17 Attachment 1 - DEI PlanAttachment 1 Town of Los Gatos Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Plan 1 1. PURPOSE This Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Plan is intended to be an actionable plan for the Town of Los Gatos to become a more inclusive place where all community members feel welcome and a sense of belonging. It is a living and evolving document. 2. GOALS AND ACTION ITEMS Some of the goals and action items listed below are attributed to either the Los Gatos 2040 General Plan or the American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions document. Those items without specific attribution came from input received from either Town Boards/Commissions/Committees, Town staff, or the broader community. Please see Section 3 below for more details on how this feedback was obtained. All of the goals and action items listed below are dependent on authorization, direction, and prioritization from the Town Council. A. GOAL: Oversight. Create a process for oversight of the Town’s DEI Plan. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions) 1. Short Term Action Items a. In partnership with other Commissions, DEI Commission to review the community grants rubric for the community grant distribution process through an equity lens. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 6) b. DEI Commission to create an annual review process and evaluation of the DEI Work Plan action items. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 6) i. Create standing discussion item for the DEI Commission to review progress on the DEI Plan. ii. Submit annual progress update to the Council. 2. Long Term Action Items a. DEI Commission to recommend additional action items to the Town Council to make visible the equity issues that matter to the larger community. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 6) i. Utilize DEI Commission meetings to obtain community feedback, discuss and identify potential equity action items to inform the on- going JEDI Plan Implementation, and listen to other community ideas. 2 3. Ongoing Action Items a. Town staff/Commissions/Council to examine all proposed policies and ordinances in the context of promoting, facilitating, and improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in Los Gatos. B. GOAL: Safety. Create a robust and safe process for equity-focused, community- based programming. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions) 1. Short Term Action Items a. Town staff/DEI Commission to review the Town’s four events (Spring into Green, 4th of July Symphony in the Park, Screen on the Green, and Winter Celebration) with an equity lens. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 7) i. Consider potential modifications to existing Town events. ii. Consider adding a statement in the Town’s Special Event Permit application indicating that the Town encourages events to consider our community’s diversity and to support equity and inclusion. b. Town staff/DEI Commission to evaluate heritage/holiday celebrations and recognitions in the Holiday and Recognition Work Plan. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 7) 2. Medium Term Action Items a. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to create public forums and garner feedback from the community on the types of equity programming they would like to see offered in the Town, including but not limited to: community members; business owners; faith leaders; community-based organizations; and youth. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 7) b. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to work with other Boards, Commissions, and Committees to curate safe and engaging learning, dialogue and advocacy spaces for all community members. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 8) c. Town staff/Commissions to explore opportunities for public art/murals that celebrate underrepresented groups. d. Town staff to explore the possibility of film festivals/benefit events at the Los Gatos Theatre. e. Town staff/Commissions to explore options for bringing diversity and incorporating equity into Town parks, open space, and the community garden. i. Consider a Park Stewardship Program to develop meaningful relationships between different groups (example: seniors) and each park. 3. Long Term Action Items a. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to develop a community learning opportunity focused on historical inequities and the history of the 3 Town of Los Gatos. Focused on but not limited to: Indigenous communities; redlining practices; and other items as identified through community partners. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 8) b. Town staff to develop diversity, sensitivity, and awareness training courses and curriculum for residents, business owners, and local organizations to take part in. Training could include, but is not limited to, an informational column in the weekly newsletter and/or links to recommended online materials, lectures, and community engagement events. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-9) 4. Ongoing Action Items a. Town staff in the Police Department to continue to offer a Community Police Academy, or similar program, to educate community members on law enforcement policies, practices, and problem solving, as well as promoting the opportunity for one-on-one interaction with Department members in a relaxed environment. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) b. Town staff/Arts and Culture Commission/DEI Commission to explore ways to potentially incorporate DEI into new art projects as they arise. c. Town staff/Complete Streets and Transportation Commission to continue to look for ways to improve transportation accessibility, bicycle/pedestrian access, ADA access on sidewalks, and public transportation options. d. Town staff/Library Board/DEI Commission to make suggestions for the Library’s DEI reading list(s) and share those lists with local schools. e. Town staff to continue to enhance awareness of DEI through expanded Library programing for both adults and children. f. Town staff to continue to increase technology offerings at the Library to help low-income community members who do not have access to WiFi and/or other devices. C. GOAL: Collaboration. Leverage community resources to ensure equity efforts are collaborative and inclusive. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions) 1. Short Term Action Items a. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to foster collaboration between community groups and other partners engaging in equity work in order to offer joint activities. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 8) i. Meet with community partners to determine how they would like to manifest equity learning in the community. Focused on, but not limited to, the following local groups: local businesses; community-based organizations; nonprofits; education partners; faith-based partners; Town Departments; and other Town Commissions. ii. Focus on collaborative projects that promote healing. 4 iii. Evaluate Town spaces available for joint activities and projects and consider how those spaces can be best used to promote equity and belonging. 2. Medium Term Action Items a. Town staff/School Districts/Youth to identify needs for both community-based and school-based programming. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 9) i. As requested by local schools, share resources that support the schools’ equity work. ii. Intentionally connect school districts to community groups for joint projects, centered in art and expression. iii. Host a joint session with community partners and school leaders regarding equity dialogues and in support of their joint planning efforts. iv. Explore the possibility of the Town hosting or partnering on a DEI assembly or event with local schools. b. Town staff/Chamber of Commerce/other community organizations to organize an annual career and job fair with local employers to highlight local employment and employment training opportunities for Los Gatos residents. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) c. Town staff to research the viability of increasing support for the acceptance of food vouchers at local food retailers and farmers’ markets. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-9) 3. Ongoing Action Items a. Town staff to continue to work with the Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District and Los Gatos Union School District on the Positive Community Norms effort. b. Town staff to explore opportunities for collaborating with other municipalities on DEI work. D. GOAL: Communication. Develop a communications campaign that highlights the Town’s equity work. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions) 1. Short Term Action Items a. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to create a yearly communications campaign centered around equity education and promotion of community events. Include in this process: visible signage/banners, local art, and art displays. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 9) 2. Medium Term Action Items a. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to create a new Town tagline, in concert with the mission statement that involves the spirit of ‘belonging’, as 5 a north star for ongoing work. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 10) i. Engage the community in the development of this work. ii. Garner input from Commissions, businesses and community-based organizations. iii. Present to Council for approval. b. Town staff/DEI Commission/Community Partners to engage the business community as a partner in promoting the benefits of the DEI Plan and the positive attributes of the Town of Los Gatos. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 10) i. Develop a local business pledge about belonging and unwillingness to tolerate discrimination. ii. Create a plan for outreach and support for minority-owned businesses. iii. Engage the business community in supporting the development of more affordable housing as a path to support their businesses. c. Town staff to develop clear and inclusive outreach materials to increase and advance racial, social, and environmental justice initiatives. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) d. Town staff/DEI Commission to reexamine Welcome Packets sent to new Los Gatos residents for opportunities to make them more inclusive. 3. Long Term Action Items a. Town staff to develop mechanisms to communicate and engage members of the community who are not typically active in civic issues to foster relationships with the Town and the Police Department. This can be accomplished by leveraging technology and by focusing resources on non- enforcement interaction with the community. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-9) 4. Ongoing Action Items a. Town staff to develop clear and inclusive outreach materials, expand media campaigns, and implement other strategies to engage the public in the Town’s processes. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-10) b. Town staff to communicate actively on social media and in other forums to reinforce messages of inclusion, belonging, and welcoming. E. GOAL: Housing. Educate the community about affordable housing to ensure that the Town meets its Housing Element goals. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions) 1. Long Term Action Items a. Town staff to dispel the misconceptions surrounding affordable housing by providing: i. Developer tours to completed affordable housing build outs. 6 ii. Education about affordable housing residents and the services they receive. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 11) b. Town staff to investigate ways to attract affordable housing developers to the Town of Los Gatos. (American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions, p. 11) i. Review the work of other jurisdictions and what policy changes they have made to incentivize the building of affordable housing. ii. Publicize opportunities to build affordable housing with developers. iii. Educate the community about what affordable housing brings to the Town in order to leverage and develop community support for these projects. c. Town staff to create a program to ensure that all rental multifamily housing is inspected on a three to five-year cycle to ensure compliance with all building, housing, and other codes for safe and sanitary housing. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-10) 2. Ongoing Action Items a. The 2040 General Plan was adopted with its Racial, Social, and Environmental Justice Element on June 30, 2022. The Implementation Programs from that Element are included in this DEI Plan. b. The Housing Element with modifications was adopted by the Town Council on January 30, 2023. The Town is continuing to address the detailed comments from the State, engaging with the community in that process. Once certified by the State, the Town will need to implement the Housing Element programs. F. GOAL: Increase equity in internal Town operations, service delivery, and customer interactions. 1. Short Term Action Items a. Town staff to enhance the Town’s Tree Lighting event with other inclusive activities to transition it to an Annual Winter Celebration. b. Town staff to create a defined set of criteria that measures and prioritizes equitable distribution of Capital Improvement (CI) Projects Town-wide. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-9) 2. Medium Term Action Items a. Town staff to develop and facilitate a community-based budgeting process to provide the public an opportunity to identify funding priorities annually. This program could feature in-person and online engagement opportunities. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) b. Town staff to determine effective recruitment strategies to attract diverse candidates to Town employment opportunities. Work with educational institutions and other entities to promote local government job opportunities 7 with middle school, high school, technical school, and college students. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) c. To remove any administrative barriers to increase access to healthy foods, Town staff to conduct an internal audit of and make necessary changes to Town regulations, including but not limited to the Zoning Ordinance. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-9) d. Town staff to increase opportunities for DEI conversations among Town staff and Departments with guest speakers/brown bag lunches. e. Town staff to explore the possibility for team-building exercises for staff. 3. Long Term Action Items a. Town staff to develop a study to measure tree canopy distribution throughout the Town and encourage the use of native plants when increasing green space. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-9) b. Town staff to implement the Town’s ADA Transition Plan as funding permits. 4. Ongoing Action Items a. Form a Social and Racial Justice Commission that will serve as an advisory board to the Town Council to advance the Town’s racial equity work. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) – Approved by Council September 19, 2023 with meetings beginning January 2024. b. Town staff to update the Town’s Anti-Harassment Policy to meet current best practices, including anti-bullying. c. Town staff to continue to evaluate the annual proposed Capital Improvement Budget and any service expansion/contraction in the Operating Budget to ensure that all neighborhoods are treated equitably in the availability of services and infrastructure investment. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) d. Require all Town staff to undergo ongoing DEI/implicit bias training. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) e. Continue to offer DEI training for Councilmembers and Commissioners. f. Town staff to develop an annual survey which measures the successfulness of advancing social equity and diversity Town-wide. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-8) g. Town staff to continuously expand access to Town records and information to further demonstrate the Town’s commitment to transparency in governmental operations. h. Town staff to continue to provide Biannual Reports to review progress at Town Council meetings on Police Reforms, including independent investigations, mental health/homeless support, traffic stop data, and options for non- emergency calls. i. Town staff to continue to strengthen the Police Department relationship with County Behavioral Health and Crisis Response Teams. j. Town staff to work toward the Police Chief’s goal for all Department personnel to exceed the minimum number of hours of training in de-escalation and crisis intervention. k. Town staff to continuously review and update Town policies and procedures to ensure that it is employing the best practices for hiring, training, eliminating bias, and ensuring the public’s safety. 