Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachment 1 to 5 PREPARED BY: Ryan Safty Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager, Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/09/2023 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: August 4, 2023 TO: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Application CD-23-003. Project Location: 16845 Hicks Road. APNs 567-23-040, -043, -044. Property Owner: Venture Christian Church. Applicant: Studio G Architects. Requesting Preliminary Review of a Proposal to Add a Sports Field, Gymnasium, and Additional School Building to an Existing Religious and Private School Facility on Property Zoned HR-1. ROLE OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Conceptual Development Advisory Committee (Committee) advises a prospective applicant on the overall consistency of a project with Town policies prior to submitting a formal application and investing in the development review process. The Committee also endeavors to identify the potential issues that will need to be addressed during the development review process should the applicant wish to submit an application. The issues identified by the Committee are not intended to be all-inclusive and other additional issues may be identified during the formal development review process. None of the Committee's comments are binding on the Town and in no way are they intended to indicate whether the project will be received favorably by the various review bodies that are charged with evaluating and deciding the application. As noted in this report, if an application is filed, technical analysis would need to be done during the evaluation of the proposal. In addition, public input is a required and essential component in the development review process. Notice has been sent to residents and property owners within 500 feet of the project site. In addition to the public comments received at this meeting, all applicants are strongly encouraged to hold neighborhood meetings to receive input as the design of the project evolves should they decide to proceed with the development review process. PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16845 Hicks Road/CD-23-003 DATE: August 4, 2023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant has submitted an application (Attachment 2), project description (Attachment 3), and preliminary plans (Attachment 4) for improvements to Venture Christian Church located at 16845 Hicks Road. The property consists of three different parcels for a total of approximately 28 acres. The existing religious facility and private school was originally approved with a Conditional Use Permit in 1972. The submittal items provided with this report do not specify existing built conditions of the property; however a staff report from 1996 shows that the property includes the following: 42,000 square-foot auditorium; 10,500 square-foot fellowship hall; 36,000 square feet of classrooms for the private school; 14,850 square feet of office area to support the religious and private school facility; an outdoor sports field at the south-west corner of the property; and a parking lot providing 756 spaces. The Committee reviewed a similar request in 2005 for a new gymnasium, office and classroom expansion building, teen center, optional future classroom addition, and optional residential condos for staffing. The Committee expressed concerns regarding the new gymnasium as the intensification of use would impact the neighborhood; recommended abandoning or limiting the use of the existing outdoor sport court; and noted that the proposal seemed too intense for the site. The meeting minutes from the April 13, 2005, Committee hearing are provided as Attachment 5. The applicant has provided three options on how to orient the different aspects of this conceptual proposal within the preliminary plans (Attachment 4). The application materials do not note the existing or proposed building sizes. Key elements of the proposed project, as listed in the project description and plans submitted, are as follows: • Removal of existing outdoor sports field; • Constriction of a full-size, indoor gymnasium for school and recreational leagues; • Construction of a new building for the private school use; and • Construction of a new, approximately 50,000 square-foot lacrosse and soccer field. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN, ZONING, AND PLANNING AREA: 1. General Plan designation: Hillside Residential designation provides for very low density, rural, large lot or cluster, single-family residential development. This designation allows for development that is compatible with the unique mountainous terrain and vegetation of parts of Los Gatos. 2. Surrounding General Plan designations: Hillside Residential to the west, north, and south, and City of San Jose jurisdiction to the east (across Hicks Road). 3. Zoning designation: HR-1 (Hillside Residential). 4. Surrounding zoning designations: HR-1 and HR-5:PD to the west, HR-1 to the north, City of San Jose jurisdiction to the east (across Hicks Road), and HR-5:PD to the south. PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16845 Hicks Road/CD-23-003 DATE: August 4, 2023 EXISTING GENERAL PLAN, ZONING, AND PLANNING AREA (continued): While the 2040 General Plan was adopted by the Town Council on June 30, 2022, the new Land Use Element, with associated changes in land use regulations and policies, has been put on hold as a result of a referendum qualifying for the ballot. In the interim, the regulations in the 2020 General Plan Land Use Element apply. EXISTING CONDITIONS: 1. The project site is comprised of three parcels and is approximately 1,219,655 square feet (28 acres). 