Staff Report with Exhibits 1 though 7.15810 LGB PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager, Community Development Director, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/12/2023 ITEM NO: 1 DATE: July 7, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider a Request for Approval of a Zone Change from R-1:8 Prezone (Single-Family Residential, Minimum Lot Size of 8,000 square feet) to CH (Restricted Commercial Highway) and a General Plan Amendment to Change the Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial for Property Located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN: 523- 01-001. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was Prepared and Certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, Which Included the Proposed General Plan Amendment for the Property Located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. No Further Environmental Analysis is Required. Zone Change Application Z-23-001 and General Plan Amendment Application GP- 23-001. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Jesus Ching and Kathleen Ban. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-1:8 Prezone (Single-Family Residential, minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet) Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan Parcel Size: 10,800 square feet PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard/Z-23-001/GP-23-001 DATE: July 7, 2023 PROJECT DATA (continued): Surrounding Area: CEQA: An EIR was prepared and certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which included the proposed General Plan amendment for the property located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. No further environmental analysis is required. FINDINGS: ▪ An EIR was prepared and certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which included the proposed General Plan amendment for the property located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. No further environmental analysis is required. ▪ That the General Plan amendment is internally consistent with the existing goals and policies of the General Plan and its elements, in that the proposal is consistent with the pattern of development and that the land use will support and enhance the character of the Town. ▪ That the proposed Zone Change is consistent with the General Plan and its elements in that the proposed zoning is consistent with the proposed General Plan land use designation. BACKGROUND: The subject parcel is located at the southeast corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Farley Road with driveway access off of both streets (Exhibit 1). The adjoining residential properties to the south along Los Gatos Boulevard have access off of Oleander Avenue and the adjoining residential property to the east has access off of Farley Road. The property is currently located in an unincorporated area of Santa Clara County. Under Santa Clara County development regulations, the parcel has a zoning of OA (Administrative, Professional Office) and a General Plan land use designation of Urban Service Area Los Gatos. Concurrently with the Zone Change and General Plan Amendment application, the property owner has submitted an Annexation application that is currently under review by the Town and County of Santa Clara Offices of the Assessor and Surveyor and is anticipated to be considered by Town Council once that review is complete. The subject parcel is bound by parcels with a Low Density Residential General Plan land use Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Commercial Mixed Use Commercial CH South Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8 Prezone East Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8 Prezone West Commercial Mixed Use Commercial CH PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard/Z-23-001/GP-23-001 DATE: July 7, 2023 BACKGROUND (continued): designation to the east and south (Exhibit 1). The parcels to the north and west have a Mixed Use Commercial General Plan land use designation. The applicant is requesting approval of a zone change from R-1:8 Prezone to CH (Exhibit 3) and a General Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial (Exhibit 4). At this time, no modifications to the building or existing dentist office use are proposed. On June 30, 2022, the Town Council approved the 2040 General Plan, which included modifying the land use designation of the property located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial. On August 16, 2022, signatures were submitted to the Town in support of a referendum on the Land Use and Community Design Elements of the approved 2040 General Plan. Once the referendum signatures were verified by the County Registrar in late September, the 2040 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements were suspended in accordance with Elections Code Section 9237. On October 4, 2022, Town Council approved a Resolution to confirm suspension of the 2040 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements and provide that the 2020 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements govern during the suspension period. The land use designation of this property, based on the 2020 Land Use Element, is therefore returned to Low Density Residential for the period of that suspension. DISCUSSION: A. General Plan Committee At its May 10, 2023, meeting, the General Plan Committee (GPC) reviewed the application and recommended approval of the General Plan amendment to the Planning Commission and Town Council. B. General Plan Land Use Designation The applicant is proposing a General Plan amendment to change the Land Use designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial. The Low Density Residential land use designation (0-5 dwelling units per acre) provides for single-family residential properties located on generally level terrain. It encourages single- family residential development in either the standard development established by traditional zoning or by innovative forms obtained through a planned development. PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard/Z-23-001/GP-23-001 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): The Mixed Use Commercial Land Use designation provides for the following: • A mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use project, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants; • Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the small town, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties; and • This designation should never be interpreted to allow development of independent commercial facilities with principal frontage on the side streets. The subject parcel is bound by parcels with a Low Density Residential General Plan land use designation to the east and south (Exhibit 1). The parcels to the north and west have a Mixed Use Commercial General Plan land use designation. C. Zoning The applicant is proposing a zone change from R-1:8 Prezone to CH. The proposed zoning would be consistent with the General Plan land use designation if the proposed General Plan amendment is approved. Permitted uses in the CH zone are activities which do not unreasonably interfere with nearby residential uses and which are in the following categories: 1. Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand (6,000) square feet; 2. Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households; 3. Office activities; 4. Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made on site to the ultimate consumer; and 5. Group classes. The present use of the subject property is a dentist office. Under the current regulations, the non-conforming use would be permitted to continue; however, the non-conforming use would be limited in that any modification, such as an increase in the proposed floor area, increase in the required parking, or increase in the number of hours of operation would be considered an intensification of the use which would require approval of a Conditional Use Permit. A proposal to demolish and construct a new commercial building under the same PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard/Z-23-001/GP-23-001 DATE: July 7, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): proposed use of a dentist’s office would not be permitted on a residentially zoned parcel. At this time, no modifications to the building or use are proposed by the applicant (Exhibit 5). PUBLIC COMMENTS: At the time of this report’s preparation, the Town has not received any public comment. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval for a Zone Change from R-1:8 Prezone to CH and a General Plan Amendment to Change the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial. The proposed General Plan amendment and Zone Change would be consistent with the existing adjacent pattern of land uses and zones (Exhibit 1). B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends that the Planning Commission consider the existing and proposed General Plan Land Use designations and zoning and forward a recommendation for approval of the amendments to the Town Council. If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposed amendments, it should: 1. Make the finding that no further environmental analysis is required (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the required finding that the General Plan amendment is internally consistent with the existing goals and policies of the General Plan and its elements, in that the proposal is consistent with the pattern of development and that the land use will support and enhance the character of the Town (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the required finding that the proposed zone change is consistent with the General Plan and its elements in that the proposed zoning is consistent with the proposed General Plan land use designation (Exhibit 2); and 4. Forward a recommendation of approval of General Plan Amendment Application GP-23-001 and Zone Change Application Z-23-001 to the Town Council. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Planning Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; 2. Provide a recommendation for denial to the Town Council providing findings for denial. PAGE 6 OF 6 SUBJECT: 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard/Z-23-001/GP-23-001 DATE: July 7, 2023 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Maps (Showing Existing General Plan Land Use Designations and Zoning) 2. Draft Findings 3. Draft Ordinance for the Zone Change, with Exhibit A 4. Draft Resolution for the General Plan Amendment, with Exhibit A 5. Letter from the Applicant 6. Property Aerial and Photos 7. Property Survey Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial Mixed Use Commercial Low Density Residential Mixed Use Commercial FARLEY RD CAMELLIA TELOS GATOS BLFRA N K A V OLEANDER AV LER O Y A V 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard Existing General Plan Land Use Designation EXHIBIT 1 R-1:8 Prezone CH C-1 O FARLEY RD CAMELLIA TELOS GATOS BLFRA N K A V OLEANDER AV LER O Y A V LILAC WYAUGUSTINE AV15810 Los Gatos Boulevard Existing Zoning PLANNING COMMISSION – July 12, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard General Plan Amendment Application GP-23-001 Zone Change Application Z-23-001 Consider a Request for Approval of a Zone Change from R-1:8 Prezone (Single-Family Residential, Minimum Lot Size of 8,000 square feet) to CH (Restricted Commercial Highway) and a General Plan Amendment to Change the Land Use Designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial for Property Located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN: 523-01-001. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was Prepared and Certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, Which Included the Proposed General Plan Amendment for the Property Located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. No Further Environmental Analysis is Required. Zone Change Application Z-23-001 and General Plan Amendment Application GP-23-001. Property Owner/Applicant: Jesus Ching and Kathleen Ban. FINDINGS: Required finding for CEQA:  An EIR was prepared and certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which included the proposed Zoning and General Plan Amendment for the property located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. No further environmental analysis is required. Required consistency with the Town’s General Plan:  That the General Plan amendment is internally consistent with the existing goals and policies of the General Plan and its elements, in that the proposal is consistent with the pattern of development and that the land use will support and enhance the character of the Town.  That the proposed Zone Change is consistent with the General Plan and its elements in that the proposed zoning is consistent with the proposed General Plan land use designation. N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2023\LGB 15810 - Findings - PC 07-12-23.docx EXHIBIT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 2 Ordinance Council Meeting Date DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING CODE FROM R-1:8 PREZONE (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF 8,000 SQUARE FEET) TO CH (RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15810 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND THE TOWN COUNCIL DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The Zoning map of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to change the zoning of the property at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard (Santa Clara County Assessor Parcel Number 523-01- 001) as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, and is part of this Ordinance, from R-1:8 Prezone (Single-Family Residential, Minimum Lot Size of 8,000 square feet) to CH (Restricted Commercial Highway). SECTION II This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on the ___ day of _____ 2023, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on the ____ day of _____ 2023. This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. In lieu of publication of the full text of the ordinance within fifteen (15) days after its passage a summary of the ordinance may be published at least five (5) days prior to and fifteen (15) days after adoption by the Town Council and a certified copy shall be posted in the office of the Town Clerk, pursuant to GC 36933(c)(1). COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT 3 2 of 2 Ordinance Council Meeting Date DATE: __________________ ATTEST: TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: __________________ OLEANDE R A VBLOSSOM LNAUGUSTINE AVCAMELLIA TERLOS GATOS BLVDFR A N K A V APPLE B L O SS O M L N LILAC WYCAMELLIATER TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. Zone Change Prezoning From: R-1:8 Prezone To: CH Z-23-001 A.P.N. #523-01-001 Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Clerk Administrator Date: Mayor Date: Ord: § 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard EXHIBIT A This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 3 Resolution 23 - July 12, 2023 RESOLUTION 2023- RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO MIXED USE COMMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15810 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, the applicant requests approval to change the General Plan land use designation from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial on property located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard (Santa Clara County Assessor Parcel Number 523-01-001); and WHEREAS, the General Plan Committee at its meeting of May 10, 2023, recommended that the General Plan land use designation be changed from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial as that designation is consistent with the land use designations of neighboring properties and consistent with the proposed use of the property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the General Plan amendment at its regularly noticed public hearing on ______________, 2023; and WHEREAS, this matter was regularly noticed in conformance with State and Town law and came before the Town Council for public hearing on ______________, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Town Council accepted the report of the Planning Commission’s recommendation of approval for the proposed General Plan amendment; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds as follows: A. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which included the proposed General Plan Amendments for the property located at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard. No further environmental analysis is required; and B. The General Plan amendment is internally consistent with the existing goals and policies of the General Plan and its elements, in that the proposal is consistent with the pattern of development and that the land use will support and enhance the character of the Town; and C. That all proceedings have been conducted in compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section 65350 et seq.; and Draft Resolution to be modified by Town Council deliberations and direction. EXHIBIT 4 2 of 3 Resolution 23 - July 12, 2023 WHEREAS, the Town Council considered all facts and information related to a request to change the General Plan land use designation for the property at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial as shown on Exhibit A NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby changes the General Plan land use designation for property at 15810 Los Gatos Boulevard as shown on Exhibit A, from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial. 3 of 3 Resolution 23 - July 12, 2023 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the ___th day of _____, 2023, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: __________________ ATTEST: TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: __________________ This Page Intentionally Left Blank OLEANDE R A VBLOSSOM LNAUGUSTINE AVCAMELLIA TERLOS GATOS BLVDFR A N K A V APPLE B L O SS O M L N LILAC WYCAMELLIATER TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Change of the general plan map amending the Town General PlanFrom: Low Density ResidentialTo: Mixed Use Commercial GP-23-001 A.P.N. #523-01-001 Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Clerk Administrator Date: Mayor Date: Resolution: 15810 Los Gatos Bouelvard § EXHIBIT A This Page Intentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank