Item 3 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 5 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/25/2023 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: October 20, 2023 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Second-Story Addition to an Existing Single-Family Residence, an Accessory Structure with Reduced Side Yard Setbacks, Demolition of an Existing Accessory Dwelling Unit, Removal of a Large Protected Tree, and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 323 Pennsylvania Avenue. APN 510-43- 044. Architecture and Site Application S-23-018. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owner: Megan Jellinek. Applicant: Gary Kohlsaat, Kohlsaat & Associates, Inc. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Requesting approval for construction of a new second-story addition to an existing single-family residence, an accessory structure with reduced side yard setbacks, demolition of an existing accessory dwelling unit, removal of a large, protected tree, and site improvements requiring a grading permit on property zoned R-1:8, located at 323 Pennsylvania Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1928 per County Assessor’s Database; 1930s per Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: +, historic and intact or worthy of special note. 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 323 Pennsylvania Avenue/S-23-018 DATE: October 20, 2023 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\10-25-23\Item 03 - 323 Pennsylvania Avenue\Staff Report.323 Pennsylvania Ave.docx BACKGROUND: The County Assessor indicates that the residence located at 323 Pennsylvania Avenue was constructed in 1928 and the 1991 Bloomfield Survey estimates the construction date as the 1930s (Attachment 1). Town records indicate that following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, permits were issued to rebuild the chimney. Also, a reroof was completed in 2022. The 1991 Anne Bloomfield Survey rates the residence as historic and intact or worthy of special note (Attachment 1). This rating suggests that very few modifications have been made to the residence over time, which is reflected in the brief permit history contained in the Town’s records. Additionally, the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps show that the footprint of the residence remained consistent between 1928 and 1956 (Attachment 2). The applicant proposes to demolish portions of the residence behind the front façade and construct additions to the residence, including a new second story and a basement (Attachment 5). On May 19, 2023, the Committee conducted a preliminary review of the proposal and provided the following feedback: • Supportive of keeping the columns and recesses; • The small window is a nice feature; • Other homes nearby have a stepped back second-story; • Consider using ornaments like decorative vents in the front; • Not fond of aluminum wood clad windows; and • Consider adding a chimney top. DISCUSSION: The property is located on the southwest side of Pennsylvania Avenue, between Palm and Peralta Avenues. Architecture and Site Application S-23-018 was submitted on July 12, 2023, proposing demolition of portions of the residence behind the front façade and construction of additions to the residence, including a new second story and a basement (Attachment 5). Additionally, the proposal includes demolition of an existing carport and a permitted accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The Development Plans provided with the application are consistent with those considered by the Committee under preliminary review on May 19, 2023. In response to the Committee’s feedback provided under the preliminary review, the applicant has made the following changes: • Added two small windows with iron grills on either side of the front window; • Revised the materials of all windows to wood; • Added vents with iron grills to the second-floor gable ends on the front and rear elevation; • Added chimney caps with arched openings; and • Added a new outdoor fireplace to the loggia at the rear. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 323 Pennsylvania Avenue/S-23-018 DATE: October 20, 2023 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\10-25-23\Item 03 - 323 Pennsylvania Avenue\Staff Report.323 Pennsylvania Ave.docx DISCUSSION (continued): The development plans show that the front façade of the residence would remain, along with portions of the right-side elevation (Attachment 5). Along with the interior walls, the rear and left-side exterior walls behind the front porch would be demolished. Additions to the ground floor would expand the existing footprint of the residence along the left and rear elevations. A new second-story addition would be located above the rear portion of the proposed residence, setback approximately 21 feet from the existing front façade. A loggia is proposed at the rear of the residence, covered by a flat roof and a new second-story balcony off the upstairs primary bedroom. A new partial basement is proposed with lightwells located on the left and right-side elevations. A new 30-inch-tall stucco wall is proposed along the front property line. The proposed residence would maintain and reinforce the existing Mediterranean Revival architectural style with exterior materials including smooth stucco siding, two-piece barrel tile roof, divided lite wood windows, stucco moulding, copper gutters, wrought iron guardrails at the balcony and lightwells, and new turned plaster columns supporting the loggia roof to match the existing columns at the front porch. The existing rectangular windows on the front elevation include arched reliefs and wood sills. The project plans show that the smaller window would be replicated and repeated on both sides of the front window, which would be replaced with an arched-top window to match the form of the existing arched relief. The two circular reliefs above the porch entry would remain and new second-floor gable-end vents with iron grills would be located on the front and rear elevations. The applicant also proposes construction of a new detached two-car garage located in the southern corner of the property. The form and materials of the garage would match those of the residence. Lastly, a new swimming pool is proposed behind the residence. During preliminary review, staff noted that the Residential Design Guidelines discourages architectural copper due to its potential to contribute pollution to surface waters and the San Francisco Bay through urban runoff. The copper gutters remain in the current plans and the applicant has provided a written response in their Letter of Justification (Attachment 3). CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of a new second-story addition to an existing single-family residence, an accessory structure with reduced side yard setbacks, demolition of an existing accessory dwelling unit, removal of a large protected tree, and site improvements requiring a grading permit. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the recommendation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the application would continue through the Architecture and Site process. The project would not return to the Committee. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 323 Pennsylvania Avenue/S-23-018 DATE: October 20, 2023 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\10-25-23\Item 03 - 323 Pennsylvania Avenue\Staff Report.323 Pennsylvania Ave.docx CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines Section 3.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for the construction of additions to existing residences (Attachment 4). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Research 2. Sanborn Map Exhibit 3. Letter of Justification 4. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines 5. Development Plans TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE HISTORIC RESEARCH WORKSHEET Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a remodel, alteration, addition, determination of significance, or demolition of a designated or presumptive historic resource. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents of the historical and architectural characteristics, regarding both structures (construction date, alteration dates, photographic documentation) and people (owner and/or resident names). If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The Historic Preservation Committee reviews the application using the Town's Historic District Ordinance requirements. Copies of the ordinance(s) are available at Town Hall. The Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of every month. The filing deadline is 20 days prior to the meeting by 11:00 AM. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1.Los Gatos Public Library (see How to Research the History of a House in Los Gatos): □Sanborn Maps □1941 Tax Assessment □1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms □Polk’s Directories □Telephone Directories □Other 2.Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previously located in the county’s jurisdiction): □Santa Clara County Planning Department records □San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3.Community Development Department Resources: □Sanborn Maps □1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms □Community Development Department property files (permit history) Research was conducted on (please enter date): ____________________________________ Records and Documents found (please attach copies): _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT 1 N:\DEV\FORMS\Planning\2022-23 Forms\HPC\HPC - Request for Review.docx 3/25/2022 HOW TO RESEARCH THE HISTORY OF A HOUSE IN LOS GATOS At the Los Gatos Public Library 100 Villa Avenue, Los Gatos CA 95030 Locked Cases Area 1. The Los Gatos Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps located on the microfilm file cabinet. These maps indicate the outline of buildings in 1884, 1888, 1891, 1895, 1904, 1928 and 1944 (please note the 1944 maps have been relabeled and appear out-of-order, before the 1928 maps). These can be used to identify a construction date range. Bookcase #11 1. The 1941 Tax Assessment Survey. The listings are alphabetical by street name. An entry will note how old the owner thought the house was in 1941 (please note that this information is not always accurate). 2. The 1991 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resources Survey. These listings are alphabetical by street name. 3. A list of the Museums of Los Gatos Historic Homes Tours and programs. 4. A list of the 100 Bellringers and information. 5. As it Was by Dora Rankin. Bookcase #12 1. The 1924-1974 Polk’s Directories (please note that some years are missing), with reverse listings by address and then resident name. 2. Business and Telephone Directories, as early as 1881-82. History Room (Docent Hours: 1:00-5:00 Mondays and Thursdays; 10:00-12:00 Wednesdays) 1. History of Los Gatos by George Bruntz and Los Gatos Observed by Alistair Dallas (979.473). 2. Information in the Residences drawers of the Vertical File, filed by street. 3. The Patrons’ Inquiries, binder #3 Residences, listed by street, located on the shelf above the computers. These may provide information found under previous searches. General 1. ancestry.com is available free while inside the library. 2. A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia Savage McAlester (728 M11 in non-fiction) PARCEL MAP INFORMATION cflnn£ !Bfoom{iLfd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY C41 51 922· 1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 15 Parcel ;' Lot size: · ') fr ont ft. x o : ft . deep ---- Lot shape: L __ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other __________ __ Location: N S / E W --side of __ j/_-_1 _______ St Ave ./'Other _____ _ at NE NW SE SW corner of ________________ __ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating Estimated age : J : I I Style 11 ' ,•. # stories.._ Alterations. ____________________________________________________________________________ __ Other ________________________________________ ___ ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) '8 "i' 'f OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date -----11891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 MISCELLANEOUS Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size National Register listed date. __________________ __ County Inventory 1979 _____________ ___ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ·--------------------------------- --Previous Survey . _ t:.VALUATIO N. Date c • 19:2-7 <;Sq., p,r-) l Alterations: !:Move d_ , 2-J. Con tnbutcr-2{ Porch encl _ t:_"'-/c J District Non-contri b_ · Add 1 r.ion_ SidinC :.arll.est , 1 ; Window s Condition Jvner.&_ N a-/s Swa 11:??'1\. -- • a __ b_ d_ ,-nv!Ma /:.e.-r j' 3;23 ?A .323? Owner Name EFFective date :; -"8'7 cflnne. !B[oom{u.[d SURVBY HAd RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14 I 51 922 · I 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 I I 5 aeeociated with Mlevant dateet birth. ___ • <Seath. ___ • I. DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Direetori••· COWlty Directorie•, Tel.ephoM Book•, •ociety directori••, etc.) aa ahowo\0 u•• • for boldfa....,\ Book .... /cl•••iti.oad Haadifta l"o ov rpt{ -'\.. I f:rz. tbP /1PI- 7JD Vt 1'1. ,.,_ , "'-1'\ 32.6' /Je.Js r --;;v;;;:t;;..,,_ PAeJJQ .. "'-d k .--YJJ(jf""' ,.. ' BIOGRAPHICAL IIARCR, 6 otber alphabetical li8tinq8, Mark 'X' (in!d .or ''' (nothiftq found) et each •ource you try. (initial! datt Lbt UndfD9a below. tbr-e, i Los Gatos Library : City directories (name & street index) ---Historic Collection Index (green boxes) California History Center, De Anza College: ___ Biographical file Photo collection ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) r!'"'" index to Bruntz ___ Blo index of Nunroe Frazer, ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): ___ Death records by year 1681 Scm Jose Historical Nuseum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: ____ Indexes, California Historic al (!uarterl y ____ State Librar y Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") ___ Funeral records (index cards to big books) Photo collection III . LIST ALL R!PEREMCES PROM ABOVE. Pind them. Copy qood material 6 attach. Or copy below if only a few word e. Or explain why not relevant (aa , wronq L:7 Continued on Reverse •ile addreaa YA SURVEY 2229 WF'"'<;TER STREET SAN FRAN• ) . CA 94115 BUILDING h.. . ..JEARCH PUaL18B&D AIDK>tniC&M&ft8 source• __ AU __ Bulletin __ CA&BH __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Bd...AB _ _ sx __ llewa _PCA other Vol118e Date Page __ _ Nature of announcement: __ contract notice _ _ Notice of co.pletion __ BP iaaued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'g __ Ploor plan __ Arch't/cont ' r pub __ Real eat. Copy exa ctly: JBuilder/Contractor I Architect/Ensinttr 1 Location jNature of work I £2!!. BUILDING PERMITS 1ource1 Permit leqiate r, Preaa Address -Application Number I'!'RD SOURCB (specify thoroughly) >ANBONI MAPS Vac. or Vol/ dif. Address 7'616 /;;1.. (ftJd -.5 l<ft?f5 /41 . /tft/t/ 1'1 I f'\ n oat• Color: yel, pnk, orange blu,gry reen ............... Location £2tt ...!!!.L. D Patches Yea/ No . of !!2-_Jttoriea I UH/ Owner •o. of " llaaL. address lifo. of S.iqht bay ....L.fL.lJ wind owt. 0 Builder/ Arch't/ contr . & engin'r /Initials Date Bldg 's width/ de pth/ Exterior address &. address Description of work height Materials 'PoRe .. /\of I .S¤, 0 ;, 7) A.tJ) _"-.b_i t ia h date /Initials Date Date of constr. Describe or sketch plan oate 1908 323 Pennsylvania Ave ATTACHMENT 2 1928 323 Pennsylvania Ave 1956 323 Pennsylvania Ave This Page Intentionally Left Blank Planning Department July 10, 2023 Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: The Jellinek Residence, 323 Pennsylvania Avenue Project Description/ Letter of Justification To Whom it May Concern: On behalf of Megan Jellinek and her family, I am pleased to present this historic renovation and addition to the Town Of Los Gatos. The proposed project includes the remodel and addition of an historic single family residence. The project also includes the construction of a detached garage and swimming pool. This letter accompanies the submitted building plans and additional exhibits for the above referenced project, and contains descriptions of the property, it's history and the surrounding