8 l. Town staff to foster a more diverse work force by continuing to update job descriptions and minimum qualifications to encourage a broader set of candidates, promoting job opportunities using conventional and unconventional techniques to reach deeper into the talent pool, and encouraging professional development to expand skills and abilities. m. Town staff to continually reevaluate the Commission application process to facilitate more equity and inclusivity. n. Town Council to examine/update the Town Council Code of Conduct. o. Town staff to conduct staff surveys on a regular basis to assess if employees feel welcomed and included. p. Town staff to explore options for assisting unhoused Los Gatos residents. Staff explored the option of including metrics for each item; however, after extensive outreach, research, and attending DEI training sessions put on by the Government Alliance of Race and Equity (GARE), the conclusion reached was that metrics/performance measures are not only extremely difficult for this work, but not advised. DEI work is long-term term and ongoing over generations of people and progress cannot adequately be measured in a shorter timeframe of a few years. Additionally, aiming for a goal of a certain demographic makeup (for example, X amount of employees of Y ethnicity/race) can be misleading because even if that goal is reached is does not necessarily mean that all feel welcome or as they belong. 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING THE DEI PLAN Community Advisory Group Led by American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley Insights (ALFI) On September 6, 2022, the Town Council authorized the Town Manager to continue working with DEI Consultant ALFI on the development of a DEI Plan. To do this work, ALFI convened a Community Advisory Group to move the initial Discovery Report recommendations forward and provide concrete steps for implementation. The Community Advisory Group met on a monthly basis from February through September 2023 for two and a half hours each meeting and utilized the initial Discovery Report recommendations as a jumping off point for dialogues. The Group helped put together the American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions document and provided numerous action/implementation items included in this DEI Plan. The most significant recommendation to come out of the group was for the Town to establish an equity-focused Commission. On September 19, 2023, the Town Council approved the enabling resolution to create the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission. Community Workshop On April 20, 2023, the Town held a community workshop to give the broader Los Gatos community an opportunity to provide input on the Discovery Report and the potential action items for this DEI Plan. Attendees were divided into two smaller breakout group discussions to provide feedback used to shape this plan. 9 Town Boards, Commissions, and Committees Participation During the months of March and April, Town staff met with each Board/Commission/Committee, and/or solicited written feedback on the potential DEI Plan action items and the recommendations in the Discovery Report. Input was also sought regarding how DEI work intersects with each Commission, how Commissions can work to increase equity and inclusivity in Los Gatos, and other ideas for how the Town can work holistically toward becoming a more inclusive place. Ideas garnered from those sessions are reflected in this DEI Plan. Town Staff Engagement Outreach regarding the development of this plan and other Town DEI work was also conducted with staff. In 2022, the Town Manager’s Office offered the first Employee Equity Survey to all Town staff. The Town staff is much more diverse than the broader Los Gatos community. At a high level, survey results indicated 70% of respondents reported feeling welcome at work while 30% did not. Responses also indicated a need for increased education for Town staff about the DEI work being done and a desire for DEI training. In 2023, the Town Manager’s Office conducted another anonymous survey specific to input relating to the Discovery Report recommendations and potential DEI Plan action items. Discussions on these topics also occurred during the Staff Equity Team’s monthly meetings. Themes from this staff feedback are also found in this Plan. Training Based on staff demand as illustrated in the Employee Equity Survey results, in November 2022, the Town held a mandatory staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training entitled "Creating Environments of Belonging" led by DEI trainer and former prosecutor Mwanaisha Sims. The topic discussed included: • Awareness of workplace diversity issues, such as those affecting underrepresented groups, in daily interactions; • Exploration of internal beliefs and unconscious biases; • An understanding of what motivates (and demotivates) those around us; • Collaboration skills to help work more effectively with people who have different qualities from your own; • How to stand up to discrimination such as racial bias or sexual harassment; and • Skills to foster an inclusive workplace culture. In February 2023, the "Creating Environments of Belonging" DEI training was also offered to the Town Councilmembers and all Town Commissioners. In May 2023, based on demand, Ms. Sims returned to offer Town staff a second training that specifically focused on learning tools for how to respond to