Attachment 6 - Additional Public CommentATTACHMENT 6 From: Julie Conlisk <j > Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 7:57 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Town PPW <ppw@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Brian Conlisk Subject: NO - TO PAID PARKING PROGRAM [EXTERNAL SENDER] To: Los Gatos Town Council, Parks and Public Works We have reviewed staff’s presentation and object for numerous reasons. We believe adding parking fees will NEGATIVELY IMPACT DOWTOWN RETAIL AND SERVICES (We are not involved any downtown business other than as patrons and can walk to town most days). We are long time residents who have always supported the downtown merchants and restaurants. Our town retail has suffered through many life altering events; most notably the internet shopping and now, unique to Los Gatos, is the beach traffic. In order for Los Gatos merchants to survive they need not only town support but support from neighboring communities. Access and parking are key. Adding paid parking programs and the town looking for a further revenue source from retail shoppers or diners is very wrong. Why put yet another obstacle in our town’s business’ path? Some of our concerns with the proposal include: *People should be able to pull in and park, not find a Kiosk or download an app to do so. *Can you pull in to a spot and not mess with a parking meter if you are staying less than 2 hours? *What about people who are not tech savvy and find using an app confusing? *Parking apps are not universal, visitors will be required to download an app in order to park. We should be trying to figure out how to make Los Gatos more user friendly, not more challenging. We should not be in a hurry to change the small town feel of Los Gatos. The town should not be looking for revenue from downtown shopping and dining visitors, especially when retailers are already struggling. Best regards, Brian and Julie Conlisk From: Paul Gunsky <> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 9:40 PM To: Town PPW <ppw@losgatosca.gov>; Monica Renn <mrenn@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Downtown Parking Discussion - Comments from CineLux Theatres, Operator of The Los Gatos Theatre [EXTERNAL SENDER] Honorable Mayor and Town Council: I am providing this comment as the managing entity of The Los Gatos Theatre. I did attend the recent workshop provided by the Town. However unfortunately I am out of town August 15 and find it necessary to provide comment in the best interest of the theatre regarding possible changes to the downtown parking program. ATTACHMENT 6 CineLux Theatres has been granted the privilege of operating this iconic theatre since late 2022. The relaunch of this theatre has been challenging as it was closed for nearly three years. The Los Gatos Theatre was the last cinema in Santa Clara County to reopen after the pandemic. As an industry, we are still recovering as we wait for Hollywood Studios to return to their pre pandemic levels of films released. At The Los Gatos Theatre we have worked tirelessly to engage the community and to be a good steward of the theatre. The theatre’s attendance has consistently increased over the past eight months. We are still building awareness and expect attendance to increase. The Theatres’s patrons frequent other nearby restaurants and businesses. It’s truly a win win for the downtown. I am concerned that a paid downtown parking program will negatively affect the The Los Gatos Theatre. Unlike other businesses in the downtown, the theatre’s product (filmed entertainment) is identical and simultaneously exhibited in other nearby cinemas; cinemas that do not require paid parking. There is no other cinema in Santa Clara County which requires paid parking (exception Valley Fair which is Validated by Westfield / Property owner). There are very few downtown theatres which still exist. It was through the Goetz’s vision and commitment which preserved this wonderful venue. A paid parking program would greatly reduce the appeal and convenience of The Los Gatos Theatre. For the record, CineLux Theatres introduced reserved seating which eliminates “overlap” parking. In other words the audience will leave prior to the arrival of the next audience. Reserved seating eliminates the need for guests to arrive early, as their seats have already been selected online. My apologies for my absence. I do look forward to working with the Town and the community in keeping The Los Gatos Theatre vibrant and the center piece of the downtown. With regards, Paul Gunsky Manager, CineLux Theatres Los Gatos LLC P.O. Box 54100, San Jose, CA 95154 USA Phone: 408-559-7469 Fax: 408-580-5000 Email: Paul@CineLuxMovies.com www.CineLuxTheatres.com facebook.com/CineLuxTheatres https://www.instagram.com/cineluxtheatres -- Paul Gunsky ATTACHMENT 6 From: Heather Maggetti <> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 6:51 AM To: Town PPW <ppw@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Town council meeting parking [EXTERNAL SENDER] Good morning! l am the owner of Parlour 308 hair salon at 308 E. Main St. This October, we proudly celebrate our 17th year of being in business. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the last few years have been difficult. Covid was particularly hard on hair salons. Thankfully, we managed to weather the storm and rebuild to become a successful storefront once again. The beginning of 2023 was a turning point for us. We were finally seeing both stylist and clients feeling comfortable enough to return to the salon. As that happened, road construction was booming (I understand that was unavoidable), The Club Gym completed their remodel, and many sophomore high schoolers were getting their drivers licenses and able to drive themselves to school for the first time. These things combined have been the perfect storm and leave us with virtually no place for either our stylist or our patrons to park. It's been challenging to say the least! Clients come in upset and stylist have to interrupt their workday every 90 minutes to run out and try and find a new parking spot! It's exasperating! I was made aware the the town of Los Gatos provides parking permits downtown for the low, affordable price of $42 and even has special spots designated for employee parking only! Our side of town pays $252 for a parking permit and has no special spots! I have to ask... why the preferential treatment??? I attended the town council meeting last week to hear what possible options are being considered. The “pay to stay” option I believe will only make our parking situation worse on E. Main. Parents of Los Gatos high school students will have NO problem paying for their students to park in olive zone parking all day and this is pretty much the only lot available for out patrons to park. This option will be absolutely disasterous for our side of town. I support “pay to stay” in down town proper… University and Santa Cruz Avenue but implementing anywhere near the high school will only worsen the existing problem! Our salon provides a space for over 20 professional independent contractors to call home.That's over 20 business liceses to the town of Los Gatos each year! Our clients also bring a TON of business to other storefronts and restaurants throughout town... our clientele spans the Bay Area and they love to make a day of it when they get their hair done. I was born and raised in this town and have called it home for nearly 53 years. I went to school at both St Mary's and Los Gatos high school. I have watched this town evolve from small village to a booming epicenter of commerce for the Bay Area. I love this town and have always been proud to call it my home! We donate constantly to fund raising events and really try to be a strong member of the community. I beg of you to consider helping us! Our parking situation is hurting our business! Thank vou for your consideration! Heather Maggetti Owner PARLOUR 308 Sent from my iPad ATTACHMENT 6 -----Original Message----- From: Karen Jensen <> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 7:59 AM To: Town PPW <ppw@losgatosca.gov> Subject: NO Paid Parking please [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello My name is Karen Jensen. I have lived in Los Gatos for 25 years now. I currently own a retail business at 88 West Main St. for 15 years. The paid parking program would be a horrible idea. It would negatively impact our retail and restaurant business in town. Retailers already suffer enough with Internet shopping and our beach traffic. The town should not be looking for extra revenue from downtown shopping and dining visitors. Let our town work on being more user-friendly, not more challenging. Thank you, Karen Jensen Loma Alta Ave Los Gatos Sent from my iPhone From: Mark Oliverez <> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 8:46 PM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Public Comments #14 a,d Parking [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Council members, 14a. I understand the desire to solve problems and increase revenue for the city/town, but increasing the parking permits fees for residents or owners should not be the solution, nor should it be considered. Residents and owners should not be singled out or burdened by additional fees because of where they live. Residents and owners that live just outside of downtown do not pay any permit fees ( as it should be) and neither should residents or owners of downtown homes. It's not fair, it does not solve any parking problems; and it only serves to punish downtown residents for living where they do. Increases like these seem to be done without thought or consideration to what ATTACHMENT 6 is right or fair to all residents of the community. Just because you can is not a reason to do something. 14d. This is another bad idea which falls into the same category of "just because you can, it does not mean it's a good idea". Paid parking in downtown Los Gatos would be a disaster to businesses, and another bad idea. Do not allow the town Los Gatos to become a penny wise, but pound foolish town. I am a local residential and commercial real estate sales broker, as well as a consumer of local retail and business. The current 2-hour and 3-hour parking is a must, and a benefit to keeping the businesses thriving in this town. Meters are a pain and not welcoming to a consumer. Yes, they are in many cities and towns, but not in all, and that's a good thing. Whether the meters have apps, credit cards or coins, nobody likes them and the initial feeling a downtown visitor gets is you are not really welcome here, but we will take your money whether to stay long or not. No, No and wrong. Let this town be a welcoming town, that means: make it easy to park and easy to hang out. With the current