neighborhood. EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The property is located in the Glen Ridge District on Pennsylvania Avenue just north of cross streets Fairview and Peralta. Although this property is not within an established historic district, the home is classified as historic due to the date of its construction and its obvious historic character. The Bloomfield survey describes the home as a Mediterranean Revival built in the 1930’s. The home can also be characterized as a Mediterranean bungalow which features a single predominant gable end that faces the street with a flat roofed porch just tucked back from it on the left. The front gable features a large picture window with 2 casements at either side with divided lites and an arched recess at the top. The porch is flanked with spiraling plaster columns with ionic capitals on the sides of the arched openings. Circular recesses adorn the walls above the arches. The eaves are very short with crown molding in plaster at the gable ends. The home once had a clay barrel tile roof, but it has since been removed. Some time after its construction a trellised porch was built at the rear. The home is elevated above grade by a 3 to 4 feet which allows for a few small windows in the underfloor cellar space. A detached accessory dwelling unit and carport are located at the rear accessed through a driveway to the left of the home, both of which are badly deteriorated. Behind them lies a 20 foot wide easement once slated to become a large section of Laurel Avenue. The first 3 homes on Pennsylvania and the home behind them on Fairview share access to the easement that was to be Laurel Avenue, but is now a shared driveway. This property is at the end of that shared drive with no through access over it. Laurel Avenue never came to be, but the easement remains on this property. An application for the abandonment of this easement by the Town for public utilities is being 51 University Avenue, Suite L • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408.395-2555 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E ATTACHMENT 3 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, PAGE of 2 4 processed and due to be approved in August. Private ingress/egress easements still remain on the property at this point, and the owner is actively pursuing their removal with the neighbors. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED RESIDENCE The proposed scope of work includes a main floor addition to the left and rear of the home. It also includes a new second story and basement. During early stages of the design process, access from the rear through Laurel was being pursued. This would eliminate the need for the long driveway and provide more space for additional square footage to the left. A single story home was designed and approved by the home owner, but the neighbors would not agree to access from Laurel that they already enjoy. Once it was clear that the long driveway along the Southeast edge must remain in order to reach a garage, the one story design was abandoned for a two story. From the very start the owner fell in love with the historic style of the home and made it her chief goal to preserve and enhance its character. A second story would have to be set back considerably in order to maintain the main one story facade as its dominating feature. It’s set more than 20’ back from the front elevation. The front window will be replaced with another picture window of the same width that matches the shape of the arched top recess above it. The tiny existing window on the left will be duplicated on the right. Both of them will be enhanced with a wrought iron grill typical to the time period. A small wrought iron decorative grill will be added at the top of the gable end facade and on all gable ends to further enhance this historic style. The existing crown molding at the gable ends will be duplicated at the eaves with a new half round gutter. The existing gutters are not historic. And a new clay barrel tile roof will replace the current cap sheet roof. The front porch will be left alone entirely with its spiral plaster columns, arches, wrought iron railing and circular recesses, with the two exceptions of the parapet curb and front door. We propose adding a small cap and trim piece to created a more finished look. The front door currently faces the left side of the house, but it will be relocated to face the street. It will have glass lites much like it does now and sidelites will be added. At the rear, a new veranda is proposed that will also have spiral columns to match the front porch and the same parapet roof detail. The second story architecture is in keeping with the home’s character, with basic gables and hipped shaped roofs and a slightly pronounced stair wall facade. All of the second floor architecture is understated, tasteful, and designed to feel as though it were original. A new basement is proposed that includes two bedroom suites and second living space. The existing cellar is about 7 feet deep and unfinished. The existing foundation is original to the 1930’s and not competent to support a new second floor. Since an entirely new foundation under the second floor will be required and the cellar is already mostly dug out, creating a new usable basement/foundation system is the logical solution. LANDSCAPING AND SITE WORK The property has a gentle slope uphill from front to back. A very large redwood is located just to the left of the existing gravel driveway. There are a few large oak trees and another redwood to the rear. In order to access the garage at the rear, a large oak tree and redwood will have to be removed. A pool is also proposed. The space between the house and new detached garage will be leveled out for usability. 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, PAGE of 3 4 At the front, an existing stacked stone retaining wall will be replaced with a low stucco wall and pedestrian gate that leads to the front door. The driveway will be made of pavers and the new vehicular gate, as well as light well guardrails, will be made of wrought iron. COMPLIANCE WITH THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES In addition to what was identified above, the proposed home specifically addresses the Residential Design Guidelines as follows: SITE/ PLANNING: §The existing home will remain and additions to the main floor have been kept to a minimum. §Perimeter trees have been kept to the fullest extent possible. §Grading has been minimized as little additional ground floor, floor area is proposed. §Existing vehicle entrance reused to minimize disruption. HARMONY/COMPATIBILITY: §The style of the home will be preserved and enhanced. §The second floor will be set back considerably, just as the home to the left has done. SCALE AND MASS: §Again, the second floor is set back to preserve the massing and feel of the front elevation. §The roof design includes a large flat section that reduces its overall height and mass. EXTERIOR MATERIALS: §The stucco finish will be maintained and matched at the additions. §The new clay barrel tile roof will bring back some of the original design intent of this Mediterranean home. ENERGY CONSERVATION: §The house will employ high quality dual glazed, low E wood windows, ultra-high performance insulation packages and high efficiency mechanical systems for heating, cooling and domestic hot water. §The house is oriented to take full advantage of cross ventilation practices. §Substantial amount of roof areas provide plenty of space for solar collectors. PRIVACY: §The existing home sits about 9’-6” away from the right side property line and no additions are proposed to be any closer. The left side addition is more than 16’ from the property line. §All second floor egress bedroom windows face the rear. Only small windows or bathroom windows face the sides. LANDSCAPING: §All proposed landscaping shall comply with the Town’s Landscaping Policies including the HDS&G section. §Proposed drought tolerant plants and landscape materials have been chosen to enhance both the architecture and the natural setting of the lot. 