Item 5 - Staff Report with Exhibits 1-9.GP and Rezoning PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman and Erin Walters Associate Planner and Associate Planner Reviewed by: Community Development Director, Planning Manager, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/23/2023 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: August 18, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Town Council on a Request to Amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 532-07-086 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; Amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of Caltrans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and from R:1:8 to R-M:14-22; and Apply the Housing Element Overlay Zone to Allow for Increases to the Allowable Density, Height, Floor Area Ratio, and Lot Coverage to the Sites Included in the Sites Inventory Analysis of the 2023-2031 Housing Element: APN’s 42406116, 42407116, 42408029, 42408058, 42408059, 42408060, 42408074, 52924001, 52924003, and 53207085; 401 through 409 Alberto Way; 620 and 14000 Blossom Hill Road; 16210, 16240, 16245, 16250, 16260, and 16270 Burton Road; Cal Trans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road; 110 and 206 Knowles Drive; 445 Leigh Avenue; 440 Los Gatos Almaden Road; 16603 Lark Avenue; 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859, 14917, 14925, 15300, 15349, 15367, 15405, 15425, 15480, 15500, 15795, 16151, 16203, 16392, and 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard; 50 and 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Road; 61 Montebello Way; 14800 and 14840 Oka Road; 50 Park Avenue; 101 South Santa Cruz Avenue. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was Prepared and Certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which Included the Proposed General Plan Amendments. No further Environmental Analysis is Required. Zoning Code Amendment Application Z-23-003 and General Plan Amendment Application GP-23-003. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. PAGE 2 of 6 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendments, Re-Zonings, and Housing Element Overlay Zone/ Z-23-003 and GP-23-003 DATE: August 18, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: Due to notice letters that were delayed in delivery, staff recommends that the Planning Commission hold the public hearing, ask questions of staff, and receive any verbal public comment from those in attendance, and continue the item to a date certain of S eptember 13, 2023, to continue the public hearing for any additional public comment, deliberation, and recommendation. BACKGROUND: The Town of Los Gatos is required to prepare an updated Housing Element for the period covering 2023-2031 that is certified by the State Housing Community Development Department (HCD). The Housing Element is one of nine State-mandated elements that must be included in every General Plan. The Housing Element assesses housing needs for all income groups within the community and identifies implementation programs to meet those housing needs. Unlike other General Plan elements, the Housing Element must be updated every eight years, rather than every 10 to 20 years, must address statutory requirements regarding its content, and is subject to mandatory review by HCD. The Town’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the sixth cycle planning period is 1,993 units. On January 30, 2023, the Town Council adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element with modifications to the Sites Inventory, finding that it was in substantial compliance with State law. Two of the Implementation Programs contained in t he Housing Element adopted by Town Council are the basis for the items under consideration and described in further detail below. The Town continues to work with HCD to get the 2023-2031 Housing Element certified and resubmitted its latest version to HCD on March 31, 2023. The Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) met on July 20, 2023, to review and discuss portions of the Town’s interim working Draft Revised Housing Element addressing HCD’s findings/comment letter received by the Town on May 30, 2023. The most recent information on the status of the ongoing Housing Element update process can be viewed online at: https://www.losgatosca.gov/1735/Housing-Element. PAGE 3 of 6 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendments, Re-Zonings, and Housing Element Overlay Zone/ Z-23-003 and GP-23-003 DATE: August 18, 2023 DISCUSSION: A. General Plan Committee On July 20, 2023, at a special meeting, the General Plan Committee (GPC) reviewed the requests described below and recommended approval of the General Plan amendments to the Planning Commission and Town Council. B. General Plan Land Use Designation The following Implementation Program is included in the Housing Element adopted by Town Council on January 30, 2023, and is presented below, as modified and presented in the March 2023 Draft Revised Housing Element. This program proposes to amend the General Plan to comply with State Housing Element law: • Implementation Program BG, General Plan Amendment Amend the General Plan to modify the designation of 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and APN 532-07-086 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and modify the designation of the Cal Trans right- of-way from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, and establish new maximum densities for the High Residential, Medium Density Residential, Low Density Residential, Mixed -Use, Neighborhood Commercial, and Central Business District land use designations to provide for the development of housing for the sites in the Sites Inventory. In response to Implementation Program BG, staff has drafted amendments to the General Plan designation of 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and APN 532-07-086 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial and to modify the designation of the Caltrans right-of-way from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential (Exhibit 4 through 6). The establishment of new development standards for the applicable General Plan Land Use designations of the 2023-2031 Housing Element was considered under Item 4 of tonight’s Planning Commission agenda. C. Zoning The following Implementation Program is included in the Housing Element adopted by Town Council on January 30, 2023, and is presented below, as modified and presented in the March 2023 Draft Revised Housing Element. Th is program proposes to amend the Zoning Code to comply with State Housing Element law: PAGE 4 of 6 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendments, Re-Zonings, and Housing Element Overlay Zone/ Z-23-003 and GP-23-003 DATE: August 18, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): • Implementation Program BF, Zoning Code Amendments Amend the Zoning Code to comply with State law and ensure adequate sites are available to accommodate the identified sites in the Sites Inventory (Exhibits 2 and 3). These Code revisions include: 1. Amend the Zoning Code to include a HEOZ to apply to the sites included in the Site s Inventory to modify the development standards (i.e., density, lot coverage, FAR, height) on those sites; 2. Amend the Affordable Housing Overlay Zone to increase the maximum allowable density from 20 dwelling units per acre to 40 dwelling units per acre; 3. Clarify the text of the non-residential zones regarding housing; 4. Rezone the Caltrans Right-of-Way – Site E3 from R:1:8 to R-M:14-22; 5. Amend the Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance; and 6. Amend the Density Bonus Ordinance. In response to items #1 and #4 of Implementation Program BF, staff has drafted amendments re-zone the Caltrans right-of-way site from R:1:8 to R-M:14-22 (Exhibit 7) and apply the HEOZ to the sites included in the Sites Inventory of the 2023-2031 Housing Element (Exhibit 8). Maps showing the rezoning of the sites in the Sites Inventory will be included in the ordinance that will go to the Town Council for future adoption and the ordinance will be codified. The component of item #1 which requires amendment of the Zoning Code, as well as item #2 were considered under item 4 of tonight’s Planning Commission agenda. The draft Zoning Code amendments provided in Exhibit 9 have been provided for context only. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Public notification has included a legal ad in the paper, noticing property owners, tenants, and properties located within 300 feet of all the sites listed within the Town. The meeting has been publicized on the Town’s website and through the Town’s social media platforms. Following the mailing of notice letters for this item, the Town received some returned to sender letters due to errors with the postage on the envelopes. Town staff has determined that six of these letters were the only notice letter sent to the subject parcel, and therefore are i mportant for notification of that property owners. Because a majority of the notice letters were successfully mailed, staff recommends that the Planning Commission hold the public hearing, PAGE 5 of 6 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendments, Re-Zonings, and Housing Element Overlay Zone/ Z-23-003 and GP-23-003 DATE: August 18, 2023 ask questions of staff, and receive any verbal public comment from those in attendance on August 23, 2023. Due to the notice letters that were delayed in delivery, staff recommends PUBLIC NOTIFICATION (continued): that following public comment on the item, the item be continued to a date certain of September 13, 2023, to continue the public hearing for any additional public comment, deliberation, and recommendation. The notice letters that were returned to the Town because of postage errors have been corrected and resent. PUBLIC COMMENTS: As of the drafting of this report, no comments from the public have been received. CONCLUSION: A. Summary A request for approval of the following General Plan Amendments and Zone Changes: 1. Approval of a request to amend the General Plan to modify the land use designation of 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and APN 532-07-086 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; 2. Approval of a request to amend the General Plan to modify the designation of the Caltrans right-of-way from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential ; 3. Approval of a zone change for the Caltrans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road from R:1:8 to R-M:14-22; and 4. Application of the Housing Element Overlay Zone to the sites included in the Sites Inventory of the 2023-2031 Housing Element. B. Recommendation Due to the notice letters that were delayed in delivery, staff recommends that the Planning Commission hold the public hearing, ask questions of staff, and receive any verbal public comment from those in attendance, and continue the item to a date certain of September 13, 2023, to continue the public hearing for any additional public comment, deliberation, and recommendation. PAGE 6 of 6 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendments, Re-Zonings, and Housing Element Overlay Zone/ Z-23-003 and GP-23-003 DATE: August 18, 2023 EXHIBITS: 1. Draft Findings 2. Appendix D, Sites Inventory Analysis of the July 2023 Interim Working Draft Revised Housing Element 3. Appendix H, Sites Inventory Form of the July 2023 Interim Working Draft Revised Housing Element 4. Location Maps – 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard (Showing Existing and Proposed General Plan Designations) 5. Location Maps – Parcel 532-07-086 (Showing Existing and Proposed General Plan Designations) 6. Location Maps – Caltrans Right-of-Way (Showing Existing and Proposed General Plan Designations) 7. Location Maps – Caltrans Right-of-Way (Showing Existing and Proposed Zoning) 8. Location Maps – 2023-2031 Housing Element (Showing Existing and Proposed Zoning) 9. Draft Zoning Code Ordinance Amendments, Division 5. Housing Element Overlay Zone PLANNING COMMISSION – August 23, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS General Plan Amendment Application GP-23-003 Zone Change Application Z-23-003 Forward a Recommendation to the Town Council on a Request to Amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 532-07-086 from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial; Amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of Caltrans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and from R:1:8 to R-M:14-22; and Apply the Housing Element Overlay Zone to Allow for Increases to the Allowable Density, Height, Floor Area Ratio, and Lot Coverage to the Sites Included in the Sites Inventory Analysis of the 2023-2031 Housing Element: APN’s 424-06-116, 424-07-116, 424-08-029, 424-08-058, 424-08-059, 424-08-060, 424-08-074, 529-24-001, 529-24-003, and 532-07-085; 401 through 409 Alberto Way; 620 and 14000 Blossom Hill Road; 16210, 16240, 16245, 16250, 16260, and 16270 Burton Road; Cal Trans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road; 110 and 206 Knowles Drive; 445 Leigh Avenue; 440 Los Gatos Almaden Road; 16603 Lark Avenue; 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859, 14917, 14925, 15300, 15349, 15367, 15405, 15425, 15480, 15500, 15795, 16151, 16203, 16392, and 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard; 50 and 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Road; 61 Montebello Way; 14800 and 14840 Oka Road; 50 Park Avenue; and 101 South Santa Cruz Avenue. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was Prepared and Certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which Included the Proposed General Plan Amendments. No further Environmental Analysis is Required. Zoning Code Amendment Application Z-23-003 and General Plan Amendment Application GP-23-003. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. FINDINGS: Required finding for CEQA: ▪ An EIR was prepared and certified for the 2040 General Plan Update on June 30, 2022, which included the proposed General Plan Amendments. No further environmental analysis is required. Required consistency with the Town’s General Plan: ▪ That the General Plan amendment is internally consistent with the existing goals and policies of the General Plan and its corresponding elements, in that the amendments will provide for the development of housing for the sites in the Sites Inventory to comply with the Town’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation. ▪ That the proposed Zone Changes are consistent with the General Plan and its Elements in that the proposed zoning is consistent with the proposed General Plan designation. EXHIBIT 1 N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2023\HOEZ, Rezoning, and GP Amendments - Findings - PC 08-23-23.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank Sites Inventory Analysis D APPENDIX EXHIBIT 2 Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-1 D.1 Vacant and Available Sites The Plan Bay Area 2050 Final Blueprint1 forecasts that the nine-county Bay Area will add 1.4 million new households between 2015 and 2050. For the eight-year time frame covered by this Housing Element Update, the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has identified the region’s housing need as 441,176 units. The total number of housing units assigned by HCD is separated into four income categories that cover housing types for all income levels, from very low-income households to market rate housing. This calculation, known as the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), is based on population projections produced by the California Department of Finance as well as adjustments that incorporate the region’s existing housing need. The adjustments result from recent legislation requiring HCD to apply additional adjustment factors to the baseline growth projection from California Department of Finance, in order for the regions to get closer to healthy housing markets. The adjustments focus on the region’s vacancy rate, level of overcrowding, and the share of cost burdened households and seek to bring the region more in line with comparable areas. The new laws governing the methodology for how HCD calculates the RHNA resulted in a significantly higher number of housing units for which the Bay Area must plan compared to previous cycles. D.2 Regional Housing Needs Allocation In December 2021, ABAG adopted a Final Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) Methodology. For Los Gatos, the RHNA required to be planned for the 6th cycle Housing Element Update is 1,993 units, an increase of 322 percent from the last cycle. RHNA Summary Los Gatos’ share of the regional housing need for the eight-year period from 2023 to 2031 is 1,993 units, which is a 322 percent increase over the 619 units required by the 2015 to 2023 RHNA. The housing need is divided into the four income categories of housing affordability. Table D-1 shows Los Gatos’ RHNA for the planning period 2023 through 2031 in comparison to the RHNA distributions for Santa Clara County and the Bay Area region. With an update required every eight years by the State of California, this Housing Element covers a planning period from January 31, 2023, to January 31, 2031 (also referred to as the “6th cycle”). Table D-1 Los Gatos’ Regional Housing Needs Allocation: 2023–2031 Income Group Los Gatos Units Percent Santa Clara County Units Percent Bay Area Units Percent Very Low Income (<50% of AMI) 537 26.9% 32,316 24.9% 114,442 25.9% Low Income (50%-80% of AMI) 310 15.6% 18,607 14.4% 65,892 14.9% Moderate Income (80%-120% of AMI) 320 16.1% 21,926 16.9% 72,712 16.5% Above Moderate Income (>120% of AMI) 826 41.4% 56,728 43.8% 188,130 42.6% Total 1,993 100.0% 129,577 100.0% 441,176 100.0% Source: ABAG 2021 1 Plan Bay Area 2050 is a long-range plan charting the course for the future of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. It covers four key issues: the economy, the environment, housing and transportation HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-2 Appendix D March July 2023 D.3 Sites Inventory The purpose of the sites inventory is to identify and analyze specific sites that are available and suitable for residential development during the planning period between 2023-2031 in order to accommodate Los Gatos’ assigned 1,993 housing units. The Town does not build the housing but rather creates the implementation programs and policies to plan for where the housing can be located and how many units could be built on potential sites. In 2017, Senate Bill (SB) 166 was signed into law and included new “no net loss” provisions that require communities to provide an ongoing, adequate supply of land resources for housing development during the entirety of the housing element update planning period. These provisions mean communities face risks of non- compliance should a housing site be developed with non-residential uses, lower residential densities, or residential uses at affordability levels higher than anticipated by the Housing Element. To avoid noncompliance, HCD advises communities to “buffer” their assigned RHNA numbers. The Sites Inventory includes 50 sites in order to have enough capacity for the RHNA and recommended buffer of at least 15 percent. These sites , calculated at their minimum density, in addition to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Projections, Senate Bill (SB) 9 Projections, and Pipeline Projects have a total capacity of 2,494 units (1,993 units plus a 25 percent buffer). D.4 Appropriate Density/Default Density As a jurisdiction within a metropolitan statistical area of over 2 million, the Town’s "default" density that can be assumed to accommodate lower income households is 30 dwelling units per acre (du/ac).2 The following land use designations will allow for at least 30 du/ac within the Town for those sites within the Housing Element Overlay Zone: • High Density Residential: 30-40 du/ac; • Mixed Use Commercial: 30-40 du/ac; and • North Forty Specific Plan: 30-40 du/ac. Non-Vacant Capacity The Town is relying on non-vacant sites to accommodate more than 50 percent of the RHNA for lower-income households. Because non-vacant sites comprise more than half of the Town’s Sites Inventory, Government Code Section 65583.2(g)(2) requires that the Town analyze the extent to which existing uses may constitute an impediment to additional residential development, past experience in converting existing uses to higher density residential development, market trends and conditions, and regulatory or other incentives to encourage redevelopment. The Town will need to make findings based on substantial evidence that the existing use is not an impediment and will likely discontinue during the planning period. This section includes a description of the suitability of non-vacant sites, policies that will contribute to the development of nonvacant sites, and an overview of recent affordable residential development throughout the region. Development Trends The Town has experienced a high demand for residential projects given recent legislation aimed at creating housing in a more streamlined process. For example, Site I-1, located at 401-409 Alberto Way received Planning entitlement approval for an office building; however, based on the discussions regarding the Housing Element and recent State housing legislation, the property owner has chosen to pursue a multi-family housing project. In addition to the North Forty Phase I project, other examples of housing projects within the fifth cycle Housing Element that occurred in commercial zones (which allow for 100 percent nonresidential uses) include: 2 https://www.hcd.ca.gov/community-development/housing-element/housing-elementmemos/docs/default_2010census_update.pdf Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-3 1. 375 Knowles Avenue: Approval of a rezone from Office (O) to Office: Planned Development and a General Plan amendment from Public to Office Professional to allow for the construction of 33 single- family detached homes; and 2. 258 Union Avenue: Approval of a mixed-use building with three attached housing units and six detached single-family units on property zoned Neighborhood Commercial (C-1). Implementation Programs BF and BG of the 6th cycle Housing Element Update contain land use intensifications to encourage the development of housing by allowing for greater densities, height, lot coverage, and floor area. It is expected that residential uses will redevelop with a greater frequency than the slower pace of the previous Housing Element cycles. Table D-2 on the following page summarizes recent residential development in the Town and nearby cities. It includes two pipeline projects listed in Table D-3 and examples of denser residential redevelopment on single- family and multi-family uses, industrial uses, and commercial uses in the cities of Campbell and San Jose. The City of San Jose and City of Campbell examples are nearby to the Town and are included as examples of the type of development that could be projected to be developed in the Town based on the proposed Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ). HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-4 Appendix D March July 2023 Table D-2 Development Trends in Los Gatos and Nearby Cities * Mixed-use development consisting of 320 residential units, including 49 very low-income senior unit and one affordable caretakersmanger’ unit. 30 units have not received building permit approval yet. ** Applicant has requested approval for a Zone Change application from R-1:10 (Single-Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet) to CH (Restricted Commercial Highway) for consistency with the General Plan land use designation of Mixed-Use Commercial. Property Owner Interest Form As part of the Housing Element update outreach, the Town created a Property Owner Interest form that was made available on the Housing Element Update website to hear from property owners who may be interested in future housing development within the sixth cycle Housing Element update. The form contained 19 questions for the property owner to fill out, based on the criteria contained in HCD’s Housing Element Sites Inventory Guidebook. Property owners were asked to identify the parcel size, present zoning, present use, existing site conditions, current lot configuration, availability of infrastructure, and the interest in the type of housing for the site. Parcels for which a Property Owner Interest Form was submitted to the Town are noted in the site details below. Address Project Type Prior Use Land Use Zoning Proposed Units Proposed Density Max Density 465 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Pipeline Project Commercial Neighborhood Commercial C-1 1 6 20 North Forty Phase I Pipeline Project Single-Family Residential, Commercial, and Agriculture North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 30* 20 20 14926 Los Gatos Boulevard Pipeline Project Vacant Mixed-Use Commercial R-1:10**5 10 20 16179 E Mozart Avenue Nearby Project in Campbell Single‐Family Residential Low Density Residential P‐D 30 6 7.93 280 Dillon Nearby Campbell Development Industrial Transit Oriented Mixed Use P‐D 118 27 22.64 300 Railway Avenue Nearby Project in Campbell Industrial, Vacant, Single‐Family Residential Commercial‐ Corridor Mixed Use P‐D 157 27 33.7 540 E Campbell Avenue Nearby Project in Campbell Industrial, Single‐Family Residential CC/Central Commercial C‐P‐D 59 27 36.24 1725 S Bascom Avenue Nearby Project in Campbell Commercial RCPO‐ Residential/Co mmercial/ Professional Office P‐D 168 27 36.45 14200 Union Avenue Nearby Project in San Jose Commercial Neighborhood/ Community Commercial CP (PD) 558 51 50 1410 S Bascom Avenue Nearby Project in San Jose Commercial Neighborhood/ Community Commercial CP (PD) 590 131 50 1312 El Paseo De Saratoga Nearby Project in San Jose Commercial Regional Commercial CP (PD) 930 87 N/A Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-5 