power Connector*- 5x 2 Wire Invisible Splice Connectors- 5x 1/2" End Cap* - 150x Mounting Clips PROPOSED EXTERIOR LIGHTING PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" SITE LEGEND , DZ PROPOSED EXTERIOR LINEAR STEP LIGHT 'C'PROPOSED WALLMOUNTED LIGHT 'A'PROPOSED FLUSHMOUNTED LIGHT 'B' HINKLEY LIGHTING 1765BZ-LED BRONZE31/2" HEIGHT - DARK SKY LED OUTDOORSMALL FLUSH MOUNT - KUBE COLLECTION HINKLEY LIGHTING 1768BZ-LED BRONZE6" HEIGHT - DARK SKY LED OUTDOORSMALL DOWN LIGHT WALL MOUNTLANTERN - KUBE COLLECTION AQLIGHTING - LED OUTDOOR STEP LIGHT A-1.6 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.6 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 POLE W/SERVICE DROPS & UNDERGROUND RISER 518.8 (E) CHAIN-LINK FENCE POWER POLE W/ TRANSFORMER 543.5 INDICATES EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. TREE DRIP LINE INDICATES EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT POWER POLE (E) WIRE FENCE 1185 1184 1183 1182 1181 1178 1177 1176 1175 1174 1173 1186 1187 1179 1172 1171 1168 1169 1188 1189 1170 1180 (E) GATE TO BE REMOVED 1 "=10 '-0 " 520 524 5 2 8 5 3 2 5 3 6 5 4 0 5 4 4 5 4 8 55 2 5 5 6 5 6 0548512508504504508512516520520 528 53 2 540540532532536528524520516512508504536544544 546548N85° 27' 10"W 474.93' (RECORDED) (E) HOUSE (E)POOL TO BE REMOVED N06° 40' 57"E 250.15' (PER TRACT 3973)108'±N10° 11'E 60.16' (RECORD)N10° 11'W 154.49' (PER R/S)S52° 11' 30"E 90.99' RADIUS=26' LENGTH=58.03' DELTA=128°0"16' 32 5685 6 8 5 6 4 5 2 4 5 2 0 5 1 0 510 500 S 84 ° 40 ' 30 "W 188 .96 '53251 4 5 1 0 506 5 1 2 5 1 4 516 518 522522524526528530530532534534536536538490500RETAIN NATURAL GRADE 8" TREE 544540536532528524520516548552556560564508 N 4 0 ° 3 8 ' W 4 8 .2 0 ' 508 5 0 6 504 504 524 526528AP P R O X I M A T E B O U N D A R Y BUSH EP EP EP EP EP EP 6"TREEM A T C H L I N EM A T C H L I N EM A T C H L I N E5 1 6 WOOD DECK 537.9 POOLEQUIPMENTGRAVEL BELOW WOOD DECK WOOD DECK 546.8 WOOD DECK WOOD DECK WD.DECK 546.3 WOOD.DECK TO BE REMOVED - TYP. IMITATION GRASS CONCRETE CONCRETE BELOW GRAVEL BELOW (E) ACCESSORY BUILDING LA B C D F E G H I J K M N 0 P Q INDICATES LOCATION AND DIRECTION OF PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN ON SITE Z LEGEND FOR SITE PHOTOS 1" = 20' - 0" A-1.7 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-1.7 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 SITE PHOTOS N.T.S. VIEW B - DRIVEWAY BELOW PROPERTY - LOOKING SOUTHEAST VIEW A - LOWER DRIVEWAY - LOOKING SOUTH VIEW C - WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF LOWER DRIVEWAY - LOOKING SOUTHEAST VIEW D - WIDE ANGLE VIEW AT TOP OF DRIVEWAY - LOOKING NORTHWEST VIEW E - WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF SOUTH FACING HILLSIDE BELOW BUILDING SITE - LOOKING SOUTHEAST VIEW F - WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF UPPER PORTION OF BUILDING SITE - LOOKING SOUTH VIEW G - WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF UPPER PORTION OF BUILDING SITE - LOOKING WEST VIEW H - WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF THE UPPER BUILDING SITE LOOKING WEST VIEW I - WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF FROM BUILDING SITE LOOKING NORTHWEST TOWARD LOWER LOT AREA VIEW J - WIDE ANGLE VIEW FROM BUILDING SITE - LOOKING NORTH VIEW K - WIDE ANGLE VIEW FROM BUILDING SITE - LOOKING NORTH EAST VIEW L - LOWER DRIVEWAY TOWARD BUILDING SITE - LOOKING NORTHEAST VIEW M - SHED - LOOKING SOUTH VIEW N - SHED - HILLSIDE BELOW BUILDING SITE - LOOKING NORTH VIEW O - VIEW OF SITE LOOKING NORTHEAST VIEW P - VIEW OF SITE LOOKING NORTHEAST VIEW Q - VIEW OF SITE LOOING SOUTH A-2.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/202363'-10" 35'-6"16'-31/2"12'-1/2"49'-10"37'-61/2"12'-31/2"49'-10"9'-21/2"30'-101/2"9'-9"63'-10" 43'-81/2"20'-11/2" FAMILY ROOM LIVING ROOM KITCHEN DINING ROOM PDR. RM. FOYER LAUNDRY ROOM DINING NOOK EXISTING RESIDENCE MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'- 0" CS EXISTING MAIN FLOOR AREA: 2,507 SF A-2.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 63'-10" 12'-1/2"31'-8"20'-11/2"49'-10"3'-111/2"45'-101/2"49'-10"20'-11/2"15'-41/2"16'-31/2"12'-1/2" 63'-10" MAX. ATTIC HEIGHT UNDER THE RIDGE = 6'-1" (SEE SOUTH ELEVATION / SHEET A-2.2) ATTIC LESS THAN 7' HIGH, DOESN'T COUNT AS FLOOR AREA FOR F.A.R. F.A.R. DOES NOT APPLY TO HR ZONE. -SEC 29.40.075 (b). PRIMARY BATHPRIMARY BEDROOM BATHROOM 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 CLOSET CLOSET RIDGEALL CEILINGS AT UPPER LEVEL ARE 8'-0" A.F.F. U.N.O. VAULTED CLG VAULTED CLG VAULTED CLG 47'-81/2"16'-11/2" 35'-6"12'-21/2"4'-1"12'-1/2"49'-10"9'-21/2"30'-101/2"9'-9"47'-81/2" 16'-11/2"12'-21/2"15'-4"20'-11/2"49'-10"37'-61/2"12'-31/2"63'-10" 4' HIGH WALL GARAGE BATH 1 UTILITY ROOM BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 2 MECHANICAL ROOM CLOSET ENCLOSED COVERED PATIO COVERED PATIO TSLOWER FLOOR PLANUPPER FLOOR PLAN EXISTING RESIDENCE FLOOR PLANS 1/4" = 1'- 0" LOWER FLOOR PLAN UPPER FLOOR PLAN CS EXISTING UPPER FLOOR AREA: 1,511 SF EXISTING LOWER FLOOR AREA: 950 SF EXISTING GARAGE FLOOR AREA: 422 SF A-2.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/202334'-8"6'-1"LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' TOP PLATE = 565.25' RIDGE HIGH PT. = 572.75'EXISTING MAXIMUM LOW TO HIGH HEIGHT34'-8"LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' TOP PLATE = 565.25' RIDGE HIGH PT. = 572.75'EXISTING MAXIMUM LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTEXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) EXISTING WEST ELEVATION (SIDE) EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'- 0" A-2.3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/20238'-0"9'-2"27'-11/2"MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' TOP PLATE = 565.25' RIDGE HIGH PT. = 572.75'8'-0"9'-2"2"8'-2"34'-8"LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' TOP PLATE = 565.25' RIDGE HIGH PT. = 572.75' RIDGE EXISTING MAXIMUM LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTEXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'- 0" EXISTING EAST ELEVATION EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION A-3.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-3.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 GARAGE BATH 1 UTILITY ROOM BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 2 MECHANICAL ROOM CLOSET PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING LEGEND 3'-9" 15'-5" 8'-2" 12'-0"2'-9"5'-5" 9'-3" 14'-10"5'-4" 50'-1" 12'-4" 4'-9" 4'-11" 2'-6" 0'-4" 7'-0" 1'-0" 0'-6" 0'-4"0'-7" 22'-3"1'-3"6'-0"0'-10"4'-3" FAMILY ROOM LIVING ROOM KITCHEN DINING ROOM PDR. RM. FOYER LAUNDRY ROOM DINING NOOK EXISTING FOOT PRINT (LINEAR FEET) WIDTH OF PRESERVED WALL FRAMING IN LINEAR FEET (INCLUDING EXISTING OPEININGS) WIDTH OF DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING IN LINEAR FEET (INCLUDING EXISTING OPEININGS) UPPER FLOOR MAIN FLOOR LOWER FLOOR TOTAL SINCE 305'-6" IS GREATER THAN 198'-7", THEN NO TECHNICAL DEMOLITION 83'-11"27'-6"111'-5" 107'-4"121'-2"228'-6" 114'-3"49'-11"164'-2" 504'-1"305'-6"198'-7" PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING MAIN FLOOR LEVEL 12'-4"19'-10" 0'-4" 8'-1" 2'-0" 1'-1" 3'-11" 1'-2" 1'-11" 7'-7" 1'-11" 0'-6"0'-6" 19'-8" 0'-6"0'-9" 6'-4" 2'-5" 15'-4"27'-6" 3'-10" 1'-7" 25'-11" 11'-8" 13'-0" 16'-8" 6'-2" 3'-8" 1'-6" 1'-6" 1'-9" 5'-9" 0'-4" 0'-4" 1'-2" MASTER BATHMASTER BEDROOM BATHROOM 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 CLOSET CLOSET 13'-3" 9'-11" 3'-0" 16'-1" 1'-3" 0'-4"0'-8"2'-1" 2'-11"7'-8"1'-6"3'-10"4'-9"5'-5"2'-10" 3'-0" 3'-5" 3'-0" 4'-10" 19'-10" 9'-3" 2'-1" 6'-5" 16'-8" 4'-2" 12'-9"2'-3" 0'-4" 0'-4" PROPOSED VERSUS DEMOLITION ANALYSIS 1/4" = 1'- 0" A-4.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-4.