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, PAGE of 4 4 GEOLOGICAL: §There are no significant geological hazards that exist to prevent a safe and secure structure to be constructed on this site. CONCLUSION The addition and remodel to this historic home has been conceived of from the beginning to respect the original architecture and preserve its character for generations to come. We hope this home will enhance the neighborhood and follows the intent of the Residential Design Guidelines. Sincerely, Gary Kohlsaat Architect C19245 Residential Design Guidelines 33 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.8.3 Use traditional detailing •Treat openings in walls as though they were constructed of the traditional material for the style. For example, be sure to provide substantial wall space above arches in stucco and stone walls. Traditionally, wall space above the arch would have been necessary to structurally span the opening, and to make the space too small is inconsistent with the archi- tectural style. •Openings in walls faced with stone, real or synthetic, should have defined lintels above the opening except in Mission or Spanish Eclectic styles. Lintels may be stone, brick or wood as suits the style of the house. •Treat synthetic materials as though they were authentic. For example, select synthetic stone patterns that place the individual stones in a horizontal plane as they would have been in a load bearing masonry wall. •Select roof materials that are consistent with the traditional architectural style (e.g., avoid concrete roof tiles on a Crafts- man Style house.) 3.8.4 Materials changes •Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look. 3.9 ADDITIONS/ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/SECONDARY UNITS •Site additions in the least conspicuous place. In many cases this is a rear or side elevation - only rarely is it a rooftop. •The existing built forms, components and materials should be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and alterations should be consistent with and continue the original architectural style and design. •Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale and proportion to the historically significant portions of the existing structure. •When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in size, dimension, shape and location as the original, and Use stone or wood lintels over openings in stone walls Additions, accessory buildings and secondary units should match the form, architectural style, and details of the original house ATTACHMENT 4 Residential Design Guidelines34 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 should utilize the same materials as the existing protected exterior elements. • When an addition necessitates the removal of architectural materials, such as siding, windows, doors, and decorative elements, they should be carefully removed and reused in the addition where possible. • The introduction of window and door openings not char- acteristic in proportion, scale, or style with the original architecture is strongly discouraged (e.g., sliding windows or doors in a structure characterized by double hung windows and swinging doors). • The character of any addition or alteration should be in keeping with and subordinate to the integrity of the original structure. • The amount of foundation exposed on the addition should match that of the original building. • Do not add roof top additions where the roof is of historic significance. • Second floor additions are discouraged in neighborhoods with largely one story homes. If horizontal expansion of the house is not possible, consider incorporating a second floor addition within the roof form as shown in the example to the left. • Second floor additions which are not embedded within the roof form should be located to the rear of the structure. • The height and proportion of an addition or a second story should not dominate the original structure. • Deck additions should be placed to the rear of the struc- ture only, and should be subordinate in terms of scale and detailing. • New outbuildings, such as garages, should be clearly subor- dinate to the main structure in massing, and should utilize forms, materials and details which are similar to the main structure. • Garages should generally be located to the rear of the lot behind the rear wall of the residence. One car wide access driveways should be utilized. Original structure Addition incorporated into the roof successfully adds space while respecting the integrity of the existing house and the scale of the neighborhood Placing a two story addition to the rear can minimize its impact on the historic resource and the scale of the neighborhood OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-1 07/05/23 -1 COVER SHEET 09/25/23A. A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 1 2 3 4 5 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 COVER SHEET EXISTING PHOTOS NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN & STREETSCAPES SITE PLAN & LANDSCAPE PLAN CIVIL COVER SHEET BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY & DEMOLITION PLAN GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN EROSION CONTROL PLAN AS-BUILT/DEMO FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN AS-BUILT/DEMO ELEVATIONS & DEMO CALCULATIONS PROPOSED MAIN & LOWER FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN PROPOSED FRONT & LEFT ELEVATIONS PROPOSED REAR & RIGHT ELEVATIONS CROSS SECTIONS GARAGE PLANS SHADOW STUDIES PROJECT DATA PROJECT ADDRESS: OWNER: APN#: ZONING: OCCUPANCY GROUP: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: GROSS & NET SITE AREA: AVERAGE SLOPE: ALLOWABLE F.A.R.- RESIDENCE: ALLOWABLE F.A.R.- GARAGE: ALLOWABLE BUILDING COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE ACC. STR. COVERAGE: 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 510-43-044 R-1:8 R-3/U V-B / SPRINKLERED 9,002 SF 1.3% .35 - [(9-5) X .20)] 25 .32 X 9,002 = 2,881 SF .10 - [(9-5) X .07] 25 .089 X 9,002 = 801 SF 40% = 3,601 SF 15% OF BUILDABLE AREA =15% OF 4,623 = 693 SF FLOOR AREAS: MAIN FLOOR SECOND FLOOR TOTAL FLOOR AREA 1,301 SF 0 SF 1,301 SF BASEMENT 0 SF EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED: ADU CARPORT 410 SF 219 SF SITE AREAS: RESIDENCE COVERED PORCH & PATIOS LIGHTWELLS ADU CARPORT/ DET. GARAGE TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE PATIOS & PATHS POOL & SPA DRIVEWAY TOTAL SITE COVERAGE 1,645 SF 536 SF 170 SF 0 SF 660 SF 3,011 SF 1,011 SF 501 SF 903 SF 5,394 SF 1,301 SF 127 SF 0 SF 410 SF 219 SF 2,057 SF 70 SF 0 SF 0 SF 2,127 SF EXISTING PROPOSED EXISTING ADDITION TOTAL DETACHED GARAGE 0 SF 1,367 SF 660 SF 1,367 SF 660 SF 344 SF 1,041 SF 1,385 SF 344 SF 1,041 SF 2,686 SF PROJECT DIRECTORY ARCHITECT: KOHLSAAT & ASSOCIATES 51 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE L LOS GATOS, CA 95030 TEL: (408) 395-2555 CIVIL ENGINEER: HANNA-BRUNETTI 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY, CA 95020 TEL: (408) 842-2173 SCOPE OF WORK A REMODEL AND ADDITION OF A PRE-1941 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND A NEW DETACHED GARAGE, WHICH INCLUDE A NEW SECOND STORY & BASEMENT. SCOPE INCLUDES 5 TOTAL BEDROOMS, 5½ BATHS, A GAME ROOM, AN OFFICE AND A COVERED LOGGIA. ALSO INCLUDES SITE RETAINING WALLS AND A POOL. REQUESTING REMOVAL OF 8 PROTECTED TREES, TWO OF WHICH ARE IN POOR CONDITION. 4 UNPROTECTED TREES ARE ALSO PROPOSED FOR REMOVAL. NOTES 1. AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM WILL BE INSTALLED THOUGHOUT, AS A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL. SHEET INDEXVICINITY MAP SITE The Jellinek Residence ATTACHMENT 5 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-2 07/05/23 -2 EXISTING PHOTOS 09/25/23A. 07/05/23 A-2 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-3 07/05/23 -3 NEIGHBORH OOD PLAN & STREETSCAPE S 09/25/23A. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-4 07/05/23 -4 SITE PLAN & LANDSCAPE PLAN 09/25/23A. N25'-0"FRONT SETBACK22'-0"20'-1/2"20'-0"REAR SETBACK20'-0" EASEMENT8'-0" SIDE SETBACK 8'-0" SIDE SETBACK 14'-101/2"10'-1/2"30'-41/4"9'-71/2" 16'-31/2" 3'-0"33'-0"6'-0"12'-0"6'-1/4"21'-1/4"19'-91/2"24'-81/4"11'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" (E) F.F.=422.20' F.F.