There are 30 parcels with property owner interest. Of these parcels, four are reuse sites identified in prior housing elements (see Implementation Program BH). During the outreach for the 6th cycle Housing Element, the owners of 30 parcels expressed interest in developing housing on the sites that they own. Many property owners own more than one parcel that is contiguous to the other, and while each parcel may have its own APN, the parcels would likely be developed as a single, merged parcel. Site Capacity On sites with Property Owner Interest, 1,339 units are projected: 1,008 affordable units and 331 market-rate. Potential Findings (Non-Vacant Sites) The Town can make the following findings to determine that the existing use on sites with expressed property owner interest is likely to be discontinued: The property owners are interested in developing at least a portion of the site with housing; The land use designations for these sites as part of Implementation Program BG will allow for higher densities to incentivize the redevelopment of the sites; and Adding a potential new use increases the value of the property. Non-Residential Uses Of the 50 housing opportunity sites, there are 11 parcels that are designated to only allow residential uses: Site A-1: 50 Park Avenue and 61 Montebello Way; and Site E-1: 14800 Oka Road, APN 424-08-029, APN 424-08-059, APN 424-08-060, APN 424-08-058, APN 424- 08-017, APN 424-08-021, APN 424-08-074, and the Caltrans right-of-way adjacent to 14865 Oka Road. The remaining sites are designated to allow for commercial and mixed-use opportunities. Given the interest that the Town has received as part of the sixth cycle Housing Element Update, there is a strong likelihood of development on these other sites will include an integration of residential units. This is demonstrated by the recently developed and underway projects in the Town and residential and mixed-use projects underway in neighboring jurisdictions. Commercial Sites There are 39 sites in commercially zoned areas, including the sites within the North Forty Specific Plan and 16 reuse sites identified in prior housing elements. Under Implementation Program BH, reuse sites can be developed under ministerial review if they are developed with 20 percent or more of the units set aside for lower- income households. Many of these sites are developed with older, underutilized commercial and office uses, which have low floor area ratios (FAR). Many of these uses are on parcels that can be redeveloped with residential uses in a mixed-use format that would retain commercial or office use. Examples of developer interest for construction of housing units on commercial sites in the Town include: 401-409 Alberto Way; 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road; 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard; 101 S. Santa Cruz Avenue; and 15860 Winchester Boulevard. Two of these examples are properties where a planning entitlement for 100 percent commercial were approved within the last eight years, but with the changing State and local regulations the property owners have abandoned those approvals and are now instead proposing new development projects that are entirely or predominantly HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-6 Appendix D March July 2023 made up of residential units. As a result, the likelihood that the other commercial sites would redevelop without some residential component is clearly low. Site Capacity On underutilized commercial sites within the Sites Inventory, 1,773 units are projected: 1,355 affordable units and 418 market-rate. Potential Findings (Non-Vacant Sites) The Town can make the following findings to determine that the existing use on sites with underutilized commercial is likely to be discontinued: The value of these parcels to the property owner is mostly in the land, and residential uses will increase the value without substantially affecting improvement value; The buildings that will be demolished for new commercial and/or mixed-use will all be over 30 years old at time of 2023-2031 Housing Element adoption; The land use designations for these sites as part of Implementation Program BG will allow for higher densities to incentivize the redevelopment of the sites; and Adding a potential new use increases the value of the property. Evidence for these findings include similar developments in nearby jurisdictions after General Plan land use changes. The City of Santa Clara’s 2010 General Plan provided for densities that allowed for new medium density and high-density projects. Similarly, in the City of Sunnyvale, a General Plan that was adopted in 2011 incentivized the development of high-density housing, which has led to an increase in high-density developments in the jurisdiction. Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-7 Overview of Selected Sites This section provides information on the current list of potential sites that show how the Town will accommodate the State’s required minimum of 1,993 housing units. Please note that the site numbers listed here are added only as a way to reference the site and label it on a map. The site number is not an indication of preference or priority. Figure D-1 shows an overview of the potential sites inventory map developed for Los Gatos’ 6 th cycle Housing Element Update. The following sites make up the Site Inventory, which is available as Appendix H. Sites Details This section provides information on each of the sites selected for inclusion in the Sites Inventory of vacant and available sites. Figure D-1 Overall Area Parcel Locations HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-8 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-2 Downtown Area Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-9 Figure D-3 Downtown Area Asset Map HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-10 Appendix D March July 2023 Site A-1 Park Avenue Addresses: 50 Park Avenue and 61 Montebello Way Number of Housing Units: 5 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Park Avenue Site (A-1) is located in the Downtown Area on the southwest end of Town on a wooded parcel that is currently identified as Very High Fire Risk. The site is triangular in shape with parking lots and South Santa Cruz Avenue on one side, Highway 17 on a second side, and Downtown Los Gatos forming the third side. Proximity to Downtown Los Gatos ensures that this site provides pedestrian access to urban services. This site currently is developed with residential units and is designated Medium Density Residential. The site is zoned R-1D and would allow five housing units developed at a minimum density of five du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Los Gatos High School and is approximately 0.5 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at West Main Street and South Santa Cruz Avenue and is approximately 0.2 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Very high fire hazard; existing residential dwelling units would require demolition. Figure D-4 Park Avenue (Site A-1) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-11 Site A-2 South Santa Cruz Avenue Address: 101 South Santa Cruz Avenue Number of Housing Units: 16 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The South Santa Cruz Avenue Site (A-2) is located in the Downtown Area on the southwest end of Town along South Santa Cruz Avenue on an occupied commercial parcel in Downtown Los Gatos. The site is currently identified as Medium Density Residential. Proximity To Downtown Los Gatos ensures that this site provides pedestrian access to urban services. This site is designated as Central Business District and zoned C-2, which would allow 16 housing units developed at a minimum density of 20 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Los Gatos High School and is approximately 0.5 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at West Main Street and South Santa Cruz Avenue and is approximately 300 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Very high fire hazard; the existing commercial use would require demolition. Figure D-5 South Santa Cruz Avenue (Site A-2) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-12 Appendix D March July 2023 Site A-3 University Avenue Address: 165 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Number of Housing Units: 7 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The University Avenue Site (A-3) is located in the Downtown Area at the corner of Los Gatos-Saratoga Road and University Avenue on an occupied commercial site. Proximity to Downtown Los Gatos ensures that this site would provide pedestrian access to urban services. This site is designated as Central Business District and zoned C-2, which would allow seven housing units developed at a minimum density of 20 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Los Gatos High School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Saratoga-Los Gatos Road and University Avenue and is approximately 360 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-6 University Avenue (Site A-3) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-13 Figure D-7 Los Gatos Lodge Area HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-14 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-8 Los Gatos Lodge Area Asset Map Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-15 Site B-1 Los Gatos Lodge Address: 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Number of Housing Units: 264 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Lodge Site (B-1) is located in the Los Gatos Lodge Area immediately adjacent to the interchange of Highway 9 and Highway 17, east of Downtown Los Gatos. The site is the current location of the Los Gatos Lodge, with the Los Gatos High School sports fields to the south, lower-density residential uses across Bella Vista Avenue to the east, and Best Western Inn across Highway 9 on the north. This site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial and zoned CH:PD, which would allow 264 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Louise Van Meter Elementary School and is approximately 0.9 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Boulevard and Stacia Street and is approximately 0.4 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial buildings would require demolition and removal or modification of the existing Planned Development Overlay to accommodate residential. Figure D-9 Los Gatos Lodge (Site B-1) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-16 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-10 Los Gatos Boulevard Area Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-17 Figure D-11 Los Gatos Boulevard Area Asset Map HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-18 Appendix D March July 2023 Site C-1 Ace Hardware Address: 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 48 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Ace Hardware Site (C-1) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the east side of Los Gatos Boulevard and north of Gateway Drive. The site is the current location of Ace Hardware, with commercial uses to the north, south, and west, and lower-density residential uses to the east. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial and zoned C-1, which would accommodate 48 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 1.7 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Boulevard and Lark Avenue and is approximately 443 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-12 Ace Hardware (Site C-1) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-19 Site C-2 Los Gatos Boulevard Address: 15349, 15367, and 15405 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 86 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard Site (C-2) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, and south of Garden Lane. The site is the current location of multiple commercial uses, with commercial uses to the north, south, and east, and lower- density residential uses to the west. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial and zoned CH, which would accommodate 86 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 1.1 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Boulevard and Garden Lane and is approximately 80 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-13 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-2) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-20 Appendix D March July 2023 Site C-3 Los Gatos Boulevard Address: 15425 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 33 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard Site (C-3) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard and east of Garden Lane. The site is the current location of office and commerical uses, with commercial uses located on all sides. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial and zoned CH, which would accommodate 33 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately one mile away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Boulevard and Village Square and is approximately 395 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-14 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-3) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-21 Site C-4 Affordable Treasures Address: 15795 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 19 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Affordable Treasures Site (C-4) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area at the northwest corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Farley Lane. The site is the current location of Affordable Treasures Party Store with commercial uses located to the north, south, and east and lower-density residential uses located to the west. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial and zoned CH, which would accommodate 19 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 0.6 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Farley Road and is approximately 167 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-15 Affordable Treasures (Site C-4) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-22 Appendix D March July 2023 Site C-5 Los Gatos Boulevard Address: 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 24 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard Site (C-5) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area at the northwest corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Roberts Road. The site is the current location of NC Boardshop skateboard shop and Autobahn Los Gatos, with commercial uses located to the north, east, and west and medium-density residential uses located to the south. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial and zoned CH, which would accommodate 24 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 0.2 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Roberts Road and is approximately 400 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, a Conceptual Development Advisory Committee application for a mixed-use development was submitted on November 17, 2020 pending an anticipated density increase as part of the General Plan and Housing Element Updates. Constraints: Existing commercial buildings would require demolition. Figure D-16 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-5) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-23 Site C-6 Los Gatos Boulevard Address: 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard and Assessor Parcel Number 532-07-86 Number of Housing Units: 6 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard Site (C-6) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the east side of Los Gatos Boulevard, north of Spencer Avenue. The site is the current location of LG Wines and Liquors and Happy Cleaners, with commercial uses located to the north, south, and west and low-density residential uses located to the east. The site is designated as Low Density Residential but zoned C-1, which would accommodate 6 housing units developed at a minimum density of 10 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Louise Van Meter Elementary School and is approximately 0.3 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Nino Avenue and is approximately 0.1 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes, and the owner has submitted written interest in changing the land use designation to Neighborhood Commercial. Constraints: Existing commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-17 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-6) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-24 Appendix D March July 2023 Site C-7 Los Gatos Boulevard Address: 16151 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 106 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard Site (C-7) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, south of Blossom Hill Road. The site currently serves as a car dealership with multiple on-site structures and commercial uses located to the north, south, and east. Low-density residential uses are located to the east and further south. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial, but zoned CH, which would accommodate 106 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately half a mile away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Boulevard and Magneson Loop and is approximately 0.2 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial buildings would require demolition. Figure D-18 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-7) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-25 Site C-8 Blossom Hill Road Address: 620 Blossom Hill Road Number of Housing Units: 79 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Blossom Hill Road Site (C-8) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the south side of Blossom Hill Road, west of the Blossom Hill Road and Los Gatos Boulevard intersection. The site currently serves as a car dealership with multiple on-site structures and commercial uses located to the north and east. Residential uses are located to the north, south, and west. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial, but zoned CH, which would accommodate 79 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately one mile away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Blossom Hill Road and is approximately half a mile away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial buildings would require demolition. Figure D-19 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-8) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-26 Appendix D March July 2023 Site C-9 Los Gatos Boulevard Address: 15480 Los Gatos Boulevard and 15500 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 134 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos Boulevard Site (C-9) is located in the Los Gatos Boulevard Area on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, north of Los Gatos Almaden Road. The site currently serves as a car dealership with multiple on-site structures and commercial uses located to the north, south, and west. Residential uses are located to the east and further south. The site is designated as Mixed-Use Commercial, but zoned CH, which would accommodate 134 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately one mile away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos and Garden opp Moore and is approximately 0.2 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing commercial buildings would require demolition. Figure D-20 Los Gatos Boulevard (Site C-9) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-27 Figure D-21 North Forty Area HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-28 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-22 North Forty Area Asset Map Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-29 Site D-1 North Forty Phase II Address: 14859 Los Gatos Boulevard, et. al. Number of Housing Units: 461 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-1) is located in the North Forty Area on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, south of Burton Road. The site contains existing single-family residences and agriculture uses. Commercial uses are located to the south and west and arterial highways located to the north and east. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate 461 units at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 115 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the property owner has been involved in attending Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) meetings and submitted written public comments regarding intent and interest in residential development on the site. Constraints: Existing buildings would require demolition. Figure D-23 North Forty Phase II (Site D-1) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-30 Appendix D March July 2023 Site D-2 North Forty Phase II Address: 16245 Burton Road Number of Housing Units: 38 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-2) is located in the North Forty Area at the terminus of Burton Road, on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard. The site is underutilized with a single-family residence. Commercial uses are located to the east and arterial highways located to the north and west. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate 38 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 0.1 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underway. Constraints: Existing residential building would require demolition. Figure D-24 North Forty Phase II (Site D-2) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-31 Site D-3 North Forty (Phase II) Address: 16240 Burton Road Number of Housing Units: Eight “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-3) is located in the North Forty Area along Burton Road and adjacent to the Highway 17/Highway 85 interchange. The site contains a single-family residence. Other North Forty Specific Plan properties surround the site. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate eight housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 0.1 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underway. Constraints: Existing residential building would require demolition. Figure D-25 North Forty Phase II (Site D-3) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-32 Appendix D March July 2023 Site D-4 North Forty Phase II Address: 16270 Burton Road Number of Housing Units: 13 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-4) is located in the North Forty Area at the end of Burton Road and immediately adjacent to the Highway 17/Highway 85 interchange. The site contains a single-family residence. Other North Forty Specific Plan properties surround the site. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate 13 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 0.2 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underway. Constraints: Existing residential building would require demolition. Figure D-26 North Forty Phase II (Site D-4) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-33 Site D-5 North Forty Phase II Address: 16210 Burton Road Number of Housing Units: 25 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-5) is located in the North Forty Area along Burton Road and on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains single-family residences. Other North Forty Specific Plan properties surround the site. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate 25 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 0.1 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underway. Constraints: Existing residential building would require demolition. Figure D-27 North Forty Phase II (Site D-5) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-34 Appendix D March July 2023 Site D-6 North Forty Phase II Address: 14849 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 28 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-6) is located in the North Forty Area on the west side of Los Gatos Boulevard, south of Burton Road. The site contains a single-family residence. Other North Forty Specific Plan properties surround the site on the north, south, and west. East of the site, across Los Gatos Boulevard there are commercial uses. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate 28 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 65 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underway. Constraints: Existing residential building would require demolition. Figure D-28 North Forty Phase II (Site D-6) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-35 Site D-7 North Forty Phase II Address: 14823 Los Gatos Boulevard Number of Housing Units: 11 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The North Forty Phase II Site (D-7) is located in the North Forty Area at the southwest corner of Burton Road and Los Gatos Boulevard. The site contains a single-family residence. Other North Forty Specific Plan properties surround the site on the south and west. North of the site, across Burton Road, and east of the site, across Los Gatos Boulevard, there are commercial uses. The site is designated and zoned as North Forty Specific Plan, which would accommodate 11 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Farnham Elementary School and is approximately 0.7 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Burton Road and is approximately 120 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underway. Constraints: Existing residential building would require demolition. Figure D-29 North Forty Phase II (Site D-7) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-36 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-30 Lark Avenue Area Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-37 Figure D-31 Lark Avenue Area Asset Map HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-38 Appendix D March July 2023 Site E-1 Oka Road Address: Oka Road Number of Housing Units: 124 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The Oka Road Site (E-1) is located in the Lark Avenue Area on the east side of Oka Road, north of Lark Avenue. The site contains residential and agricultural uses. Major arterial highways are located north and east of the site, with the Los Gatos Swim and Racquet Club immediately north. Agricultural and commercial uses are located across Oka Road. The site is designated as Low-Density Residential and Medium-Density Residential. Parcels within the site are zoned R-1-8 and R-M:5-12, which would allow 124 housing units developed at a typical density of four du/ac for parcels designated as Low-Density Residential and at a typical minimum of 14 du/ac for parcels designated as Medium-Density Residential. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 1.9 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Lark Avenue and is approximately 0.7 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site. Constraints: Existing buildings would require demolition. Figure D-32 Lark Avenue (Site E-1) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-39 Site E-2 Oka Lane Address: Oka Lane Number of Housing Units: 26 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The Oka Lane Site (E-2) is located in the Lark Avenue Area on the west side of Oka Road, north of Lark Avenue. The site contains agricultural uses. Major arterial highways are located north and east of the site, with the Bonnie View mobile home park to the north. Agricultural and commercial uses are located across Oka Road. The site is designated as Low- Density Residential. The site is zoned R-1:8, which would allow 26 housing units developed at a typical density of 4 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 1.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Winchester Bouelvard and Lark Avenue and is approximately 0.8 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site. Constraints: Proximity to adjacent highways. Figure D-33 Oka Lane (Site E-2) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-40 Appendix D March July 2023 Site E-3 Caltrans Right of Way Address: Caltrans Right of Way Number of Housing Units: 69 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Caltrans Right of Way Site (E-3) is located in the Lark Avenue Area south and west of the Highway 17/Highway 85 interchange. The site is currently vacant. Major arterial highways are located north and east of the site. Commercial uses are located west of the site across Oka Road, and the Bonnie View mobile home park is located immediately south of the site. Should the site be annexed by the Town, it is designated as Medium-Density Residential and zoned as R-M:5-12, which would accommodate 69 housing units developed at a minimum density of 14 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Raymond J. Fisher Middle School and is approximately 2.1 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Bouelvard and Lark Avenue and is approximately 0.8 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No, the Town has yet to reach out to Caltrans regarding future development of the site. Constraints: Consultation with Caltrans for future development. Figure D-34 Caltrans Right of Way (Site E-3) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-41 Figure D-35 Winchester Boulevard Area HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-42 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-36 Winchester Boulevard Area Asset Map Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-43 Site F-1 Knowles Drive Address: 110 Knowles Drive Number of Housing Units: 220 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Required – Used in previous cycle. Description: The Knowles Drive Site (F-1) is located in the Winchester Boulevard Area north and west of the Highway 17/Highway 85 interchange. The site contains industrial uses. Los Gatos Creek is immediately south and east of the site, with low-density residential uses located beyond. High-density residential uses are located south and west of the site. Commercial/industrial uses are located north of the site across Knowles Drive. The site is designated as High-Density Residential and zoned CM:AHOZ, which would accommodate 220 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Daves Elementary School and is approximately 2.3 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Knowles Drive and Capri Drive and is approximately 0.3 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however the site is located within the Affordable Housing Overlay Zone. Constraints: Existing buildings would require demolition and adjacency to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Figure D-37 Knowles Drive (Site F-1) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-44 Appendix D March July 2023 Site F-2 Winchester Boulevard Address: 206 Knowles Drive Number of Housing Units: 72 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Winchester Boulevard Site (F-2) is located in the Winchester Boulevard Area at the northeast intersection of A Street and Knowles Drive. The site contains office uses. Multi- family residential is located to the south and office uses are located to the north, south, and west of the site. The site is designated as High-Density Residential and zoned CM, which would accommodate 72 housing units developed at a minimum density of 30 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Daves Elementary School and is approximately 2.1 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Knowles Drive and Capri Drive and is approximately 0.1 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: No; however, the site is located immediately adjacent to 110 Knowles Drive (Site F-1), which has an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone. Constraints: Existing buildings would require demolition and adjacency to the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Figure D-38 Winchester Boulevard (Site F-2) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-45 Figure D-39 Union Avenue Area HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-46 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-40 Union Avenue Area Asset Map Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-47 Site G-1 Los Gatos-Almaden Road Address: 440 Los Gatos Almaden Road Number of Housing Units: 8 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Los Gatos-Almaden Road Site (G-1) is located in the Union Avenue Area at the northwest corner of Leigh Avenue and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. The site contains a gas station and commercial building. Low-density residential are located north, south, and west of the site. Leigh High School is located east of the site across Leigh Avenue. The site is designated as Neighborhood Commercial and zoned C-1, which would accommodate 8 housing units developed at a minimum density of 10du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Leigh High School and is approximately 0.2 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos- Almaden Road and Leigh Avenue and is approximately 240 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes Constraints: Existing gas station and commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-41 Los Gatos-Almaden Road (Site G-1) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-48 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-42 Harwood Road Area Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-49 Figure D-43 Harwood Area Asset Map HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-50 Appendix D March July 2023 Site H-1 Valero Address: 14000 Blossom Hill Road Number of Housing Units: 7 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Description: The Valero Site (H-1) is located in the Harwood Road Area at the southwest corner of Blossom Hill Road and Harwood Road. The site contains a gas station. Low-density residential are located north, south, and east of the site. Commercial uses are located immediately west of the site. The site is designated as Neighborhood Commercial and zoned C- 1, which would accommodate 7 housing units developed at a minimum density of 10 du/ac. Amenities: The closest public school is Noddin Elementary School and is approximately 0.2 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Blossom Hill Road and Harwood Road and is approximately 220 feet away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Existing gas station and commercial building would require demolition. Figure D-44 Valero (Site H-1) Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-51 Figure D-45 Alberto Way Area HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-52 Appendix D March July 2023 Figure D-46 Alberto Way Area Asset Map Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-53 Site I-1 Alberto Way Address: 401-409 Alberto Way Number of Housing Units: 60 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not Required – Not used in previous cycle. Description: The Alberto Way Site (I-1) is located in the Alberto Way Area, located at the intersection of Alberto Way and Los Gatos-Saratoga Road. The site is currently vacant. Multi- family residential are located north and east of the site. Commercial uses are located immediately south and east of the site with Highway 17 to the west. The site is designated as Mixed Use Commercial and zoned CH, which would accommodate 60 housing units developed at a density of 27 du/ac based on a development application submitted by the properyt property owner to the Town on December 6, 2022.. Amenities: The closest public school is Los Gatos High School and is approximately 0.8 miles away. The closest public transit line is a Valley Transporation Authority bus stop located at Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue and is approximately 0.4 miles away. Property Owner Interest Form Submitted: Yes. Constraints: Proximity to adjacent Highway 17 onramp. Figure D-47 Alberto Way (Site I-1) HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-54 Appendix D March July 2023 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADUs and Junior ADUs) Projections Address: Various Locations Number of Housing Units: 200 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not required, instead a formula exists for projecting the next eight-year cycle, along with assumptions of 30 percent very-low income units, 30 percent low income units, 30 percent moderate income units, and 10 percent above moderate categories. Description: In addition to the housing units identified in the Town’s Sites Inventory the production of new accessory dwelling units are ulitizied in meeting the Town’s RHNA requirements. The Town analyzed the total number of ADU buidilng permits that have been approved in the last three years to identify the average number of ADU units that will be developed over the eight year planning period. Figure D-48 below includes an analysis of the Town’s issued building permits for ADU’s between the years 2020 to 2022. In 2020, the Town issued building permits for 27 new ADUs. In 2021, the Town issued 36 building permits for new ADU’s. In 2022, the Town issued 35 building permits for new ADU’s. The last three years of data results in an average of 32 approved ADU building permits per year, however utilizing a conservative estimate the Town is using annual ADU projection of 25 units. This results in a total of 200 dwelling units planned to be constructed over the eight year planning period. Program U: Accessory Dwelling Units has been included to monitor the number of ADU applications annually. Constraints: None. Figure D-48 ADU Building Permits Issued 2020-2022 Source: Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department. Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) Projections Address: Various Locations Minimum Number of Housing Units: 96 “By Right” + 20% Affordable: Not required – Instead, formula exists for projecting the next eight-year cycle. Description: In addition to ADU’s the production of new housing units through SB 9 are being ulitizied to meet a portion of the Town’s RHNA requirements. In compliance with SB 9, the Town of Los Gatos has adopted a SB 9 Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-55 Ordiance Ordinance that allows for the by-right ministerial review of urban lot splits and/or two-unit development requests on single-family residentially zoned parcels. Since the adoption the Town’s SB 9 Ordiance, the Town has received a total of four Two-Unit Housing Devleopment applications and seven Urban Lot Split applications (between January 2022 and January 2023). The applications result in a total of 13 net new housing units a year. Based on the number of applications received during the first year of SB 9 the Town is ulitizing an estimate of 12 net new housing units per year and anticipating a total of 96 residential units to be developed under SB 9 during the eight year planning period. Program BL: Senate Bill 9 Monitoring has been included to monitor the number of SB 9 applications annually. Constraints: None. HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-56 Appendix D JulyMarch 2023 Pipeline Projects Address: See addresses listed below in Table D-23. Number of Housing Units: 201 “By Right” = 20% Affordable: Not required. Description: The Town has residential development applications that have either been approved or are currently under review and are expected to be built during the 2023-2031 planning period are referred to as “Pipeline Projects”. Table D-2 shows these approved and planned projects. For each project, the table includes the address, accessor parcel number (APN), number of units by income category, project description, whether or not the project is subject to BMP In-Lieu Fees as part of a Hillside Planned Development (PD), and project status. Several projects included demolition or renovation of existing residences. The inventory does not count replacement units or renovated units toward RHNA; rather, only the net new capacity is counted towards RHNA. Units are categorized by income level as follows: Projects with deed-restricted affordable units are counted towards the very low-, low- or moderate income RHNA, as applicable. Projects that include non-deed restricted market-rate rental multifamily units are assumed to meet the above moderate income RHNA. Projects that include market-rate attached ownership or single-family units are assumed to meet above moderate income RHNA based on recent home sale prices that are generally only affordable to above market-income households. Projects that are residential planned development projects with five (5) to nine (9) units with an underlying zone of Hillside Residential shall pay a Below Market Price In-Lieu fee prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The in-lieu fee shall be equal to the amount of six (6) percent of the building permit valuation for the entire project. As shown in Table D-23, there are 28 projects in the pipeline that will provide a total of 201 net new units. Constraints: None. Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D Table D-23 Pipeline Projects Table Address APN Net Units Very Low- Income Units Low Income Units Moderate Income Units Above Moderate Income Units BMP In- Lieu Fee Hillside PD Project Description Project Status 246 Almendra Ave. 510-14-019 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permit Under Review. 16466 Bonnie Ln. 532-02-053 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Subdivision Approved, Planning Entitlements for Development on Newly Created Lot Has Not Been Submitted. 2021 Foster Rd. 537-33-001 +1 0 0 0 1 Y One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permit Under Review. 16195 George St. 529-18-051 +3 0 0 0 0 N Demo of an existing residence and construction of four new condos. Net of three units. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permit Under Review. 16100 Greenridge Terrace 527-12-002 +8 0 0 0 8 Y Subdivision of one vacant lot into eight hillside lots. Subdivision Entitlements and Site Improvements Approved, Site Improvements Under Construction, Planning Entitlements for Development on Newly Created Lots Have Not Been Submitted. 200 Happy Acres Rd. 537-24-030 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 16220 Harwood Rd. 567-18-051 +2 0 0 0 2 N Subdivision of one lot into three lots, and a net of two new single-family residences. Subdivision Approved, Planning Entitlements Under Review. 16461 S. Kennedy Rd. 532-17-027 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permits Under Review. D-57 HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-58 Appendix D JulyMarch 2023 Address APN Net Units Very Low- Income Units Low Income Units Moderate Income Units Above Moderate Income Units BMP In- Lieu Fee Hillside PD Project Description Project Status 16484 S. Kennedy Rd. 532-20-012 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permit Under Review. 300 Laurel Mountain Ln. 567-24-023 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 14926 Los Gatos Blvd. 424-10-009 +5 0 1 Deed Restricted 0 4 N Mixed-use building with five units. Net of five new units. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 17200 Los Robles Way 532-36-075, - 076, and - 077. +2 0 0 0 2 N Lot line adjustment of three parcels showing development potential of two vacant parcels. Net of two lots. Lot Line Adjustment Approved, Planning Entitlements for Newly Created Lots Have Not Been Submitted 15415 National Ave. 424-12-006 +1 0 0 0 1 N Subdivision of one lot into two new lots. Net of one new single-family residence. Subdivision Approved, Planning Entitlements for Development on Newly Created Lots Have Not Been Submitted. 105 Newell Ave. New addresses: (103, 104, 109, and 110 Sporleder Ct) 409-24-016 +4 0 0 0 4 N Subdivision of one lot commercial lot into five lots. Net of four new single-family residential lots. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permits Under Review. 120 Oak Meadow Dr. 529-10-131 +1 0 0 0 1 N Subdivision of one lot into two lots and construction of a new single-family residence. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 45 Reservoir Rd. 529-33-054 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 16940 Roberts Rd. 529-18-053 +2 0 0 0 2 N Demolition of an existing single-family residence, construction of three new condominium units. Net of two units. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permits Approved. Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis JulyMarch 2023 Appendix D D-59 Address APN Net Units Very Low- Income Units Low Income Units Moderate Income Units Above Moderate Income Units BMP In- Lieu Fee Hillside PD Project Description Project Status 465 N. Santa Cruz Ave. 410-16-004 +1 0 0 0 1 N Mixed-use project with one new dwelling unit in an existing commercial building. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permits Approved and Under Construction. 15343 Santella Ct. 527-09-034 +1 0 0 0 1 Y One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 15415 Santella Ct. 527-09-022 +1 0 0 0 1 Y One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permit Under Review. 15365 Santella Ct. 527-09-36 +1 0 0 0 1 Y One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved. 15665 Shady Ln. 527-11-009 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permit Under Review. 14915 Shannon Rd. 537-27-047 +10 0 0 0 10 Y Zone Change, General Plan Amendment, and the subdivision of one lot into 10 lots. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 15215 Shannon Rd. New addresses: (116, 118, 120, 121 and 123 Rock Ridge Rd.) 537-25-036 +4 0 0 0 4 Y Subdivision of one lot into five hillside lots. Net of four lots. Subdivision Entitlements Approved Planning Entitlements for Development on Newly Created Lots Have Not Been Submitted. 400 Surmont Dr. 527-20-003 +2 0 0 0 2 N Subdivision of one lot into three lots with two new hillside homes. Net of two units. Planning Entitlements Approved. 15860 Winchester Blvd. 529-11-013, - 038, -039, and -040 +113 0 0 0 0 N 113 assisted living units with kitchens. Planning Entitlements Under Review. 144 Wood Rd. 510-47-044 +1 0 0 0 1 N One new single-family residence on a vacant lot. Planning Entitlements Approved. HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element D-60 Appendix D JulyMarch 2023 Address APN Net Units Very Low- Income Units Low Income Units Moderate Income Units Above Moderate Income Units BMP In- Lieu Fee Hillside PD Project Description Project Status North Forty Phase 1 424-07-100 +30 0 0 0 30 N Mixed-use development consisting of 320 residential units, including 49 very low- income senior unit and one affordable caretakers’ unit. 30 units have not received building permit approval yet. Planning Entitlements Approved, Building Permits at Various Stages of Review and Approval and Construction. Total Net Pipeline Units = 201 Source: Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department. RHNA Credits Summary A summary of the pipeline projects, projected ADU, and SB 9 development which may serve as credit toward the Town’s RHNA requirements are included below in Table D-3 4 and in total amount to 497 units. Table D-34 Miscellaneous RHNA Credits RHNA Credit Affordability Credit Very Low-Income Low-Income Moderate-Income Above-Moderate Income Total Pipeline Projects 0 1 0 200 201 ADUs 20 60 60 60 200 SB 9 Units 0 0 0 96 96 Total 20 61 60 356 497 Source: Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department. Appendix D. Sites Inventory Analysis D-61 Appendix D JulyMarch 2023 Inventory of Vacant and Available Sites This section provides the formal inventory of sites that the Town of Los Gatos will rely on in the 6th Housing Element planning cycle. Per State law and Housing Policy, the Town is required to maintain “no net loss” of the housing capacity represented by this list of parcels and the sites they comprise. To facilitate this, the inventory presented in Appendix H has been designed with excess capacity. This allows some degree of flexibility in decision making for individual development projects as they come forward for approval. In short, with some limited flexibility, the Town is committed to permitting housing on each of the parcels listed in the table below, and in so doing ensuring that the number of units listed for each parcel in the table "planned capacity” is achieved. Should the Town approve development that is inconsistent with the parcel’s planned capacity, it is then required as part of that approval to: 1. Find, based on quantitative evidence, that the remaining inventory of housing sites is still sufficient to meet the Town’s 6th cycle RHNA; or 2. Identify one or more available sites with the realistic development capacity to replace the housing that would have otherwise been developed had consistency with planned capacity been achieved. Appendix H provides details and capacity estimates for each of the parcels that comprise the Site s Inventory as identified in the section above. D. 4 Summary and Conclusions The sites identified in this report are sufficient to accommodate Los Gatos’ Regional Housing Needs Allocation for the 6th cycle planning period. This number accommodates a buffer of approximately 25 percent above RHNA, which would equal capacity of approximately 501 additional units. These sites, in addition to Accessory Dwelling Units Projections, Senate Bill 9 Projections, and Pipeline Projects have a total capacity of 2,494units. This “cushion” for capacity above the base RHNA number is highly recommended because of the State’s no-net-loss policy, which precludes jurisdictions from approving development that results in an overall housing site deficit. The “cushion” essentially provides a degree of flexibility for policy makers as they make development decisions. Many of the sites identified in this report have existing uses that would need to be demolished before new housing could be constructed. For communities like Los Gatos that are largely built out and surrounded by other communities and undevelopable hillsides, redevelopment and densification is the only practical solution to providing a fair share of future housing for the San Francisco Bay Area. By its nature, such redevelopment is more costly and more time consuming than building new units on vacant land. To offset these constraints, higher densities are proposed in some areas. These higher densities act as a market incentive to offset the added cost and time required build new housing on redeveloped sites. Property owner interest will be pivotal for facilitating single-family site opportunities to add housing through construction of ADUs and use of SB 9 processes, which allow for up to four units on a property zoned for a single house. Sites Inventory Form H APPENDIX EXHIBIT 3 Please Start Here, Instructions in Cell A2, Table in A3:B17 Form Fields Site Inventory Forms must be submitted to HCD for a housing element or amendment adopted on or after January 1, 2021. The following form is to be used for satisfying this requirement. To submit the form, complete the Excel spreadsheet and submit to HCD at sitesinventory@hcd.ca.gov. Please send the Excel workbook, not a scanned or PDF copy of the tables. General Information Jurisidiction Name LOS GATOS Housing Element Cycle 6th Contact Information First Name Joel Last Name Paulson Title Community Development Director Email Jpaulson@losgatosca.gov Phone 4083546879 Mailing Address Street Address 110 East Main Street City Los Gatos Zip Code 94538 Website https://www.losgatosca.gov/897/Planning Table A: Housing Element Sites Inventory, Table Starts in Cell A2 For Santa Clara County jurisdictions, please format the APNs as follows: 999-99-999 Jurisdiction Name Site Address/Intersection 5 Digit ZIP Code Assessor Parcel Number Consolidated Sites General Plan Designation (Current) Zoning Designation (Current) Minimum Density Allowed (units/acre) Maximum Density Allowed (units/acre) Parcel Size (Acres) Existing Use/Vacancy Infrastructure