microaggressions, bias, and uncomfortable conversations. DEI training can help build a safe and equitable workplace for all staff and promote an environment where everyone feels comfortable being their authentic selves at work. 10 4. DEFINITIONS Ableism. Ableism is the discrimination of and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior. At its heart, ableism is rooted in the assumption that disabled people require ‘fixing’ and defines people by their disability. (Access Living) Anti-Semitism. The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jewish peoples. (Anti-Defamation League) Belonging. Belonging is a core need of all humans and is defined as a system of values and practices where no person is left out of the circle of human concern. It is more than just access. It is having a meaningful voice and an opportunity to participate in the design of cultural structures. Belonging includes the right to contribute as well as the right to make demands and it requires shared power, access, and opportunity among all individuals within a shared system. Belonging is about being seen, heard and valued for the uniqueness that each individual brings into the circle (Source: Othering and Belonging Institute). Distinction Between Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging: You can have diversity without inclusion (e.g. tokenism, assimilation). You can’t have inclusion without diversity. Focusing on inclusion gets you further than just focusing on diversity. Belonging is a term that goes beyond the legal or HR definitions and gets to how power and meaningful inclusion can look and feel within the context of a group or network. (Race Forward) BIPOC. Acronym referring to Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2- 3) Community Member. Any individual who resides, owns property, is a business owner, or is employed in the Town of Los Gatos. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Debiasing Strategies. Interventions to eliminate, mitigate or prevent bias are often focused on the individual level, rather than at the institutional level, where interventions are most needed. Debiasing strategies focused on individual change (e.g. “just be aware of your bias),” have dubious impacts and success. Debiasing strategies focused at the institutional levels can help prevent and remove opportunities for bias by instituting practices, policies, and protocols that require institutional actors to address institutional racism. (Race Forward) Disadvantaged Community. An area identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) pursuant to Section 39711 of the California Health and Safety Code or a predominately low- income area that is disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and other hazards that can lead to negative health effects, exposure, or environmental degradation. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Diversity. A variety of racial identities or characteristics (e.g. African Americans, Native Americans, Latinx) as well as people from a range of different social, racial, ethnic, cultural, and economic backgrounds; genders; sexual orientations; abilities; experiences; perspectives; and other personal identities. Diversity is a quantitative measure of representation. (Race Forward) 11 Environmental Justice. The fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, incomes, political and religious affiliation, and national origins with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies including climate adaptation strategies. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Equality. Is sameness; everyone gets the same thing. Equality focuses on everyone getting the same opportunity, but often ignores the realities of historic exclusion and power differentials among whites and other racialized groups. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Equity. Ensures that outcomes in the conditions of well-being are improved for marginalized groups, lifting outcomes for all. Equity is a measure of justice (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3). Distinction Between Equality and Equity: Equality uses the same strategies for everyone, but because people are situated differently, they are not likely to get the same outcomes. Equity uses differentiated and targeted strategies to address different needs and to get to fair outcomes. Equality-focused strategies don’t work for, or benefit, everyone – e.g. teaching everyone the same way does not work for different kinds of learners -- each must be taught the appropriate way for them. (Race Forward) Explicit Bias. Conscious attitudes and beliefs about a person or group, also known as overt and intentional bias. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Implicit Bias. Attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, decisions, and actions in an unconscious manner. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Individual Bias. Bias by individuals. But if the individual is acting in an institutional capacity (e.g. a teacher or a police officer) their individual bias is also a manifestation of institutional bias. (Race Forward) Individual Racism. Lies within individuals. These are private beliefs and biases about race that reside inside our own minds and bodies. For White people, this can be internalized privilege, entitlement, and superiority; for people of color, this can be internalized oppression. Examples: prejudice, xenophobia, conscious and unconscious bias about race, influenced by the white normative or dominant culture. (Race Forward) Institutional Bias. Bias by institutions — such as patterns, practices, policies, or cultural norms that advantage or disadvantage people of color. (Race Forward) Institutional Racism. Occurs within institutions. It involves unjust policies, practices, procedures, and outcomes that work better for White people than people of color, whether intentional or not. Example: A school district that concentrates students of color in the most overcrowded, under-funded schools with the least experienced teachers. (Race Forward) Interpersonal Racism. Occurs between individuals. Bias, bigotry, and discrimination based on race. Once we bring our private beliefs about race into our interactions with others, we are now in the interpersonal realm. Examples: public expressions of prejudice and hate, microaggressions (common place intentional or unintentional terms or hostility), bias and bigotry between individuals. (Race Forward) 12 Inclusion. The measure of the quality of representation, such as full access, authentic representation, empowered participation, true belonging and power-sharing. Inclusion is a qualitative measure of representation and participation. (Race Forward) Intersectionality. The concept of intersectionality describes the ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination “intersect” to create unique dynamics and effects. All forms of inequality are mutually reinforcing and must therefore be analyzed and addressed simultaneously to prevent one form of inequality from reinforcing another. Intersectionality brings our understanding of systemic injustice and social inequality to the next level by attempting to untangle the lines that create the complex web of inequalities. It is also a practical tool that can be used to tackle intersectional discrimination through policies and laws. (Center for Intersectional Justice) LGBTQIA+ Discrimination. Being harassed, discriminated against and/or being denied access to employment, housing, access to basic goods and services and/or the ability to participate meaningfully in our society's decision making processes, based on gender identity, sexual orientation and/or gender expression. (Gender Equity Law Center) Racial Equity. A process of eliminating racial disparities and improving outcomes for everyone. It is the intentional and continual practice of changing policies, practices, systems, and structures by prioritizing measurable change in the lives of people of color. From GARE: Racial equity is realized when race can no longer be used to predict life outcomes, and outcomes for all groups are improved. (Race Forward) Racial Justice. A vision and transformation of society to eliminate racial hierarchies and advance collective liberation, where Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, in particular, have the dignity, resources, power, and self-determination to fully thrive. Distinction Between Racial Equity and Racial Justice: Racial equity is the process for moving towards the vision of racial justice. Racial equity seeks measurable milestones and outcomes that can be achieved on the road to racial justice. Racial equity is necessary, but not sufficient, for racial justice. (Race Forward) Resident. Any individual who resides in the Town of Los Gatos. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Social Capital. A concept in social science that involves the potential of individuals to secure benefits and invent solutions to problems through membership in social networks. Social capital revolves around three dimensions: interconnected networks of relationships between individuals and groups (social ties or social participation); levels of trust that characterize these ties; and resources or benefits that are both gained and transferred by virtue of social ties and social participation. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Socially Disadvantaged Individuals and Groups. Socially disadvantaged individuals and groups who have been subjected to prejudice or some form of discrimination or bias because of their perceived identity as a member of a particular group (i.e., race, ethnicity, culture, sex, political or religious affiliation, sexual orientation, age, immigration status) without regard to their individuality and/or merit. (Los Gatos 2040 General Plan, p. 2-3) Structural Racism. Racial inequities across institutions, policies, social structures, history, and culture. Structural racism highlights how racism operates as a system of power with multiple interconnected, 13 reinforcing, and self-perpetuating components which result in racial inequities across all indicators for success. Structural racism is the racial inequity that is deeply rooted and embedded in our history and culture and our economic, political, and legal systems. Examples: The “racial wealth gap,” where Whites have many times the wealth of people of color, resulting from the history and current reality of institutional racism in multiple systems. (Race Forward) 5. RESOURCES/APPENDICES American Leadership Forum Insights Discovery Report (2022): https://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/31460/Final-Discovery-Report American Leadership Forum Insights Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Implementation Actions (2023): https://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/36518/ALFI-Implementation-Actions Racial, Social, and Environmental Justice Element of the Los Gatos 2040 General Plan (2022): www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/31980/2-LGGP_2040_Racial-Social-and-Environmental- Justice-Element Town of Los Gatos Becoming an Inclusive Community Website: https://www.losgatosca.gov/2604/Becoming-an-Inclusive-Community