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N 5'-91/2"35'-6"16'-31/2"61'-6"3'-41/2"5'-10"30'-0"7'-7"2'-0"9'-5"13'-31/2"13'-31/2"9'-5"39'-9"9'-21/2"20'-7"12'-0"31/2" 61'-6"16'-71/2"15'-3"20'-11/2"5'-91/2" 113'-31/2"5'-91/2" 5'-91/2"113'-31/2"71'-6"71'-6"BELOW THE GRADE FLOOR AREA POOL EQUIPMENT4' HIGH WALL ADU LIVING ROOM BATH BEDROOM closet MECHANICAL ROOM THEATRE up GARAGE #2 closet TRASHref/fzrpantryw/d graywater storage BEDROOM (E) F.F. = 538.25' INDICATES 11'-0" x 20'-0" CLEAR - REQUIRED 1 CAR PARKING DIMENSIONS * NOTE: ONLY A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE ADU - NOT PART OF THIS APPLICATION * NOTE: THEATRE ROOM IS NOT TO BE USED AS A SLEEPING ROOM. A A-7.0 A A-7.0 B A-7.0 B A-7.0 C A-7.1 C A-7.1 PROPOSED LOWER FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'- 0" NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR FIXTURES INCLUDING LANDSCAPE LIGHTING SHALL COMPLY WITH TOWN REQUREMENTS TO BE DOWNWARD DIRECTED AND SHIELDED AND THE GLASS SHALL BE OBSCURED, NOT CLEAR. LOWER FLOOR AREA LOWER LEVEL (INCLUDING GARAGE #2 & POOL EQUIPMENT-60 SF) BELOW GRADE SF (BGSF) ADU (NOT PART OF THIS APPLICATION) 512 SF 765 SF 860 SF 1,200 SF MAX. BGSF EXEMPT A-4.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-4.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N 5'-91/2"35'-6"16'-31/2"12'-1/2"16'-8"32'-91/2"3'-41/2"5'-10"30'-0"7'-7"2'-0"22'-81/2"35'-101/2"22'-6"13'-11/2"3'-91/2"2'-0"71'-6"71'-6"113'-31/2"5'-91/2" 32'-0" 17'-9"8'-3"23'-7"28'-1/2"15'-61/2"20'-11/2"5'-91/2" 5'-91/2"113'-31/2" A A-7.0 A A-7.0 B A-7.0 B A-7.0 C A-7.1 C A-7.1 SHADED AREA INDICATES AREA OF ADDITION TOPO ELEVATION =551.25' BELOW THE GRADE FLOOR AREA 546.67' 546.42'546.42' 546.52' LIVING ROOM up dn DINING ROOM KITCHEN FOYER open to above POWDER RM CRAFTS ROOM GUEST ROOM G. BATH SCULLERY 3 CAR GARAGE STORAGE BATH MUD ROOM LOGGIA plunge towels dbl oven w/dcloset closet closet sink d/w clo. ref. freezerclo.bartv BBQPORCH TERRACE TERRACE pool barSEE-THRUFIREPLACETERRACEsecure delivery clo. LOGGIA TV (E) AREA TO BE REMOVED SHOWN DASHED INDICATES 20'-0" x 20'-0" CLEAR - REQUIRED 2 CARS PARKING DIMENSIONS INDICATES 11'-0" x 20'-0" CLEAR - REQUIRED 1 CAR PARKING DIMENSIONS (E) F.F. = 547.25'1 % SLOPEup PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'- 0" NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR FIXTURES INCLUDING LANDSCAPE LIGHTING SHALL COMPLY WITH TOWN REQUREMENTS TO BE DOWNWARD DIRECTED AND SHIELDED AND THE GLASS SHALL BE OBSCURED, NOT CLEAR. MAIN LEVEL BELOW GRADE SF (BGSF) 3 CAR GARAGE 2,606 SF 140 SF 888 SF 400 SF EXEMPTION BGSF EXEMPT MAIN FLOOR AREA A-4.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-4.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 3/3/23 A-2.1 THORNTON 1-20-23.pln1/27/20231:45 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-2.1 THORNTON 1-20-23.pln1/27/20231:45 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 1/27/2023 63'-10" 12'-1/2"31'-8"20'-11/2"49'-10"3'-111/2"45'-101/2"49'-10"20'-11/2"15'-41/2"16'-31/2"12'-1/2" 63'-10" MASTER BATH MASTER BEDROOM BATHROOM 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 CLOSET CLOSET 47'-81/2"16'-11/2" 35'-6"12'-21/2"4'-1"12'-1/2"49'-10"9'-21/2"30'-101/2"9'-9"47'-81/2" 16'-11/2"12'-21/2"15'-4"20'-11/2"49'-10"37'-61/2"12'-31/2"63'-10" GARAGE BATH 1 UTILITY ROOM BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 2 MECHANICAL ROOM CLOSET TSLOWER FLOOR PLANUPPER FLOOR PLAN EXISTING RESIDENCE FLOOR PLANS 1/4" = 1'- 0" LOWER FLOOR PLAN UPPER FLOOR PLAN CS EXISTING UPPER FLOOR AREA: 1,511 SFEXISTING LOWER FLOOR AREA: 950 SF EXISTING GARAGE FLOOR AREA: 422 SF 2x8 Clg. Joists @ 24"OC ALL CEILINGS @ LOWER LEVEL ARE 7'-8" ± 2x10 Floor Joists @ 16"OC Platform Framed VaultedVaulted Vaulted 2x8 Rafters @ 24"OC Ridge2x8 Rafters @ 24"OCALL CEILINGS @ UPPER LEVEL ARE 8'-0" (UNO) PURPLE = CMU RWPURPLE = CMU RWGREEN = POURED CONC. FTG.GREEN = POURED CONC. FTG.GREEN = CONC. FTG (STEPPED HERE)W/2X6 PONY WALL ADDITION Underfloor AreaFull Height SpaceRidge Platform Framed Platform Framed N A A-7.0 A A-7.0 B A-7.0 B A-7.0 C A-7.1 C A-7.1 49'-51/2"6'-2"22'-2"15'-41/2"20'-11/2"5'-91/2"3'-111/2"45'-7"22'-81/2"5'-91/2"20'-11/2"15'-41/2"16'-31/2"12'-1/2"49'-51/2"22'-81/2"2'-0"44'-111/2"2'-0"3'-111/2"34'-1/2"9'-81/2"2'-0"22'-81/2"113'-31/2"5'-91/2" 5'-91/2"113'-31/2"71'-6"71'-6" SHADED AREA INDICATES AREA OF ADDITION dn PRIMARY BEDROOM SUITE BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 WALK-IN CLOSET PRIMARY BATH DRESSING AREA open to below LAUNDRY BATH 2 BATH 3 STUDY ALCOVEclosetD W 56 " tub linenbenchbenchPROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'- 0" NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR FIXTURES INCLUDING LANDSCAPE LIGHTING SHALL COMPLY WITH TOWN REQUREMENTS TO BE DOWNWARD DIRECTED AND SHIELDED AND THE GLASS SHALL BE OBSCURED, NOT CLEAR. UPPER LEVEL 1,896 SF UPPER FLOOR AREA A-5.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-5.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023N A A-7.0 A A-7.0 B A-7.0 B A-7.0 C A-7.1 C A-7.1 TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' METAL FLASHING CAP AT WALL - TYP.TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' KALWALL SKYLIGHT - TYP. OF 3 ROOF EDGE = 557.92' ROOF EDGE = 557.92' ROOF EDGE = 558.18' TOP OF PARAPET = 559.50' ROOF EDGE = 556.08' ROOF EDGE = 556.08' ROOF EDGE = 556.08' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' SHADED AREA DENOTES PROPOSED ADDITION GREATER THAN 18' HIGH2" / 12"SLOPE2" / 12"SLOPE2" / 12"SLOPE1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.LOW SLOPE ROOF -TYP. CLASS 'A' GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO' 60 MIL SINGLE PLY LOW SLOPE ROOF -TYP. CLASS 'A' GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO' 60 MIL SINGLE PLY 1/2" / 12" SLOPE LOW SLOPE ROOF -TYP. CLASS 'A' STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/8" / 12"SLOPE1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP.1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/8" / 12"SLOPE1/4" / 12"MIN. SLOPETYP.1/8" / 12" SLOPE 1/8" / 12" SLOPE 1/4" / 12" MIN. SLOPE TYP. 1/8" / 12" SLOPE 1/8" / 12" SLOPE DS DS ALL ROOFING ASSEMBLIES ARE CLASS 'A' AND RATED FOR HILLSIDE APPLICATION (WUI APPROVED) PROPOSED ROOF PLAN 1/4" = 1'- 0" , D.Z. A-6.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-6.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS N.T.S. FRONT SOUTH VIEW-1 FRONT SOUTH VIEW-2 A-6.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-6.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS N.T.S. REAR NORTH VIEW-1 REAR NORTH VIEW-2 A-6.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-6.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 'LONGBOARD' METAL SIDING -LIGHT NATIONAL WALNUT COLOR, LRV 11 2' x 4' - PORCELAN TILE NATURAL WOOD VENEER, LRV 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 9 8 10 30'-0"4' MAX.29'-2"34'-8"2'-0"INDICATES OUTLINE OF EXISTING RESIDENCE TO BE REMODELED INDICATES NEW WINDOW OPENING (SHOWN CROSS HATCHED) INDICATES EXISITING WINDOW OPENING (SHOWN SHADED) (N) VISOR HEIGHT = 555.25' WALL HEIGHT = 546.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' (N) CEILING = 557.25' WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' EXISTING HIGH POINT = 572.75' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED ROOF EDGE = 556.08' ROOF EDGE = 558.18' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' HIGH POINT AT ROOF EDGE = 567.25' DENOTES PROPOSED GRADE - TYP. ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' FS GARAGE EDGE = 546.42' FS GARAGE EDGE = 546.42' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. EP = FG = 538.25'EP = 538.25' FG = 538.08' LOWEST ELEVATION 1 2 3 4 5 FG = 538.08' 1 4 3 6 7 8 9 11 EP = FG = 538.25' @ GARAGE FG = 538.08' INDICATES 18' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS HDSG INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT HATCHED AREA INDICATES PROPOSED ADDITION GREATER THAN 18' MAXIMUM HEIGHT FG = 537.90' PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING BELOW GRADE FLOOR AREA PER 29.40.072 LOWER FLOOR LEVEL MAIN FLOOR LEVEL UPPER FLOOR LEVEL OVERALL REDUCTION IN VISIBLE HEIGHT ( 5.50 FEET)MAXIMUM PROPOSED LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTMAIN RESIDENCE EXTERIOR FINISHES LEGEND ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF & TRIMS, FASCIA, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, SCUPPERS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: DRIVEWAY: PATIOS: GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO', CLASS "A" AT LOW SLOPE, DESERT TAN COLOR, LRV 27 LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER - COLOR SIMILAR TO SW 2855 SYCAMORE TAN - LRV 28 GAUGED NATURAL ROCK SIDING LRV, 30 CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 CUSTOM WOOD PIVOT DOOR MEDIUM DARK COLOR, LRV 8 ASPHALTALUMINUM WOOD CLAD / ALUMINUM CLAD 'DARK BRONZE' ANODIZED ALUMINUM, LRV 5 FG = FINISHED GRADE NG = NATURAL GRADE EP = EXISTING GRADE POINT TP = TOP PLATE FF = FINISHED FLOOR FS = FINISHED CONCRETE SLAB EXTERIOR LEGEND WINDOWS/EXTERIOR DOORS, EXTERIOR WALLS, METAL CLAD ENTRY DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: @ ADU GUARDRAIL: ALUMINUM DOOR -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 ALUMINUM FRAME WITH CABLE RAILING - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8MAXIMUM EXISTING LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTNOTE: ALL COLORS/MATERIALS HAVE MAX. LRV 30 UPPER FLOOR ADDITION EXISTING MAIN FLOOR ADDITION EXISTING -2% 10 N SOUTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM , D.Z. A-6.3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-6.3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 'LONGBOARD' METAL SIDING -LIGHT NATIONAL WALNUT COLOR, LRV 11 2' x 4' - PORCELAN TILE NATURAL WOOD VENEER, LRV 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 9 8 10 34'-8"29'-2"18'-0"2'-0"4'-31/2"INDICATES OUTLINE OF EXISTING RESIDENCE TO BE REMODELED INDICATES NEW WINDOW OPENING (SHOWN CROSS HATCHED) INDICATES EXISITING WINDOW OPENING (SHOWN SHADED) (N) VISOR HEIGHT = 555.25' WALL HEIGHT = 546.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' (N) CEILING = 557.25' WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' EXISTING HIGH POINT = 572.75' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25'FS GARAGE = 546.67' 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 10 6 FG = 547.17' FG = 538.30' DENOTES PROPOSED GRADE - TYP. DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' FG = 538.08' LOWEST ELEVATION TOP OF PARAPET = 557.92' INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. DENOTES PROPOSED GARAGE ADDITION BEYOND HATCHED AREA INDICATES PROPOSED ADDITION GREATER THAN 18' MAXIMUM HEIGHT TW=552.00' BW=547.09' PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING LOWER FLOOR LEVEL MAIN FLOOR LEVEL UPPER FLOOR LEVEL BELOW GRADE FLOOR AREA PER 29.40.072 OVERALL REDUCTION IN VISIBLE HEIGHT ( 5.50 FEET)PROPOSED MAXIMUM LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTMAIN RESIDENCE EXTERIOR FINISHES LEGEND ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF & TRIMS, FASCIA, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, SCUPPERS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: DRIVEWAY: PATIOS: GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO', CLASS "A" AT LOW SLOPE, DESERT TAN COLOR, LRV 27 LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER - COLOR SIMILAR TO SW 2855 SYCAMORE TAN - LRV 28 GAUGED NATURAL ROCK SIDING LRV, 30 CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 CUSTOM WOOD PIVOT DOOR MEDIUM DARK COLOR, LRV 8 ASPHALTALUMINUM WOOD CLAD / ALUMINUM CLAD 'DARK BRONZE' ANODIZED ALUMINUM, LRV 5 FG = FINISHED GRADE NG = NATURAL GRADE EP = EXISTING GRADE POINT TP = TOP PLATE FF = FINISHED FLOOR FS = FINISHED CONCRETE SLAB EXTERIOR LEGEND WINDOWS/EXTERIOR DOORS, EXTERIOR WALLS, METAL CLAD ENTRY DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: @ ADU GUARDRAIL: ALUMINUM DOOR -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 ALUMINUM FRAME WITH CABLE RAILING - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 NOTE: ALL COLORS/MATERIALS HAVE MAX. LRV 30 EXISTING MAXIMUM LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTSWIMMING POOL UPPER FLOOR ADDITION EXISTING MAIN FLOOR ADDITION EXISTING DENOTES EXISTING GRADE - TYP. FG = 537.88' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' TW=540.20' BW=538.30' N NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM NORTH ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM , D.Z. A-6.4 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-6.4 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 'LONGBOARD' METAL SIDING -LIGHT NATIONAL WALNUT COLOR, LRV 11 2' x 4' - PORCELAN TILE NATURAL WOOD VENEER, LRV 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 9 8 10 DENOTES PROPOSED FINISH GRADE - TYP. MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 EXISTING HIGH POINT = 572.75' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' 5 4 6 1 1 3 3 6 10 1212 12 2 2 PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING UPPER FLOOR LEVEL MAIN FLOOR LEVEL LOWER FLOOR LEVEL OVERALL REDUCTION IN VISIBLE HEIGHT ( 5.50 FEET) MAIN RESIDENCE EXTERIOR FINISHES LEGEND ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF & TRIMS, FASCIA, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, SCUPPERS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: DRIVEWAY: PATIOS: GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO', CLASS "A" AT LOW SLOPE, DESERT TAN COLOR, LRV 27 LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER - COLOR SIMILAR TO SW 2855 SYCAMORE TAN - LRV 28 GAUGED NATURAL ROCK SIDING LRV, 30 CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 CUSTOM WOOD PIVOT DOOR MEDIUM DARK COLOR, LRV 8 ASPHALTALUMINUM WOOD CLAD / ALUMINUM CLAD 'DARK BRONZE' ANODIZED ALUMINUM, LRV 5 FG = FINISHED GRADE NG = NATURAL GRADE EP = EXISTING GRADE POINT TP = TOP PLATE FF = FINISHED FLOOR FS = FINISHED CONCRETE SLAB EXTERIOR LEGEND WINDOWS/EXTERIOR DOORS, EXTERIOR WALLS, METAL CLAD ENTRY DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: @ ADU GUARDRAIL: ALUMINUM DOOR -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 ALUMINUM FRAME WITH CABLE RAILING - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 NOTE: ALL COLORS/MATERIALS HAVE MAX. LRV 30 DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED INDICATES OUTLINE OF EXISTING RESIDENCE TO BE REMODELED INDICATES NEW WINDOW OPENING (SHOWN CROSS HATCHED) INDICATES EXISITING WINDOW OPENING (SHOWN SHADED) N WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM WEST ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM , D.Z. A-6.5 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-6.5 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:25 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N 'LONGBOARD' METAL SIDING -LIGHT NATIONAL WALNUT COLOR, LRV 11 2' x 4' - PORCELAN TILE NATURAL WOOD VENEER, LRV 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 9 8 10 4'-10"FS GARAGE EDGE = 546.42'FS GARAGE = 546.67' FG = 551.80' FG = 553.83' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' DENOTES PROPOSED GRADE - TYP. DENOTES EXISTING GRADE - TYP. DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT DRIVEWAY- TYP. DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT THE FACE OF THE WALL - TYP. WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 EXISTING HIGH POINT = 572.75' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED 1 2 5 1 4 6 6 3 11 TOP OF PARAPET = 557.92' FG = 547.17' DENOTES CONCRETE V DITCH - TYP. DENOTES CONCRETE V DITCH - TYP. FL = 552.83' EP= 547.42' INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT @ ELEV. CUT PLANE INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT AT WALL FACE OF SECOND FLOOR ADDITION HATCHED AREA INDICATES PROPOSED ADDITION