Publicly-Owned Site Status Identified in Last/Last Two Planning Cycle(s) Lower Income Capacity Moderate Income Capacity Above Moderate Income Capacity Total Capacity Optional Information1 Optional Information2 Optional Information3 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 Table B: Candidate Sites Identified to be Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need, Table Starts in Cell A2 For Santa Clara County jurisdictions, please format the APNs as follows: 999-99-999 Jurisdiction Name Site Address/Intersection 5 Digit ZIP Code Assessor Parcel Number Very Low- Income Low-Income Moderate- Income Above Moderate- Income Type of Shortfall Parcel Size (Acres) Current General Plan Designation Current Zoning Proposed General Plan (GP) Designation Proposed Zoning Minimum Density Allowed Maximum Density Allowed Total Capacity Vacant/ Nonvacant Description of Existing Uses Infrastructure Optional Information1 Optional Information2 Optional Information3 LOS GATOS 50 Park Avenue 95030 529-01-040 0 0 0 1 Unaccommodated Ne 0.18 Medium Density Resid R-1D Medium Density Resid R-1D:HEOZ 5 12 1 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 61 Montebello Way 95030 529-01-041 0 0 0 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.69 Medium Density Resid R-1D Medium Density Resid R-1D:HEOZ 5 12 4 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 101 S. Santa Cruz Avenue 95030 529-01-022 0 0 0 16 Unaccommodated Ne 0.8 Central Business Dist C-2 Central Business Dist C-2:HEOZ 20 30 16 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 165 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-04-083 0 0 0 7 Unaccommodated Ne 0.37 Central Business Dist C-2 Central Business Dist C-2:HEOZ 20 30 7 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-032 76 75 51 9 Unaccommodated Ne 7.04 Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD:HEOZ 30 40 211 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-001 9 9 9 18 Unaccommodated Ne 1.49 Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD:HEOZ 30 40 45 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-003 1 2 2 3 Unaccommodated Ne 0.28 Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD:HEOZ 30 40 8 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-17-036 19 9 10 10 Unaccommodated Ne 1.6 Mixed Use Commerci C-1 Mixed Use Commerci C-1:HEOZ 30 40 48 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15349 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-049 4 2 2 2 Unaccommodated Ne 0.34 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 10 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15367 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-048 15 7 7 7 Unaccommodated Ne 1.2 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 36 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15405 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-069 16 8 8 8 Unaccommodated Ne 1.34 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 40 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15425 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-067 13 6 7 7 Unaccommodated Ne 1.09 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 33 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15795 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 529-15-059 7 4 4 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.64 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 19 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 529-16-069 9 5 5 5 Unaccommodated Ne 0.79 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 24 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Conceptual Development Advisory Committee application for a mixed- LOS GATOS 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 532-07-086 0 0 0 2 Unaccommodated Ne 0.23 Low Density Resident C-1 Low Density Resident C-1:HEOZ 10 20 2 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 532-07-085 0 0 0 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.38 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 4 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 16151 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 529-16-040 42 21 21 22 Unaccommodated Ne 3.52 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 106 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 620 Blossom Hill Road 95032 529-16-041 31 16 16 16 Unaccommodated Ne 2.64 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 79 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15480 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-14-034 7 3 3 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.56 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 17 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15500 Los Gatos Bouelvard 95032 424-14-035 47 23 23 24 Unaccommodated Ne 3.9 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 117 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 14859 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-094 35 17 17 18 Shortfall of Sites 2.9 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 87 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16392 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-095 9 4 5 5 Shortfall of Sites 0.78 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 23 Non-Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16260 Burton Road 95032 424-07-053 5 2 3 3 Shortfall of Sites 0.44 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 13 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16250 Burton Road 95032 424-07-009 5 2 3 3 Unaccommodated Ne 0.44 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 13 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 14917 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-081 45 22 22 23 Unaccommodated Ne 3.74 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 112 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 14925 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-115 73 36 36 37 Unaccommodated Ne 6.07 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 182 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-116 12 6 6 7 Shortfall of Sites 1.02 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 31 Non-Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16245 Burton Road 95032 424-06-115 14 7 7 7 Unaccommodated Ne 1.17 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 35 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS Burton Road 95032 424-06-116 2 0 0 1 Unaccommodated Ne 0.11 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 3 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 16240 Burton Road 95032 424-07-010 3 1 2 2 Shortfall of Sites 0.26 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 8 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 16270 Burton Road 95032 424-07-052 5 2 3 3 Shortfall of Sites 0.43 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 13 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 16210 Burton Road 95032 424-07-054 3 1 2 2 Shortfall of Sites 0.26 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 8 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14831 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-063 7 3 3 4 Shortfall of Sites 0.56 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 17 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14849 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-064 11 5 6 6 Shortfall of Sites 0.93 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 28 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14823 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-065 4 2 2 3 Shortfall of Sites 0.37 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 11 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14800 Oka Road 95032 424-08-057 0 0 0 12 Unaccommodated Ne 2.97 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 12 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-029 0 0 0 1 Unaccommodated Ne 0.31 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 1 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-059 0 0 0 4 Unaccommodated Ne 1.01 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 4 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-060 0 0 0 5 Unaccommodated Ne 1.29 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 5 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS 14800 Oka Road 95032 424-08-058 0 0 0 6 Unaccommodated Ne 1.41 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 6 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS 16603 Lark Avenue 95032 424-08-017 0 0 0 35 Unaccommodated Ne 2.48 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12:HEOZ 14 22 35 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS 14840 Oka Road 95032 424-08-021 0 0 0 61 Unaccommodated Ne 4.32 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12:HEOZ 14 22 61 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-074 0 0 0 26 Shortfall of Sites 6.41 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 26 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Road (Cal Trans ROW)95032 37.256167, -121.9596 0 0 0 69 Unaccommodated Ne 4.9 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12:HEOZ 14 22 69 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program Cal Trans site with no current AP LOS GATOS 110 Knowles Drive 95032 424-32-077 88 44 44 44 Shortfall of Sites 7.34 High Density Residen CM:AHOZ High Density Residen CM:AHOZ:HEOZ 30 40 220 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the site is located within the Affordable Housing Overlay LOS GATOS 206 Knowles Drive 95032 424-32-076 29 14 14 15 Unaccommodated Ne 2.41 High Density Residen CM High Density Residen CM:HEOZ 30 40 72 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the site is located immediately adjacent to 110 Knowles LOS GATOS 440 Los Gatos Almaden Road 95032 527-49-048 0 0 0 5 Unaccommodated Ne 0.52 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 5 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 445 Leigh Avenue 95032 527-49-049 0 0 0 3 Unaccommodated Ne 0.29 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 3 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 14000 Blossom Hill Road 95032 527-32-028 0 0 0 7 Unaccommodated Ne 0.69 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 7 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 401-409 Alberto Way 95032 529-23-018 0 4 4 52 Unaccommodated Ne 2.19 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 60 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted; Conceptual Development Ad 3 Table C: Land Use, Table Starts in A2 Zoning Designation From Table A, Column G and Table B, Columns L and N (e.g., "R-1") General Land Uses Allowed (e.g., "Low-density residential") R-1D Single-family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, two-family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, family daycare home, and residential care facility, small family home. C-1 Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand (6,000) square feet, Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households, Office activities, Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made, on site, to the ultimate consumer, Activities permitted in the LM zone which were approved on or before February 1, 1993, provided any change of use must be a conforming use in the C-1 zone, and Group classes, and single-family, two-family, and multi-family in a mixed-use project through a CUP. C-2 Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand square feet, Office activities subject to subsection (c), Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made, on site, to the ultimate consumer, Wholesaling without warehousing on the premises, Single-family and two-family uses, in conjunction with the other uses permitted in this section and multi-family in a mixed-use project through a CUP CH Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand square feet, Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households, Office activities, Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made on site to the ultimate consumer, Group classes, and single- family, two-family, and multi-family in a mixed-use project through a CUP CH:PD Hotel up to 300 rooms, a conference facility containing approximately 10,000 square feet, and an underground parking facility North Forty Specific Plan Retail, Restaurant, Personal Service, Office, Hotel, Townhomes, Rowhouses, Multi-Family, Condominiums, Live/Work Lofts, Park, Public Transpiration and Parking Facilities, Small Family Daycare, Alternating Use/Shared Parking, and Botanical Nursery R-1:8 Single-family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, raising of trees, vegetables and horticultural specialties, but not including commercial greenhouses, retail nurseries, or storage of landscaping equipment, products or supplies for commercial uses, family daycare home, and residential care facility, small family home. R-M:5-12 Single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, family