Attachment 6 - Additional Public Comment ATTACHMENT 6 From: Phil Koen Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 11:36 AM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; rmoore@losgstosca.gov <rmoore@losgstosca.gov> Cc: Wendy Wood <WWood@losgatosca.gov>; Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>; Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov>; jvannada Subject: Agenda Item 15 - public comment [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Town Council Members, In reference to Agenda Item #15, the Staff report on page 3 discusses meetings with HCD. The report discloses a meeting which occurred on June 20, 2023 during which “Town staff received some clarification on the comments received on May 30, 2023.” On August 4, 2023 I filed a PRA-2023-41 asking for all notes, emails, voicemails or other documents in the Staff’s possession which disclose all discussions between Staff and HCD as described in Ms. Whelan’s email to me received August 4, 2023. Presumably the June 20, 2023 was one of the two meetings Ms. Whelan mentioned in her email. I received a reply to the PRA stating that there were no records. I have attached the PRA and the Town’s response for your review. I thought this information should be fully disclosed. I don’t understand how substantive conversations with HCD are not captured by Staff in any written memos or notes. Going forward I would suggest that all conversations with HCD be memorialized in writing so there is a clear record of discussions which can be shared with the Town Council and public. Thank you, Phil Koen ATTACHMENT 6 ATTACHMENT 6 ATTACHMENT 6 From: Phil Koen Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 12:51 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; rmoore@losgstosca.gov <rmoore@losgstosca.gov> Cc: Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov>; Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>; Wendy Wood <WWood@losgatosca.gov>; Gabrielle Whelan <GWhelan@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Agenda Item 15 - corrected table 10-3 [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Town Council Members, The Staff report discusses the site inventory and states that the most recent draft submitted to HCD contains a buffer of 25%. Table 10-3 did not show the total estimated units to be developed compared to RHNA plus a 25% buffer. The buffer was 15%. I have attached the most recent Table 10-3 published by the Town. Once you adjust the buffer to 25%, the estimated development units for VL and Above Moderate income categories are a deficit of 5 units and 35 units respectively. Therefore the statement that there is a 25% buffer for all income categories can not be made. Thank you, Phil Koen 10. Housing Element July March 2023 HCD Draft Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element 10-33 Table 10-3 Summary of Vacant and Underutilized Housing Sites Item Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total Total Estimated Housing for Sites in Inventory 646 362 347 642 1,997 Accessory Dwelling Units 20 60 60 60 200 Senate Bill 9 96 96 Pipeline Projects 1 200 201 Total 666 423 407 998 2,494 RHNA 537 310 320 826 1,993 Buffer (15 %) 81 46 48 124 299 RHNA + Buffer 618 356 368 950 2,292 Difference Between Housing Estimate and RHNA + Buffer 48 67 39 48 202 Source: EMC Planning Group, Inc; Town of Los Gatos 10.3.3 Summary of Quantified Objectives While the Town cannot control the amount of housing that is built during any specific period of time, the Town does intend to make an effort to achieve housing production at a level that is consistent with its RHNA. Many programs and policies reduce barriers and create opportunities for a balanced community. These goals are essential to meeting the Town’s housing needs, but are more qualitative in nature. The 2,494 units that Los Gatos takes credit for on its Sites Inventory are sufficient to meet the Town’s RHNA of 1,993 units. Between Implementation Programs J, AS, and AU, it is assumed that 11 housing units will be rehabilitated, and all existing affordable units will be conserved or preserved. Los Gatos reasonably expects that a total of 2,494 units will be developed, as described in the tables below: Table 10-4 2023-2031 Quantified Objectives Income Category New Construction Rehabilitation ConstructionConservation/ Preservation Very Low Income 666 5 0 49 Low Income 423 6 0136 Moderate Income 407 0 0179 Above Moderate Income 998 0 0114 Totals 2,494 11 0478 Source: Town of Los Gatos  New Construction Objective: Reflects the Town’s 2023-2031 RHNA.  Rehabilitation Objective: Reflects goal to assist a total of 11 very low-income and low-income households through Implementation Programs J, AS, and AU.  Conservation/Preservation Objective: Reflects maintaining affordability on the current inventory of 257 Below Market Price (BMP) rental units, maintaining affordability of 107 Housing Choice Vouchers, and preserving 114 existing mobile home units in the Bonnie View mobile home park and Creekside Village. The Town does not expect the following unit types to be at risk of conversation: BMP rental units; Housing Choice Vouchers; and existing mobile home units in mobile home parks. I 25 0 134 178 80 207 499 250 0 671 388 400 1,033 2,492 25 35 1 7 1135 2 I