GREATER THAN 18' MAXIMUM HEIGHT FL = 550.80' FG = 554.50' FL = 553.50' PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING MAIN FLOOR LEVEL UPPER FLOOR LEVEL OVERALL REDUCTION IN VISIBLE HEIGHT ( 5.50 FEET) MAIN RESIDENCE EXTERIOR FINISHES LEGEND ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF & TRIMS, FASCIA, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, SCUPPERS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR WALLS: DRIVEWAY: PATIOS: GAF 'EVERGUARD ® TPO', CLASS "A" AT LOW SLOPE, DESERT TAN COLOR, LRV 27 LATEX COLOR INTEGRAL STUCCO PLASTER - COLOR SIMILAR TO SW 2855 SYCAMORE TAN - LRV 28 GAUGED NATURAL ROCK SIDING LRV, 30 CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 CUSTOM WOOD PIVOT DOOR MEDIUM DARK COLOR, LRV 8 ASPHALTALUMINUM WOOD CLAD / ALUMINUM CLAD 'DARK BRONZE' ANODIZED ALUMINUM, LRV 5 FG = FINISHED GRADE NG = NATURAL GRADE EP = EXISTING GRADE POINT TP = TOP PLATE FF = FINISHED FLOOR FS = FINISHED CONCRETE SLAB EXTERIOR LEGEND WINDOWS/EXTERIOR DOORS, EXTERIOR WALLS, METAL CLAD ENTRY DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: GARAGE DOOR: @ ADU GUARDRAIL: ALUMINUM DOOR -DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 ALUMINUM FRAME WITH CABLE RAILING - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 NOTE: ALL COLORS/MATERIALS HAVE MAX. LRV 30 ±MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' EAST ELEVATION PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" EAST ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM EAST ELEVATION DEMOLITION DIAGRAM , D.Z. A-7.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-7.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/20232'-61/2"DENOTES NATURAL GRADE (N) VISOR HEIGHT = 555.25' WALL HEIGHT = 546.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' (N) CEILING = 557.25' WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' EXISTING HIGH POINT = 572.75' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' CROSS HATCHED AREA DENOTES NEW BUILDING AREA DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' ROOF EDGE = 556.08' TOP OF PARAPET = 559.25'ROOF EDGE = 558.18' ROOF EDGE = 566.33' ROOF EDGE = 567.25' FS = 546.67' DENOTES NATURAL GRADE SHADED AREA DENOTES PROPOSED ADDITION GREATER THAN 18' HIGH DENOTES EXISTING GRADE DENOTES EXISTING GRADE INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT PRIMARY CLOSET LAUNDRY HALL GARAGECRAFT ROOM ADU BEDROOM LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN SCULLERY HALL THEATRE OVERALL REDUCTION IN VISIBLE HEIGHT ( 5.50 FEET) GARAGE #2 * NOTE: ONLY A BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE ADU - NOT PART OF THIS APPLICATION ROOF DENOTES BELOW GRADE FLOOR AREA (SHOWN SHADED) DENOTES NATURAL GRADE WALL HEIGHT = 546.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' TOP OF PARAPET = 558.42' ROOF EDGE = 557.92' DENOTES EXISTING GRADE INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT POOL EQUIPMENT COVERED PATIOTERRACE 4 FT.CLEARSTORAGE A B 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED SECTIONS SECTION 'A' SECTION 'B' SECTION B-B SECTION A-A A-7.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-7.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 C2'-11"1'-7"1'-0"1'-21/2"WALL HEIGHT = 546.25' MAIN FLOOR = 547.25' WALL HEIGHT = 565.25 LOWER FLOOR = 538.25' PROPOSED HIGH POINT = 567.25 UPPER FLOOR = 557.25' ROOF EDGE = 557.92' DENOTES EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED ROOF EDGE = 566.33' DENOTES EXISTING GRADE EXISTING PLANTERSEXISTING RETAINING WALLS INDICATES 18' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT POOL EQUIPMENT POOL EDGE = 547.00' MECHANICAL ROOMTHEATRE TRASH SWIMMING POOL KITCHEN GUEST ROOMLOGGIACLO. BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 WALK-IN CLOSET HALL CLO. PROPOSED SECTIONS SECTION 'C' 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION C-C A-8.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-8.0 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 N14'-1"25'-61/2"11'-7" 21'-10"8'-4" 13'- 4 "14'-1"9'-7 " S1 A-8.0 SA-8.0 S2 A-8.0 S2 A-8.0 SHADED AREA INDICATES AREA OF ADDITION drivew ay up 9' SLIDING DOOR 10' SLI D I N G D O O R MASSAGE ROOM CLO. GY M . (E) F.F. = 527.00' TERRACE N S1 A-8.0 SA-8.0 S2 A-8.0 S2 A-8.0 24 GA PREPAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL FLASHING CAP AT WALL COOL DARK BRONZE - STANDARD COLOR - TYP. 24 GA PREPAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS COOL DARK BRONZE - STANDARD COLOR - TYP. METAL STANDING SEAM 'GALVALUME' ROOF COOL DARK BRONZE - STANDARD COLOR - TYP.5 :12SLOPE5 :12SLOPE5 :12SLOPE5 :12SLOPE8'-0"22'-31/2" FS = 527.00' TP = 535.00' HIGH POINT = 538.67' INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE EXISTING GRADE CROSS HATCHED AREA DENOTES NEW BUILDING AREA FG = 530.00' INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE MASSAGE ROOMGYM. TERRACE ATTIC CROSS HATCHED AREA DENOTES NEW BUILDING AREA FS = 527.00' TP = 535.00' HIGH POINT = 538.67' FG = 530.75' FG = 522.50' INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE GYM. TERRACE ACCESSORY BUILDING 1/4" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN SECTION S1 SECTION S2 FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN SECTIONS ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FLOOR AREA = 495 SF A-8.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-8.1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 1 2 3 416'-2"ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FF = 527.00' ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TP = 535.00' HIGH POINT AT GABLE = 538.75' FG = 522.58' DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE 2 1 3 3 4 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE EXTERIOR FINISHES STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF & TRIMS, FASCIA, GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, SCUPPERS: EXTERIOR WALLS:GAUGED NATURAL ROCK SIDING LRV, 30 CUSTOM 26 GA. PRE-PAINTED 'GALVALUME' METAL - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 ALUMINUM WOOD CLAD / ALUMINUM CLAD 'DARK BRONZE' ANODIZED ALUMINUM, LRV 5 FG = FINISHED GRADE NG = NATURAL GRADE EP = EXISTING GRADE POINT TP = TOP PLATE FF = FINISHED FLOOR FS = FINISHED CONCRETE SLAB EXTERIOR LEGEND WINDOWS/EXTERIOR DOORS, EXTERIOR WALLS, METAL CLAD GUARDRAIL:ALUMINUM FRAME WITH CABLE RAILING - DARK BRONZE COLOR, LRV 8 MAXIMUM PROPOSED LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTNOTE: ALL COLORS/MATERIALS HAVE MAX. LRV 30FG = 526.83' FG = 526.83'EP = 529.42' FG = 530.75' EP = 532.50' FG = 530.00' 2 1 3 4 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FF = 527.00' ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TP = 535.00' HIGH POINT AT GABLE = 538.75' DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. DENOTES PROPOSED GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE 2 1 3 4 DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. DENOTES PROPOSED GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FF = 527.00' ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TP = 535.00' HIGH POINT AT GABLE = 538.75' FG = 530.00'EP = 529.42' INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE AT WALL FACE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE 16'-2"FG = 522.58' ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FF = 527.00' ACCESSORY STRUCTURE TP = 535.00' HIGH POINT AT GABLE = 538.75' 2 1 3 3 4 1 1 DENOTES EXISTING GRADE AT WALL FACE - TYP. INDICATES 15' HEIGHT ABOVE NATURAL GRADE AT WALL FACE PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS MUNICIPAL CODE MAXIMUM PROPOSED LOW TO HIGH HEIGHTACCESSORY BUILDING 1/4" = 1'-0" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION , D.Z. A-8.