2. The project site is located on the west side of Hicks Road, with Guadalupe Creek and City of San Jose jurisdiction to the east, across Hicks Road (Attachment 1). 3. Surrounding land uses: residential uses surround the property on all sides. POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES: The following is a brief list of issues and topics for consideration by the Committee. Staff has not reached conclusions on these topics. Staff is identifying them here to help frame the discussion and to solicit input. The main question for the Committee is whether or not the applicant’s concept for the project creates a high-quality plan appropriate for Los Gatos in this location. If an application is filed, staff would evaluate the technical issues. 1. General Plan a. General Plan Policy LU-1.3 states, “To preserve existing trees, natural vegetation, natural topography, riparian corridors, and wildlife habitats, and promote high quality, well-designed, environmentally sensitive, and diverse landscaping in new and existing developments.” b. General Plan Policy LU-4.2 states, “Allow development only with adequate physical infrastructure (e.g. transportation, sewers, utilities, etc.) and social services (e.g. education, public safety, etc.).” c. General Plan Policy LU-6.1 states, “Protect existing residential areas from the impacts of non-residential development.” d. General Plan Policy LU-6.2 states, “Allow non-residential activity in residential areas only when the character and quality of the neighborhood can be maintained.” e. General Plan Policy LU-6.3 states, “Protect existing residential areas from adjacent non-residential uses by assuring that buffers are development and maintained.” f. General Plan Policy LU-6.4 states, “Prohibit uses that may lead to the deterioration of residential neighborhoods, or adversely impact the public safety or the residential character of a residential neighborhood.” g. General Plan Policy LU-6.5 states, “The type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood.” PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16845 Hicks Road/CD-23-003 DATE: August 4, 2023 POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): h. General Plan Policy LU-6.8 states, “New construction, remodels, and additions shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood.” i. General Plan Policy LU-9.9 states, “Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval for non-residential projects that are adjacent to residential areas and may consist of landscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks, or open space.” j. A full analysis of consistency with the General Plan will depend on the timing of the application submittal and what Land Use and Community Design Elements are in effect at that time. 2. Zoning a. Project site is zoned HR-1 and is surrounded by residentially zoned lots as described above. b. Height: The current maximum allowable height of a principal building in the HR-1 Zone is 30 feet. The proposed height is not specified in the preliminary plans. c. Setbacks: The required front setback from Hicks Road along the eastern property line is 30 feet, the required street side setback from Burke Road along the northern property line is 20 feet, the required side setback from the southern property line is 20 feet, and the required rear setback from the western property line is 25 feet. It appears that the proposal would comply with these setbacks; however, setbacks are not noted in the preliminary plans. d. The maximum allowable floor area will need to be determined when a formal application is submitted. Based on the existing building sizes, it is anticipated that a floor area exception will need to be requested to accommodate the new buildings. 3. Parking a. Once a detailed development application is submitted, details on existing and proposed floor area and building uses will be required so Town staff can confirm parking requirements are met on site. As of 1996, the 103,350 square feet of building area required 528 parking spaces. At that same time, the property had 756 parking spaces on site. 4. Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines a. Any new construction or grading on this property must be reviewed for compliance with the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines; including but not limited to: maximum cut and fill amounts; construction within the Least Restrictive Development Area; retaining wall heights; exterior colors; etc. b. Although Town Code for HR-1 zones allows a maximum building height of 30 feet, the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines further restrict building heights to 25 feet. It is anticipated that the gymnasium would require a height exception to the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: 16845 Hicks Road/CD-23-003 DATE: August 4, 2023 POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ISSUES (continued): 5. Neighbor Impacts a. Town records show a history of neighborhood concerns on projects proposing intensification of the use of this site. All three design options show the sports court and gymnasium on the southern edge of the property, which is adjacent to single-family residences to the south. 6. Traffic a. The additional facilities proposed will likely require a Traffic Impact Analysis. Previous proposals on this site were found to have had traffic impacts. 7. Fault Line a. The conceptual plans show the location of a Fault Rupture Hazard Zone. Any proposed work within this fault zone will need review by a Geologic and Geotechnical Consultant. 