=422.20' COPING= 422.00' (E) GAS METER TO REMAIN (E) ELEC. METER TO REMAIN CARPORT TO BE DEMOLISHED ADU TO BE DEMOLISHED (N) 30" SITE RETAINING WALL 30" SITE RETAINING WALL (N) 18"+/- SITE RETAINING WALL (N) SECOND STORY OUTLINE ABOVE (N) SECOND STORY OUTLINE ABOVE TREES 3871, 3872, 3873 APPROVED FOR REMOVAL BY PPW PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL TREE TO BE REMOVED (N) PAVED WALKING PATH 24"-30" TALL STUCCO FENCE WALL (N) VEHICULAR GATE & PERSON GATE WATER METER TO BE RELOCATED POOL EQUIP. TREES 3871, 3872, 3873 APPROVED FOR REMOVAL BY PPW PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL TREES 3871, 3872, 3873 APPROVED FOR REMOVAL BY PPW PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL TREES TO BE REMOVED BBQ & COUNTER TREES TO BE REMOVED (N) WATER METER LOCATION (E) SEWER LATERAL (E) OVERHEAD ELEC./DATA EXISTING WOOD FENCE TO REMAIN (N) 6' TALL WOOD FENCE AS NEEDED (N) 6' TALL WOOD FENCE TYPE III TREE PROTECTION PER ARBORIST REPORT TYPE I TREE PROTECTION PER ARBORIST REPORT electric meterw/overhead service8" inv 411.16(8"ss)(8"ss)(8"ss)415.36SSMH419.34TAG 3870 418.86 18" HAWTHORN 418.83 12" PRIVET TAG3871 6" LIQUID AMBERTAG3872 2" LIQUID AMBER416.60 FL CURB DRAIN TAG3873 2" LIQUID AMBER 417.59 66" REDWOOD 417.53 6" SPRUCE 416.60 T10-PLM 416.94 6,6,6" POMEGRANATE 418.48 T4-6 419.55 12" FERN PINE 419.5410" FERN PINE 420.53 6" PRIVET 420.18 4,4" BRUSH CHERRY420.20 40" LIVE OAK 423.00 38, 36" REDWOOD427.40T14-28429.24 T20-20 427.9811" LIVE OAK 424.88 13,12" ELDERBERRY 424.96 14" FAN PALM WM422.98WVS40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 42642 8 430 416414418420420420 418418 422 424 REMODELED RESIDENCE ADDITION (E) COVERED PORCH (N) COVERED LOGGIA (N) GARAGE (N) POOL LIGHT- WELL LIGHT- WELL (E) PAVING PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE (R) DRIVEWAY NEIGHBORING 2-STORY RESIDENCE NEIGHBORING 2-STORY RESIDENCE NEIGHBOR'S GARAGE NEIGHBOR'S GARAGE(N) PATIO/DRIVEWAY 315 PENNSYLVANIA 327 PENNSYLVANIA UP (N) PLANTER BOX #3870 #175#162 #163 #164 #165 #166 #167 #168 #169 #170 #171 #172 #173 #174 #176 #177 #178 #179 #180 5.5" PRIVET 6,6,4,2" PRIVET 7" HAWTHORN 6" HAWTHORN 18" HAWTHORN 14" VALLEY OAK N419.34TAG 3870 418.86 18" HAWTHORN 418.83 12" PRIVET TAG3871 6" LIQUID AMBERTAG3872 2" LIQUID AMBER TAG3873 2" LIQUID AMBER 417.59 66" REDWOOD 417.53 6" SPRUCE 416.60 T10-PLM 416.94 6,6,6" POMEGRANATE 418.48 T4-6 419.55 12" FERN PINE 419.5410" FERN PINE 420.53 6" PRIVET 420.18 4,4" BRUSH CHERRY420.20 40" LIVE OAK 423.00 38, 36" REDWOOD427.40T14-28429.24 T20-20 427.9811" LIVE OAK 424.88 13,12" ELDERBERRY 424.96 14" FAN PALM S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 42642 8 430 416414418420420420 418418 422 424 REMODELED RESIDENCE (E) COVERED PORCH (N) COVERED LOGGIA (N) GARAGE (N) POOL PAVERS ON CONC. SLAB PAVERS ON SAND BED CONCRETE PADS W/4" WIDE GRASS STRIPS Pittosporum 'Marjorie Channon' -15 gal. Prunus Laurocerasus (English Laurel) -15 gal. Prunus Caroliniana 'Compacta' -15 gal. Lavandula Angustifolia (English Lavendar) Chondropetalum tectorum Leonotus Leonurus Bergarten Sagea Achillea 'Terra Cotta' Lagerstoemia 'Natches' Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) - 15 gal. Oleo Europaea (Fruitless Olive) - 24" box Quercus Agrifolia (Live Oak) - 24" box California Fescue LANDSCAPE PLAN LEGEND #3870 #175#162 #163 #164 #165 #166 #167 #168 #169 #170 #171 #172 #173 #174 #176 #177 #178 #179 #180 5.5" PRIVET 6,6,4,2" PRIVET 7" HAWTHORN 6" HAWTHORN 18" HAWTHORN 14" VALLEY OAK TREE INVENTORY & REPLACEMENT TABLE STATUS REPLACEMENT REMAIN REMAIN REMOVE (2) 15 GAL. REMOVE (6) 24" BOX REMOVE REMOVE (2) 15 GAL. REMOVE (2) 15 GAL. REMOVE (2) 15 GAL. REMAIN REMAIN REMOVE (3) 15 GAL. REMOVE (2) 15 GAL. REMOVE (3) 15 GAL. REMOVE (3) 15 GAL. (2) 15 GAL. REMOVE (6) 24" BOX. REMOVE (3) 15 GAL. REMAIN REMOVE (3) 15 GAL. REMAIN REMAIN TOTAL REQUIRED REPLACEMENT =(27) 15 GAL. (12) 24" BOX 21 proposed 3 proposed 10 proposed PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREES 5 proposed TOTAL PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREES = (24) 15 gal. & (15) 24" BOX 323 Pennsylvania Avenue Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report August 21, 2023 Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables Table 2: Inventory and Assessment Summary Tree Species I.D. #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Expected Impact Protection Status Rounded Depreciated Value Calculated Protection Radii (ft.) coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) 162 66 30 Good Low Large Protected $40,400.00 44 pomegranate (Punica granatum) 163 6, 6, 6 15 Good Low Exempt $4,600.00 7 spruce (Picea pungens)164 6 10 Good High Protected $580.00 4 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 165 40 45 Fair High Large Protected $23,900.00 27 glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) 166 5.5 10 Good Low Exempt $70.00 3 glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) 167 6 10 Good Low Exempt $80.00 4 glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) 168 5, 5, 4, 2 10 Good Low Exempt $190.00 6 Monterey brush cherry (Eugenia uniflora) 169 4, 4 Good Low Protected $710.00 4 fern pine (Afrocarpus falcatus) 170 12 25 Good Low Protected $2,830.00 8 fern pine (Afrocarpus falcatus) 171 10 25 Good Low Protected $1,970.00 7 Washington hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum) 172 18 25 Poor Low Protected $4,100.00 12 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 15 30 323 Pennsylvania Avenue Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report August 21, 2023 Washington hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum) 173 7 10 Good Low Protected $1,450.00 5 Washington hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum) 174 6 15 Good Low Protected $1,060.00 4 glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) 175 12 25 Good Low Exempt $330.00 8 coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) 176 38, 36 45 Fair High Large Protected $17,900.00 35 elderberry (Sambucus nigra)177 13, 12 25 Poor High Protected $2,730.00 12 fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) 178 14 10 Good High Exempt $2,270.00 9 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 179 11 20 Fair Low Protected $1,810.00 7 valley oak (Quercus lobata)180 14 25 Fair Low Protected $2,920.00 9 Washington hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum) 3870 18 25 Fair Low Street Tree $6,800.00 12 Tree Species I.D. #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Expected Impact Protection Status Rounded Depreciated Value Calculated Protection Radii (ft.) Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 16 30 SCALE: 1" = 10' SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 10' LANDSCAPE PLAN REV.: DEC. 2015 VICINITY MAP PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFLANDS OF JELLINEK - 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSCOVER SHEETARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPLICATION S-23-018REVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE: SEPT 5 2023AMXXAMTMAS SHOWN22066TOWN OF LOS GATOS STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: a. TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS). b. ALL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO THE PROJECT. c. THESE PLANS AND DETAILS. d. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROJECT SOILS INVESTIGATION SOILS ENGINEER ___________________________________________________ REFERENCE REPORT NO. _______________, DATED ____________ LETTER NO. __________, DATED ____________, SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPLIED WITH. BOTH THE MENTIONED REPORT AND ALL UPDATES/ADDENDUMS/LETTERS ARE HEREBY APPENDED AND MADE A PART OF THESE PLANS. 2. NO WORK MAY BE STARTED ON-SITE WITHOUT AN APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND A GRADING PERMIT ISSUED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 41 MILES AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030. 3. A PRE-JOB MEETING SHALL BE HELD WITH THE TOWN ENGINEERING INSPECTOR FROM THE PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE INSPECTIONS LINE AT (4080 399-5771 AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING OR ONSITE WORK. THIS MEETINGSHOULD INCLUDE: a. A DISCUSSION OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, WORKING HOURS, SITE MAINTENANCE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATTERS; b. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN WRITING THAT CONTRACTOR AND APPLICANT HAVE READAND UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, AND WILL MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL PROJECT SUB-CONTRACTORS HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THEM PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND THAT A COPY OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WILL BE POSTED ON SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4. APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELEASE THE DEVELOPER OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF MISTAKES, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. IF,DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC INTEREST AND SAFETY REQUIRES A MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATIONS OR THESE IMPROVEMENT PLANS, THE TOWN ENGINEER SHALL HAVEFULL AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE SUCH MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE AND TO SPECIFY THE MANNER IN WHICH THE SAME IS TO BE MADE. 5. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN APPLIES ONLY TO THE GRADING, EXCAVATION, PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION OF NATURAL EARTH MATERIALS. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONFER ANY RIGHTS OF ENTRY TO EITHER PUBLIC PROPERTY OR THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF OTHERS AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. 6. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR TO IDENTIFY,LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY USA (UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT) AT 1-800-227-2600 A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS BUT NOT MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ALL WORK. 7. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR AIRBORNE PARTICULATES. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS, CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK IDENTIFIED ON THESE PLANS. THESE SHALL INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SAFETY AND HEALTH RULES AND REGULATIONSESTABLISHED BY OR PURSUANT TO THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OR ANY OTHER APPLICABLE PUBLIC AUTHORITY. 9. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE QUALIFIED SUPERVISION ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE ALL NECESSARY CAUTION TO AVOID DAMAGE TO ANY EXISTING TREES, SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, WATER, SEWER, ELECTRICAL OR TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES WHETHER ABOVE GROUND OR UNDERGROUND.CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE THERETO. 11. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS SHALL BE SET AND CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER QUALIFIED TO PRACTICE LAND SURVEYING. 12. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL APPLICABLE WORK (SUBGRADE, PAVING, ETC.) SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE APPLICANT'S SOILS ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED ATLEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING SUCH WORK. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE ON-SITE TO VERIFY CONDITIONS AS REQUIRED IN HIS REPORT. SHOULD ANY CHANGES TO THE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS BE NECESSARY, TOWN APPROVAL SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ANY ASSOCIATED WORK. 13. THE RESULTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING SHALL BE DOCUMENTED IN AN “AS-BUILT” LETTER/REPORT PREPARED BY THE APPLICANTS' SOILS ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED FOR THE TOWN'S REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE BEFORE FINAL RELEASE OF ANY OCCUPANCY PERMIT IS GRANTED. 14. ALL PRIVATE AND PUBLIC STREETS ACCESSING PROJECT SITE SHALL BE KEPT OPEN AND IN A SAFE, DRIVABLE CONDITION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. IF TEMPORARY CLOSURE IS NEEDED, THEN FORMAL WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE ADJACENT NEIGHBORS AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF CLOSURE, AND NO CLOSURE SHALL BE GRANTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE TOWN. NO MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE STORED IN THE PUBLIC OR PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN FENCES, BARRIERS, LIGHTS AND SIGNS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO GIVE ADEQUATE WARNING AND PROTECTION TO THE PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES. 16. OWNER/APPLICANT: ____________________________ PHONE:_____________ 17. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: _________________________ PHONE:_____________ 18. A TOWN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. A STATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY (IF APPLICABLE). THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING INSPECTION PERFORMED BY OTHER GOVERNMENTALAGENCIES. 19. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES SHALL BE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. SUPERINTENDENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DILIGENTLY PERFORMED BY A PERSON OR PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO DO SO AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THE STORING OF GOODS AND/OR MATERIALS ON THE SIDEWALK AND/OR THE STREET WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS A SPECIAL PERMIT ISISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. THE ADJACENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF ALL JOB RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS AT THE END OF THE DAY. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCORDING TO THIS CONDITION MAY RESULT IN PENALTIES AND/OR THE TOWN PERFORMING THE REQUIRED MAINTENANCE AT THE DEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. SHEET INDEX 1. TOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA, LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS 2. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND DEMOLITION PLAN 4. GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 5. EROSION CONTROL PLAN PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-23-018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS NPDES NOTES 1. SEDIMENT FROM AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE USING STRUCTURAL CONTROLS AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 2. STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE PROPERLY CONTAINED TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES VIA RUNOFF, VEHICLE TRACKING, OR WIND AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 3. APPROPRIATE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED MATERIALS, WASTES, SPILL OR RESIDES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO MINIMIZETRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, OR ADJOINING PROPERTY BY WIND OR RUNOFF AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 4. RUNOFF FROM EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE WASHING SHALL BE CONTAINED AT CONSTRUCTION SITES AND MUST NOT BE DISCHARGED TO RECEIVING WATERS OR TO THE LOCAL STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ARE TO BE MADE AWARE OF THE REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) AND GOODHOUSEKEEPING MEASURES FOR THE PROJECT SITE AND ANY ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREAS. 6. AT THE END OF EACH DAY OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS SHALL BE COLLECTED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED IN TRASH ORRECYCLE BINS. 7. CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A CONDITION THAT A STORM DOES NOT CARRY WASTE OR POLLUTANTS OFF OF THE SITE. DISCHARGES OF MATERIAL OTHER THAN STORMWATER (NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES) ARE PROHIBITED EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY AN INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT OR THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: SOLID OR LIQUIDCHEMICAL SPILLS; WASTES FROM PAINTS, STAINS, SEALANTS, SOLVENTS, DETERGENTS, GLUES, LIME, PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, FERTILIZERS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES AND ASBESTOS FIBERS, PAINT FLAKES OR STUCCO FRAGMENTS; FUELS, OILS, LUBRICANTS,AND HYDRAULIC, RADIATOR OR BATTERY FLUIDS; CONCRETE AND RELATED CUTTING OR CURING RESIDUES; FLOATABLE WASTES; WASTES FROM ENGINE/EQUIPMENT STEAM CLEANING OR CHEMICAL DEGREASING; WASTES FROM STREET CLEANING; AND SUPERCHLORINATED POTABLE WATER FROM LINE FLUSHING AND TESTING. DURING CONSTRUCTION, DISPOSAL OF SUCH MATERIALS SHOULD OCCUR IN A SPECIFIED ANDCONTROLLED TEMPORARY AREA ON-SITE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED FROM POTENTIAL STORMWATER RUNOFF, WITH ULTIMATE DISPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. 