Attachment 1 - Housing Element Update TimelineHousing Element Timeline o Resolution 2021-032 Adopted by the Town Council to Establish the Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) – August 3, 2021 o 17 HEAB Meetings: October 2021 – June 2023 (Subsequent meetings noted below.) o Housing Element Community Meeting – March 31, 2022 o Joint Study Session – Town Council, Planning Commission, and HEAB – April 6, 2022 o Seven-Day Public Review Draft Period: August 29 – September 27, 2022 o Initial Public Review Draft Submitted to HCD (first submittal): October 14, 2022 o Planning Commission and Town Council Hearings on Draft Housing Element: January 2023 o HCD Comment Letter (on first submittal) Received: January 12, 2023 o Housing Element Adopted by the Town Council: January 30, 2023 o Adopted Housing Element Submitted to HCD (second submittal): February 13, 2023 o Draft Revised Housing Element Submitted to HCD (third submittal): March 31, 2023 o Town Council Meeting: April 4, 2023 o HCD Comment Letter (on second submittal) Received: April 14, 2023 o HCD Comment Letter (on third submittal) Received: May 30, 2023 o Housing Element Advisory Board Meeting: July 20, 2023 o Special Housing Element Advisory Board Meeting: August 24, 2023 (WE ARE HERE) o Tentative Housing Element Advisory Board Meeting: late September 2023 o Tentative Seven-Day Public Review Draft Period: September 22 – 29, 2023 o Tentative Draft Revised Housing Element Submitted to HCD (fourth submittal): October 9, 2023 o Tentative HCD Comment Letter (on fourth submittal) Expected to be Received: December 8, 2023 o Tentative Planning Commission Meeting to Recommend Adoption of the Draft Revised Housing Element (fourth version): December 13, 2023 o Tentative Town Council Hearing to Adopt the Draft Revised Housing Element (fourth version): January 16, 2024 o Tentative Certification by HCD (fourth version): February 23, 2024 ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank