13 Attachment 2 Project ListAttachment 2. Project List Project ID Project Name Category Fee Program Component Cost Estimate ($2022) Estimated Funding from Other Sources Unfunded Cost Allocated to TIF Calculation 1 State Route 17 Corridor Congestion Relief Project Safety and Capacity Improvements TI $110,820,000 $99,738,000 $11,082,000 2 Shannon Rd Widening and Safety Improvements Safety and Capacity Improvements TI $4,371,513 $1,471,513 $2,900,000 3 Union Avenue Widening and Sidewalks Complete Streets (Carryover) TI $4,226,672 $3,170,004 $1,056,668 4 Traffic Signal Modernization Program Traffic Signal TI $20,452,114 $12,452,114 $8,000,000 5 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Overcrossing BPMP Priority Projects VMT $25,288,625 $18,966,469 $6,322,156 6 Kennedy Sidewalk & Bike Lanes BPMP Priority Projects VMT $1,402,065 $138,740 $1,263,325 7 Sidewalk Gap Filling Projects Other BPMP Projects - New Facilities VMT $600,000 0 $600,000 8 New and Expanded Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (Non-Priority Projects) Other BPMP Projects - New Facilities VMT $2,000,000 0 $2,000,000 9 Los Gatos Almaden Road Complete Streets Improvements Complete Streets (Carryover) TI $4,226,672 $3,170,004 $1,056,668 10 Los Gatos Boulevard Multimodal Widening Complete Streets (Carryover) TI $5,635,562 $4,226,672 $1,408,891 11 Parking Program Implementation Lighting and Signage TI $400,000 0 $400,000 12 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Program -Safety Improvements Other BPMP Projects - Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety TI $1,000,000 0 $1,000,000 13 Priority Projects from Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan BPMP Priority Projects VMT $11,232,751 $5,616,375 $5,616,375 TOTALS $191,655,974 $148,949,891 $42,706,083 ATTACHMENT 2