parking times a family can easily enjoy shopping, dining and visiting professional businesses without feeling rushed because of some silly meter. In fact, if any change were to be made, I would say "make all 2-hour parking, 2.5 or 3-hour parking". This would actually allow for a more relaxed visit. In conclusion, I believe I speak for most of our Los Gatos residents when I say: "do not let yourself be swayed by the illusion of progress." Leave meters, high permit fees, or short stays to the big cities who really don't care whether you feel welcome or not. That way of thinking is not what Los Gatos is about, so I implore you not to allow these proposals to occur. Thank you for your time, Mark Oliverez University Ave Resident/Owner ATTACHMENT 6 From: Ginger Rowe <> Subject: Pay to Stay Parking Date: August 15, 2023 at 11:00:39 AM PDT To: pppw@losgatosca.gov Cc: mristow@losgatosca.gov, mbadame@losgatosca.gov, mhudes@losgatosca.gov, RMoore@losgatosca.gov, rrennie@losgatosca.gov Good morning, While I have been reading, following, and dealing with parking issues from a business perspective as well as a residence for the past 30+ years. I do not agree that now is the time for our downtown business community to making changes like this. Those of us that have been around long enough have drudged through the past several years during Covid to stay alive, staff, and deal with changing times, business environment, etc. This past year has brought even more challenges with the downturn in the economy and threat of another extended recession. I feel that any more hurdles that we as businesses would have to face could potentially devastate us. I can’t say that I am completely opposed to a “pay to stay” model for our parking lots, eventually….many customers complain constantly about the limited time for things in town. I would say either first address extending time by an hour for free currently, or wait until there has been an upswing in business in general before implementing another change in what we are facing as brick and mortar stores. I also firmly believe that it would have to be approached in a very careful manner in the future. Thank you, Ginger Rowe Time Out Clothing 108 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA. 95030 (408) 354-8653 www.timeoutclothing.com From: Rachael Martines <> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 8:44 AM To: Town PPW <ppw@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Parking council meeting [EXTERNAL SENDER] Ladies and gentlemen of the city council, Im Writing to address a pressing concern that affects the heart of our community – the limited availability of affordable permit parking for our local business employees. My number 1 topic & concern, Is some thing that the town could solve for us right away! ATTACHMENT 6 The parking permits, and they all of zone for a business license holders! The ongoing construction projects, coupled with the demand for high school parking and the scarcity of accessible public parking, have created a complex issue that requires our immediate attention and collaborative solutions. As we witness our city evolve with new construction projects, it is essential to acknowledge the strain this places on our local businesses. The Business owners, who contribute to our vibrant economy often struggle to find affordable and convenient parking options, hindering their ability to serve our community effectively. Simultaneously, our local high school students deserve a secure and organized parking solution that doesn't encroach upon the needs of our local businesses. Their education and safety must remain paramount, without exacerbating the parking challenges we face. This would include a second route for the school traffic to come and go from the high school, as well as a parking structure on school grounds for the students and special events and sports events. The scarcity of accessible public parking compounds this issue. As we strive for a city that thrives, we must recognize the importance of accommodating residents and visitors alike. A well-planned public parking system will not only alleviate ATTACHMENT 6 the congestion but also foster an environment where everyone can enjoy the amenities our city has to offer. Los Gatos needs parking structures in several areas of the town, before any new housing projects come along! Los Gatos is bursting at the seams and businesses are suffering to the lack of parking and the effects the high school has on the town with their lack of parking. I urge this council to consider a multi-faceted approach that balances the interests of all stakeholders. Starting with granting our business license holders within our salon, free or same price parking permits as what they are offering downtown business license holders. Collaborating with local businesses, schools, and urban planning experts, we can design a comprehensive parking strategy that accounts for the ongoing construction, serves the needs of our local high school, and provides ample accessible parking options for residents and visitors. Let us seize this opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to the vitality and harmony of our community. By addressing this issue, we can enhance the quality of life for all and ensure that our city remains a welcoming and prosperous place for generations to come. Thank you for your time and consideration. Rachael Martines Parlour 308