8. Environmental Review a. The project would need to be reviewed for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act as grading, tree removals, and construction near a fault line would all be proposed. 9. Trees a. It appears that any of the three design options provided would result in impacts to protected trees. Any development application will be reviewed by a Consulting Arborist to ensure that the Town’s Tree Protection Ordinance is complied with. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. CDAC Application 3. Project Description Letter 4. Conceptual Plans 5. April 13, 2005, Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes This Page Intentionally Left Blank HICKS RDGUADALUPE MINES RDVIA CO R T I N A VIA LU G A N O SYCAMORE CREEK STBURKE R D MAPLE CREEKVIA PALOMA16845 Hicks Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes: - Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm) - Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label - Updated 10/8/20 to add street centerlines which can be useful in the hillside area - Updated 02-19-21 to link to TLG-SQL17 database (sm) ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank 16845 Hicks Rd. | Los Gatos, CA 95032 | 408.997.4600 | venture.cc June 13, 2023 Town of Los Gatos As a church that desires to serve the people of Los Gatos, we are proposing to build a full-size indoor gymnasium and outdoor athletic field nestled against the hills on the back side of the Venture Christian Church campus. Our intention is to create a multi-purpose venue that will serve as a central hub for community and neighborhood events such as our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, and Winter Wonderland. Over this last year, these events served between 12,000-15,000 people in our local community. With the addition of a full-size athletic field and gymnasium, we would be able to serve many more people within the local community. We would envision that the addition of athletic programs such as basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, badminton, volleyball, and pickleball would make this a place for community connection and activity. This wide range of athletic facilities and programs would not only serve the members of Venture Christian Church, but also provide much-needed facilities for our K-8 school (Venture Christian Academy), as well as give us the ability to expand our service to the local community through ongoing recreational leagues for the various sports. Tim Lundy Senior Pastor Venture Christian Church ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank UPREAR FRON T fire pitfire pitvent u r e s i g n a g e PLOTTED: 7/19/2023 8:43 AM THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF siTe. UNDER NOCIRCUMSTANCES MAY THIS DRAWING OR ANY IDEA ON THEDRAWING BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN ACCEPTANCEFROM siTe. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BECHECKED AND VERIFIED ON-SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR ANDSUBCONTRACTORS PRIOR TO PERFORMING THE WORK. THEPROJECT MANAGER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OFANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THEWORK.V E N T U R E C H R I S T I A N 1 6 8 4 5 H I C K S R O A D T O W N O F L O S G A T O SREV#DATEDESCRIPTIONPROJECT NO.:DESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:SCALE:CAD DWG FILE:11902MHMHJD2023.07.192023.03.20SITE PROGRAMMING DIAGRAML1.1LCX-R2.DWG MATT H E WB. HAWKS#6508L I CENSED L A NDSCAPEARCHITECTSTATE OF CALI F O R NIA SIGNATURERENEWAL DATEDATE3/31/252023.07.19SITE PROGRAMMING EXHIBITSITE PROGRAMMINGDIAGRAMATTACHMENT 4 UPREAR FRON T fire pitfire pitvent u r e s i g n a g e PLOTTED: 7/19/2023 8:43 AM THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF siTe. UNDER NOCIRCUMSTANCES MAY THIS DRAWING OR ANY IDEA ON THEDRAWING BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN ACCEPTANCEFROM siTe. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BECHECKED AND VERIFIED ON-SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR ANDSUBCONTRACTORS PRIOR TO PERFORMING THE WORK. THEPROJECT MANAGER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OFANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THEWORK.V E N T U R E C H R I S T I A N 1 6 8 4 5 H I C K S R O A D T O W N O F L O S G A T O SREV#DATEDESCRIPTIONPROJECT NO.:DESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:SCALE:CAD DWG FILE:11902MHMHJD2023.07.192023.03.20SITE PROGRAMMING DIAGRAML1.2LCX-R2.DWG MATT H E W B. HAWKS #6508L I CENSED L A NDSCAPE ARCHITECTSTATE OF CALI F O R NIA SIGNATURERENEWAL DATEDATE3/31/252023.07.19SITE PROGRAMMING EXHIBITSITE PROGRAMMINGDIAGRAM UPREAR FRON T fire pitfire pitvent u r e s i g n a g e PLOTTED: 7/19/2023 8:43 AM THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF siTe. UNDER NOCIRCUMSTANCES MAY THIS DRAWING OR ANY IDEA ON THEDRAWING BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN ACCEPTANCEFROM siTe. ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BECHECKED AND VERIFIED ON-SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR ANDSUBCONTRACTORS PRIOR TO PERFORMING THE WORK. THEPROJECT MANAGER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OFANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THEWORK.V E N T U R E C H R I S T I A N 1 6 8 4 5 H I C K S R O A D T O W N O F L O S G A T O SREV#DATEDESCRIPTIONPROJECT NO.:DESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:SCALE:CAD DWG FILE:11902MHMHJD2023.07.192023.03.20SITE PROGRAMMING DIAGRAML1.3LCX-R2.DWG MATT H E W B. HAWKS #6508L I CENSED L A NDSCAPE ARCHITECTSTATE OF CALI F O R NIA SIGNATURERENEWAL DATEDATE3/31/252023.07.19SITE PROGRAMMING EXHIBITSITE PROGRAMMINGDIAGRAM This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank