Item 3 - Addendum with Exhibit 15.16620 Harwood Lot B PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/23/2023 ITEM NO: 3 ADDENDUM DATE: August 22, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider an Appeal of a Development Review Committee Decision to Approve Construction of a New Single-Family Residence for Lot B On Property Zoned R-1:10. Located at 16220 Harwood Road, Lot B. APN 567-18- 076. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303: New Construction. Architecture and Site Application S-22-036. Property Owner: Majid Mohazzab. Applicant: Cherine Bassal. Appellant: Douglas McCracken. Project Planner: Jocelyn Shoopman. REMARKS: Exhibit 15 includes public comment received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, August 18, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 22, 2023. EXHIBITS: Previously received with the August 18, 2023, Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Letter of Justification 5. Color and Material Board 6. Consulting Architect’s Report 7. Consulting Arborist’s Report 8. Neighbor’s Contacted 9. July 20, 2023, Development Review Committee meeting minutes 10. Appeal of Development Review Committee, July 20, 2023 11. Additional Appellant Information 12. Applicant’s Response to Appeal 13. Development Plans 14. Public Comments Received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 18, 2023 PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 16220 Harwood Road, Lot B/S-22-036 DATE: August 22, 2023 Received with this Addendum Report: 15. Public Comment received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, August 18, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 22, 2023 From: Sam Mohazzab <> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:49 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Proposed House on 16220 Harwood Road Dear Ms. Shoopman, I am writing in support of the proposed 2-story home on parcel B of 16220 Harwood Road. After reviewing the proposed home, it's clear that it's fully in compliance with California law and the Los Gatos Design Guidelines. The home is around the same size as most houses in the neighborhood, and most houses in the neighborhood have two stories. Furthermore, the home aesthetically fits with the other homes in the neighborhood. Mr. Mohazzab worked with several different architects and the planning, engineering, and building department to come up with the design. The Town of Los Gatos Consulting Architect specifically said that the new house has a traditional architectural design and is well designed to fit into the neighborhood. Additionally, building the three homes will clearly enhance the neighborhood more than the preschool that was there before and will bring up the value of other homes in the neighborhood. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best Regards, Sam EXHIBIT 15 From: George Saade <> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:24 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 16220 Hardwood Road Project Dear Ms. Shoopman, The proposal for Parcel B is a much needed new development in the neighborhood. I am in full support of this development project for Parcel B as the existing empty lot needs to be developed and most importantly, be in accordance to the guidelines of Los Gatos. Majid Mohazzab has taken all the neighborhood comments into serious consideration as he has designed the home to blend in nicely to the neighborhood, while meeting these guidelines. This development is going to be an amazing addition to the Belgatos neighborhood and will increase the value of neighboring homes as well. I look forward to seeing this project approved and completed so that the entire neighborhood can benefit from the new development. Regards, George Saade From: Nina Mohazzab <> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:18 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 16220 Hardwood Road Project Dear Ms. Shoopman, I support the development of the proposed new home, Parcel B on the Harwood property. The existing vacant lot needs to be developed to enhance the neighborhood as it is a big eye sore to everyone that drives and walks by. This proposal conforms to the Los Gatos guidelines and will significantly increase the neighboring homes values once the new property is developed. The owner builder has also done his due diligence to take the neighborhood comments into consideration and the property will conform nicely to the neighborhood. It is a two story home like most of the homes in the area and the architecture/design fits well with the neighboring homes. We are excited to see this project begin and come to completion so the empty lot can turn into a beautiful brand-new home. Thank you, Nina Saade From: Athena Niayesh <> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 8:19 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Support for 16220 Hardwood Road Project Dear Ms. Shoopman, I am writing to you in support of the proposed new home, Parcel B. I have reviewed the proposal, and it is evident that the proposed new home is in compliance with California Housing Laws, and the Los Gatos Housing code, and Design Guidelines. Mr. Mohazzab has worked with three different architects to come up with the final designs, and collaborated for more than a year with the planning, engineering, building department and consultant architect, and incorporated their comments. The proposed new house is designed to be compatible with the neighborhood. In addition, we are enhancing the neighborhood with this beautiful, new home. Building this home is also economically advantageous because it will bring up the value of the other homes in the neighborhood. Furthermore, there are 8 other houses in the neighborhood of similar size to the proposed new home, as well as one other flag lot. Therefore, the proposed new home fits well into the neighborhood. I am fully in support of this project, and am excited to see the positive impact and benefits this new home will bring to the neighborhood. Thank you, Athena Niayesh From: Shahin Ebrahimi <> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:32 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 16220 Harwood Road Project Dear Ms. Shoopman, I often drive by the property located at 16220 Harwood Road to pick up or drop off my grandchildren and have noticed for a long time that the property is abandoned and in fact not a great fit in the neighborhood. I have looked at the proposed buildings and look forward to this project getting done. It will enhance the neighborhood. I’ve heard of complaints about 2 story buildings on this street and the neighborhood. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I live in a 2 story home myself. Harwood neighborhood is filled with 2 story homes and many of them are much larger homes than what is proposed. I fully support this project and I believe this will only have positive impact on the neighborhood and our community. If you need to reach me for any questions, please send me an email. Best Regards, Shahin Ebrahimi From: Daniel Saban <> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:27 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 16220 Harwood Rd. support letter Dear Ms. Shoopman: The purpose of this email is to convey my support of the proposed building project by Mr. Mohazzab at 16220 Harwood Rd. I have been a resident of this neighborhood for more than 12 years and am familiar with this proposed building site. From my experience, Mr. Mohazzab has made every effort to conform to the standards of the neighborhood. I want to address the 2 points brought up by critics of this proposal. First, some neighbors complain that their privacy could be negatively affected. That argument lacks merit as this proposal has been verified against the legal "set-backs" and all appropriate Town guidelines. As with any subjective claim such as this, neighbors who may be overly concerned with privacy have self-remedies such as a plant barrier, etc. Second, other neighbors argue the proposed houses are "too" big. Again, this argument lacks merit as this proposal has passed the Town guidelines. However, the real issue appears to be that one neighbor is challenging this proposal because the view from their 2nd story residence would be limited. That is a meritless argument and quite hypocritical as well. There are several examples of houses in the neighborhood that are similar sized. Given Mr. Mohazzab's proposal has otherwise passed all guidelines and that the criticism of the proposal lacks any merit, please consider approving the building project at 16220 Harwood Rd. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Dan Saban, From: Maybar Durst <> Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2023 1:48 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 16220 Harwood Rd Dear Ms. Shoopman, I am writing this email because I will not be able to make it in person to the meeting next week on this proposal. I recently purchased a home on Harwood in Los Gatos, very close to the proposed site of the project. I am in favor of the proposal to build the three/2 story new houses on the currently abandoned lot. Not only will this be good for our community and neighborhood, but it will also be aesthetically pleasing. I am glad to see that the proposed houses are similar in size/nature to the surrounding houses in our community. My family and a lot of my neighbors are in support of this proposal. We hope the town approves this project. It will help our neighborhood as a whole. Sincerely, Maybar From: Panteha Saban <> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2023 5:24 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Support for Proposal to Build for the Project on 16220 Hardwood Road Dear Ms. Shoopman: I am writing to express my strong support for the proposal put forth by Mr. Mohazzab to build three new two-story houses in our Belwood area neighborhood. As a long-standing resident of this community for the past 13 years, I believe that this development aligns perfectly with the character and aesthetics of our area and will contribute positively to our neighborhood's growth. It is evident that Mr. Mohazzab has carefully considered the architectural style, size, and nature of the surrounding houses. His commitment to ensuring the new house's design seamlessly integrates with the existing homes reflects a deep understanding of our neighborhood's charm. This approach is crucial to maintaining the cohesive visual appeal that drew us to Belwood in the first place. The proposed development closely mirrors the characteristics of nearby homes, which will undoubtedly preserve the unique identity of our neighborhood. As a community, we take pride in the uniformity and harmony of our architecture, and Mr. Mohazzab has demonstrated a commendable dedication to upholding these values. Additionally, the economic benefits that come with such development cannot be overlooked. Three new houses will not only enhance the overall aesthetic of our neighborhood (especially because there is currently an abandoned lot in this area), but also contribute to property values and local economic growth. This economic boost can potentially lead to improved public facilities, better infrastructure, and increased community resources. Mr. Mohazzab has continued to engage with our community throughout the planning process, ensuring that any concerns are addressed and valuable input is considered. He has followed all of the Town of Los Gatos Guidelines. In conclusion, I urge the Planning Commission to approve the proposal submitted by Mr. Mohazzab for the construction of the three two-story houses in our neighborhood. The commitment to architectural harmony and respect for our community's character, along with the anticipated economic benefits, make this a proposal that aligns perfectly with our neighborhood's values and aspirations. Thank you for your time and consideration. I eagerly anticipate the positive impact that this development will bring to our community. Sincerely, Panteha S. () From: <> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2023 1:39 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 16220 Harwood Rd, Los-Gatos Subject: Support for Proposed Construction Project in Our Neighborhood Dear Ms. Shoopman, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my support for the upcoming proposal to construct three new 2-story houses on the abandoned lot near my residence on Harwood in Los Gatos. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the meeting in person next week due to a prior commitment, but I wanted to ensure my voice is heard in favor of this project. Having recently purchased a home near the proposed construction site, I have had the opportunity to closely observe the changes and developments in our neighborhood. I believe that this new construction project holds tremendous potential to positively impact our community in various ways. First and foremost, the addition of these new houses will not only contribute to the aesthetics of the area but also help revitalize a previously abandoned lot. The dilapidated school/building that once occupied this space not only presented an eyesore but also generated significant traffic congestion before its closure during the pandemic. The proposal to replace it with well-designed homes aligns with the desire for a more visually appealing and harmonious environment. One aspect of the proposal that I find particularly commendable is the careful consideration given to maintaining the architectural character and size compatibility of the new houses with the existing homes in our community. This attention to detail reflects a thoughtful approach to urban planning and ensures that the development seamlessly integrates into the fabric of our neighborhood. I firmly believe that the construction of these new houses will enhance the value of our neighborhood and foster a stronger sense of community. As the town evaluates this project, I am hopeful that they will recognize the numerous benefits it offers and grant their approval. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. I apologize once again for my absence at the upcoming meeting, but please know that my support for the proposed construction project remains steadfast. I trust that the decision-makers will take into account the opinions of the residents who stand to be directly impacted by this development. Sincerely, Raphael Durst From: Alicia <> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 6:44 PM To : Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Proposed three 2-story homes at 16220 Harwood Rd. Ms. Shoopman, I am wri�ng you regarding the three 2-story homes that are proposed to be built at 16220 Harwood Road. I have been living in Los Gatos off of Belgatos Road since 2011 with my family. We have a large group of friends in this neighborhood that we call our village. I o�en drive by this property on Harwood to pick up kids or drop off mine and have no�ced for a long �me that the property is abandoned and in fact not a great fit in the neighborhood. I have looked at the proposed buildings and look forward to this project ge�ng done. It will enhance the neighborhood. I’ve heard of complains about 2 story buildings on this street and the neighborhood. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I live in a large 2 story home myself in this neighborhood. Harwood as well as this neighborhood is filled with 2 story homes and many of them are much larger homes than what is proposed. I fully support this project and I believe this will only have posi�ve impact on the neighborhood and our community. If you need to reach me for any ques�ons, please send me an email. Best, Alicia Sent from my iPhone From: Nancy Durrett <> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 12:05 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: Panning Board Meeting August 23, 2023 Resending my previous text - hopefully this time it comes through. To the Los Gatos Planning Commission: My name is Nancy Durrett and I am the owner of the residence at , Los Gatos. My family has lived at this address for 38 1/2 years. My concern is for the building on the lot on the corner of Almond Blossom Road and Harwood Road is specifically the house being built on Parcel B. I am aware that the owner of the property is very concerned that I am trying to stop this home from being built but that is incorrect information being given to the Planning Board. I would like there to be a review of the size of this home being built directly behind my house. My home is currently just under 3,000 square feet and I already share a driveway to the right of my home with 2 other homes for the last 38 years. Those houses are not right on top of my house. We are spaced apart and not right in my backyard. From the plans that I have reviewed with my family this house is going to have a narrow driveway to the left of me that will allow traffic to go in and out all day. I am also concerned about the ability of a fire truck being able to pull in and turn around in this space if an emergency arises. Nevermind the additional cars that will now be parked somewhere in the neighborhood. The owner of the property has been to my home two times over the last ten years to discuss what he would like to have developed on this land. My husband who has passed away and I spoke to him and were aware of his rights to develop on this land. I do not disagree with this and the owner thinks I do. I have concerns that this is the only house in the Belwood neighborhood that will have a house over 3, 800 square feet on a flag lot directly behind another house. It does not fit within community that has been established for many years. I have seen many properties that surround me go up and there are no flag lots behind other houses. I am 74 years old and I am concerned with how this home will affect my property values as I plan to live here for the rest of my life and I hope this property will support in my future years. I am not so sure that sometime in the future this will be a residence that other people will want to live in with such a large structure behind it. It has blocked my views of the hills to the East and taken away all privacy to my backyard thanks to a huge house with a balcony being proposed. I am also concerned that as a long-time resident it has been a little difficult to navigate the entire process with the Planning Board. I would like to have a polite conversation with this owner and not have this go into to a personal attack on my family. I look forward to addressing these issues with you at the next Planning Board meeting. Nancy Durrett From: Carmen Narayanan <> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 11:02 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Comments on Pending Planning Project: 16220 Harwood Lot B To the Honorable Planning Commissioners, I would like to express my deep concerns for the proposed homes being built at 16220 Harwood Road. Specifically, Parcel B will be incredibly invasive and disruptive to the surrounding homes and residents, and their privacy. The inclusion of ADUs will add unnecessary traffic to the area. Thank you for your consideration. Carmen Narayanan Belwood Gateway neighbor