15 Exhibit A to Attachment 1 - Scope of ServicesStatement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 3 4.Project Approach Summary of Approach NBS will communicate with the Town staff throughout the duration of the project to clarify the Town’s goals, identify any special circumstances, and develop a realistic project schedule. The following Work Plans detail the steps needed to put the Town in the best position to propose a viable local funding ballot measure for the November 2024 election. Although not mentioned in the Town’s Request for Qualifications, an additional service we can provide is Revenue Measure Modeling to calculate financial benefit to the Town of a Special Financing District. This is listed as an optional item in our proposed budget. Phase 1 | October - December 2023 | Issue Research, Polling, Community Survey NBS will work with your team to understand the specific needs for, and demand on, the Town’s programs and services, and will provide an analysis of various tax models for the Town to understand potential options. Develop Stakeholder Outreach and Public Engagement Messaging: NBS will work with staff, elected officials and stakeholders to develop agreed-upon messaging that will ensure the sharing of consistent ideas and concepts with the community during Phase One services such as polling. Standard messaging will provide clarity to community members and prevent confusion. NBS will partner with the Town Manager, Town team, and our subconsultant GBA to provide the research needed for the Town to understand its most viable revenue measure options. Voter Poll: Working with NBS and the Town team, GBA will draft a survey questionnaire for Town approval, and conduct a poll among likely voters within Los Gatos that will achieve the following objectives: • Explore the current image of the Town of Los Gatos, voters' attitudes towards the Town, and their assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of local government; • Determine voter perceptions of the needs of the Town and the priorities that voters set for those needs; • Determine voter attitudes towards various revenue measures for the Town, and the optimum amount to place before the voters; Exhibit A: Scope of Services Exhibit A Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 4 • Evaluate voters' top priorities for money raised in order to design a measure that best addresses the desires of the community; • Determine the most effective and important reasons for your voters to support a ballot measure; • Develop a demographic profile of Town voters, including how various demographic groups differ in their opinions and attitudes towards a possible ballot measure. Polling Methodology: Our subconsultant, GBA, will select the survey sample from highly sophisticated and up-to-date voter registration files. This information, when combined with the answers to our survey questions, is essential as we identify voters who are most likely to vote in general, primary, municipal, special, or mail-only elections. It is critical to remember that any survey must interview only likely voters. Being a registered voter is not enough. Those likely to vote will have demonstrated their interest in voting through their history in previous elections. The sample will be drawn from lists of registered voters which have been matched with telephone directories and other lists to maximize the quantity of available telephone numbers. Since this is a small city, we would expect that a smaller sample of voters will be adequate, even if it is no more than 100-200 completed interviews. GBA believes that it is of the utmost importance to go beyond simple questions and simple answers. For example, you will never see us ask if a problem is serious or not serious. We require differentiation between those with strong opinions and those with weaker opinions, those who say the problem is "extremely serious," or "very serious" rather than those who say it is only "somewhat serious" or "not too serious." Therefore, virtually all questions in our polls will delve into the intensity of feeling that voters bring to an issue. Only in this way can we separate those voters with a general opinion on an issue from those who are moved to take action because of that same issue (even if the "action" is just voting "yes" or "no"). Telephone interviews are conducted by a regularly employed staff of full-time professional interviewers who specialize in conducting interviews for public opinion surveys. GBA supervises the interviewing process and verifies that interviews are conducted according to specifications. Supervisory procedures include continuous on-site and telephone monitoring of interviews. GBA follows established industry standards for call backs of busy or "not-at-home" numbers designed specifically to maintain the randomness of interviewee selection and the validity of the survey. A regularly employed staff of full- time professional interviewers conducts interviews in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin, and other languages. To summarize, we will provide to the Town of Los Gatos: • Random telephone and on-line survey of likely voters • Consultation solely with principal of Gene Bregman & Associates • Assistance in developing topic areas to be investigated • Development of survey questionnaire • Scientific sample selection to assure reaching an accurate representation of the voting population • Pre-testing of questionnaire • Conduct of field work from our central phone bank, as well as surveys completed from text and email contacts • Editing, coding, and electronic data processing • A full computer printout of all cross-tabulated data Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 5 • Analysis of survey results • On-going strategy and consultation Feasibility Analysis of Ballot Measure Options and Expenditure Plan: Incorporating polling data, NBS and GBA will make recommendations to the Town team on a proposed ballot measure amount and ballot measure expenditure plan elements. If polling is favorable for a potential funding measure, this would be an optimal time to present polling data to the Town Council for discussion and recommendation to draft ballot measure language. This allows time for community outreach, input and consensus building among key stakeholders prior to finalizing the proposed ballot language and the resolutions Council must adopt to officially place a measure before voters. Decision from Council to move to Phase 2. Phase 2 | January 2023 – July 2024 | Message Toolkit, Stakeholder Outreach and Public Engagement Outreach to key stakeholders (business, labor, and other community leaders) before a measure is officially proposed can be key to the success of its passage. This is where potential bumps in the road are uncovered, and ideally resolved. NBS will work with the Town team to develop a Stakeholder Outreach Plan and strategy to help build community consensus around the need for a ballot measure to maintain the quality of life that Los Gatos residents desire. NBS will work with the Town team to create a Key Stakeholder Outreach Plan and a list of key stakeholders and media outlets, develop website content, and an Informational Toolkit (fact sheet, Q&A, PowerPoint presentation) that can be used to educate and engage leaders in the public and private sector, business community, and community-based organizations about the need for additional funding for essential public services. Once the Council acts to place a measure on the ballot, the Town may consider some informational outreach to educate residents on the proposal itself through online and news media communications and through the mail. Working with your staff and legal counsel, we can assist with crafting and implementing that communications program. Community Survey: In addition to the quantitative research conducted by GBA, CivicMic can conduct qualitative research in the form of a community survey of residents at large. This outreach through email and social media will be comprised of an abbreviated survey asking residents to weigh in with their priorities for town services and programs. This community engagement effort provides additional perspectives to the research and can be helpful in conveying the Town’s commitment to inclusivity and transparency. Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 6 Finalize Ballot Measure Language and Ballot Argument To place a ballot measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot, all election-related Council action and resolutions must be completed and noticed to the County by August 9, 2024, providing an important window of time for informing and engaging community members around the need for additional revenue before officially proposing and finalizing the ballot measure language. NBS will work with the Town Manager and Town Attorney to draft ballot measure language and accompanying resolutions for Town Council approval. Engagement Activities Aiming to reach residents with diverse backgrounds allowing for unique perspectives, CivicMic would: Create a customized webpage for your project on civicmic.com. This site would feature a variety of engagement tools and informational materials. Develop an email campaign strategy to reach out to community members and stakeholders who may not have access to social media or may not regularly visit the Town website. Include specialized mapping and graphics on CivicMic.com, such as sample maps showing community participation in the survey. Design content related to the Town’s challenges in maintaining high services levels for resident programs and services. Coach various Stakeholders on ways to share educational materials with community members through workshops and printed materials. Create an email list of community members who have expressed interest in receiving updates. Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 7 DRAFT TIMELINE The following is an overview of our proposed project schedule. We will discuss a detailed schedule at the kick-off meeting, along with the expected timing for individual tasks. Note: This page is intentionally formatted differently to improve legibility of the table contents. Apr '24 May '24 June '24 Jul '24 Aug '24 Sep '24 Oct '24 Nov '24 Phase 1 – Issue Research, Polling, Community Survey Kickoff Meeting Revenue Modeling (optional financial analysis) Develop Stakeholder Outreach and Public Engagement Messaging Public Opinion Research Draft Poll Questionnaire Poll in Field Initial Results Crosstabs Available Complete Full Analysis of Survey Results Present Poll Results, Feasibility Analysis, Recommendations to Council for discussion (not action) Phase 2 – Messaging, Stakeholder Outreach, Public Engagement Community Survey Develop Message Toolkit Stakeholder Outreach (key community leaders, businesses, orgs) Public Education/Engagement (Community Mtg, Email, Social Media) Finalize Ballot Language / Resolutions for Council Action Work Plans Feb '24 Mar '24PROJECT SCHEDULE - TOWN OF LOS GATOS Oct '23 Nov '23 Dec '23 Jan '24 Deadline for Council to submit measure-related documents to County: 8/9/24 Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 8 5. Costs Our professional fees are based on our understanding the Town’s needs and the effort we believe is necessary to complete the scope of services described. Director (Wood) Project Manager (Lewis) GBA Flat Fee NBS Consultant (Argerich- Valentine) NBS Senior Consultant (Dayhoff) NBS Specialist and Analyst (Savage) Consultant Labor (Hrs.) Consultant Costs ($) with Optional Services Consultant Costs ($) without Optional Services $250 $200 $30,000 $175 $200 $150 Work Plans Phase 1 – Issue Research, Polling, Develop Communications Plan Kickoff Meeting 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 4.0 825$ 825$ Revenue Modeling (Optional)2.0 2.0 - 2.0 30.0 - 36.0 7,250$ -$ Develop Stakeholder Outreach & Public Education Messaging 7.0 7.0 - 5.0 - 8.0 27.0 5,225$ 5,225$ Public Opinion Research* (design voter poll, analyze data)2.0 4.0 1.0 - - - 7.0 31,300$ 31,300$ Total Phase 1 44,600$ 37,350$ Phase 2 – Messaging, Stakeholder Outreach & Public Engagement Community Survey Implementation (Optional)4.0 10.0 - 10.0 - 20.0 44.0 7,750$ -$ Complete Stakeholder Outreach & Public Education Plan 8.0 8.0 - 5.0 - - 21.0 4,475$ 4,475$ Create Informational Toolkit (e.g., webpage content, Fact Sheet, FAQ)4.0 12.0 - 12.0 - 4.0 32.0 6,100$ 6,100$ Stakeholder Outreach & Public Education (meetings, flyers, social media)8.0 40.0 - 20.0 - 20.0 88.0 16,500$ 16,500$ Draft Ballot Language 5.0 5.0 - - - - 10.0 2,250$ 2,250$ Finalize Ballot Language / Resolution for Council 5.0 5.0 - - - - 10.0 2,250$ 2,250$ Total Phase 2 39,325$ 31,575$ GRAND TOTAL FEES 46.0 94.0 1.0 55.0 31.0 52.0 279.0 83,925$ 68,925$ ESTIMATED EXPENSES Travel Costs Per In-Person Meeting (not to exceed)1Mailing and printing costs 12,000$ 12,000$ Travel and meeting expenses 3,500$ 3,500$ TOTAL INCLUDING ESTIMATED EXPENSES 99,425$ 84,425$ OPTIONAL SERVICES PRICING Labor & Travel Costs Per Optional In-Person Meeting 2,000$ 2,000$ Cost associated with the design/print/postage per mailer Grand Totals 1. Travel-related cost and direct reimbursable expenses; all other expenses are included in labor rates. This cost will be $0 if all meetings and presentations are held remotely. FEE SCHEDULE TOWN OF LOS GATOS Hourly Rate Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 9 ADDITIONAL POLLING INFORMATION Three major factors determine the cost for a survey: the number of interviews to be completed; the average length of each interview; and how easy or hard it is to reach and complete interviews with qualified voters. Of course, the more interviews that are completed, the more reliable is the data, as shown by the changes in sampling tolerance, or margin of error (MOE), at different completion rates. The following table shows how the MOE changes with the number of completes: 200 completed interviews = Margin of Error +/- 6.9% 300 completed interviews = Margin of Error +/- 5.7% In addition, when the overall sample size increases, the sample sizes for various voter sub-groups will also increase, and their margins of error will decrease. HOURLY RATES Title Hourly Rate Director / Senior Review $250 Associate Director / Engineer $225 Senior Consultant $200 Consultant $175 Project Analyst / Specialist $150 Project Resource Analyst $130 Clerical / Support $110 TERMS Public Engagement services are invoiced on a monthly basis. Expenses will be itemized and included in the next regular invoice. If the project is prematurely terminated by either party, NBS shall receive payment for work completed. Payment shall be made within 30 days of submittal of an invoice. If payment is not received within 90 days, simple interest will begin to accrue at the rate of 1.5% per month. Either party can cancel consulting contract with 30 days’ written notice. Statement of Qualifications for Town of Los Gatos NBS | 10 EXPENSES Customary out-of-pocket expenses are billed at actual cost to NBS. These expenses may include, but not be limited to, boundary map and assessment diagram preparation (time, materials, plotting and all related costs), mailing fulfillment, postage, supplies, reproduction, telephone, travel, meals and various third-party charges for data, maps, and recording fees.