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : A-8.2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/202311'-111/2"8'-0") TOP PLATE 0'-0" FINSHED FLOOR 11'-111/2"8'-0") TOP PLATE 0'-0" FINSHED FLOOR 11'-111/2"8'-0") TOP PLATE 8'-6"8'-0") TOP PLATE N 21'-10"14'-1"INDICATES PROPOSED WALLS PROPOSED WINDOWS & DOORS SHOWN DAESHED EXISTING FOOT PRINT (LINEAR FEET) WIDTH OF PRESERVED WALL FRAMING IN LINEAR FEET (INCLUDING EXISTING OPEININGS) WIDTH OF DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING IN LINEAR FEET (INCLUDING EXISTING OPEININGS) 44'-3"71'-10"27'-7" SINCE 44'-3" IS GREATER THAN 27'-7", THEN NO TECHNICAL DEMOLITION 0'-8" PRESERVED WALL FRAMING DEMOLISHED WALL FRAMING 21'-10" 13'-5" 6'-2"6'-0"7'-11"1'-9" 2'-0" 1'-3" 10'-10" 0'-8"13'-5" INFILL (N) WINDOW(E) WINDOW 6'-2"6'-0"7'-11"1'-9" (N) WINDOW INFILL (E) WINDOW INFILL 2'-0"1'-3"10'-10" INFILL (E) WINDOW 21'-10" (E) EAST ELEVATION (E) WEST ELEVATION (E) SOUTH ELEVATION (E) NORTH ELEVATION (E) FLOOR PLAN EXISTING ACCESSORY STRUCTURE EXISTING ELEVATIONS EXISTING FLOOR PLAN 1/4" = 1'- 0" CS / DZ DEMOLITION CALCULATION DEMOLITION CALCULATION (E) WEST DEMOLITION ELEVATION (E) SOUTH DEMOLITION ELEVATION (E) EAST DEMOLITION ELEVATION (E) NORTH DEMOLITION ELEVATION VA-1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : VA-1 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 0.942 M I L E S CORNER OF LOS GATOS BLVD. & BLOSSOM HILL RD. VIEWING AREA SITE LOCATION AT SHANNON ROAD TREES LOCATED AT "THE TERRACES OF LOS GATOS" TREES LOCATED IN BLOSSOM HILL PARK EXISTING RESIDENCE AS SHOWN VISIBILITY ANALYSIS VISIBILITY ANALYSIS: SITE PLAN WITH VIEWING AREA EXISTING CONDITIONS - 50 MM LENS EXISTING CONDITIONS - 300 MM LENS VA-2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : VA-2 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 1185 1172 1171 1170 1188 1189 1175 1173 1176 1174 11861187 1178 1177 1179 1180 1182 1189 ZONE 3 DEFENSIBLE SPACE 30’ - 100’ FROM HOUSE ZONE 2 DEFENSIBLE SPACE 5’ - 30’ FROM HOUSE ZONE 1 DEFENSIBLE SPACE 0’ - 5’ FROM HOUSE 1189 1180 11731173 18"OAK 3" RDWD. 6" OAK RDWD. GROUP 6",6" OAK 6",10" OAK 7" OAK12" ASH 52" EUC 15" OAK 15" OAK A 6",6" OAK 6",10" OAK 7" OAK12" ASH 52" EUC 16", 24", 12" OAK 15" OAK 15" OAK A EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN 6",6" OAK EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN NOT INCLUDED IN THE ARBORIST REPORT AEXISTING TREES TO REMAIN TREE LEGEND EXISTING TREES TO BE TRANSPLANTED 6",6" OAK EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN NOT INCLUDED IN THE ARBORIST REPORT VISIBILITY ANALYSIS SITE PLAN WITH TREES AND DEFENSIBLE SPACE A EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED 1173 (E) 8" TREE 1183 1184 1181 PR O P O S E D RESIDE N C E C O R N E R O F L O S G A T O S B L V D & B L O S S O M H I L L R O A D V I E W ACC E S S O R Y STR U C T U R E 1/16" = 1'-0" VISIBILITY ANALYSIS , DZ VA-3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMTS 19685 15977 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 METRO GROUP DESIGN DATE : SCALE : PROJECT NO : DRAWN BY : VA-3 THORNTON 5-24-23.pln6/22/20232:26 PMThe plans, ideas and design on this drawing are the property of the designer,divised solely for this contract. Plans shall not be used, in whole or in part, for any purpose for which they were not intended without the written permission of METRO DESIGN GROUP. c REVISIONS ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS.. 1475 S BASCOM AVE SUITE 208 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408)871-1071 phone www.metroarchitects.com SHEET NUMBER THORNTON RESIDENCE CHECKED BY : ARCHITECT :TOM SLOAN PROJECT NAME T J S 6/22/2023 431 SF1,372 SF VISIBLE AREA NON-VISIBLE AREA* TOTAL AREA 1,803 SF 76.10%23.90%100.0% INDICATES OUTLINE OF TREES LOCATED ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE -TYP. TREES SITED WITHIN "THE TERRACES OF LOS GATOS" TREES SITED WITHIN "BLOSSOM HILL PARK" 16", 12", 12" OAK TREE "A" LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON SHEET VA-2 N.T.S. VISIBILITY ANALYSIS * NON-VISIBLE AREA DUE TO EXISTING TREE COVERAGE REMODELED RESIDENCE - 300 MM LENS EXISTING RESIDENCE - NO SCREENING - 300 MM LENS2.3. WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" VISIBILITY ANALYSIS: VISIBLE ELEVATION FROM VIEWING PLATFORM LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF BLOSSOM HILL ROAD AND LOS GATOS BOULEVARD VISIBLE AREA IS 75.73 %, THIS SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENCE IS A VISIBLE HOME PER TOWN OF LOS GATOS DEFINITION. 1.NO OTHER ELEVATION OF THE HOUSE IS VISIBLE FROM THE REQUIRED VISIBILITY PLATFORMS 9 Erigeron 26 Verbena 'Homestead Purple' Karen Aitken & AssociatesThese drawings are instruments of service, issued for a one-time single use by the owner. The entire contents of these drawings is copyright Karen Aitken & Associates. Landscape Architect retains all rights and title. No part may be reproduced in any fashion or medium without the express written approval of the landscape architect. The proper electronic transfer of data shall be the user’s responsibility without liability to the landscape architect. Owner shall assume responsibility for compliance with all easements, setback requirements and property lines. Owner shall acquire all necessary permits required to perform work shown on plans. Base information has been provided by the owner. Karen Aitken & Associates assumes no liability for the accuracy of said property line boundaries, fence lines or property corners.ADU Dining Room (E) Residence Guest Suite Entry 3 Car Garage (E) Building #1177 (E) 2"-4" ø Pepper Tree Entry Porch Ret. Wall SPA Pool Main Terrace 547' (E) Redwood Trees (E) 6" ø Oak Tree (E) 3" ø Redwood Tree (E) 16" ø Oak Tree Guest Parking Proposed Driveway 1% Slope 546.42' Garage 2 @ 538.25' F.F. Main Floor @ 547.25' Pool Equip. Terrace Deck above 18' x 42'Kitchen Garden @ 538.0' F.F. Main Floor @ 527.0' Living Room 7 (24" box) Toyon as Replacement Trees New Deer Fence at Property Line Gravel Path 4'-0"wide (E) Oaks & Toyon Gravel Path 3'-0"wide 6 (24" box) Coast Live Oak as Replacement Trees Vegetable Boxes 5'-0" wide w/ 4'-0"wide aisles Concrete Pad (5'x 10') Gravel Overlook Fence & Gate (E) Trees (E) Overhead Wires (E) White Oleander Hedge (E) Trees 547.0' Proposed Driveway @ 546.42' T.W 540.2' B.W 538.3' 2' high Wall T.W 547.0' B.W 543.0' 4' high Wall 25 Manzanita 'Emerald Carpet' on Slope 6'-0" o.c 540 540 540 550 550 530 530 530 530 540 550 550 560 560 560 560 520 520 520 510 510 510 510 510 520 550 #1175 (E) 12"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1176 (E) 10"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1187 (E) 5,4,4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1186 (E) 5,4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1188 (E) 8"ø Coast Live Oak #1189 (E) 11"ø Coast Live Oak #1170 (E) 13, 12, 8, 6 "ø Coast Live Oak #1171 4,4,2,2" ø (E) Wax Myrtle #1172 (E) 6, 3" ø Coast Live Oak #1173 (E) 10"ø Monterey Pine to be Removed #1174 (E) 6,4,2,2"ø Coast Live Oak #1182 (E) 6ø Valley Oak #1181 (E) 4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1178 (E) 8,6"ø Valley Oak #1180 & #1179 (E) 6"ø Coast Live Oak Seedling to be Transplant #1183 (E) 5,4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1184 (E) 6" ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1185 (E) 18, 8"ø Coast Live Oak 3 (24"box) Western Redbud as Replacement Trees 2 (24"box) Western Redbud as Replacement Tree * Canopy Size of Removed Tree -More than 10 feet to 25 feet Three 24-inch box trees Replacement Tree Requirements 8 Ceanothus 'Skylark' Tree Protection Fencing (Refer L-4 for specifications) Tree Protection Fencing (Refer to L-4 for specifications) Planter Walls Covered Patio 6 Alstroemeria 3 Asclepias tuberosa 2 Buddleia 6 Gauras 6 Penstemon 'A.B' 6 Salvia greggii 3 Salvia leucantha 3 Salvia 'Indigo Spires' Mound Hummingbird & Butterfly Garden Mix PLANT LEGEND T.W 526.9' B.W 523.2' 3.7' high T.W 526.9' B.W 524.4' 2.5' high 547.0' 538.25' 