daycare home, residential care facility, small family home, multi-family dwelling, and a transitional Housing facility as defined by Health and Safety Code section 50675.2 CM Activities involving controlled manufacturing, research and development, wholesaling, warehousing, and other light industrial uses, Sales to the ultimate consumer of articles manufactured on the premises to the customer's order, Professional and administrative offices, Emergency shelters as defined by Health and Safety Code section 50801 CM:AHOZ Multifamily dwellings, Two-family dwellings, and Single-family dwellings. R-1D:HEOZ Housing Element Overlay Zone Implementation Program to apply to the sites included in the Site Inventory to modify the development standards (i.e., density, lot coverage, FAR, height) on those sites Public Low Density Residential Low Density ResidentialLow Density ResidentialLOS GATOS BLFERRIS AVPIN E A V SPENCER AV LOMA ST 16492 Los Gatos BoulevardExisting Land Use Designation EXHIBIT 4 Public Low Dens ity Residential Low Dens ity ResidentialLow Dens ity ResidentialLOS GATOS BLFERRIS AVPINE AV SPENCER AV LOMA ST 16492 Los Gatos BoulevardProposed Land Use Designation Public Low Density Residential Low Density ResidentialLow Density ResidentialLOS GATOS BLFERRIS AVPIN E A V LOMA ST NINO A V SPENCER AV Assessor Parcel Number 532-07-086Existing Land Use Designation EXHIBIT 5 Public Low Dens ity Residential Low Dens ity ResidentialLow Dens ity ResidentialLOS GATOS BLFERRIS AVPINE AV LOMA ST NINO AV SPENCER AV Assessor Parcel Number 532-07-086Proposed Land Use Designation Light Industrial Public Open Space Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Light Industrial Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential OKA RDSB HI G H W A Y 8 5 NB HI G H W A Y 8 5 N CREEK TRAILHIGH W A Y 8 5 NB HIGHWAY 17W M O Z A R T A V Caltrans Right-of-WayExisting Land Use Designation Low Density Residential EXHIBIT 6 Light Industrial Public Open Space Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Light Industrial Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential OKA RDSB HIGHWAY 85 NB HIGHWAY 85 N CREEK TRAILHIGHWAY 85 NB HIGHWAY 17W MOZART AV Caltrans Right-of-WayProposed Land Use Designation Low Density Residential OKA RDSB HI G H W A Y 8 5 NB HI G H W A Y 8 5 HIGH W A Y 8 5 N CREEK TRAILSB 1 7 R A M P S B 8 5 C O N N E C T O R BON N I E V I E W M H P NB 85 RA M P S B 1 7 C O N N E C T O R RMH PD R-1:8:PD R-1:8 ALBRIGHT SPECIFIC PLAN Caltrans Right Of WayExisting Zoning R-1:8 EXHIBIT 7 OKA RDSB HI G H W A Y 8 5 NB HI G H W A Y 8 5 HIGH W A Y 8 5 N CREEK TRAILSB 1 7 R A M P S B 8 5 C O N N E C T O R BON N I E V I E W M H P NB 85 RA M P S B 1 7 C O N N E C T O R R-1:8 RMH PD R-1:8:PD R-1:8 ALBRIGHT SPECIFIC PLAN Caltrans Right Of WayProposed Zoning 15300, 15349, 15367, 15405, 15425, 15480, and 15500 LosGatos Boulevard LOS GATOS BLCARLTON AVNB HIGHWAY 17SB HIGHWAY 17GARDEN LNBENEDICT LNGARDEN HILL DRCHI R C O D R LOS GATO S- A L M A D E N R DCORINNE DRHIGHLAND OAKS DRLONG R I D G E R DNB 17 RAMP LARKHOLLYCREST DR CH R-1:8 R-1:8 R-1:8 R-1:8 CH R-M:5-12 RC C-1 O R-1:8 Prezone CH:PD RD RC C-1 C-1 R-1:8 PrezoneR-1:8 CH:PD R-M:5-12 C-1 NORTH FORTY SPEC PLAN CH Existing Zoning EXHIBIT 8 15300, 15349, 15367, 15405, 15425, 15480, and 15500 LosGatos Boule var d R-1:8 R-1:8 CH CH R-M:5-12 RC O CH :PD RD C-1 R-1:8 CH :PD R-M:5-12 CH :H EO Z C-1:H EO Z CH :H EO Z LOS GATOS BLCARLTON AVNB HIGHWAY 17SB HIGHWAY 17GARDEN LNBENEDICT LNGARDEN HILL DRCHIRCO DR L O S G A T O S -A L M A D E N R DCORINNE DRHIGHLAND OAKS DRLONGRIDGE RDNB 17 RAMP LARKHOLLYCREST DRGATEWAY DR Pr opos e d Zoni ng 110 and 206 Knowle s Dr ive Campbel lCAMPBELL A STCAPRI DRN CREEK TRAILKNOWLES DRWINCHESTER BLOKA LNDELL AVNB 85 FROM DIVISION ST W MOZART AVSB HIGHWAY 85WINCHESTER CIMOZART WYMOJONERA CTFRONT CTCM R-1:8 C-1 CM :PD CM CM :AH O Z O O O R-1:8 O:PD R-1:8 :PDR-M :5 -1 2 R-1:8 R-1:8 Exi st ing Zoning 110 and 206 Knowle s Dr ive R-1 :8 CM C-1 CM :P D CM CM:AHOZ O R-1 :8 :P DR-M:5 -1 2 R-1 :8 Campbel lCAMPBELL CM :HE O Z CM :HE O Z A STCAPRI DRN CREEK TRAILKNOWLES DRWINCHESTER BLOKA LNDELL AVNB 85 FROM DIVISION ST W MOZART AVSB HIGHWAY 85WINCHESTER CIMOZART WYMOJONERA CTFRONT CTPr opos e d Zoni ng 14000 Blos som Hil l Road San Jos eSAN JOS E HARWOOD RDBLOSSOM HILL RD GEMINI CTJAMIE CTTHURESON WYMYRA DR R-1:8 C-1 RD R-1:1 0R-1:1 0 Exi st ing Zoning 14000 Blos som Hil l Road R-1:8 C-1 RD San Jos eSAN JOS E C-1:H EO Z HARWOOD RDBLOSSOM HILL RD GEMINI CTJAMIE CTTHURESON WYMYRA DR Pr opos e d Zoni ng 440 Los Gat os -A lmade n Road and 445 Lei gh Ave nue San Jos eSAN JOS E LEIGH AVHERSHNER DR GREGG DRLONE HILL RDADELAIDE WY GREGG CT EMLINE DREMILINE DRR-1:8 C-1 Exi st ing Zoning 440 Los Gat os -A lmade n Road and 445 Lei gh Ave nue R-1 :8 San Jos eSAN JOS E C-1:H EO Z LEIGH AVHERSHNER DR GREGG DRLONE HILL RDADELAIDE WY GREGG CT EMLINE DREMILINE DRPr opos e d Zoni ng Caltrans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road; 16603Lark Avenue; 14800 Oka Lane; 14800, 14840 Oka Road; andAPNs 42408029, 42408058, 42408059, 42408060, 42408074 Campbell OKA RDNB HIGHWAY 17LAR K A V N CREEK TRAILSB HI G H W A Y 8 5 NB HI G H W A Y 8 5 HIGH W A Y 8 5 SB 85 RAMP NB 17SB 8 5 R A M P L O S G A T O S SB HIGHWAY 17MILL RDSTA N L E Y S T BON N I E V I E W M H P R-1:8 PD R-M:5-12 RMH R-1:8:PD O R-1:8 NORTH FORTY SPEC PLAN ALBRIGHT SPECIFIC PLAN R-M:5-12:PD R-M:5-12 R-1:8 CM Existing Zoning R-1:8 Caltrans Right-of-Way Adjacent to 14685 Oka Road; 16603Lark Avenue; 14800 Oka Lane; 14800, 14840 Oka Road; andAPNs 42408029, 42408058, 42408059, 42408060, 42408074 R-1:8 PD R-M:5-12 NORTH FORTY SPEC PLAN ALBRIGHTSPECIFIC PLAN R-1:8:PD O R-M:5-12:PD R-M:5-12 Campbell R-1:8:HEOZ R-M:5-12:HEOZ R-1:8:HEOZ NORTH FORTY SPEC PLAN:HEOZ HEOZ OKA RDNB HIGHWAY 17LAR K A V N CREEK TRAILSB HI G H W A Y 8 5 NB HI G H W A Y 8 5 HIGH W A Y 8 5 SB 85 RAMP NB 17SB 8 5 R A M P L O S G A T O S SB HIGHWAY 17MILL RDSTA N L E Y S T BON N I E V RM I H E W M H P Proposed Zoning R-M:14-22 16210, 16240, 16245, 16250, 16260, 16270, and 16392 Bur tonRoad; 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859, 14917, 14925 Los GatosBoulevard; and APNs 42406116, 42407115, and 42407116 San Jos e Campbel l SB 85 RAMP NB 17LOS GATOS BLBURTON RD NODDIN AVNB HIGHWAY 17SB HIGHWAY 85 BARTLETT ST STANLEY ST WALKER STNB 17 RAMP NB 85 CONNECTORMILLS STSB HIGHWAY 17MCCOBB DR NO RT H F O R T Y S PEC PL A N O R-1:1 0 CH :P D R-1:8 C-1 R-1:8CH R-1:1 0 R-1:8 :PD Exi st ing Zoning 16210, 16240, 16245, 16250, 16260, 16270, and 16392 Bur tonRoad; 14823, 14831, 14849, 14859, 14917, 14925 Los GatosBoulevard; and APNs 42406116, 42407115, and 42407116 O R-1 :1 0 CH :P D C-1 R-1 :1 0 San Jos e Campbel l NO RT H F O R T Y S PEC PL A N :H EO Z SB 85 RAMP NB 17LOS GATOS BLBURTON RD NODDIN AVNB HIGHWAY 17SB HIGHWAY 85 BARTLETT ST STANLEY ST WALKER STNB 17 RAMP NB 85 CONNECTORMILLS STSB HIGHWAY 17MCCOBB DR Pr opos e d Zoni ng 15795 Los Gatos Boule var d FARLEY RD LOS GATOS BLFRANK AV CAMELLIA TELEROY AV CH R-1:8 C-1 R-1:8 P rez one O RD R-1:8 CH CH :P D C-1 Exi st ing Zoning 15795 Los Gatos Boule var d R-1 :8 CH O C-1 O R-1:8RD CH :H EO Z FARLEY RD LOS GATOS BLFRANK AV CAMELLIA TELEROY AV Pr opos e d Zoni ng 16151 and 16203 Los Gatos Boule vard; and 620 Blos som Hil lRoad LOS GATOS BLROBERTS RD BLOSSOM HILL RD FISHER AVOAK RIM WYPLACER OAKS RD GEORGE STSERRA CTFARNHAM LN CH R-M :5 -1 2 R-1:8 :PS C-1 O R-M :5 -1 2 CH :P D R-1:8 CH :P D O C-1 R-M :5 -1 2:PD R-1:8 R-M :5 -1 2 R-1:8 R-1:8 CHR-1:8 :PD Exi st ing Zoning 16151 and 16203 Los Gatos Boule vard; and 620 Blos som Hil lRoad CH R-1 :8 :PS R-M :5 -12 O R-M :5 -12 R-1 :8 O CH :PD CH :PD O R-M :5 -12 :PD CH :H EO Z CH :H EO Z LOS GATOS BLROBERTS RD BLOSSOM HILL RD FISHER AVOAK RIM WYPLACER OAKS RD GEORGE STSERRA CTFARNHAM LN Pr opos e d Zoni ng 16492 Los Gatos Boule var d and APN 53207085 LOS GATOS BLFERRIS AVPINE AV LOMA ST SPENCER AV POTTER CT ANDRE CT R-1:8 O C-1R-1:8 R-1:8 :PS R-1D R-M :5 -1 2 R-1:8 :PD R-M :5 -1 2 Exi st ing Zoning 16492 Los Gatos Boule var d and APN 53207085 R-1:8 O C-1 R-1:8:P D R-M :5-12 C-1:H EO Z LOS GATOS BLFERRIS AVPINE AV LOMA ST SPENCER AV POTTER CT ANDRE CT Pr opos e d Zoni ng 401 t hrough 409 Al ber to Way; 50 Los Gatos -Sarat ogaAvenue; and APNs 52924001 and 52924003 BELLA VISTA AVNB HIGHWAY 17LOS GATOS BLNEW YORK AVN CREEK TRAILLOS GATOS-SARATOGA RD HIGHWAY 17WHITNEY AVMAGGI CTSIMONS WY R-1D R-1:8 R-1:2 0 :P S RM H CH :P D CH R-M :5 -1 2:PD R-1:1 0 CH :P D R-1:8 R-M :5 -1 2 RC R-1:8 :PD R-M :5 -1 2:PD R-M :5 -1 2 R-M :5 -1 2:PD O:PDR-1D R-M :5 -1 2:L H P R-1:8 :PD R-M :5 -1 2 Exi st ing Zoning 401 t hrough 409 Al ber to Way; 50 Los Gatos -Sarat ogaAvenue; and APNs 52924001 and 52924003 R-1D R-1:20:PS RM H CH:PD R-1:8 CH R-M:5-12:P D CH:PD R-M:5-12 R-M:5-12:P D R-1:8:PD R-M:5-12:P D CH :P D:HE O Z CH :H EO Z BELLA VISTA AVNB HIGHWAY 17LOS GATOS BLNEW YORK AVN CREEK TRAILLOS GATOS-SARATOGA RD HIGHWAY 17WHITNEY AVMAGGI CTSIMONS WY Pr opos e d Zoni ng 165 Los Gat os -Sar atoga Ave nue UNIVERSITY AVN SANTA CRUZ AVWRAIGHT AVBOYER LN BACHMAN AVVILLAGE LNALMENDRA AV W OODLAND AVBENTLEY AV C-2 R-1D C-1 O R-1D :L HP RM H R-M :5 -1 2:LH P:PD O R-1D :L HP R-M :5 -1 2C-2:L H P R-M :5 -1 2:L H P R-M :5 -1 2 O:L H P O:L H P R-M :5 -1 2:LH PR-M :5 -1 2 O:L H P Exi st ing Zoning 165 Los Gat os -Sar atoga Ave nue C-1 C-2 R-1 D:L HP R-1D R-1 D:L HP O R-M:5-12:L HP :P D O R-M:5-12C-2 :LH P RMH R-M:5-12:L HP O:L HP O:LHP C-2:H EO Z UNIVERSITY AVN SANTA CRUZ AVWRAIGHT AVBOYER LN BACHMAN AVVILLAGE LNALMENDRA AV W OODLAND AVBENTLEY AV Pr opos e d Zoni ng 101 S. Santa Cr uz Ave nue , 50 Park Avenue , and 61Montebello Way SB HIGHW AY 17NB HIGHWAY 17S CREEK TRAILW MAIN ST PARK AVBROADWAY S SANTA CRUZ AVFARWELL LNDITTOS LNCOLLEGE AVWOOD RD NB 17 TO S SANTA CRUZC-2 R-1D R:PD C-2:L H P RC R-1D :L HP HR -5 C-2:PD R-1D R-1:8 R-M :1 2 -20 C-2:LH P:PD Exi st ing Zoning 101 S. Santa Cr uz Ave nue , 50 Park Avenue , and 61Montebello Way C-2 R-1D C-2:LHP RC C-2:PD R-1D C-2:H EO Z R-1D :HE OZ SB HIGHW AY 17NB HIGHWAY 17S CREEK TRAILW MAIN ST PARK AVBROADWAY S SANTA CRUZ AVFARWELL LNDITTOS LNCOLLEGE AVWOOD RD NB 17 TO S SANTA CRUZPr opos e d Zoni ng Chapter 29 - ZONING REGULATIONS ARTICLE VIII. - OVERLAY ZONES AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION DIVISION 5. HOUSING ELEMENT OVERLAY ZONE Page 1 of 2 DIVISION 5. HOUSING ELEMENT OVERLAY ZONE Sec. 29.80.555. Intent. The Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) ordinance in this division is intended to increase the supply and the mix of housing types, tenure, and affordability within the Town of Los Gatos. Through appropriate densities, concessions, and fee deferrals or waivers, the HEOZ encourages the development of housing affordable to all income levels on sites within the Town that are deemed to be most appropriate for such uses. The Housing Element lists sites within the Town of Los Gatos as a key housing opportunity for mixed income affordable housing projects. The designation of these sites will assist the Town in meeting its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), as required by the State. Sec. 29.80.5560. HEOZ and underlying zoning. A property that has the HEOZ designation may be developed based on the standards provided in this division or, where standards are not specified, then based on the standards provided in the underlying zone. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65583.2(i), by right development will be allowed when 20 percent or more of the units are affordable to lower income households. Sec. 29.80.590. HEOZ general development standards. Proposed development within the HEOZ shall be designed and constructed in conformity with the development standards for the corresponding zoning and General Plan Land Use designation in Table 1A (Overlay Zones Development Standards). Table 1A (HEOZ Development Standards) General Plan Land Use Designation Zoning Minimum Yards Maximum Lot Coverage Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Maximum Height Limit (ft) Density Units Per Acre Low Density Residential R-1 As authorized by Section 29.40.405 50% N/A 30 feet 0-5 Medium Density Residential R-1D, R-D, and R-M As authorized by Section 29.40.405, 29.40.530, and 29.40.645 75% N/A 35 feet 14-22 or 5-12 in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones High Density Residential R-M As authorized by Section 29.40.645 75% N/A 45 feet 30-40 Mixed-Use CH As authorized by Section 29.60.435 N/A 3.0 45 feet 30-40 Neighborhood Commercial C-1 As authorized by Section 29.60.225 N/A 1.0 35 feet 10-20 Central Business District C-2 As authorized by Section 29.60.335 N/A 2.0 45 feet 20-30 North Forty Specific Plan NF-SP As defined in Specific Plan As defined in Specific Plan As defined in Specific Plan As defined in Specific Plan As defined in Specific Plan EXHIBIT 9 Page 2 of 2 Office Professional O As authorized by Section 29.60.100 N/A 1.0 35 feet 10-20 Service Commercial LM As authorized by Section 29.70.125 N/A 1.0 35 feet none Light Industrial CM As authorized by Section 29.70.235 N/A 1.0 35 feet none