10 Attachment 16 - Public Comment_Non-redactedFrom: Georgina Van Horn <georginavh706@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 10:48 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Town Council Meeting [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Council Members, This email is concerning Architecture and Site Application S-21-008 and the Appeal of a Planning Commission Decision. I live at 706 Winchester Blvd. one of two closest townhouses to the Site at the University Oaks Condominiums. I understand that there will be a building at this site, however, the building proposed is enormous! It comes almost to the wall that separates the two properties. It would overwhelm the entire area south of Daves Ave. and a main entrance into town. Winchester Blvd. from Lark Ave. is lined with trees to Daves Ave. From that point all the buildings are low and mostly behind trees. We at the University Oaks have worked to keep us looking like a woodsy area because of the parks right across the street on University Ave. Also to keep our small town feel. My front door is not on Winchester Blvd. but faces the huge side of the two and three story proposed building. They would be looking into my three upstairs bedroom windows and I would be able to see into their windows. The town has a 40% coverage. They are asking for 50%! Looking at the front of the building it looks as if it takes the whole lot. We should be able to see that it only covers 40%. They are also higher than town regulations. I ask you to please deny the variances of coverage and height. A concern is also the cutting of valuable trees! Having a building this size would not only impact this whole area but also many lives. Thank you for your concern and work for our wonderful town! Sincerely,