538.0' @ 547.25' 541.25' 547.0' 547.0' T.W 542.25' B.W 538.25' 4' high Max. Proposed Addition (N) Elec. Meter Relocated Private Fire Hydrant (E) Private Fire Hydrant to be Relocated Power Pole w/ Transformer Power Pole Pine Trees #1168 & #1169 have been removed per Tree Removal Permit New Mail Box and Signage Identification Column (E) Edge of Pavement Property Line (E) Wire Fence (E) Wire Fence (E) Wire Fence F.G 546.67' Zone 0 5'-0" from House or Building Structure 5'-0" from House or Building Structure 10 Ceanothus 'Carmel Creeper' 6'-0" o.c Zone 1 30'-0" from House or Building Structure Zone 1 30'-0" from House or Building Structure Zone 0 extends 5 feet from buildings, structures, decks, etc. Use hardscape like gravel, pavers, concrete and other noncombustible mulch materials. No combustible bark or mulch Remove all dead and dying weeds, grass, plants, shrubs, trees, branches and vegetative debris (leaves, needles, cones, bark, etc.); Check your roofs, gutters, decks, porches, stairways, etc. Remove all branches within 10 feet of any chimney or stovepipe outlet. Zone 1 extends 30 feet from buildings, structures, decks, etc. or to your property line, whichever is closer. Remove all dead plants, grass and weeds (vegetation). Remove dead or dry leaves and pine needles from your yard, roof and rain gutters. Trim trees regularly to keep branches a minimum of 10 feet from other trees. A.C Units T.W 538.3' B.W 536' 2.3' high Wall Concrete V-Ditch T.W 552.0' B.W 547.0' 5' high Wall T.W 537.1' B.W 535.9' 1.2' high Wall 3'x5' Rock Rip- Rap Ret. Wall Ret. Wall 3'x5' Rock Rip- Rap Tree Protection Fencing (Refer to L-4 for specifications) 1. Place tree numbers and tree protection fence locations and guidelines on the plans including the grading, drainage, and utility plans. Create a separate plan sheet that includes all protection measures labeled “T-1 Tree Protection Plan.” 2. Make sure all the plans have the existing trees and indicate the removals consistently throughout all drawings (civil, architectural, and landscape) 3. Place tree protection fence along the driveway adjacent to #1170, #1171, #1172, #1888, and #1889 (Type I) 4. Place tree protection fence around coast live oak #1185 at the edge of the existing pool patio (Type I). 5. Place fence around #1177 and #1178 individually at the required radii (Type I). 6. Provide a landscape plan that accounts for the loss in tree canopy to include in tabular form the required replacements in accordance with the Town’s Tree Canopy Replacement Standard. 7. All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writing according to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards and local regulations. All maintenance is to be performed according to ISA Best Management Practices. 8. Provide a copy of this report to all contractors and project managers, including the architect, civil engineer, and landscape designer or architect. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure all parties are familiar with this document. 9. Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the project arborist or landscape architect to verify tree protection is in place, with the correct materials, and at the proper distances. #1180 & #1179 (E) 6"ø Coast Live Oak Seedling to be Transplant to here Tree Protection Fencing (Refer L-4 for specifications) Hillside Vegetation to be left Undisturbed beyond area of grading Hillside Vegetation to be left Undisturbed beyond area of grading Hillside Vegetation to be left Undisturbed Zone 1 30'-0" from House or Building Structure 30 Ceanothus 'Carmel Creeper' 6'-0" o.c 2 (24" box) Coast Live Oak as Replacement Trees 5 (24" box) Coast Live Oak as Replacement Trees 9 Salvia greggii 'R.S' 6 Salvia leucantha 'S.B' 7 Salvia 'Indigo' 5 Rhamnus 'Eve Case' 8 Salvia 'Waverly' 12 Zauschneria cal. Total Replacement Trees Require 24 - 24" box Trees Refer to L-3 for Planting Details At least 4 cu. yds. of compost, six (6) inches deep, shall be applied per 1,000 sq. ft. of landscape area. A minimum three (3") inch layer of mulch shall be applied on all exposed soil surfaces of planting areas. *Organic mulch is not allowed within 5’-0" of the house or building structure. Zone 0 – Ember-Resistant Zone DEFENSIBLE SPACE Zone 1 – Lean, Clean and Green Zone Recommendations Pre-construction and Planning Phase TREE REPLACEMENT TABLE REVISIONS BY KAREN AITKEN & ASSOCIATESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 04-24-23 THORNTON N THORNTON RESIDENCEDATE SCALE DRAWN JOB * NOTES (E) = Existing 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, CA.SL - AD 1"=10'-0" L-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN8262 Rancho Real Gilroy Ca. 95020Calif. Reg.#2239 (408) 842-0245karen@kaa.designSCALE 1”=10’ 0 10 20 1170 #Common / Botanical Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia Trunk Diameter 4,4,2,2 13,12,8,6 6,3 Canopy Diameter ft. 30 10 6,4,2,2 12Ash - Fraxinus dipetala 10 4,4,4 8,6 6 6 Valley Oak - Quercus lobata 4,4 6 5,4 6 18,8 5,4 5,4,4 8 Wax Myrtle - Morella californica Monterey Pine - Pinus radiata Pepper - Schinus molle 15 20 20 15 25 20 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 20 20 15 1171 1172 1173* 1174 1175* 1176* 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181* 1182 1183* 1184* 1185 1186* 1187* 1188 11 151189 Remove No Yes No No No Yes No Yes R. Rplc. # of 24"box Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia Ash - Fraxinus dipetala Valley Oak - Quercus lobata Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia Ash - Fraxinus dipetala Valley Oak - Quercus lobata Ash - Fraxinus dipetala Ash - Fraxinus dipetala Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia Ash - Fraxinus dipetala Ash - Fraxinus dipetala Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 TPZ Radio ft. 3.5 3.5 5 4 - - 3.5 5 3 3 - 3 - - - - - 5.5 4 3 5 Karen Aitken & AssociatesThese drawings are instruments of service, issued for a one-time single use by the owner. The entire contents of these drawings is copyright Karen Aitken & Associates. Landscape Architect retains all rights and title. No part may be reproduced in any fashion or medium without the express written approval of the landscape architect. The proper electronic transfer of data shall be the user’s responsibility without liability to the landscape architect. Owner shall assume responsibility for compliance with all easements, setback requirements and property lines. Owner shall acquire all necessary permits required to perform work shown on plans. Base information has been provided by the owner. Karen Aitken & Associates assumes no liability for the accuracy of said property line boundaries, fence lines or property corners.ADU Dining Room (E) Residence Guest Suite Entry 3 Car Garage (E) Building #1177 (E) 2"-4" ø Pepper Tree Entry Porch Ret. Wall SPA Pool Main Terrace (E) Redwood Trees (E) 6" ø Oak Tree (E) 3" ø Redwood Tree (E) 16" ø Oak Tree Guest Parking Proposed Driveway 1% Slope 546.42' Garage 2 @ 538.25' F.F. Main Floor @ 547.25' Pool Equip. Terrace Deck above 18' x 42' Kitchen Garden @ 538.0' F.F. Main Floor @ 527.0' Living Room New Deer Fence at Property Line Gravel Path 4'-0"wide (E) Oaks & Toyon Gravel Path 3'-0"wide Gravel Overlook Fence & Gate (E) Overhead Wires (E) Trees 547.0' Proposed Driveway 540 540 540 550 550 530 530 530 530 540 550 550 560 560 560 520 520 520 510 510 510 510 510 520 550 #1175 (E) 12"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1176 (E) 10"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1187 (E) 5,4,4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1186 (E) 5,4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1170 (E) 13, 12, 8, 6 "ø Coast Live Oak #1171 4,4,2,2" ø (E) Wax Myrtle #1172 (E) 6, 3" ø Coast Live Oak #1174 (E) 6,4,2,2"ø Coast Live Oak #1182 (E) 6ø Valley Oak #1181 (E) 4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1178 (E) 8,6"ø Valley Oak #1183 (E) 5,4"ø Ash Tree to be Removed #1184 (E) 6" ø Ash Tree to be Removed Tree Protection Fencing (Refer L-4 for specifications) Tree Protection Fencing (Refer to L-4 for specifications) Planter Walls Covered Patio @ 546.42' #1188 (E) 8"ø Coast Live Oak #1189 (E) 11"ø Coast Live Oak Pine Trees #1168 & #1169 have been removed per Tree Removal Permit New Mail Box and Signage Identification Column (E) Wire Fence Power Pole w/ Transformer Power Pole (E) Wire Fence T.W 540.2' B.W 538.3' 2' high Wall T.W 547.0' B.W 543.0' 4' high Wall T.W 538.3' B.W 536' 2.3' high Wall Concrete V-Ditch T.W 552.0' B.W 547.0' 5' high Wall T.W 537.1' B.W 535.9' 1.2' high Wall Ret. Wall Ret. Wall 3'x5' Rock Rip- Rap 3'x5' Rock Rip- Rap Relocated Private Fire Hydrant (E) Private Fire Hydrant to be Relocated #1173 (E) 10"ø Monterey Pine to be Removed #1180 & #1179 (E) 6"ø Coast Live Oak Seedling to be Transplant #1185 (E) 18, 8"ø Coast Live Oak Tree Protection Fencing (Refer to L-4 for specifications) Tree Protection Fencing (Refer L-4 for specifications) 1 Color Indicates the Irrigated Area Hydrozone Number (Valve) 100 SF Med Water Drip Water Use (Very Low, Low, Moderate or High) Hunter ACC-1200 12 Station Outdoor Modular Controller. No Module Required. High-End Commercial Use. Metal Cabinet. IRRIGATION KEY Tree Ring Irrigation Dripline w/ 0.9 drip emitters placed every 12 in. Inner ring 12" from plant. Outter ring 30" from plant. Place tie down every 4' in loam and 5' in clay. Hunter ICZ-101-25-LF Drip Control Zone Kit. 1" ICV Globe Valve with 1" HY100 filter system. Pressure Regulation: 25psi. Flow Range: .5-15 GPM. 150 mesh stainless steel screen. Hunter Dripline HDL-06-12-CV Hunter Dripline w/ 0.9 GPH emitters every 12 in. Dripline laterals spaced at 12" apart. Install with Hunter PLD barbed or PLD-LOC fittings. Irrigation Lateral Line: 1 in. PVC Class 200 Irrigation Mainline: 1 in. PVC Schedule 40 Pipe Sleeve: PVC Class 200 - Typical pipe sleeve for irrigation pipe. Pipe sleeve size shall allow for irrigation piping and their related couplings to easily slide through sleeving material. Extend sleeves 18 inches beyond edges of paving or construction. C Hunter SOIL-CLIK The Soil-Clik probe uses proven technology to measure moisture within the root zone. When the probe senses that the soil has reached its desired moisture level, it will shut down irrigation, preventing water waste. SS Hunter Solar-Sync Solar, rain freeze sensor with outdoor interface, connects to Hunter PCC, Pro-C, and I-Core Controllers, install as noted. Includes 10 year lithium battery and rubber module cover, and gutter mount bracket. Wired. WS Hunter HFS-150 Flow Sensor for use with ACC controller, 1" Schedule 40 Sensor Body, 24 VAC, 2 amp. 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 8 9 6 7 4 52 1 3 30 SF Med. Water Drip (Trees) 770 SF Low Water Drip (Gcr.) 45 SF Med. Water Drip (Trees) 840 SF Low Water Drip 950 SF Low Water Drip (Gcr.) 510 SF Low Water Drip 35 SF Med. Water Drip (Trees) 15 SF Med. Water Drip (Trees) 1,000 SF Low Water Drip 250 SF Low Water Drip 795 SF Med. Water Drip10 12 Total Irrigated Landscape Area Represent 5,240 sf. Refer to L-3 for Irrigation Details & Water Calculations SS WS P.O.C. C 7 7 7 11 8 8 8 9 9 9 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 3 9 756 SF High Pool - Hose 12 10 10 10 11 4 “I have complied with the criteria of the Water Conservation in Landscaping Ordinance and applied them accordingly for the efficient use of water in the landscape & irrigation design plans.” 4 5 1 1 1 3 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 REVISIONS BY KAREN AITKEN & ASSOCIATESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS THORNTON N THORNTON RESIDENCEDATE SCALE DRAWN JOB * NOTES (E) = Existing 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, CA.AD 1"=10'-0" L-2 IRRIGATION PLAN 8262 Rancho Real Gilroy Ca. 95020Calif. Reg.#2239 (408) 842-0245karen@kaa.designSCALE 1”=10’ 0 10 20 Hydrozone - Valves Shut Off Valve FEBCO 825Y 1-1/2" Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer M IRRIGATION WATER METER 1- 1/2" B M B 04-24-23 Karen Aitken & AssociatesThese drawings are instruments of service, issued for a one-time single use by the owner. The entire contents of these drawings is copyright Karen Aitken & Associates. Landscape Architect retains all rights and title. No part may be reproduced in any fashion or medium without the express written approval of the landscape architect. The proper electronic transfer of data shall be the user’s responsibility without liability to the landscape architect. Owner shall assume responsibility for compliance with all easements, setback requirements and property lines. Owner shall acquire all necessary permits required to perform work shown on plans. Base information has been provided by the owner. Karen Aitken & Associates assumes no liability for the accuracy of said property line boundaries, fence lines or property corners.THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL BE USED IN THE PREPARATION OF ON-SITE SOILS AND FOR MULCHING PROCEDURES: A) PRIOR TO THE PLANTING OF ANY MATERIALS, COMPACTED SOILS SHALL BE TRANSFORMED TO A FRIABLE CONDITION. ON ENGINEERED SLOPES, ONLY AMENDED PLANTING HOLES NEED MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. B) SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED ACCORDING TO RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOIL REPORT AND WHAT IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE PLANTS SELECTED. C) FOR LANDSCAPE INSTALLATIONS, COMPOST AT A RATE OF A MINIMUM OF FOUR CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF PERMEABLE AREA SHALL BE INCORPORATED TO A DEPTH OF SIX INCHES INTO THE SOIL. SOILS WITH GREATER THAN 6% ORGANIC MATTER IN THE TOP 6 INCHES OF SOIL ARE EXEMPT FROM ADDING COMPOST AND TILLING. D) A MINIMUM THREE INCH (3″) LAYER OF MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES OF PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT IN TURF AREAS, CREEPING OR ROOTING GROUNDCOVERS, OR DIRECT SEEDING APPLICATIONS WHERE MULCH IS CONTRAINDICATED. TO PROVIDE HABITAT FOR BENEFICIAL INSECTS AND OTHER WILDLIFE, UP TO 5 % OF THE LANDSCAPE AREA MAY BE LEFT WITHOUT MULCH. IRRIGATION NOTES 1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH ALL LOCAL CODES. 2. THIS IRRIGATION DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC IN NATURE AND DOES NOT REPRESENT AN EXACT LAYOUT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE MINOR ADJUSTMENTS IN HEAD, VALVE, AND PIPING LAYOUT. FOR GRAPHIC CLARITY, PIPING MAY BE SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREAS BUT SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN BEDS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 3. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE AND SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS ONLY. USE EXISTING VALVE BOXES WHEN POSSIBLE. 4. WHERE PIPE PASSES UNDER DRIVING SURFACES, AND WALKS PROVIDE PVC SLEEVES AS NOTED ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO USE EXISTING SLEEVING WHEN POSSIBLE AND IS TO LOCATE ON SITE. 5. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION OF TRENCHES. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY, OR DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS WORK AT NO EXTRA COST TO THE OWNER. 6. A DIAGRAM OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN SHOWING HYDROZONES SHALL BE KEPT WITH THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER FOR SUBSEQUENT MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. 7. AN IRRIGATION AUDIT REPORT SHALL BE COMPLETED BY A CERTIFIED IRRIGATION AUDITOR AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION SOIL PREPARATION, MULCH AND AMENDMENTS REVISIONS BY KAREN AITKEN & ASSOCIATESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS THORNTONTHORNTON RESIDENCEDATE SCALE DRAWN JOB 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, CA.L-38262 Rancho Real Gilroy Ca. 95020Calif. Reg.#2239 (408) 842-0245karen@kaa.designIRRIGATION AND PLANTING DETAILS AD N.T.S 04-24-23 Karen Aitken & AssociatesThese drawings are instruments of service, issued for a one-time single use by the owner. The entire contents of these drawings is copyright Karen Aitken & Associates. Landscape Architect retains all rights and title. No part may be reproduced in any fashion or medium without the express written approval of the landscape architect. The proper electronic transfer of data shall be the user’s responsibility without liability to the landscape architect. Owner shall assume responsibility for compliance with all easements, setback requirements and property lines. Owner shall acquire all necessary permits required to perform work shown on plans. Base information has been provided by the owner. Karen Aitken & Associates assumes no liability for the accuracy of said property line boundaries, fence lines or property corners.(A) PROTECTIVE TREE FENCING SHALL SPECIFY THE FOLLOWING: (1) SIZE AND MATERIALS. SIX (6) FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCING, MOUNTED ON TWO-INCH DIAMETER GALVANIZED IRON POSTS, SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST TWO (2) FEET AT NO MORE THAN TEN-FOOT SPACING. FOR PAVING AREA THAT WILL NOT BE DEMOLISHED AND WHEN STIPULATED IN A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN, POSTS MAY BE SUPPORTED BY A CONCRETE BASE. (2) AREA TYPE TO BE FENCED. TYPE I: ENCLOSURE WITH CHAIN LINK FENCING OF EITHER THE ENTIRE DRIPLINE AREA OR AT THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ), WHEN SPECIFIED BY A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST. TYPE II: ENCLOSURE FOR STREET TREES LOCATED IN A PLANTER STRIP: CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANTER STRIP TO THE OUTER BRANCHES. TYPE III: PROTECTION FOR A TREE LOCATED IN A SMALL PLANTER CUTOUT ONLY (SUCH AS DOWNTOWN): ORANGE PLASTIC FENCING SHALL BE WRAPPED AROUND THE TRUNK FROM THE GROUND TO THE FIRST BRANCH WITH TWO-INCH WOODEN BOARDS BOUND SECURELY ON THE OUTSIDE. CAUTION SHALL BE USED TO AVOID DAMAGING ANY BARK OR BRANCHES. (3) DURATION OF TYPE I, II, III FENCING. FENCING SHALL BE ERECTED BEFORE DEMOLITION, GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ARE ISSUED AND REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE WORK IS COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIRST OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ARBORIST ON RECORD PRIOR TO REMOVING A TREE PROTECTION FENCE. (4) WARNING SIGN. EACH TREE FENCE SHALL HAVE PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED AN EIGHT AND ONE-HALF-INCH BY ELEVEN-INCH SIGN STATING: "WARNING-TREE PROTECTION ZONE-THIS FENCE SHALL NOT (B) ALL PERSONS, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS: (1) PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL THE FENCE AT THE DRIPLINE, OR TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) WHEN SPECIFIED IN AN APPROVED ARBORIST REPORT, AROUND ANY TREE AND/OR VEGETATION TO BE RETAINED WHICH COULD BE AFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION AND PROHIBIT ANY STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR OTHER MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT CLEANING, OR PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN THE TPZ. THE DRIPLINE SHALL NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY SO AS TO INCREASE THE ENCROACHMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION. (2) PROHIBIT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE TPZ, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: EXCAVATION, GRADING, DRAINAGE AND LEVELING WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF THE TREE UNLESS APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR. (3) PROHIBIT DISPOSAL OR DEPOSITING OF OIL, GASOLINE, CHEMICALS OR OTHER HARMFUL MATERIALS WITHIN THE DRIPLINE OF OR IN DRAINAGE CHANNELS, SWALES OR AREAS THAT MAY LEAD TO THE DRIPLINE OF A PROTECTED TREE. (4) PROHIBIT THE ATTACHMENT OF WIRES, SIGNS OR ROPES TO ANY PROTECTED TREE. (5) DESIGN UTILITY SERVICES AND IRRIGATION LINES TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE DRIPLINE WHEN FEASIBLE. (6) RETAIN THE SERVICES OF A CERTIFIED OR CONSULTING ARBORIST WHO SHALL SERVE AS THE PROJECT ARBORIST FOR PERIODIC MONITORING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND THE HEALTH OF THOSE TREES TO BE PRESERVED. THE PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE PRESENT WHENEVER ACTIVITIES OCCUR WHICH MAY POSE A POTENTIAL THREAT TO THE HEALTH OF THE TREES TO BE PRESERVED AND SHALL DOCUMENT ALL SITE VISITS. (7) THE DIRECTOR AND PROJECT ARBORIST SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DAMAGE THAT OCCURS TO A PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION SO THAT PROPER TREATMENT MAY BE ADMINISTERED. FENCING AROUND TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION: A TEMPORARY FENCE SHALL BE ERECTED AROUND EACH TREE TO BE RETAINED. THE FENCE SHOULD BE LOCATED AT THE DRIP LINE OR A MINIMUM OF 5· FROM THE TRUNK WHICH EVER IS GREATER. THE FENCE SHOULD BE ERECTED SO IT WILL NOT BE EASY FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS TO REMOVE OR RELOCATE. THIS FENCING MUST BE ERECTED BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ENTERS THE SITE AND MUST NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL FINAL LANDSCAPE GRADING IS COMPLETE. SOIL COMPACTION AND TRENCHING THROUGH ROOT ZONES ARE THE MAJOR CAUSES OF TREE STRESS IN THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. IT SHOULD BE EXPLAINED CLEARLY TO ALL CONTRACTORS AND WORKERS ON SITE THAT THESE FENCES ARE IMPORTANT AND ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED. TRENCHING OF ANY SORT AND FOR ANY REASON MUST BE PLANNED TO AVOID TRAVERSING AREAS WITHIN THE TREE DRIP LINES. ALL TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED ARBORIST WITH A C-61/D-49 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE. TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE SHALL BE SPECIFIED IN WRITING ACCORDING TO AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR TREE CARE OPERATIONS: TREE, SHRUB AND OTHER WOODY PLANT MANAGEMENT: STANDARD PRACTICES PARTS 1 THROUGH 10 AND ADHERE TO ANSI Z133.1 SAFETY STANDARDS AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. ALL MAINTENANCE IS TO BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO ISA BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. ALL TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED ARBORIST WITH A C-61/D-49 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE. TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE SHALL BE SPECIFIED IN WRITING ACCORDING TO AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR TREE CARE OPERATIONS: TREE, SHRUB AND OTHER WOODY PLANT MANAGEMENT: STANDARD PRACTICES PARTS 1 THROUGH 10 AND ADHERE TO ANSI Z133.1 SAFETY STANDARDS AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. ALL MAINTENANCE IS TO BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO ISA BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. REFER TO TREE INVENTORY, ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTION REPORT PREPARED BY RICHARD GESSNER,AUGUST 26, 2020 ON SHEETS AR-1 TO AR-4. TREE PROTECTION NOTES TREE PROTECTION DETAIL (TYPE I) TRUNK PROTECTION WITH WATTLETREE PROTECTION SIGNS LOS GATOS TOWN CODE SEC. 29.10.1005. PROTECTION OF TREES DURING CONSTRUCTION REVISIONS BY KAREN AITKEN & ASSOCIATESLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS THORNTONTHORNTON RESIDENCEDATE SCALE DRAWN JOB 15977 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, CA.AD N.T.S L-48262 Rancho Real Gilroy Ca. 95020Calif. Reg.#2239 (408) 842-0245karen@kaa.designTREE PROTECTION MEASURES, NOTES & DETAILS 04-24-23