8. DISCHARGING CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING GROUNDWATER THAT HAS INFILTRATED INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IS PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING OF CONTAMINATED SOILS VIA SURFACE EROSION IS ALSO PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING NON-CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING ACTIVITIES REQUIRES A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT FROM THE RESPECTIVE STATE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. TOTAL SITE AREA: 9000 SF TOTAL SITE AREA DISTURBED: ____________ SF (INCLUDING CLEARING, GRADING OR EXCAVATING) EXISTING AREA (SF) PROPOSED AREA (SF) REPLACED NEW TOTAL AREA POST-PROJECT (SF) IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL NEW & REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS AREA TABLE OF PROPOSED PERVIOUS AND IMPERVIOUS AREAS AB AGGREGATE BASE AC ASPHALT CONCRETE AD AREA DRAIN ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE BC BACK OF CURB BFP BACKFLOW PREVENTER BW BOTTOM OF WALL CATV CABLE TELEVISION CB CATCH BASIN CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND C/L CENTERLINE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEANOUT CY CUBIC YARD DCVA DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY DI DROP INLET DIA DIAMETER DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DWY DRIVEWAY (E) EAST EG EXISTING GRADE ELEC ELECTRICAL EP EDGE OF PATH EVAE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT EX EXISTING FC FACE OF CURB FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE FH FIRE HYDRANT FL FLOW LINE FM FORCED MAIN FS FIRE SERVICE FT FEET G GAS GA GAUGE GB GRADE BREAK GM GAS METER GS GAS SERVICE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HP HIGH POINT IEE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IN INCH INV INVERT ELEVATION LAT LATERAL LG LIP OF GUTTER LP LOW POINT MAX MAXIMUM MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MPH MILES PER HOUR (N) NORTH N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE O.C. ON CENTER O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER PAD PAD ELEVATION PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PERF PERFORATED PG&E PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY PIEE PRIVATE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PL PROPERTY LINE PR PROPOSED PSDE PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PSE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT PSSE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE R RADIUS RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RIM RIM ELEVATION R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY (S) SOUTH S SLOPE SCC SANTA CLARA COUNTY SCCFD SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SD STORM DRAIN SDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT SDE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SDR STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO SF SQUARE FEET SJWC SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY SS SANITARY SEWER SSCO SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT SSE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STD STANDARD S/W SIDEWALK TC TOP OF CURB TELE TELEPHONE TLG TOWN OF LOS GATOS TW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE (W) WEST W WATER WM WATER METER WS WATER SERVICE WV WATER VALVE WVSD WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT XING CROSSING ABBREVIATIONS 5SHEET OF 1CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.APN 510-43-044CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS State Highway 17W M a i n S t r e e t lva n i a Av e Her n a n d e z A v e Sar a t o g a - L o s G a t o s R o a d Santa Cruz AveBroa d w a y Pennsy SITE ELEMENT CUT FILL TABLE 1 - MAXIMUM GRADED CUTS AND FILLS GARAGE 2.87' 0' POOL 0.52' 1.71' DRIVEWAY 0.62' 1.74' HB JOB NO. 22066 REV.: SEPT. 2016 5SHEET OF 2 PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSREVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE: SEPT 5 2023AMXXAMTMNONECONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.22066GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANSLANDS OF JELLINEK - 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEBLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAYARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPLICATION S-23-018CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-43-044 3SHEET OF 5 220661"=10'TMAMXXAMSEPT 5 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHIECTURAL AND SITE APPLICATION S-23-018APN 510-43-044TOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF JELLINEK - 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND DEMOLITION PLANCIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS FIRE HYDRANT P E N N S Y L V A N N I A A V E N U EPALMAVENUE F A I R V I E W A V E N U E ±3 4 2 F E E T ±3 2 6 F E E T FIRE HYDRANT 4SHEET OF 5 220661"=10'TMAMXXAMSEPT 5 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPLICATION S-23-018GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF JELLINEK - 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-43-044NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS 5SHEET OF 5 220661"=10'TMAMXXAMSEPT 5 2023DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPLICATION S-23-018EROSION CONTROL PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF JELLINEK - 323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-43-044 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-5 07/05/23 -10 AS-BUILT/ DEMO FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN 09/25/23A. FDW W/DW/D22'-31/4"18'-23/4"3'-1"7'-63/4"4'-4"6'-73/4"1'-81/4"8'-91/4"8'-83/4"21'-103/4"2'-1/2"1'-103/4"22'-73/4"9'-2"2'-3" 83/4"1'-83/4" 4'-2"71/2"2'-0"10'-91/4"3'-11/2"3'-10"EXISTING WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE LIVING ROOM FAMILY ROOM MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 BATH KITCHEN DINING ROOM MUD ROOM HALL COVERED DECK COVERED ENTRY W1 W2W3W4W5W6W7W8W9 W10W11 W12W13 W14W15W16 W17 W18 W20 W21W22 W23W19 N (E) ROOF FRAMING TO REMAIN, (E) ROOF MEMBRANE TO BE REPLACED (E) ROOF FRAMING TO BE REMOVED(E) ROOF FRAMING TO BE REMOVED (E) TRELLIS TO BE REMOVED (E) ROOF FRAMING TO REMAIN, (E) ROOF MEMBRANE TO BE REPLACED (E) LOW SLOPE ROOF LOW SLOPE ROOF 5/125/12RIDGEVALLEY5/12 5/12 5/125/12 5/125/125/12 VALLEY5/12 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-5 05/03/23 -5 AS-BUILT/ DEMO FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN FDW W/DW/D22'-31/4"18'-23/4"3'-1"7'-63/4"4'-4"6'-73/4"1'-81/4"8'-91/4"8'-83/4"21'-103/4"2'-1/2"1'-103/4"22'-73/4"9'-2"2'-3" 83/4"1'-83/4" 4'-2"71/2"2'-0"10'-91/4"3'-11/2"3'-10"LIVING ROOM FAMILY ROOM MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 2 BATH KITCHEN DINING ROOM MUD ROOM HALL COVERED DECK COVERED ENTRY W1 W2W3W4W5W6W7W8W9 W10W11 W12W13 W14W15W16 W17 W18 W20 W21W22 W23W19Jellinek Remodel - Demo Wall Calculations EXTERIOR WALLS Wall #Existing Demo W1 22.3 W2 18.2 W3 0.6 W4 10.1 W5 4.3 W6 6.6 W7 1.7 W8 8.8 W9 21.9 W10 2 W11 8.7 W12 9.2 W13 2.3 W14 22.6 W15 1.9 W16 0.8 W17 1.6 W18 4.2 W19 0.5 W20 2.1 W21 10.9 W22 3.1 W23 3.8 TOTAL 92.8 75.4 N (E) ROOF FRAMING TO REMAIN, (E) ROOF MEMBRANE TO BE REPLACED (E) ROOF FRAMING TO BE REMOVED(E) ROOF FRAMING TO BE REMOVED (E) TRELLIS TO BE REMOVED (E) ROOF FRAMING TO REMAIN, (E) ROOF MEMBRANE TO BE REPLACED (E) LOW SLOPE ROOF LOW SLOPE ROOF 5/125/12RIDGEVALLEY5/12 5/12 5/125/12 5/125/125/12 VALLEY5/12 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO FLOOR PLAN REMODEL CALCULATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO ROOF PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-6 07/05/23 -11 AS-BUILT/ DEMO ELEVATIONS & DEMO CALCULATIO NS 09/25/23A. 290 sq ft 7 sq ft 8'-1"(E) CROWN MOLDING TO REMAIN (E) STUCCO RECESSES TO REMAIN (E) TURNED PLASTER COLUMNS TO REMAIN (E) STUCCO TO REMAIN (E) SLOPE FACED GUTTER TO BE REMOVED (E) WINDOW TO BE REPLACED (E) WINDOW TO BE REMOVED SEE PORCH ELEV. 1 430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 435.91' (E) RIDGE FRONT ELEVATION - DEMO CALCULATIONS TOTAL FRONT ELEVATION AREA = TOTAL PORCH ELEVATION 1 AREA = TOTAL FRONT EXISTING AREA = DEMO FRONT ELEVATION AREA = DEMO PORCH ELEVATION 1 AREA = TOTAL DEMO AREA = 290 SF 75 SF 365 SF 7 SF 28 SF 35 SF = 9.6% 31 sq ft 493 sq ft 410 sq ft 8 sq ft REMODEL & ADDITION EXISTING (E) STUCCO RECESS TO REMAIN (E) TURNED PLASTER COLUMN TO REMAIN (E) CROWN MOLDING TO REMAIN (E) TRELLIS TO BE REMOVED (E) ROOF TO BE REMOVED SEE PORCH ELEV. 2SEE PORCH ELEV. 2 SEE LEFT ELEV. 1 LEFT ELEVATION - DEMO CALCULATIONS TOTAL LEFT ELEVATION AREA = TOTAL PORCH ELEVATION 2 AREA = TOTAL LEFT ELEV 1 AREA = TOTAL LEFT EXISTING AREA = DEMO LEFT ELEVATION AREA = DEMO PORCH ELEVATION 2 AREA = DEMO LEFT ELEV 1 AREA = TOTAL DEMO AREA = 524 SF 87 SF 18 SF 629 SF 418 SF 0 SF 18 SF 436 SF 430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 435.91' (E) RIDGE 378 sq ft REMODEL & ADDITION (E) ROOF TO BE REMOVED REAR ELEVATION - DEMO CALCULATIONS TOTAL REAR ELEVATION AREA = TOTAL PORCH ELEVATION 3 AREA= TOTAL REAR EXISTING AREA = DEMO REAR ELEVATION AREA = DEMO PORCH ELEVATION 3 AREA = DEMO TOTAL REAR ELEVATION = 378 SF 26 SF 404 SF 378 SF 0 SF 378 SF 430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 435.91' (E) RIDGE 602 sq ft 2 sq ft 20 sq ft 6 sq ft 62 sq ft EXISTING DEMO (E) CHIMNEY TO REMAIN (E) TRELLIS TO BE REMOVED (E) CROWN MOLDING TO REMAIN (E) SLOPE FACED GUTTER TO BE REMOVED LAUNDRY CLOSET ADDITION - POST 1941 RIGHT ELEVATION - DEMO CALCULATIONS TOTAL RIGHT ELEVATION AREA = DEMO RIGHT ELEVATION AREA = 602 SF 90 SF 430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 435.91' (E) RIDGE 75 sq ft 28 sq ft8'-1"END OF EXTERIOR WALL 430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 87 sq ft 8'-1"430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 26 sq ft8'-1"EDGE OF EXTERIOR WALL 430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. 18 sq ft 8'-1"430.28' (E) PLATE 422.20' (E) MAIN F.F. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" AS-BUILT/DEMO RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PORCH ELEVATION 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PORCH ELEVATION 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PORCH ELEVATION 3 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" LEFT ELEV 1 DEMOLITION CALCULATIONS TOTAL FRONT ELEVATION AREA= TOTAL LEFT ELEVATION AREA= TOTAL REAR ELEVATION AREA= TOTAL RIGHT ELEVATION AREA= TOTAL ALL ELEVATION AREA= DEMO FRONT ELEVATION AREA= DEMO LEFT ELEVATION AREA= DEMO REAR ELEVATION AREA= DEMO RIGHT ELEVATION AREA= DEMO ALL ELEVATION AREA= 365 SF 629 SF 404 SF 602 SF 2,000 SF 35 SF 436 SF 378 SF 90 SF 939 SF 46.9% OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-7 07/05/23 -12 PROPOSED MAIN & LOWER FLOOR PLAN 09/25/23A. RANGE F 8'-0"7'-91/2"26'-21/2"12'-0"34'-1/2" 2'-6" 3'-2"50'-4" +/-6'-31/4"56'-71/4"BA-11 BA-11 CA-11 CA-11 EXISTING WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE NEW GAS FIREPLACE NEW GAS FIREPLACE (N) FAMILY ROOM (N) DINING (N) KITCHEN (N) FOYER (N) GUEST BEDROOM UP DN (E) OFFICE (N) LANDING (N) GUEST BATH COVERED LOGGIA (E) COVERED PORCH (N) HALF BATH(LIGHTWELL BELOW)(LIGHTWELL BELOW)(N) BBQ AREA AA-11 AA-11 34'-1/2"7'-51/4"8'-4"15'-43/4"10'-10"3'-0"2'-51/2" 3'-21/2" 28'-41/2"3'-0"30'-4"11'-8"UP (N) BEDROOM 4 (N) BATH 4 (N) BATH 5 LANDING (N) GAME ROOM LIGHT- WELL LIGHT- WELL (N) W.I.C. MECH.W/D(N) BEDROOM 4 (N) BEDROOM 5 BA-11 BA-11 CA-11 CA-11 AA-11 AA-11 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED LOWER FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-8 07/05/23 -13 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN & ROOF PLAN 09/25/23A. W DR N BA-11 BA-11 CA-11 CA-118'-3"25'-91/4"3'-0"6" 18'-8"12'-101/2"38'-61/4"6'-0"1'-6"DN (N) BEDROOM 2 (N) PRIMARY SUITE (N) PRIMARY BATH (N) W.I.C. (N) BATH 2 (N) LANDING LINEN(N) BALCONY (N) LAUNDRY (N) W.I.C. AA-11 AA-11 N BA-11 BA-11 CA-11 CA-11 EXISTINGNEWPARAPET W/ CAP PVC MEMBRANE ROOF PVC MEMBRANE ROOF (N) PVC MEMBRANE ROOF 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF O/ EXISITNG FRAMING 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF NEW HALF ROUND COPPER GUTTERS (N) CAP @ EXISTING PARAPET NEW CHIMNEY CAP NEW CHIMNEY CAP NEW FIXED SKYLIGHT (E) LOW SLOPE ROOF LOW SLOPE ROOF TILED BALCONY LOW SLOPE ROOF HIPHIPHIPVALLEYVALLEY5/125/12RIDGEVALLEY5/12RIDGERIDGE VALLEY5/12 5/12 AA-11 AA-11 PROPOSED DEC. CHIMNEY CAP NEW FIXED SKYLIGHT5/125/125/125/125/125/12 5/125/12SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED ROOF PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-9 07/05/23 -14 PROPOSED FRONT & LEFT ELEVATIONS 09/25/23A. 07/05/23 09/25/23A. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-10 07/05/23 -15 PROPOSED REAR & RIGHT ELEVATIONS 09/25/23A. 07/05/23 09/25/23A. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-11 07/05/23 -16 CROSS SECTIONS 09/25/23A. 411.62' LOWER FLOOR 411.62' LOWER FLOOR 422.20' MAIN FLOOR 422.20' MAIN FLOOR 431.37' SECOND FLOOR 431.37' SECOND FLOOR 8'-1"8'-1"25'-9"22'-21/4"(E) OFFICECORRIDORFAMILY ROOM CORRIDORPRIMARY SUITE COVERED LOGGIA BALCONY 439.45' PLATE 430.28' PLATE 443.78' PLATE 439.45' PLATE 430.28' PLATE 443.78' PLATE 411.62' PLATE 411.62' PLATE 30' HEIGHT LIMIT GAME ROOM BATH 5 411.62' LOWER FLOOR 411.62' LOWER FLOOR 422.20' MAIN FLOOR 422.20' MAIN FLOOR 431.37' SECOND FLOOR 431.37' SECOND FLOOR 8'-1"8'-1"9'-6"(N) GAME ROOM (N) BATH 4 (N) W.I.C. (N) FAMILY ROOM (N) DINING ROOM (N) PRIMARY SUITE (N) BEDROOM 2 439.45' PLATE 430.28' PLATE 443.78' PLATE 439.45' PLATE 430.28' PLATE 443.78' PLATE 411.62' LOWER FLOOR 411.62' LOWER FLOOR 422.20' MAIN FLOOR 422.20' MAIN FLOOR 431.37' SECOND FLOOR 431.37' SECOND FLOOR (E) OFFICE 439.45' PLATE 430.28' PLATE 443.78' PLATE 439.45' PLATE 430.28' PLATE 443.78' PLATE STAIRWELL STAIRWELL BEDROOM 5 LANDING LANDING W.I.C. LANDING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION A-A SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION B-B SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION C-C OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-12 07/05/23 -17 GARAGE PLANS 09/25/23A.22'-0"22'-0"11'-0"2'-0"20'-0"22'-0"11'-0" 33'-0" DA-12 DA-12 20' X 20' CLEAR PARKING AREA 2-CAR GARAGE WORKSHOP POOL EQUIP. N DA-12 DA-12 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF HALF ROUND COPPER GUTTERS VALLEYVALLEYRIDGERIDGE 5/125/125/12 5/125/129'-1"14'-2" 422.20' GARAGE F.F. 430.28' PLATE 431.08' 430.28' PLATE 431.08'9'-1"14'-2"422.20' GARAGE F.F. 430.28' PLATE 431.08' 430.28' PLATE 431.08'9'-1"14'-2"430.28' GARAGE F.F. 422.00' 430.28' PLATE 431.08' 430.28' PLATE 431.08'9'-1"14'-2"422.20' GARAGE F.F. 430.28' PLATE 431.08' 430.28' PLATE 431.08'9'-1"14'-2"430.28' GARAGE F.F. 422.00' 430.28' PLATE 431.08' 430.28' PLATE 431.08' (N) 2-CAR GARAGE(N) WORKSHOP SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARAGE FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARAGE ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARAGE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARAGE LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARAGE REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GARAGE RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION D-D * SEE FINISHES AND MATERIALS ON THE MAIN RESIDENCE ELEVATION SHEETS. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555S H E E TAN ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:THE JELLINEK RESIDENCE323 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE LOS GATOS, CAAS SHOWN A-13 07/05/23 -18 SHADOW STUDIES 09/25/23A.S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 S40° 48' 58"W150.10S49° 10' 19"E 59.95N40° 47' 47"E150.10S49° 10' 19"E 60.00 June 21 @9:00am June 21 @12pm June 21 @3:00pm December 21 @ 9:00am December 21 @ 12:00pm December 21 @ 3:00pm 1" = 20'-0"