Ord 2348 - Apply the Housing Element Overlay Zone to Proivde for Increases in the Allowable Density, Height, Floor Area Ratio, and Lot Coverages for Residential DevelopmentORDINANCE2348 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING CODE FROM R-1:8 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO R-M (MULTIPLE -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) FOR A CALTRANS RIGHT -OF -WAY PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO 14685 OKA ROAD; AND APPLY THE HOUSING ELEMENT OVERLAY ZONE (HEOZ) TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASES TO THE ALLOWABLE DENSITY, HEIGHT, FLOOR AREA RATIO, AND LOT COVERAGE FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON THE FOLLOWING SITES INCLUDED IN THE SITES INVENTORY ANALYSIS OF THE 2023-2031 HOUSING ELEMENT: APN'S 424-06-116, 424-07-116, 424-08-029, 424-08-058, 424-08-059, 424-08-060, 424-08-074, AND 532-07-085; 620 AND 14000 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD; 16210,16240, 16245, 16250, 16260, 16270, AND 16392 BURTON ROAD; CAL TRANS RIGHT-OF- WAY ADJACENT TO 14685 OKA ROAD; 110 AND 206 KNOWLES DRIVE; 445 LEIGH AVENUE; 440 LOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD; 16603 LARK AVENUE; 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859,14917,14925,15795,16151,16203, AND 16492 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD; 165 LOS GATOS SARATOGA ROAD; AND 14800 AND 14840 OKA ROAD WHEREAS, the sites located at 16151 Los Gatos Boulevard and 620 Blossom Hill Road were added to the Town of Los Gatos' Draft Revised Housing Element based on the receipt of a property owner interest form; and WHEREAS, all other sites included in the Town of Los Gatos' adopted Housing Element were identified as sites with the potential for redevelopment with housing; and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to apply a Housing Element Overlay Zone to the sites identified in the sites inventory in order to encourage redevelopment with housing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission met on August 23, 2023, to hold a public hearing and receive public comments and continued the item to September 13, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received further public comments and recommended approval of the Zoning Code amendments at its regular meeting of September 13, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Town Council met on October 3, 2023, to hold a public hearing and continued the item to November 7, 2023; and WHEREAS, this matter was regularly noticed in conformance with State and Town law and came before the Town Council for public hearing on November 7, 2023; and WHEREAS, November 7, 2023, the Town Council reviewed and commented on the proposed amendments and the Town Council voted to introduce the Ordinance; and Iof3 Ordinance 2348 November 21, 2023 WHEREAS, the Town Council considered all facts and information related to a request to change the Zoning for the above mentioned properties as shown in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, this matter was regularly noticed in for conformance with State and Town law and came before the Town Council for public hearing on November 21, 2023. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos as follows: SECTION I. Findings. The Town Council finds as follows: A. No further Environmental Analysis is required as an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which included the proposed Zoning Code amendments; and B. The zone changes are consistent with the General Plan and its elements in that the proposed zonings are consistent with the proposed General Plan land use designations; and C. That all proceedings have been conducted in compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section 65850 et seq.; and D. The Town Council considered all facts and information related to the proposal to apply the Housing Element Overlay Zone to the sites shown in Exhibit A. SECTION II. Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to the following: The zoning map of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to change the zoning of the Caltrans right-of-way property adjacent to 14685 Oka Road from R-1:8 (Single -Family Residential) to R-M (Multiple -Family Residential); and the properties at APN'S 424-06-116, 424- 07-116, 424-08-029, 424-08-058, 424-08-059, 424-08-060, 424-08-074, and 532-07-085; 620 and 14000 Blossom Hill Road; 16210, 16240, 16245, 16250, 16260, 16270, and 16392 Burton Road; Cal Trans Right -of -Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road; 110 and 206 Knowles Drive; 445 Leigh Avenue; 440 Los Gatos Almaden Road; 16603 Lark Avenue; 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859, 14917, 14925, 15795, 16151, 16203, and 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard; 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Road; and 14800 and 14840 Oka Road to apply the Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) to each parcel as shown in Exhibit A. 2of3 Ordinance 2348 November 21, 2023 SECTION III. Effective Date. This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on the 71^ day of November 2023, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on the 211` day of November, 2023. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date it is adopted. The Town Clerk shall cause this ordinance or a summary thereof to be published in accordance with Section 36933 of the California Government Code. COUNCIL MEMBERS AYES: Rob Moore, Rob Rennie, Mayor Maria Ristow NAYS: Matthew Hudes ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mary Badame SIGNED: L-A� 6 1, 0 MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: l 1-22'23 ATTEST: / 7 TOWN CL K OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: 11 6Yk, 3of3 Ordinance 2348 November 21, 2023 z a ❑ GILDA WY Z a O LLJ J � 3: 3: an Jos O 3 MYRA DR } O i - BLOSSOM-HILL-RD----- - - - - ■ ❑ I �? LOBELIA LN 3 � I / w a � x e--JAMIE=GT � ❑ a O� I o F� BACIGAL-UPI-DR 00 PEONY LN Address: 14000 Blossom Hill Road A.P.N. # 527-32-028 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: C-1 ❑ Prezonina To: C-1:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Date: Approved by Town Council Date: Ord: Clerk Administrator Mayor EXHIBIT A CLARINDA WY w Z -i 2 Q Q ADELAIDE WY W O Q O W Z J LOS GATOS-ALMADEN.RD- San Jo e I I HERSHNER DR I l ( ❑ � y, Q w o coJ W W W I W J _ I �GREGG-GT--� w I 1 I \ -- �—. _ I Address: 440 Los Gatos -Almaden Road and 445 Leigh Avenue A.P.N. # 527-49-048 and 527-49-049 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: C-1 ❑ Prezonin To: C-1:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: 160661 Address: 165 Los Gatos -Saratoga Road A.P.N. # 529-04-083 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: C-2 To: C-2:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: me Address: 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and APN 53207085 A.P.N. # 532-07-086 and 532-07-085 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: C-1 I—1 I To: C-1:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: Ord: :4I" / Address: 16151 and 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard; and 620 Blossom Hill Road A.P.N. # 529-16-040, 529-16-069, and 529-16-041 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: CH ❑ Prezonin To: CH-HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: Ord: \\ ey/,pco oR MPo�N'tto' , Los GP -Jos, s \moo oQ / Oq FARI-Ey_RU -14 C�RoY oL-EA"ER AV i p�� J R o Address: 15795 Los Gatos Boulevard A.P.N. # 529-15-059 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: CH I —I .,._____ ___ To: CH-HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: Ord: San Jose Address: 16245, 16210, 16240, 16250, 16260, 16270, and 16392 Burton Road, 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859, 14917, 14925 Los Gatos Boulevard; and APNs 42406116, 42407115, and 42407116 A.P.N. # 424-06-115, 424-07-054, 424-07-010, 424-07-009, 424-07-053, 424-07- 052, 424-07-095, 424-07-065, 424-07-063, 424-07-064, 424-07-094, 424- 07-081, 424-07-115, 424-06-116, 424-07-115, and 424-07-116 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: North Forty Specific Plan ❑ Prezonin To: North Forty Specific Plan:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: Ord: Se y,U be S N0 ors \ �J 9A CO mm o A 10 r �� Z Address: 16603 Lark Avenue and 14840 Oka Road A.P.N. # 424-08-017 and 424-08-021 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: R-M:5-12 171 To: R-M:5-12:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: Ord: Address: 14800 Oka Lane and APNs 42408029, 42408058, 42408059, 42408060, 42408074 A.P.N. # 424-08-057, 424-08-029, 424-08-058, 424-08-059, 424-08-060, and 424- 08-074 I TOWN OF LOS GATOS I Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: R-1:8 I —I .,_______ __. To: R-1:8:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Date: Approved by Town Council Date: Ord: Clerk Administrator Mayor Address: Caltrans Right -of -Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road A.P.N. # No APN TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: Not Zoned To: R-M:HEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: Clerk Administrator Mayor Date: Ord: -W-PARR•AV ---�7 AV _ v � v r v �� I U yS/ON-ST VGA/ ��o/IIQI Calm pbell KNOWL-ES-DR hwgY85; e8s NQ O'er y�y Address: 110 and 206 Knowles Drive A.P.N. # 424-32-077 and 424-32-076 TOWN OF LOS GATOS Application No. Z-23-003 " Change of zoning map amending the Town Zoning Ordinance. ® Zone Change From: CM and CM:AHOZ ❑ Prezonin To: CWHEOZ Forwarded by Planning Commission Date: Approved by Town Council Date: Ord: Clerk Administrator Mayor